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Revision as of 17:42, 15 October 2007

Viktor Kožený (born June 28, 1963 in Prague) is a Czech born and Harvard educated financier who emigrated in 1980 with his mother and stepfather first to Munich, at that time West Germany and in 1982 alone to New Mexico, USA. From the summer of 1982 Mr. Kozeny lived and studied in Cambridge, Massachusetts where he stayed until 1989. In 1989 Mr. Kozeny lived in London and in early 1990 he returned back to Czechoslovakia after ten year long exile. Mr Kozeny is considered as the father of Voucher Privatization Proces in the former Czechoslovakia and is widely credited with saving the entire Czechoslovak program and making it into a model which that brought a free market economy to over three hundred million people in Eastern Europe and former USSR. Due to political pressure Mr. Kozeny emigrated for the second time in 1994 first to Switzerland and later of the same year to the Bahamas. In 1995 Viktor Kozeny became a Irish citizen who is residing since 1994 in self imposed exile in Lyford Cay the Bahamas.

Education and Publc Service

In 1981 Viktor Kozeny briefly attended as visiting schollar for mathematics and physics the Ludwig Maximillian University in Munich and ocassional lectures at the Max Plank Institute in Garching. After his departure to the USA he was briefly conducting physics research at the University of New Mexico in Albaquerque, New Mexico associated with the Sandia National Laboratories. From 1982 Mr. Kozeny attennded Harvard University until his graduation in 1989. During his studies at Harvard Mr. Kozeny took largely highly advanced postgraduate classes in economics and other fields and also attended numerous lectures at the Harvard Law School, Harvard Business School and MIT Sloan School of Management. After the Velvet Revolution in former Czechoslovakia Mr. Kozeny returned in early 1990 and subsequently served in 1990 as an advisor at the Czechoslovak Ministry of Finance and from 1991 untill 1993 as an advisor to the Czechoslovak Ministry of Interior. Mr. Kozeny also served as a member of Legislative Board of Czechoslovak government from 1991 until 1992. From 1997 Mr. Kozeny served in the diplomatic corps first as a Honorary Consul of Grenada to the Bahamas and from 1998 until 2003 as an Ambassador for Grenada. Mr. Kozeny is fluent in English, Czech, German, Russian and has passive knowledge of some French and several other languages. Viktor Kozeny spend half of his life in Europe and the other half in America but he had widely travelled around the world and had spend an extensive time in Brazil, Russia and China while visiting close to 100 countries arround the world.