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Aggregate (data warehouse)
Anchor modeling
Artificial neural network
Alias (SQL)
Association rule learning
Associative entity
Automatic summarization
Bayesian information criterion
C4.5 algorithm
Candidate key
Candidate solution
Case (SQL)
Change data capture
Classification chart
Cluster analysis
Column (database)
Column-oriented DBMS
Concept mining
Create (SQL)
Crossover (genetic algorithm)
Cursor (databases)
Data Vault Modeling
Data definition language
Data dictionary
Data element
Data extraction
Data mart
Data mining
Data model
Data modeling
Data set
Data transformation
Data warehouse automation
Data warehouse
Database design
Database index
Database normalization
Database schema
Database transaction
Database trigger
Decision support system
Decision tree learning
Decision tree
Deep learning
Degenerate dimension
Delete (SQL)
Dimension (data warehouse)
Dimension table
Dimensional modeling
Dimensionality reduction
Document classification
Document clustering
Drill down
Dunn index
Early-arriving fact
Enterprise architecture
Entity–attribute–value model
Entity–relationship model
Entropy (information theory)
Extract, transform, load
Fact constellation
Fact table
Foreign key
From (SQL)
Genetic algorithm
Gradient boosting
Gradient descent
HITS algorithm
Having (SQL)
ID3 algorithm
Information gain in decision trees
Information retrieval
Insert (SQL)
Intention mining
Join (SQL)
K-means clustering
K-nearest neighbors algorithm
Knowledge representation and reasoning
Linear classifier
Link analysis
List of reporting software
Logic programming
Logical data model
Logical schema
Many-to-many (data model)
Master data management
Measure (data warehouse)
Merge (SQL)
Mutation (genetic algorithm)
Named-entity recognition
Null (SQL)
OLAP cube
Object database
Object-relational mapping
Object-role modeling
One-to-many (data model)
One-to-one (data model)
Online analytical processing
Online transaction processing
Operational data store
Oracle Data Guard
Oracle LogMiner
Partition (database)
Physical data model
Predictive analytics
Prepare (SQL)
Principle of orthogonal design
Pruning (decision trees)
Random forest
Redo log
Regression analysis
Relation (database)
Relational database management system
Relational database
Relational model
Requirements analysis
Row (database)
Select (SQL)
Selection (genetic algorithm)
Self-organizing map
Semantic Web
Sentiment analysis
Sequential pattern mining
Shard (database architecture)
Slowly changing dimension
Snowflake schema
Softmax function
Star schema
Statistical classification
Stored procedure
Structured data analysis (statistics)
Support vector machine
Surrogate key
Table (database)
Text mining
Three schema approach
Time series
Transaction log
Truncate (SQL)
Union (SQL)
Unique key
Update (SQL)
View (SQL)
Where (SQL)
With (SQL)