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#REDIRECT [[Meclizine]]
{{article issues
|cleanup=October 2009
|refimprove=October 2009

| verifiedrevid = 304592550
| IUPAC_name = (''R/S'')-1-[(4-chlorophenyl)(phenyl)methyl]-4-(3-methylbenzyl)piperazine
| image = Meclizine.svg
| width = 200px
| CASNo_Ref = {{cascite}}
| CAS_number = 569-65-3
| ChemSpiderID = 3894
| ATC_prefix = A04
| ATC_suffix = AB04
| ATC_supplemental = {{ATC|R06|AE05}}
| PubChem = 4034
| DrugBank = APRD00354
| smiles = Cc1cccc(c1)CN2CCN(CC2)C(c3ccc(Cl)cc3)c4ccccc4
| C=25 | H=27 | Cl=1 | N=2
| molecular_weight = 390.948 g/mol
| boiling_point = 230
| bioavailability =
| protein_bound =
| metabolism =
| elimination_half-life = 6 hours
| pregnancy_US= B
| legal_status = [[Over-the-counter drug|OTC]] ([[United States|US]]); [[Over-the-counter drug|OTC]] ([[Canada]])
| routes_of_administration = Oral, Insufflation, Sublingual/Buccal.
'''Meclizine''' (proposed [[International Nonproprietary Name|INN]], or '''meclizine''') is an [[antihistamine]] considered to be an [[antiemetic]].<ref name="pmid15272053">{{cite journal |author=Huang W, Zhang J, Wei P, Schrader WT, Moore DD |title=Meclizine is an agonist ligand for mouse constitutive androstane receptor (CAR) and an inverse agonist for human CAR |journal=Molecular endocrinology (Baltimore, Md.) |volume=18 |issue=10 |pages=2402–8 |year=2004 |month=October |pmid=15272053 |doi=10.1210/me.2004-0046 |url=http://mend.endojournals.org/cgi/pmidlookup?view=long&pmid=15272053}}</ref> It is sold under the brand names of '''Bonine''', '''Bonamine''', '''Antivert''', '''Postafen''', '''Sea Legs''', and '''Dramamine (Less Drowsy Formulation)''', and is most commonly used to inhibit [[nausea]] and [[vomiting]]. '''Emesafene''' is a combination of meclizine (1/3) and [[pyridoxine]] (2/3). An alternative to [[dimenhydrinate]] (Dramamine, Gravol, Gravamin, and Vertirosan), meclizine is considered to be equally effective, but with reduced side effects. In Canada, Antivert (no longer available) was a combination of meclizine and [[nicotinic acid]].

Meclizine is the first-generation antihistamine of the [[piperazine]] class. It differs from the protoype of this class, [[cyclizine]], primarily in having an average half-life of 6 hours vs. 20 hours for cyclizine (though half-life should not be confused with frequency of duration). Meclizine is less [[anticholinergic]] than many other antihistamines and other agents used for their [[anti-emetic]] and [[antipruritic|anti-pruritic]] effects.{{Fact|date=March 2009}} Along with the aforementioned efficacy against nausea and itching, meclizine also shares the [[anxiolytic]], analgesic-sparing (potentiating), [[sedative]], and other effects of its chemical relatives cyclizine and [[hydroxyzine]] to varying extents.{{Fact|date=March 2009}} Related to this is the reported ability of meclozine to potentiate the anti-spasmodic, [[anti-diarrhoeal]], and other effects of [[diphenoxylate]], [[loperamide]], and [[difenoxin]].{{Fact|date=March 2009}} Meclizine is sometimes combined with opioids, especially ones of the open-chain class like [[methadone]], [[dextropropoxyphene]] and [[dipipanone]] (originally combined with meclizine's parent drug cyclizine, the brand name of this combination is Diconal). The trend of mixing piperazine antihistamines has caught on in the United States{{fact|date=January 2010}}, with some methadone users potentiating their doses with meclizine or [[hydroxyzine]] (cyclizine has only just recently been introduced to the U.S. [[Over-the-counter drug|OTC]] market in 2009, sold under the brand name Marezine at higher prices than generic equivalents of meclizine and hydroxyzine).

===Motion sickness===
Meclizine is effective in inhibiting the symptoms of [[motion sickness]], such as nausea, vomiting, and dizziness.

Meclizine may be effective in relieving [[vertigo]] experienced as a result of [[inner ear infection]]s or other conditions.

==Risks of use==
Drowsiness may result as a side effect of taking meclizine. While the effects are less than those of [[dimenhydrinate]], users are advised not to operate heavy machinery while under the influence. The consumption of alcohol while under the influence of meclizine may result in additional drowsiness.

Because of its possible [[anticholinergic]] action, meclizine should be used carefully with patients who suffer from [[asthma]], [[glaucoma]], or an [[enlarged prostate]] gland.


==External links==
*[http://bioinf.charite.de/superdrug/fullinfo.php?cas=000569653 University of Berlin's Institute of Biochemistry]
*[http://www.numarkpharmacists.com/hn/Drug/Meclizine.htm Numark Pharmacies Information Page on Meclozine]
*[http://www.rxlist.com/cgi/generic/mecliz_wcp.htm Rxlist Medical Dictionary]




Revision as of 00:53, 8 November 2010

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