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This is an old revision of this page, as edited by Rezzu (talk | contribs) at 19:36, 14 August 2006. The present address (URL) is a permanent link to this revision, which may differ significantly from the current revision.

Hello, I am Rezzu. I am not a piece of shit. I like food. I may or may not be older than you. Probably not though.

Me being awesome.‎

Wikipedia to me

Wikipedia is the place where I get all my information. What's that game about? When's it coming out? Who did that song? How long has that band been around? Even random stuff I come up with on the spot. I just love Wikipedia.


I like music. Playing and listening to it. And talking about it. I enjoy playing guitar, and learning guitar tricks. I also like anime and video games, once again, playing and talking about them. I also like making movies, and watching some too. I like horror movies, comedies, drama, even documentaries. I pretty much like any movie as long as it's good. My favorite movies are Battle Royale and The Shining. I like reading things as well. But only if they are good. I enjoy being right.

Oh, by the way

I can be good at things when I want to. That includes writing, and schoolwork. If I have the incentive to do something, I feel as though I must do a good job. Right now, my writing is pretty half-assed because I don't care. I've got no reason to do a good job.

Sites and shit

4ris.org - My site. I use it for such things as portfolios.
Gaia - A fun place. Has lately become n00b-infested, and n00b-catering, but ah well. Stick to the General and Extended Discussion boards.
Sonic Cult - A resource for Sonic stuff. Love the boards.
My StumbleUpon profile - I love StumbleUpon. Here's my profile.