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SoupaAvgoLemono is the alias of Tom Pappas, 2013 Fellow in the Advanced Leadership Initiative at Harvard University, successful long-time institutional investor with Wellington Management Company LLC, angel investor, and education advocate.

I am bothered by hypocrisy that I have a knack for finding, passionate for our US economic system being a meritocracy - hence my focus on education as the ultimate lever for social mobility and national strength, and comfortable with a contrarian investment or political opinion.

Now why SoupaAvgoLemono? What is true, universal, comforts the soul and adds zest to life? Well it's SoupaAvgoLemono, a traditional Greek soup that translates to Egg-Lemon Soup, but it represents so much more! ΣούπαΆυγόΛέμονο

First, there is no SoupaAvgoLemono out of a can, mass-made or imagined without going through a multi-step and careful cooking process. Boil a whole chicken, add orzo or rice to the broth, whisk eggs to a froth, squeeze fresh lemon juice, slowly add hot broth to the eggs,... To make SoupaAvgoLemono one needs to be perfectly true to the recipe and the process.

Second, SoupaAvgoLemono is the circle of life. The egg begets the chicken which eats grain to make more eggs - can anything be more universal!

Third, to have great SoupaAvgoLemono - especially with black pepper and boiled chicken meat tossed in - is to be at peace with oneself and with the world. At least for a few minutes, everyone is joined together and happy. Pity it doesn't last longer, because when the potful is done, the real world returns.

Fourth and lastly, so much in the world can appear to be monotonous when so much in the world of nature and man is so amazing we forget to notice. Eating SoupaAvgoLemono reminds one to stop and appreciate life, our temporary adventure, and have the courage to be brave and try something new.