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This article is about an ideology found in Russia.

Nashism (Russian: нашизм) is the name given to an ideological framework mostly known for underpinning the Nashi movement in Russia. The concept of "nash" versus "ne nash" (ours versus not ours) was revived in the aftermath of the 1991 military action undertaken by the Soviet Army in the Baltic states. It intially developed into an ideological justification of military action in the former Soviet republics to defend the local Russian population. The movement acquired the name "nashism". [1]

According to M. A. Fadeicheva, there are three forms of Nashist discourse:

Nationalist "nashism", in the framework of which it is belonging to the political civil nation now being formed in Russia, that is recognized as criterion of attribution to the "nashi" ("our ones"); ethno-nationalist "nashism" supplementing the "civil" principle with the ethnic one; and racist "nashism" that accentuates the anthropological differences.



  1. ^ "Philosophy in Post-Communist Europe", Dane R. Gordon, p103, Rodopi 1998, ISBN 9042003588
  2. ^ The Ideology and the Discursive Practices of "Nashism" in Modern Russia, M. A. Fadeicheva, Polis Magazine, 4 - 2006

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