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Air Pollution in Pune City

Pune is known as the cultural and educational capital of the state of Maharashtra. Does education helps to lead sustainable life think of it......

Puneker it’s you who are polluting the Pune...

Research and analysis of air quality in pune shows that SPM (Suspended Particulate Matter) are more than the permissible limit.One of the major source of SPM (Suspended Particulate Matter) is vehicles, industries, and construction sites in city. So its you who are polluting the pune.

Simple steps to reduce the air pollution caused by vehicles 1.Service your vehicles regularly. 2.use public transport or carpooling

We still remember H1N1 epidemic during July and August 2009.HINI attack the person immediately who is suffering from respiratory disease ,if your are breathing polluted air there are chances of respiratory disease. Puneker wants oxygen to breath not pollutants.... This is about the air quality in pune think of water,solid waste and noise pollution... IS PUNE SAFE T0 LEAD HEALTHY LIFE