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  1. !/usr/bin/perl
  1. Author: Alex Di Genova
  2. Laboratory: ERABLE/INRIA
  3. Copyright (c)
  4. year: 2019

=head1 NAME

B<Wengan> - An accurate and ultrafast genome assembler


 # Assembling Oxford Nanopore and Illumina reads with WenganM
  wengan.pl -x ontraw -a M -s lib1.fwd.fastq.gz,lib1.rev.fastq.gz -l ont.fastq.gz -p asm1 -t 20 -g 3000
 # Assembling PacBio reads and Illumina reads with WenganA
  wengan.pl -x pacraw -a A -s lib1.fwd.fastq.gz,lib1.rev.fastq.gz -l pac.fastq.gz -p asm2 -t 20 -g 3000
 # Assembling ultra-long Nanopore reads and BGI reads with WenganM
  wengan.pl -x ontlon -a M -s lib2.fwd.fastq.gz,lib2.rev.fastq.gz -l ont.fastq.gz -p asm3 -t 20 -g 3000
 # Hybrid long-read only assembly of PacBio Circular Consensus Sequence and Nanopore data with WenganM
  wengan.pl -x ccsont -a M -l ont.fastq.gz -b ccs.fastq.gz -p asm4 -t 20 -g 3000
 # Assembling ultra-long Nanopore reads and Illumina reads with WenganD (requires a high memory machine 600Gb)
  wengan.pl -x ontlon -a D -s lib2.fwd.fastq.gz,lib2.rev.fastq.gz -l ont.fastq.gz -p asm5 -t 20 -g 3000
 # Assembling pacraw reads with pre-assembled short-read contigs from Minia3
  wengan.pl -x pacraw -a M -s lib1.fwd.fastq.gz,lib1.rev.fastq.gz -l pac.fastq.gz -p asm6 -t 20 -g 3000 -c contigs.minia.fa
 # Assembling pacraw reads with pre-assembled short-read contigs from Abyss
  wengan.pl -x pacraw -a A -s lib1.fwd.fastq.gz,lib1.rev.fastq.gz -l pac.fastq.gz -p asm7 -t 20 -g 3000 -c contigs.abyss.fa
 # Assembling pacraw reads with pre-assembled short-read contigs from DiscovarDenovo
  wengan.pl -x pacraw -a D -s lib1.fwd.fastq.gz,lib1.rev.fastq.gz -l pac.fastq.gz -p asm8 -t 20 -g 3000 -c contigs.disco.fa


B<Wengan> is a new genome assembler that, unlike most of the current long-reads assemblers, avoids entirely the all-vs-all read comparison. The key idea behind B<Wengan> is that long-read alignments can be B<inferred by building paths> on a sequence graph. To achieve this, B<Wengan> builds a new sequence graph called the Synthetic Scaffolding Graph (SSG). The SSG is built from a spectrum of synthetic mate-pair libraries extracted from raw long-reads. Then, longer alignments are built by performing a transitive reduction of the edges. Another distinct feature of B<Wengan> is that it is the only assembler that performs B<self-validation> by following the read information. B<Wengan> identifies miss-assemblies at different steps of the assembly process. For more information about the algorithmic ideas behind B<Wengan>, please read the preprint available on bioRxiv.


B<Wengan> is a Mapudungun word. The B<Mapudungun> is the language of the B<Mapuche> people, the largest indigenous inhabitants of south-central Chile. B<Wengan> means I<"Making the path">. Thus, when you assemble a genome with B<Wengan>, you are I<making the genome path>.

=head1 AUTHOR - Alex Di Genova

Email digenova@gmail.com


B<Wengan> uses a De Brujin graph assembler to build the assembly backbone from short-read data. Currently, B<Wengan> can use B<Minia3>, B<Abyss2> or B<DiscoVarDenovo>. The recommended short-read coverage is B<50-60X> of 2 x 150bp or 2 x 250bp short reads.

=head2 WenganM [M]

This B<Wengan> mode use the B<Minia3> short-read assembler. This is the fastest mode of B<Wengan> and can assemble a complete human genome in less than 210 CPU hours (~50GB of RAM).

=head2 WenganA [A]

This B<Wengan> mode use the B<Abyss2> short-read assembler. This is the lowest memory mode of B<Wengan> and can assemble a complete human genome with less than 40GB of RAM (~900 CPU hours). This assembly mode takes ~2 days when using 20 CPUs on a single machine.

=head2 WenganD [D]

This B<Wengan> mode use the B<DiscovarDenovo> short-read assembler. This is the greedier memory mode of B<Wengan> and, for assembling a complete human genome, needs about 600GB of RAM (~900 CPU hours). This assembly mode takes ~2 days when using 20 CPUs on a single machine.


      1. We start coding

use strict;

  1. use Data::Dumper;

use Getopt::Std; use FindBin;

  1. we set the Wengan root directory


  1. load the wengan library

use lib "$FindBin::Bin/perl";

  1. local perl clases to control the wengan execution

use Wengan::Reads; # class to handle the read data. use Wengan::Scheduler::Local; # the scheduler is make and control the execution end-to-end

sub usage {

 Usage example:
   # Assembling Oxford Nanopore and Illumina reads with WenganM
   wengan.pl -x ontraw -a M -s lib1.fwd.fastq.gz,lib1.rev.fastq.gz -l ont.fastq.gz -p asm1 -t 20 -g 3000
 Wengan options:
  Mandatory options***:
     -x preset [ontlon,ontraw,pacraw,ccsont,ccspac]
     -a Mode [M,A,D]
     -s Short-reads [fwd1.fastq.gz,rev1.fastq.gz..]
     -l Long-reads.fq.gz
     -b Hifi-reads [hifi.fq.gz,hifi2.fq.gz..]
     -g 3000 [genome size in Mb]
     -p prefix
  General Options:
     -h [detail information]
     -t cores [1]
     -c <pre-assembled short-read contigs>
     -i <insert size lists for raw long-reads>
     -I <insert size list for CCS reads>
     -n <show pipeline comands>;
  Advanced Options (Change the presets):
     FastMin-SG options:
       -k k-mer size [15-28]
       -w minimizer window [5-15]
       -q minimum mapping quality [20-60]
       -m moving window [150]
     IntervalMiss options:
       -d Minimum base coverage [def:7]
       -f Factor to compute std using avg*fst [def:0.1]
     Liger options:
       -M Minimum contig length in TR [def:2000]
       -R Repeat copy number factor [def:1.5]
       -L Length of long mate-edges [def:100000]
       -N Number of long-reads needed to keep a potentially erroneous mate-edge [def:5]
       -P Minimum length of reduced paths to convert them to physical fragments [def:20kb]
       -Q Minimum contig length in matching [def:2000]
       -U Repeat copy number factor backbone [def:1.5]
       -T Number of iterations in TR per edge [def:1M]
       HiFi options:
       -D Ploidy for Hifi hybrid assembly [haploid=1,diploid=2]
$0 -h for detailed usage information.
  exit 1;


  1. x:s:l:p:t:g:a:c:i:k:w:q:m:d:M:L:N:P:hn

my %opts = ();

getopts( "x:s:l:p:t:g:a:b:c:f:i:I:k:w:q:m:d:M:L:N:P:R:K:D:Q:U:T:hn", \%opts );

  1. display help usage using the perldoc


  system("perldoc $0");
  exit 0;


  1. mandatory variables mode, long-reads, short-reads and genome size.
  2. if (!defined $opts{x} or !defined $opts{l} or !defined $opts{s} or !defined $opts{g}) {

if(!defined $opts{x} or !defined $opts{l} or !defined $opts{g}){



  1. object that handle the reads in fastq format and compressed with gzip

my $reads= new Wengan::Reads() or die "cannot create read object\n";

  1. print Dumper($reads);
  1. we check the preset for long-reads

if($opts{x} eq "ontlon"){ wengan_ontlon($reads,%opts); }elsif($opts{x} eq "ontraw"){ wengan_ontraw($reads,%opts); }elsif($opts{x} eq "pacraw"){ wengan_pacraw($reads,%opts); }elsif($opts{x} eq "pacccs"){ wengan_pacccs($reads,%opts); }elsif($opts{x} eq "ccsont" or $opts{x} eq "ccspac"){ wengan_ccslong($reads,%opts); }else{ print "Unkown preset $opts{x}\n"; usage(); exit 1; }

  1. check that WenganM is called for hybrid assembly with CCS

if($opts{x}=~m/ccs/ and $opts{a} ne "M"){

 print "Currently only the WenganM pipeline is available for Hybrid assembly with
 Circular Consensus Sequence (CCS) data\n";
 print " and have been only tested on haploid genomes\n";
 exit 1;


if (defined $opts{D} && $opts{D} !=1){

   print "WARNING :: Hybrid pipeline with CCS reads have been tested only in haploid genomes\n";


  1. we mark the haploid case has default

if(!defined $opts{D}){



  1. we define number of threads for the pipeline.

if(!defined $opts{t}){

 $opts{t}=1;#default is one


  1. we check some variables Q <= M

if(defined $opts{M} and !defined $opts{Q}){



if((defined $opts{M} and defined $opts{Q}) and ($opts{Q} > $opts{M})){

   print "Q should be <= than M; given values [Q=".$opts{Q}.",M=".$opts{M}."]\n";
   exit 1;


my $pipeline=();

  1. we check the pipeline called

if($opts{a} eq "M"){


}elsif($opts{a} eq "A"){


}elsif($opts{a} eq "D"){


}else{ print "Unkown pipeline $opts{a}\n";

 print "Available pipelines: WenganM, WenganA, WenganD\n";

usage(); exit 1; }

  1. print Dumper($pipeline)
  2. we check if the user want to see the pipeline commands



}else{ $pipeline->run(); }


The presets define several variables of the Wengan pipeline execution and depends on the long-read technology used to sequence the genome. The recommended long-read coverage is 30X.


=head2 ontlon

preset for raw ultra-long-reads from Oxford Nanopore, typically having an N50 > 50kb.


sub wengan_ontlon{ my ($reads,%opts)=@_; $reads->add_short_reads($opts{s}); $reads->add_long_reads($opts{l}); }

=head2 ontraw

preset for raw long-reads Nanopore reads typically having an N50 ~[15kb-40kb].


sub wengan_ontraw{

 my ($reads,%opts)=@_;

$reads->add_short_reads($opts{s}); $reads->add_long_reads($opts{l});

 #print Dumper($reads);


=head2 pacraw

preset for raw long-reads from Pacific Bioscience (PacBio) typically having an N50 ~[8kb-60kb].


sub wengan_pacraw{

 my ($reads,%opts)=@_;

$reads->add_short_reads($opts{s}); $reads->add_long_reads($opts{l});

 #print Dumper($reads);


=head2 ccsont/ccspac

preset for Hybrid assembly of Circular Consensus Sequences from Pacific Bioscience (PacBio) typically having an N50 ~[15kb]. The current version has been tested only in haploid human genomes.


sub wengan_ccslong{

 my ($reads,%opts)=@_;
 #we add the long-reads


 #we add the ccs reads
 #print Dumper($reads);


=head2 pacccs

preset for Circular Consensus Sequences from Pacific Bioscience (PacBio) typically having an N50 ~[15kb].


sub wengan_pacccs{

 my ($reads,%opts)=@_;

$reads->add_long_reads($opts{l}); }


The following options allows to override the presets of B<Wengan> components. Don't change this variables if you are not sure.

=head2 FastMin-SG

An alignment-free algorithm for ultrafast scaffolding graph construction from short or long reads.

=head3 FastMin-SG options (Override the presets)

   -k INT       k-mer size (no larger than 28) [15]
   -w INT       minimizer window size [10]
 Mapping synthetic read-pairs:
   -i list      Insert sizes for synthetic libraries [i.e. 500,1000,2000,3000,4000,5000, ... ,20000]
   -q INT       Minimum quality score (no larger than 60) [40]
   -m INT       Moving window [150]

=head2 IntervalMiss

IntervalMiss detect miss-assembled contigs and correct them when necessary.

=head3 IntervalMiss options

 -d INT Minimum base coverage [<10]

=head2 Liger

Liger uses the Synthetic Scaffoding Graph to compute overlap among long reads, order and orient short contigs, validate scaffolds sequences, fill the gaps, and polish the assembly.

=head3 Liger options

Short-contigs options:

     -M INT     Minimum contig length in scaffolding [--mcs] (default=`2000', min=`1000')
     -R FLOAT   Repeat copy number factor [--rcn]  (default=`1.5')

Long-reads overlap options:

     -L         Length of long mate-edges [--lme] (default=`100000')

Validation of lines options:

     -N INT     Number of long-reads needed to keep a potentially erroneous mate-edge [--nlm] (default=`5', min=`1')
     -P INT     Minimum length of reduced paths to convert them to physical fragments [--mlp] (default=`20000', min=`5000')


sub dirname { my $prog = shift; return '.' unless ($prog =~ /\//); $prog =~ s/\/[^\s\/]+$//g; return $prog; }