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Hello my name is Bo Chen. I would consider myself a shy and socialable introvert with INFP Myers-Briggs typology, emotionally intellectual and a seeker of the truth and understanding of the bigger picture but at the same time still able to put in context his own preferences and predilections in life.

I much prefer a small circle of intimate friend(s) and don't like large crowds and the same goes with my other interests and hobbies. I like reading, writing, and debating and good lively conversation. I know this must sound cliché but I am looking for my 'soulmate' or at the very least someone whom we mutually agree "feels like soulmates" to each other. I'm not into the whole rat race and am not at all ambitious when it comes to that. I do believe that being able to find contentment in the simple yet compelling pleasures of life is one of the greatest gifts, talents and virtues one could possibly possess in this world today. I value a lot interpersonal relationships and would like to find someone who shares this same sentiment.

My favorite literary genre is romance. I like to read love novels and other interesting articles and stories on the internet. I'm a "homebody" person and don't like to go out and "do stuff", and I prefer being in comfy clothing rather than dressed up. A place I've been to twice before and would like to go back once again is Walt Disney World in Orlando, Florida. My favorite food is healthy pizza, either that or the foot-long Chicken Bacon Ranch at Subway. I also drink Green Barley Essence whenever I can. My favorite color is light blue / sky-blue and I love reading books of many varieties of interests. A few things that I have read recently that are memorable include: 'A Walk to Remember', 'The Road to Reality', 'Realization of the Absolute', 'The Notebook', and 'Evolution: The Triumph of an Idea'.

Basically I am looking for someone quite like myself, we have similar and/or complementary personality traits, core believes and values, temperaments, quirks, personal attributes and characteristics. And most importantly we share a similar overview on life, our life-path, 'goals', and stories eventually converge (instead of diverging) and we "grow on each other" over time and become of one intertwingled and entangled essence.

In any great relationship there must be a certain element of real LOVE involved. The more the better. I think its safe to say that ideally it should always be love first, and then everything else, all the tertiary details will themselves fall into place. Love is an experience like all great experiences in life cannot be grasped by the mind, captured or encapsulated as words on paper or analyzed systematically. Perhaps it exists in a myriad form of some emergent property of subconscious recognition, some innate acknowledgment of physical and psychological resonance between two holistic multifaceted beings on the deepest levels. A perfect bond and attraction that arises through empathy and mutual affinity. This is the highest kind of love, the purest happiest most innocently wishing and earnest and fervently endearing self-sacrificial love between two mates. A perfect love that transcends the mere distinction and titles and overlays to become one oneness in essence and experience; a holistic superpositional nondual holographic energy thought-form expression and unique 'impression of pleasure' of the what-it-is-likeness and qualia 'it'-ness of such a blissed state of being. Love that is actually positively and absolutely about true love itself, the real kind that lasts forever. A radiant overflowing love full of the highest ecstatic genuine happiness, self-sustaining and self-perpetuating. In such a conscious and spiritually aware relationship there need be nothing to do or accomplish or any higher state of enlightenment or 'progress' to be had or obtained. The mere thought of each other is enough, to just be in each others arms is the greatest joy and anything else, such as more 'intimate' acts would surely inundant each other with infinite exploding happiness. I think basically we seek a certain feeling that follows the shadow of a certain person and that intensely satisfying feeling can be brought on by that one so special. We should follow our intuition and hearts instead of logic and minds if we really want what is most 'real'. It is not what we do or how much effort we put in, rather it is who we are with. Anyone can talk about love, the luckiest of them all are those who actually experience it.

In the end, I think despite everything, despite all the analytical overlays, all the moral imperatives all the subversive justifications and human rationals, the infinitely interesting macro level themes in life and the worlds within a world; we know we are in love when all we want is to "just be" with that other person, to bask meditatively in the other's presence and engross ourselves immensively permeating into every aspect of their world and falling in love over and over again and again. The perfect love does exists, and I am searching for it.