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User:Tonymax469/Wikiversal/WikemPG/Introductory Text for the List

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Semicolon Separated List
Semicolon Separated List
Introductory Text for the List
Inserting a Hyperlink
Inserting a Hyperlink
List of Topics
List of Topics
This presentation was made possible by Wikiversal/WikiverSuite, which is made possible by your donation. Thank you for your support.
This presentation was made possible by Wikiversal/WikiverSuite, which is made possible by your donation. Thank you for your support.
Inserting a Hyperlink
Inserting a Hyperlink
 To include a short introduction above the list, end the introductory text with a colon and include it as the first item in the semicolon-separated list.
 If you do not provide a colon at the end of the first item in the list, that item will be a normal list item and it will not be considered a list introduction.