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Oh wow- Umm. My name is Joshua Thomas but I am very use to just ‘Josh’ but I normally sign my blogs off with ‘Joshua’ for whatever reason. I’m 18 years old with a birthday in a few months. I have brown hair and eyes, I’m ‘tall’ (there are still other people that are taller), I wear glasses and no I am not up for the idea of getting contacts. I attend Vanguard Bible College in Edmonton, Alberta. I’m doing the LIFT (Leaders in Front Line Training) which is also known as the first year of Pastoral Studies. I am a self-proclaimed professional Blogger (I know.. there is no such thing eh?- just makes me sound more cool, if that’s even possible). I was born and raised in the fine province of Newfoundland but yeah.. i had to move. I am currently involved with the YMIT (Youth Ministry Impact Team) team at Vanguard which has been an amazing blessing to me. I am currently in the process of writing a book (series with a friend) and I have dreams that lead to that area and ministry which is amazing cause I’m now trying to find out where and what God wants me to be. But yeah.. I hope that gives you enough ‘indepth’ look into my life and if not.. ask away! Blessings’ ..