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Reality Theory: Classical Mechanics
[edit]- Absolute zero
- Absorption (acoustics)
- Acceleration
- Acceleration (special relativity)
- Accuracy and precision
- Acoustic attenuation
- Acoustic dispersion
- Acoustic impedance
- Acoustic resonance
- Acoustic wave
- Acoustic wave equation
- Acoustics
- Action (physics)
- Action-angle coordinates
- Adiabatic invariant
- Adiabatic process
- Advection
- Aerodynamic center
- Aerodynamic force
- Aerodynamics
- Aeroelasticity
- Airy disk
- Ampere
- Amplitude
- Ampère's circuital law
- Analytical mechanics
- Angle of attack
- Angle of incidence (optics)
- Angular acceleration
- Angular aperture
- Angular displacement
- Angular frequency
- Angular momentum
- Angular resolution
- Angular velocity
- Anharmonicity
- Antibubble
- Aperture
- Arago spot
- Archimedes' principle
- Audio frequency
- Avogadro's law
- Base unit (measurement)
- BBGKY hierarchy
- Beat (acoustics)
- Becquerel
- Bernoulli's principle
- Biharmonic equation
- Biot number
- Biot–Savart law
- Blast wave
- Block and tackle
- Body force
- Boltzmann constant
- Boltzmann distribution
- Boltzmann equation
- Boltzmann's entropy formula
- Boundary layer
- Bow shock (aerodynamics)
- Boyle's law
- Brayton cycle
- Brewster's angle
- Brownian motion
- Bubble (physics)
- Bubble ring
- Buoyancy
- Burgers' equation
- Calibration
- Candela
- Canonical coordinates
- Canonical ensemble
- Canonical transformation
- Capillary action
- Capillary length
- Capillary number
- Capillary pressure
- Capillary surface
- Capillary wave
- Cardinal point (optics)
- Carnot cycle
- Carnot heat engine
- Carnot's theorem (thermodynamics)
- Cauchy momentum equation
- Cauchy stress tensor
- Caustic (optics)
- Cavitation
- Celsius
- Center of mass
- Center of pressure (fluid mechanics)
- Center-of-momentum frame
- Centrifugal force
- Centripetal force
- Chapman–Jouguet condition
- Charge conservation
- Charge density
- Charles's law
- Chasles' theorem (kinematics)
- Chemical potential
- Circular motion
- Circular polarization
- Circulation (fluid dynamics)
- Classical electromagnetism
- Classical electromagnetism and special relativity
- Classical field theory
- Classical mechanics
- Clausius theorem
- Closed system
- Coefficient of restitution
- Coherence (units of measurement)
- Collision
- Color rendering index
- Color temperature
- Compatibility (mechanics)
- Compressibility
- Compressibility factor
- Compressible flow
- Compression (physics)
- Configuration space (physics)
- Conjugate variables (thermodynamics)
- Conservation of energy
- Conservative force
- Constant of motion
- Contact force
- Continuity equation
- Continuum mechanics
- Control volume
- Convection
- Convection cell
- Convection–diffusion equation
- Convective heat transfer
- Conversion of units
- Coriolis force
- Correlation function (statistical mechanics)
- Couette flow
- Coulomb
- Coulomb's constant
- Coulomb's law
- Coupling (physics)
- Covariant formulation of classical electromagnetism
- Crest and trough
- Critical Mach number
- Crooks fluctuation theorem
- Cubic metre
- Current density
- Curved mirror
- Cylinder stress
- Cylindrical lens
- D'Alembert's principle
- Damping ratio
- Darcy friction factor formulae
- Darcy's law
- Darcy–Weisbach equation
- Decibel
- Deflagration
- Deflagration to detonation transition
- Deformation (mechanics)
- Degrees of freedom (mechanics)
- Density
- Detailed balance
- Detonation
- Diesel cycle
- Diffraction
- Diffraction grating
- Diffraction-limited system
- Diffuse reflection
- Diffusion
- Diffusion equation
- Dimensional analysis
- Dimensionless quantity
- Dioptre
- Dipole
- Dispersion (optics)
- Dispersion (water waves)
- Dispersion relation
- Dispersive mass transfer
- Dispersive prism
- Displacement (fluid)
- Displacement (vector)
- Displacement current
- Dissipation
- Dissipative system
- Distinctness of image
- Distribution function (physics)
- Doppler effect
- Drag (physics)
- Drag coefficient
- Drag equation
- Drop (liquid)
- Dynamic pressure
- Dynamic scaling
- Dynamics (mechanics)
- Echo
- Eddy (fluid dynamics)
- Eddy current
- Elastic collision
- Elastic energy
- Elasticity (physics)
- Electric charge
- Electric current
- Electric dipole moment
- Electric displacement field
- Electric field
- Electric flux
- Electric potential
- Electric potential energy
- Electricity
- Electromagnet
- Electromagnetic coil
- Electromagnetic field
- Electromagnetic four-potential
- Electromagnetic induction
- Electromagnetic radiation
- Electromagnetic tensor
- Electromagnetism
- Electromotive force
- Electrostatic discharge
- Electrostatic induction
- Electrostatics
- Elliptical polarization
- Energy
- Energy density
- Energy flux
- Energy–momentum relation
- Enthalpy
- Entrance pupil
- Entropic force
- Entropy
- Entropy (arrow of time)
- Entropy (classical thermodynamics)
- Entropy (energy dispersal)
- Entropy (order and disorder)
- Entropy of mixing
- Entropy production
- Envelope (waves)
- Equation of state
- Equations for a falling body
- Equations of motion
- Equilibrium thermodynamics
- Equipartition theorem
- Ergodic hypothesis
- Ericsson cycle
- Euler equations (fluid dynamics)
- Euler force
- Euler's equations (rigid body dynamics)
- Euler's laws of motion
- Explosion
- Extremal principles in non-equilibrium thermodynamics
- Eötvös number
- Fahrenheit
- Farad
- Faraday's law of induction
- Feedback
- Fermat's principle
- Fictitious force
- Field line
- Finite strain theory
- First law of thermodynamics
- Flow separation
- Flow velocity
- Fluctuation theorem
- Fluctuation-dissipation theorem
- Fluid dynamics
- Fluid mechanics
- Fluid parcel
- Flux
- Focal length
- Focus (optics)
- Foil (fluid mechanics)
- Fokker–Planck equation
- Force
- Forced convection
- Four-current
- Four-momentum
- Four-vector
- Four-velocity
- Fourier optics
- Frame of reference
- Fraunhofer diffraction
- Fraunhofer diffraction equation
- Free body diagram
- Free entropy
- Free fall
- Free surface
- Frequency
- Fresnel diffraction
- Fresnel equations
- Fresnel number
- Fresnel zone
- Friction
- Front velocity
- Froude number
- Fundamental thermodynamic relation
- G-force
- Galilean invariance
- Galilean transformation
- Gas constant
- Gas laws
- Gauss's law
- Gauss's law for magnetism
- Gay-Lussac's law
- Generalized coordinates
- Generalized forces
- Generating function (physics)
- Geometrical optics
- Gibbs free energy
- Gibbs measure
- Gibbs paradox
- Gloss (optics)
- Grand canonical ensemble
- Grand potential
- Grashof number
- Gray (unit)
- Green–Kubo relations
- Group velocity
- H-theorem
- Hagen–Poiseuille equation
- Hamilton's principle
- Hamiltonian field theory
- Hamiltonian mechanics
- Hamilton–Jacobi equation
- Hard spheres
- Harmonic oscillator
- Heat
- Heat capacity
- Heat capacity ratio
- Heat engine
- Heat flux
- Heat pump and refrigeration cycle
- Heat transfer
- Heat transfer coefficient
- Helmholtz equation
- Helmholtz free energy
- Henry (unit)
- Hertz
- Holonomic constraints
- Hooke's law
- Huygens–Fresnel principle
- Hydrodynamic stability
- Hydrostatics
- Hypersonic speed
- Ideal gas
- Ideal gas law
- Impact pressure
- Imperial units
- Implosion (mechanical process)
- Impulse (physics)
- Inclined plane
- Incompressible flow
- Induction equation
- Inelastic collision
- Inertia
- Inertial frame of reference
- Infinitesimal strain theory
- Infrasound
- Instant centre of rotation
- Instrument error
- Intensive and extensive properties
- Interaction energy
- Interference (wave propagation)
- Internal energy
- Internal pressure
- International System of Quantities
- International System of Units
- Invariant mass
- Inverse-square law
- Inviscid flow
- Irreversible process
- Isenthalpic process
- Isentropic process
- Isobaric process
- Isochoric process
- Isolated system
- Isothermal process
- Jarzynski equality
- Jefimenko's equations
- Jerk (physics)
- Joule
- Joule–Thomson effect
- Kelvin
- Kilogram
- Kinematic pair
- Kinematics
- Kinetic energy
- Kinetic theory of gases
- Kinetics (physics)
- Kirchhoff's diffraction formula
- Kirkwood–Buff solution theory
- Knudsen number
- Kolmogorov microscales
- Kutta condition
- Kutta–Joukowski theorem
- Lagrangian (field theory)
- Lagrangian mechanics
- Lamb waves
- Laminar flow
- Laminar–turbulent transition
- Langevin equation
- Laplace pressure
- Laplace's equation
- Latent heat
- Legendre transformation
- Length contraction
- Lens
- Lenz's law
- Lever
- Lift (force)
- Lift coefficient
- Lift-induced drag
- Lift-to-drag ratio
- Light
- Light cone
- Limit cycle
- Linear elasticity
- Linear motion
- Linear polarization
- Liouville's theorem (Hamiltonian)
- Longitudinal wave
- Lorentz covariance
- Lorentz factor
- Lorentz force
- Lorentz transformation
- Loschmidt's paradox
- Lumen (unit)
- Luminance
- Luminosity function
- Luminous efficacy
- Luminous flux
- Luminous intensity
- Lux
- Mach number
- Magnet
- Magnetic circuit
- Magnetic dipole
- Magnetic field
- Magnetic flux
- Magnetic moment
- Magnetic scalar potential
- Magnetic vector potential
- Magnetization
- Magnetostatics
- Magnification
- Magnus effect
- Marangoni effect
- Mass
- Mass flow rate
- Mass flux
- Mass in special relativity
- Mass–energy equivalence
- Master equation
- Material derivative
- Maximum entropy thermodynamics
- Maxwell relations
- Maxwell stress tensor
- Maxwell's demon
- Maxwell's equations
- Maxwell–Boltzmann distribution
- Maxwell–Boltzmann statistics
- Mean field theory
- Mean free path
- Measurement
- Measurement uncertainty
- Measuring instrument
- Mechanical advantage
- Mechanical energy
- Mechanical equilibrium
- Mechanical resonance
- Mechanical wave
- Mechanics
- Metre
- Metric system
- Metrology
- Microcanonical ensemble
- Microscopic reversibility
- Microstate (statistical mechanics)
- Minimum total potential energy principle
- Minkowski diagram
- Minkowski space
- Mirror
- Mirror image
- Mixing (physics)
- Mohr–Coulomb theory
- Molecular chaos
- Moment (physics)
- Moment of inertia
- Momentum
- Monogenic system
- Morton number
- Motion (physics)
- Multiphase flow
- Multipole expansion
- Multipole radiation
- Mushroom cloud
- Natural convection
- Natural frequency
- Navier–Stokes equations
- Navier–Stokes existence and smoothness
- Near and far field
- Negative temperature
- Net force
- Newton (unit)
- Newton's law of cooling
- Newton's laws of motion
- Newtonian fluid
- Newton–Euler equations
- No-slip condition
- Node (physics)
- Noether's theorem
- Non-contact force
- Non-equilibrium thermodynamics
- Non-inertial reference frame
- Non-Newtonian fluid
- Nondimensionalization
- Nonholonomic system
- Nonlinear resonance
- Normal force
- Normal mode
- Numerical aperture
- Nusselt number
- Nutation
- Oblique shock
- Observer (special relativity)
- Ohm
- Onsager reciprocal relations
- Open system (systems theory)
- Optical aberration
- Optical path length
- Optical power
- Optical resolution
- Optics
- Oscillation
- Otto cycle
- Overpressure
- Parabolic reflector
- Parallax
- Parasitic drag
- Paraxial approximation
- Particle acceleration
- Particle displacement
- Particle number
- Particle velocity
- Partition function (statistical mechanics)
- Pascal (unit)
- Pascal's law
- Percolation
- Percolation theory
- Percolation threshold
- Perfect fluid
- Perpetual motion
- Phase (waves)
- Phase space
- Phase velocity
- Photometry (optics)
- Physical optics
- Physical property
- Physical quantity
- Pitching moment
- Plane mirror
- Plane of polarization
- Plane wave
- Plasticity (physics)
- Poinsot's ellipsoid
- Point particle
- Poisson bracket
- Poisson kernel
- Poisson's equation
- Polarization (waves)
- Polarization density
- Polytropic process
- Potential energy
- Potential flow
- Potential theory
- Power (physics)
- Poynting vector
- Precession
- Pressure
- Pressure–volume diagram
- Principle of least action
- Principle of minimum energy
- Principle of relativity
- Prism
- Process function
- Proper acceleration
- Proper length
- Proper reference frame (flat spacetime)
- Proper time
- Proper velocity
- Pulley
- Q factor
- Quadrupole
- Quasistatic process
- Radial distribution function
- Radian per second
- Radius of curvature (optics)
- Ram pressure
- Rankine cycle
- Rankine–Hugoniot conditions
- Rapidity
- Rarefaction
- Ray (optics)
- Ray tracing (physics)
- Ray transfer matrix analysis
- Rayleigh wave
- Rayleigh–Bénard convection
- Rayleigh–Taylor instability
- Reaction (physics)
- Real image
- Reciprocity (electromagnetism)
- Reflection (physics)
- Refraction
- Refractive index
- Relative density
- Relativistic Doppler effect
- Relativity of simultaneity
- Relaxation (physics)
- Remanence
- Resonance
- Resonator
- Rest frame
- Restoring force
- Resultant force
- Reversible process (thermodynamics)
- Reynolds number
- Rheology
- Rheometer
- Rigid body
- Rigid body dynamics
- Rotating reference frame
- Rotation
- Rotation around a fixed axis
- Rotational energy
- Rotational speed
- Rotational viscosity
- Rotational–vibrational coupling
- Scale invariance
- Scale of temperature
- Screw (simple machine)
- Screw axis
- Screw theory
- Second
- Second law of thermodynamics
- Sensible heat
- Shadow
- Shear force
- Shear rate
- Shear stress
- Shear velocity
- Shearing (physics)
- Shock wave
- SI base unit
- SI derived unit
- Siemens (unit)
- Sievert
- Signal velocity
- Simple harmonic motion
- Simple machine
- Siphon
- Skin friction drag
- Slipstream
- Slosh dynamics
- Smoke ring
- Snell's law
- Solenoid
- Solid mechanics
- Soliton
- Sonic boom
- Sound
- Sound intensity
- Sound power
- Sound pressure
- Spacetime
- Spacetime algebra
- Spacetime diagram
- Special relativity
- Specific energy
- Specific gravity
- Specific volume
- Specific weight
- Speckle pattern
- Specular reflection
- Speed
- Speed of light
- Speed of sound
- Splash (fluid mechanics)
- Spontaneous process
- Square metre
- Stability derivatives
- Stagnation point
- Stagnation pressure
- Standard (metrology)
- Standard gravity
- Standing wave
- State function
- Static electricity
- Static pressure
- Statics
- Statistical ensemble (mathematical physics)
- Statistical mechanics
- Stirling cycle
- Stokes flow
- Stokes' law
- Strain rate
- Strain-rate tensor
- Stream function
- Streamlines, streaklines, and pathlines
- Stress (mechanics)
- String vibration
- Suction
- Supercritical flow
- Superposition principle
- Supersonic speed
- Surface force
- Surface tension
- Surface wave
- System of measurement
- Tautological one-form
- Taylor microscale
- Temperature
- Temperature–entropy diagram
- Tennis racket theorem
- Tension (physics)
- Terminal velocity
- Tesla (unit)
- Thermal conduction
- Thermal conductivity
- Thermal diffusivity
- Thermal efficiency
- Thermal energy
- Thermal equilibrium
- Thermal expansion
- Thermal fluctuations
- Thermal physics
- Thermal reservoir
- Thermal resistance
- Thermal velocity
- Thermodynamic beta
- Thermodynamic cycle
- Thermodynamic equilibrium
- Thermodynamic free energy
- Thermodynamic limit
- Thermodynamic operation
- Thermodynamic potential
- Thermodynamic process
- Thermodynamic state
- Thermodynamic system
- Thermodynamic temperature
- Thermodynamics
- Thin lens
- Third law of thermodynamics
- Thomas precession
- Thrust
- Time dilation
- Toric lens
- Torque
- Torsion (mechanics)
- Total internal reflection
- Trajectory
- Transonic
- Transport coefficient
- Transport phenomena
- Transverse wave
- Turbulence
- Ultrasound
- Underwater acoustics
- Unit of measurement
- United States customary units
- Universality (dynamical systems)
- Universality class
- Van der Waals equation
- Velocity
- Velocity-addition formula
- Vibration
- Virial theorem
- Virtual image
- Virtual work
- Viscoelasticity
- Viscometer
- Viscoplasticity
- Viscosity
- Viscous stress tensor
- Visible spectrum
- Visual appearance
- Volt
- Volume (thermodynamics)
- Volume viscosity
- Volumetric flow rate
- Vortex
- Vortex ring
- Vorticity
- Vorticity equation
- Wake
- Watt
- Wave
- Wave drag
- Wave equation
- Wave interference
- Wave propagation
- Wave vector
- Wavefront
- Wavelength
- Wavenumber
- Weber (unit)
- Weber number
- Wedge
- Weierstrass transform
- Weight
- Wheel and axle
- Work (electrical)
- Work (physics)
- Work (thermodynamics)
- Working fluid
- Working fluid selection
- World line
- Zeroth law of thermodynamics
- ZND detonation model
- Zone plate
- Zwanzig projection operator