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{{Infobox Film
| name = Ran
| image = Kuroran.jpg
| caption = Theatrical poster
| director = [[Akira Kurosawa]]
| producer = [[Katsumi Furukawa]]<br />[[Serge Silberman]]<br />[[Masato Hara]]
| writer = [[Akira Kurosawa]]<br />[[Hideo Oguni]]<br />[[Masato Ide]]
| starring = [[Tatsuya Nakadai]]<br />[[Mieko Harada]]
| music = [[Tōru Takemitsu]]
| cinematography = [[Asakazu Nakai]]<br />[[Takao Saito (cinematographer)|Takao Saitō]]<br />[[Masaharu Ueda]]
| editing = [[Akira Kurosawa]]
| distributor = Greenwich Film Productions<br />Herald Ace Inc.<br />Nippon Herald Films
| released = [[June 1]] [[1985]] (Japan)<br />[[December 20]] [[1985]] (US)
| runtime = 160 minutes
| country = [[Japan]]
| language = [[Japanese language|Japanese]]
| budget = [[United States dollar|US$]]12&nbsp;000&nbsp;000
| gross =
| amg_id = 1:40236
| imdb_id = 0089881
{{nihongo|'''''Ran'''''|[[wikt:乱|乱]]||"chaos", "revolt"}} is an [[Academy Award|Oscar]]-winning [[1985 in film|1985 film]] [[Screenwriter|written]] and [[Film director|directed]] by [[Japanese people|Japanese]] [[Film director|filmmaker]] [[Akira Kurosawa]]. It is a ''[[jidaigeki]]'' (Japanese period drama) depicting the fall of Hidetora Ichimonji ([[Tatsuya Nakadai]]), an aging ''[[Sengoku Period|Sengoku]]''-era [[warlord]] who decides to [[abdication|abdicate]] as ruler in favor of his three sons. The story is based on legends of the [[daimyo]] [[Mori Motonari]], as well as on the [[Shakespearean tragedy]] ''[[King Lear]]''.

''Ran'' was Kurosawa's last great epic. With a budget of $12 million, it was the most expensive [[Cinema of Japan|Japanese film]] ever produced up to that time.<ref name="Hagopian">Hagopian, Kevin. {{cite web |url=http://www.albany.edu/writers-inst/fns98n7.html |title= New York State Writers Institute Film Notes - Ran |archiveurl=http://web.archive.org/web/20070312000702/http://www.albany.edu/writers-inst/fns98n7.html |archivedate=2007-03-12}}. URL accessed [[March 27]] [[2006]].</ref> Kurosawa directed three other films before he died, but none on so large a scale. The film was hailed for its powerful images and use of color—[[costume design]]er [[Emi Wada]] won an [[Academy Award for Costume Design]] for her work on ''Ran''. The distinctive [[Gustav Mahler]]-inspired [[film score]], written by [[Toru Takemitsu]], plays in isolation with ambient sound muted (most notably during the battle at the Third Castle).

According to Stephen Prince, ''Ran'' is "a relentless chronicle of base lust for power, betrayal of the father by his sons, and pervasive wars and murders that destroy all the main characters."<ref>{{cite book|author=Prince, Stephen|title=The Warrior's Camera|publisher=Princeton University Press|year=1999|id=ISBN 0-691-01046-3}}, p.284</ref> It is a tale about the downfall of the once-powerful Ichimonji clan after its patriarch Hidetora decides to give control of his kingdom up to his three sons: Taro, Jiro, and Saburo. Taro, the eldest, will receive the prestigious First Castle and become leader of the Ichimonji clan, while Jiro and Saburo will be given the Second and Third Castles. Jiro and Saburo are to support Taro, and Hidetora illustrates this by using a bundle of arrows.<ref> This is based on a parable of Mori Motonari: he handed each of his sons an arrow and asked for them to snap it. After each snapped their arrows, he showed them three arrows and asked if they could snap them. When they all failed, Motonari preached how one arrow could be broken easily but three arrows could not. However, in ''Ran'' Saburo smashes the bundle across his knee and calls the lesson stupid.</ref> Hidetora will remain the titular leader and retain the title of Great Lord. Saburo criticizes the logic of Hidetora's plan: he reminds his father that he achieved power through treachery, war and bloodshed, yet foolishly expects his sons to be loyal to him. Hidetora mistakes these comments for a threat and when his loyal retainer Tango comes to Saburo's defense, he banishes both of them.

Following Hidetora's abdication, Taro's wife Lady Kaede begins pushing for Taro to take direct control of the Ichimonji clan, and engineers a rift between Taro and Hidetora. Kaede is a vengeful, manipulative woman whose family was slaughtered by Hidetora in his own rise to power and has thus dedicated her life to bringing about the downfall of the Ichimonji clan.

Matters come to a head when Hidetora kills one of Taro's guards who was threatening the fool Kyoami. When Taro subsequently demands that Hidetora confirm Taro's new standing and powers by signing a document in blood, Hidetora reluctantly complies and storms out of the castle. He then travels to Jiro's castle, only to discover that Jiro is more interested in using Hidetora as a pawn in his own power play. During this time Hidetora visits Jiro's wife, Lady Sué. Like Kaede, her family was murdered by Hidetora, who also blinded her brother Tsurumaru, but she has embraced the gentle creed of [[Pure Land]] [[Buddhism]] and forgiven him. Meanwhile Taro's retainer Ogura arrives to the Third Castle to take possession of it. Refusing to serve him, Saburo's troops leave to join their lord in exile.
Meanwhile Hidetora's entourage is reduced to camping in the wilderness where they face the prospect of starvation because the peasants have been threatened by Taro not to provide them with food. Tango, following Hidetora in disguise, arrives at the camp to convince his lord to go meet Saburo. But Hidetora, though ashamed of his mistakes, refuses to let go of his pride and, influenced by his devious adviser Ikoma, orders his samurai to burn the villages as punishment, over the protests of Tango. He decides to go to the Third Castle. When Kyoami uses a jest to criticize his master's decision he is violently reprimanded by Hidetora and left behind with Tango. Hidetora takes control of the Third Castle and settles in it.

Shortly afterwards Hidetora and his retinue are attacked from within and without by the combined forces of Taro and Jiro. Hidetora's retainers are slaughtered, his concubines kill each other in despair, the Castle is set on fire, and Hidetora is left to commit [[seppuku]] (ritual suicide). However, to his dismay, Hidetora finds his sword broken and he cannot commit ''seppuku''. Instead of killing himself, Hidetora becomes insane and wanders distracted out of the burning Castle, unharmed by the attackers who, awe-struck by his transformation, clear a path for him. As Taro's and Jiro's forces storm the castle, Ogura assassinates Taro.

[[Image:CastleBurn Ran.jpg|thumb|right|300px|Hidetora stumbles in madness from the burning Third Castle as Jiro and Kurogane (center right) look on.]]
As the Castle burns, the deranged Hidetora wanders about during a storm in the grassy fields of the nearby mountains when he is discovered by Tango and Kyoami, the only people who have remained loyal to him. At first, regressing to childhood, he gathers flowers, ignoring his companions; then, suddenly overcome by a horrifying vision of all the people he has had killed, he flees in terror. The three take refuge from the storm in a nearby peasant's home, only to discover that the peasant is Tsurumaru, the brother of Lady Sué, blinded years before on the Old Lord's orders.

Upon his return from battle Jiro, as part of the plan made with his generals, publicly embarrasses Kaede. Later, when she comes to supposedly congratulate him for his new rank, she manages to overpower him. With a dagger pointed at his throat Kaede extracts from Jiro the truth about Taro's death, blackmailing him and becoming his lover. She swiftly becomes the power behind the throne of the weak-willed Jiro, in her secret efforts to destroy the Ichimonji. She demands that Jiro leave his wife for her. When Jiro offers to divorce his wife Lady Sué and marry Kaede instead, she demands he have Sué killed. Kurogane is given the order to kill Sué, but he publicly disobeys and warns Jiro not to trust Kaede.

The treacherous Ikoma and Ogura have given Jiro good service, as his generals in the recent campaign against their erstwhile lord, Hidetora. But now the traitors are themselves betrayed, when Jiro offers them presents in thanks but also in farewell, dismissing them on the grounds that having betrayed one master, they might betray another. As they are travelling into banishment, they are discovered and killed by Tango, who learns that Jiro intends to murder his father should he recover sanity. Kyoami and Tango decide that to ensure Hidetora's safety he must be taken to Saburo. But shame at his shabby treatment of his only loyal son prevents Hidetora from willingly reuniting with his son. Therefore, Tango goes out to bring Saburo to Hidetora. Kyoami stays with the Great Lord as the old man descends deeper into madness, wandering into the remnants of the castle of Lady Sué's father - a castle that Hidetora himself destroyed.

Lady Sué flees the second castle and, meeting up with her brother Tsurumaru, flees to the ruins of their father's castle. Along with an aide they barely outrun enemy forces sent by Jiro. But suddenly, Tsurumaru remembers that he has forgotten his flute. He tries to convince his sister that he does not need the flute, but Sué goes back anyway, leaving with Tsurumaru a scroll, illustrated with a picture of the Buddha. She is killed and beheaded by Jiro's forces, and Tsurumaru is left by himself in the ruins.

[[Image:Jiro Ran.jpg|thumb|left|300px|Jiro and Saburo face off at Hachiman field.]]

With Hidetora's whereabouts a mystery and his calamities and plight now well-known, Saburo's army crosses back into the kingdom to find him. Worried about his brother's actions and mindful of his alliance with rival warlords who want the Ichimonji lands for themselves, Jiro hastily mobilizes his much larger army to stop them. The two forces meet on the field of Hachiman. Saburo's new patron, a warlord named Fujimaki anticipates a major battle and marches to the border. Another rival warlord, Ayabe, also shows up with his own army. After arranging a truce with Jiro, Saburo rides off with ten soldiers to find Hidetora. But Jiro breaks the truce and sends a gunnery brigade after Saburo and then orders an attack on Saburo's remaining forces. Despite their superiority in number, Jiro's army is decimated by [[arquebus]] fire from Saburo's army.

Saburo finally finds Hidetora, who comes back to his senses. As father and son ride contentedly together on horseback, Saburo is killed by Jiro's gunnery brigade. Overcome with grief, Hidetora finally dies, collapsing atop the body of Saburo.

Word reaches Jiro and Kurogane that a large part of Ayabe's army has unexpectedly left the battlefield and is marching towards the First Castle. Thus, Jiro realizes, the army on the hilltop is a decoy. Jiro's army promptly disintegrates and flees back to the castle, barely making it there just as Ayabe's forces arrive. During the battle against Ayabe's forces, Kurogane confronts Lady Kaede about her actions; she admits that she herself had planned for events to transpire this way all along, and so Kurogane immediately kills her. The second castle's defenses are ultimately overcome and breached by Ayabe's forces, and Jiro's death and the fall of his army are implied.

While Saburo's army mourns for their fallen leader, the film ends with a shot of Tsurumaru, standing alone on top of the ruined castle of his father. As he wanders blindly about, he nearly falls from a ledge and accidentally drops the scroll given to him by his sister.

:''"When I read that three arrows together are invincible, that's not true. I started doubting, and that's when I started thinking: the house was prosperous and the sons were courageous. What if this fascinating man had bad sons?" ''
:&mdash; Akira Kurosawa, July 1986.<ref name=Peary>{{cite news | first=Gerald | last=Peary | pages= | title=Akira Kurosawa | date=July, 1986 | publisher=[[Boston Herald]] | url=http://www.geraldpeary.com/interviews/jkl/kurosawa.html}}</ref>

Kurosawa first got the idea that would become ''Ran'' in the mid-1970s, when he read a parable about the [[Sengoku]]-era warlord [[Mori Motonari]]. Motonari was famous for having three sons, all incredibly loyal and talented in their own right. Kurosawa began imagining what would have happened had they been bad.<ref name=Peary/> Despite the similarities to [[Shakespeare]]'s play ''[[King Lear]]'', Kurosawa only became aware of the similarities after he had started pre-planning. According to him, the stories of Mori Motonari and Lear merged in a way he was never fully able to explain. He wrote the script shortly after filming ''[[Dersu Uzala (1975 film)|Dersu Uzala]]'' in 1975, and then "let it sleep" for seven years.<ref name=Positif>{{cite journal | author= Kiyoshi Watanabe | title=Interview with Akira Kurosawa on Ran | journal=Positif | year=October 1985 | volume=296 | issue= | pages=|url= }}</ref> During this time, he painted [[storyboard]]s of every shot in the film, later published with the screenplay and available as an extra on the [[Criterion Collection]] [[DVD]] release of the film, and continued searching for funding. Following his success with 1980's ''[[Kagemusha]]'', which he sometimes called a "dress rehearsal" for ''Ran'', Kurosawa was finally able to secure backing from French producer [[Serge Silberman]].

Kurosawa once said that "Hidetora is me," and there is some evidence in the film that Hidetora serves as a stand-in for Kurosawa.<ref name=AKData>{{cite web | title=Ran | work=Akira Kurosawa Database | url=http://error.gmo.jp/?id=threeweb | accessdate=2005-12-03}}</ref> Hidetora's crest is the sun and moon, and the Chinese character of Kurosawa's first name "Akira" (kanji: [[wikt:明|明]]) is combined from the [[kanji]] meaning "sun" ([[wikt:日|日]]) and "moon" ([[wikt:月|月]]).<ref name=IMDB>[http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0089881/ Internet Movie Database]</ref> Roger Ebert agrees, arguing that ''Ran'' "may be as much about Kurosawa's life as Shakespeare's play."<ref name=Ebert>Ebert, Roger. "[http://rogerebert.suntimes.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=%2F20001001%2FREVIEWS08%2F10010301%2F1023 Ran (1985)]." Roger Ebert's Great Movies, October 1, 2000.</ref> ''Ran'' was the final film of Kurosawa's "third period" (1965&ndash;1985), a time where he had difficulty securing support for his pictures, and was frequently forced to seek foreign financial backing. While he had directed over twenty films in the first two decades of his career, he directed just four in these two decades. After directing 1965's ''[[Red Beard]]'' Kurosawa discovered that he was considered old-fashioned and did not work again for almost five years. He also found himself competing against television, which had reduced Japanese film audiences from a high of 1.1 billion in 1958 to under 200 million by 1975. In 1968 he was fired from the [[20th Century Fox]] epic ''[[Tora! Tora! Tora!]]'' over what he described as creative differences, but others said was a perfectionism that bordered on [[insanity]]. Kurosawa tried to start an independent production group with three other directors, but his 1970 film ''[[Dodesukaden]]'' was a box office flop and bankrupted the company.<ref>Prince, p.5</ref> Many of his younger rivals boasted that he was finished. A year later, unable to secure any domestic funding and plagued by ill-health, Kurosawa attempted [[suicide]] by slashing his wrists. Though he survived, his misfortune would continue to plague him until the late 1980s. By the time he directed ''Ran'', he was almost completely blind; to make matters worse, his wife of forty years, Yôko Yaguchi, died during production.

===King Lear===
[[Image:Kinglearpainting.jpeg|300px|thumb|right|"[[King Lear]] and the Fool in the Storm" by [[William Dyce]].]]

:''"What has always troubled me about 'King Lear' is that Shakespeare gives his characters no past. ... In Ran, I have tried to give Lear a history."''
:&mdash; Akira Kurosawa<ref name=AsktheExpert>{{cite web | title=Ask the Experts Q&A | work=Great Performances. Kurosawa | url=http://www.pbs.org/wnet/gperf/shows/kurosawa/multimedia/m_ran.html | accessdate=2005-10-22}}</ref>

While Kurosawa said that ''Ran'' is not a direct adaptation of [[King Lear]], he did admit to being influenced by the play and incorporated many elements from it into ''Ran''. Both follow an aging warlord who decides to divide up his kingdom among his offspring. In place of Lear's daughters, Hidetora has three sons &mdash; Taro, Jiro, and Saburo (who correspond to [[Goneril]], [[Regan]] and [[Queen Cordelia|Cordelia]] respectively). In both, the warlord foolishly banishes anyone who disagrees with him as a matter of pride — in Lear it is the Earl of [[Kent]] and Cordelia and in ''Ran'' it is both Tango and Saburo. The conflict in both is that two of the lord's children ultimately turn against him, while the third supports him, though Hidetora's sons are far more ruthless than Goneril and Regan. Both ''King Lear'' and ''Ran'' ultimately end with the death of the entire family, including the hapless Lord.

However, there are some crucial differences between the two. ''King Lear'' is a play about undeserved suffering and Lear himself is at worst a fool. Hidetora, by contrast, has been a cruel warrior for most of his life, a man who ruthlessly murdered men, women, and children to achieve his goals.<ref>Prince, p. 287</ref> In the film, Lady Kaede, Lady Sué, and Tsurumaru were all victims of Hidetora; whereas in "King Lear" the character of Gloucester had his eyes gouged out by Lear's enemies, in ''Ran'' it was Hidetora himself who gave the order to do the same to Tsurumaru. Kurosawa also expanded the role of the Fool into a major character (Kyoami), while also making him sexually ambiguous (he was played by "Peter", an entertainer well-known for cross-dressing). His other major addition was Lady Kaede, who is the polar opposite of Kyoami. Although he probably based her on Shakespeare's Goneril, she is a much more complex and important character in the film.<ref name=JimReview>[http://jclarkmedia.com/film/filmreviewran.html Kurosawa's RAN]. ''Jim's Reviews''.</ref>

[[Image:Ran storyboards.jpg|300px|thumb|left|Prior to filming, Kurosawa spent ten years storyboarding every shot in the film as paintings. This is the Third Castle upon Hidetora's arrival.]]<!-- FAIR USE of RAN STORYBOARDS.jpg: see image description page at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:Ran storyboards.jpg for rationale -->

''Ran'' was Kurosawa's last epic film and by far his most expensive. At the time, its budget of $12 million made it the most expensive Japanese film in history.<ref>{{cite news | first=Vincent | last=Canby | pages= | title=Film View: 'Ran' Weathers the Seasons | date=June 22, 1986 | publisher=New York Times | url=http://query.nytimes.com/search/article-printpage.html?res=9A0DE3D6113EF931A15755C0A960948260}}</ref> The film used approximately 1,400 extras, which required 1,400 uniforms and suits of armor to be fabricated. These were designed by [[costume design]]er [[Emi Wada]] and Kurosawa, and were hand-made by master tailors over more than two years. The film also used 200 [[horses]], a number of which had to be imported from the [[United States]].<ref name=IMDB>[http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0089881/ Internet Movie Database]</ref> Kurosawa loved filming in lush and expansive locations, and most of ''Ran'' was shot amidst the mountains and plains of [[Mount Aso]], Japan's largest active volcano. Kurosawa was also granted permission to shoot at two of the country's most famous landmarks, the ancient castles at [[Kumamoto, Kumamoto|Kumamoto]] and [[Himeji Castle|Himeji]]. For the castle of Lady Sué's family, he used the ruins of the [[Azusa castle]].<ref name=Positif/> Hidetora's third castle, which was burned to the ground, was actually a real building which Kurosawa built on the slopes of [[Mount Fuji]]. No miniatures were used for that segment, and Tatsuya Nakadai had to do the scene where Hidetora flees the castle in one take.<ref name=Positif/> Apparently, Kurosawa also wanted to include a scene that required an entire field to be sprayed gold; it was filmed but Kurosawa cut it out of the final film during editing.

Kurosawa would often shoot a scene with three cameras simultaneously, each using different lenses and angles. Many [[Long shot|long-shots]] were employed throughout the film and very few [[close-up]]s. On several occasions he used static cameras and suddenly brought the action into frame, rather than using the camera to track the action. He also used [[jump cut]]s to progress certain scenes, changing the pace of the action for filmic effect.<ref name=JimReview/>

Akira Kurosawa's wife of 39 years, [[Yôko Yaguchi]], died during the production of this film. He halted filming for just one day to mourn before resuming work on the picture.

==Acting style==
While most of the characters in Ran are portrayed using conventional acting techniques, two performances in Ran were greatly influenced by Japanese [[Noh]] theater. This is exemplified in the heavy, ghost-like makeup worn by [[Tatsuya Nakadai]]'s character, Hidetora, which resembles the emotive masks worn by traditional Noh performers. The body language exhibited by the same character is also typical of Noh theater: long periods of static motion and silence, followed by an abrupt, sometimes violent, change in stance. The character of Lady Kaede is also a Noh influenced performance. The Noh aspects of these two characters emphasize their ruthless, passionate, and single-minded natures.

[[Image:Kurosawa Ran.jpg|300px|right|thumb|[[Akira Kurosawa]] (center) gives stage directions to [[Tatsuya Nakadai]] (left) and [[Jinpachi Nezu]] (right) during the filming of Ran.]]
''Ran'' was a late Kurosawa film and so it lacked many stalwarts of earlier Kurosawa films, such as [[Takashi Shimura]] and [[Toshiro Mifune]]. The description of Hidetora in the first script was originally based on Mifune, who had been estranged from Kurosawa since ''[[Red Beard]]''.<ref name=AsktheExpert/> However, for various reasons the part ultimately went to [[Tatsuya Nakadai]], who had played several supporting characters in previous Kurosawa films, as well as the thief in ''[[Kagemusha]]''. But because the character had been written for Mifune, Nakadai found himself playing Toshiro Mifune playing Hidetora.{{Fact|date=March 2007}} Two other Kurosawa veterans in ''Ran'' were [[Hisashi Igawa]] (Kurogane) and [[Masayuki Yui]] (Tango), who were both in ''[[Dreams (1990 film)|Dreams]]'' and ''[[Madadayo]]'' (Yui had also been in Kagemusha and Igawa would later appear in ''[[Rhapsody in August]]''). Many of the other actors had also appeared in other late Kurosawa films, such as [[Jinpachi Nezu]] (Jiro) and [[Daisuke Ryu]] (Saburo) in ''Kagemusha''. Others had not, but would go on to work with Kurosawa again, such as [[Akira Terao]] (Taro) and [[Mieko Harada]] (Lady Kaede) in ''[[Dreams (1990 film)|Dreams]]''. He also brought in two comedians for lighter moments: [[Peter (actor)|Shinnosuke "Peter" Ikehata]] as Hidetora's fool Kyoami and [[Hitoshi Ueki]] as rival warlord Nobuhiro Fujimaki.

[[Image:War Ran.jpg|thumb|left|300px|The murder of Hidetora's [[concubine]]s during the castle massacre.]]
<!-- FAIR USE of WAR RAN.jpg: see image description page at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/War Ran.jpg for rationale -->
:''"A terrible scroll of [[Hell]] is shown depicting the fall of the castle. There are no real sounds as the scroll unfolds like a daytime nightmare. It is a scene of human evildoing, the way of the demonic [[Asura|Ashura]], as seen by a [[Buddha (general)|Buddha]] in tears. The music superimposed on these pictures is, like the Buddha's heart, measured in beats of profound anguish, the chanting of a melody full of sorrow that begins like sobbing and rises gradually as it is repeated, like karmic cycles, then finally sounds like the wailing of countless Buddhas."''
:&mdash; Ran Screenplay<ref>{{cite book | first=Akira | last=Kurosawa | coauthors= | title=Ran | publisher=Shambhala | location=Boston | year=1986 | editor=trans. Tadashi Shishido | id=}} p. 46</ref></blockquote>

As the title suggests, chaos occurs repeatedly in the film; in many scenes Kurosawa foreshadows it by filming approaching [[cumulonimbus]] clouds, which finally break into a raging storm during the castle massacre. Hidetora is an [[autocrat]] whose powerful presence keeps the countryside unified and at peace. His abdication frees up other characters, such as Jiro and Lady Kaede, to pursue their own agendas, which they do with absolute ruthlessness. While the title is almost certainly an allusion to Hidetora's decision to abdicate (and the resulting mayhem that follows), there are other examples of the disorder of life, what [[Michael Sragow]] calls a "trickle-down theory of anarchy."<ref name=Sragow>{{cite news | first=Michael | last=Sragow | pages= | title=Lear meets the energy vampire | date=September 21, 2000 | publisher=[[Salon.com]] | url=http://archive.salon.com/ent/col/srag/2000/09/21/kurosawa/index.html}}</ref> Kurogane's assassination of Taro ultimately elevates Lady Kaede to power and turns him into an unwilling pawn in her schemes. Saburo's decision to rescue Hidetora ultimately draws in two rival warlords and leads to an unwanted battle between Jiro and Saburo, culminating in the destruction of the Ichimonji clan.

The ultimate example of chaos is the absence of gods. When Hidetora sees Lady Sué, a devout [[Buddhist]] and the most religious character in the film, he tells her, "Buddha is gone from this miserable world." Sué, despite her belief in love and forgiveness, eventually has her head cut off. When Kyoami claims that the gods either don't exist or are the cause of human suffering, Tango responds, "[The gods] can't save us from ourselves." Kurosawa has repeated the point, saying "humanity must face life without relying on God or Buddha."<ref name=Peary/> The last shot of the film shows Tsurumaru standing on top of the ruins of his family castle. Unable to see, he stumbles towards the edge until he almost falls over. He drops the scroll of the Buddha his sister had given him and just stands there, "a blind man at the edge of a precipice, bereft of his god, in a darkening world."<ref>Prince, p. 290</ref> This may symbolize the modern concept of the [[God is dead|death of God]], as Kurosawa also claimed "Man is perfectly alone... [Tsurumaru] represents modern humanity."<ref name=Positif/>

:''"What I was trying to get at in Ran, and this was there from the script stage, was that the gods or God or whoever it is observing human events is feeling sadness about how human beings destroy each other, and powerlessness to affect human beings' behavior."''
:&mdash; Akira Kurosawa<ref name=Sragow/>

In addition to its chaotic elements, ''Ran'' also contains a strong element of [[nihilism]], which is present from the opening sequence where Hidetora mercilessly hunts down a [[boar]] to the last scene with Tsurumaru. [[Roger Ebert]] describes ''Ran'' as "a 20th century film set in medieval times, in which an old man can arrive at the end of his life having won all his battles, and foolishly think he still has the power to settle things for a new generation. But life hurries ahead without any respect for historical continuity; his children have their own lusts and furies. His will is irrelevant, and they will divide his spoils like dogs tearing at a carcass."<ref name=Ebert/>

This marked a radical departure from Kurosawa's earlier films, many of which were filled with hope and redemption.<ref>Only ''[[Throne of Blood]]'', an adaptation of [[Macbeth]], had as bleak an outlook.</ref> Even ''[[Kagemusha]]'', though it chronicled the fall of the [[Takeda clan]] and their disastrous defeat at the [[Battle of Nagashino]], had ended on a note of regret rather than despair. By contrast, the world of ''Ran'' is a [[Hobbesian]] world, where life is an endless cycle of suffering and everybody is a villain or a victim, and in many cases both. Heroes like Saburo may do the right thing, but in the end they are doomed as well. Unlike other Kurosawa heroes, like Kikuchiyo from ''[[Seven Samurai]]'' or Watanabe from ''[[Ikiru]]'', who die performing great acts, Saburo dies pointlessly. Conniving characters like Jiro or Lady Kaede are never given a chance to atone and are [[Predestination|predestined]] to a life of wickedness and ultimately violent death as well.<ref>Prince, p. 287&ndash;289</ref>

:''"All the technological progress of these last years has only taught human beings how to kill more of each other faster. It's very difficult for me to retain a sanguine outlook on life under such circumstances."''
:&mdash; Akira Kurosawa<ref name=Bock>{{cite news | first=Audie | last=Bock | pages=21 | title=Kurosawa on His Innovative Cinema | date=October 4, 1981 | publisher=New York Times | url=}}</ref>

According to Michael Wilmington, Kurosawa told him that much of the film was a metaphor for [[nuclear warfare]] and the anxiety of the post-[[Hiroshima]] age.<ref>{{cite news | first=Michael | last=Wilmington | pages= | title=Apocalypse Song | date=December 19, 2005 | publisher=Criterion Collection|url=http://www.criterion.com/asp/release.asp?id=316&eid=452&section=essay}}</ref> He believed that, despite all of the technological progress of the 20th century, all people had learned was how to kill each other more efficiently.<ref name=Bock/> In ''Ran'', the vehicle for [[apocalyptic]] destruction is the [[arquebus]], an early firearm that was introduced to Japan in the 1500s. Arquebuses revolutionized [[samurai]] warfare, and the age of swords and single combat warriors fell rapidly by the wayside. Now, samurai warfare would be characterized by massive faceless armies engaging each other at a distance. Kurosawa had already dealt with this theme in his previous film ''[[Kagemusha]]'', with the destruction of the Takeda cavalry by the arquebuses of the Oda and Tokugawa clans.

In ''Ran'', the Battle of Hachiman Field is a perfect illustration of this new kind of warfare. Saburo's arquebusers annihilate Jiro's cavalry and drive off his infantry by engaging them from the woods, where the cavalry are unable to venture. Similarly, Saburo's assassination by a sniper also shows how individual heroes can be easily disposed of on a modern battlefield. Kurosawa also illustrates this new warfare with his camera. Instead of focusing on the warring armies, he frequently sets the focal plane beyond the action, so that in the film they appear as abstract entities.<ref>{{cite visual | crew=Prince, Stephen (Commentary) | date=2005 | title=Ran | medium=Film | location=North America | distributor=Criterion Collection.}}</ref>

Though ''Ran'' opened to generally positive reviews at its premier on [[June 1]] [[1985]] in Japan, it was only modestly successful financially, earning only [[Japanese yen|¥]]2,510,000,000 ($12 million), just enough to break even.<ref>[http://www.tohokingdom.com/box_office/ran.htm Ran - Box Office Report<!-- Bot generated title -->]</ref> Its U.S. release six months later earned another $2&ndash;3 million, and a re-release in 2000 accumulated $337,112.<ref>{{cite web |url=http://www.the-numbers.com/movies/1985/0RN.html |title=Movie Ran|url=http://web.archive.org/web/20060220071702/http://www.the-numbers.com/movies/1985/0RN.html |date=2006-02-20}}</ref>

''Ran'' had similar indifferent luck in the awards categories: it was completed too late to be entered at [[Cannes Film Festival|Cannes]] and had its premier at Japan's first [[Tokyo International Film Festival]].<ref>{{cite news | first= | last= | pages= | title=Tokyo Festival Opens With a Kurosawa Film | date=June 1, 1985 | publisher=Associated Press|url=http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9804EFD61739F932A35755C0A963948260}}</ref> Kurosawa skipped the film's premiere, angering many in the Japanese film industry; as a result ''Ran'' was not submitted as Japan's entry for the [[Best Foreign Language Film]] category of the [[Academy Awards|Oscars]]. Serge Silberman then tried to get it nominated as a French co-production but failed. However, American director [[Sidney Lumet]] helped organize a successful campaign to have Kurosawa nominated as [[Academy Award for Directing|Best Director]].<ref name=AsktheExpert/>

''Ran'' was also nominated for [[Academy Award for Best Art Direction|Art Direction]], [[Academy Award for Best Cinematography|Cinematography]], and [[Academy Award for Costume Design|Costume Design]] (which it won). It was also unsuccessfully nominated for a [[Golden Globe]] for Best Foreign Film.<ref name=IMDB/> In Japan, ''Ran'' was conspicuously not nominated for "Best Picture" at the [[Japanese Academy Awards|Awards of the Japanese Academy]]. However, it won two Prizes for Best Art Direction and Best Music Score and received four other nominations, for Best Cinematography, Best Lighting, Best Sound, and Best Supporting Actor (Hitoshi Ueki, who played Saburo's patron, Lord Fujimaki). ''Ran'' also won two awards from the [[British Academy of Film and Television Arts]], for Best Foreign Language Film and Best Make Up Artist and was nominated for Best Cinematography, Best Costume Design, Best Production Design, and Best Screenplay - Adapted.<ref name=IMDB/>


==External links==
* [http://www.criterion.com/asp/release.asp?id=316&eid=452&section=essay Criterion Collection essay by Michael Wilmington]
* [http://www.script-o-rama.com/movie_scripts/r/ran-script-transcript-akira-kurosawa.html Ran Script — Dialogue Transcript]: A transcript of film from Drew's Script-O-Rama.
* [http://www.videodetective.com/player.asp?publishedid=1848&src=big ''Ran'' trailer] at Video Detective
* {{imdb title|id=0089881|title=Ran}}
* ''[http://www.jmdb.ne.jp/1985/di001530.htm Ran]'' {{ja icon}} at the [[Japanese Movie Database]]
*[http://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/ran/ Ran at Rotten Tomatoes]
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