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My Info Name: Shassin Ochima Age: 17 Birthday: November 28th, 1996 Occupation: Pokemon Trainer Favorite Color(s): Black, Purple, Red, Green, Blue, Yellow, Orange Favorite Pokemon Type: Fighting Favorite Pokemon: Lucario-The Aura Pokemon



Bio The name Shassin comes from the words Shadow and Assassin mixed together because the standard entry character limit is about ten characters (or was at least when the name was created). My 3DS Friend Code is available on my Twitter page, @shassinth, or the page I'm an admin on, @pokedr. I will battle anyone as long as they are willing to follow me on Twitter. :D

Pokemon I'm Looking For In Pokemon X and Y I am looking for: -a female Larvitar, Pupitar, or Tyranitar -a female member of the Swinub family -a Yveltal with zero Effort Valuess -a female member of the Charizard family -a Dawn Stone (so I can evolve my male Kirlia to Gallade
