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Allen Hagaman - Only groundman killed in Hindenburg accident

Joke Waller-Hunter - UN Environmentalist

Frank Eugene Corder - original 9/11

Ieu Koeus - Cambodian Prime Minister for 9 days

Haile Yimenu - Ethiopian Prime Minister who commit suicide in 1991

No. 332 Squadron RAF

List of Jains - Due to their ascetic nature...famous Jains is almost an oxymoron

Treaty of Hopewell - Cherokees get promised the Colonists won't move further westward...haha, those suckers will believe anything

KIL-168 - Russian salvage vessel


Thomas Junta - Hockey dad who killed son's referee

Chevie Kehoe - White supremacist

Claudia Pastorino - Closest thing to a Jain celebrity?

Joyeuse - Sword

Assem Omar Jarrah - Lebanese relative of 9/11 hijacker...oddly, his work permit was found in the rubble.

Aleksandr Shcherbakov - Soviet secretary, had a village named after him...until they changed it back. Ouch.

United States v. Reynolds - Why the US Government doesn't have to tell you shit it doesn't want to

Aharon Katzir - Israeli electrochemist...what do you mean you've never heard of him?!?

Battle of the Bagradas River - Nothing like fighting a battle with elephants!

Pierre Amiel - Jain, probably barely deserves an article.

Yosri Fouda - Al Jazeera reporter

Bogdan Tyszkiewicz - Polish politician