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Azoxystrobine is a commonly used substance in agricultural processes. The substance is used as a active agent protecting plants and fruit/vegetables from fungicidal diseases.


Azoxystrobine was discovered during research on Oudemansiella mucida and Strobilurus tenacellus, which are small white or brown coloured mushrooms commonly found in the Czech forests. Not bigger than a few centimeters, these mushrooms attracted attention of scientists pretty quickly, this thanks to there remarkable ability to defend themselves. Their defense mechanism is based on the secretion of two substances (Strobilurin A en Oudemansin A). These substances alow them to keep their competitors at a distance and even destroy them when in range. Observations of this mechanism lied directly at the base of the research resulting in Azoxystrobine.


After conducting experimental mixtures of both substances (over 1400 were tested), Azoxystrobine was retained being the most active and stable combination. The active part of Azoxystrobine is b methoxyacrylate, which is present in both Oudemansiella mucida and Strobilurus tenacellus.


Azoxystrobine possesses the wides and most active workingspectrum of all presently known agent countering fungicidal infections. It is presently the only counteragent that has the ability to protect against the 4 big groups of Fungicidal deseases:

Fungicidal Groups


Azoxystrobine is widely used in farming, more specially in wheat farming. Many types of deseases are protected by applying agents containing Azoxystrobine:

Types of Defects

Practical Usage

  • Grain Farming
  • Banana transport
  • ...


Azoxystrobine has an ecologic and ecotoxicologic footprint future-worthy. It perfectly meets the expectations of todays agricultural demands.

It's toxicity is allmost not harmfull for Mamals, Birds, Bees, Insects, Earthworms,...

Azoxystrobine is broken down into the sole. The agent is not very mobile and therefore is unlikely to penetrate further in the sole and come in contact with groundwater.