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yea just give this COTW up... morons
The '''history of sex''', its [[taboo]]s, [[regulation]] and [[sociology|social]] and [[politics|political]] impact has had a profound effect on the various [[human]] [[culture]]s of the world since [[prehistory|prehistoric]] times.

== Sources ==
Various aspects of [[sexuality]] have been [[taboo]] in many times and places and there is therefore often a lack of explicit and accurate evidence on which to base a history. There are a number of sources that can be collected across a wide variety of times and cultures, including the following:
* Statements of legal prohibition and/or encouragment
* Religious and moral texts expressing disapprobation and/or approval
* Medical textbooks treating various forms as a pathological condition
* Literary sources, sometimes unpublished during their authors' lifetimes, including diaries
* Linguistic developments, particularly in slang.
* More recently, studies of sexuality

==Reproduction and cultural gender roles==
The [[biology|biological]] phenomenon that [[woman|women]] become [[pregnancy|pregnant]] and give birth - instead of [[man|men]] - has shaped the formation of [[gender role]]s in world [[culture]]s.
In the strict sense of "survival of the [[species]]", females are far more valuable than males. A single male can impregnate any number of females at once, while a single female is usually only impregnated by one male at a time. If some mysterious plague wiped out all but one man on Earth, humankind could probably recover (depending on the man's [[health]], [[fertility]] and the fact that with the [[incest]], [[mutation]]s arise and the [[gene pool]] of the species is impoverished, so the species is less able to adapt to changes in its environment); if all but one female were wiped out, it's doubtful we could recover.

For this reason, classical [[anthropology]] claims that species survival has generally dictated that the male be the one to leave the [[cave]], [[village]], or [[home]] and go out and face "the dangerous world", and bring home the bacon (or [[Entelodont]], as the case may be), while the female stayed in the safety of the home and took care of the offspring. However, research on hunter and gatherer societes shows that in terms of supplying food the females usually gather the far larger part if it.

This division has shaped many of the gender roles that survive to modern times. As humans have gained increased mastery of the environment, these divisions become less and less relevant, but change, while it is taking place, happens gradually.

==Sex in various cultures==

===The West===

==== Ancient Greece ====

==== Ancient Rome ====

==== The Middle Ages ====

==== Renaissance ====

==== 19th Century ====

==== Early Twentieth Century ====
Within America there are many states that regard some sexual practices as illegal. Sodomy, oral sex, homosexuality, these are just a few of a long list taboo - and actually illegal-practices.

=== Mesopotamia ===

=== China ===

=== Japan ===

=== Africa ===

=== Middle East ===

==The Sexual Revolution ==
''Main article: [[Sexual revolution]]''

==Psychology and sex==

==Same-sex relations==

[[Image:Nishikawa-Sukenobu.jpg|right|thumb|450px|A [[kabuki]] actor moonlighting as a [[sex worker]] toys with his client while enjoying the favors of the serving girl. [[Nishikawa Sukenobu]], [[Shunga]]-style [[woodblock]] print, ink on paper; [[Kyoho era]] ([[1716]]-[[1735]])]]

=== Historiographic Considerations ===

Interestingly, while the reverse is often not true, much of the history of different-gender sexuality and romance may be read from the history of same-sex sexuality and romance. The term "homosexuality" was invented in the 19th century, with the term "heterosexuality" was invented later in the same century in contrast to the earlier term. The term "bisexuality" was invented in the 20th century as sexual identities became defined by the predominate sex to which people are attracted and thus a label was needed for those who are not predominately attracted to one sex. This points out that the history of sexuality is not solely the history of different-sex sexuality plus the history of same-sex sexuality, but a broader conception viewing of historical events in light of our modern concept or concepts of sexuality taken at its most broad and/or literal definitions.

Historical personalities are often described using modern sexual identity terms such as like ''straight'', ''[[bisexuality|bisexual]]'', ''[[gay]]'' or ''[[queer]]''. Those who favour the practice say that this can highlight such issues as discriminatory historiography by, for example, putting into relief the extent to which same-sex sexual experiences are excluded from biographies of noted figures, or to which sensibilities resulting from same-sex attraction are excluded from literary and artistic consideration of important works, and so on.

However, many, especially in the academic world, regard the use of modern labels as problematic, owing to differences in the ways that different societies constructed sexual orientation identities and to the connotations of modern words like "queer." For example, in many societies same-sex sex acts were expected, or completely ignored, and no identity was constructed on their basis at all. Academic works usually specify which words will be used and in which context. Readers are cautioned to avoid making assumptions about the identity of historical figures based on the use of the terms mentioned above.

===The West===

==== Ancient Greece ====

The earliest documents concerning same-sex pederastic relationships come from [[Ancient Greece]]. However, [[Kenneth J. Dover]] has claimed that such relationships did not replace marriage between man and woman, but occurred before and beside it. A mature man would never have a mature male mate, one notable exception being [[Alexander the Great]], but he would be the ''erastes'' (lover) to a young ''eromenos'' (loved one). In this relationship it was considered improper for the eromenos to feel desire, as that would not be masculine. Driven by desire and admiration, the erastes would devote himself unselfishly to providing all the education his eromenos required to thrive in society. In recent times, the research by Dover has been questioned in light of massive evidence of love poetry which suggests a more emotional connection than earlier researchers liked to acknowledge. Some research has shown that ancient Greeks believed semen, more specifically sperm, to be the source of knowledge, and that these relationships served to pass wisdom on from the erastes to the eromenos within society.

==== Ancient Rome ====
:''The deification of Antinous, his medals, statues, temples, city, oracles, and constellation, are well known, and still dishonor the memory of Hadrian. Yet we remark, that, of the first fifteen emperors, Claudius was the only one whose taste in love was entirely correct.''
:::[[Edward Gibbon]]
*[[Caligula]] and Lepidus
*[[Nero]] and Sporus
*[[Hadrian]] and Antinous

==== The Middle Ages ====
[[Image:Burning of Sodomites.jpg|thumb|200px|right|Two male lovers are burned at the stake, Zurich 1482 (Zurich Central Library)]]

==== Renaissance ====
[[Chaucer]]'s Pardoner [http://www.courses.fas.harvard.edu/~laa14/sourcebook/mac-pard.htm]

==== 19th Century ====
*[[George Gordon Byron, 6th Baron Byron|Byron]]
*[[Oscar Wilde]]
*Boston Marriage
*[[Edward Carpenter]]
*[[Public_school_(UK)|The single-sex public school]]

==== Early Twentieth Century ====
For events in [[Germany]] see the articles on [[Magnus Hirschfeld]] and [[History of Gays during the Holocaust]].

=== Mesopotamia ===
[[Image:Shah Abbas and Wine Boy.jpg|left|frame|Shah Abbas I embracing his wine boy. Painting by Muhammad Qasim, 1627. The poem reads “May life grant all that you desire from three lips, those of your lover, the river, and the cup.” Louvre, Paris]]
*[[Epic of Gilgamesh]]

=== China ===
*See [[Homosexuality in China]].
*"[[Passion of the cut sleeve]]" - [[Emperor Ai of Han China]] and [[Dong Xian]]
*"[[Passion of the half-eaten peach]][http://www.androphile.org/preview/Library/Mythology/Chinese/MiziXia/MiziXia.htm]" [[Ling]] (534 - 493 B.C.E.) and [[Mizi Xia]]

=== Japan ===
Main article: [[Homosexuality in Japan]]

=== Wolfenden Report ===
''Main article: [[Wolfenden report]]''

=== Psychiatry ===
Freud, among others, argued that neither predominately different- nor same-sex sexuality were the norm, instead that what is called "bisexuality" is the normal human condition thwarted by society. A 1901 medical dictionary lists ''heterosexuality'' as "perverted" different-sex attraction, while by the 1960's its use in all forums referred to "normal" different-sex sexuality.

In 1948 [[Alfred Kinsey]] publishes ''Sexual Behavior in the Human Male'', popularly known as the [[Kinsey Reports]].

Homosexuality was deemed to be a psychiatric disorder for many years, although the studies this theory was based on were later determined to be flawed. In 1982 homosexuality was declassified as a mental illness in the [[United Kingdom]]. In 1986 all references to homosexuality as a psychiatric disorder were removed from the [[Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders]] (DSM) of the [[American Psychiatric Association]].

===Sexual "Revolution" ===

During the [[Sexual Revolution]], the different-sex sexual ideal becomes completely separated from procreation, yet at the same time is distanced from same-sex sexuality. Many people view this freeing of different-sex sexuality as leading to more freedom for same-sex sexuality.

=== Gay-rights Movement ===

See [[Gay_rights|Gay Rights]]

==== Stonewall Riot ====
''Main article: [[stonewall riots]]''

The stonewall riots were a series of violent conflicts between New York City police officers and the gay men and transgender women at the Stonewall Inn, a gay hangout in [[Greenwich Village]]. The riot began on [[Friday]], [[June 27]], [[1969]]. "Stonewall", as it is often called, is considered the start of the modern [[gay rights movement]] in the [[U.S.]] and worldwide. It was the first time any significant body of gays resisted arrest. For many, this is the [[primal scene]] of the modern gay rights movement.

==Religion and sex==
Although not the case in every culture, most religious practices contain taboos or [[fetish]]es in regard to sex, [[sex organ]]s and the reproductive process.


=== Judaism and Christianity ===
Taboo and approval surrounding sexuality in Jewish and Christian culture appears to date back to at least the time of [[Moses]] and Mosaic law. Jewish and Christian culture and religion have had a profound effect on modern conceptions of sexuality and morals.

==== The Hebrew Patriarchs ====
The taboo surrounding same-sex sexuality in Jewish and Christian culture appears to date back to at least the time of [[Moses]] and [[Mosaic law]]. In the book of Leviticus we read that

:''Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination.''
:::Leviticus 18:22

Which is followed by a statement on suitable punishment.

:''If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them.''
:::Leviticus 20:13

However, Jewish law also regulates different-sex sexuality.

==== The Early Christian Church====

=====Christ's Teachings=====
It is notable that the accounts of [[Christ]]'s teachings in the [[Gospel]]s make no reference to homosexuality. This is likely due to the fact that first century Jerusalem still practiced the Mosaic Laws.

=====Council of Jerusalem=====
The Council of Jerusalem described in Acts 15 decided that although Christ may have admonished Jews to keep to their traditions and laws these were not required of gentiles converting to Christianity, who did not for instance need to be circumcised, and could continue to enjoy shellfish. The Council's final communication to the various gentiles churches was,

:''That ye abstain from meats offered to idols, and from blood, and from things strangled, and from fornication: from which if ye keep yourselves, ye shall do well. Fare ye well.''
:::Acts 15:29

It seems to be a matter of opinion whether ''fornication'', translated in more modern versions as ''sexual immorality'', would include all forms of homosexuality, or applied only to unfaithfulness, promiscuity, and incest.

''See'' [[Jerome]]


In India, [[Hinduism]] accepted an open attitude towards sex as an art, science and spiritual practice. The most famous pieces of Indian literature on sex are [[Kamasutra]] (Aphorisms on Love) and [[Kamashastra]] (from Kama = pleasure shastra = specialised knowledge or technique). This collection of explicit sexual writings, both spiritual and practical, covers most aspects of human courtship and sexual intercourse. It was put together in this form by the sage [[Vatsyayana]] from a 150 chapter manuscript that had itself been distilled from 300 chapters that had in turn come from a compilation of some 100,000 chapters of text. The Kamasutra is thought to have been written in its final form sometime between the third and fifth century AD.

Also notable are the sculptures carved on temples in India, particularly the [[Khajuraho]] temple. The frank depiction of uninhibited sex hints towards a liberated society and times where people believed in dealing openly with all aspects of life.

==Politics of sex==
With the rise of [[government]] and [[law]]s, personal behaviors, including sex, became increasingly politicized.

In several country there are, or there were, laws, both civial either religious, to forbid some sexual practices or to forbid sex intercourses beetwen partners of difference races. Laws that forbid to have sex with a person younger than a fixed age are very common.

==Technology and sex==
The development of the [[scientific method]] and [[technology|technological]] advances have been applied to sex for years.

===Natural birth control===
Understanding the rhythms inherent to the female reproductive cycle led to experimentation in [[family planning]] trying to control [[birth rate]]s through [[abstinence]] during a woman's peak days of fertility.

Other methods include the [[withdrawal method]], where the male withdraws his penis just before ejacuation of semen.

A yet overlooked natural way of birth control is [[breastfeeding]]. A new-mother misses a few periods, and the number of such missing periods may increase to twelve or even more. One of the major factors governing this is whether she breastfeeds her baby.

===Artificial birth control===
The oldest known contraceptive was the Mediterranean plant silphium. Theophrastus (ca. 370-288 BC), a Greek botanist from Cyrene, discovered the plant. It was then found the have abortive properties. As these properties became widely known, its price went up and other less effective plants (asafoetida) were used by those less well off. This plant only grew in an area 125 miles long by 30 miles wide on the Libyan Mountainsides facing the Mediterranean Sea. Within a few centuries this plant became extinct though not before it had a huge impact on Roman society. As the Roman empire grew older, there were less youth born due to this and other less effective contraceptive plants. The average family size reduced to 1 or 2 children. Once the empire saw that it's waning economy couldn't support itself without more people, they banned the plant. This did not stop it from becoming extinct. Relatives of Silphium plant are nearly 100% effective in preventing pregnancy if given within 3 days of intercourse.

Once the sex cycle of intercourse-ejaculation-fertilization-pregnancy-birth was first understood, various tools, machines and other methods were used to disrupt the cycle to prevent pregancy and birth. These methods, called [[Birth control|birth control]] use ''barrier methods'', ''chemical methods'' and other methods to prevent unwanted pregancy.

===Technology and infertility===
In the mid [[20th century]] advances in medical science led to surgical, chemical and laboratory techniques to allow treatments or cures for some forms of infertility.

== Pederasty ==


Throughout history, many sexual and romantic relations took the form of [[pederasty]], that is, they were characterized by a marked age difference and the fixed assignment of sexual roles. In recent times this has been mostly commented upon in or associated with same-sex relationships, however many, including the late historian [[John Boswell]], argue that this is a current misconception or exaggeration facilitated by modern conceptions of sexuality and historical heterosexist censorship. Boswell notes the current usage of terms such as ''boyfriend'' and ''girlfriend'' to refer to adults in relationships with age peers and gives historical examples of such usage.


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[[Abortion]] is highly controversal way of ending a pregnancy and has been the cause of numerous debates in political and religious circles due to the definition of life.

==Sexually Transmitted Infections==

''Main article: [[sexually transmitted disease]]s''

=== AIDS ===

[[AIDS]] has profoundly changed sexuality. It was first noticed spreading among [[Homosexuality|gay]] men and [[recreational drug use|intravenous drug users]] in the 1970s and 80s. Today, the majority of victims are [[heterosexual]] women, men, and children in [[developing countries]]. In most developing countries, fear of epidemic has drastically changed many aspects of human sexuality. Fear of contracting AIDS has driven a revolution in [[sex education]], which now centers far more on [[abstinence]] and the use of protection, and spends much more time discussing [[sexually transmitted disease]]s.

Further effects of this disease run deep, radically impacting the average lifespan of afflicted countries. So stark is the difference that BBC News reports; "It is falling in many African countries - a girl born today in [[Sierra Leone]] could expect only to live to 36, in contrast to [[Japan]], where today's newborn girl might reach 85 on average." [http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/health/3330155.stm]


==See also==
*[[History of feminism]]
*[[Gay rights timeline]]

===Same-sex relations===
*[http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/shows/assault/context/katzhistory.html The Invention of Heterosexuality] by [[Jonathan Katz]]
*[http://www.androphile.org The World History of Male Love]
*[http://www.glbtq.com/ Encyclopedia of GLBQT cuture]
*[http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/shows/assault/context/ Who's Gay? What's Straight?]
*[http://www.sinc.sunysb.edu/Class/his374/Symplect.html The Myth of Ancient Greek Sexuality] by [[Bruce Thornton]]

[[Category:LGBT history]]

Revision as of 07:22, 19 March 2005

yea just give this COTW up... morons