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Hair weave

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It has been suggested that this article or section be merged with Artificial hair integrations. (Discuss) Proposed since April 2009.

This article has multiple issues. Please help improve it or discuss these issues on the talk page. It needs additional citations for verification. Tagged since August 2009. It is written like an advertisement and needs to be rewritten from a neutral point of view. Tagged since March 2011. It may need to be rewritten entirely to comply with Wikipedia's quality standards. Tagged since April 2009. It contains instructions, advice, or how-to content. Tagged since August 2009.

Hair weave is a very general term used to describe human or artificial hair typically utilized for the integration with one’s natural hair. Weaves can alter one's appearance for long or short periods of time by adding further hair to one's natural hair or by covering the natural hair all together with human or synthetic hair pieces. Weaving additional human or synthetic pieces can enhance once hair by giving it volume, length, adding colour without the damage of chemicals, or adopting a different hair texture than that of their own.

The idea of hair weaves and extensions fist came about in the early days of ancient Egypt, where men and woman utilized extensions in their hair to portray a more elegant appearance. By the late 17th century, wigs in various shapes and sizes became a latest fashion trend. Hair weaves in particular, did not grow interest until the 1950’s; even during that time celebrities had been the only ones using them. When the “long, disco-haired” era evolved there started to become a widespread of hairweave. Since that era, hair weave has only become more popular, especially since the 1990s mostly among Africa American women opting for a straight-hair look definitely making it a “staple in the beauty and glamour” industry.

  1. ^ "Clip-On Hair Extensions". Retrieved 29 March 2012.
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Contents [hide] 1 Most popular hair wefts 1.1 Synthetic hair 1.2 Human hair 2 Indian hair and European hair 3 Techniques 3.1 Bonding 3.2 Tracking 3.3 Fusion 3.4 NoBraidsNoGlue 3.5 Netting 3.6 Tree braiding 3.7 Clip-in and clip-on hair extensions 3.8 Lace extensions 3.9 Micro Braiding 4 References [edit]Most popular hair wefts

The most popular and commonly available form of hair is known as premium hair. It is sold in the majority of beauty supply stores worldwide. The roots and tips of hairs are interwoven in premium hair which causes tangling. This is due to the opposing cuticle layers catching onto one another. However; as it is the most inexpensive type of hair, it is the best seller.

Premium hair comes in two types:

Regular premium hair: generally the least expensive type of hair. The cuticles are present in different directions and the hair is prone to tangling. "Tangle-free" premium hair: this is obtained by chemically removing the cuticles using an acid bath. This process reduces the friction among hairs, leaving the remains tangle-free hair. In order to give the appearance of natural healthy hair, a laminate is applied to the hair to give it a shiny and silky look. Single drawn is of a slightly lower quality than double-drawn hair. The hairs will have up to a 2" difference in the tips; that is, some hairs will be up to 2" shorter than their original lengths. Double drawn hair is similar to remy double drawn wefts in that all hairs are the same length.

[edit]Synthetic hair Synthetic hair is made of a wide array of different synthetic fibers. Synthetic hair, just like human hair, comes in weave (weft) and single strands (bulk) for braids. Synthetic hair does not last as long as human hair because it gets quickly damaged by friction, and heat. The quality of hair varies greatly, and if well maintained, synthetic hair can last up to a year. Depending on quality, it may never look like human hair, as it can be stiff and move differently than human hair. Synthetic hair is much less expensive than human hair. The costs can range from $1 to $10 per package of loose braiding hair and $10 to $20 per package of wefted hair, and around $40-$300 for a full wig, depending on quality of hair, length, brand, etc.

Heating appliances such as curling irons and straightening combs generally should never be used on most types of synthetic hair. There are newer versions of synthetic hair from some brands that can be heat styled.

[edit]Human hair The hair shaft is made up of dead, hard protein, called keratin, in three layers. The inner layer is called the medulla and may not be present. The next layer is the cortex and the outer layer is the cuticle. The cortex makes up the majority of the hair shaft. The cuticle is formed by tightly packed scales in an overlapping structure similar to roof shingles. Most hair-conditioning products attempt to affect the cuticle. There are pigment cells that are distributed throughout the cortex, giving the hair its characteristic color.

The cuticle is a hard shingle-like layer of overlapping cells, some five to twelve deep, formed from dead cells that form scales which give the hair shaft strength and protect the inner structure of the hair. The hair cuticle is the first line of defense against all forms of damage; it acts as a protective barrier for the softer inner structures, including the medulla and cortex.

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The cuticle is responsible for much of the mechanical strength of the hair fiber. A healthy cuticle is more than just a protective layer, as the cuticle also controls the water content of the fiber. Much of the shine that makes healthy hair so attractive is due to the cuticle. In the hair industry, the only way to obtain the very best hair (with cuticle intact and facing the same direction) is to use the services of "hair collectors," who cut the hair directly from people's heads, and bundle it as ponytails. This hair is called virgin cuticle hair, or just cuticle hair. Most human hair used for weaves and wigs is obtained from Asia (perhaps most often China, India, and Korea).

The "remy" association originally meant that the cuticles face the direction in which they grew, meaning that the hair is of a higher quality therefore making it more expensive. However, this description is no longer accurate. The word "remy" is being abused on the market, and generally accompanies processed packaged hair.


[edit]Bonding Bonding is an approach to hair weave that lasts for a shorter period of time in comparison to sew-in weave. It involves the application of hair glue to a section of wefted hair then onto a person's natural hair; special hair adhesives are used in bonding to prevent damage to one's natural hair. This technique is commonly used and does not cause damage to the hair unless taken out without proper directions from a professional. It is advised that weave bonding be installed for up to 3 weeks because glue begins to loosen up and lessens the attractiveness of the hair. There are 2 types of bonds: soft bond which is flexible and comfortable to wear and are made using latex,acrylic or silicon and hard bond which is the professional name for super glue. Hard bond adhesives lasts longer than soft bond adhesives because it is not water based and therefore does not fall apart. The hard bond adhesives are also not as comfortable as the soft bond adhesive because they are rigid. These bond attachments generally last 4–6 weeks before a maintenance appointment is necessary.

[edit]Tracking This involves the braiding of a person's natural hair.In order to prevent the hair from being bumpy or uneven the hair is sewn horizontally across the head from one side to the other starting from the bottom. The braided hair is then sewn down and the hair weft extensions are sewn onto the braids. A weave can consist of a few tracks, or the whole head can be braided for a full head weave. With a full head weave, the braids are sewn down or covered with a net. Extensions are then sewn to the braids. The number of tracks used depends on the desired look.

[edit]Fusion The fusion method delivers one of the most versatile and most natural-looking weaves on the market. Traditionally with this technique, a machine similar to a hot glue gun is used to attach human hair extensions to individual strands of one's natural hair of about 1/8 to 1/4 inch squared sections for a truly authentic look. Another option for fusion attached is using hair which is pre-tipped with a keratin adhesive. A heat clamp is then used to melt the adhesive to attach the extension hair to the natural hair. Fusion weave allows washing hair frequently and the use of regular hair products such as hair gels. Nonetheless This technique is very time consuming because it takes about 4-8 hours; it is also very expensive as prices range from about $800 to $1,800.


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Netting is a technique which involves braiding natural tresses under a thin, breathable net that serves as a flat surface onto which stylists can weave extensions.This method requires the use of hair net or cap to be placed over the person's hair that has been braided. Netting provides more flexibility than track placement because the stylist is not limited to sewing extensions to a braid. With netting there is the option of sewing the hair wefts onto the net or gluing. This technique is not as time-consuming when compared to the other hair techniques because it takes 2-4 hours to get it done.

[edit]Clip-in and clip-on hair extensions This technique is the least permanent and can be very effective without the disadvantages such as traction alopecia associated with glue extensions. The hair weft has small toupee clips sewn onto them. Usually a set of clip-in extensions averages eight strips of human hair in varying widths from two inches to eight inches. Usually starting at the nape of the neck, the hair is sectioned neatly, then the weft is placed onto this section with the clips open and facing the scalp. Each clip is snapped into place. It can be useful to lightly backcomb each section for a more secure grip. This is repeated until each clip-in weft is in place. Clip-ins can be worn all day and all night, but they must be removed before sleeping. Some people wear clip-ins just for night life, while others wear them every day to work. This shows the versatility of this type of hair extension. Natural hair extensions can be removed, which makes it easier to style them.

[edit]Lace Fronts

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The most recent development in weave extensions is lace fronts. Lace fronts are made from a nylon mesh material formed into a cap that is then hand-ventilated by knotting single strands of hair into the tiny openings of the cap, giving the hair a more natural and authentic continuity than typical extensions. Furthermore,the extension units can be woven in or attached to a person's hairline with special adhesives; to ensure a proper fit, head measurements are taken into account with this type of weave. a lace frontal is best placed by a professional since more advanced weaving and hair extensions are used. This method is commonly used and preferred by women around the world because it makes it possible to have access to a certain part of their scalp and at the same time giving a natural and attractive look.

^ Ayana D. Byrd; Lori L. Tharps (30 November 2006). Hair Story: Untangling the Roots of Black Hair in America. Diane Pub Co. p. 95. ISBN 978-0-7567-6982-6. Retrieved 23 September 2011. ^ Stilsen,Jeff._Good Hair_Perf. Chris Rock. Chris Rock Entertainment, HBO Films, 2009. ^ "Error: no |title= specified when using {{cite web}}: Empty citation (help)". technique. http://honeycurls.com.

NB. Some information here has been stated in the artificial hair integrations page so I think we should just blend the two sections for example synthetic hair is described on both pages so we can use the descripition here to enhance the other page, remove it from this page and then go forth with the merge please take into consideration the notes on the page I have copied here and go forth with your editing in this sandbox!