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Wikipedia:WikiProject Melanesia/Tok Pisin

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Please read!


This page is outdated, and a lot of it has been created by a temporary sysadmin of this project that has since been removed and replaced as he was not directing this project in a manner that was deemed suitable by the wikimedia foundation. You should not view this page, its subpages, and links as an accurate and decisive indication of the status of this project and the direction it is going to take. Please go to the community portal (Bung ples) on tpiwiki to discuss the current state of the project. Thankyou. aliasd·U·T 04:48, 23 September 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Progress report


Click here for the current Tok Pisin Wikipedia/Wiktionary progress report. K. Kellogg-Smith 14:23, 22 July 2007 (UTC)[reply]

May I make a suggestion?


New comments and discussions end up at the bottom of the page instead of at the top of the page because the Wiki text editor automatically tacks new subheadings following the last text on the page, down at the bottom of the page.  On entering the discussion page you don't see the latest discussions unless you click on the very last entry in the TOC.  We all know how to create subheadings with == or === Wikitags, dont' we?  Do we need the Wiki editor to do that simple task for us?

So, to put new discussions at the top of the page instead of down at the bottom, how about this: When starting a new thread (like this one) how about going to the top of the discussion page and manually inserting the == tag, enter your topic heading, and close your heading off with the == ending tag, then write your comment or start your discussion?  Along with seeing the newest threads at the top of the page (like you find in most forums, for example), it's a whole lot easier to edit/insert comments in the first paragraph on the page than it is to have to scroll down to the bottom of the page every time you make corrections or changes in a new (or relatively new) topic.

K. Kellogg-Smith 15:02, 17 July 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Temp sysop/admin notice


Today (Monday, 9 July 2007) I was granted temporary sysop/adminstrator for three months (until 9 October) to work on the TPI Wikipedia and Wiktionary.  As a first shot I'll be going through the Wikipedia and deleting the pages that have {delete} notices posted on them, as well as any other pages that are spam/vandalism.  I can now unlock the front page ("Pes fran").  The Main page (Pes fran) is open for any and all suggestions for changing the appearance and function of the page format (it was copied over from the Bilama Wikipedia), either keep it the way it is, or give it a more "Melanesian" look (for example).

As Matt has suggested, a few more sysops are needed; they would certainly be quite helpful.  If you are interested in helping out as a temp sysop on the Wikis, click here, then use the template given at the top of the page to make your request down below in the "Temporary permissions ..." section.  "to provide additional temp sysop help" is a good reason for making the request.  You can pretty much copy my request.  If you file a request, I'll add my endorsement to it in the hopes that it will help.

Again, any changes you'd like to see made that can't be made with normal user permissions, just let me know.   K. Kellogg-Smith 15:23, 9 July 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Great, Matt!  I'd hoped you would do so.  I put in my two cents worth on your request; I've been plodding through the list of articles in the Main namespace (I'm starting on the "H's" now) to determine just how many legitimate tok pisin articles there are in the TPI Wikipedia.  So far I've only found one ("Budaism");the others are mostly brief one- or two-line stubs (I've taken to calling them "placeholders"). I'll start a list of what I've found and done and put it in my TPI talk page.
I corrected the TPI "WikiProject Melanesia" template so that the interWiki link will go to the EN Wikipedia.  There are many common languages that don't have language templates in the TPI Wiki, and several less than common ones that do, e.g., Arabic, Russian, Slovenian, Chek.  I fetched Italian-1 from the EN Wikipedia and added it as "User it-1" so it would show up in my list of languages.  Will add the other levels in the set tomorrow.
There's a tremendous lot of reorganization waiting to be done in just the Wiktionary alone.  As you suggested earlier, there really should be at least three or four sysop/administrators approved for the two TPI Wikis.  For the past week or so I've been dropping requests on the Talk pages of users that have some sort of experience with PNG, Melanesia, Oceania and Indonesia who I think might be interested in the project and might possibly help out.  So far no replies, but I'll keep going down the list and trying.  By any chance have you mentioned the idea yet to Aliasd about requesting TPI sysop permission?
Very best regards, and let's hope the powers that be will grant you sysop permissions!!  K. Kellogg-Smith 05:23, 12 July 2007 (UTC)[reply]

First steps


At this stage, this page is a place for developing plans to bring the Tok Pisin Wikipedia and Tok Pisin Wiktionary back to life.  Click on the discussion tab on this page to review the views and comments on the move to revitalize the two Wikis, to add comments of your own about the two project in general, or to talk about the Tok Pisin language in general.

Separate subpages for discussion threads and comments


It will help in the Wiki reorganization effort if you use the TPI Wikipedia subpage for discussions and comments which are more or less specific to the development of the TPI Wikipedia, and use the TPI Wiktionary subpage for discussions and comments about the TPI Wiktionary.

For example, you might have ideas and comments about whether the TPI Wiktionary should be monolingual (totally in Tok Pisin), bilingual (Tok Pisin - English), or multilingual (Tok Pisin, English, and selected other languages used in the region).  You might also have ideas and comments on what subjects the Wiktionary should (or should not) cover; should the TPI Wikipedia include an article being circulated (with a request that it be translated) to all the international Wikipedias about a user's home town in Poland, for example.

In the same way, use the TPI Wiktionary subpage for discussion threads and comments which are about the way the Wiktionary's definitions should be organized or formatted.  For example, you might have some ideas about including what orthographic standard should be used for the spelling of Tok Pisin words, whether the IPA pronunciation should be given, or to the extent that a Tok Pisin word should be defined for other common or regional languages.

Subpage headings


The topic headings on the subpages have been put there as an aid to keep the comments more or less organized, and searchable from the page's TOC.  Don't look at them as being fixed in concrete; they are not.  Feel free to add topic headings of your own if your topic heading(s) will be of help in grouping the discussions.

Use this page and the subpages


Your views and comments are appreciated.  The more suggestions, discussions, and comments that are put forth, the better the TPI Wikipedia and Wiktionary will be.  Click on the discussion tab on this page for general suggestions, discussions, and comments about the Tok Pisin language and its use in Melanesia, volunteering to bring any specialty knowledge you might have to help further the project, or other general comments not specifically about either the TPI Wikpedia or the TPI Wiktionary.

For more specific suggestions, discussions and comments, click here to go to the TPI Wikipedia subpage, and click here to go to the TPI Wiktionary subpage.