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I am a native Hungarian philologist-teacher, translator, interpreter, and data protection specialist. I studied at Voronezh State University (1986-87) and graduated from the University of Latvia (Latvijas Universitāte) with a state scholarship (1987-1993), majoring and specialising in the Russian language and literature. I also passed the state exam in the Latvian language. In 2002 I completed the training and passed the exam for certified casino dealer (American Roulette, Poker and Draw Boker, BlackJack), as well as the exam for certified (sworn) translator professional at the Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE) (2006). In 2023 I obtained a degree in data security and data protection law at the same institution. Since 2005 I run a small, 24/7 translation office in Budapest. I collect owls, antique jewellery, and Herend porcelain and I am an avid fan of old (pre-)Pandoras. Besides Russian and Latvian, I work in English, German, and medical Latin; I have basic reading skills in Italian (understanding of other Slavic languages: Czech, Slovak, Croatian, Bulgarian and Polish; basic Kazakh). My main interests are medicine (especially obstetrics-gynaecology, surgery and oncology) and dentistry; music (especially jazz and its history), language and linguistics, literature, mountaineering, history of the Bee Gees, and history of the English Royal family and its members. The purpose of my presence on English-language Wikipedia is to translate Hungarian articles that deserve the interest of a wider audience.

Thank you for taking the time to read my introduction and I would be grateful for any updates, responses, clarifications, corrections, etc.