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[Kundan Meena Jadau]http://kundan-jadau-meena.webs.com are special kinds of Indian handcrafted Jewelry. [Moguls brought to and patronized this art in India]. Gold or silver Jewelry are enameled in back or front side. [Enameling is called Meenakari in Indian languages and Meena is Indian name for Enamel. Jadau is a typical studded Jewelry.]http://vardhamangems.webs.com/index.htm#335784210 Jadai is method of studding. Jadai is entirely different studding process than any other process of studding. Pure gold foils are further purified to ensure that no impurity remains. These gold with extreme purity is called Kundan in Indian languages. Thin foils of Kundan are poured between wall of Jewelry ghat and a gemstone. Then the Kundan is pressurized to take its place in between. Gradually Kundan takes it place and gemstone is fixed. The artisans do this studding work are called Jadia. Jadia put dak beneath gemstone to enhance its luster and color.Ghat of Jewelry is poured with flux and gemstone along with DCite error: There are <ref> tags on this page without content in them (see the help page).ak is put over it for Jadai. Kundan Jadau Meena are very beautiful. Jaipur, Bikaner, [Varanasi]

, [Hyderabad], Kolkata are the main manufacturing centers of Kundan Meena Jadau Jewelry in India. Jyoti Kothari Jyoti-kothari (talk) 20:44, 29 March 2009 (UTC)