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User:Hunterd/Awarded God Quotations

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Awarded God Quotations[edit]

User:Hunterd/Awarded God Quotations| The play is the day wherein I shall catch the conscience of the king! User:Hunterd/Awarded God Quotations

Laurence Olivier as Hamlet, Hamlet, (1948)

User:Hunterd/Awarded God Quotations| Withdraw, my lord! User:Hunterd/Awarded God Quotations

Pollonius, Hamlet, (1948)

User:Hunterd/Awarded God Quotations| The rest... is silence. User:Hunterd/Awarded God Quotations

Laurence Olivier as Hamlet, Hamlet, (1948)

User:Hunterd/Awarded God Quotations| The night passes slowly...doesn't it Antoninus? User:Hunterd/Awarded God Quotations

Laurence Olivier as Marcus Licinius Crassus, Spartacus, (1960)

User:Hunterd/Awarded God Quotations| Let not our battling dreams aflight our souls, for conscience is a word that cowards use, devised at first to keep the strong in awe! User:Hunterd/Awarded God Quotations

Laurence Olivier as Richard III, William Shakespeare's Richard III.

User:Hunterd/Awarded God Quotations| Let us to it, Pell-Mell. If not to heaven, then hand-in-hand to hell. User:Hunterd/Awarded God Quotations

Laurence Olivier as Richard III, William Shakespeare's Richard III.

User:Hunterd/Awarded God Quotations| Our ancient word, courage, Saint George, inspire us with the fire of dragons! User:Hunterd/Awarded God Quotations

Laurence Olivier as Richard III, William Shakespeare's Richard III.

User:Hunterd/Awarded God Quotations| A horse. A horse! My kingdom for a horse! User:Hunterd/Awarded God Quotations

Laurence Olivier as Richard III, William Shakespeare's Richard III.