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This page is a quick explanation of how Wikipedians typically structure discussions.

This is a comment
:This reply is indented

The above will display as:

This is a comment

This replay is indented

For a slightly more complete (but confusing) explanation, see below.

MyNameWasTaken (talk) 22:01, 9 February 2012 (UTC)

This is a New Section


Traditionally, each discussion topic on a page (or talk page) has its own section. Use two equals signs to make a top-level header (i.e. == New Topic ==). -- PersonA

A Response to the above comment should be indented, think of the conversation as being organized like an outline. This response is preceded by a colon to indent it one level (ex: :This is my reply to PersonA -- PersonB
This is person A's response to person B, it is indented two levels and thus starts with a pair of colons (ex:  ::This is my reply to PersonB's Reply to my original Comment ) -- PersonA
If you are adding a comment to the original remark, as person C in this example, simply indent once. -- PersonC