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Vilna Akademia Proletarskoi LITEratury (ВАПЛІТЕ) (Ukrainian: Вільна академія пролетарської літератури, Free Academy of Proletarian Literature) was a literary union in Ukraine. It was established in Kharkiv and existed from January, 1926 to January 28, 1928.[1]

Accepting the official requirements of the Communist Party, in literary policy VAPLITE has taken an independent position and was standing on the grounds of creation the new Ukrainian literature by qualified artists who put in front of them the demand of improvement and mastering the best achievements of western European culture. The virtual leader of the union was Mykola Khvylovy; the president were Mykhailo Yalovy, later - Mykola Kulish; and the secretary was Arkadiy Liubchenko.

In the organization actively worked, the above-mentioned, Mykola Khvylovy, Mykhailo Yalovy, Oles Dosvitny, Mykola Kulish, Hryhorii Epik, Pavlo Tychyna, Ivan Senchenko, Oleksa Slisarenko, Petro Panch, Mykola Bazhan, Yuriy Yanovskyi, Yuriy Smolych, Ivan Dniprovsky, Oleksandr Kopylenko etc.

Prior to the organization of the association the major literary associations were the Union of Proletarian Writers Hart and the Union of Peasant Writers Pluh. Those organizations were mostly culturally enlightening which in actuality distracted them from their literary artistic goals.

In 1927 VAPLITE was issuing its magazine "VAPLITE".

The views of Mykola Khvylovy led to criticism from the Party and government personnel of the Ukrainian SSR. Especially sharp attacks suffered his work, "Waldshnepi". Due to constant persecutions VAPLITE was forced to self-dissolve in 1928. The members of VAPLITE continued their literary activity in the literary almanac "Literary Fair" (1928–29) and the organization "Politfront". The members of VAPLITE became one of the first victims of Stalin regime's repressions.



  • "Electronic materials from the Ukrainian culture". Issue #3: "Vaplite (1926–1927)". - Kyiv: Criticism, 2005. (Six numbers of the magazine "Vaplite" and the alamanac "Vaplite" in pdf-file on a compact disc)