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Gets u high off your tits!!!!!! i like smokin this shit it spaces me out. hamish also home grows it if any1s interested but dhnt let it out coz its highly illegal!!! take a toke from the ritual bong motha fuka
[[Image:Cannabis 01 bgiu.jpg|thumb|right|300px|Leaves of a ''[[Cannabis sativa]]'' plant]]
{{ wiktionarypar |marijuana}}
'''Cannabis''' (also known in its herbal form as '''marijuana''' or '''ganja''', or as [[hashish|'''hash''']] in its resinous form), is the source of a [[psychoactive drug|psychoactive]] [[drug|'''drug''']] produced from parts of the ''[[Cannabis]] [[Cannabis sativa|sativa]]'' [[plant]]. The herbal forms are primarily from the cured [[flower]]s and gathered [[trichome]]s of the female plant, as well as the less psychoactive remains of the plant; highly psychoactively concentrated resin, known as hashish, is composed of the compressed trichomes collected from the leaves and flowers of a mature, flowering female ''Cannabis'' plant.

The major active [[chemical compound]] Δ9-[[tetrahydrocannabinol]], commonly referred to as THC, has [[Psychoactive drug|psychoactive]] and [[medical cannabis|medicinal]] effects when consumed, usually by smoking or ingestion. Humans have been consuming cannabis since prehistory, though in the 20th century there was a rise in the use of cannabis for [[Recreational drug use|recreational]] and [[Religious use of cannabis|religious]] purposes. At the beginning of the 21st century, it is estimated that cannabis is used regularly by 4 per cent of the world's adult population each year,<ref name="WDR2006_chap2">{{cite book | title=World Drug Report 2006, Volume I: Analysis| chapter= CANNABIS: WHY WE SHOULD CARE | author = United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime | publisher = United Nations | id=ISBN 92-1-148214-3| url=http://www.unodc.org/pdf/WDR_2006/wdr2006_chap2_biggest_market.pdf | format=PDF|accessdate = 2006-11-10 }}</ref>with in the West estimates of up to 20% or greater in the United States as having tried the plant, and estimates of 10-30% or greater using the plant in many european countries. The possession, use, or sale of psychoactive cannabis products became [[Legal issues of cannabis|illegal in most parts of the world]] in the early 20th century. Since then, while some countries have intensified the enforcement of cannabis [[Prohibition (drugs)|prohibition]], others have reduced the priority of enforcement almost to the point of legalization, as is the case in [[Drug policy of the Netherlands|The Netherlands]]. The supplying of cannabis remains illegal almost everywhere in the world through the [[1961]] [[Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs]], the [[1971]] [[Convention on Psychotropic Substances]], and the [[1988]] [[United Nations Convention Against Illicit Traffic in Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances]], while simple possession of small quantities is either legal or treated as an addiction rather than a criminal offence in a few countries. Yet in some areas of India, near the Ganges river, it is traditionally and legally used and interestingly, eating meat is actually outlawed there.

== Ancient history ==
Biologists generally agree that the cannabis plant first grew somewhere in the [[Himalayas]].{{fact}} Evidence of the smoking of cannabis can be found as far back as the [[Neolithic]] age, where charred hemp seeds were found in a ritual [[brazier]] at a burial site in present day [[Romania]].<ref name="Neolithic">{{cite book|author=Richard Rudgley|title=The Lost Civilizations of the Stone Age|date=1999}}</ref>
The most famous users of cannabis were the ancient [[Hindu]]s. It was called ''ganjika'' in [[Sanskrit]] (''ganja'' in modern Indian languages).<ref name="ganjikaEB">{{cite encyclopedia|encyclopedia=Encyclopædia Britannica |title=HEMP|url=http://57.1911encyclopedia.org/H/HE/HEMP.htm|accessdate=2006-06-15|edition=11|year=1911}}</ref> The ancient drug [[soma]], mentioned in the [[Veda]]s as a sacred intoxicating hallucinogen, was sometimes associated with cannabis.<ref name="EPAS">{{cite encyclopedia | title = Soma | encyclopedia = The Encyclopedia of Psychoactive Substances | publisher = Little, Brown and Company | date = 1998 | accessdate=2006-12-30 | url = http://www.huxley.net/soma/index.html}}</ref>

The citizens of the [[Persian Empire]] would partake in the ceremonial burning of massive cannabis bonfires, directly exposing themselves and neighboring tribes to the billowing fumes, often for over 24 hours.<ref name="persia1">{{cite|author=Abu Usaybia|title=Uyunu al-Anba fi Tabaquat al-Atibba|publisher= Berkeley: University of California Press |date=1965}}</ref><ref name="persia2">{{cite journal|coauthors=Edward Preble and Gabriel V. Laury|year=1967|month=Fall|title=Plastic Cement: The Ten Cent Hallucinogen|journal=International Journal of the Addictions|volume=2|pages=271-272}}</ref>

Cannabis was also well known to the [[Assyrians]], who discovered it from the [[Aryans]]. Using it in some religious ceremonies, they called it ''qunubu'', or ''the drug for sadness''. Also introduced by the [[Aryans]], the [[Scythia]]ns as well as the [[Thracians]]/[[Dacia]]ns used it, whose [[shamanism|shamans]] (the ''kapnobatai'' - "those who walk on smoke/clouds") burned cannabis flowers in order to induce trances. The cult of [[Dionysus]], which is believed to have originated in [[Thrace]], is also believed to have inhaled cannabis smoke.

Dried Cannabis leaves were found with a 2,800 year old [[mummy]] of a [[shaman]] in [[Xingjian]], [[China]], thought to be from the [[Tang dynasty]].<ref>{{cite web|url=http://english.people.com.cn/200612/23/eng20061223_335258.html|title=Lab work to identify 2,800-year-old mummy of shaman|author=People's Daily Online (English)}}</ref>

== Religious and spiritual use ==
{{main|Spiritual use of cannabis}}

[[Cannabis]] has an ancient history of ritual use and is found in [[pharmacological cult]]s around the world. Hemp seeds discovered by archaeologists at [[Pazyryk]] suggest early ceremonial practices by the [[Scythians]] occurred during the 5th to 2nd century BCE, confirming previous historical reports by [[Herodotus]]. Some historians and etymologists have claimed that cannabis was used as a religious sacrament by ancient [[Jews]], early [[Christians]] and [[Muslims]] of the [[Sufi]] order. In [[India]], it has been used by some of the wandering spiritual [[sadhu]]s for centuries, and in modern times the [[Rastafari movement]] has embraced it. Elders of the modern religious movement known as the [[Ethiopian Zion Coptic Church]] consider cannabis to be the [[eucharist]], claiming it as an oral tradition from [[Ethiopia]] dating back to the time of [[Christ]]. Like the Rastafari, some modern [[Gnostic]] Christian sects have asserted that ''Cannabis'' is the Tree of Life. Other organized religions founded in the past century that treat cannabis as a sacrament are the [[THC Ministry]], the [[Way of Infinite Harmony]], [[Cantheism]], the [[Cannabis Assembly]] and the [[Church of cognizance]]. Many individuals also consider their use of cannabis to be spiritual regardless of organized religion.

== Medical use ==
{{main|Medical cannabis}}
The most significant medicinal effect of cannabis is its suppression of nausea. It also stimulates appetite and enhances food cravings, an effect sometimes described as "the munchies" because when under the influence, users appear to savor crunchy, sweet and salty foods. Cannabis is also a mild [[analgesic]], similar in effect to [[aspirin]] or [[ibuprofen]]; and it is a mood-altering substance which can make its users more relaxed and calm.

This combination of effects has resulted in advocacy groups claiming that it is an ideal therapeutic drug for [[cancer]] and [[AIDS]] patients, who often suffer from [[clinical depression]] and from nausea (and resulting weight loss) due to [[chemotherapy]] and other treatments that directly address their symptoms. It is claimed that cannabis makes other forms of treatment for cancer and AIDS more tolerable. The nausea suppression and mild analgesic effects are also claimed to provide a degree of relief for persons suffering from [[seasickness]], from [[motion sickness]], or from a [[hangover]] induced by overconsumption of alcoholic beverages.

Cannabis can also reduce intraocular pressure (fluid pressure within the eye) and is therefore suggested by some advocates for [[glaucoma]] patients. It is also suggested for certain neurological illnesses such as [[epilepsy]], [[migraine]] and [[bipolar disorder]]. Studies have found that the use of cannabis can relieve tics in patients suffering from [[OCD]] and/or [[Tourette syndrome]]. Patients treated with marijuana reported a significant decrease in both motor and vocal tics, some of 50% or more.<ref name="ocd-ts-99">{{cite journal|author=K.R. Muller, U. Schneider, H. Kolbe, H.M. Emrich|title=''Treatment of Tourette's Syndrome With Delta-9-Tetrahydrocannabinol''|journal=American Journal of Psychiatry|year=1999|volume=156|issue=3|url=http://www.marijuana.org/AmJoPsychMarch99.html}}</ref><ref name="ocd-ts-02">{{cite journal|author=K.R. Muller, U. Schneider, A. Koblenz, M. Jöbges, H. Kolbe, T. Daldrup, H.M. Emrich|title=''Treatment of Tourette's Syndrome with Δ9-Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC): A Randomized Crossover Trial''|journal=Pharmacopsychiatry|year=2002|volume=35|issue=2|url=http://www.thieme-connect.com/ejournals/abstract/pharmaco/doi/10.1055/s-2002-25028}}</ref><ref name="ocd-ts-88">{{cite journal|author=R. Sandyk, G. Awerbuch|title=''Marijuana and Tourette's Syndrome''|journal=Journal of Clinical Psychopharmacology|year=1988|volume=8|issue=6|url=http://www.druglibrary.org/schaffer/hemp/medical/mjtouret.htm}}</ref> Some decrease in obsessive-compulsive behavior were also found.<ref name="ocd-ts-99">{{cite journal|author=K.R. Muller, U. Schneider, H. Kolbe, H.M. Emrich|title=''Treatment of Tourette's Syndrome With Delta-9-Tetrahydrocannabinol''|journal=American Journal of Psychiatry|year=1999|volume=156|issue=3|url=http://www.marijuana.org/AmJoPsychMarch99.html}}</ref> A recent study has also suggested that cannabis might have the ability to prevent [[Alzheimer's disease]].<ref name="ADBlock">{{cite news |url="http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/health/4286435.stm" |title="Marijuana may block Alzheimer's" |accessdate=2006-12-31}}</ref>

Currently the citizenry of 12 states in the United States have legalized cannabis for medical usage to some degree, yet the federal government does not recognize the votes of the population in these states (upwards of 60 million+), and continues to prosecute cannabis under federal guidelines. A further 6 states have initiated decriminalization policies.

The medical use of cannabis is politically controversial, but physicians sometimes recommend it informally, yet of late face persecution for doing so by the federal government in the United States. A synthetic version of the major active chemical in cannabis, THC, is available in many countries in the form of a pill as the prescription drug [[dronabinol]] (Marinol). THC has also been found to reduce arterial blockages.<ref name="BloodVessels">{{cite news|url=http://www.nature.com/news/2005/050404/full/050404-7.html|publisher=Nature (magazine)|title=Cannabis compound benefits blood vessels|date=[[2005-04-04]]}}</ref> A sublingual spray derived from an extract of cannabis has also been approved for treatment of [[multiple sclerosis]] in [[Canada]] as the prescription drug [[Sativex]]<ref name="SativexC">{{cite news|url=http://www.usatoday.com/news/health/2005-06-23-pot-spray_x.htm|org=USA Today|title=Spray alternative to pot on the market in Canada|date=[[2005-06-23]]}}</ref>&mdash;this drug may now be legally imported into the [[United Kingdom]] and [[Spain]] on prescription. (Note: United States Law currently registers cannabis as a schedule I drug and Marinol as a schedule III drug.)<ref name="SativexEu">{{cite web|url=http://stopthedrugwar.org/chronicle/411/sativex.shtml|title=Europe: Sativex Coming to England, Spain|accessdate=2006-03-25}}</ref>

==Relationship with other illicit drugs==

Since its origin in the 1950's, the "[[gateway drug]]" theory has been one of the major facets of marijuana drug policy in the United States<ref name=Rand>{{cite web|url=http://www.rand.org/news/press.02/gateway.html|title=RAND STUDY CASTS DOUBT ON CLAIMS THAT MARIJUANA
ACTS AS "GATEWAY" TO THE USE OF COCAINE AND HEROIN|accessdate=2006-12-24}}</ref>. Those who subscribe to this theory, which has since spread throughout the world, essentially believe that smoking cannabis may lead users to other drugs such as [[cocaine]] or [[heroin]] and should therefore be treated as a serious matter. Some studies have found the theory to be false,<ref name="Tarter2006GatewayHypothesis">{{cite journal| last = Tarter| first = Ralph E.| coauthors = Michael Vanyukov, Levent Kirisci, Maureen Reynolds and Duncan B. Clark, M.D. | year = 2006 | month = December | title = Predictors of Marijuana Use in Adolescents Before and After Licit Drug Use: Examination of the Gateway Hypothesis | journal = [[American Journal of Psychiatry]] | volume = 163 | issue = 12 | doi = 10.1176/appi.ajp.163.12.2134 | url = http://ajp.psychiatryonline.org/cgi/content/abstract/163/12/2134 }}</ref> whereas others have found truth to these claims<ref>{{cite journal|url=http://general-medicine.jwatch.org/cgi/content/full/2003/218/1|title=Is Marijuana a Gateway Drug?|author=Richard Saitz,MD,MPH,FACP|publisher=Journal Watch|accessdate=2006-12-27}}</ref>. Despite the conflicting results of these studies, much of the research on both sides suggests that the legal status of cannabis may have some correlation with the "gateway theory".<ref>{{cite journal| last = Morral| first = Andrew R.| coauthors = McCaffrey, Daniel F.; Paddock, Susan M. | year =2002. | month = December | title = Reassessing the marijuana gateway effect | journal = Addiction | volume = 97 | issue = 12 | pages = 1493-1504 | url = http://pt.wkhealth.com/pt/re/addi/abstract.00008514-200212000-00002.htm;jsessionid=FJcCcHlCKYl5fXMK7zv8F7TG4lS45njtnyJT4JVQJnnQflX8v29G!641301743!-949856144!8091!-1 }} </ref><ref>{{cite web|url=http://www.mpp.org/site/c.glKZLeMQIsG/b.1146183/k.AE54/FAQ.htm|title=Marijuana Policy Project- FAQ|accessdate=2006-12-24}}</ref> In many countries cannabis is outlawed, so the cannabis user may very easily find himself or herself in situations where other illegal drugs are being used, or he or she may become acquainted with people who use other substances illegally through the process of purchasing cannabis from [[black market]] dealers. Situations such as these may lead the user to move on to drugs that are generally considered more dangerous.

== New breeding and cultivation techniques ==
{{main|Cannabis (drug) cultivation}}

Advances in breeding and cultivation techniques have increased the diversity and potency of [[List of cannabis strains|cannabis strains]] since 1970, and these strains are now widely smoked all over the world. These advances are known as the [[Cannabis (drug) cultivation#Sinsemilla|''sinsemilla'' techniques]] of production; sinsemilla, Spanish for ''without seed'', are the dried, seedless female flowers of cannabis plants which have been grown in the absence of males to ensure no pollination takes place. Because [[tetrahydrocannabinol|THC]] potency and production drops off once pollination takes place, various techniques such as [[Seedbank|seed banks]], [[Cannabis (drug) cultivation#Hydroponic cultivation|hydroponics]], [[Cannabis (drug) cultivation#Feminized seeds|cloning]], [[Cannabis (drug) cultivation#Lighting|lighting techniques]], and [[Cannabis (drug) cultivation#Sea of green|the sea of green method]] have been utilized, in part as a response to prohibition enforcement efforts which have made outdoor cultivation more risky; thus, efficient indoor cultivation has become more common. These same advances have led to fewer seeds being present in cannabis currently than were present 20 years ago.

Many opponents of cannabis use, both in and out of government, have exaggerated the increases in potency and ramifications thereof. In the United States, government advertisements encourage parents to disregard their own experience with cannabis when speaking to their children, on the premise that <!-- don't change this, it is intentionally -->pot<!-- like in the ads to which I refer --><!-- could you cite those ads? --> today is significantly stronger and thus more dangerous than that which they themselves might have smoked in the past.<ref name="More potent">{{cite press release|publisher=[[United States Department of Health and Human Services]]|date=[[2004-09-09]]|url=http://www.dhhs.gov/news/press/2004pres/20040909b.html|title=Nation's Youth Turning Away from Marijuana, as Perceptions of Risk Rise; Most Adults with Substance Abuse Problems Are Employed|accessdate=2006-05-30}}</ref> In a general pattern of proposing reverses in [[Cannabis reclassification in the United Kingdom|cannabis rescheduling]], the UK government is considering scheduling stronger cannabis (''skunk'', in local parlance) as a separate, more restricted substance. Many cannabis proponents disagree vehemently, reasoning that as one must smoke less cannabis to achieve the same effect, it actually is safer and less potentially carcinogenic in the long run than that which was smoked in earlier times.

There are three recognized subspecies of ''Cannabis sativa'', ''Cannabis sativa'' subsp. ''sativa'', ''C. sativa'' subsp. ''indica'', and ''C. sativa'' subsp. ''ruderalis''<ref name="Plants">{{cite web|author = USDA, NRCS | date=2006 | title=The PLANTS Database| publisher=National Plant Data Center| location=Baton Rouge, LA 70874-4490 USA | url=http://plants.usda.gov/java/ClassificationServlet?source=profile&symbol=CASA3&display=31 | accessdate=2006-11-01 }}</ref> Sativas are reputed to induce a noticeably more cerebral high, while indicas induce more of a body high, also referred to as "couch-lock."

== Preparations for human consumption ==

[[Image:Weed full.schmiddy.jpeg|thumb|250px|Cannabis flowers, or buds, in a plastic bag.]]

Cannabis is prepared for human consumption in several forms:

* ''Marijuana'' or ''bud'', the resin gland-rich flowering tops of female plants.
* ''[[Hashish]]'', a concentrated resin mostly comprised of trichomes that are extracted physically, as with ice hash, or chemically.
* ''[[Kief]]'' or ''kif'', a powder containing the resin glands (glandular [[trichome]]s, often incorrectly called "crystals" or "pollen"); it is produced by sifting marijuana and leaves.
* ''[[Charas]]'', hand-made hashish produced by hand-rubbing the resin from the resin gland-rich parts of the plant. Often thin dark rectangular pieces.
* ''[[Bhang]]'', prepared by the wet grinding of the leaves of the plant and used as a drink.
* ''[[Hash oil]]'', resulting from [[extraction]] or [[distillation]] of THC-rich parts of the plant.
* ''[[Budder]]'', processed hash oil. Ordinary hash oil is whipped to incorporate air, making it a foam. It has been marketed as being anywhere between 82% and 100% THC, though no actual lab tests have been done to validate this claim.
* ''[[Resin (disambiguation)|Resin]]'', when smoked through a pipe all of the above will cause black goo to create a film on the sides or collect in certain nooks depending on its shape. This can be collected and resmoked.
* ''[[Shake]]'' or ''leaf''. Leaves from below the flowering buds on which the sticky trichomes have collected can be smoked on their own, mixed with any of the above, or cooked and eaten.

These forms are certainly not exclusive and combinations of two or more different forms of cannabis are common. Mixing different forms is done mainly to obtain a different or more powerful effect. Between the many different strains of ''Cannabis'', the various ways that it is prepared for consumption and methods by which it is consumed, there are innumerable types of blends or mixes, similar to the wide variety of mixed alcoholic or caffeinated beverages that are possible.

Marijuana is measured in many different ways. The most common is in fractions of an ounce. Usually dealers divide large amounts of the drug into ounces (1/16) of a pound. From there the ounces are then divided into eigths (1/8) this is the most common amount that is sold. Also marijuana can be found in metric amounts. So instead of a pound, a kilo (2.24 pounds) or grams (28g/1Oz). The measurement varies from country to country.

=== Smoking ===
{{main|Cannabis smoking}}
[[Image:Cannabis-stuff.jpg|thumb|right|300px|Variety of cannabis-smoking paraphernalia.]]
There are a wide variety of methods of smoking cannabis. The most popular include the [[Joint (cannabis)|joint]], the [[Blunt (cigar)|blunt]], the [[bong]], the [[smoking pipe (non-tobacco)|pipe]] more commonly called a "bowl" or "piece", the [[shotgun (cannabis)|shotgun]], and the [[dugout (smoking)|one-hitter]]. These are sometimes smoked inside a small closed area (such as a car) used to trap smoke so that it is inhaled with every breath. This is often referred to as "[[hotboxing]]", "fishbowling", "clam-baking", "green-housing", creating a "potmosphere" or in [[Australia]] as a "compression session". In Canada, it's referred to as a 'hotbox'. Variants of this include the 'Jamaican Shower/Bath/Sauna'.

To create a joint, cannabis is rolled up into a cigarette, using [[rolling paper]] (where available). Brown paper, newsprint, and other assorted paper products can be used. Cannabis [[cigar]]s, or [[Blunt (cigar)|blunts]], can also be created by using the wrapper of a standard cigar.

A [[bong]] is a water pipe through which cannabis smoke is filtered. Variants include the [[gravity bong]], which consists of a cone atop a perforated or cut water bottle. This method of cannabis smoking is one of the most efficient, as the presence of a chamber and carburetor reduce smoke waste. One can consume massive amounts of cannabis in one "hit".

Pipes are usually made of [[Glassblowing|blown glass]], wood, or non-reactive metals. Metal pipes are often made of interchangeable pieces. Glass pipes often have a carburetor, colloquially referred to as a ''carb,'' ''rush,'' ''choke,'' ''shotgun, ''or ''shooter'' (British use) that is covered for suction then released for inhalation. Some users also prefer vertically held pipes, or improvised pipes ("tinnies") made from aluminium foil (either constructed entirely from the foil or by using it as a gauze), small plumbing fittings, soda cans, crisp fruits or vegetables, or the cardboard from bathroom-tissue or aluminium foil rolls.

A "one-hitter" is a device that allows smaller amounts of cannabis to be smoked with equal suction. Cannabis buds are loaded into a compartment for combustion. The smoker then lights the compartment and the entire amount of cannabis is smoked. This is repeated for each hit. This method is also efficient in [[Titration|titrating]] the exact dose desired.
One-hitters are often disguised as actual cigarettes in order to mislead or deceive people into believing that the person is smoking an authentic cigarette.

=== Vaporization ===
With a ''[[vaporizer]]'', cannabis can be heated to a temperature of about 365 °F (185 °C), at which the active ingredients are released into [[gas]]eous form with little or no burning of the plant material. With this method, the user does not inhale as many (or any) toxic chemicals depending on the quality of the vaporizer. Scientific studies by MAPS/NORML have yielded varied results on the effectiveness of vaporizing as a method of cannabis consumption. One particular study by MAPS/NORML found 95% THC and no toxins delivered in the vapor.<ref name="norml1">{{cite journal
| quotes =
| last = Gieringer
| first = Dale H.
| authorlink =
| coauthors = Joseph St. Laurent, Scott Goodrich
| date =
| year = 2004
| month =
| title = Cannabis Vaporizer Combines Efficient Delivery of THC with Effective Suppression of Pyrolytic Compounds
| journal = Journal of Cannabis Therapeutics
| volume = 4
| issue = 1
| pages = 7-27
| doi = 10.1300/J175v04n01_02
| id =
| url = http://www.maps.org/mmj/Gieringer-vaporizer.pdf
| language =
| format = pdf
| accessdate = 2006-04-21
}}</ref> However, an older study by MAPS/NORML showed minimal reduction of toxins.<ref name="norml2">{{cite web|url=http://www.maps.org/news-letters/v06n3/06359mj1.html|title=Marijuana Water Pipe and Vaporizer Study|last=Gieringer|first=Dale|accessdate=2006-04-21}}</ref>

==== Hot-knifing (Blades) ====
Hot-knifing, "Knife hits", [[spots]], ''blasting'' or ''doing blades'' is a process in which the tips of two knives are heated to a very high temperature, often by inserting them into the heating element of an electric or gas stove. The cannabis is then pressed between the heated knife-tips, rapidly combusting, or vaporising it depending upon the amount of heat used. The vaporized cannabis is funneled into the mouth of the smoker through the use of a glass or plastic bottle, empty pen, or other hollow tube or funnel or free handed.

In [[New Zealand]] and [[Australia]], this is known as "spots". "Spots" can refer to both the activity of hot-kniving (aka "spotting") and the small, rolled balls of cannabis consumed in the process. Spots are much more efficient than bongs or joints; as the amount of cannabis required to constitute a hit is less and the dosage is easily controlled. This method is most commonly employed with high quality cannabis or hashish.

Another method of "[[spotting (marijuana)|spotting]]" uses knife blades heated to a much lower temperature, only hot enough to [[vaporization|vaporise]] the active ingredients, leaving the organic material scorched, rather than burnt to ash, thus decreasing potential harmful consequences of the smoke itself.

=== Eating cannabis ===
Cannabis may be orally consumed. In order to release its psychoactive properties [[hashish]] can be eaten raw or mixed with water but marijuana will only be absorbed into the bloodstream by blending it with [[ethanol]] or [[lipid]]s. The effects of the drug take longer to begin, but last longer and may be perceived as more physical rather than mental, though there are claims to the contrary. A dose of oral cannabis is often considered to give a stronger experience than the equivalent dose of smoked cannabis, and some people are displeased after ingesting the compounds this way after receiving too great an effect with an unknown dose. A common belief holds that smoking cannabis leads to a large amount of the active compounds being lost in the exhaled smoke or simply decomposing on burning, whereas ingested cannabis results in 100% consumption of the active compounds, an assertion which cannot be confirmed without objective analysis. It is thought that the active component of cannabis, Δ9-THC, is converted to the more psychoactive [[11-hydroxy-THC]] in the liver.<ref name="11-hydroxy">{{cite journal| author=Paulo Borini; Romeu Cardoso Guimarães; Sabrina Bicalho Borini| year=2004| month=May| title= ''Possible hepatotoxicity of chronic marijuana usage''| journal=Sao Paulo Medical Journal| volume=122| issue=3| doi=10.1590/S1516-31802004000300007| url=http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?pid=S1516-31802004000300007&script=sci_arttext&tlng=en| accessdate=2006-05-02}}</ref> Titration is much more complex than through inhalation. Common preparations involve blending with [[butter]], to create [[Cannabutter]] that is used in preparing [[Alice B. Toklas brownie|Brownies]], [[fudge]], [[hash cookie|cookies]], [[ganja goo ball]]s or [[space cake]]s. When blended with melted butter, the drug is finely minced almost into powder form. However, there are some preparations that do not contain butter in them and therefore fall into a slightly different category; these include the [[Leary biscuit]], which requires less preparation than more "conventional" recipes. Infusion in drinks containing [[milk]] and flavoring [[herb]]s is also possible, and more common in India. Hollowed-out gumballs filled with the drug, wrapped and distributed labeled as [[Greenades]], were identified in 2006 as being used by high school students in the United States.<ref name="Greenades">{{cite news|url=http://www.prweb.com/releases/2006/7/prweb414446.htm|title=Greenades, Marijuana Gumballs, Identified by Maryland Police, Used by High School Students|publisher=[[PR Web]]|date=[[2006-07-22]]|accessdate=2006-09-15}}</ref>

As with other drugs that are taken orally, it is sometimes customary to [[Fasting|fast]] before taking the drug to increase the effect, possibly because an empty stomach will absorb the drug faster so it 'hits' stronger. However, some people do eat before consuming the drug because eating it on an empty stomach makes them feel sick. Still, time to effect onset is an hour or sometimes more, as opposed to smoking, where effects can be almost immediate.

Cannabis can also be [[Leaching|leached]] in high-percentage [[ethanol]] (often [[neutral grain spirit|grain alcohol]]) to create [[Green Dragon]]. This process is often used to utilize otherwise low-quality stems and leaves.

Cannabis can also be consumed as a [[tea]]. THC is lipophilic and only slightly [[water]] [[solubility|soluble]], with a solubility of only 2.8 grams per litre,<ref name="water solubility">{{cite web|url=http://lib1.bmcc.cuny.edu/studres/projectsakinde.html|title=The Medical Applications of Cannabinoids|author=Akinde Omotayo|publisher=[[Borough of Manhattan Community College]]|accessdate=2006-09-15}}</ref> but enough to make a tea effective. Water-based infusion is generally considered to be inefficient.

The seeds of the plant, high in [[protein]] and [[fatty acid]]s, are appreciated by many species of birds. Many countries, including the United States, make the possession of viable cannabis seeds illegal,<ref name="DEA">{{cite web|url=http://www.usdoj.gov/dea/agency/csa.htm|title=Controlled Substances Act|work=21 USCS § 801|publisher=United States Drug Enforcement Agency|accessdate=November 4|accessyear=2005}}</ref> although they can be openly bought and sold legally in much of Europe, including the [[UK]].{{fact}}

== Immediate effects of consumption ==

[[Image:Macro cannabis bud.jpg|thumb|200px|right|A dried flowered bud of the ''Cannabis sativa'' plant.]]

The nature and intensity of the immediate effects of cannabis consumption vary according to the dose, the species or hybridization of the source plant, the method of consumption, the user's mental and physical characteristics (such as possible tolerance), and the environment of consumption. This is sometimes referred to as ''[[set and setting]]''. Smoking the same cannabis either in a different frame of mind (set) or in a different location (setting) can alter the effects or perception of the effects by the individual. What the user does under the influence can also affect the effects of cannabis. For example, if the user does nothing they will feel relaxed and sleepy, whereas if they engage in intense physical or mental activity they will feel energised. Effects of cannabis consumption may be loosely classified as cognitive and physical. Anecdotal evidence suggests that drug varieties of ''Cannabis sativa'' subsp. ''sativa'' tend to produce more of the cognitive or perceptual effects, while ''C. sativa'' subsp. ''indica'' tends to produce more of the physical effects.

=== Active ingredients, metabolism, and method of activity ===

Of the approximately 315<ref name=chemicals>{{cite web|title=Urban Legends Reference Pages: Language (420)|url=http://www.snopes.com/language/stories/420.htm|accessdate=2006-05-11}}</ref> different psychoactive chemicals found in ''Cannabis'', the main active ingredient is [[tetrahydrocannabinol]] (delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol, '''THC'''). THC can degrade to other [[cannabinoids]], such as [[cannabidiol]] or [[cannabinol]], which can make one feel sleepy and disoriented. Different cannabis products have different ratios of these and other cannabinoids. Depending on the ratio, the quality and nature of the "high" will vary.

THC has an effect on the modulation of the [[immune system]], which may have an effect on malignant cells, but there is insufficient scientific study to determine whether this might promote or limit the cause of [[cancer]]. Cannabinoid receptors are also present in the human [[reproductive system]], but there is insufficient scientific study to conclusively determine the effects of cannabis on reproduction. Mild [[allergy|allergies]] to cannabis may be possible in some members of the population.

A study has shown that holding cannabis smoke in one's lungs for longer periods of time does not conclusively increase THC's effects on psychological test performance.<ref name="Time Study">{{cite journal|author=Block RI, Farinpour R & Braverman K.|title=Acute effects of marijuana on cognition: relationships to chronic effects and smoking techniques|journal=Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behaviour|year=1992|volume=43(3)|pages=907 &ndash; 917}}</ref> However, a more recent study by the same authors indicates that a longer breath-holding duration increases the subjective ratings of ones' "high."<ref name="Time Study 2">{{cite journal|author=Block RI, Erwin W, Farinpour R & Braverman K.|title=Sedative, Stimulant, and Other Subjective Effects of Marijuana: Relationships to Smoking Techniques|journal=Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behaviour|year=1997|volume=59(2)|pages=405 &ndash; 412}}</ref> This latter study also found that a long breath-holding duration decreased subjects' subjective ratings of "calmness" more than a short breath-holding duration. Additionally, subjects who held cannabis smoke in their lungs for a long duration felt slightly less "relaxation" while subjects who held the smoke for a short period gave higher "relaxation" ratings.

=== Lethal dose ===

According to the [[Merck Index]], 12th edition, the [[LD50|LD<sub>50</sub>]], the lethal dose for 50% of rats tested by inhalation, is 42 mg/kg of body weight. That is the equivalent of a 165 lb (75 kg) man inhaling all of the [[Tetrahydrocannabinol|THC]] in 21 one-gram cigarettes of high-potency (15% THC) cannabis buds at once, assuming no THC was lost through burning or exhalation, though a substantial amount of THC is lost through smoking, making the actual amount of cannabis required higher. For oral consumption, the LD<sub>50</sub> of THC for rats is 1270&nbsp;mg/kg and 730&nbsp;mg/kg for males and females, respectively, equivalent to the THC in about a pound of 15% THC cannabis. Only with [[intravenous]] administration may such a level be even theoretically possible.<ref name="Erowid">{{cite web|url=http://www.erowid.org/plants/cannabis/cannabis_chemistry.shtml|title=
Cannabis Chemistry|accessdate=2006-03-20|author=Erowid}}</ref> The ratio of cannabis required to saturate cannaboid receptors to the amount of cannabis required to have a fatal over dose is 1:40,000.

== Health issues and the effects of cannabis ==
{{main|Health issues and the effects of cannabis}}<!-- #######HIATEOC####### -->

[[Image:4 ounces of marijuana.JPG|thumb|200px|Four one ounce bags of cannabis. A "Q.P."]]
The most obvious confounding factor in cannabis research is the very prevalent usage of other recreational drugs, including [[alcohol]] and [[tobacco]].<ref>[http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?db=pubmed&cmd=Retrieve&dopt=AbstractPlus&list_uids=10613339&query_hl=19&itool=pubmed_docsum Marijuana use and increased risk of squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck]</ref> Such complications imply that cannabis studies must have stronger controls and investigations into the symptoms of cannabis that may also be caused by tobacco, for example, cannot be demonstrated. In addition, research using cannabis is heavily restricted in many countries, reducing the studies funded or approved, and it will be many years before accurate unbiased information comes to light. More controversial results that have been published in cannabis studies include one that suggests that cannabis may be less likely to cause [[emphysema]] or cancer than tobacco;<ref name="Tobacco">{{cite news|url=http://www.mapinc.org/drugnews/v05/n1106/a09.html?275821|title=Marijuana Smoking Does Not Cause Lung Cancer|org=Anderson Valley Advertiser|author=Fred Gardner|date=[[2006-07-06]]}}</ref><ref>{{cite journal | title=Heavy habitual marijuana smoking does not cause an accelerated decline in FEV1 with age | author=D.P. Tashkin ''et al.'' | journal=Am. J. Respir. Crit. Care Med. | volume= 155 |issue= 1 | date= January 1997 | pages=141-148 | url=http://ajrccm.atsjournals.org/cgi/gca?SEARCHID=1127855512481_8334&AUTHOR1=Tashkin%252C%2BD&FULLTEXT=Marijuana&JOURNALCODE=&FIRSTINDEX=0&hits=10&RESULTFORMAT=&gca=155%2F1%2F141&sendit=Get+All+Checked+Abstract%28s%29}}</ref><ref name="UCLA study">{{cite news|url=http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2006/05/25/AR2006052501729_pf.html|title=Study finds no marijuana-lung cancer link|publisher=[[Washington Post]]|date=[[2006-05-26]]|accessdate=2006-07-13}}</ref><!-- #######need better citation from HIATEOC####### --> other studies have suggested that cannabis may be less likely to cause birth defects or developmental delays in the children of users than other drugs would.<ref name="BirthDefects">{{cite journal|author=J.S. Hayes, R. Lampart, M.C. Dreher, L. Morgan|title=''Five-year follow-up of rural Jamaican children whose mothers used marijuana during pregnancy''|journal=West Indian Medical Journal|year=1991|volume=40|issue=3|pages=120-3}}</ref><ref name="BirthDefects2">{{cite journal|author=M.C. Dreher, K. Nugent, R. Hudgins|title=''Prenatal Marijuana Exposure and Neonatal Outcomes in Jamaica: An Ethnographic Study''|journal=Pediatrics|year=1994|volume=93|issue=3|pages=254-260}}</ref> According to a United Kingdom government report, using cannabis is less dangerous than both tobacco and alcohol in social harms, physical harm and addiction.<ref name="UK government report">{{cite news|url=http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/shared/bsp/hi/pdfs/31_07_06_drugsreport.pdf|title=UK government report|publisher=House of Commons Science and Technology Committee|date=[[2006-07-18]]|accessdate=2006-08-29}}]</ref>

The most consistent believable study results show that regular usage of cannabis has some toxicity to the [[hippocampus]] and may interfere somewhat in some short term memory tasks, and so usage with a diet high in neuroprotective antioxidants is recommended (many fruits and vegetables). There is no scientific consensus, however, as to the level of harm, and these studies have so far made no clear reproduceable conclusive results showing whether this is temporary or permanent and as to what doseage and use patterns have exactly what effects. As well cannabis is consistently recommended against in the 16 and under population, as this population is in a stage of rapid growth and development, is more sensitive to all chemicals and as well pollution, with an immune system not yet fully formed. Of those 17-20 very light use is recommended for those that choose to use the plant, and light to moderate use at the most, is recommended for adult users. Other studies have shown neuroprotective effects from cannabis for other areas of the brain, so its action is obviously complicated, with the human having receptors in the brain specifically for cannabinoids.

Research between the use of cannabis and mental illness has also brought significant results. Cannabis use is generally higher among sufferers of schizophrenia, but the causality between the two has not been established.<ref name="Causality">{{cite journal|author=Cécile Henquet, Lydia Krabbendam, Janneke Spauwen, Charles Kaplan, Roselind Lieb, Hans-Ulrich Wittchen and Jim van Os|title=''Prospective cohort study of cannabis use, predisposition for psychosis, and psychotic symptoms in young people''|journal=British Medical Journal|year=2004|volume=330|issue=11}}</ref><ref name ="Causality2">{{cite journal|author=G C Patton, Carolyn Coffey, J B Carlin, Louisa Degenhardt, Micheal Lynskey and Wayne Hall|title=''Cannabis use and mental health in young people: cohort study''|journal=British Medical Journal|year=2005|volume=325|issue=1195}}</ref> Another study concluded that sustained early-adolescent cannabis use among genetically predisposed individuals has been associated with a variety of mental illness outcomes; ranging from [[psychotic]] episodes to clinical [[schizophrenia]].<ref name="Dunedin">{{cite journal|author=Louise Arseneault, Mary Cannon, Richie Poulton, Robin Murray, Avshalom Caspi, Terrie E Moffitt|title=Cannabis use in adolescence and risk for adult psychosis: longitudinal prospective study|journal=British Medical Journal|year=2002|url=http://bmj.bmjjournals.com/cgi/reprint/325/7374/1212.pdf}}</ref><ref name="Dunedin2">{{cite journal|author=Avshalom Caspi, Terrie E. Moffitt, Mary Cannon, Joseph McClay, Robin Murray, HonaLee Harrington, Alan Taylor, Louise Arseneault, Ben Williams, Antony Braithwaite, Richie Poulton, and Ian W. Craig|title=''Moderation of the Effect of Adolescent-Onset Cannabis Use on Adult Psychosis by a Functional Polymorphism in the catechol-O-Methyltransferase Gene: Longitudinal Evidence of a Gene X Environment Interaction''|journal=Society of Biological Psychiatry|year=January 2005|url=http://www.ukcia.org/research/COMTgene.pdf}}</ref>

== Legality ==
[[Image:World-cannabis-laws.png|right|thumb|401px|World laws on [[cannabis]] possession (small amount). Data is from multiple sources detailed on the [[Image talk:World-cannabis-laws.png|full source list]]. This map is a work in progress, please give corrections and additions [[User talk:CL8|here]].]]
[[Image:European-cannabis-laws.png|right|thumb|401px|European laws on [[Cannabis (drug)|cannabis]] possession (small amount). Data is from multiple sources detailed on the [[Image talk:World-cannabis-laws.png#Europe|full source list]]. This map is a work in progress, please give corrections and additions [[User talk:CL8|here]].]]
{{main|Legal issues of cannabis}}
Since the 20th century, most countries have enacted laws against the cultivation, use, possession, or transfer of cannabis for recreational use. Naturally, these laws impact adversely on the cannabis plant's cultivation for non-recreational purposes, but there are many regions where, under certain circumstances, handling of cannabis is legal or licensed, and others where laws against its use, possession, or sale are not enforced. Many jurisdictions have also ''decriminalized'' possession of small quantities of cannabis, so that it is punished by [[confiscation]] or a [[fine]], rather than [[imprisonment]]. By effectively removing the user from the criminal justice system, decriminalization focuses more on those who [[Trafficking|traffic]] and sell the drug on the [[black market]]. However, this does not solve the problem of how a user will obtain the "legal amount" of cannabis, since buying or growing cannabis is still illegal. Increasingly, many jurisdictions also permit cannabis use for medicinal purposes. Some countries allow the sale through drug companies.{{fact}} However, simple possession can carry long jail sentences in some countries, particularly in [[East Asia]], where the sale of cannabis may lead to a sentence of life in prison or even execution.
[[Image:Killerdrug.jpg|right|thumb|400px|U.S. Federal Bureau of Narcotics [[public service announcement|PSA]] used in the late 1930s and 1940s.]]

=== Recent history ===
Under the name ''cannabis'', 19th century medical practitioners sold the drug, (usually as a [[tincture]]) popularizing the word amongst English-speakers. It was rumoured to have been used to treat [[Victoria of the United Kingdom|Queen Victoria]]'s [[menstrual]] pains as her personal physician, Sir John Russell Reynolds, was a staunch supporter of the benefits of cannabis.<ref name="Reynolds">{{cite web|url=http://jnnp.bmjjournals.com/cgi/content/full/75/8/1148|title=Positive and negative cerebral symptoms: the roles of Russell Reynolds and Hughlings Jackson|accessdate=2006-03-25}}</ref> Cannabis was also openly available from shops in the US. By the end of the 19th century, its medicinal use began to fall as other drugs like [[aspirin]] took over its use as a pain reliever.

In 1894, the ''Report of the Indian Hemp Drugs Commission'' commissioned by the UK Secretary of State and the government of India, was instrumental in the decision not to criminalize the drug in those countries. The ''Report'', which at over 500 pages remains one of the most complete collections of information on cannabis in existence, shows the stark contrast in the way that the American and British governments went about deciding whether to criminalize cannabis.<ref>Kaplan, J. (1969) "Introduction" of the ''Report of the Indian Hemp Drugs Commission'' ed. by The Honorable W. Mackworth Young, ''et al.'' (Simla: Government Central Printing Office, 1894) LCCN 74-84211, pp. v-vi.</ref>

The name ''marijuana'' ([[Mexican Spanish]] ''marihuana'', ''mariguana'') is associated almost exclusively with the plant's psychoactive use. The term is now well known in English largely due to the efforts of American drug prohibitionists during the 1920s and 1930s, which deliberately used a [[Mexican]] name for cannabis in order to turn the populace against the idea that it should be legal, playing upon attitudes towards race. (''See [[1937 Marihuana Tax Act]]''). Those who ''demonized'' the drug by calling it marihuana omitted the fact that the "deadly marihuana" was identical to cannabis indica, which had at the time a reputation for pharmaceutical safety.<ref>{{cite journal
| quotes = Remarkably, neither of the preceding articles explain that the deadly marihuana is precisely identical to cannabis indica! This fact might well have surprised readers, given cannabis' reputation for pharmaceutical safety.
| last = Gieringer
| first = Dale H.
| authorlink =
| coauthors =
| date = 2006-06-17
| year = 1999
| month =
| title = The Origins of Cannabis Prohibition in California
| journal = Contemporary Drug Problems
| volume = 26
| issue = 2
| pages =
| doi =
| id =
| url = http://canorml.org/background/caloriginsmjproh.pdf
| language =
| format =
| accessdate = 2007-01-05
}} p.13</ref>

Although cannabis has been used for its psychoactive effects since ancient times, it first became well known in the United States during the [[jazz]] music scene of the late 1920s and 1930s. [[Louis Armstrong]] became a prominent and life-long devotee. It was popular in the blues scene as well, and eventually became a prominent part of 1960s counterculture.

=== Decriminalization and legalization ===
{{main|Legal issues of cannabis}}
[[Image:Map-of-US-state-cannabis-laws.png|thumb|400px|United States cannabis laws. Blue represents states with [[medical cannabis]] laws; red represents states with [[decriminalization]] laws; purple represents states with both.]]
[[Image:420 9.jpg|right|thumb|300px|A large scale anti-prohibition demonstration in [[Vancouver]], [[Canada]], on [[April 20]], [[2005]].]]

In recent decades, a movement to [[Decriminalization|decriminalize]] cannabis has arisen in several countries. 12 US states have passed by majority vote of the citizenry, laws allowing some degree of medical use, while a further 6 states have taken steps to decriminalize it to some degree. This movement seeks to make simple possession of cannabis punishable by only confiscation or a fine, rather than prison. In the past several years, the movement has started to have some successes. These include [[Denver, Colorado]] legalizing possession of up to an ounce of cannabis,<ref name="Denver">{{cite news|url=http://www.usatoday.com/news/nation/2005-11-03-pot_x.htm|title=Denver votes to legalize marijuana possession|author=Patrick O'Driscoll|publisher=USA Today|date=[[2005-11-03]]|accessdate=2006-03-11}}</ref> a broad coalition of [[political party|political parties]] in [[Amsterdam]], [[Netherlands]] unveiling a pilot program to allow farmers to grow it legally,<ref name="NLfarming">{{cite web|url=http://www.twincities.com/mld/twincities/news/breaking_news/13313479.htm|title=Dutch Politicians Seek Marijuana Rules|accessdate=2006-02-25}}</ref> and [[Massachusetts]] voting in favor of a bill to decriminalize the possession of up to an ounce of cannabis.<ref name="Mass">{{cite web|url=http://www.heraldnews.com/site/news.cfm?newsid=16135095|title=Marijuana fight nears|accessdate=2006-02-17}}</ref>

In Alaska, cannabis was decided legal for in-home, personal use under the Ravin vs. State ruling in 1975. This ruling allowed up to four ounces of cannabis for these purposes. In response to former Governor Frank Murkowski's successive attempt to re-criminalize cannabis, the [[ACLU]] filed a lawsuit against the state. On [[July 17]], 2006, Superior Court Judge Patricia Collins awarded the Case Summary judgement to the ACLU. In her ruling, she said "No specific argument has been advanced in this case that possession of more than 1 ounce of cannabis, even within the privacy of the home, is constitutionally protected conduct under Ravin or that any plaintiff or ACLU of Alaska member actually possesses more than 1 ounce of cannabis in their homes." This does not mean that the legal possession threshold has been reduced to one ounce, as this was a mere case summary review filed by the ACLU, not a full case. Reinforcing ''Ravin'', Collins wrote "A lower court cannot reverse the State Supreme Court's 1975 decision in Ravin v. State" and "Unless and until the Supreme Court directs otherwise, ''Ravin'' is the law in this state and this court is duty bound to follow that law". The law regarding possession of cannabis has not changed in Alaska, and the Supreme Court has declined to review the case, therefore the law still stands at 4 ounces.{{fact}}

In 2002, Nevada voters defeated a ballot question which would legalize up to 3 ounces for adults 21 and older by 39% to 61%. In 2006, a similar Nevada ballot initiative, which would have legalized and regulated the cultivation, distribution, and possession of up to 1 ounce of marijuana by adults 21 and older, was defeated by 44% to 56%.

In 2001 in the United Kingdom, it was announced that cannabis would become a Class C drug, rather than a Class B, this change took effect on January 29th, 2004. Since then there has recently been some controversy amongst UK politicians about the message this sends out, with some calling for its reclassification to Class B.<ref name="Blunkett">{{cite web|url=http://www.idmu.co.uk/homeoffpr.htm|title=Home Office- Class B to Class C|accessdate=2006-03-27}}</ref>

The [[Government of Mexico]] voted to legalize the possession of cannabis under 5 grams on [[April 28]], [[2006]].<ref name="mexicolegal"> {{cite news|first=Noel|last=Randewich|Author=Noel Randewich|url=http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20060428/ts_nm/mexico_drugs_dc|title=Mexico to decriminalize pot, cocaine and heroin|publisher=[[Reuters]]|date=[[2006-04-28]]|accessdate=2006-04-28}}</ref> However, as of [[May 3]], [[2006]], Mexican President
[[Vicente Fox]] has said that he will not sign this proposed law until Congress removes the parts that would decriminalize the possession of small quantities of drugs<ref name="mexicoillegal">{{cite news|url=http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20060504/ts_nm/mexico_drugs_dc_3|title=Mexico's Fox won't sign drug law|publisher=[[Reuters]]|date=[[2006-05-03]]|accessdate=2006-05-04}}</ref> and vetoed the bill on [[May 4]], [[2006]],<ref name="veto">{{cite news|url=http://www.signonsandiego.com/news/mexico/20060504-9999-1n4fox.html|title=Mexican legal drug proposal rejected|publisher=Sign On San Diego|date=[[2006-05-04]]|accessdate=2006-05-13}}</ref> sparking broad controversy over the bill.<ref name="deniespressure">{{cite news|url=http://www.dominicantoday.com/app/article.aspx?id=13096|title=Mexico denies drug law veto result of US pressure|publisher=Dominican Today|date=[[2006-05-04]]|accessdate=2006-05-13}}</ref><ref name="consulateprotest">{{cite news|url=http://www.scoop.co.nz/stories/HL0605/S00095.htm|title=Protest at Mexican Consulate in New York, Friday|publisher=Scoop|date=[[2006-05-05]]|accessdate=2006-05-13}}</ref><ref name="smokein">{{cite news|url=http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,194552,00.html|title=Drug Bill Veto Sparks Mexico City Marijuana Smoke-In|publisher=[[Fox News]]|date=[[2006-06-05]]|accessdate=2006-05-13}}</ref> In the early summer of 2006 Fox and the Mexican congress came to an agreement and legalized possession of small amounts (and also measured amounts of other drugs). On July 17th, 2006, [[Italy|Italian]] Social Solidarity Minister [[Paolo Ferrero]], speaking of the urgent need for depenalising the consumption of light drugs, said that "a joint is less harmful than a litre of [[wine]]."<ref name=Paolo>{{cite news|url=http://www.agi.it/english/news.pl?doc=200607171332-1085-RT1-CRO-0-NF82&page=0&id=agionline-eng.italyonline|accessdat2--6-07-26|title=DRUG: FERRERO DECRIMINALIZE CONSUMPTION OF LIGHT DRUGS|date=[[2006-07-17]]|publisher=Agenzia Giornalistica Italia}}</ref> In [[South Australia]] and the [[Australian Capital Territory]], two plants both less than 6 feet tall are allowed for personal use.{{fact}}

=== Legality in Hong Kong===
Cannabis is regulated under section 9 of Hong Kong's Chapter 134 ''Dangerous Drugs Ordinance''.
Cultivation and dealing with cannabis plant is illegal and a fine of $100,000 and to imprisonment for 15 years can be laid by the court. Anyone who supplies the substance without prescription can be fined $10,000(HKD). The penalty for trafficking or manufacturing the substance is a $5,000,000 (HKD) fine and life imprisonment. Possession of the substance for consumption without license from the Department of Health is illegal with a $1,000,000 (HKD) fine and/or 7 years of jail time.

=== Legality in the United States ===
{{main|Legality of cannabis in the United States}}
{{seealso|Cannabis rescheduling in the United States}}

The United States federal government has illegalized the sale, transport, and possession of cannabis, commonly known in the US as "marijuana" by drug enforcement, since 1937. Federal law in the United States preempts conflicting state and local laws. Nevertheless, some states and local governments have established laws attempting to decriminalize cannabis. Other state and local governments ask law enforcement agencies to limit enforcement of drug laws with respect to cannabis. In the 2006 election, amendment 44 of Colorado making it legal to possess less than 1 ounce of marijuana, failed and the election was 40-60, yet it is still a misdemeanor to possess up to one half pound, and is punished mainly by fines unless sale is established.

The National Center for Natural Products Research in [[Oxford, Mississippi]] is the only facility in the United States that is federally licensed by the [[National Institute on Drug Abuse]] to cultivate cannabis for scientific research. The Center is part of the School of Pharmacy at the University of Mississippi.

==See also==
*[[Illegal drug trade]]
*[[Psychoactive drugs]]
*[[Health issues and the effects of cannabis]]

== References ==
=== Notes ===

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=== Bibliography ===

* {{cite news|url=http://select.nytimes.com/gst/abstract.html?res=F10E1FFB35580C748EDDA90994DA404482|author=Howard Markel|title=For Addicts, Relief May Be an Office Visit Away|publisher=New York Times|date=[[2002-10-27]]}}
* {{cite journal|url=http://www.ukcia.org/research/CannabisUseInAdolescenceAndRiskForAdultPsychosis.pdf|author=Louise Arsenault, Mary Cannon, Richie Poulton, Robin Murray, Avshalom Caspi, and Terrie E. Moffitt|title=Cannabis use in adolescence and risk for adult psychosis: longtudinal prospective study|year=2002|journal=British Medical Journal|volume=325|pages=1212 &ndash; 1213}}
* {{cite journal|url=http://www.ukcia.org/research/COMTgene.pdf|Author=|title=Moderation of the effect of adult-onset cannabis use on adult psychosis by a functional polymorphism in the Catchol-O-Methyltransferase gene: Longitudinal evidence of a gene X environment interaction|author=Avshalom Caspi, Terrie E. Moffitt, Mary Cannon, Joseph McClay, Robin Murray, HonaLee Harrington, Alan Taylor, Louise Arsenault, Ben Williams, Antony Braithwaite, Richie Poulton, and Ian W. Craig|year=2005|journal=Biol Psychiatry|volume=25|pages=1117 &ndash; 1127}}
* {{cite news|url=http://www.timesonline.co.uk/article/0,,3561-1565337,00.html|title=One in four at risk of cannabis psychosis|first=Mark|last=Henderson|publisher=The Times|date=[[2005-04-12]]}}
* Bruce Mirken and Neel Makwana (Aston Birmingham): {{cite news|url=http://www.alternet.org/drugreporter/21436/|date=[[2005-03-07]]|title=Psychosis, Hype And Baloney|publisher=AlterNet}}
* {{cite journal|url=http://ehp.niehs.nih.gov/docs/2000/108-10/correspondence.html#thc|title=Antitumor Effects of THC|journal=Environmental Health Perspectives|volume=108(10)|year=October 2000|pages=Correspondence|author=James Huff and Po Chan | id=PMID 11097557}}
* ''Cannabis: A History'' (2005). Martin Booth - ISBN 0-312-32220-8

{{Cannabis resources}}

<!-- currently unused, need to merge back into the article

== History ==

[[Image:Seed_close_up.jpg|right|thumb|A close up picture of a cannabis seed]]

Cannabis was known as a medicinal and psychoactive compound in some early societies, and has been used continuously in many parts of the world. Other societies have developed a social [[stigma]] surrounding the drug. <!-- repression in various Islamic centuries (11th, 13th, and others), early modern (ex-Ottoman) Greece, Egypt under Mehemet Ali (19th century), need sections -->

[[Category:Psychedelics, dissociatives and deliriants]]

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[[da:Almindelig Hamp]]
[[jbo:marna snexu'i]]
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Revision as of 21:37, 18 January 2007

Gets u high off your tits!!!!!! i like smokin this shit it spaces me out. hamish also home grows it if any1s interested but dhnt let it out coz its highly illegal!!! take a toke from the ritual bong motha fuka