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Talk:Fairstead, Norfolk

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Does anyone agree with me that the article in question is prejudiced to the hilt? Fairstead is not, in fact, as violent as it has been portrayed. I doubt the author of the article has been there more than on one or two occasions, and has read newspapers to gather information, instead of actually experiencing it. The content seems so artificial, it may be a council estate, but it is not however the living hell the author is portraying it as.

Advice to the author: Go there. You may be pleasantly surprised.

The article is prejudiced to the hilt, certainly, and the tone is highly unencyclopaedic (and it needs some major grammar checking); but the fact does remain that setting foot on the estate in anything other than a Sherman tank is only for the brave, the stupid or the desperate. Yes, it's not as bad as it used to be; but then, neither is Moss Side and that's still got a reputation... Kinitawowi 15:51, 18 August 2006 (UTC)[reply]
I've been bold and removed that section. I don't know the area intimately but I've been there a few times and see nothing to support that section. Pishmishy (talk) 18:59, 14 January 2008 (UTC)[reply]

I'd like to report that there is little or no NPOV in this article. It seems to contain prejudice and a high amount of bias. 21:13, 26 September 2006 (UTC)[reply]

in response to the author, me and friends are very pleased to read someone telling it like it is. in response to GO THERE YOU MAY BE PLEASENTLY SURPRISED's comment, you obviously have seen the posh bit. i am not currently living there but will be returning home in a week or two and will definately add some images to this if you seriously believe that, you need to be show some stuff it will help with your delusion/denial Fairsteadlass 00:10, 16 March 2007 (UTC)[reply]

I would Like to say that whoever has written this article has blatantly not been to fairstead, and has just got the image from newspaper headlines, word of mouth etc, i live in the area and it isnt as bad as this author makes out! yes there may be the odd burnt out car or vandalism but its just the way the children a brought up round here. Author: come down to "The Stead" and see for yourself then maybe consider rewriting this article!

I've lived here in 1994 for the first few months living in England as an American. It was a rough place to live. The kids bikes were stolen twice. Toys were taken by the kids who came to visit my kids. I worried at night when I would come home alone walking from the carpark to the front door only a few yards away. But I had the warmest welcome of anywhere I ever lived in England by the neighbors. If I hadn't first lived in Fairstead when I arrived I doubt I ever would have assimilated into Lynn as well as I did. The women were very happy to share with me the ins and outs of living in Lynn. My son was immediately welcomed into the neighborhood and the fact of his Down syndrome seemed to be of no matter what-so-ever.

Update to prejudice


Hello I used to live here as a child up until the year 2000, and this is what it was like; I understand that the conditions there are better than they were when I visited it in 2009, but I do not know to what extent and my mother disagrees with strongly. I do not mean to be prejudice, I have tried to display information as correctly as I could; if you know of anything you would like to add to this page or change, then please do so as soon as possible.