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Interagency Ecological Program for the Sacramento-San Joaquin Estuary Newsletter ? ? 2 12 1.000

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InterAgency Journal ? ? 1 1 1.000

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Interagency Special Status / Sensitive Species Program (ISSSSP) ? ? 1 1 1.000

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Interagency Special Status Species Program FY 2014 Inventory and Conservation Planning Project ? ? 1 1 1.000

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Interagency Task Force on Commodity Markets ? ? 1 1 1.000

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Interagency Volcanic Event Notification Plan (IVENP) ? ? 1 1 1.000

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Interalia ? In•ter a•li•a ? 1 1 1.000

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Interalia Magazine ? ? 1 1 1.000

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Interalia: A Journal of Queer Studies ? ? 4 1234 1.000

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Interamerican Journal of Education for Democracy ? ? 1 1 1.000

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InterAmerican Journal of Medicine and Health ? ? 1 1 1.000

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Interamerican Journal of Psychology ? ? 2 12 1.000

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Interamerican University of Puerto Rico Law Review ? ? 1 1 1.000

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Interavia Mag Interavia (magazine) Mag 10 8 1.250

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Interavia Business & Technology ? ? 19 13 1.462

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Interavia: Review of World Aviation ? ? 1 1 1.000

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Interavia; Review of World Aviation ? ? 4 1 4.000

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InteraXXIons ? ? 1 1 1.000

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Interação ? ? 1 1 1.000

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Interações ? ? 2 12 1.000

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Interações (Campo Grande) ? ? 3 123 1.000

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INTERAÇÕES: Cultura e Comunidade ? ? 1 1 1.000

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Interbrand ? ? 1 1 1.000

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Interbuild ? ? 2 12 1.000

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Interbull Bulletin ? ? 1 1 1.000

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InterBusiness Issues ? ? 2 12 1.000

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Intercambio ? Student exchange program ? 1 1 1.000

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The Intercept Mag The Intercept Mag 3 123 1.000

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The Interceptor ? The Interceptor ? 58 57 1.018

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Interceram ? ? 1 1 1.000

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Interchange ? Interchange ? 29 20 1.450

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Interchange: A Quarterly Newsletter for and About International Cooperation with Cambodia, Cuba, Laos and Vietnam ? ? 1 1 1.000

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INTERCHI '93 Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems ? ? 1 1 1.000

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Interciencia ? ? 31 31 1.000

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Interciencia: Revista de Ciencia y Technologia de América ? ? 1 1 1.000

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Intercity Rail Passenger Systems Update ? ? 3 123 1.000

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Interciência ? ? 1 1 1.000

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The Intercoim ? ? 1 1 1.000

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The Intercollegian ? ? 1 1 1.000

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The Intercollegiate Law Journal ? ? 2 12 1.000

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Intercollegiate Menorah Association ? ? 1 1 1.000

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Intercollegiate Review J Intercollegiate Studies Institute Pub 6 6 1.000

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The Intercollegiate Review J Intercollegiate Studies Institute Pub 8 7 1.143

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The Intercollegiate Socialist ? ? 2 12 1.000

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Intercolonial Medical Congress of Australasia: Transactions of the Fifth Session, Held in Brisbane, Queensland, September 1899 ? ? 1 1 1.000

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Intercolonial Medical Journal of Australasia J Medical Journal of Australia J 2 1 2.000

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The Intercom ? Intercom (magazine) Mag 6 6 1.000

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Intercom Mag Intercom (magazine) Mag 10 10 1.000

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Intercom – Sociedade Brasileira de Estudos Interdisciplinares da Comunicação ? ? 3 123 1.000

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Intercom: Revista Brasileira de Ciências da Comunicação ? ? 4 1234 1.000

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Intercontinental Education ? ? 1 1 1.000

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Intercontinental Press Mag Intercontinental Press Mag 5 12345 1.000

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Intercourse Magazine with Photography from Leonard Jones ? ? 1 1 1.000

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Intercultural Communication ? Intercultural communication ? 1 1 1.000

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Intercultural Communication and Diplomacy ? ? 2 12 1.000

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Intercultural Communication Studies ? ? 31 25 1.240

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Intercultural Crossovers, Transcultural Flows: Manga/Comics ? ? 2 12 1.000

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Intercultural Dialogue in Bioethics ? ? 1 1 1.000

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Intercultural Education ? ? 8 8 1.000

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Intercultural Management Congress ? ? 1 1 1.000

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Intercultural Pragmatics J Intercultural Pragmatics J 7 6 1.167

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Intercultural Relations ? ? 1 1 1.000

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Intercultural Research Institute ? ? 1 1 1.000

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Intercultural Translation Intersemiotic ? ? 1 1 1.000

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Intercultural Understanding ? ? 2 12 1.000

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Interculturalism at the Crossroads: Comparative Perspectives on Concepts, Policies and Practices ? ? 1 1 1.000

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InterCulture ? ? 1 1 1.000

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Interculture ? ? 2 1 2.000

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Interculture Journal ? ? 1 1 1.000

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Interculture Journal: Online-Zeitschrift für Interkulturelle Studien ? ? 1 1 1.000

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Interd. Inf. Sci. ? ? 1 1 1.000

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Interdepartmental Thematic Scientific Collection of Plant Protection and Quarantine ? ? 1 1 1.000

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Interdiciplinary Journal of Research on Religion ? ? 1 1 1.000

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Interdiscip J Res Relig ? ? 1 1 1.000

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Interdiscip Perspect Infect Dis ISO List of Hindawi academic journals J 5 12345 1.000

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Interdiscip Sci ? ? 2 12 1.000

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Interdiscip Stud Lit Environ ? ? 1 1 1.000

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Interdiscip Toxicol. ? ? 1 1 1.000

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Interdisciplinar – Revista de Estudos em Língua e Literatura ? ? 1 1 1.000

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Interdisciplinaria Archaeologica ? ? 5 12345 1.000

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Interdisciplinaria Archaeologica - Natural Sciences in Archaeology ? ? 4 1234 1.000

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Interdisciplinaria Archaeologica Natural Sciences in Archaeology ? ? 2 1 2.000

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Interdisciplinary ? Interdisciplinarity ? 1 1 1.000

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Interdisciplinary Approaches to Gender, Sexuality and Power ? ? 1 1 1.000

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Interdisciplinary CardioVascular and Thoracic Surgery ? ? 1 1 1.000

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Interdisciplinary Center ? Reichman University Pub 3 123 1.000

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Interdisciplinary Comics Studies ? ? 2 12 1.000

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Interdisciplinary Conference of Management Researchers ? ? 1 1 1.000

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Interdisciplinary Description of Complex Systems J Interdisciplinary Description of Complex Systems J 7 7 1.000

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Interdisciplinary Egyptology ? ? 1 1 1.000

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Interdisciplinary Environmental Review ? ? 4 1234 1.000

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Interdisciplinary Humanities ? Laurentian University Pub 4 1234 1.000

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Interdisciplinary Information Sciences ? ? 5 12345 1.000

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Interdisciplinary Journal for Germanic Linguistics and Semiotic Analysis ? ? 1 1 1.000

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Interdisciplinary Journal for Religion and Transformation in Contemporary Society ? ? 6 6 1.000

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Interdisciplinary Journal of African & Asian Studies ? ? 1 1 1.000

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Interdisciplinary Journal of African and Asian Studies ? ? 1 1 1.000

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Interdisciplinary Journal of Contemporary Research in Business ? ? 7 7 1.000

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Interdisciplinary Journal of e-Learning and Learning Objects ? ? 3 12 1.500

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Interdisciplinary Journal of Information ? ? 1 1 1.000

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Interdisciplinary Journal of Information, Knowledge, and Management ? ? 4 1234 1.000

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The Interdisciplinary Journal of International Studies ? ? 2 12 1.000

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Interdisciplinary Journal of Linguistics ? ? 1 1 1.000

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Interdisciplinary Journal of Management and Social Sciences. ? ? 1 1 1.000

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Interdisciplinary Journal of Middle Eastern Studies ? ? 1 1 1.000

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The Interdisciplinary Journal of NTT Development Studies ? ? 1 1 1.000

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Interdisciplinary Journal of Partnership Studies ? ? 7 7 1.000

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InterDISCIPLINARY Journal of Portuguese Diaspora Studies ? ? 2 12 1.000

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Interdisciplinary Journal of Problem-Based Learning ? ? 5 123 1.667

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Interdisciplinary Journal of Research in Business ? ? 1 1 1.000

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Interdisciplinary Journal of Research on Religion ? ? 58 53 1.094

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Interdisciplinary Journal of Theory of Postpedagogical Studies ? ? 1 1 1.000

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Interdisciplinary Journal Papier Human Review ? ? 1 1 1.000

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Interdisciplinary Literary Studies ? ? 26 25 1.040

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Interdisciplinary Medicine ? ? 1 1 1.000

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Interdisciplinary Middle Eastern Studies ? ? 2 12 1.000

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Interdisciplinary Neurosurgery ? ? 9 8 1.125

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Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Infectious Diseases J List of Hindawi academic journals J 17 17 1.000

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Interdisciplinary Perspectives on the Origins of the Japanese ? ? 1 1 1.000

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Interdisciplinary Political Studies ? ? 2 1 2.000

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Interdisciplinary Science Reviews ? ? 80 72 1.111

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Interdisciplinary Sciences, Computational Life Sciences ? ? 4 1234 1.000

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Interdisciplinary Sciences: Computational Life Sciences ? ? 9 6 1.500

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Interdisciplinary Studies ? Interdisciplinarity ? 2 12 1.000

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Interdisciplinary Studies in Literature and Environment ? Association for the Study of Literature and Environment Pub 49 44 1.114

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Interdisciplinary Studies in Musicology ? ? 4 1234 1.000

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Interdisciplinary Studies in the Humanities ? ? 2 1 2.000

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Interdisciplinary Studies in the Long Nineteenth Century ? ? 8 6 1.333

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Interdisciplinary Studies on Ancient Stone ASMOSIA X Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference of ASMOSIA Association for the Study of Marble & Other Stones in Antiquity Rome, 21–26 May 2012 ? ? 1 1 1.000

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Interdisciplinary Studies on Information Structure ? ? 1 1 1.000

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Interdisciplinary Themes Journal ? ? 1 1 1.000

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Interdisciplinary Topics in Race, Gender, and Class ? ? 1 1 1.000

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Interdisciplinary Toxicology ? ? 24 23 1.043

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Interdisziplinäre Zeitschrift für Südasienforschung ? ? 4 1234 1.000

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Interdisziplinäres Zentrum für Mittelalter und Frühneuzeit ? ? 1 1 1.000

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Intereconomics J Intereconomics J 51 47 1.085

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INTERECONOMICS Review of European Economic Policy. ? ? 1 1 1.000

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Intereconomics – Review of European Economic Policy ? ? 1 1 1.000

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Intereconomics, Review of European Economic Policy ? ? 1 1 1.000

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Intereconomía ? ? 1 1 1.000

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Interest Groups & Advocacy ? ? 2 12 1.000

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InterEULawEast: Journal for the International and European Law, Economics and Market Integrations ? ? 2 12 1.000

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Interface J Interface (journal) J 30 29 1.034

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Interface - Comunicação, Saúde, Educação ? ? 1 1 1.000

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Interface - the Journal of Wheel/Rail Interaction ? ? 1 1 1.000

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Interface Age Mag Interface Age Mag 41 27 1.519

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The Interface Between Science and Conservation (British Museum Occasional Paper No. 116) ? ? 1 1 1.000

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Interface Focus J Interface Focus J 73 65 1.123

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Interface Journal of European Languages and Literatures ? ? 1 1 1.000

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Interface Magazine Mag Interface (journal) J 9 9 1.000

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Interface on the Internet ? ? 3 123 1.000

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Interface Science and Technology ? ? 3 123 1.000

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Interface Specification ? ? 1 1 1.000

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Interface, the Journal of Wheel/Rail Interaction ? ? 1 1 1.000

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INTERFACE. Journal of Applied Linguistics ? ? 1 1 1.000

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Interface: A Journal for and About Social Movements J Interface: A Journal for and About Social Movements J 23 20 1.150

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Interface: The Journal of Education, Community and Values ? ? 1 1 1.000

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Interface: The Journal of Wheel/Rail Interaction ? ? 3 12 1.500

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Interfaces J INFORMS Journal on Applied Analytics J 83 73 1.137

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Interfaces and Free Boundaries ? ? 3 123 1.000

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Interfaces Científicas - Saúde e Ambiente ? ? 1 1 1.000

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Interfaces Científicas-Saúde e Ambiente ? ? 3 123 1.000

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Interfaces in Computing ? ? 1 1 1.000

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Interfaces in Language ? ? 1 1 1.000

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Interfaces – Bibliothèque Diderot de Lyon ? ? 1 1 1.000

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Interfaces. Image Texte Language ? ? 3 123 1.000

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Interfaces. Image-Texte-Langage ? ? 1 1 1.000

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Interfaces/INFORMS Journal on Applied Analytics ? ? 6 1 6.000

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Interfaces: A Journal of Medieval European Literatures ? ? 1 1 1.000

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Interfaces: Women, Autobiography, Image, Performance ? ? 3 12 1.500

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Interfacial Phenomena and Heat Transfer ? ? 1 1 1.000

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Interfaith Marriage in Islam: An Examination of the Legal Theory Behind the Traditional and Reformist Positions ? ? 1 1 1.000

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The Interfaith Observer ? ? 1 1 1.000

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Interfaith Relationships and Perceptions of the Other in the Medieval Mediterranean ? ? 1 1 1.000

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InterfaithFamily ? 18Doors Mag 2 12 1.000

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Interference and Inhibition in Cognition ? ? 1 1 1.000

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Interference: A Journal of Audio Culture ? ? 1 1 1.000

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Interferenzen ? ? 2 12 1.000

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The Interferometric View on Hot Stars ? ? 1 1 1.000

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The Interferometric View on Hot Stars (Eds. Th. Rivinius & M. Curé) Revista Mexicana de Astronomía y Astrofísica, Serie de Conferencias ? ? 2 12 1.000

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Interfictions 2 ? ? 1 1 1.000

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Interflow ? Interflow ? 1 1 1.000

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Intergenerational Justice Review ? ? 2 12 1.000

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Intergenerational Valuations of the American Frontier. ? ? 1 1 1.000

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The Intergovernmental Academy of Somali Language ? ? 2 12 1.000

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Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Pub Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Pub 1 1 1.000

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Interhacktives ? ? 1 1 1.000

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Interia.pl ? Interia Web 1 1 1.000

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Interieur 98 ? ? 1 1 1.000

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Interights Bulletin ? ? 1 1 1.000

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Interim ? Interim ? 2 12 1.000

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Interim Estimates Under Executive Order 13990 ? ? 1 1 1.000

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Interim Guinea Current Commission Newsletter ? ? 1 1 1.000

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Interim News ? ? 2 12 1.000

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Interim Report to the National Endowment for the Humanities, Anthropological Monograph No. 1 ? ? 3 1 3.000

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Interinstitutional Program of Postgraduate Studies in Palaeontology-Geobiology. School of Geology, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki ? ? 1 1 1.000

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Interior ? Interior ? 1 1 1.000

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The Interior ? British Columbia Interior ? 4 1234 1.000

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Interior Construction ? ? 1 1 1.000

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Interior Decorator ? Interior design ? 1 1 1.000

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Interior Design Mag Interior Design (magazine) Mag 83 63 1.317

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Interior Design Magazine Mag Interior Design (magazine) Mag 4 123 1.333

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Interior Designer ? Interior design ? 1 1 1.000

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Interior Details ? ? 1 1 1.000

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Interiors ? Interiors ? 33 31 1.065

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Interiors & Sources ? ? 1 1 1.000

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Interiors Magazine ? ? 4 1234 1.000

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Interiors: Design, Architecture, Culture ? ? 2 12 1.000

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Interkom ? ? 1 1 1.000

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Interlanguage Studies Bulletin ? ? 2 12 1.000

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Interlending & Document Supply ? ? 14 9 1.556

Wikipedia (J·M·T)
Google (J·M·T)

Interlinguistica Tartuensis ? ? 3 1 3.000

Wikipedia (J·M·T)
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Interlinguistische Informationen ? ? 2 12 1.000

Wikipedia (J·M·T)
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Interlingvistikaj Kajeroj ? ? 1 1 1.000

Wikipedia (J·M·T)
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Interlingüística ? ? 2 12 1.000

Wikipedia (J·M·T)
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Interlitteraria J Interlitteraria J 7 7 1.000

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Interlock Design ? ? 1 1 1.000

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The Interlocutor
Note: Interlocutor exists! Create redirect!
? ? 2 12 1.000

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Interlocutor Magazine ? ? 1 1 1.000

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Interlogue: Studies in Singapore Literature ? ? 1 1 1.000

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Interlude ? Interlude ? 3 123 1.000

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Interlúdio – Revista do Departamento de Educação Musical do Colégio Pedro Ii ? ? 1 1 1.000

Wikipedia (J·M·T)
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Intermarium ? Intermarium ? 3 123 1.000

Wikipedia (J·M·T)
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Intermed. Math. ? ? 3 1 3.000

Wikipedia (J·M·T)
Google (J·M·T)

Intermediair Mag Intermediair Mag 2 12 1.000

Wikipedia (J·M·T)
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L'Intermediaire de Genealogiste ? ? 1 1 1.000

Wikipedia (J·M·T)
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Intermediality: History and Theory of the Arts, Literature and Technologies ? ? 1 1 1.000

Wikipedia (J·M·T)
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The Intermediate Worlds of Angels: Islamic Representations of Celestial Beings in Transcultural Contexts ? ? 1 1 1.000

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Intermetallics ? Intermetallic ? 37 23 1.609

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Intermetatarsal Osteodesis: A Fresh Approach to Hallux Valgus. ? ? 1 1 1.000

Wikipedia (J·M·T)
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Intermezzo ? Intermezzo ? 1 1 1.000

Wikipedia (J·M·T)
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The Intermezzo
Note: Intermezzo exists! Create redirect!
? ? 1 1 1.000

Wikipedia (J·M·T)
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Intermission ? Intermission ? 7 7 1.000

Wikipedia (J·M·T)
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Intermissions ? Intermission ? 1 1 1.000

Wikipedia (J·M·T)
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Intermontanus ? ? 1 1 1.000

Wikipedia (J·M·T)
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Intermountain Catholic ? ? 1 1 1.000

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Intermountain Contractor ? ? 1 1 1.000

Wikipedia (J·M·T)
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Intermountain Forest and Range Experiment Station ? ? 1 1 1.000

Wikipedia (J·M·T)
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Intermountain Journal of Science ? ? 1 1 1.000

Wikipedia (J·M·T)
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Intermountain Journal of Sciences ? ? 1 1 1.000

Wikipedia (J·M·T)
Google (J·M·T)

Intermountain West Journal of Religious Studies ? ? 8 8 1.000

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The Intermountain West Journal of Religious Studies ? ? 2 12 1.000

Wikipedia (J·M·T)
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L'Intermédiaire des Chercheurs et Curieux ? L'Intermédiaire des chercheurs et curieux Mag 3 12 1.500

Wikipedia (J·M·T)
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L'Intermédiaire des chercheurs et curieux Mag L'Intermédiaire des chercheurs et curieux Mag 1 1 1.000

Wikipedia (J·M·T)
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L'intermédiaire des chercheurs et curieux ? L'Intermédiaire des chercheurs et curieux Mag 2 12 1.000

Wikipedia (J·M·T)
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L'Intermédiaire des chercheurs et des curieux ? L'Intermédiaire des chercheurs et curieux Mag 1 1 1.000

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L'Intermédiaire des Mathématiciens ? L'Intermédiaire des mathématiciens J 12 9 1.333

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L'Intermédiaire des mathématiciens J L'Intermédiaire des mathématiciens J 2 12 1.000

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Intern Emerg Med ? ? 5 12345 1.000

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Intern J Appl Res Vet Med ? ? 4 1234 1.000

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