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Wikipedia:WikiProject Missing encyclopedic articles/Hotlist of Art & Architecture/E

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  1. Ray Kaiser Eames
  2. Harold C. Earnshaw or Harold Earnshaw (illustrator) or Harold Earnshaw (artist)
  3. earth and earth-work architecture
  4. earth-table
  5. eaves-cornice
  6. ebonized
  7. Ecclesiology - needs attention
  8. echal
  9. echinus - redirects to Mallotus (plant), source of a dye
  10. échoppe
  11. Échoppe
  12. ecological architecture
  13. ecphora
  14. écuelle
  15. edge-moulding
  16. edge-roll
  17. edge-shaft
  18. Edinburgh Group
  19. Editing - article needs attention
  20. Augustin Édouart
  21. Edwardian style
  22. Edwardine
  23. Cueman Egas
  24. Enrique de Egas
  25. Egbert Codex
  26. Egyptian gorge
  27. Egyptian hall
  28. Egyptian triangle
  29. Ezra David Ehrenkrantz
  30. Eidos - see Eidos (philosophy), stub
  31. Eight Italian Painters
  32. The Eight - redirects to Ashcan School, needs attention
  33. Nils Eigtved
  34. Ragnar Ekelund
  35. Kenji Ekuan
  36. L' Élan
  37. electrographic architecture
  38. Elementarism
  39. Nicolaes Eliasz
  40. elision - see also Reinterpretation, stub
  41. Elkington & Company Ltd.
  42. Henry de Ellerton
  43. James Elliot-DAB page
  44. Peter Ellis - DAB page, see Peter Ellis (architect), stub
  45. Reginald of Ely
  46. embattled
  47. emboss - see Embossing, stub
  48. Lawrence Emler
  49. empaquetage
  50. Empire - cleanup
  51. Empiricism - cleanup
  52. emulsion - no obvious 'art' content
  53. en délit
  54. enamel - DAB page, no reference to enamel work
  55. Encarnado
  56. encarpus
  57. end - stub DAB page
  58. end lobby-entry
  59. Ernst Moritz August Endell
  60. Energism
  61. engaged - redirects to Engagement
  62. Burkhard Engelberger
  63. Engineering Design - stub up for deletion
  64. English art as objects of patronage and collecting
  65. English cottage
  66. English Extremists
  67. English style
  68. enneastyle
  69. Ulrich von Ensingen sub-stub
  70. Matthäus Ensinger
  71. entry - no obvious 'art' content here
  72. Environment art
  73. Eosander, Johann Friedrich, Freiherr von Göthe - Johann Friedrich Eosander
  74. Epistle side
  75. E-plan
  76. Elizabeth Epstein
  77. Eragny Press
  78. Adolf Erbslöh
  79. Erdmannsdorff, Friedrich Wilhelm, Freiherr von
  80. father and son Erhart
  81. Estrid Ericson
  82. Ersatz architecture
  83. Erster Deutscher Herbstsalon
  84. escarp
  85. escoinson
  86. Nikolaus Eseler
  87. exonarthex
  88. Espace
  89. espagnolette
  90. L' Esprit nouveau
  91. esquillage
  92. esquisse
  93. August Ottmar Essenwein
  94. Este - not sure what is meant
  95. Estilo desornamentado
  96. Estilo Modernista
  97. estípite
  98. Estofado
  99. estofado
  100. Etruscan School
  101. Etruscan style
  102. étui
  103. eucharistic window
  104. Eulalius - article on an Antipope
  105. Euripus - redirects to Euripus Strait
  106. Merlyn Evans
  107. Jean Eve
  108. Robert Everard-links to soldier
  109. Everdingen family
  110. ewer - redirects to Pitcher, stub
  111. exc.
  112. excubitorium
  113. exonarthex
  114. experimental art
  115. expression and gesture
  116. external angle
  117. extrados - stub
  118. extruded corner
  119. Charles Eyck
  120. van Eyck - refers to the family, stub
  121. eye - not sure what is meant
  122. eyebrow - not sure what is meant
  123. eyebrow window
  124. eye-catcher
  125. eye-form
  126. Henry de Eynsham
  127. Johann Friedrich Eyserbeck
  128. William de Eyton