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We The Undersigned Kitchens, Camps and Individuals, stand in solidarity with the following statement:

We, who traditionally support the thousands of people who come to the National Forest from July 1st to 7 to live in peaceful community and pray together for World Peace...

In light of the 2020 Covid-19 Pandemic...

Out of concern for the health and safety of the individuals in the Rainbow Family, and the health and safety of the people of Idaho, in recognition of the impact we may place on the health systems and food supplies of the towns near and on the way to and from a potential Rainbow Gathering this summer by bringing thousands of people (vectors) from all over the country to a state with reletively few cases of Coronavius...

Having weighed the benefits and risks...

With regret and disappointment state that we, the undersigned strongly believe (and/or stand in consensus ?? )......

-that we will not attend a Gathering in Idaho this summer,

-that we as Family have a responsibility to find safer ways to pray in place, to #OmAtHome, and gather only in short micro-Gatherings at this time,

-that the Idaho Rainbow Gathering planned for this summer, must be POSTPONED this year,

-and that last year's VISION to hold a Gathering in one of the National Forests in Idaho be FULFILLED in 2021.

This statement cannot and does not in any way intend to restrict any individual or group from practicing their First Amendment rights to Gather or Camp wherever they like in any manner they prefer.