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User:Sumqaitli/Azerbaijan Linguistic School

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Isolation of a meaningful and expressive plan language:

  • Plan of language considered
  1. Static and unchanging (outside of diachrony and synchrony);
  2. Invariant - common to all mankind, not dependent on national and tribal differences
  3. Potentially exists in the minds of each individual (as related to the structure of thinking of mankind)

while the syntax is defined as a section of grammar, the student is a meaningful part of the language

  • Expressive language of the plan believe
  1. Changing the shell meaningful plan
  2. Grown from a meaningful plan and formed a grammatical, morphological, lexical features, depending on the history of every nation



Parts of speech, according to Mamedov, divided into independent (main, independent, or syntactic) and dependent (official or non-syntactical), and the independent parts of speech are excluded:

  • Pronoun (as it is only in the abstract-general view of other parts, therefore, the feasibility to distribute it to other parts of speech);
  • Adverb (TK adverbializovannymi options are other parts of speech).

Thus, the independent (independent) parts of speech are welcome:

  • Noun,
  • Adjective,
  • Numeral,
  • Verb.

At the same time oppose the exclusion of parts of speech and of the sentence, and considers such processes as substantivisation and conversion - only the act of expression of sentence parts of speech.



In analyzing the language of the school uses the tools of the following disciplines:

  • Psychology - the functional asymmetry of cerebral hemispheres;
  • Logic - the laws of division;
  • Philosophy - Ontology categories, equating them as follows:
  1. Matter = noun
  2. Movement = verb
  3. Quality = adjective
  4. Number = number.



As a result of these and other tests are a system of meaningful plan of language (see diagram)

As is known, the main goal of structural linguistics and all its podshkol was finding a system of language. Some experts[1] believe that the resulting system is exactly the one you are looking for and are looking to this day structuralists and representatives of other linguistic and philosophical schools or, at least some part of the system. It is believed that this system - analog of the periodic table for linguistics.





In contrast to the classical structural linguistics, this school does not consider the language of some conventional and arbitrary system, dependent on the speech, the existence of a social life, the category of time and will speak, etc. She believes that a fundamental part of the language is kind of a priori static system outside the category of time and the specific national, and is derived from the patterns of brain activity. Despite the fact that the language is determined by circuits of the brain thinking, part of its manifestation, that is, expressive plan, subject to significant social impact and is regulated by them: in due course in the language interspersed history, philosophy, life, traditions, etc. of the people-carrier language that forms the individual national languages.

Also assume that language and speech (sound) are not different sides of one coin (or sheet), or a result of the existence of each other. It does not precede language and are not the only instrument for the implementation of the language. Language is not always sound design and audio decoding. It can exist outside of speech, and as a shell language (ie as a means for its implementation) can serve anything that can carry information, including all kinds of nonverbal communication.


Unlike the Logicism, the school accepts, that the problem of "truth-lie", "inference", "proof" - "denial", etc., belong exclusively to logic, and forms of words and sentences, declination, rodovidovye attributes, typology of languages, psychological and communicative aspects of language, the problems associated with the morphology, modes of expression of syntactic relations, reflected in the structure of supply extralinguistic givens, etc., are exclusively the subject of linguistics (including, in conjunction with other disciplines).

In contrast to the school of linguistic Logicism concept is not identified with the word, logical and linguistic subject-predicate with each other. That is, not approved by the strict parallelism between the word and concept, proposal and judgment. Permitted designations in terms expressive of the same concepts or judgments - individual words, phrases, entire proposals or groups of symbols of non-verbal sphere. Or vice versa - may be that the same word, phrase, sentence or non-verbal code may be an expression of a single concept, or the whole judgments. And another thing: according to the synonymy or homonymous (ie, the identity of meaning or form) of words, phrases or sentences, they can be an expression of different ideas or opinions, or the same concept or proposition can be expressed by multiple synonyms, phrases, or proposals.



It is believed that it was not preceded by language and are not the only instrument for the implementation of the language. Language can exist without speech, and the role of the shell of the above systems can join and non-verbal means. The man developed precisely speech (verbal) form of the language just because some of its channels of communication is not so extensive, and not so comfortable. There is a natural selection. Despite the dominance of the visual channel in everyday human relationships with the outside world, in the same extreme conditions, in terms of security of the individual, this channel is not reliable enough, and reliable. The fact that the range of covers in the space of only a quarter of the visible environment, and on time - half day (ie, only waking). And it's not all. The efficiency of the optic canal is also limited by various adverse situations. Smoke, fog, or any barrier, occurring every day, an abrupt withdrawal of its failure.

The activity of the auditory canal remains within 24 hours of time and in the range of 360 degrees in space. The only barrier to the propagation of sound is supramaximal noise, which is a very atypical in terms of occurrence. Furthermore, in order to communicate with the person visually it is necessary that his attention is concentrated on you (about you), that is looking at you. Sound the same channel is open around the clock for the perception of information from all sides, from all, and without any special settings. All this contributed to the development of the human voice (verbal) forms of language.

And how these initial cries Mowgli or Tarzan turned into a modern sophisticated and super complex national languages?

It is believes that the mechanism of development of modern and supercomplex human languages is identical with the evolutionary mechanism writing. That is, as the development of writing has experienced stages:

the same trajectory passed language, and evolved through stages:

That is, some cry, first substituted (designated) a whole sentence, then - only a part of the sentence, and then - part of the word[2][3].

As an interdisciplinary concept, using their reasoning achievement of these disciplines, the school also makes a contribution to the reverse, that is the basis of this result makes some of the findings for these subjects:



"Initial information is analyzed hemispheres of the brain is not one phase, but in a multistage form. That is, the brain starts to analyze the two hemispheres, not only information derived from sensory organs, but the results of their analysis, then the results of secondary analysis, then third and so on. And at every stage of this information to respond to both hemispheres, and each reveals, in accordance with their activities, the different shades - attribute or logical. Then in the center of attention is exhibited one of these results and it searches for both hemispheres as an attributive, and logical information. That is, it turns out that attribute information is extracted from the logical, or vice versa. Repeat this process several times. In the brain, all these operations occur subconsciously, with the aim of penetrating deep into the essence of being. And after each division, by law, the reverse relationship between the content and volume of the notion of the man becomes all the more delicate structures of the objective world."



Based on the logic of their systems concludes that the brain does not catch and filter external signals (information). Or rather, capture only those signals, which can, at that grab their ability (as suggested by "Transcendental Philosophy"). And the world that we see, there really is nothing more than half "the creation of human reason" (as suggested by "Empiriocriticism). That is, the image of peace in our representation is not a direct copy of reality, but merely rationalized by a view. The reality is while noumenom for man, and if man had not the two hemispheres of the brain, and more - each of which would be configured for different functions, then the person would be able to extract and other forms of information from a sea of reality, and the process of constructing these signals also would differ from existing. That is, for a man opened the way for other dimensions of the world. This school is proposed is a system of philosophical categories, the equivalent of the above linguistic system.

Such a system understanding of the world the author calls «translinguistic philosophy».



