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User:Wire Speak

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I'm a 21-year old in the Sunbeltistan city of Raleigh, North Carolina. Truely all I can say about myself is that I live by a system I’ve created that is Identitarianism.

No conspiracy theory. Or hoax.

It's just a blueprint for how you should *buy* things and how you should ^work^. That's it.

If you don't like it-- fine.

I have better things to worry about.

The South African Whites/Kosovar Serbs in my life are the culture of 1999: Pro wrestling, rap-rock, and teen-pop. My incentive for the Blue Team is to study social sciences (current events, political science, sociology).

And here's the page Wikipedia DOESN'T want you to see:

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This page may meet Wikipedia's criteria for speedy deletion. The given reason is: This article provides no meaningful content or history, and/or the text is unsalvageably incoherent. It is patent nonsense (CSD G1).

The truthfulness of this article has been questioned. It is believed that some or all of its content might constitute a hoax. To discuss this, use this article's talk page.

Go-ahead. Apply lethal injection to this page. You people talk about the FCC and censorship, well, hypocrisy rears its ugly head!

Prove me wrong! Instead of running away!

These are just IDEAS!

Only thing that's wrong is the styling, obviously

Identitarianism is a form of ~individualism~. It can be said that individualism is the building block of capitalism. Capitalism is the LAST frontier of humanity, and through ^globalization^ EVERY person on Earth will affected by it. Communism tried to reform the abuses of capitalism, but it failed at a collective basis. How about trying it again on an *individual* way?




The ^driver^ of capitalism is that each person works and buys things for his own personal good. If human nature was the reason of communism’s collapse, why not change human nature? Each person’s life ^literally^ is apartheid-era South Africa (1948-1994) or Milosevic-ruled Kosovo (1987-1999). The things you LIKE or WANT, whether it be friends, music, foods, a house, etc are the South African Whites or the Kosovar Serbs (each 10% of the population). EVERYTHING else is South African Black or Kosovar Albanian—which means you give all the power, money, and attention to the 10% of your life and you discriminate, attack and deny power to the 90% of your life. You could well say that you hate EVERYTHING and EVERYONE.

By spending as little money as possible, you’re basically “boycotting everything”. And * Identitaranism comes from spending money on things “integral” to your IDENTITY. Look what could happen if people used an Identitarian self-interest. Some industries heavily dependent on consumer spending like retail, housing, tourism businesses could COLLAPSE, and all their liquid assets could be eventually reinvested in areas that people NEED like health care and education. With all your unspend money, a income tax hike (+ a sales tax decrease) could be used to solve the budget deficit! If the wants and desires of sexual intercourse were not integral to one’s identity, then he could have an arranged marriage and choose a mate specifically for intelligence or skill. Stupid people would be forced to marry and breed stupid children. Then you could have a race of intelligent-only people and the race of stupid people would DIE out!




Okay, so a person hates everything and goes to live in a trailer or lives like a monk. If he has so few possessions to pay for, why work very hard? Answer: He needs a new incentive, besides the usual wage/salary. And the name of it is WORLD WAR V. What? Was someone smoking something? No, well to start, WW 3 is the Cold War and WW 4 is the War on Terror. So this war has no shots fired. It deals with the rising powers of today— China and India are working to the make the 21st Century the Asian Century. But those countries earned their power peacefully, through the opening of markets and the embrace of global capitalism. For the first time since the Renaissance and Columbus, people in Asia and elsewhere are able to COMPETE on a equal basis with Europeans and Americans.

The West has been the dominant force, but through capitalism, Japanese, Brazilians, Russians, South Africans have cut into the lead the U.S. has. And this lead will get smaller and *smaller*. Only MILLIONS of people working together in the West can make it a better civilization compared to rest of world. No politician can control the global economy. And don’t worry about the IMF, World Bank, WTO or G8: this war is about SOCIETIES not STATES or governments. It's not just competition over sci. and tech. but competition to see who has the better culture, medicine, philosophy, education, law, banking etc. ^^^ So the main point is this. World War 5 is between the BLUE TEAM (570 million Westerners) and the RED TEAM (everybody else in the world). ^^^ It is like a *mash-up* of “The World Is Flat” and “Clash of Civilizations.” You are probably on the Blue Team.

In hindsight


Critics say this "war" won't have a *single* chance of changing the world, but WW 5 is something to help you keep your eye on the ball at work. Like if I’m at home off task and goofing off, then the Blue Team concept makes me practice writing more. Maybe I'll be motivated to read Scientific American or study metaphysics. If I SLACK OFF, the Chinese and Indians will keep building more skyscrapers, opening more Starbucks, graduating more engineering students, and gain more power. And they will attract more foreign investment and intellectual influence.

Identitarianism is a Molotov cocktail of Confucianism for Americans, peoples!

See also:

Hendrik Verwoerd

Operation Horseshoe





History of Europe

Industrial Revolution

Post-industrial society

Do not delete this article. It is NOT Spam. It is not for a business purpose. No quotes or statistics were cited. Thus, no sources are needed-- Identitarianism (esp. the Incentive part) is based on *common knowledge*.

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