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Poets Alley

Dobruja after 1878.

Poets Alley, in Tatar Ozanlar Aralîgî, is the Tatar countryside in Dobruja west of Mangalia, lying from the Black Sea to the Danube. It derives its name from the fact that most of the 20th Century Tatar poets of Dobruja come from this strip shaped area.[1] The area is a profound source of Tatar spirituality now split between Romania and Bulgaria. Its core corresponds to "Mangalia strip" which is highlighted in dark orange on Dobruja’s map and, as France advised, was given to Romania by the Treaty of Berlin (1878) and occupied by Bulgaria in World War I.

List of people of Poets Alley




She was born in 1943 in galati. She was a school teacher. She was concerned about the revitalization of Turkish. Her verses on nature and love emphasize the richness and essence of Turkish [2] [3]

Strada "Kemal Agi Amet", din Medgidia ?

  • Saladin Ağí-Akay, president of UDTTMR - Democratic Union of Tatars in Romania
  • Gúner Akmolla, poet
  • Melek Amet
  • Reşat Amet
  • Hasan Aydîn, writer


  • Ağí-Emin Bawbek, poet

He graduated from the University of Bucharest in Turkic Studies. He is a Crimean Tatar born in 1942 in a village near Mangalia. He graduated from the University of Bucharest in Turkic Studies, then served as an assistant professor at the same university. Today he is a professor at the same university. His poetry and prose appeared in Karadeniz si Renkler. He is best known for his Romanian-Turkish and Turkish-Romanian dictionaries. [4]



Ahmet Ismail Dawut He is from Constanta. He published in Karadeniz. "His verse is mostly national and religious."[5] [6]




  • Neğip Hağí Fazîl, poet





The journal was issued by the Turkish Union in Romania and it was funded by the government. Its first issue appeared in 1995 in Constanta. [7]





She was born and she graduated in Crimea where she published her first works. She came to Romania after WW II. She published in Renkler and Karadeñíz.[8] [9]

  • Altay Kerim, poet


  • Karadeñíz

The journal was issued by the Tatar Union in Romania and it was funded by the government. Its first issue appeared in 1992 in Constanta. [7]


  • Enver Mahmut, poet – Dr. Mehmet Naci Onal

He is a poet and a researcher. After graduating in Turkish Philology from the Kazan University he served in the Tatar Language Department Tatar at the Bucharest University. Since 1992 he served in the Department of Turkish Studies at the University Ovidius of Constanta. Since 1994 he continued his academic research in Turkey. He studied folklore.[11] [12]

  • Nedret Mahmut, linguist - Dr. Mehmet Naci Onal
  • Mustafa Ali Mehmet, poet

He was born in 1924 in Bulgaria. After WWII when they decided to move to Turkey he got separated from his family and left behind. He graduated Muslim Seminary and philosophy. He worked as a researcher until retirement. He represented the Turkish community in the Romanian Parliament. He published in Karadeniz[13] [14]

  • Yaşar Memedemin, poet – [15]

(12.03.1936 - 15.05.2007)?? He was born in 1948 in Constanta.[8] He was a teacher for many years.[8] After retirement he worked for the Democratic Union of Tatars in Romania and for Karadeñíz Journal.[8] Published in Tatar language course textbook[16]

  • Ekrem Menlíbay, writer (dr. Mehmet Naci Onal)

He was born in 1928 in Constanta.[17] He was a teacher for many years.[17] His novel was published in Renkler Journal.[17] [18]


  • Ablay Memet Necati, (Dr Naci Onal)


Published in Tatar language course textbook[19]


  • Cevat Raşit – Dr.Mehmet naci Onal


  • Renkler

The journal was issued by a group of Tatar intellectuals in partnership with Kriterion Publishing and it was funded by the government. Its first issue appeared in 1988 in Bucharest. [7]


  • Fatma Sadâc, poet


  • Zulfiye Seyidaliy, etnographer
  • Mustegep Hagi Samedin (1910-1997) Sazie (1914-1992), 44.173799, 28.621716
  • Yakub Samiy (Sami Iacub), Azaplar, 1907-1991 Meşkure Samiy (Meşkure Sami) 1912-2003
  • Rustem Seitabla (Săptămâna aceasta l-am pierdut dintre noi pe scriitorul Rustem Seitabla. Este mai puțin cunoscut probabil și pentru că locuia în Brașov. Dacă nu mă înșel provenea dintr-o familie de refugiați din Crimeea. Participa cu mult entuziasm la evenimentele comunității. A scris „Adevărul despre noi" - poezie, 1998, „Sub faldurile vieţii" - poeme, 1998, „În umbra poetului", - poeme, 1998, „Gramatica sentimentelor" - poeme, 2000, „Lumini pe axa Terrei" - proză, 2000, „Lancea destinului" - poeme, 2001, „Hayat kosusu" („Bătălia existenţei") - poeme, 2001, „Pe aripa timpului" - poezii, 2002, „Dincolo de măşti" - poezii, 2004.)


  • Abdullah Veliy Şahip, poet


  • Necibe Şúkúri – Dr. Mehmet Naci Onal







  • Şukran Vuwap-Mokan, linguist



He was born in Mangalia. After graduating Turkish Studies at Bucharest University he was offered the position of assistant professor at the same university and he continued his academic studies. [20] [21]


  • Ismail H. A. Ziyayddin, poet - Dr. Mehmet Naci Onal

He was born in 1912 in Constanta. He graduated Medresa of Medgidia. Resembling Niyaziy, his verse makes him one of the most famous Tatar poets in Romania. After serving as a schoolteacher he worked for the Mufti of Romania in Constanta. In 1940 he was appointed Imam at the Mosque of Bucharest. Meanwhile he attended the Faculty of Civil Engineering of Bucharest. He is a founding member of the Mehmet Niyaziy Cultural Association. In 1956 he coauthored with Ali Ahmet Nağí the native tongue textbooks for the Tatar children. His work was published in Renkler and Karadeniz.[22]


  1. ^ Murat, 2012 & p:81.
  2. ^ Onal, 1997 & p:24.
  3. ^ Abdulla, 1995 & p:2.
  4. ^ Onal, 1997 & pp:30-31.
  5. ^ Onal, 1997 & pp:21-22.
  6. ^ Dawut, 1993 & p:4.
  7. ^ a b c Onal, 1997 & p:17.
  8. ^ a b c d Onal, 1997 & p:32.
  9. ^ Kadriyzade, 1995 & p:4.
  10. ^ a b c d e f Onal, 1997 & p:39.
  11. ^ Onal, 1997 & p:23-25.
  12. ^ Newzat, 1992 & pp:18-19.
  13. ^ Onal, 1997 & p:29.
  14. ^ Baubec2, 1993 & pp:308-309.
  15. ^ Memedemin, 1994 & p:5.
  16. ^ Vuap-Mocanu, 1985 & pp:471-476.
  17. ^ a b c Onal, 1997 & p:38.
  18. ^ Ekrem, 1995 & p:39.
  19. ^ Vuap-Mocanu, 1985 & pp:458-459.
  20. ^ Onal, 1997 & p:31.
  21. ^ Newzat, 1992 & p:40.
  22. ^ Onal, 1997 & pp:28-29.


  • Murat, Taner (2012). Opening the Doors of Science. Iaşi: StudIS. ISBN 9786066242943.
  • Önal, Mehmet Naci (1997). "Romanya Türklerinin Günümüz Edebiyatı". Türk Dünyası Dil ve Edebiyat Dergisi (in Turkish). 1997 (4). Türk Dil Kurumu: 15–39. {{cite journal}}: |access-date= requires |url= (help)
  • Menlibay, Ekrem (1995). "Bír Yaz Başî". Renkler (in Crimean Tatar). 1995. Bucharest: 39.
  • Memedemin, Yaşar (1994). "Kalem Oyînlarî". Karadeniz (in Crimean Tatar). 3 (28). Constanta: 5.
  • Kadriyzade, Piraye (1995). "Kardaşîma". Karadeniz (in Crimean Tatar). 4 (33). Constanta: 4.
  • Yusuf-Sarîgól, Newzat M. (1992). "Kaçınılmaz Kurban". Renkler (in Turkish). 1992. Bucharest: 40. {{cite journal}}: |access-date= requires |url= (help)


  • Abdulla, Gúlten (1995). "Kardaşîma". Karadeniz (in Turkish). 4 (31). Constanta: 2.
  • Mahmut, Enver (1992). "Óz tílímde yazaman". Renkler (in Crimean Tatar). 1992. Bucharest: 18–19.
  • Dawut, Ahmet Ismail (1993). "Günaydın". Karadeniz (in Crimean Tatar). 2 (24). Constanta: 4.
  • Vuap-Mocanu, Şukran (1985). Curs practic de limbă tătară (in Romanian). Bucureşti: Universitatea Bucureşti-Facultatea de Limbi şi Literaturi Străine.

  • Bawbek, Ağí-Emin (1992). "Ebanay". Renkler (in Crimean Tatar). 1992. Bucharest: 54–60. {{cite journal}}: |access-date= requires |url= (help)
  1. ^ Agiemin, Baubec; Geafar, Baubec Deniz-Kamer (1993). Türk Dili Metinleri Antolojisi. Bucureşti: Editura Didactică şi Pedagogică. ISBN 9733029092.