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Cosmological application: using a source added "9 + 1" (with associated adaption of existing text) which is a correction, change, to "is used...dimension 3 + 1" (of 20:59, 14 May 2008‎ "+1,040‎ cosmology" is id=212442406 - id=944758203 19:16, 9 March 2020; 1 minor correction ("-e"); user took liberties sans source to make the hyperlink spacetime:"spacetime" describe the changed description "space-time", to, "9 + 1" - "3 + 1"; correction: added 2 "access" to 9,10=10,11
Cosmological application: added "1915", re-wording
Line 150: Line 150:

== Cosmological application ==
== Cosmological application ==
Accepting firstly that the Friedmann-Lemaître models pertain to a universe which is flat, as a conditional necessity, <ref name=β202039/> the description resulting is essentially similar in two aspects;<ref name=β202039/> homogenity <ref name=β202039>{{cite web |last1=Koivisto |first1=Tomi |last2=Mota |first2=David F.|title=Anisotropic Dark Energy: Dynamics of Background and Perturbations |url=http://www.arxiv-vanity.com/papers/0801.3676/ |website=www.arxiv-vanity.com |publisher=[[Institute for Theoretical Physics]], [[University of Heidelberg]], 69120 [[Heidelberg]],Germany}} "There is a remarkable amount of observational evidence that the large-scale structure of the Universe resembles nearly the simplest and most symmetric imaginable system. Hence, it is well approximated by the flat geometry version of the Friedmann-Lemaître models which are both homogeneous and isotropic...." - access made 2020-03-09</ref><ref name=α202039/> and isotropism. <ref name=β202039/><ref name=α202039/> The Bianchi models pertain as solutions only to a universe where homogenity is true, not accepting an isotropic nature <ref name=α202039/> (that is, an anistropic universe <ref name=δ202039>{{cite web |last1=King |first1=Emma J |last2=Coles |first2=Peter|title=Dynamics of a magnetized Bianchi I universe with vacuum energy |url=https://www.arxiv-vanity.com/papers/astro-ph/0612168/ |website=www.[[arxiv]]-vanity.com |publisher=Centre for Astronomy & Particle Theory, School of Physics & Astronomy, [[University of Nottingham]]}} - accessed March 2020, re-accessed 2020-03-09</ref>); there-by the models solve equational problems created by a [[General Relativity]]. <ref name=α202039>{{cite book |last1=Ridpath |first1=Ian |title=A Dictionary of Astronomy |date=2012 |publisher=[[Oxford University Press]] (2016, online) |location=https://www.oxfordreference.com/ |isbn=9780191739439 |edition=2nd revised |url=https://www.oxfordreference.com/view/10.1093/oi/authority.20110803095504459}} re-accessed 2020-03-09</ref> So, [[cosmological models]] classified Bianchi are thus sub-classifications of spatially-homogeneous <ref name=μύωπός>{{cite web |last1=Apostolopoulos |first1=Pantelis S |title=Self-similar Bianchi models I: Class A models |url=https://arxiv.org/pdf/gr-qc/0306119.pdf |website=Section of Astrophysics-Astronomy-Mechanics , [[University of Athens]] |publisher=published by arxiv.org October 30, 2018}} accessed - 2020-03-07</ref> cosmological models, <ref>{{cite journal |last1=Santos |first1=N. O. ||last2=Banerjee|first2= A.K |title=Spatially homogeneous cosmological models |journal=General Relativity and Gravitation |date=March 1984 |volume=16 |issue=3 |page=217–224 |doi=10.1007/BF00762537 |url=https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/BF00762537}} accessed - 2020-03-07</ref> applicable to universes described by the [[Friedmann equations|Friedmann-Lemaître]] <ref name=μύωπός/> equations <ref>{{cite book |last1=Harrison |first1=Edward |title=Cosmology: The Science of the Universe |date=16 March 2000 |publisher=[[Cambridge University Press]] (2000; reprint, revised) |location=[[Google Books]] |isbn=052166148X |pages=363 |url=https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=kNxeHD2cbLYC&pg=PA363&dq=Friedmann-Lema%C3%AEtre&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwihgvrK94joAhW1QkEAHVoODLcQ6AEINzAC#v=onepage&q=Friedmann-Lema%C3%AEtre&f=false}} accessed - 2020-03-07</ref> Accepting an actually unrealistic anisotropic universe with homogenity, <ref name=δ202039/> as dual preconditional states, is necessary for the purpose of modelling. <ref name=γ202039>{{cite web |last1=Koivisto |first1=Tomi |last2=Mota |first2=David F.|title=Anisotropic Dark Energy: Dynamics of Background and Perturbations (Section 5 Inhomogeneous Cosmology) |url=http://www.arxiv-vanity.com/papers/0801.3676/#S5 |website=www.arxiv-vanity.com |publisher=[[Institute for Theoretical Physics]], [[University of Heidelberg]], 69120 [[Heidelberg]],Germany}} accessed - 2020-03-07</ref>
[[Cosmology]] the concept results from the unification in thought of, theory by [[cosmological model|cosmological modelling]], to datum and knowledge from astronomical and astrophysical observation. <ref name=α2020310>{{cite book |last1=Cotsakis |first1=Spiros |first2=Peter G.L |last2=Leach|title=Cosmological Crossroads: An Advanced Course in Mathematical, Physical and String Cosmology |date=2008 |publisher=Springer, 11 January 2008 |isbn=3540480250 |page=[https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=enhrCQAAQBAJ&pg=PA7&lpg=PA7&dq=descriptions+of+the+Bianchi+GR+models&source=bl&ots=RxAVKHWuYm&sig=ACfU3U1nYD0vDHGFtES4OTlUx-41DVpY6A&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiew9Szj5DoAhVNilwKHaznBTgQ6AEwDnoECAkQAQ#v=onepage&q=descriptions%20of%20the%20Bianchi%20GR%20models&f=false 7 - Is Nature Generic?] |url=https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=enhrCQAAQBAJ&printsec=frontcover#v=onepage&q&f=false}} ISBN 9783540480259 (Spiros Cotsakis, Eleftherios Papantonopoulos - editors) Volume 592 of Lecture Notes in Physics - accessed 2020-03-10 (sourced using [https://www.google.com/search?ei=fqRnXp6eDcz9gAaC2qv4Dg&q=descriptions+of+the+Bianchi+GR+models&oq=descriptions+of+the+Bianchi+GR+models&gs_l=psy-ab.3...10764.11531..11730...0.2.. "descriptions of the Bianchi GR models"]) - accessed 2020-03-10 </ref> Bianchi models describe a [[Universe]] [[reality]] of space and time,<ref>{{cite web |last1=Béguin |first1=François |title=Dynamics of Bianchi spacetimes |url=http://www.ihes.fr/~vanhove/Slides/beguin-IHES-fevrier2012.pdf |date=9 February 2012| website=www.ihes.fr/~vanhove |publisher=[[Universite Paris-Sud]] 11 & ENS}}</ref> (''Bianchi spacetimes'') <ref name=β2020310>{{cite book |last1=Anderson |first1=Lars |title=The Global Existence problem in General Relativity, in, The Einstein Equations and the Large Scale Behavior of Gravitational Fields: 50 Years of the Cauchy Problem in General Relativity (Piotr T. Chrusciel, Helmut Friedrich; editors) |date=2012 |publisher=[[Birkhäuser]] 6 December 2012 |location=[[Google Books]] |isbn=3034879539 |page=84, 85 |url=https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=CjMDCAAAQBAJ&pg=PA85&dq=Bianchi+classifications&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjzjrCrvJDoAhVJQkEAHarUB3EQ6AEIPDAC#v=onepage&q=Bianchi%20classifications&f=false}}</ref> resulting from [[spacetime]], (''Einsteinian'', Einstein spacetime) because of the [[General Relativity|General Theory]] of [[Theory of relativity|Relativity]] described with theoretically problematic [[Field equations]] (after [[Albert Einstein|Einstein]] 1915), allowed for the first time the production of cosmic models to describe the existing Universe<ref>{{cite book |last1=Longair |first1=Malcolm S. |title=Galaxy Formation |date=14 March 2013 |publisher=Springer Science & Business Media (2013) |isbn=3662035715 |page=9 |url=https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=aifrCAAAQBAJ&pg=PA9&dq=1922+that+Friedmann+discovered+a+solution+to+the+Einstein+field+equations&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwip7Y_KqYnoAhUIesAKHbMoDHsQ6AEIKzAA#v=onepage&q=1922%20that%20Friedmann%20discovered%20a%20solution%20to%20the%20Einstein%20field%20equations&f=false}} accessed - 2020-03-07</ref> The Bianchi group of models propose solutions to the problems caused by the field equations, <ref>{{cite journal |last1=Ellis |first1=GFR |last2=Macallum |first2=MAH |title=A Class of Homogeneous Cosmologieal Models |journal=projecteuclid.org ([[Project Euclid]]) |date=November 11, 1968 |volume=12 |issue=108—141 |url=https://projecteuclid.org/download/pdf_1/euclid.cmp/1103841345|page=pp.108, 109, 110 (pp.1, 2, 3)|publisher=Commun. math. Phys.}} (Taub, A. H.: Ann. Math. '''53''', 472 (1951) - accessed 2020-03-10</ref> accepting firstly a reality of the Friedmann-Lemaître models of a universe which is flat<ref name=β202039/> and essentially similar in two aspects;<ref name=β202039/> homogenity <ref name=β202039>{{cite web |last1=Koivisto |first1=Tomi |last2=Mota |first2=David F.|title=Anisotropic Dark Energy: Dynamics of Background and Perturbations |url=http://www.arxiv-vanity.com/papers/0801.3676/ |website=www.arxiv-vanity.com |publisher=[[Institute for Theoretical Physics]], [[University of Heidelberg]], 69120 [[Heidelberg]],Germany}} "There is a remarkable amount of observational evidence that the large-scale structure of the Universe resembles nearly the simplest and most symmetric imaginable system. Hence, it is well approximated by the flat geometry version of the Friedmann-Lemaître models which are both homogeneous and isotropic...." - access made 2020-03-09</ref><ref name=α202039/> and isotropism, <ref name=β202039/><ref name=α202039/> which is the Bianchi models pertain as solutions <ref name=α202039>{{cite book |last1=Ridpath |first1=Ian |title=A Dictionary of Astronomy |date=2012 |publisher=[[Oxford University Press]] (2016, online) |location=https://www.oxfordreference.com/ |isbn=9780191739439 |edition=2nd revised |url=https://www.oxfordreference.com/view/10.1093/oi/authority.20110803095504459}} re-accessed 2020-03-09</ref> only to a universe where homogenity is true, not accepting an isotropic nature <ref name=α202039/> (that is, an anistropic universe <ref name=δ202039>{{cite web |last1=King |first1=Emma J |last2=Coles |first2=Peter|title=Dynamics of a magnetized Bianchi I universe with vacuum energy |url=https://www.arxiv-vanity.com/papers/astro-ph/0612168/ |website=www.[[arxiv]]-vanity.com |publisher=Centre for Astronomy & Particle Theory, School of Physics & Astronomy, [[University of Nottingham]]}} - accessed March 2020, re-accessed 2020-03-09</ref>). Bianchi belong to a sub-classifications of spatially-homogeneous <ref name=μύωπός>{{cite web |last1=Apostolopoulos |first1=Pantelis S |title=Self-similar Bianchi models I: Class A models |url=https://arxiv.org/pdf/gr-qc/0306119.pdf |website=Section of Astrophysics-Astronomy-Mechanics , [[University of Athens]] |publisher=published by arxiv.org October 30, 2018}} accessed - 2020-03-07</ref> cosmological models, <ref>{{cite journal |last1=Santos |first1=N. O. ||last2=Banerjee|first2= A.K |title=Spatially homogeneous cosmological models |journal=General Relativity and Gravitation |date=March 1984 |volume=16 |issue=3 |page=217–224 |doi=10.1007/BF00762537 |url=https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/BF00762537}} accessed - 2020-03-07</ref> applicable to universes described by the [[Friedmann equations|Friedmann-Lemaître]] <ref name=μύωπός/> equations <ref>{{cite book |last1=Harrison |first1=Edward |title=Cosmology: The Science of the Universe |date=16 March 2000 |publisher=[[Cambridge University Press]] (2000; reprint, revised) |location=[[Google Books]] |isbn=052166148X |pages=363 |url=https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=kNxeHD2cbLYC&pg=PA363&dq=Friedmann-Lema%C3%AEtre&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwihgvrK94joAhW1QkEAHVoODLcQ6AEINzAC#v=onepage&q=Friedmann-Lema%C3%AEtre&f=false}} accessed - 2020-03-07</ref> Accepting an actually unrealistic anisotropic universe with homogenity, <ref name=δ202039/> as dual preconditional states, is necessary for the purpose of particular problematic situations of reality, not to the wholly real cosmological reality. <ref name=γ202039>{{cite web |last1=Koivisto |first1=Tomi |last2=Mota |first2=David F.|title=Anisotropic Dark Energy: Dynamics of Background and Perturbations (Section 5 Inhomogeneous Cosmology) |url=http://www.arxiv-vanity.com/papers/0801.3676/#S5 |website=www.arxiv-vanity.com |publisher=[[Institute for Theoretical Physics]], [[University of Heidelberg]], 69120 [[Heidelberg]],Germany}} accessed - 2020-03-07</ref>

A model Bianchi I, which accepts the necessary descriptions of conditions of nature, emptiness, and [[axisymmetry]], known as the Kasner universe, <ref>[[Edward Kasner|E. Kasner]]. [https://www.jstor.org/stable/2370192?origin=crossref&seq=4#metadata_info_tab_contents Geometrical theorems on Einstein’s cosmological equations]. Am. J. Math, 43:217–221, 1921. - accessed 2020-03-09, in, {{cite web |last1=King |first1=Emma J |last2=Coles |first2=Peter|title=Dynamics of a magnetized Bianchi I universe with vacuum energy |url=https://www.arxiv-vanity.com/papers/astro-ph/0612168/ |website=www.[[arxiv]]-vanity.com |publisher=Centre for Astronomy & Particle Theory, School of Physics & Astronomy, [[University of Nottingham]]}} - accessed March 2020, re-accesseed 2020-03-09</ref> was one of the earliest solutional responses produced, and one of the most important exact solutions to GR and GR with subsequent theoretically necessary modification. <ref>{{cite journal |last1=Skugoreva |first1=Maria A. |first2= Alexey V. |last2=Toporensky |title=On Kasner solution in Bianchi I f(T) cosmology |journal=[[European Physical Journal|The European Physical Journal C]] 12 May 2018 |date=6 February 2018 |volume=78 |issue=377 (2018) |doi=10.1140/epjc/s10052-018-5857-2 |url=https://link.springer.com/article/10.1140/epjc/s10052-018-5857-2}} - access 2020-03-09</ref><ref>[[Edward Kasner|E. Kasner]]. [https://www.jstor.org/stable/2370192?origin=crossref&seq=4#metadata_info_tab_contents Geometrical theorems on Einstein’s cosmological equations]. Am. J. Math, 43:217–221, 1921. - {{cite journal |last1=Skugoreva |first1=Maria A. |first2= Alexey V. |last2=Toporensky |title=On Kasner solution in Bianchi I f(T) cosmology |journal=[[European Physical Journal|The European Physical Journal C]] 12 May 2018 |date=6 February 2018 |volume=78 |issue=377 (2018) |doi=10.1140/epjc/s10052-018-5857-2 |url=https://link.springer.com/article/10.1140/epjc/s10052-018-5857-2}} - access 2020-03-09</ref>
A model Bianchi I, which accepts the necessary descriptions of conditions of nature, emptiness, and [[axisymmetry]], known as the Kasner universe, <ref>[[Edward Kasner|E. Kasner]]. [https://www.jstor.org/stable/2370192?origin=crossref&seq=4#metadata_info_tab_contents Geometrical theorems on Einstein’s cosmological equations]. Am. J. Math, 43:217–221, 1921. - accessed 2020-03-09, in, {{cite web |last1=King |first1=Emma J |last2=Coles |first2=Peter|title=Dynamics of a magnetized Bianchi I universe with vacuum energy |url=https://www.arxiv-vanity.com/papers/astro-ph/0612168/ |website=www.[[arxiv]]-vanity.com |publisher=Centre for Astronomy & Particle Theory, School of Physics & Astronomy, [[University of Nottingham]]}} - accessed March 2020, re-accesseed 2020-03-09</ref> was one of the earliest solutional responses produced, and one of the most important exact solutions to GR and GR with subsequent theoretically necessary modification. <ref>{{cite journal |last1=Skugoreva |first1=Maria A. |first2= Alexey V. |last2=Toporensky |title=On Kasner solution in Bianchi I f(T) cosmology |journal=[[European Physical Journal|The European Physical Journal C]] 12 May 2018 |date=6 February 2018 |volume=78 |issue=377 (2018) |doi=10.1140/epjc/s10052-018-5857-2 |url=https://link.springer.com/article/10.1140/epjc/s10052-018-5857-2}} - access 2020-03-09</ref><ref>[[Edward Kasner|E. Kasner]]. [https://www.jstor.org/stable/2370192?origin=crossref&seq=4#metadata_info_tab_contents Geometrical theorems on Einstein’s cosmological equations]. Am. J. Math, 43:217–221, 1921. - {{cite journal |last1=Skugoreva |first1=Maria A. |first2= Alexey V. |last2=Toporensky |title=On Kasner solution in Bianchi I f(T) cosmology |journal=[[European Physical Journal|The European Physical Journal C]] 12 May 2018 |date=6 February 2018 |volume=78 |issue=377 (2018) |doi=10.1140/epjc/s10052-018-5857-2 |url=https://link.springer.com/article/10.1140/epjc/s10052-018-5857-2}} - access 2020-03-09</ref>

Revision as of 19:47, 10 March 2020

In mathematics, the Bianchi classification provides a list of all real 3-dimensional Lie algebras (up to isomorphism). The classification contains 11 classes, 9 of which contain a single Lie algebra and two of which contain a continuum-sized family of Lie algebras. (Sometimes two of the groups are included in the infinite families, giving 9 instead of 11 classes.) The classification is important in geometry and physics, because the associated Lie groups serve as symmetry groups of 3-dimensional Riemannian manifolds. It is named for Luigi Bianchi, who worked it out in 1898.

The term "Bianchi classification" is also used for similar classifications in other dimensions and for classifications of complex Lie algebras.

Classification in dimension less than 3

Classification in dimension 3

All the 3-dimensional Lie algebras other than types VIII and IX can be constructed as a semidirect product of R2 and R, with R acting on R2 by some 2 by 2 matrix M. The different types correspond to different types of matrices M, as described below.

  • Type I: This is the abelian and unimodular Lie algebra R3. The simply connected group has center R3 and outer automorphism group GL3(R). This is the case when M is 0.
  • Type II: The Heisenberg algebra, which is nilpotent and unimodular. The simply connected group has center R and outer automorphism group GL2(R). This is the case when M is nilpotent but not 0 (eigenvalues all 0).
  • Type III: This algebra is a product of R and the 2-dimensional non-abelian Lie algebra. (It is a limiting case of type VI, where one eigenvalue becomes zero.) It is solvable and not unimodular. The simply connected group has center R and outer automorphism group the group of non-zero real numbers. The matrix M has one zero and one non-zero eigenvalue.
  • Type IV: The algebra generated by [y,z] = 0, [x,y] = y, [x, z] = y + z. It is solvable and not unimodular. The simply connected group has trivial center and outer automorphism group the product of the reals and a group of order 2. The matrix M has two equal non-zero eigenvalues, but is not diagonalizable.
  • Type V: [y,z] = 0, [x,y] = y, [x, z] = z. Solvable and not unimodular. (A limiting case of type VI where both eigenvalues are equal.) The simply connected group has trivial center and outer automorphism group the elements of GL2(R) of determinant +1 or −1. The matrix M has two equal eigenvalues, and is diagonalizable.
  • Type VI: An infinite family: semidirect products of R2 by R, where the matrix M has non-zero distinct real eigenvalues with non-zero sum. The algebras are solvable and not unimodular. The simply connected group has trivial center and outer automorphism group a product of the non-zero real numbers and a group of order 2.
  • Type VI0: This Lie algebra is the semidirect product of R2 by R, with R where the matrix M has non-zero distinct real eigenvalues with zero sum. It is solvable and unimodular. It is the Lie algebra of the 2-dimensional Poincaré group, the group of isometries of 2-dimensional Minkowski space. The simply connected group has trivial center and outer automorphism group the product of the positive real numbers with the dihedral group of order 8.
  • Type VII: An infinite family: semidirect products of R2 by R, where the matrix M has non-real and non-imaginary eigenvalues. Solvable and not unimodular. The simply connected group has trivial center and outer automorphism group the non-zero reals.
  • Type VII0: Semidirect product of R2 by R, where the matrix M has non-zero imaginary eigenvalues. Solvable and unimodular. This is the Lie algebra of the group of isometries of the plane. The simply connected group has center Z and outer automorphism group a product of the non-zero real numbers and a group of order 2.
  • Type VIII: The Lie algebra sl2(R) of traceless 2 by 2 matrices, associated to the group SL2(R). It is simple and unimodular. The simply connected group is not a matrix group; it is denoted by , has center Z and its outer automorphism group has order 2.
  • Type IX: The Lie algebra of the orthogonal group O3(R). It is denoted by 𝖘𝖔(3) and is simple and unimodular. The corresponding simply connected group is SU(2); it has center of order 2 and trivial outer automorphism group, and is a spin group.

The classification of 3-dimensional complex Lie algebras is similar except that types VIII and IX become isomorphic, and types VI and VII both become part of a single family of Lie algebras.

The connected 3-dimensional Lie groups can be classified as follows: they are a quotient of the corresponding simply connected Lie group by a discrete subgroup of the center, so can be read off from the table above.

The groups are related to the 8 geometries of Thurston's geometrization conjecture. More precisely, seven of the 8 geometries can be realized as a left-invariant metric on the simply connected group (sometimes in more than one way). The Thurston geometry of type S2×R cannot be realized in this way.

Structure constants

Figure 1. The parameter space as a 3-plane (class A) and an orthogonal half 3-plane (class B) in R4 with coordinates (n(1), n(2), n(3), a), showing the canonical representatives of each Bianchi type.

The three-dimensional Bianchi spaces each admit a set of three Killing vector fields which obey the following property:

where , the "structure constants" of the group, form a constant order-three tensor antisymmetric in its lower two indices. For any three-dimensional Bianchi space, is given by the relationship

where is the Levi-Civita symbol, is the Kronecker delta, and the vector and diagonal tensor are described by the following table, where gives the ith eigenvalue of ;[1] the parameter a runs over all positive real numbers:

Bianchi type notes
I 0 0 0 0 describes Euclidean space
II 0 1 0 0
III 1 0 1 -1 the subcase of type VIa with
IV 1 0 0 1
V 1 0 0 0 has a hyper-pseudosphere as a special case
VI0 0 1 -1 0
VIa 0 1 -1 when , equivalent to type III
VII0 0 1 1 0 has Euclidean space as a special case
VIIa 0 1 1 has a hyper-pseudosphere as a special case
VIII 0 1 1 -1
IX 0 1 1 1 has a hypersphere as a special case

The standard Bianchi classification can be derived from the structural constants in the following six steps:

  1. Due to the antisymmetry , there are nine independent constants . These can be equivalently represented by the nine components of an arbitrary constant matrix Cab:
    where εabd is the totally antisymmetric three-dimensional Levi-Civita symbol (ε123 = 1). Substitution of this expression for into the Jacobi identity, results in
  2. The structure constants can be transformed as:
    Appearance of det A in this formula is due to the fact that the symbol εabd transforms as tensor density: , where έmnd ≡ εmnd. By this transformation it is always possible to reduce the matrix Cab to the form:
    After such a choice, one still have the freedom of making triad transformations but with the restrictions and
  3. Now, the Jacobi identities give only one constraint:
  4. If n1 ≠ 0 then C23C32 = 0 and by the remaining transformations with , the 2 × 2 matrix in Cab can be made diagonal. Then
    The diagonality condition for Cab is preserved under the transformations with diagonal . Under these transformations, the three parameters n1, n2, n3 change in the following way:
    By these diagonal transformations, the modulus of any na (if it is not zero) can be made equal to unity. Taking into account that the simultaneous change of sign of all na produce nothing new, one arrives to the following invariantly different sets for the numbers n1, n2, n3 (invariantly different in the sense that there is no way to pass from one to another by some transformation of the triad ), that is to the following different types of homogeneous spaces with diagonal matrix Cab:
  5. Consider now the case n1 = 0. It can also happen in that case that C23C32 = 0. This returns to the situation already analyzed in the previous step but with the additional condition n1 = 0. Now, all essentially different types for the sets n1, n2, n3 are (0, 1, 1), (0, 1, −1), (0, 0, 1) and (0, 0, 0). The first three repeat the types VII0, VI0, II. Consequently, only one new type arises:
  6. The only case left is n1 = 0 and C23C32 ≠ 0. Now the 2 × 2 matrix is non-symmetric and it cannot be made diagonal by transformations using . However, its symmetric part can be diagonalized, that is the 3 × 3 matrix Cab can be reduced to the form:
    where a is an arbitrary number. After this is done, there still remains the possibility to perform transformations with diagonal , under which the quantities n2, n3 and a change as follows:
    These formulas show that for nonzero n2, n3, a, the combination a2(n2n3)−1 is an invariant quantity. By a choice of , one can impose the condition a > 0 and after this is done, the choice of the sign of permits one to change both signs of n2 and n3 simultaneously, that is the set (n2 , n3) is equivalent to the set (−n2,−n3). It follows that there are the following four different possibilities:
    For the first two, the number a can be transformed to unity by a choice of the parameters and . For the second two possibilities, both of these parameters are already fixed and a remains an invariant and arbitrary positive number. Historically these four types of homogeneous spaces have been classified as:
    Type III is just a particular case of type VI corresponding to a = 1. Types VII and VI contain an infinity of invariantly different types of algebras corresponding to the arbitrariness of the continuous parameter a. Type VII0 is a particular case of VII corresponding to a = 0 while type VI0 is a particular case of VI corresponding also to a = 0.

Curvature of Bianchi spaces

The Bianchi spaces have the property that their Ricci tensors can be separated into a product of the basis vectors associated with the space and a coordinate-independent tensor.

For a given metric:

(where  are 1-forms), the Ricci curvature tensor is given by:

where the indices on the structure constants are raised and lowered with which is not a function of .

Cosmological application

Cosmology the concept results from the unification in thought of, theory by cosmological modelling, to datum and knowledge from astronomical and astrophysical observation. [2] Bianchi models describe a Universe reality of space and time,[3] (Bianchi spacetimes) [4] resulting from spacetime, (Einsteinian, Einstein spacetime) because of the General Theory of Relativity described with theoretically problematic Field equations (after Einstein 1915), allowed for the first time the production of cosmic models to describe the existing Universe[5] The Bianchi group of models propose solutions to the problems caused by the field equations, [6] accepting firstly a reality of the Friedmann-Lemaître models of a universe which is flat[7] and essentially similar in two aspects;[7] homogenity [7][8] and isotropism, [7][8] which is the Bianchi models pertain as solutions [8] only to a universe where homogenity is true, not accepting an isotropic nature [8] (that is, an anistropic universe [9]). Bianchi belong to a sub-classifications of spatially-homogeneous [10] cosmological models, [11] applicable to universes described by the Friedmann-Lemaître [10] equations [12] Accepting an actually unrealistic anisotropic universe with homogenity, [9] as dual preconditional states, is necessary for the purpose of particular problematic situations of reality, not to the wholly real cosmological reality. [13]

A model Bianchi I, which accepts the necessary descriptions of conditions of nature, emptiness, and axisymmetry, known as the Kasner universe, [14] was one of the earliest solutional responses produced, and one of the most important exact solutions to GR and GR with subsequent theoretically necessary modification. [15][16]

Bianchi modelling solutions to space-time include spacetime with possible dimensions of 9+1. [17] In reconsideration of a 3+1 dimensional homogeneous spacetime universe, the 3-dimensional Lie group is as the symmetry group of the 3-dimensional spacelike slice, and the Lorentz metric satisfying the Einstein equation is generated by varying the metric components as a function of t. The Friedmann–Lemaître–Robertson–Walker metrics are isotropic, which are particular cases of types I, V, and IX. The Bianchi type I models include the Kasner metric as a special case. The Bianchi IX cosmologies include the Taub metric.[18] However, the dynamics near the singularity is approximately governed by a series of successive Kasner (Bianchi I) periods. The complicated dynamics, which essentially amounts to billiard motion in a portion of hyperbolic space, exhibits chaotic behaviour, and is named Mixmaster; its analysis is referred to as the BKL analysis after Belinskii, Khalatnikov and Lifshitz.[19][20] More recent work has established a relation of (super-)gravity theories near a spacelike singularity (BKL-limit) with Lorentzian Kac–Moody algebras, Weyl groups and hyperbolic Coxeter groups.[21][22][23] Other more recent work is concerned with the discrete nature of the Kasner map and a continuous generalisation.[24][25][26]

See also


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  • L. Bianchi, Sugli spazii a tre dimensioni che ammettono un gruppo continuo di movimenti. (On the spaces of three dimensions that admit a continuous group of movements.) Soc. Ital. Sci. Mem. di Mat. 11, 267 (1898) English translation
  • Guido Fubini Sugli spazi a quattro dimensioni che ammettono un gruppo continuo di movimenti, (On the spaces of four dimensions that admit a continuous group of movements.) Ann. Mat. pura appli. (3) 9, 33-90 (1904); reprinted in Opere Scelte, a cura dell'Unione matematica italiana e col contributo del Consiglio nazionale delle ricerche, Roma Edizioni Cremonese, 1957–62
  • MacCallum, On the classification of the real four-dimensional Lie algebras, in "On Einstein's path: essays in honor of Engelbert Schucking" edited by A. L. Harvey, Springer ISBN 0-387-98564-6
  • Robert T. Jantzen, Bianchi classification of 3-geometries: original papers in translation