
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This user is pretty cool. However, she doesn't know as much about computers as she would like. That's why she's creating a user essence, to play around with the idea. She joined Wikipedia recently and is hoping to make some meaningful contributions, or at least to dispel incorrect information


November 18th


An accredited four-year undergraduate college in the United States.


She is majoring in psychology and concentrating in Pre-Med, and hopes to go to Medical School after she graduates college. From there, she wants to become a psychiatrist, neurologist, or some other kind of doctor. She also hopes to win the Nobel Prize in medicine someday. Also, she would like to find the cure for AIDS. The cure for cancer will be found before she graduates medical school.


She is currently not looking for a relationship, and has deemed them a waste of time and energy. Due to past boyfriends, she has decided to give up on trying to fix people, as she often does. She knows that this is a fault within herself, but would rather avoid relationships altogether than ameliorate this flaw, because this flaw is very beneficial to her professional aspirations. Also, she is very keen on staying friendly with all of her previous lovers, and people in general. She thinks that everyone should learn to love each other, no matter the differences between groups.

She is now tired and needs to go to bed. She hopes you enjoyed. She's also tired of speaking in third-person, it's rather tedious.