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Reliable information about Mexico takes the form for me of a rich source of artistic raw material.

Work in Progress: video-production of Azucena and Alegunda. Awarded Best New Mexican Director 2007 by OHASA (Columbus Ohio regional center for Mexico migrant athletic activities) for Azucena To The Rodeo which is Part 2 of the nine-part Azucena story. Each section of the movie is approximately 60 minutes in lenth. There are nine sections in the entire tale. To attend a performance of Azucena inthe form of a scene-a-day novel, register here: http://www.artcamp.com.mx/EZINES/07AzucenaNovela/letter/index.htm.

More Videos in Progress:

Construction Workers of Guerrero (Albañiles de Guerrero), Lovers of Guerrero (Novios de Guerrero), Drunks of Guerrero (Borrachos de Guerrero), Witches of Guerrero (Brujas de Guerrero), Flavored Shaved Ice Cart Vendors of Guerrero (Vendedores de Raspados de Guerrero). Videos featuring Jaripeos (bullriding and musical fiestas) in Iguala, Tecalpulco, Axixintla, Copalillo. Also musical fiestas and fireworks play outside the Santa Prisca Church and the ExConvento of San Bernardino in Taxco. These videos are addressed to the many old friends from the villages who are in the United States (1/4 of the population of the State of Guerrero (900,000) is in the United States; this is according to what Benito Melendez told me recently, and he is a Guerrero State Senator who is on the Guerrero Migrant Affairs Commission, so these i take as the official numbers) The underlying intention of the videos is to provoke a deep sense of nostalgia on the part of the tens of millions of displaced Mexicans in order that they all decide to return home to their loved ones and families.

More Work in Progress: Editor of a collection of letters written by village Mexican women to their loved ones in the United States. The letters are compiled with a set of Make-Your-Own Traditional Mexican Jewelry projects.

More Work in Progress: The literary version of Azucena (in Spanish and English) The story of a village girl who falls in love with a handsome young bullrider.

Gabino Barrera" and "Modesta Ayala".[citation needed]

I dont really know the specific history of these two songs. It seems as if the traditional folk musicians know them.