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Draft:Omar soffan

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On a cold cloudy day of March 16th, 2024. father and son (Omar and Kaya Soffan) were traveling through a small town in Hubbardston, Ma down a long winding desolate road on their way to deliver a piano to a church in Vermont when they were traveling behind a school bus of elementary school students. The bus began to slow and pull over to the side of the road. The bus driver was unaware that she pulled too far over and the bus started sliding at a 45 degree angle teetering and almost flipping over. The bus wheels on the Road were in the air as the bus was slowly teetering to turning over. Omar Soffan and his son Kaya immediately jumped out of their truck as they heard the children screaming and crying for help as many kids slid to the side of the bus that was tilting downwards which at any shift of too much weight could have eventually caused the bus to tip over. Checking the bus driver first while leaving his son to watch the children, Mr. Soffan ran up to ensure the driver was ok. As Mr. Soffan ran back to the rear of the bus, children were screaming and crying, begging Mr. Soffan and his son to help them. Mr. Soffan then opened the rear bus door hatch, climbed up and reassured the children they were going to be fine and there was nothing to be nervous about. Mr. Soffan told the children to move to the side of the bus (that was not tilting) and to form a line, and at his mark, start slowly walking towards him. mr. Soffan then proceeded to have the children exit the rear of the bus slowly as they jumped into his arms and off the bus as his son Kaya then guided the children to the shoulder of the road away from the bus. No other cars were on the scene until approximately 10 minutes after the bus was emptied and there was no cell service in the area for rescuers to be contacted. As the children were brought off the bus, a motorist passed by later and Mr. Soffan asked them to get service and call the police and fire. Mr. Soffan and his son also brought out moving blankets from their trailer to cover some of the children as all their coats and backpacks were still on the bus. After this heroic event, Mr. Soffan and his son continued about delivering their piano to the church in Vermont as if it were just another day. Him and his son rescued 28 children and 2 adults from that school bus that day. They have since been revered as hero’s and were just grateful they were present to help. This story was featured on countless news stations and publications. Mr. Soffan resides in Paxton, Ma with his 3 beautiful children, Maya, Kaya and Nayla Soffan. He commented that he didn’t do anything special, anybody would have done the same thing in that situation. True heroes.