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The '''United Nation of Islam''' (UNOI) is religious group based in Kansas City. It was founded circa 1978 as a breakaway group from [[Elijah Muhammad]]'s [[Nation of Islam]], and formally incorporated in 1993.
[[Image:Royall_Allah_In_Person_UNOI.png|thumb|right|Royall Jenkins. The Spiritual Head of The United Nation of Islam.]]
The United Nation of Islam (U.N.O.I.) headquarters is in [[Kansas City]], Kansas. It was founded in 1993 by Royall Jenkins who is the Spiritual Head of the U.N.O.I. His title is Royall, Allah in Person<ref>{{cite news
| first =Abraham
| last =McLaughlin
| title =Bringing Allah to urban renewal,
| url =http://www.csmonitor.com/1999/1201/p1s3.html
| work =column
| publisher =The Christian Science Monitor
| pages =1
| page =1
| date =1999-12-01
| language =English
| quote =As politicians call for more religious involvement in communities, an Most people here used to do just about anything to avoid driving down Quindaro Boulevard. It was a street lined with signs of inner-city trouble: dingy liquor stores sheathed in security bars, aimless men warily eyeing passersby, and an abandoned gas station that was home to shootouts and drive-thru drug deals. But that was before the Black Muslims (United Nation of Islam) came calling. Now there's the new diner. Its red-and-white star-and-crescent sign - and its conspicuous lack of security bars -...}}</ref> The United Nation of Islam is a separate, distinct and completely non-related entity from the similar sounding Nation of Islam as led by Min. [[Louis Farrakhan]]. <ref>{{cite news
| first =Barbara
| last =Shelly
| title =They share their secret of success
| url =http://nl.newsbank.com/
| format =fee required
| work =column
| publisher =Kansas City Star
| pages =1
| page =B1
| date =2000-05-27
| language =English
| quote =By now it's well-established that some of the most effective community rebuilding in Kansas City, Kan., is being done by scrupulously polite people, who always look as if they're dressed for a wedding and who belong to the United Nation of Islam. The group opened a diner at 18th Street and Quindaro Boulevard in 1996. It now operates a supermarket, a bakery, a gas station, a thrift shop, an appliance repair business, a bus service, a cleaning company, youth programs, a...}}</ref>

==Originator and Spiritual Head of the UNOI==
[[Image:Royall_Allah_In_Person_UNOI.png|thumb|right|Royall Elliot Jenkins, self-proclaimed 'Royall, Allah in person'.]]
UNOI was founded by Royall Elliot Jenkins, who goes by the title 'Royall [''sic''] Allah in person'. He was born in 1942 in South Carolina and grew up on Maryland's eastern shore. At the age of 16, he married Juanitta Gates, who was then 13 years old. They had ten children before eventually divorcing.<ref name="pitch">{{cite news
| last =Johnson
| first =Allie
| coauthors =
| title =Heaven Is Hell
| work =
| pages =
| language =
| publisher =''The Pitch''
| date =[[2003-03-27]]
| url =http://www.pitch.com/2003-03-27/news/heaven-is-hell/full
| accessdate = 2007-10-20}}</ref> Jenkins later moved to New York and after that Chicago, as a long-distance truck driver delivering publications of the [[Nation of Islam]]. He split from the organization in 1978 after its leaders rebuffed his claims of being Allah, and spent the time between 1978 and 1993 gathering followers, including former members of the [[Nation of Islam]], who formally incorporated the UNOI, as a religious nonprofit in the state of Delaware, in 1993.

Royall was born in 1942 in South Carolina and grew up on Maryland's Eastern shore. He married at the age of 16 and later moved to New York and accepted a duty as a long-distance truck driver in [[Elijah Muhammad]]'s Nation of Islam. He remained a member until the passing of Elijah Muhammad. Approximately three and a half years later, according to Royall, he was approached by two scientists who he refers to as angels who caused him to became aware of himself and his purpose. In 1989, after speaking with Min. Louis Farrakhan, who was uninterested in any cooperation with Royall, Royall established the U.N.O.I.<ref>{{cite news
==Teachings and operations==
| first =Royall
| last =Allah in Person
| title =Royall, Allah In Person, Autobiography
| url =http://unitednationofislam.com/nationbuilding/nationbuilding_008.htm
| work =column
| publisher =The United Nation of Islam
| pages =1
| page =8
| date =1997-01-01
| language =English
| quote =The Wisdom of Allah and the preparation of myself in my own person in a very simplistic way, seeming ordinary, however not. The facts that are put here to be read are very ordinary in the expectation of being in harmony in one's growth from childhood to man or masterhood. What you are about to read are the sequences of My growth in this short span of time. Everything that is written has a specific explanation that corresponds with past, present and future events into the unknown...}}</ref>

Jenkins claims to be Allah 'in person', to have toured the universe in a spaceship provided by angels, and adheres to his own interpretation of the [[Nation of Islam]]'s views of race. Jenkins' views include condemning [[inter-racial marriage]], claiming that [[fornication]] and perhaps [[sex]] in general is a great sin while also stating that he personally is entitled to multiple wives, claiming that white people were created by a 'scientist' called [[Yakub]] 8000 years ago, and condemning all followers of [[Islam]] for not recognizing him as Allah.<ref>http://unoi.org/forums/index.php?board=4.0 </ref>

The United Nation of Islam was incorporated on 7 June 1993, in the state of [[Delaware]]. The United Nation of Islam is a federally recognized, tax exempted, Nation.<ref>{{cite news
Jenkins claims to have determined the location of the UNOI headquarters in Kansas City 'mathematically' and teaches members of UNOI a technique he terms 'Mathematical Thinking' that he says is 'the gathering of facts to come to absolute answers without putting a person to it'. Jenkins teaches that Mathematical Thinking eliminates the need for followers or leaders. Mathematical Thinking bears little resemblance to [[mathematics]], and is apparently largely a form of [[numerology]].
| first =Carmen
| last =Cardinal
| title =Rebirth in Quindaro United Nation of Islam focuses on doing it 'right'
| url =http://www.unitednationofislam.com/inthenews/inthenews_014.htm
| format =Reprint
| work =column
| publisher =The Kansas City Kansan
| pages =2
| page =3
| date =1997-03-05
| language =English
| quote =A curious thing is happening in the Quindaro area. Wherever the United Nation of Islam moves into a neighborhood, drug dealers, addicts and other negative elements move out. This can be seen in various areas on Quindaro Boulevard where the group has started several businesses...}}</ref> According to their charter; the United Nation of Islam is established for charitable, educational and scientific purposes. To train, educate, teach, and develop the skills and aptitudes of people in trades, manufacturing, contracting, building, erecting, and each and every kind of industrial pursuit, business, commerce, farming and science.<ref>{{cite news
| first =Carmen
| last =Cardinal
| title =Rebirth in Quindaro United Nation of Islam focuses on doing it right
| url =http://www.unitednationofislam.com/inthenews/inthenews_014.htm
| format =Reprint
| work =column
| publisher =The Kansas City Kansan
| pages =2
| page =3
| date =1997-03-05
| language =English
| quote =A curious thing is happening in the Quindaro area. Wherever the United Nation of Islam moves into a neighborhood, drug dealers, addicts and other negative elements move out. This can be seen in various areas on Quindaro Boulevard where the group has started several businesses...}}</ref> The difference between The United Nation of Islam and the Nation of Islam is the The United Nation of Islam's mathematical and practical application of the teachings of Royall. The United Nation of Islam practice Islam as a way of life and its members operate from a practical application of Mathematical Thinking.<ref>{{cite news
| first =Steve
| last =Nicely
| title =Judge United Nation of Islam by Its Works
| url = http://unitednationofislam.com/inthenews/inthenews_008.htm
| work =column
| publisher =Kansas City Star
| page =1
| date =1999-10-07
| language =English
| quote = Crime and drugs still exist on Quindaro Boulevard, but not as much as before the United Nation of Islam began teaching central-city children and adults to "do right" and embrace a healthful, civilized way of life. The lessons are taught in classrooms and learned by working in several businesses created from the shells of mostly vacant shops. No one gets paid at United Nation of Islam Establishments, as far as I know. That's not the normal approach in this capitalistic, profit-oriented society. It causes some to wonder what motivated people to act that way...}}</ref> According to the U.N.O.I. Mathematical Thinking is; "the gathering of facts to arrive at an absolute answer without adding the person/opinion to it". Its members develop tangible assets which support food, clothing, shelter, transportation, communication etc. in order for them to practice their mathematical way of life at home and abroad. <ref>{{cite news
| first =Robert
| last =Lee
| title =Allah Temple teaches it’s critical thinking
| url =http://unitednationofislam.com/inthenews/inthenews_005.htm
| format =Reprint
| work =column
| publisher =Local Vacherie News
| pages =1
| page =1
| date =2003-08-08
| language =English
| quote = The United Nation of Islam's Allah's Temple Academy in not a place for followers. Instead, it is more on the side of a classroom where its members learn how to develop a stable community and how to think in a factual, mathematical manner. "Our will is to produce a place where the people in the community can come and learn how the reverse the decay process in the community," explained the national secretary, who assumes the name James 2X. He said Solomon (Royall) was the author of this idea and their spiritual head, but "we don't follow him. He established the mathematical thinking class and taught us how to use the formulas, but by learning, this makes us independent of him."...}}</ref> In contrast; the Nation of Islam operates as a religion.<ref>{{cite news
| first =Abraham
| last =McLaughlin
| title =Bringing Allah to urban renewal,
| url =http://www.csmonitor.com/1999/1201/p1s3.html
| work =column
| publisher =The Christian Science Monitor
| pages =1
| page =1
| date =1999-12-01
| language =English
| quote =As politicians call for more religious involvement in communities, an Most people here used to do just about anything to avoid driving down Quindaro Boulevard. It was a street lined with signs of inner-city trouble: dingy liquor stores sheathed in security bars, aimless men warily eyeing passersby, and an abandoned gas station that was home to shootouts and drive-thru drug deals. But that was before the Black Muslims (United Nation of Islam) came calling. Now there's the new diner. Its red-and-white star-and-crescent sign - and its conspicuous lack of security bars -...}}</ref><ref>{{cite news
| first =Donovan
| last =Corrigan
| title =Your community...in renewal
| url =http://nl.newsbank.com/
| format =fee required
| work =column
| publisher =Kansas City Star
| pages =1
| page =1
| date =2004-05-12
| language =English
| quote =When the United Nation of Islam arrived in the Quindaro area of Kansas City, Kan., in 1996, neighborhood businesses were laced with fortified security bars. Paying customers were sparse. The area had a reputation for being one of the worst in the city - a place where drug deals, prostitution, armed robberies, shootings and murder were a part of everyday life. Thanks in part to efforts of the United Nation of Islam, Wyandotte County is working its way to the forefront of urban renewal...}}</ref> The group moved its national and international headquarters to N. E. Kansas City in 2001. This is a place historically known as a safe-haven for slaves fleeing from captivity through The Underground Railroad. <ref>{{cite news
| first =Lewis
| last =Diuguid
| title =Renewal that comes from within
| url =http://nl.newsbank.com/
| format =fee required
| work =column
| publisher =Kansas City Star
| pages =1
| page =B1
| date =1997-03-04
| language =English
| quote =The restaurant's name threw me at first, but Wayman X Favors cleared that up when we ate breakfast at ``Your Diner. '' Life on Quindaro Boulevard in Kansas City, Kan., has changed since the United Nation of Islam moved in, exposing the distressed community to some uplifting ideas. Favors, general counsel for the religious group, and I ordered the ``Eye Opener'' meal at Your Diner and talked about the past, present and future of the...}}</ref> This same place, especially Quindaro Blvd., later degenerated into a distressed, blighted, crime infested and impoverished area. Now hope has been resurrected and the promise of a successful community restored, because of the business ventures of The United Nation of Islam. <ref>{{cite news
| first =Dan
| last =Margolies
| title = Quindaro takes turn for the good
| url = http://www.bizjournals.com/kansascity/stories/1999/02/08/story2.html
| work =column
| publisher =Kansas City Business Journal
| pages =5
| page =1
| date =1999-02-05
| language =English
| quote = The changes are subtle, but Quindaro Boulevard, one of the roughest stretches in a rough part of KCK, is looking kinder and gentler these days. At 18th and Quindaro, what used to be a gathering place for drug dealers, prostitutes and pimps is now a homey-looking restaurant serving vegetarian cuisine. A block away, at 17th and Quindaro, an aging furniture outlet has been transformed into an immaculate grocery and bakery selling fresh produce and baked goods. Four blocks southeast of the grocery, at 13th and Quindaro, a once-run-down service station has been spruced up, its apron cleared of weeds, its bays freshly painted...}}</ref> These businesses are in fact extended classrooms of The United Nation of Islam’s University system; such as their many restaurants, Supermarket & Bakeries, Your Service Station (full service), Clean Wash (Laundromat), Designs for Life (Sewing School & Factory), In Your Midst (fine apparel), Community House of Wellness (medical center), Fountain of Youth (holistic health), to name a few, have been recognized locally and internationally because of the drastic “CHANGE” in this particular community.<ref>{{cite news
| first =Carmen
| last =Cardinal
| title =Rebirth in Quindaro United Nation of Islam focuses on doing it 'right'
| url =http://www.unitednationofislam.com/inthenews/inthenews_014.htm
| format =Reprint
| work =column
| publisher =The Kansas City Kansan
| pages =2
| page =3
| date =1997-03-05
| language =English
| quote = A curious thing is happening in the Quindaro area. Wherever the United Nation of Islam moves into a neighborhood, drug dealers, addicts and other negative elements move out. This can be seen in various areas on Quindaro Boulevard where the group has started several businesses...}}</ref>

The United Nation of Islam has established Mathematical Thinking and Civilization classes which are taught in the local "Allah's Temple Academies" or Study Classes. According to the U.N.O.I., Mathematical Thinking, is the gathering of facts to come to absolute answers without putting a person to it.<ref>{{cite news
Members of the UNOI work as volunteers in various businesses owned by the organization. UNOI-owned businesses include a full-service gas station, several restaurants and bakeries, a sewing factory, and a construction company, among others. All full-time volunteers' basic needs are claimed to be provided by UNOI. UNOI has roughly 200 full-time members in Kansas City, with perhaps 300 spread across several other cities. Most of the latter are part-time.<ref name="pitch"/>
| first =Robert
| last =Lee
| title =Allah Temple teaches it’s critical thinking
| url =http://unitednationofislam.com/inthenews/inthenews_005.htm
| format =Reprint
| work =column
| publisher =Local Vacherie News
| pages =1
| page =1
| date =2003-08-08
| language =English
| quote = The United Nation of Islam's Allah's Temple Academy in not a place for followers. Instead, it is more on the side of a classroom where its members learn how to develop a stable community and how to think in a factual, mathematical manner. "Our will is to produce a place where the people in the community can come and learn how the reverse the decay process in the community," explained the national secretary, who assumes the name James 2X. He said Solomon (Royall) was the author of this idea and their spiritual head, but "we don't follow him. He established the mathematical thinking class and taught us how to use the formulas, but by learning, this makes us independent of him."...}}</ref>

UNOI hosts several call-in TV and radio programs across the United States. Jenkins appears regularly on these programs. In addition, Jenkins tours various US cities to speak and answer questions. The UNOI also offers classes and has a website providing extensive writings by Jenkins.

Members of the U.N.O.I. operate as volunteers in various activities that operate as classrooms to practice Mathematical Thinking. <ref>{{cite news
After moving to Kansas City in 1996, UNOI received commendations for apparently aiding in the [[urban renewal|renewal]] of an area along Quindaro Boulevard that had a reputation for high crime rates and as a [[slum]]. They purchased several properties in the area at minimal prices and used them to house their various businesses. As this happened, crime rates fell dramatically in the area and property values rose <ref>Donovan Corrigan, ''Your community ... in renewal'', Kansas City Star, 2004-05-12</ref>. These commendations extended to the [[Wyandotte County]] government donanting several additional (vacant) buildings to UNOI.
| first =Robert
| last =Lee
| title =Allah Temple teaches it’s critical thinking
| url =http://unitednationofislam.com/inthenews/inthenews_005.htm
| format =Reprint
| work =column
| publisher =Local Vacherie News
| pages =1
| page =1
| date =2003-08-08
| language =English
| quote = The United Nation of Islam's Allah's Temple Academy in not a place for followers. Instead, it is more on the side of a classroom where its members learn how to develop a stable community and how to think in a factual, mathematical manner. "Our will is to produce a place where the people in the community can come and learn how the reverse the decay process in the community," explained the national secretary, who assumes the name James 2X. He said Solomon (Royall) was the author of this idea and their spiritual head, but "we don't follow him. He established the mathematical thinking class and taught us how to use the formulas, but by learning, this makes us independent of him."...}}</ref> The U.N.O.I.-owned businesses include a full-service gas station, several restaurants and bakeries, a sewing factory, a university, a construction company, alternative-energy programs, and a wide range of other endeavors.<ref>{{cite news
| first =Steve
| last =Nicely
| title =Judge United Nation of Islam by Its Works
| url = http://unitednationofislam.com/inthenews/inthenews_008.htm
| work =column
| publisher =Kansas City Star
| page =1
| date =1999-10-07
| language =English
| quote = Crime and drugs still exist on Quindaro Boulevard, but not as much as before the United Nation of Islam began teaching central-city children and adults to "do right" and embrace a healthful, civilized way of life. The lessons are taught in classrooms and learned by working in several businesses created from the shells of mostly vacant shops. No one gets paid at United Nation of Islam Establishments, as far as I know. That's not the normal approach in this capitalistic, profit-oriented society. It causes some to wonder what motivated people to act that way...}}</ref><ref>{{cite news
| first =Donovan
| last =Corrigan
| title =Your community...in renewal
| url =http://nl.newsbank.com/
| format =fee required
| work =column
| publisher =Kansas City Star
| pages =1
| page =1
| date =2004-05-12
| language =English
| quote =When the United Nation of Islam arrived in the Quindaro area of Kansas City, Kan., in 1996, neighborhood businesses were laced with fortified security bars. Paying customers were sparse. The area had a reputation for being one of the worst in the city - a place where drug deals, prostitution, armed robberies, shootings and murder were a part of everyday life. Thanks in part to efforts of the United Nation of Islam, Wyandotte County is working its way to the forefront of urban renewal...}}</ref>


The U.N.O.I. also hosts regular "Civilization Classes". Temple meetings are held at all "Allah's Temple Academies". <ref>{{cite news
Critics of UNOI note that members work for Jenkins' benefit in UNOI businesses and receive no income, apply for and receive welfare from the government, and are given only the minimal necessities for survival, while Jenkins and a small group of close family/allies use UNOI funds for their own benefit (including, e.g., free vacations in the Caribbean). UNOI leaders also [[censor]] mail and monitor long-distance telephone calls. Further, UNOI members and their children are required to be educated by UNOI, which does not instruct them in many basic skills or provide opportunity for [[higher education]], do not receive health insurance, and are not permitted to receive medical care outside that offered by UNOI, which does not include any physicians licensed in Kansas.
| first =Robert

| last =Lee
UNOI has also overstated its success, on one occasion stating that their Kansas City site is free of all crime, in the same month as a gunman fired twenty shots at their gas station. The Kansas City police department says it is unable to judge the effectiveness of UNOI in reducing crime. In 2002, the Kansas Department of Health and Environment reported five health violations at a UNOI-operated diner. In 2003, the gas station was the UNOI's only profitable business.
| title =Allah Temple teaches it’s critical thinking

| url =http://unitednationofislam.com/inthenews/inthenews_005.htm
Jenkins has also taken several 'wives' from among his followers (although he has registered none of these marriages), including a teen-age step-daughter (after having [[impregnate]]d her). From these unions, he has fathered at least 15 additional children. <ref name="pitch"/> Jenkins claims that he is justified in practicing [[polygamy]], comparing himself to [[Solomon]] and claiming 'In the near future, a man will be known for his wisdom according to the number of wives that he has.'<ref>http://unoi.org/forums/index.php?topic=86.0</ref>
| format =Reprint

| work =column
Notable among UNOI's critics are over 10 former members, including Moreen and Hanif Jenkins, two of Royall Jenkins' children from his first marriage. Hanif Jenkins was only a member of UNOI for six months, and then became a critic of its operations. Moreen Jenkins joined the UNOI in 1985. She claims that her father instructed other members of the group to call her 'the Mother of Civilization' and that she was to 'lead the faithful to heaven'. Her father also ordered her to marry Joseph Kelly, one of the first members of UNOI, and also forced her to study UNOI theology for several hours a day for three years. In 1997, Royall Jenkins declared that Kelly was a [[reincarnation]] of [[Elijah Muhammad]] (the [[Nation of Islam]] rejected this claim), causing the marriage to disintegrate. Moreen Jenkins also claims that, in 2002, after having attempted to intercede with her father to apologize to the victim of a beating by UNOI members, he threatened her life and that of her youngest child. At this point, she took the infant and left UNOI. She has also claimed continued harassment from UNOI members, and that the UNOI has been blocking her attempts to communicate with her other children and her attempts to gain custody of them. As of 2003, she had filed for divorce and still sought custody of her children. '<ref name="pitch"/>
| publisher =Local Vacherie News

| pages =1
The UNOI has stated that Moreen Jenkins is 'operating out of vengeance, scorn, anger, desire and treachery' and proposed that she 'seduced reporters with the guise of a scoop'. In the same statement, Royall Jenkins is quoted as announcing 'the time when those who conspire against the rise of the Blackman - including Black women - will no longer be tolerated'<ref>http://unoi.org/forums/index.php?topic=476.msg630</ref>
| page =1

| date =2003-08-08
==External links==
| language =English

| quote = The United Nation of Islam's Allah's Temple Academy in not a place for followers. Instead, it is more on the side of a classroom where its members learn how to develop a stable community and how to think in a factual, mathematical manner. "Our will is to produce a place where the people in the community can come and learn how the reverse the decay process in the community," explained the national secretary, who assumes the name James 2X. He said Solomon (Royall) was the author of this idea and their spiritual head, but "we don't follow him. He established the mathematical thinking class and taught us how to use the formulas, but by learning, this makes us independent of him."...}}</ref><ref>{{cite news
* [http://unitednationofislam.com/index.html UNOI website]
| first =Dan
* [http://unoi.org/forums UNOI forums]
| last =Margolies
| title = Quindaro takes turn for the good
| url = http://www.bizjournals.com/kansascity/stories/1999/02/08/story2.html
| work =column
| publisher =Kansas City Business Journal
| pages =5
| page =1
| date =1999-02-05
| language =English
| quote = The changes are subtle, but Quindaro Boulevard, one of the roughest stretches in a rough part of KCK, is looking kinder and gentler these days. At 18th and Quindaro, what used to be a gathering place for drug dealers, prostitutes and pimps is now a homey-looking restaurant serving vegetarian cuisine. A block away, at 17th and Quindaro, an aging furniture outlet has been transformed into an immaculate grocery and bakery selling fresh produce and baked goods. Four blocks southeast of the grocery, at 13th and Quindaro, a once-run-down service station has been spruced up, its apron cleared of weeds, its bays freshly painted...}}</ref><ref>{{cite news
| first =Donovan
| last =Corrigan
| title = You're never too young to learn skills needed for job
| url =http://nl.newsbank.com/
| format =fee required
| work =column
| publisher = Kansas City Star
| pages =1
| page =7
| date =2004-08-04
| language =English
| quote = What can you teach a 10-year-old about job skills? Plenty, says the United Nation of Islam, which presented 55 area youths - some as young as 10 - a range of intriguing choices when it came time to look for a job this summer. The UNOI and the University of Islam offered students a summer long opportunity to work, earn and learn while receiving hands-on training in a bevy of job fields. The eight-week program featured a unique curriculum that blended classroom courses in mathematical...}}</ref><ref>{{cite news
| first =Robert
| last =Lee
| title =Allah Temple teaches it’s critical thinking
| url =http://unitednationofislam.com/inthenews/inthenews_005.htm
| format =Reprint
| work =column
| publisher =Local Vacherie News
| pages =1
| page =1
| date =2003-08-08
| language =English
| quote = The United Nation of Islam's Allah's Temple Academy in not a place for followers. Instead, it is more on the side of a classroom where its members learn how to develop a stable community and how to think in a factual, mathematical manner. "Our will is to produce a place where the people in the community can come and learn how the reverse the decay process in the community," explained the national secretary, who assumes the name James 2X. He said Solomon (Royall) was the author of this idea and their spiritual head, but "we don't follow him. He established the mathematical thinking class and taught us how to use the formulas, but by learning, this makes us independent of him."...}}</ref> The U.N.O.I. hosts several call-in TV and radio programs across the United States. Royall appears regularly on these programs. In addition, Royall tours various cities to speak and to answer questions.


{{Nation of Islam}}

[[Category:New religious movements]]
[[Category:Nation of Islam]]

Revision as of 19:16, 31 October 2007


Royall Jenkins. The Spiritual Head of The United Nation of Islam.

The United Nation of Islam (U.N.O.I.) headquarters is in Kansas City, Kansas. It was founded in 1993 by Royall Jenkins who is the Spiritual Head of the U.N.O.I. His title is Royall, Allah in Person[1] The United Nation of Islam is a separate, distinct and completely non-related entity from the similar sounding Nation of Islam as led by Min. Louis Farrakhan. [2]

Originator and Spiritual Head of the UNOI

Royall was born in 1942 in South Carolina and grew up on Maryland's Eastern shore. He married at the age of 16 and later moved to New York and accepted a duty as a long-distance truck driver in Elijah Muhammad's Nation of Islam. He remained a member until the passing of Elijah Muhammad. Approximately three and a half years later, according to Royall, he was approached by two scientists who he refers to as angels who caused him to became aware of himself and his purpose. In 1989, after speaking with Min. Louis Farrakhan, who was uninterested in any cooperation with Royall, Royall established the U.N.O.I.[3]


The United Nation of Islam was incorporated on 7 June 1993, in the state of Delaware. The United Nation of Islam is a federally recognized, tax exempted, Nation.[4] According to their charter; the United Nation of Islam is established for charitable, educational and scientific purposes. To train, educate, teach, and develop the skills and aptitudes of people in trades, manufacturing, contracting, building, erecting, and each and every kind of industrial pursuit, business, commerce, farming and science.[5] The difference between The United Nation of Islam and the Nation of Islam is the The United Nation of Islam's mathematical and practical application of the teachings of Royall. The United Nation of Islam practice Islam as a way of life and its members operate from a practical application of Mathematical Thinking.[6] According to the U.N.O.I. Mathematical Thinking is; "the gathering of facts to arrive at an absolute answer without adding the person/opinion to it". Its members develop tangible assets which support food, clothing, shelter, transportation, communication etc. in order for them to practice their mathematical way of life at home and abroad. [7] In contrast; the Nation of Islam operates as a religion.[8][9] The group moved its national and international headquarters to N. E. Kansas City in 2001. This is a place historically known as a safe-haven for slaves fleeing from captivity through The Underground Railroad. [10] This same place, especially Quindaro Blvd., later degenerated into a distressed, blighted, crime infested and impoverished area. Now hope has been resurrected and the promise of a successful community restored, because of the business ventures of The United Nation of Islam. [11] These businesses are in fact extended classrooms of The United Nation of Islam’s University system; such as their many restaurants, Supermarket & Bakeries, Your Service Station (full service), Clean Wash (Laundromat), Designs for Life (Sewing School & Factory), In Your Midst (fine apparel), Community House of Wellness (medical center), Fountain of Youth (holistic health), to name a few, have been recognized locally and internationally because of the drastic “CHANGE” in this particular community.[12]

The United Nation of Islam has established Mathematical Thinking and Civilization classes which are taught in the local "Allah's Temple Academies" or Study Classes. According to the U.N.O.I., Mathematical Thinking, is the gathering of facts to come to absolute answers without putting a person to it.[13]

Members of the U.N.O.I. operate as volunteers in various activities that operate as classrooms to practice Mathematical Thinking. [14] The U.N.O.I.-owned businesses include a full-service gas station, several restaurants and bakeries, a sewing factory, a university, a construction company, alternative-energy programs, and a wide range of other endeavors.[15][16]

The U.N.O.I. also hosts regular "Civilization Classes". Temple meetings are held at all "Allah's Temple Academies". [17][18][19][20] The U.N.O.I. hosts several call-in TV and radio programs across the United States. Royall appears regularly on these programs. In addition, Royall tours various cities to speak and to answer questions.


  1. ^ McLaughlin, Abraham (1999-12-01). "Bringing Allah to urban renewal,". column. The Christian Science Monitor. p. 1. As politicians call for more religious involvement in communities, an Most people here used to do just about anything to avoid driving down Quindaro Boulevard. It was a street lined with signs of inner-city trouble: dingy liquor stores sheathed in security bars, aimless men warily eyeing passersby, and an abandoned gas station that was home to shootouts and drive-thru drug deals. But that was before the Black Muslims (United Nation of Islam) came calling. Now there's the new diner. Its red-and-white star-and-crescent sign - and its conspicuous lack of security bars -... {{cite news}}: More than one of |pages= and |page= specified (help)
  2. ^ Shelly, Barbara (2000-05-27). "They share their secret of success" (fee required). column. Kansas City Star. p. B1. By now it's well-established that some of the most effective community rebuilding in Kansas City, Kan., is being done by scrupulously polite people, who always look as if they're dressed for a wedding and who belong to the United Nation of Islam. The group opened a diner at 18th Street and Quindaro Boulevard in 1996. It now operates a supermarket, a bakery, a gas station, a thrift shop, an appliance repair business, a bus service, a cleaning company, youth programs, a... {{cite news}}: More than one of |pages= and |page= specified (help)
  3. ^ Allah in Person, Royall (1997-01-01). "Royall, Allah In Person, Autobiography". column. The United Nation of Islam. p. 8. The Wisdom of Allah and the preparation of myself in my own person in a very simplistic way, seeming ordinary, however not. The facts that are put here to be read are very ordinary in the expectation of being in harmony in one's growth from childhood to man or masterhood. What you are about to read are the sequences of My growth in this short span of time. Everything that is written has a specific explanation that corresponds with past, present and future events into the unknown... {{cite news}}: More than one of |pages= and |page= specified (help)
  4. ^ Cardinal, Carmen (1997-03-05). "Rebirth in Quindaro United Nation of Islam focuses on doing it 'right'" (Reprint). column. The Kansas City Kansan. p. 3. A curious thing is happening in the Quindaro area. Wherever the United Nation of Islam moves into a neighborhood, drug dealers, addicts and other negative elements move out. This can be seen in various areas on Quindaro Boulevard where the group has started several businesses... {{cite news}}: More than one of |pages= and |page= specified (help)
  5. ^ Cardinal, Carmen (1997-03-05). "Rebirth in Quindaro United Nation of Islam focuses on doing it right" (Reprint). column. The Kansas City Kansan. p. 3. A curious thing is happening in the Quindaro area. Wherever the United Nation of Islam moves into a neighborhood, drug dealers, addicts and other negative elements move out. This can be seen in various areas on Quindaro Boulevard where the group has started several businesses... {{cite news}}: More than one of |pages= and |page= specified (help)
  6. ^ Nicely, Steve (1999-10-07). "Judge United Nation of Islam by Its Works". column. Kansas City Star. p. 1. Crime and drugs still exist on Quindaro Boulevard, but not as much as before the United Nation of Islam began teaching central-city children and adults to "do right" and embrace a healthful, civilized way of life. The lessons are taught in classrooms and learned by working in several businesses created from the shells of mostly vacant shops. No one gets paid at United Nation of Islam Establishments, as far as I know. That's not the normal approach in this capitalistic, profit-oriented society. It causes some to wonder what motivated people to act that way...
  7. ^ Lee, Robert (2003-08-08). "Allah Temple teaches it's critical thinking" (Reprint). column. Local Vacherie News. p. 1. The United Nation of Islam's Allah's Temple Academy in not a place for followers. Instead, it is more on the side of a classroom where its members learn how to develop a stable community and how to think in a factual, mathematical manner. "Our will is to produce a place where the people in the community can come and learn how the reverse the decay process in the community," explained the national secretary, who assumes the name James 2X. He said Solomon (Royall) was the author of this idea and their spiritual head, but "we don't follow him. He established the mathematical thinking class and taught us how to use the formulas, but by learning, this makes us independent of him."... {{cite news}}: More than one of |pages= and |page= specified (help)
  8. ^ McLaughlin, Abraham (1999-12-01). "Bringing Allah to urban renewal,". column. The Christian Science Monitor. p. 1. As politicians call for more religious involvement in communities, an Most people here used to do just about anything to avoid driving down Quindaro Boulevard. It was a street lined with signs of inner-city trouble: dingy liquor stores sheathed in security bars, aimless men warily eyeing passersby, and an abandoned gas station that was home to shootouts and drive-thru drug deals. But that was before the Black Muslims (United Nation of Islam) came calling. Now there's the new diner. Its red-and-white star-and-crescent sign - and its conspicuous lack of security bars -... {{cite news}}: More than one of |pages= and |page= specified (help)
  9. ^ Corrigan, Donovan (2004-05-12). "Your community...in renewal" (fee required). column. Kansas City Star. p. 1. When the United Nation of Islam arrived in the Quindaro area of Kansas City, Kan., in 1996, neighborhood businesses were laced with fortified security bars. Paying customers were sparse. The area had a reputation for being one of the worst in the city - a place where drug deals, prostitution, armed robberies, shootings and murder were a part of everyday life. Thanks in part to efforts of the United Nation of Islam, Wyandotte County is working its way to the forefront of urban renewal... {{cite news}}: More than one of |pages= and |page= specified (help)
  10. ^ Diuguid, Lewis (1997-03-04). "Renewal that comes from within" (fee required). column. Kansas City Star. p. B1. The restaurant's name threw me at first, but Wayman X Favors cleared that up when we ate breakfast at ``Your Diner. Life on Quindaro Boulevard in Kansas City, Kan., has changed since the United Nation of Islam moved in, exposing the distressed community to some uplifting ideas. Favors, general counsel for the religious group, and I ordered the ``Eye Opener meal at Your Diner and talked about the past, present and future of the... {{cite news}}: More than one of |pages= and |page= specified (help)
  11. ^ Margolies, Dan (1999-02-05). "Quindaro takes turn for the good". column. Kansas City Business Journal. p. 1. The changes are subtle, but Quindaro Boulevard, one of the roughest stretches in a rough part of KCK, is looking kinder and gentler these days. At 18th and Quindaro, what used to be a gathering place for drug dealers, prostitutes and pimps is now a homey-looking restaurant serving vegetarian cuisine. A block away, at 17th and Quindaro, an aging furniture outlet has been transformed into an immaculate grocery and bakery selling fresh produce and baked goods. Four blocks southeast of the grocery, at 13th and Quindaro, a once-run-down service station has been spruced up, its apron cleared of weeds, its bays freshly painted... {{cite news}}: More than one of |pages= and |page= specified (help)
  12. ^ Cardinal, Carmen (1997-03-05). "Rebirth in Quindaro United Nation of Islam focuses on doing it 'right'" (Reprint). column. The Kansas City Kansan. p. 3. A curious thing is happening in the Quindaro area. Wherever the United Nation of Islam moves into a neighborhood, drug dealers, addicts and other negative elements move out. This can be seen in various areas on Quindaro Boulevard where the group has started several businesses... {{cite news}}: More than one of |pages= and |page= specified (help)
  13. ^ Lee, Robert (2003-08-08). "Allah Temple teaches it's critical thinking" (Reprint). column. Local Vacherie News. p. 1. The United Nation of Islam's Allah's Temple Academy in not a place for followers. Instead, it is more on the side of a classroom where its members learn how to develop a stable community and how to think in a factual, mathematical manner. "Our will is to produce a place where the people in the community can come and learn how the reverse the decay process in the community," explained the national secretary, who assumes the name James 2X. He said Solomon (Royall) was the author of this idea and their spiritual head, but "we don't follow him. He established the mathematical thinking class and taught us how to use the formulas, but by learning, this makes us independent of him."... {{cite news}}: More than one of |pages= and |page= specified (help)
  14. ^ Lee, Robert (2003-08-08). "Allah Temple teaches it's critical thinking" (Reprint). column. Local Vacherie News. p. 1. The United Nation of Islam's Allah's Temple Academy in not a place for followers. Instead, it is more on the side of a classroom where its members learn how to develop a stable community and how to think in a factual, mathematical manner. "Our will is to produce a place where the people in the community can come and learn how the reverse the decay process in the community," explained the national secretary, who assumes the name James 2X. He said Solomon (Royall) was the author of this idea and their spiritual head, but "we don't follow him. He established the mathematical thinking class and taught us how to use the formulas, but by learning, this makes us independent of him."... {{cite news}}: More than one of |pages= and |page= specified (help)
  15. ^ Nicely, Steve (1999-10-07). "Judge United Nation of Islam by Its Works". column. Kansas City Star. p. 1. Crime and drugs still exist on Quindaro Boulevard, but not as much as before the United Nation of Islam began teaching central-city children and adults to "do right" and embrace a healthful, civilized way of life. The lessons are taught in classrooms and learned by working in several businesses created from the shells of mostly vacant shops. No one gets paid at United Nation of Islam Establishments, as far as I know. That's not the normal approach in this capitalistic, profit-oriented society. It causes some to wonder what motivated people to act that way...
  16. ^ Corrigan, Donovan (2004-05-12). "Your community...in renewal" (fee required). column. Kansas City Star. p. 1. When the United Nation of Islam arrived in the Quindaro area of Kansas City, Kan., in 1996, neighborhood businesses were laced with fortified security bars. Paying customers were sparse. The area had a reputation for being one of the worst in the city - a place where drug deals, prostitution, armed robberies, shootings and murder were a part of everyday life. Thanks in part to efforts of the United Nation of Islam, Wyandotte County is working its way to the forefront of urban renewal... {{cite news}}: More than one of |pages= and |page= specified (help)
  17. ^ Lee, Robert (2003-08-08). "Allah Temple teaches it's critical thinking" (Reprint). column. Local Vacherie News. p. 1. The United Nation of Islam's Allah's Temple Academy in not a place for followers. Instead, it is more on the side of a classroom where its members learn how to develop a stable community and how to think in a factual, mathematical manner. "Our will is to produce a place where the people in the community can come and learn how the reverse the decay process in the community," explained the national secretary, who assumes the name James 2X. He said Solomon (Royall) was the author of this idea and their spiritual head, but "we don't follow him. He established the mathematical thinking class and taught us how to use the formulas, but by learning, this makes us independent of him."... {{cite news}}: More than one of |pages= and |page= specified (help)
  18. ^ Margolies, Dan (1999-02-05). "Quindaro takes turn for the good". column. Kansas City Business Journal. p. 1. The changes are subtle, but Quindaro Boulevard, one of the roughest stretches in a rough part of KCK, is looking kinder and gentler these days. At 18th and Quindaro, what used to be a gathering place for drug dealers, prostitutes and pimps is now a homey-looking restaurant serving vegetarian cuisine. A block away, at 17th and Quindaro, an aging furniture outlet has been transformed into an immaculate grocery and bakery selling fresh produce and baked goods. Four blocks southeast of the grocery, at 13th and Quindaro, a once-run-down service station has been spruced up, its apron cleared of weeds, its bays freshly painted... {{cite news}}: More than one of |pages= and |page= specified (help)
  19. ^ Corrigan, Donovan (2004-08-04). "You're never too young to learn skills needed for job" (fee required). column. Kansas City Star. p. 7. What can you teach a 10-year-old about job skills? Plenty, says the United Nation of Islam, which presented 55 area youths - some as young as 10 - a range of intriguing choices when it came time to look for a job this summer. The UNOI and the University of Islam offered students a summer long opportunity to work, earn and learn while receiving hands-on training in a bevy of job fields. The eight-week program featured a unique curriculum that blended classroom courses in mathematical... {{cite news}}: More than one of |pages= and |page= specified (help)
  20. ^ Lee, Robert (2003-08-08). "Allah Temple teaches it's critical thinking" (Reprint). column. Local Vacherie News. p. 1. The United Nation of Islam's Allah's Temple Academy in not a place for followers. Instead, it is more on the side of a classroom where its members learn how to develop a stable community and how to think in a factual, mathematical manner. "Our will is to produce a place where the people in the community can come and learn how the reverse the decay process in the community," explained the national secretary, who assumes the name James 2X. He said Solomon (Royall) was the author of this idea and their spiritual head, but "we don't follow him. He established the mathematical thinking class and taught us how to use the formulas, but by learning, this makes us independent of him."... {{cite news}}: More than one of |pages= and |page= specified (help)