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Wikipedia:University of Edinburgh/Events and Workshops/Ada Lovelace Day 2017

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Carpenter portrait of Ada Lovelace - detail
University of Edinburgh edit-a-thon
Ada Lovelace Day logo
Interview Emily Temple-Wood discussing gender diversity on Wikipedia and WikiProject Women Scientists
Ada Lovelace Day 2016 at the University of Edinburgh Main Library 01

About the event


Have you ever wondered why the information in Wikipedia is extensive for some topics and scarce for others? Did you know that, as of July 2017, approximately only 17.03% of the biographies on Wikipedia relate to notable women?

On Tuesday 10th October 2017, the University's Information Services team are running an edit-a-thon to celebrate Ada Lovelace Day 2017 which is an international celebration day of the achievements of women in science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM).

There will be a range of guest speakers in the morning followed by fun technology activities from 11am to 2pm. Full Wikipedia editing training will be given at 2-3pm. Thereafter the afternoon's editathon will focus on improving the quality of articles related to Women in STEM!

Ada Lovelace portrait
Mary Somerville

Working together with liaison librarians, archivists & academic colleagues we will provide training on how to edit and participate in an open knowledge community. New editors are very welcome and participants will be supported to develop Wikipedia articles; creating new role models for young and old alike.

Come along to learn about how Wikipedia works and contribute a greater understanding of Women in STEM!





The day is split in three parts: talks & technology activities from 11am to 2pm, the Women in STEM Wikipedia editathon in the afternoon from 2pm to 5pm; and a film screening and discussion from 5-6pm approx (to be confirmed). All events are open to staff, student and members of the public. Book to attend one session, two sessions or all three.

11am to 2pm: Talks and Fun Tech activities


2pm to 5pm: a Wikipedia editathon celebrating Women in STEM


5pm to 6:15pm: Film screening of A Chemical Imbalance and discussion panel


Polly Arnold is the Crum Brown Chair of Chemistry and winner of the Rosalind Franklin Award in 2012 for her scientific work and her promotion of women in science. In this session, Polly will introduce the short film, A Chemical Imbalance before taking part in a discussion panel.



1. Talks and Fun Science/Tech activities in Room 1206C James Clerk Maxwell Building


Byte-sized Bioinformatics activity.

  • This 30 minute activity will take place in Room 2901 in the JCMB Building at the following times:.
  • 12.00-12.30; 12.30-13.00; 13.00-13.30; 13.30-14.00. Just drop in on the day, or email us in advance to secure a space: 4273pi@ed.ac.uk

The other five activities will take place in Room 1206C James Clerk Maxwell Building 12-2pm:

  1. Crystallographic activity.
  2. Knitting graphene activity.
  3. Colour in design activity.
  4. Metadata Games - version 2.0
  5. Histropedia timelines activity.

Book here to attend the talks and fun science/tech activities.

2. The Wikipedia editathon in Room 4325C James Clerk Maxwell Building


Book here to attend the editathon.

How do I prepare? for the editathon?

  • Sign up for the event
  • Create a Wikipedia account
  • Bring a laptop (wi-fi will be provided)
  • Learn about editing if you like. there is a fun Wikipedia Adventure that takes 45-60 mins at home and leads you by the hand through the main guidelines and how to use the Source Editor. Then on the day, we will introduce you to the new improved Visual Editor interface which has made editing Wikipedia "easy", "fun", "really intuitive" and "addictive as hell".
  • Think about what you would like to edit - there are some suggested articles to create/improve below.
  • Consult the Manual of Style for Biographies on Wikipedia

3. Film screening and panel discussion in James Clerk Maxwell Building - Lecture Theatre B


5:15pm to 6:15pm – A Chemical Imbalance - film screening and discussion with Professor Polly L Arnold, Crum Brown Chair of Chemistry.

'Breakdown on evening programme (subject to alteration):'

  • 5pm to 5.15pm - Housekeeping and Welcome.
  • 5.15pm to 5.30pm - Introduction from Polly Arnold.
  • 5.30pm to 5.45pm - Screening of 'A Chemical Imbalance'.
  • 5.45pm to 6.15pm - Panel discussion chaired by Anne-Marie Scott, Head of Digital Learning and Applications at the University of Edinburgh.
  • 6.15pm - Close.

'A Chemical Imbalance' is a short documentary film and book that ask why Edinburgh has such a long history of successful female chemists, and why women are still under-represented in all science fields. Following the film, Anne-Marie Scott will chair a panel discussion of the issues raised in the film; namely the low participation of Women in STEM fields and equality in the workplace.

The confirmed panelists are:

Book here to attend the film screening and discussion panel.

We Can Edit
Emily Temple-Wood - Writing Diversity back into History (2minutes27seconds)



Ewan McAndrew, Wikimedian in Residence at the University of Edinburgh

Hit list of articles to be created or improved


Helpful updates could be as simple as: Making sure reference links are still appropriate and functional; Adding new inline citations/references; Adding a photo; Adding an infobox; Adding data to more fields in an existing infobox; Creating headings; Adding categories; etc.

All are welcome to add names to the list which is intended to serve as a basis for creating new articles in this important but somewhat neglected sector on the English Wikipedia.

The following is a small sample of topics to work on. Feel free to come up with your own ideas!

Articles to be created


The 19 female petitioners to the Royal Society of Chemistry in 1904

  1. Ida Smedley - biochemist. OBNB article
  2. Martha Annie Whiteley - organic chemist. ODNB article
  3. Mary Beatrice Thomas - demonstrator in chemistry.
  4. Hilda Hartle - researcher and lecturer.
  5. Ida Freund - Freund was a demonstrator, then a lecturer, in chemistry at Newnham from 1887 through 1912, so she would have been a mentor to all of the petitioners who passed through the gates of Newnham.ODNB article
  6. Elizabeth Eleanor Field - Lecturer and Head of Chemistry at the Royal Holloway College from 1895 to 1913.
  7. Dorothy Marshall - demonstrator and lecturer at Girton College.
  8. Mildred May Gostling - research student and demonstrator. ODNB article
  9. Margaret Seward - Lecturer in Chemistry at the RHC. ODNB article.
  10. Sibyl Taite Widdows - Demonstrator in chemistry at the London School of Medicine for Women. During her time at the school she published numerous research papers.
  11. Clare de Brereton Evans - Awarded a D.Sc. from the Central Technical College (the first woman chemist to receive this distinction).
  12. Clara Millicent Taylor - appointed to the staff at the Ladies College, Cheltenham, but spent all her spare time doing research at the University College of Bristol (later the University of Bristol). This involved cycling an 80-mile round trip at least once per week. She received an M.Sc. from Bristol in 1910 and a D.Sc. in 1911.
  13. Emily Comber Fortey - Undertook research at Owens College, Manchester until 1898 at which point she returned to Bristol as a researcher with Sydney Young.[1][2][3][4][5]
  14. Katherine Isabella Williams - In the 1880s she commenced research at Bristol with William Ramsay. Then she embarked upon her own research program at Bristol in food analysis.
  15. Lucy Everest Boole - The first woman chemist to be elected Fellow of the Institute of Chemistry. ODNB article.
  16. Katherine Alice Burke - Joined Ramsay’s research group at University College.
  17. Grace Coleridge Toynbee - Appointed professor of chemistry at Mason College. ODNB article.
  18. Edith Humphrey - graduated in 1897 from Bedford College and the following year moved to Zürich where she undertook a Ph.D. with Alfred Werner.[6]
  19. Alice Emily Smith - Lecturer in chemistry at Bangor, where she collaborated on a study of reaction mechanisms with K. J. P. Orton.

[30][31][32][33] [34][35][36]Joyce Wheeler shares her story (video)

Biographical Dictionary of Scottish Women






Mathematics, Chemistry, Physics


Articles to be improved



Looking for ideas?


Climate change researchers


There is a list of women working in the field of climate change - any name with a little external link square beside it probably indicates a person who doesn't have a Wikipedia page yet!

"Fearless Pioneers"


Surprisingly, the pages for a number of the women in Rachel Ignotofsky's excellent book Women in Science: 50 Fearless Pioneers who Changed the World are quite sparse. It would be great if some of these could be improved to help those looking for more information after reading:

Women chemists past and present


This table contains notable women chemists from history (mostly found in the Chemistry Was Their Life book if you need a source to get you started!) and from the present day (most of whom are winners of big prizes or Fellows of societies, for whom you can find university websites and news stories about their award/fellowship).

Historic or modern? Name Field Keywords Notability Claimed by...
M Carol V. Robinson Chemistry, Mass Spectrometry Oxford, Cambridge, proteins First woman appointed chemistry professor at the University of Oxford. Page exists but very brief on her actual work.
H Draft:Isabel Hadfield Analytical chemistry WWI, NPL, Aeronautics Microchemicals Development of microanalytical measurements
H Draft:Emily Lloyd (chemist) Analytical chemistry Aberystwyth, education, University of Birmingham First woman associate at the Royal Institute of Chemistry
H Draft:Margaret Seward Chemical reactions Natural Science, Somerville, nutrition First Oxford woman student to be entered for honour school of Mathematics, founding lecturer of Royal Holloway College, MBE
H Draft:Cecilie French Magnetochemistry UCL, ICI, Bedford College, Queen Mary College Senior Lecturer at QMC, extensive research into electrochemistry of nonaqueous solvents, synthesised novel boron compounds, Invited to give the Marie Curie Lecture at Penn. State.
H Draft:Mary Corner Microanalysis Fabric (cotton & leather) industry research Head of the Microanalytical Section of the Chemical Research Laboratory
H Martha Annie Whiteley Research chemistry Editor of the Dictionary of Applied Chemistry (3rd Edition), mustard gas President of the Imperial College Women Students' Association, OBE
H Frances Micklethwait Research chemistry Mustard gas, Boots, Principal at Swanley Horticultural College Prolific author of chemistry publications, MBE
H Sibyl Taite Widdows Chemistry education Education, Royal Holloway College Head of the Chemistry Department at London School of Medicine for Women
H Draft:May Badger Inorganic analysis Glass, pottery and coal Head of the Inorganic Chemistry Laboratories at the University of Manchester
H May Sybil Leslie Industrial chemistry Nitric acid, explosives, A Textbook of Inorganic Chemistry, University of Leeds Author of key text on kinetics of the iodination of acetone, Chemist in Charge of Laboratory at His Majesty's Factory in Litherland
H Evelyn Hickmans Blood chemistry Phenylketonuria, Horst Bickel, University of Birmingham, University of Toronto Awarded the John Scott Medal, Head of Children's Diseases Department in the Children's Hospital, Birmingham.
H Clara Millicent Taylor Organic chemistry β-eucaine, University of Bristol One of the first women admitted to the Chemical Society, Head of Science at Cheltenham Ladies' College
H Delia Simpson Spectroscopy Cambridge Chemistry Laboratories, energy fuels, fluorescence and infrared. Director of Studies in Natural Sciences, Newnham
H Draft:Soshelia Ram Analytical chemistry Lady Hardinge Medical College for Women, University of Delhi, University of Cambridge Fellow of the Royal Institute of Chemistry
H Rosemary Murray Already quite a full page, but needs some citations, etc.
H Catherine Steele Biochemistry Page exists though very short, might be tricky to find information to expand it.
H Ishbel Campbell Organometallic compounds University of Southampton, chemical warfare, St Andrews University One of the first women to receive a Commonwealth Fellowship, key figure in organometallic compounds of groups V and VI with numerous publications.
H Christina Miller Analytical chemistry Diffusion, Carnegie Research Fellowship, tetraphosphorus hexaoxide. Key studies in phosphorous and luminescence, Keith Prize from the Royal Society of Edinburgh, Director of the Inorganic Laboratory at the University of Edinburgh
H Elizabeth Kempson Biochemistry University of Edinburgh, carbohydrates, polysaccharide chemistry, Fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, issue of Carbohydrate Research journal dedicated to her
H Ruth Pirret Radiochemistry Ellen Gleditsch, Frederick Soddy, University of Manchester, metal corrosion First woman graduate in Science from the University of Glasgow, discovery of uranium isotopes
H Draft:Mary Andross Food chemistry Nutritional value of food, vitamin C, Society for Chemical Industry Fellow of the Institute of Food Science Technology, creator of first courses for training dieticians
H Edith Willcock Food chemistry Iodoform, radiation, tryptophan (& Frederick Gowland Hopkins) First studies to show the damaging effects of exposure to radioactive elements, work on vitamins, popular author
H Muriel Wheldale Onslow Biochemistry Pigments, plant breeding, genetics, artist, University of Cambridge Landmark work on pigmentation and genetics, one of the first three women elected to the Biochemical Club, Fellowship from the British Federation of University Women
H Rose Scott-Moncrieff Biochemistry Page exists but is quite short considering her achievements
H Dorothy Jordan Lloyd Biochemistry Page exists but no references really, and no infobox
H Polly Porter Crystallography Mentor to Dorothy Hodgkin, National Museum in Washington DC, Oxford Museum & University of Oxford, X-ray crystallography, The Barker Index of Crystals. Member of Council of the Mineralogical Society of Great Britain, authored classic work, published some of earliest work on x-ray crystallography
H Ellie Knaggs Crystallography University of Cambridge, Imperial College, Royal Institution, Burroughs Wellcome. Hertha Ayrton Fellowship, determined crystal structures such as that of cyanuric triazide, elected Visitor to the Royal Institution
H Agnes Pockels Physical chemistry Surface science Page exists but more could be added from Women in Chemistry
H Dorothy Cayley Mycology Tulips, Page exists but rather brief.
H Draft:Caroline Pellew Genetics Flower colour, peas, chromosome theory, William Bateson, Genetical Society Extensive work on the genetics of peas and primula, "right hand man" to Bateson, first Secretary of the Genetical Society
H Muriel Bristol Mycology Algae, tea, Involvement in pioneering statistical work
M Margaret Buckingham Developmental biology Muscles, genetics, Pasteur Institute ForMemRS
H Charlotte Kipling Biology Fish, University of Cambridge, computing Fellow of the Statistical Society
H Patricia H. Clarke Biochemistry The Rising Tide, microbiology, UCL, bacteria FRS
H Bella MacCallum Botany Wetlands, fungi, New Zealand (see Ladies in the Laboratory III) Fellow of the Linnean Society
H Elizabeth Lomax Botany Botanical Exchange Club, Torquay, collecting Herbarium donated to Manchester
H Elsie M. Burrows Botany Phycology, Liverpool University, macroalgae Page exists but needs information on the importance of her work
H Ethel Sargant Cytology and morphology Synaptic phase, triple fusion, Royal Society President of the Botanical Section of the British Association. Page exists but not many details of her work, no infobox.
H Frances Adams Le Sueur Botany and conservation Jersey, flowers, source, source. Page exists but much more could be added from sources and especially from International Women in Science (see Google books)
M Judith Howard Structural chemistry X-ray crystallography, five-star department head, Page exists but very brief and no explanation of her work
H Una Ledingham Biology Diabetes, pregnancy, Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians
M Anne Walton (chemist) Inorganic chemistry CChem, FRSC
M Madeline Jacobs Science communication CEO of the Council of Scientific Society Presidents, former CEO of the American Chemical Society
M Suze Kundu Nanochemistry MRSC
M Ifat Shah Biochemistry MRSC
M Motaza Khater Analytical chemistry Founder of the Federation of African Societies of Chemistry, FRSC
M Eleanor Schofield Materials science Conservation manager for the Mary Rose
M Denise Conner Analytical chemistry Plastic pigments, LGBT campaigner Founder of Out in Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics (oSTEM)
M Lorelly Wilson Science education CSci, CChem, FRSC, founder of Chemistry with Cabbage
M Hala Sultan Saif Al-Easa Organic chemistry Photochemistry, medicinal plants, Qatar University Head of Chemistry at Qatar University, President of Qatar Chemical Society
M Mary Garson Biochemist Page exists but no infobox
M Reiko Kuroda Materials chemistry L’Oréal–UNESCO prizewinner 2013, stereochemistry, chirality Page exists but very brief
M Zanariah Binti Abdullah Organic chemistry University of Malaya, Queen Mary University, outreach FRSC
M Sylvia Anie Healthcare and chemistry Commonwealth Secretariat, HIV and AIDS CSci, CChem, FRSC
M Geetha Srinivasan Physical chemistry Polymers, petrochemistry, electrochemistry CSci, CChem, MRSC, L’Oréal-UNESCO award-winner
M Ellen Kooijman Microanalysis Head of the Vegacenter for Microanalysis, inspiration behind the LEGO 'Research Institute'
M Romeela Mohee Environmental engineering University of Mauritius, waste reduction, biochar FRSC
M Helen Neville (chemist) Product research and development Proctor & Gamble FRSC, Vice-President of Research and Development at P&G
M Mah Hussain-Gambles Pharmacology Skincare, Sutherland University, University of Leeds, halal MBE, CChem, MRSC, founder of Saar Pure Skincare
M Katriona Methven Cosmetovigilance L’Oréal, regulation, cosmetics CChem, MRSC, judge of the L’Oréal-UNESCO awards
M Sue Gibson (chemist) Synthesis Rosalind Franklin Award, Royal Society, OBE, diversity campaigner Page exists but brief
M Bernadette Modell Genetics Blood, WHO, UCL, University of Cambridge Wellcome Trust PRF
M Cathy Price Neuroscience Language, MRI, UCL Wellcome Trust PRF
M Heidi Johansen-Berg Neuroscience Plasticity, rehabilitation, ageing Wellcome Trust PRF
M Patricia Simpson Biology Insects, evolution FRS, Wellcome Trust PRF, page exists but stub
M Linda Wicker Immunogenetics Diabetes, genetics Wellcome Trust PRF
M Patricia Jacobs Genetics Chromosomes, University of Southampton, abnormalities, Klinefelter syndrome FRS, Wellcome Trust PRF, page exists but relatively short
M Doreen Cantrell Immunology Winner of the 2017 Novartis Medal and Prize, page exists but short
M Bonnie Wallace (biochemist) Molecular biophysics Winner of the 2010 AstraZeneca Award, FRSC, FAAAS, FIOB, FIUPAC
M Helen Walden Biochemistry Winner of the 2015 Colworth Medal,
M Wendy Bickmore FRS
M Yvonne Jones FRS, page exists but stub
M Anne Neville (engineer) FRS, page exists but nothing on her work
M Josephine Pemberton FRS, page exists but not much on her work
M Sarah (Sally) Price FRS, page exists but nothing on her work
M Susanne von Caemmerer FRS, page needs infobox
M Kate Storey (biologist) Cell biologist Neural cells, University of Dundee Fellow of the Academy of Medical Sciences
M Susan Michie Psychologist Health psychology, King's College FMedSci, page exists but needs citations and infoxbox
M Giovanna Mallucci Neuroscientist Toxicology, neuroscience, University of Cambridge FMedSci, page exists but is tiny
M Tracy Hussell Immunologist FMedSci
M Jane Apperley Haematologist FMedSci
M Dorothy C Bennett Geneticist FMedSci
M Anne Bertolotti Neurobiologist FMedSci, 2018 winner of the GlaxoSmithKline Award
M Azra Ghani Epidemiologist FMedSci
M Linda Greensmith Neurologist FMedSci
M Alison Holmes Microbiologist FMedSci
M Jill Pell Epidemiologist FMedSci
M Rhian Touyz Cardiologist FMedSci, page exists but no infobox
M Christine J. Watson Pathologist FMedSci, might be harder to source though
M Margaret Whitehead Public health adviser DBE, FMedSci, page exists but brief and no infobox
M Sheila Hollins, Baroness Hollins Psychiatrist learning disabilities Emeritus Professor of Psychiatry of Disability, St George’s, University of London. Page exists, no infobox
M Gill McGauley Forensic Psychiatrist Professor of Forensic Psychotherapy and Medical Education at St George’s, University of London (until her death in July 2016). She was also a Consultant Psychiatrist in Forensic Psychotherapy. (no page)
M Pippa Oakeshott General Practice Professor of General Practice at St George’s, University of London. Also a practising GP in Lambeth, London. (no page)
M Emma Baker (Professor) Clinical Pharmacology & General Medicine Professor of Clinical Pharmacology at St George's, University of London and Consultant Physician in Clinical Pharmacology and General Medicine at St George's University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust. (no page)



Browsing for sources


Suggested sources:

  • DiscoverEd to find books, ebooks, journals, ejournals and more.
News sources
Theses databases

Outcomes - Content created


Articles created 2016


Articles created 2017


Articles improved 2017


What can I do after the event?

Join us for the event!

Once you've learned the basics of editing using Wikipedia’s Visual Editor, I hope that you'll stay logged in and edit or create more articles. I've added some booklets and some links below that you may find useful. As a first step you may like to check out what What Wikipedia is not along with its 5 guiding principles: The 5 pillars.

  • Please sign your messages on talk pages with four tildes (~~~~). This will automatically insert your "signature" (your username and a date stamp). The or button, on the tool bar above Wikipedia's text editing window, also does this.
  • If you would like to play around with your new Wiki skills without changing the mainspace, the Sandbox is for you.

You may find these useful if you want to learn further about editing:


Join us for the event!

Video guides to editing Wikipedia


Tutorials on Wikipedia editing


One page handouts


Talkpage templates

  • If the woman was born before 1950 use: {{WikiProject Women's history}}
  • If the woman was born after 1950 use: {{WikiProject Women}}
  • Add to Biography with:{{WikiProject Biography|class=|s&a-priority=|living=|s&a-work-group=yes}}
  • Add to WikiProject Women scientists:{{WikiProject Women scientists}}==Templates==



{{WikiProject Women scientists}}

WikiProject iconWomen scientists Unassessed
WikiProject iconThis article is within the scope of WikiProject Women scientists, a collaborative effort to improve the coverage of Women in science on Wikipedia. If you would like to participate, please visit the project page, where you can join the discussion and see a list of open tasks.
???This article has not yet received a rating on Wikipedia's content assessment scale.

{{Wikipedia:WikiProject Women scientists/Userbox}}

This user is a member of
WikiProject Women scientists.


Participants - Sign Up Here!


Prior to the event:

  1. RSVP: Book your place here
  2. Do you have a Wikipedia User Name?
    No? Create a Wikipedia account
    Yes? Go to Step #2
  3. Sign up! Add your Wikipedia User Name to this section by clicking the blue button below (follow instructions). Your name will be added to the bottom of this page
Don't worry! If you haven't edited Wikipedia before and don't have a Wikipedia User Name yet, we will help you on the day of the event! And remember to have fun!
To sign up for this event: Log in or create an account.

Photos from the Day
