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User:Thenmalai Zamin

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                               INDRODUCTION     (Raju Kasi)

Thenmalai is a village located at Vasudevanallur union of the sivagiri taluk,of the present Thirunelveli district ,Tamilnadu,India.It is located at saankarankovil in the north west direction and some 7 Kilometers away from Karivalam vandhanalur, which were once under thenmalai Zameen and at Present come under Thenmalai panjayat Union.The Village covers an area of nearly 15,000acres of land..

ETYMOLOGY− The Orgin of the name Thenmalai is not known exactly. But,some inscription found engraved on the walls of the Thenmalai temple inform that the village was orginlly known as (NELL MANALLY).which means place where paddy was produced in plendy.Moreover the folk artist, espsally the experts in villupaatu song in praise of the fertile nature of its land,abutant in minerals and water reasourses and its people were known as charitable activities and spiritualism.Further some scholars are of the opinion that a small hill found on the northern side of the village possessed number of behaives.There fore they called it as THAEN MALAI(HONEY OF HILL)corrupted Thenmalai.

                       The village is gifeted with a big tank extanting over an area of 2400acres of land.The People of village held that lions frequntly visited this place to quench their thirst from this Tank.As the village is very near to the Western Ghats .more ever this village is infested with theives who robbed the innosent inhabitant.This Threat is also induced to migrant to the northern part. consecquently,the inhabits of Vadamali moved to Vannanpaarai(A.Supramania puram).
   Climate and Rainfall—    
            ×Genarally,the village enjoys a normal climate.the month Of April and May are the hottest months of the year.This village obtains a normal climate during the South west monsoon.The highest rain fall of the villag is 50inches which recieved between October and December.
     ××The village has fertile soil with fairly a good network  a irrigational system.Thenmalai is a typical village with all Green scenary.meadows, Paddy fields,Forest Terrains hills Which add beauty to its pride.They cultivate Pady,Sugarcane ,Cotton