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Dr. Isabel Gómez-Bassols, better known to her legion of fans around the United States as “la Doctora Isabel, el Angel de la Radio” (Dr. Isabel, the Angel of the Airwaves), is the Nation’s foremost Hispanic radio psychologist.

A Latina version of Dr. Laura, Dr. Ruth, Ann Landers and Dr. Spock all rolled into one, her immensely popular, live, call-in talk show, “Doctora Isabel,” is beamed coast to coast daily on the Spanish-language RadioCadena Univision. This warm, thoughtful and charismatic doctor, with a motherly knack for listening and dispensing advice in a forthright manner, daily doles out expert opinions on a host of crucial issues ranging from parenting, marital relations, divorce, human sexuality, education and death and dying to addictions, co-dependency, teen rebelliousness and violence both in and out of the home. A true media phenomenon, she receives an average of 8,000 telephone call attempts per day.

Dr. Isabel’s captivating public persona belies a serious professional side that holds the secret to her enormous credibility. A noted psychologist, educator and domestic-violence specialist with three decades of experience in adolescent and family counseling, she has worked both in private practice and as a psychologist for the Miami-Dade County Public School System, the 4th largest in the country. There in the ‘70’s, she developed and implemented a model aggression control program, and ultimately came to chair its Psychological Services Dept. Both the Florida and National Associations of School Psychologists have recognized Dr. Isabel as an expert on issues affecting Hispanic children and their parents. As a result of her work and effective approach to counseling, she is highly sought after as a frequent television guest and keynote speaker.

A mother of four and grandmother of six, Dr. Isabel holds a doctorate degree in Education with a specialization in Early & Middle Adolescence. She also holds a post-graduate specialist degree in Psychology, and a Masters in Psychological Diagnosis. In addition, she has completed intensive specialty training in a variety of subjects, including sexual intimacy disorders, at the world-renowned Masters & Johnson Institute; domestic violence, through The National Coalition against Violence; and family grief and loss from Chloe Madanes.


   1. Donde Estan Las Instrucciones Para Criar a Nuestros Hijos?     Kengsington Publishers
   2. Los 7 Pasos Para el Exito en el Amor  - Unica Libros
   #8 on non-fiction best seller list in November 2003- http://www.libraryjournal.com/index.asp?layout=article&display=criticas&articleid=CA337734
   3. Los 7 Pasos Para el Exito en la Vida    - Unica Libros 
   Link to review/interview: http://www.libraryjournal.com/article/CA337334.html?display=criticas&pubdate=12%2F1%2F03   
   4. Los 7 Pasos Para Ser Mas Feliz	              - Random House


   5. Reader’s Digest Selecciones
   6. Kimberly Clark- several small booklets for marketing of their products    
       covering various self-help topics. (couples, raising children, extended   
       families, etc)