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The Fabulous 5 is a book series by Timothy Li about five superhuman siblings who garner the powers of the elements through an electricution accident through a bolt of lightning.


In the city of Fredricton, New Brunswick, they must handle their normal school morning, and being signed with T.A.P.A.,(The Army Protection Agency),with assistance from Andrew Waters,(The leader of T.A.P.A), they must protect the country of Canada from the gimmicks of Rebekah Falkner; Jake's former girlfriend and the tricky trio; Jeremy, Mike and Matt Drexler.

Main Characters[edit]

  • Timothy (Tony) Langlone, Age 13, Books 1-30: The eldest of all the Fabulous 5 members. Despite the fact that he wears the number 4, he is the official leader of the Fabulous 5. He wears a green suit and controls the power of Earth. He is fit with the sub-power of a superior intellect, due to his high intelligence. He does have the abillity to freeze objects, mind control people, and possess their body using his eyes to shoot a beam. He is called the twin to his brother Jake. It is revealed in the book "Sandy" that he is an only child, and that his parents adopted Jake so he wouldn't feel so alone with girls in the house. He currently has a job with his sister Sophie as ballroom dancing instructors. After his contract expired, he was given Andrew's position after Andrew announced his retirement. In the final book, he used all his energy to defeat Rebekah after she seriously injured Valerie. Tony, Rebekah and Valerie all sccumbed to their injuries in the local hospital, but with the help of the morphing magic, they brought Tony and Valerie back to life.
  • Jacob (Jake) Langlone/Monaco, Age 13, Books 1-22+26-30: The adopted member of the Fabulous 5. His biological parents were killed in a hit and run when he was 2 where a speeding car failed to stop at a red light and collided with Jake's parents on a motorcycle. He was adopted by the Langlone family at the age of 3 to pass off as a fraternal twin to Tony. This information is revealed in "Sandy" when he was stabbed with the prongs of crampons. He was unable to perform his duties as a member, so Andrew brought in his biological sister; Sandy Miller/Monaco. He had no job at the time of being signed with TAPA. He is the former boyfriend of their main villain; Rebekah. They got together when they were eleven but broke up after nine months of dating when they argued over who was going to pay the bill on a date to Olive Garden. He wanted to get back together with Rebekah in the book

"Respected or Revengeful", but reversed his decision after he found out she couldn't handle being nice to his siblings. He wears an orange suit with the number 3 and possesses the power of fire. Like his other siblings, he is given a sub-power, and because of his high athletisism, his sub-power is super strength. After his contract expired, he became the head combat tactics instructor for TAPA. In the final battle, he left with Sophie to bring an injured Jenny to the hospital.

  • Sophia (Sophie) Langlone, Books 1-30, Age 12: Sophie is the middle child in the Langlone family. Her, along with her brother Tony, work as a self-sufficient ballroom dancing company. She is the replacement leader if Tony can't fufill his duties. She wears a yellow suit with the number 1 on it. Her main power is energy, and because of her high track records in school, her sub-power is super speed. She is known as the person who keeps the Fabulous 5 intact, as she is the only person in the family who doesn't have a twin. (Including the fake twins of Tony and Jake). It is revealed in the book "Brainwashed", that she is the ultimate fan of Eddie Joclate; the latest teenage heartthrob to that date. In the book "Hockey Help" it is revealed she is a huge fan of Sidney Crosby. In "Revealing News", everyone finds out she posed in a nude PETA ad in which she posed lying down cuddling a bunny. She was at first grounded for three months, but was vetoed after they realized it was for a proper purpose, and it was a sign that she was growing up at thirteen years of age. After her contract expired, she became the head recruitment officer for TAPA. Along with Jake, she assisted Jenny to the hospital in the final book.
  • Valentina (Valerie) Langlone, Books 1-30, Age 10:
  • Jennifer (Jenny) Langlone, Books 1-30, Age 10: Jenny is the youngest member of the Langlone family. She is the biological twin to Valerie, but is the younger one of the two. Like said before, she works for a self-sufficient formal dresses store.

Supporting Characters[edit]

  • Capt.Andrew Waters, Books 1-30:
  • Mr.Mitchell Langlone:
  • Mrs.Rachel Bushfield Langlone:

Later Characters[edit]

  • Sandy Miller/Monaco Books 16,23-30, Age 11: