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Strikeism is an ideology that encompasses a system of acts or strikes similar to activism but characterized by more radical approaches. Strikeism aims to achieve significant political, social, or economic changes through intense and often disruptive actions. It is distinct from traditional activism in its methods and intensity.

Part of Strikeism

Strikeism is based on the belief that conventional methods of protest and activism are insufficient for achieving substantial change. Therefore, it employs more radical tactics designed to force immediate and profound transformations in society, politics, or other areas of concern.

Key Principles[edit]

  1. Radical Actions: Strikeism involves more intense and disruptive actions compared to traditional activism. This can include large-scale strikes, occupations, and other forms of direct action.
  2. Immediate Change: The goal of Strikeism is to bring about rapid and significant changes, often targeting systemic issues that are resistant to gradual reform.
  3. Revoltinism: A specific form of Strikeism, Revoltinism, focuses on orchestrating movements that aim to create radical change. These movements often seek to overhaul existing structures and replace them with new systems.
  4. Social and Political Impact: Strikeism targets areas of society and politics where conventional activism has been ineffective, aiming to disrupt the status quo and compel changes in policy, governance, or social norms.

Subtypes of Strikeism[edit]

Nationality Strikeism[edit]

Nationality Strikeism involves actions and policies that specifically target or favor particular nationalities. This can include preferential treatment in trade agreements, immigration policies, or other diplomatic actions that reflect the interests of a specific national group.

Fascism Strikeism[edit]

Fascism Strikeism represents a more authoritarian and aggressive form of Strikeism, where hardline measures are taken in the name of fascist principles. This includes stringent economic sanctions, severe diplomatic isolation, or other coercive actions designed to exert maximum pressure.

Anarchist Strikeism[edit]

Anarchist Strikeism involves radical actions aimed at destabilizing and dissolving governments viewed as oppressive. Proponents of this approach use direct action and strikes to undermine governmental authority and promote anarchist principles.

Immigration Strikeism[edit]

Immigration Strikeism focuses on implementing strict immigration laws and policies. This subtype advocates for significant changes to immigration systems, aiming to control and restrict the flow of immigrants based on various criteria such as economic impact, national security, or cultural preservation.


Crimenlism is a subtype of Strikeism that focuses on criminality. It involves taking strong actions against countries or entities involved in criminal activities, such as drug trafficking, terrorism, or human trafficking. This can include severe economic sanctions, legal actions, and international cooperation to combat criminal networks.


  • Rapid Policy Change: Encouraging or compelling the targeted country or institution to alter its policies or actions quickly and significantly.
  • Systemic Overhaul: Aiming for comprehensive changes that replace existing structures with new systems, especially in governance, economic policies, or social norms.
  • International Solidarity: Rallying support from other nations and entities to create a unified front for radical change.
  • Economic and Political Pressure: Applying significant economic and political pressure to force reconsideration and change in actions or policies.


Revoltinism Movement[edit]

A Revoltinism movement might involve large-scale occupations and strikes aimed at overthrowing an authoritarian regime and establishing a new government structure based on democratic principles.

Crimenlism Against Criminal Networks[edit]

An example of Crimenlism might involve a coalition of countries imposing strict sanctions on a nation known for harboring criminal networks involved in human trafficking. These actions could include freezing assets, banning travel, and coordinating international law enforcement efforts.

Impact and Criticism[edit]

The impact of Strikeism can be profound but also controversial:

  • Economic Disruption: Radical actions can lead to economic disruptions and higher costs for both the targeted entities and the initiators.
  • Diplomatic Fallout: The use of extreme measures can lead to strained international relations and potential retaliation.
  • Ethical Considerations: The ethical implications of using radical tactics, including potential harm to civilian populations, are often debated.


Strikeism represents a radical and intense approach to advocating for change, distinct from traditional activism. It encompasses a variety of tactics and subtypes aimed at achieving rapid and significant transformations in society, politics, and economics. As the world continues to face complex and entrenched issues, the strategies and consequences of Strikeism reflect the evolving nature of modern advocacy and protest movements.

See Also[edit]