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User:Seitmaganbet.s/The reasons for using wikis in my teaching

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The reasons for using wikis in my teaching


A Wiki is a collaborative website that can be edited by visitors to the site,

allowing users to easily create and edit webpages collaboratively.

As we all now cannot imagine our life without technologies, the same is about using Internet in educational processes. One of the most useful sources on the Internet is Wikipedia, but not much people know that Wikis can be used in many different ways as well. For example students may create their own pages, putting here the necessary information written by themselves. Also they can create a big group project, working on the same topic together. What is especially beneficial about group projects on Wikis is possibility of international cooperation that should awake the interest of the students to this kind of task and motivate them to do their best in it. So, using Wikis in teaching should be taken into consideration by teachers who want to diversify the educational process and make their students more interested in what they are doing.

The reasons for using wikis in my teaching:


1)They are quick and simple to use and allow collaboration, independently of time and space, via easily accessible online spaces.

2)They offer authentic writing practice.

3)They allow students to be actively engaged in reading and writing: correcting, editing, and up-dating.

4)They teach students the skills of collaboration alongside language skills

5)They present the student writers with a ready audience and critics.

6)They are flexible enough to incorporate multi-media content (without clogging up your email).

7)They can potentially be shared with a wider audience and made public but see F below).

8)Most students will already know at least one wiki (“Wikipedia”).

9)Wikis can help students become better organised because they can store their work in folders.

Wiki may become a guide for us, which contains a lesson plan and offers a variety of free features for both teachers and learners. There teachers can use notes, links, photos, videos, and pictures. Being able to include different types of media, Wiki is a good resource which provides an opportunity to use a variety of teaching styles.

Wikis provide excellent collaborative opportunities for teaching.