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Name: Joe Ryo Chaosu [[Image:Joe_TE_SA_Style5.png|thumb|Joe T.E. is mostly serious at times, as shown in this image...]]
This article is a Work in Progress [[Image:Joe_TE_SA_Style5.png|thumb|Joe T.E. is mostly serious at times, as shown in this image...]]

In designing Joe, my main focus and goal is to create an original, non-ripoffed character while still keeping him a Sonic character. I even stress this to the point where Joe's DBZ abilities are ones I made myself, with the only ones from other characters being ones that can be used by generally any DBZ character, including his Explosive Wave. Joe's current design has him to the point where if the head was made to not resemble Sonic characters, he'd look nothing like one. He could even have his fur, ears, and tail removed, get a humanlike head, and he'd need no further changes to be a human character. Joe's design currently has 2 outfits, a set of casual clothes, and his battle armor, which he can instantly transform into when in battle(Doing so is similar to the Drive system in Kingdom hearts, only without the character fusion)

Nicknames: Joe, Joe T.E.

Bukuujutsuu: Also known as "Lighter than air skill", this is the technique of floating in the air. Most DBZ characters posess this ability, so it's only natural for Joe to use it as well. Joe can move twice as fast in the air as he can on the ground.

Ki Wave: An energy wave made of pure energy(Ki), it is charged by focusing ki into either hand while holding it back, then thrusting the hand forward to release the energy in one of 3 forms. It can be used as either a beam with varying sizes(Depending on how long the chargeup time was), an energy ball of varying size(more chargeup time makes it larger), or a sharp wave that flows along the ground.
Age: 20

Explosive Wave: A move that is charged by focusing ki to one's whole body, while in a crouched position, then released all at once in a small explosive field of energy around the user, and renders the user invincible while in use, and damages any foe that touches it. This move can only be used sparingly.

Super Explosive Wave: A much larger and more powerful version of explosive wave. It dos not render the user invincible, but can make getting to the user hard due to the many explosions inside the field of energy.
Species: EchidnaFox

Energy Blades: Joe can create beam like energy swords. He can make 1-hander, 2-hander, and can also dual-wield 1-handed blades. Using them, Joe can use a wide assortment of sword techniques and combos. He is also able to adjust how sharp they are at will. In their dullest state, they can damage foes, but not cut them. at their sharpest, seen with a brighter glow, the can slice through solid Kacheen(The densest metal in the DBZ universe, which not even the Z-Sword could slice through.) He will dual-wield 1-handers most of the time. In terms of the way they are summoned, and how Joe can control them, they are similar to Keyblades from Kingdom hearts. Joe summons them like Sora does his Keyblade, and can even summon them back to his hands should they escape his grasp in any way(whehter it be by accident, or intended), They have no other similarities to keyblades though. Joe is also able to shoot energy blasts or energy beams from these blades as well.

Whirlwind Slash: When using his two hander Energy Blade, Joe can charge, then release energy from it as a whirlwind of ki. Can also be used while dual wielding, and does more hits, but has less power.
Gender: Male

Whirlwind Dash: This could be considered a more advanced whirlwind slash. Joe charges the same way as he does his whirlwind slash, but when releasing, he will be start spinning. It starts off slow, but over 5 seconds, it gets to a high enough speed to create a whirlwind around Joe. This can damage foes, both by the wind, and Joe's blades. Also, don't think you can easily dodge this by standing away from him. Joe IS able to move during this, and can do so at a speed comparable to his flying speed.

Final Slash: Joe will first shoot a normal ki blast, expecting his foe to dodge. At that point, he'll teleport behind the opponent while they are trying to dodge his blast, and unleash a flurry of slash combos with his 2 1-handed energy blades, then finish off with a powerful ki wave to the opponent's face. This is similar to the technique Trunks used to kill Frieza in DBZ, but with 2 blades dealing the slashes.
Height: 162 CM(5'3'')

Telepathy: Joe has minor telepathic powers. He is limited by only being able to read minds, and talking to other people through his mind, as long as his concious thought still exists.

Bio Storm: When using Joe's hidden bionic arm in weapon form, Joe releases a whole ton of bullets in the matter of 8 seconds, which are fast and hard to avoid. They are normal bullets with Joe's own energy infused into them
Weight: 75 kg(165 pounds)

Bio Flamethrower: When using Joe's hidden bionic arm in weapon form, Joe can shoot a wave of fire at an opponent.

Bio Beam: When Joe's hiden bionic eye is revealed, Joe can shoot laser beams from it, which can damage foes and break through defenses.
IQ: 200

Hacking: If Joe comes near a computer, machine, or robot/cyborg/reploid, he can connect his bionics to it(Only directly), and can use or hack however he pleases. This CAN be used to wipe harddrives, and control robot/cyborg/reploid foes.

Spirit Ball: Joe teleports behind the foe, latches his bionic arm onto them, and absorbs energy from the foe using the bionic arm's energy absorber. He then swats away the foe, places either of his bionic arm in front of him, with the other supporting the first one, aand uses the foe's energy to make a blue ball of energy appear in front of the arm. Joe then shoots the ball at the foe, and if it misses, Joe will use his hands to control it, and possibly make it hit the foe. It does not dissipate unless it hits the foe, touches a wall/ground, or it's hit by a similar energy attack stronger than it.
Marital Status: Married

PERFECT SUPREME FORM: In this form, Joe's power increases tenfold, and his attacks become way more powerful. His dreadlocks grow out more(With them going down more, and extending up at the tips), his shirt rips apart due to muscle mass increasing(if in armor, the chestpiece cracks in two), and his whole body has a reddish tint, along with a fierce red aura surrounding the body. In this form, Joe has the following additional Abilities...

Insane strength: Joe's physical strength is insanely high in this form. It could be said to be godly. Joe has enough brute force to take out almost anyone. He can even punch through all metals and ores in existance except for Elementium(Which only Morphed Chaos, and his bretherein have access to). Joe can also survive many physical hits, as his body is as dense as Kacheen, the hardest metal in existance in the DBZ Universe(With which, not even the legendary Z-Sword could slice through).
DOB: 2/27/1985

Ki Blade control: In Perfect Supreme form, Joe can still summon energy blades at will, but can now summon multiples of them, and can control them all with his mind, as well as keeping 1 or 2 in his own hands. He can make the summoned blades home in on targets, and they also have the ability to teleport back to the area near Joe after colliding with anything, and head back towards the foe, continually going until Joe chooses to stop.

Mega Spirit Bomb: Joe teleports behind the foe, latches his bionic arm onto them, and absorbs energy from the foe using the bionic arm's energy absorber. He then swats away the foe, places either of his bionic arm in ront of him, with the other supporting the first one, and uses the foe's energy to make a blue ball of energy appear in front of the arm. Joe then adds alot of his own energy to it, making the ball turn red. Joe then shoots the ball at the foe, and when the ball is 1 or 2 seconds away from colliding with the foe,, Joe teleports to it's location, and uses a Super Explosive Wave to make the ball blow up like a nuclear bomb, and add it's explosive power to Joe's Spirit Ball, causing an insane, and usually fatal amount of damage to the foe.
Birth Place: EchidnaFox Island

ULTIMATE SUPREME FORM: In this desperation form, Joe's power increases 1000fold, and his attacks become practically godlike in power. His dreadlocks, whiskers, and tail grow out even more that his Perfect Supreme Form,(With them going down more, and extending up at the tips), he gets a little more bulky than his previous form, his pupils and irises disappear, his shirt rips apart(if in armor, the chestpiece cracks in two), and his whole body has a golden tint, along with a fierce sparkling gold aura surrounding the body. This form could only be used once in Joe's lifetime, and it maximizes Joe's power. The cost, is that Joe is unable to transform out of this form, and once he runs out of energy, he will have lost all his life force, thus having him die. Even if Joe were to be brought back to life, it is impossible to reach this form again. In this form, Joe has the following additional Abilities...
Residence: the Remains of EchidnaFox Island

Godly Powers: In this form, Joe is near godlike, and is able to teleport more easily, can create matter with his mind, can speak telepathically, can read minds, and can even control weaker minds. His strength is also so powerful, he could kill Omega Shenron(The strongest villain in the Dragon ball series) with a weak finger ki blast. He's that freaking powerful.

Final Explosive Wave: Think the Super Explosive wave, but with the invincibility, and the ability to destroy many forms of matter at a cellular level. It has no effect on other warriors of good/light/justice.
Occupation: Member of Team Never-Ending, Protector of the Master Ruby, Hero of many areas and worlds

Final Spirit Bomb: Joe first uses an ability to force the foes's arms and legs into invisible non-moveable, non-breakable shackles, thus rendering the foe helpless.. He then stands in front of his foe, places his hand forward, and absorbs nearly all of his foe's energy, and creates a blue ball of ki in front of him. He then flushes a lot of his energy into it, turning it a bright gold color. He then shoots it at the foe, and at the last second, teleports in front of the foe, and uses his Final Explosive Wave. This attack is strong enough to wipe every cell from a being, and if it is a dark/evil being whose essence has spread to others, this attack also cellularly destroys every single bit of that essence in any universe/reality/existance. No evil being, whether mortal, or immortal, can survive(Yes, it can KILL immortals). The person it was used on doesn't even appear in the afterlife, it is wiped from all existance for eternity. This is the final move Joe can use, as afterwards, his energy will most likely have run out, and he will die. The ultimate sacrificial attack. He used this attack on Emeros.

Bio document
Social Class: Mister Serious

Full Name: Joe Ryo Chaosu
Nicknames: Joe, Joe T.E.
Age: 22
Species: EchidnaFox
Gender: Male
Height: 162 CM(5'3)
Weight: 75 kg(165 pounds)
IQ: 200
Marital Status: Married
DOB: 2/27/1986
Birth Place: EchidnaFox Island
Residence: The Remains of Chaosu Island
Occupation: Brawn member of Team Never-Ending, Hero of many areas and worlds
Social Class: Serious, though has some sense of humor, and a big sense of honor
Economic Class: Middle
Economic Class: Middle
Alignment: Pure Hero
Top Speed: 20MPH on foot, 250MPH while flying, Instantaneous when teleporting

Base stats:(0 means non-existant, 1 means very low, 5 means average, 10 means well above average, 15 means near godly)
Physical Strength(Skill at using melee attacks, and/or weapons) - 15
Special Strength(Skill at using ki/mana/other energy/force based attacks) - 12
Ground Speed(How fast the character can move on the ground) - 2
Air Speed(How fast the character can move oin the air, if possible) - 8
Physical Defense(How resistant the character is to melee/weapon attacks) - 12
Special Defense(How resistant that character is to energy/force based attacks) - 9
Evasiveness(How well the character can dodge attacks) - 10
Intelligence(How smart a character is. Also helps toward determining how much mana/ base ki/etc. a character has) - 7
Base Mana/Ki/other(THE higher the number, the more energy attacks can be used before getting tired) - 13

Perfect Supreme Form stats:(0 means non-existant, 1 means very low, 5 means average, 10 means well above average, 15 means near godly)
Alignment: Pure Hero
Physical Strength(Skill at using melee attacks, and/or weapons) - ??(Way too high for the charts to read)
Special Strength(Skill at using ki/mana/other energy/force based attacks) - ??(Too high for the charts to read)
Ground Speed(How fast the character can move on the ground) - 2
Air Speed(How fast the character can move oin the air, if possible) - 10
Physical Defense(How resistant the character is to melee/weapon attacks) - 15
Special Defense(How resistant that character is to energy/force based attacks) - 12
Evasiveness(How well the character can dodge attacks) - 13
Intelligence(How smart a character is. Also helps toward determining how much mana/ base ki/etc. a character has) - 7
Base Mana/Ki/other(THE higher the number, the more energy attacks can be used before getting tired) - 15

Final Supreme Form stats:(0 means non-existant, 1 means very low, 5 means average, 10 means well above average, 15 means near godly)
Never harms the innocent unless they challenge him to a fight
Physical Strength(Skill at using melee attacks, and/or weapons) - ??(Godly)
Special Strength(Skill at using ki/mana/other energy/force based attacks) - ??(Godly)
Ground Speed(How fast the character can move on the ground) - 5
Air Speed(How fast the character can move oin the air, if possible) - 15
Physical Defense(How resistant the character is to melee/weapon attacks) - ??(Near Godly)
Special Defense(How resistant that character is to energy/force based attacks) - ??(Near Godly)
Evasiveness(How well the character can dodge attacks) - 15
Intelligence(How smart a character is. Also helps toward determining how much mana/ base ki/etc. a character has) - 10
Base Mana/Ki/other(THE higher the number, the more energy attacks can be used before getting tired) - ??(Insanely high)

Element(What elemental force the user uses. Physical attackers with no elemental powers are listed as earth) - Earth and Light
Never kills for pleasure(Unless the person being killed is evil)

Fighting Style:
Top Speed: 60MPH on foot, 400MPH while flying, Light speed when teleporting
Joe prefers to fight using melee attacks, and sometimes weapons. Mostly high power punches and kicks, as well as other attacks that take advantage of his high physical strength. He WILL use energy attacks though, mostly as finishing or desperation moves, and also sometimes to psyche out the foe.

Special Attacks:
Basic Stats:

Ki Wave: An energy wave made of pure energy(Ki), it is charged by focusing ki into either hand while holding it back, then thrusting the hand forward to release the energy in one of 3 forms. It can be used as either a beam with varying sizes(Depending on how long the chargeup time was), an energy ball of varying size(more chargeup time makes it larger), or a sharp wave that flows along the ground.
Agility - 1; Not the best at starting to move.

Explosive Wave: A move that is charged by focusing ki to one's whole body, while in a crouched position, then released all at once in a small explosive field of energy around the user, and renders the user invincible while in use, and damages any foe that touches it. This move can only be used sparingly.
Speed - 2; Not a very good running speed.

Super Explosive Wave: A much larger and more powerful version of explosive wave. It dos not render the user invincible, but can make getting to the user hard due to the many explosions inside the field of energy.
Strength - 10; Abnormal level of strength and power.

Energy Blades: Joe can create beam like energy swords. He can make 1-hander, 2-hander, and can also dual-wield
Defense - 7; Pretty good defense, only powerful people can do much harm to him.

1-handed blades. Using them, Joe can use a wide assortment of sword techniques and combos. He will dual-wield 1-handers most of the time. In terms of the way they are summoned, and how Joe can control them, they are similar to Keyblades. Joe summons them like Sora does his Keyblade, and can even summon them back to his hands should they escape his grasp in any way(wehter it be by accident, or intended), They have no other similarities to keyblades though. Joe is also able to shoot energy blasts or energy beams from these blades as well.
Evasiveness - 6; Pretty good at dodging attacks, especially when telporting.

Whirlwind Slash: When using his two hander Energy Blade, Joe can charge, then release energy from it as a whirlwind of ki. Can also be used while dual wielding, and does more hits, but has less power.
Dexterity - 6; Pretty good ability to unleash attack, and can be unpredictable at times.

Whirlwind Dash: This could be considered a more advanced whirlwind slash. Joe charges the same way as he does his whirlwind slash, but when releasing, he will be start spinning. It starts off slow, but over 5 seconds, it gets to a high enough speed to create a whirlwind around Joe. This can damage foes, both by the wind, and Joe's blades. Also, don't think you can easily dodge this by standing away from him. Joe IS able to move during this, and can do so at a speed comparable to his flying speed.
Intelligence - 7; Pretty good intelligence, can think quickly.

Final Slash: Joe will first shoot a normal ki blast, expecting his foe to dodge. At that point, he'll teleport behind the opponent while they are trying to dodge his blast, and unleash a flurry of slash combos with his 2 1-handed energy blades, then finish off with a powerful ki wave to the opponent's face.
Skill - 10; very good at using attacks and defenses, due to many years spent practicing.

Telepathy: Joe has minor telepathic powers. He is limited by only being able to read minds, and talking to other people through his mind, as long as his concious thought still exists.

Bio Storm: When using Joe's hidden bionic arm in weapon form, Joe releases a whole ton of bullets in the matter of 8 seconds, which are fast and hard to avoid. They are normal bullets with Joe's own energy infused into them
Special Attacks:
Kamehameha Wave: An energy blast made of pure energy, which is released by moving the hands in a charging posisiton, then thrusting forward. This attack comes in various sizes and power levels.

Bio Flamethrower: When using Joe's hidden bionic arm in weapon form, Joe can shoot a wave of fire at an opponent.
Chaos Beam: A thin, yet powerful beam of chaos energy, released by channeling chaos energy into the index finger, and releasing it...

Bio Beam: When Joe's hiden bionic eye is revealed, Joe can shoot laser beams from it, which can damage foes and break through defenses.
Hadoken: Similar to the Kamehameha wave, but packs more power, yet is somewhat easier to dodge...

Hacking: If Joe comes near a computer, machine, or robot/cyborg/reploid, he can connect his bionics to it(Only directly), and can use or hack however he pleases. This CAN be used to wipe harddrives, and control robot/cyborg/reploid foes.
Chaos Kamehameha: Has the power of both a Chaos beam, and a Kamehameha, and is fired in a medium sized beam...

Spirit Ball: Joe teleports behind the foe, latches his bionic arm onto them, and absorbs energy from the foe using the bionic arm's energy absorber. He then swats away the foe, places either of his bionic arm in front of him, with the other supporting the first one, aand uses the foe's energy to make a blue ball of energy appear in front of the arm. Joe then shoots the ball at the foe, and if it misses, Joe will use his hands to control it, and possibly make it hit the foe. It does not dissipate unless it hits the foe, touches a wall/ground, or it's hit by a similar energy attack stronger than it.
Explosive Wave: Similar to Shadow the Hedgehog's Chaos Blast, except the energy is invisible, and creates many small explosions around the blast radius.

PERFECT SUPREME FORM: In this form, Joe's power increases tenfold, and his attacks become way more powerful. His dreadlocks grow out more(With them going down more, and extending up at the tips), his shirt rips apart(if in armor, the chestpiece cracks in two), and his whole body has a reddish tint, along with a fierce red aura surrounding the body. In this form, Joe has the following additional Abilities...
Whirlwind Slash: when using his sword, Joe can Charge his energy into his sword, then release it as a Whirlwind of pure energy.

Insane strength: Joe's physical strength is insanely high in this form. It could be said to be godly. Joe has enough brute force to take out almost anyone. He can even punch through all metals and ores in existance except for Elementium(Which only Morphed Chaos, and his bretherein have access to). Joe can also survive many physical hits, as his body is as dense as Kacheen, the hardest metal in existance in the DBZ Universe(With which, not even the legendary Z-Sword could slice through).
Weaponry: Joe can turn his bionic arm into a wide assortment of weaponry much like E-123 Omega. Weapons include grenade launchers, sniper rifles, and more.

Ki Blade control: In Perfect Supreme form, Joe can still summon energy blades at will, but can now summon multiples of them, and can control them all with his mind, as well as keeping 1 or 2 in his own hands.
Lazer eye: Joe's bionic eye can shoot lazers of pure energy in any direction Joe pleases.

Mega Spirit Bomb: Joe teleports behind the foe, latches his bionic arm onto them, and absorbs energy from the foe using the bionic arm's energy absorber. He then swats away the foe, places either of his bionic arm in ront of him, with the other supporting the first one, and uses the foe's energy to make a blue ball of energy appear in front of the arm. Joe then adds alot of his own energy to it, making the ball turn red. Joe then shoots the ball at the foe, and when the ball is 1 or 2 seconds away from colliding with the foe,, Joe teleports to it's location, and uses a Super Explosive Wave to make the ball blow up like a nuclear bomb, and add it's explosive power to Joe's Spirit Ball, causing an insane, and usually fatal amount of damage to the foe.
PERFECT SUPREME FORM: In this form, Joe's power increases tremendously, and his attack become way more powerful. His dreadlocks grow out alot, and stand similar to Sonic's Spines, his trenchcoat disappears, and his whole body has a reddish tint, along with a red aura surrounding the body. In this form, Joe has the following additional Abilities...

Spirit Bomb: Joe focuses his energy along with the energy of many other beings and plants to form a giant ball of energy, then when complete, throws the ball at the foe, most of the time, disintigrating the foe entiely.

ULTIMATE SUPREME FORM: In this desperation form, Joe's power increases 1000fold, and his attacks become near godly in power. His dreadlocks, whiskers, and tail grow out even more that his Perfect Supreme Form,(With them going down more, and extending up at the tips), his pupils and irises disappear, his shirt rips apart(if in armor, the chestpiece cracks in two), and his whole body has a golden tint, along with a fierce sparkling gold aura surrounding the body. This form could only be used once in Joe's lifetime, and it maximizes Joe's power. The cost, is that Joe is unable to transform out of this form, and once he runs out of energy, he will have lost all his life force, thus having him die.Even if Joe were to be brought back to life, it is impossible to reach this form again. In this form, Joe has the following additional Abilities...
Limited God Powers: Since Joe is a great descendant of a god(who happend to fuse with Joe), Joe can use the powers to do things along the lines of creating matter out of thin air, and changing his physical structure... He uses this power very rarely though.

Godly Powers: In this form, Joe is near godlike, and is able to teleport more easily, can create matter with his mind, can speak telepathically, can read minds, and can even control weaker minds. His strength is also so powerful, he could One hit kill Omega Shenron with a weak finger ki blast. He's that fucking powerful.

Final Explosive Wave: Think the Super Explosive wave, but with the invincibility, and the ability to destroy many forms of matter at a cellular level. It has no effect on other warriors of good/light/justice.

Final Spirit Bomb: Joe first uses another ability to make his foe unable to move at all. He then stands in front of his foe, places his hand forward, and absorbs nearly all of his foe's energy, and creates a blue ball of ki in front of him. He then flushes a lot of his energy into it, turning it a bright gold color. He then shoots it at the foe, and at the last second, teleports in front of the foe, and uses his Final Explosive Wave. This attack is strong enough to wipe every cell from a being, and if it is a dark/evil being whose essence has spread to others, this attack also cellularly destroys every single bit of that essence in any universe/reality/existance. No evil being, whether mortal, or immortal, can survive(Yes, it can KILL immortals). The person it was used on doesn't even appear in the afterlife, it is wiped from all existance for eternity. This is the final move Joe can use, as afterwards, his energy will most likely have run out, and he will die. The ultimate sacrificial attack.

Abilities & Aptitude:
Abilities & Aptitude:
1. Though Joe is pretty slow compared to most characters, He can teleport to anywhere he wants at light speed, and can even create afterimages while teleporting to confuse foes.
1. Though Joe is pretty slow compared to most characters, He can teleport to anywhere he wants at instantaneous speeds, and can even create afterimages while teleporting to confuse foes. It can be consider similar, if not the same, as Instant Transmission, a move Goku from DBZ could use.

2. Joe can control his energy called "Ki", and can do many different actions by using it, which include Flying(at high speeds), Using Energy attacks, and it also powers his bionic eye and arm. The Ki can be recharged while relaxing or sleeping.
2. Joe can control his energy called "Ki", and can do many different actions by using it, which include Flying(at high speeds), and using Energy attacks. The Ki can be recharged while relaxing or sleeping, or by focusing hard enough. Joe is also able to sense the ki of others, and using this sense, can identify a person, and whether or not they are good or evil, without even seeing them. This ki powrs his energy attacks, teleportation, and even Joe's bionic eye and arm.

3. Joe has tremendous strength. He can literally knock over a skyscraper with a slap of his pinky finger. He's that fucking powerful.
3. Joe can also control Chaos Energy, which is flowing through his body along with his ki... This energy powers his teleportation, and chaos attacks such as Chaos Beam, and Chaos Kamehameha.

Hobbies & Talents:
3. While Joe may be slow, he has tremendous strength to make up for it. He can knock out even the strongest of humans with a light punch...
1. Joe will always accept a challenge to fight, even if the person he's up against is phenomenally weaker or stronger than him.

2. Joe likes to play video games in his free time, mostly RPGs and Fighting games.

3. Joe like to spar for training. He loves it so much, that he's done it every single day he's lived, and never plans to change this fact any time soon.
Hobbies & Talents:
1. Joe will always accept a challenge to fight, even if the person he's up against is phenomenally weaker than him.

4. Joe is secretly a Pokemon Trainer, and has a couple different Pokemon. His current team includes a Charizard, a Feraligatr, a Lucario, an Alakazam, a Shuckle, and a Ninjask, all alternately colored than normal pokemon of their species. Joe also trains his Pokemon differently, by having them use their abilities in sparring matches against himself. He and his Pokemon DO enjoy doing this.
2. Joe likes to play video games in his free time, mostly RPGs and Fighting games.

If Joe were a Pokemon, what would his moveset and stats be?
Base Stats: HP-95/ATK-180/DEF-120/SP ATK-155/SP DEF-95/SPD-10
Nature: Adamant
EVs: 208 ATK, 88 Sp. ATK, 208 SPD, 6 HP
Item: Expert Belt
Ability: Inner Focus
Attack 1: Close Combat
Attack 2: Aura Sphere
Attack 3: Seismic Toss
Attack 4: Swords Dance

1. Since Joe is slower than most characters, he has a hard time in running races and getting good hits on fast foes. He can also get good damage done to him if he is hit by one of his own attacks. He might also get worn out if his opponent gets many fast hits on Joe while evading all of his attacks. Possibly even using many long distance attacks can wear him out if he's unable to hit you. Just be careful of his good reflexes and teleportation skill.

2. Joe has much power in his attacks, so if they were used against him, damage could be done to Joe.
1. Since Joe is slower than most characters, he has a hard time in running races and getting good hits on fast foes.

3. Joe's left eye, and right arm are in reality, bionic parts covered with flesh. Joe's mind is also connected to those parts, so he can be damaged by some magnetic electric attacks, or other attacks that can cause disruption to mechanics.

Personal facts
Personal facts:
Friends: Morphed Chaos, Zaikanata, Merku, Darkness, Robert, Quince, Jack, his Wife and son, Giga Bowser
Friends: Morphed Chaos, Zaikanata, Merku, Darkness, Robert, Quince, Jack, his Wife and son, Koopa, Sonic, Mario(The one that can go SSJ4), and his Pokemon.

Rivals: Morphed Chaos and Zaikanata(Though friendly rivals)
Rivals: Morphed Chaos, and Zaikanata, Koopa(In Giga Form), Sonic(In Super Form), Mario(In SSJ4 Form)(These are friendly rivals).

Enemies: Emeros, William Robotnik, and other evil beings he comes accross.
Enemies: Emeros, William Machinica, and any other evil beings he comes accross.

Known relatives: Haruka(Sister), Parents(Dead), Joseph(God who fused with Joe), Mariana(wife), Joey(Son)
Known relatives: Haruka(Sister), Parents(Dead), Joseph(Very powerful EchidnaFox who was Joe's sensei, and later sacrificed his life force to power up Joe), Mariana(wife), Joey(Son)

Likes/Favorite activities: Fighting, video games, training.
Likes/Favorite activities: Fighting, video games, training.

Dislikes/Least favorite activities: Stuff most people find boring
Dislikes/Least favorite activities: Repeating himself, having others have to repeat stuff for him, and doing things fighters are sometimes never seen doing. Dressing formal is also not liked by Joe.

Gourmet of choice: Cinamon Sugar Covered bagels
Gourmet of choice: Not much. Mostly snacks, cereal, and waffles.

Beverages of choice: Coca-Cola Zero
Beverages of choice: Coca-Cola Zero(No calories or sugar ftw)

Favorite color(s): Brown, Red, black
Favorite color(s): Brown, Red, black

Personality: He acts somewhat like a tough guy, and can be a little egotistic about his strength, but other times he is a nice guy who wants to help. He is also very serious in tough or dire situations...

Personality: He acts somewhat like a tough guy, and can be a little egotistic, but other times he is a nice guy who wants to help. he is also very serious a majority of the time...

Physical Appearance:
Physical Appearance:

Fur Color: Brown
Fur Color: Brown
Fur Color 2: White
Skin Color: Light brownish tan(Seen on hands and front of chest)
Eye Color: Red
Hair/Quill Style: Dreadlocks in a position to resembe spines
Nose: black, Semi-long
Ears: Fox-like, whiteish gray on inside
Tail: Fox-like, brown fur
Other bodily features: Muscles, Bionic Arm and Bionic Eye covered in flesh, tufts of white fur on wrists, and upper chest, semi long and tipped up whiskers, more fuzz on bottom of muzzle to resemble a beard somewhat, no fur covering frontal chest muscles.

Fur Color 2: White
Shirt: Black denim jacket, with no shirt
Gloves: Black Fingerless gloves(with sweatband like wristcuffs)
Pants: Gray pants that can be unzipped at knee area to become shorts.
Belt: Black sweatshirt wrapped around waist
Shoes: Black Sneakers with Red emerald based design patterns.

Battle Attire:
Eye Color: Brown and Red
Shirt: Echidnafox Vest(A black trenchcoat style vest with bottom red stripes, and short sleeves tucked in place by jewel shaped metal. His obi and back keep it on him. Also has a cape flowing from behind.)
Chestpiece: EchidnaFox Chestpiece(Black with red stripe-like designs, plate armor type)(Joe has not been wearing this piece much lately though)
Gloves: EchidnaFox Gauntlets(Black Fingerless gloves, with red and black wrist protectors similar to his ankleguards, plate armor type)
Pants: EchidnaFox Leggaurds(Black flameproof pants, with red patterns, plate armor type)
Belt: EchidnaFox Obi(A red sashlike belt, with two sleevelike parts hanging down. Similar to Goku's Obi)
Boots: EchidnaFox boots(Black with red designs, gray soles, front end tipped upward, and a red sphere at bottom-front sole, with red and black ankleguards, plate armor type)

Items & Weapons: Energy Swords Joe can create from his ki
Hair/Quill Style: Dreadlocks

Vehicles: "Wild Hog" Extreme gear(Basically a Hog-type motorcycle, complete with 3 wheels, and a main seat, but converted to use air as gas, and has hover sensors instead of wheels, like a bike-type Extreme Gear)
Nose: Semi-long

Joe Riders Type: Power/Fly Combo
Ears: Fox-like

Joe Riders Default stats:
Tail: Fox-like
Dash: -1
Limit: +0
Power: +1
Cornering: +0

Wild Hog Default Stats:
Other bodily features: Muscles, Bionic Arm, Bionic Eye
Dash - 4
Limit - 4
Power - 7
Cornering: - 6
Description: A Motorcycle based gear. Only Joe knows how to use it to it's full potential.

Wild Hog Stats with Joe riding:
Dash - 3
Limit - 4
Power - 8
Cornering: - 6

Attire: Black sleeveless trenchcoat, gray jeans, silver plated black Sneakers

Themesong: Disturbed - 10,000 fists in the air

Back Story: When Joe was born, something was unusual about him, and a strong EchidnaFox who lives on the island named Jospeh sensed it immediately. Joseph knew that the child would have incredible power, enough to match his own (Joe even accidentally knocked his father into a wall with a light slap when he was born), and though Joe had care from his parents, Joe mostly stayed with Jospeh to train. He trained with Joseph every day he lived, until Joe reached the age of seven. On that day, while Joe was at a royal party(He was going to be the future king of his race)William Machinica, under the control of a dark being attacked the island Joe lived on. He was in a mech, and shot blasts from outside the royal palace, killing everyone one by one. When shooting blasts into the room Joe was in, Joe tried to defend everyone, but only he survived the attack after evading the blasts. Jospeh sensed the destruction, and had a fierce battle with Will. Joe tried to help, but was knocked out by Joseph so he wouldn't be killed. After a few attacks, Joseph was somehow killed by a powerful attack of Will's. Joe saw this after coming to his senses, and was enraged by the loss of his master, enough so that he activated his super form without the need of any chaos emeralds, and was able to defeat Will easily. As Joe was walking around the island the next day, feeling alone, he met two people he would become good pals with. Robert(A Genius fox), and Quince(A reploid hegehog built by Robert). Joe stayed with his new pals until he saw that Will was back.
Items & Weapons: Master Ruby, Sword of the EcidnaFox

He immediately went to where he was attacking, and after stopping Will, he met Adam the hedgehuman, and went on to adventure with him, fighting evil beings, and also meeting his best friends Morphed Chaos, Zaikanata(Known back then as Zon), and Merku. Thus "Team Never Ending" was born. Soon after fighting many evils, Joe mastered powering up to his a form he called "Supreme Form", and when he turned 15, Joe was confronted by Jospeh. Joe was very happy to see Joseph, but was confused as to how he was alive, and Jospeh explained that he faked his death to test him. Jospeh had seen all the good Joe had done, and decided that he no longer needs to be around, as he thought Joe could do much better things in his life than Joseph, so Jospeh fused with him, and thus Joe mastered powering up to his Perfect Supreme Form. Around that time, Adam also disappeared, and was never seen again.

Also around this time, Joe met an EchidnaFox named Mariana, who is one of the 4 survivors of the attack on Joe's island. She revealed herself as the future Princess of their island, and when hearing his name, realized he was the one she was set to be married to. From then on, the two got to know eachother very well, and fell in love, eventually getting married. Since then, Joe layed low, fighting evil every now and then while taking care of his wife, and eventually his own son, Joey, who Joe trained with similarly to how Joseph trained with him. Eventually, when Joe reached the age of 18, Will Machinica, still under the influence of Emeros, came to Joe's home, and attacked his family. He shot a very powerful lazer at Joe's wife, but Joe managed to block it, getting damaged and losing an eye and an arm in the process. Joey saw this, and defeated Will similarly to how Joe had done it 11 years eariler. Joe was taken to Robert's house, and Robert was able to make bionic replacements for Joe's lost parts, which worked successfully. Joe then spent the next 2 years in seclusion, training very hard, and changing his outfit too. He then emerged with almost unparalleled power levels, and then set off to find Team Never-Ending again.
Vehicles: No need for them
He then found them while they were trying to stop an Anti-God known as Judgement. Joe and the rest of team Never-Ending had managed to weaken Judgement, then Morphed Chaos finished him in a 1 on 1 battle. Afterwards, Judgement's remains were absorbed by Emeros. Morphed Chaos selaed the arena blocking everyone except him and Emeros. Morphed Chaos then used his time emerald to seal Emeros in the deepest pits of hell, and peace was restored to the world. But, could the Anti-God find a way to cheat death?

At this point, Team never-Ending's members spilt into two groups. The only other member of Team never ending Joe still adventures with and frequently sees and talks to is Morphed Chaos. The two are also even in training bouts, no matter how much either of them trains.

Joe has also fought a tough battle against Bowser, who was corrupted with the last essence of Emeros. After the battle, a distortion in time and space created a more humanoid, non-evil clone of Bowser in Joe's world, who became friends with Joe. Joe powered up this Bowser(who now calls himself Koopa), and made him mostly fight in his Giga form. Joe also once ended up in an alternate reality version of Sonic's world, where the world was being destroyed, everyone esle being dead, and Sonic about to die. Joe saved this Sonic, and powered him up smilarly to Koopa. Now, this Sonic can fight in his Super Form without Chaos Emeralds or rings, and can keep himself in it for a very long time.
Themesong: N/A

Joe is currently on an Adventure with Morphed Chaos and a few others to stop bits of Emeros' essence, which have escaped from hell, and are corrupting many worlds. His first stop was the Mushroom Kingdom, which is where Joe had his fight with Bowser. Then he stopped at Azeroth, which is where he got his battle armor, and perfected his energy blade skill. After which, he met MC, who had become friends with Link and Midna from Hyrule. The 4 have travelled to many other worlds, including Hyrule(During the events of OOT), Azeroth, Earth (From the DBZ Universe), the internet(From Megaman .exe series), and other places.

Some events of his world travelling include him and MC fighting an army of koopa-troopas, Getting into an arm wrestling match with Midna, doing solo raids in areas of azeroth that many adventurers deemed impossible to do solo, Fighting against Goku himself(DBZ's main character), and tieing with MC in a net-navi battle tournament.
Back Story:
When Joe was born, something was unusual about him, and the God Jospeh sensed it immediately. Joseph knew that the child would have incredible power, enough to match his own, and though Joe had care from his parents, Joe stayed with Jospeh to train. Everything seemed normal until Joe reached the age of seven. On that day, William robotnik under the control of a dark being attacked the island Joe lived on, killing everyone except Joe and Jospeh. Jospeh went to stop the attack, but was somehow killed by a powerful attack. Joe saw this, and was enraged enough to activate his super form without the use of any emeralds, and was able to defeat Will. As Joe was walking around the island the next day, feeling alone, he met two people he would become good pals with. Robert(A Genius fox), and Quince(A robotic hedgehog built by Robert). Joe stayed with his new pals until he saw that will robotnik was back.

Unknown to most others beside his family, is that Joe has been to the Pokemon Universe before, and has 7 Pokemon there, which he has actually taken with him to his universe, where they are kept in their specially designed pokeballs, and are sometimes known to be released into Joe's training room to help with both theirs, and Joe's training. Joe is also able to use his minor telepathy powers to talk to and understand his pokemon. His first pokemon was a shiny Charmander he found in the wild being abused by other charmanders due to it's wierd color. Joe saw great potential in it, and with Joe's training, it has fully evolved into a male Black Charizard named Charcoal.. His other Pokemon include a Leafeon, a Milotic, a Electivire, a Tyranitar, a Gallade, a Feraligatr, a Lucario, an Alakazam, a Shuckle, and a Ninjask. The Charizard and the latter 5 are on his current main team. In this world, Joe has collected 36 badges from 4 different regions, and has also defeated the elite fours and champions of each of those regions, and always declined being crowned the new champion. When he goes to this world, he currently fights battles in Poketopia's Colosseums.
He immediately went to where he was attacking, and after stopping Will, he met Adam the hedgehuman, and went on to adventure with him, fighting evil beings, and also meeting his best friends Morphed Chaos, Zaikanata(Known back then a Zon), and Merku. Thus Team never Ending was born. Soon after fighting many evils, Joe mastered powering up to his supreme form, and when he turned 15, Joe was confronted by Jospeh. Joe was confused as to how he was alive, and Jospeh explained that he faked his death to test him. Jospeh had seen all the good Joe had done, and to complete Joe, Jospeh fused with him, and thus Joe mastered powering up to his Perfect Supreme Form. Around that time, Adam also disappeared, and was never seen again.

Also set to happen is a final battle of Joe, Morphed Chaos, Link, and Midna versus Emeros. All 4 heroes will be defeated, and be near death, until Joe suddenly turns perfect supreme form while still being unconscious. Suddeny, his aura starts increasing in power, truns golden, and his tail, dreadlocks, and whiskers grow out, and his pupils/irisies disappear. He had come back full force in his one time only Ultimate Supreme Form. He revives his fallen teammates, and after some talking and fighting, Joe uses his ultimate attack on Emeros, competely wiping him from all existance(Even in the afterlife) in all realities and universes. However, it wiped out all of Joe's remaining energy, killing him. Joe was given a chance to be brought back to life for his grand sacrifice, but he chose to stay dead, as he finds his final purpose in life has been fulfilled. While dead, Joe could be considered similar to dead people seen in DBZ. Al power intact, less energy strain due to having no true body, and even a halo. He occasionally returns to the living plane as a spirit for sparring matches and talking time, and is always in contact with MC, due to his afterlife home being in the Chaos Realm(Which is MC's homerealm as well). If I decide to use this part of the storyline, then it will be the end of Joe's story, similar to how it was for Goku in DBGT.
Also around this time, Joe met an EchidnaFox named Marie, who happed to have survived the attack on Joe's island. The two got to know eacother, and fell in love, eventually getting married.
Since then, Joe layed low, fighting evil every now and then while taking care of his wife, and eventually his own son, Joey, who Joe trained with similarly to how Joseph trained with him. Eventually, when Joe reached the age of 18, Will Robotnik came to Joe's home, and attacked his family. He shot a very powerful lazer at Joe's wife, but Joe managed to block it, getting damaged and losing an eye and an arm in the process. Joey saw this, and defeated Will similarly to how Joe had done it 11 years eariler. Joe was taken to Robert's house, and Robert was able to make bionic replacements for Joe's lost parts, wich worked successfully. Joe then spent the next 2 years in seclusion, training very hard, and changing his outfit too. He then emerged with almost unparalleled power levels, and then set off to find Team Never-Ending again.

Yeah, so this is all the info on Joe T.E., my personal character.
He then found them while they were trying to fight an Anti-God known as Judgement. Joe and the rest of team Never-Ending had managed to somehow defeat Judgement, who was immediately absorbed by Emeros. Morphed Chaos selaed the arena blocking evryone except him and Emeros. Morphed Chaos was able to defeat him, and peace was restored to the world. But, even Emeros could find a way to cheat death...

Revision as of 02:32, 2 October 2007

This article is a Work in Progress

File:Joe TE SA Style5.png
Joe T.E. is mostly serious at times, as shown in this image...


In designing Joe, my main focus and goal is to create an original, non-ripoffed character while still keeping him a Sonic character. I even stress this to the point where Joe's DBZ abilities are ones I made myself, with the only ones from other characters being ones that can be used by generally any DBZ character, including his Explosive Wave. Joe's current design has him to the point where if the head was made to not resemble Sonic characters, he'd look nothing like one. He could even have his fur, ears, and tail removed, get a humanlike head, and he'd need no further changes to be a human character. Joe's design currently has 2 outfits, a set of casual clothes, and his battle armor, which he can instantly transform into when in battle(Doing so is similar to the Drive system in Kingdom hearts, only without the character fusion)


Bukuujutsuu: Also known as "Lighter than air skill", this is the technique of floating in the air. Most DBZ characters posess this ability, so it's only natural for Joe to use it as well. Joe can move twice as fast in the air as he can on the ground.

Ki Wave: An energy wave made of pure energy(Ki), it is charged by focusing ki into either hand while holding it back, then thrusting the hand forward to release the energy in one of 3 forms. It can be used as either a beam with varying sizes(Depending on how long the chargeup time was), an energy ball of varying size(more chargeup time makes it larger), or a sharp wave that flows along the ground.

Explosive Wave: A move that is charged by focusing ki to one's whole body, while in a crouched position, then released all at once in a small explosive field of energy around the user, and renders the user invincible while in use, and damages any foe that touches it. This move can only be used sparingly.

Super Explosive Wave: A much larger and more powerful version of explosive wave. It dos not render the user invincible, but can make getting to the user hard due to the many explosions inside the field of energy.

Energy Blades: Joe can create beam like energy swords. He can make 1-hander, 2-hander, and can also dual-wield 1-handed blades. Using them, Joe can use a wide assortment of sword techniques and combos. He is also able to adjust how sharp they are at will. In their dullest state, they can damage foes, but not cut them. at their sharpest, seen with a brighter glow, the can slice through solid Kacheen(The densest metal in the DBZ universe, which not even the Z-Sword could slice through.) He will dual-wield 1-handers most of the time. In terms of the way they are summoned, and how Joe can control them, they are similar to Keyblades from Kingdom hearts. Joe summons them like Sora does his Keyblade, and can even summon them back to his hands should they escape his grasp in any way(whehter it be by accident, or intended), They have no other similarities to keyblades though. Joe is also able to shoot energy blasts or energy beams from these blades as well.

Whirlwind Slash: When using his two hander Energy Blade, Joe can charge, then release energy from it as a whirlwind of ki. Can also be used while dual wielding, and does more hits, but has less power.

Whirlwind Dash: This could be considered a more advanced whirlwind slash. Joe charges the same way as he does his whirlwind slash, but when releasing, he will be start spinning. It starts off slow, but over 5 seconds, it gets to a high enough speed to create a whirlwind around Joe. This can damage foes, both by the wind, and Joe's blades. Also, don't think you can easily dodge this by standing away from him. Joe IS able to move during this, and can do so at a speed comparable to his flying speed.

Final Slash: Joe will first shoot a normal ki blast, expecting his foe to dodge. At that point, he'll teleport behind the opponent while they are trying to dodge his blast, and unleash a flurry of slash combos with his 2 1-handed energy blades, then finish off with a powerful ki wave to the opponent's face. This is similar to the technique Trunks used to kill Frieza in DBZ, but with 2 blades dealing the slashes.

Telepathy: Joe has minor telepathic powers. He is limited by only being able to read minds, and talking to other people through his mind, as long as his concious thought still exists.

Bio Storm: When using Joe's hidden bionic arm in weapon form, Joe releases a whole ton of bullets in the matter of 8 seconds, which are fast and hard to avoid. They are normal bullets with Joe's own energy infused into them

Bio Flamethrower: When using Joe's hidden bionic arm in weapon form, Joe can shoot a wave of fire at an opponent.

Bio Beam: When Joe's hiden bionic eye is revealed, Joe can shoot laser beams from it, which can damage foes and break through defenses.

Hacking: If Joe comes near a computer, machine, or robot/cyborg/reploid, he can connect his bionics to it(Only directly), and can use or hack however he pleases. This CAN be used to wipe harddrives, and control robot/cyborg/reploid foes.

Spirit Ball: Joe teleports behind the foe, latches his bionic arm onto them, and absorbs energy from the foe using the bionic arm's energy absorber. He then swats away the foe, places either of his bionic arm in front of him, with the other supporting the first one, aand uses the foe's energy to make a blue ball of energy appear in front of the arm. Joe then shoots the ball at the foe, and if it misses, Joe will use his hands to control it, and possibly make it hit the foe. It does not dissipate unless it hits the foe, touches a wall/ground, or it's hit by a similar energy attack stronger than it.

PERFECT SUPREME FORM: In this form, Joe's power increases tenfold, and his attacks become way more powerful. His dreadlocks grow out more(With them going down more, and extending up at the tips), his shirt rips apart due to muscle mass increasing(if in armor, the chestpiece cracks in two), and his whole body has a reddish tint, along with a fierce red aura surrounding the body. In this form, Joe has the following additional Abilities...

Insane strength: Joe's physical strength is insanely high in this form. It could be said to be godly. Joe has enough brute force to take out almost anyone. He can even punch through all metals and ores in existance except for Elementium(Which only Morphed Chaos, and his bretherein have access to). Joe can also survive many physical hits, as his body is as dense as Kacheen, the hardest metal in existance in the DBZ Universe(With which, not even the legendary Z-Sword could slice through).

Ki Blade control: In Perfect Supreme form, Joe can still summon energy blades at will, but can now summon multiples of them, and can control them all with his mind, as well as keeping 1 or 2 in his own hands. He can make the summoned blades home in on targets, and they also have the ability to teleport back to the area near Joe after colliding with anything, and head back towards the foe, continually going until Joe chooses to stop.

Mega Spirit Bomb: Joe teleports behind the foe, latches his bionic arm onto them, and absorbs energy from the foe using the bionic arm's energy absorber. He then swats away the foe, places either of his bionic arm in ront of him, with the other supporting the first one, and uses the foe's energy to make a blue ball of energy appear in front of the arm. Joe then adds alot of his own energy to it, making the ball turn red. Joe then shoots the ball at the foe, and when the ball is 1 or 2 seconds away from colliding with the foe,, Joe teleports to it's location, and uses a Super Explosive Wave to make the ball blow up like a nuclear bomb, and add it's explosive power to Joe's Spirit Ball, causing an insane, and usually fatal amount of damage to the foe.

ULTIMATE SUPREME FORM: In this desperation form, Joe's power increases 1000fold, and his attacks become practically godlike in power. His dreadlocks, whiskers, and tail grow out even more that his Perfect Supreme Form,(With them going down more, and extending up at the tips), he gets a little more bulky than his previous form, his pupils and irises disappear, his shirt rips apart(if in armor, the chestpiece cracks in two), and his whole body has a golden tint, along with a fierce sparkling gold aura surrounding the body. This form could only be used once in Joe's lifetime, and it maximizes Joe's power. The cost, is that Joe is unable to transform out of this form, and once he runs out of energy, he will have lost all his life force, thus having him die. Even if Joe were to be brought back to life, it is impossible to reach this form again. In this form, Joe has the following additional Abilities...

Godly Powers: In this form, Joe is near godlike, and is able to teleport more easily, can create matter with his mind, can speak telepathically, can read minds, and can even control weaker minds. His strength is also so powerful, he could kill Omega Shenron(The strongest villain in the Dragon ball series) with a weak finger ki blast. He's that freaking powerful.

Final Explosive Wave: Think the Super Explosive wave, but with the invincibility, and the ability to destroy many forms of matter at a cellular level. It has no effect on other warriors of good/light/justice.

Final Spirit Bomb: Joe first uses an ability to force the foes's arms and legs into invisible non-moveable, non-breakable shackles, thus rendering the foe helpless.. He then stands in front of his foe, places his hand forward, and absorbs nearly all of his foe's energy, and creates a blue ball of ki in front of him. He then flushes a lot of his energy into it, turning it a bright gold color. He then shoots it at the foe, and at the last second, teleports in front of the foe, and uses his Final Explosive Wave. This attack is strong enough to wipe every cell from a being, and if it is a dark/evil being whose essence has spread to others, this attack also cellularly destroys every single bit of that essence in any universe/reality/existance. No evil being, whether mortal, or immortal, can survive(Yes, it can KILL immortals). The person it was used on doesn't even appear in the afterlife, it is wiped from all existance for eternity. This is the final move Joe can use, as afterwards, his energy will most likely have run out, and he will die. The ultimate sacrificial attack. He used this attack on Emeros.

Bio document

Full Name: Joe Ryo Chaosu Nicknames: Joe, Joe T.E. Age: 22 Species: EchidnaFox Gender: Male Height: 162 CM(5'3) Weight: 75 kg(165 pounds) IQ: 200 Marital Status: Married DOB: 2/27/1986 Birth Place: EchidnaFox Island Residence: The Remains of Chaosu Island Occupation: Brawn member of Team Never-Ending, Hero of many areas and worlds Social Class: Serious, though has some sense of humor, and a big sense of honor Economic Class: Middle Alignment: Pure Hero Top Speed: 20MPH on foot, 250MPH while flying, Instantaneous when teleporting

Base stats:(0 means non-existant, 1 means very low, 5 means average, 10 means well above average, 15 means near godly) Physical Strength(Skill at using melee attacks, and/or weapons) - 15 Special Strength(Skill at using ki/mana/other energy/force based attacks) - 12 Ground Speed(How fast the character can move on the ground) - 2 Air Speed(How fast the character can move oin the air, if possible) - 8 Physical Defense(How resistant the character is to melee/weapon attacks) - 12 Special Defense(How resistant that character is to energy/force based attacks) - 9 Evasiveness(How well the character can dodge attacks) - 10 Intelligence(How smart a character is. Also helps toward determining how much mana/ base ki/etc. a character has) - 7 Base Mana/Ki/other(THE higher the number, the more energy attacks can be used before getting tired) - 13

Perfect Supreme Form stats:(0 means non-existant, 1 means very low, 5 means average, 10 means well above average, 15 means near godly) Physical Strength(Skill at using melee attacks, and/or weapons) - ??(Way too high for the charts to read) Special Strength(Skill at using ki/mana/other energy/force based attacks) - ??(Too high for the charts to read) Ground Speed(How fast the character can move on the ground) - 2 Air Speed(How fast the character can move oin the air, if possible) - 10 Physical Defense(How resistant the character is to melee/weapon attacks) - 15 Special Defense(How resistant that character is to energy/force based attacks) - 12 Evasiveness(How well the character can dodge attacks) - 13 Intelligence(How smart a character is. Also helps toward determining how much mana/ base ki/etc. a character has) - 7 Base Mana/Ki/other(THE higher the number, the more energy attacks can be used before getting tired) - 15

Final Supreme Form stats:(0 means non-existant, 1 means very low, 5 means average, 10 means well above average, 15 means near godly) Physical Strength(Skill at using melee attacks, and/or weapons) - ??(Godly) Special Strength(Skill at using ki/mana/other energy/force based attacks) - ??(Godly) Ground Speed(How fast the character can move on the ground) - 5 Air Speed(How fast the character can move oin the air, if possible) - 15 Physical Defense(How resistant the character is to melee/weapon attacks) - ??(Near Godly) Special Defense(How resistant that character is to energy/force based attacks) - ??(Near Godly) Evasiveness(How well the character can dodge attacks) - 15 Intelligence(How smart a character is. Also helps toward determining how much mana/ base ki/etc. a character has) - 10 Base Mana/Ki/other(THE higher the number, the more energy attacks can be used before getting tired) - ??(Insanely high)

Element(What elemental force the user uses. Physical attackers with no elemental powers are listed as earth) - Earth and Light

Fighting Style: Joe prefers to fight using melee attacks, and sometimes weapons. Mostly high power punches and kicks, as well as other attacks that take advantage of his high physical strength. He WILL use energy attacks though, mostly as finishing or desperation moves, and also sometimes to psyche out the foe.

Special Attacks:

Ki Wave: An energy wave made of pure energy(Ki), it is charged by focusing ki into either hand while holding it back, then thrusting the hand forward to release the energy in one of 3 forms. It can be used as either a beam with varying sizes(Depending on how long the chargeup time was), an energy ball of varying size(more chargeup time makes it larger), or a sharp wave that flows along the ground.

Explosive Wave: A move that is charged by focusing ki to one's whole body, while in a crouched position, then released all at once in a small explosive field of energy around the user, and renders the user invincible while in use, and damages any foe that touches it. This move can only be used sparingly.

Super Explosive Wave: A much larger and more powerful version of explosive wave. It dos not render the user invincible, but can make getting to the user hard due to the many explosions inside the field of energy.

Energy Blades: Joe can create beam like energy swords. He can make 1-hander, 2-hander, and can also dual-wield

1-handed blades. Using them, Joe can use a wide assortment of sword techniques and combos. He will dual-wield 1-handers most of the time. In terms of the way they are summoned, and how Joe can control them, they are similar to Keyblades. Joe summons them like Sora does his Keyblade, and can even summon them back to his hands should they escape his grasp in any way(wehter it be by accident, or intended), They have no other similarities to keyblades though. Joe is also able to shoot energy blasts or energy beams from these blades as well.

Whirlwind Slash: When using his two hander Energy Blade, Joe can charge, then release energy from it as a whirlwind of ki. Can also be used while dual wielding, and does more hits, but has less power.

Whirlwind Dash: This could be considered a more advanced whirlwind slash. Joe charges the same way as he does his whirlwind slash, but when releasing, he will be start spinning. It starts off slow, but over 5 seconds, it gets to a high enough speed to create a whirlwind around Joe. This can damage foes, both by the wind, and Joe's blades. Also, don't think you can easily dodge this by standing away from him. Joe IS able to move during this, and can do so at a speed comparable to his flying speed.

Final Slash: Joe will first shoot a normal ki blast, expecting his foe to dodge. At that point, he'll teleport behind the opponent while they are trying to dodge his blast, and unleash a flurry of slash combos with his 2 1-handed energy blades, then finish off with a powerful ki wave to the opponent's face.

Telepathy: Joe has minor telepathic powers. He is limited by only being able to read minds, and talking to other people through his mind, as long as his concious thought still exists.

Bio Storm: When using Joe's hidden bionic arm in weapon form, Joe releases a whole ton of bullets in the matter of 8 seconds, which are fast and hard to avoid. They are normal bullets with Joe's own energy infused into them

Bio Flamethrower: When using Joe's hidden bionic arm in weapon form, Joe can shoot a wave of fire at an opponent.

Bio Beam: When Joe's hiden bionic eye is revealed, Joe can shoot laser beams from it, which can damage foes and break through defenses.

Hacking: If Joe comes near a computer, machine, or robot/cyborg/reploid, he can connect his bionics to it(Only directly), and can use or hack however he pleases. This CAN be used to wipe harddrives, and control robot/cyborg/reploid foes.

Spirit Ball: Joe teleports behind the foe, latches his bionic arm onto them, and absorbs energy from the foe using the bionic arm's energy absorber. He then swats away the foe, places either of his bionic arm in front of him, with the other supporting the first one, aand uses the foe's energy to make a blue ball of energy appear in front of the arm. Joe then shoots the ball at the foe, and if it misses, Joe will use his hands to control it, and possibly make it hit the foe. It does not dissipate unless it hits the foe, touches a wall/ground, or it's hit by a similar energy attack stronger than it.

PERFECT SUPREME FORM: In this form, Joe's power increases tenfold, and his attacks become way more powerful. His dreadlocks grow out more(With them going down more, and extending up at the tips), his shirt rips apart(if in armor, the chestpiece cracks in two), and his whole body has a reddish tint, along with a fierce red aura surrounding the body. In this form, Joe has the following additional Abilities...

Insane strength: Joe's physical strength is insanely high in this form. It could be said to be godly. Joe has enough brute force to take out almost anyone. He can even punch through all metals and ores in existance except for Elementium(Which only Morphed Chaos, and his bretherein have access to). Joe can also survive many physical hits, as his body is as dense as Kacheen, the hardest metal in existance in the DBZ Universe(With which, not even the legendary Z-Sword could slice through).

Ki Blade control: In Perfect Supreme form, Joe can still summon energy blades at will, but can now summon multiples of them, and can control them all with his mind, as well as keeping 1 or 2 in his own hands.

Mega Spirit Bomb: Joe teleports behind the foe, latches his bionic arm onto them, and absorbs energy from the foe using the bionic arm's energy absorber. He then swats away the foe, places either of his bionic arm in ront of him, with the other supporting the first one, and uses the foe's energy to make a blue ball of energy appear in front of the arm. Joe then adds alot of his own energy to it, making the ball turn red. Joe then shoots the ball at the foe, and when the ball is 1 or 2 seconds away from colliding with the foe,, Joe teleports to it's location, and uses a Super Explosive Wave to make the ball blow up like a nuclear bomb, and add it's explosive power to Joe's Spirit Ball, causing an insane, and usually fatal amount of damage to the foe.

ULTIMATE SUPREME FORM: In this desperation form, Joe's power increases 1000fold, and his attacks become near godly in power. His dreadlocks, whiskers, and tail grow out even more that his Perfect Supreme Form,(With them going down more, and extending up at the tips), his pupils and irises disappear, his shirt rips apart(if in armor, the chestpiece cracks in two), and his whole body has a golden tint, along with a fierce sparkling gold aura surrounding the body. This form could only be used once in Joe's lifetime, and it maximizes Joe's power. The cost, is that Joe is unable to transform out of this form, and once he runs out of energy, he will have lost all his life force, thus having him die.Even if Joe were to be brought back to life, it is impossible to reach this form again. In this form, Joe has the following additional Abilities...

Godly Powers: In this form, Joe is near godlike, and is able to teleport more easily, can create matter with his mind, can speak telepathically, can read minds, and can even control weaker minds. His strength is also so powerful, he could One hit kill Omega Shenron with a weak finger ki blast. He's that fucking powerful.

Final Explosive Wave: Think the Super Explosive wave, but with the invincibility, and the ability to destroy many forms of matter at a cellular level. It has no effect on other warriors of good/light/justice.

Final Spirit Bomb: Joe first uses another ability to make his foe unable to move at all. He then stands in front of his foe, places his hand forward, and absorbs nearly all of his foe's energy, and creates a blue ball of ki in front of him. He then flushes a lot of his energy into it, turning it a bright gold color. He then shoots it at the foe, and at the last second, teleports in front of the foe, and uses his Final Explosive Wave. This attack is strong enough to wipe every cell from a being, and if it is a dark/evil being whose essence has spread to others, this attack also cellularly destroys every single bit of that essence in any universe/reality/existance. No evil being, whether mortal, or immortal, can survive(Yes, it can KILL immortals). The person it was used on doesn't even appear in the afterlife, it is wiped from all existance for eternity. This is the final move Joe can use, as afterwards, his energy will most likely have run out, and he will die. The ultimate sacrificial attack.

Abilities & Aptitude: 1. Though Joe is pretty slow compared to most characters, He can teleport to anywhere he wants at instantaneous speeds, and can even create afterimages while teleporting to confuse foes. It can be consider similar, if not the same, as Instant Transmission, a move Goku from DBZ could use.

2. Joe can control his energy called "Ki", and can do many different actions by using it, which include Flying(at high speeds), and using Energy attacks. The Ki can be recharged while relaxing or sleeping, or by focusing hard enough. Joe is also able to sense the ki of others, and using this sense, can identify a person, and whether or not they are good or evil, without even seeing them. This ki powrs his energy attacks, teleportation, and even Joe's bionic eye and arm.

3. Joe has tremendous strength. He can literally knock over a skyscraper with a slap of his pinky finger. He's that fucking powerful.

Hobbies & Talents: 1. Joe will always accept a challenge to fight, even if the person he's up against is phenomenally weaker or stronger than him.

2. Joe likes to play video games in his free time, mostly RPGs and Fighting games.

3. Joe like to spar for training. He loves it so much, that he's done it every single day he's lived, and never plans to change this fact any time soon.

4. Joe is secretly a Pokemon Trainer, and has a couple different Pokemon. His current team includes a Charizard, a Feraligatr, a Lucario, an Alakazam, a Shuckle, and a Ninjask, all alternately colored than normal pokemon of their species. Joe also trains his Pokemon differently, by having them use their abilities in sparring matches against himself. He and his Pokemon DO enjoy doing this.

If Joe were a Pokemon, what would his moveset and stats be? Base Stats: HP-95/ATK-180/DEF-120/SP ATK-155/SP DEF-95/SPD-10 Nature: Adamant EVs: 208 ATK, 88 Sp. ATK, 208 SPD, 6 HP Item: Expert Belt Ability: Inner Focus Attack 1: Close Combat Attack 2: Aura Sphere Attack 3: Seismic Toss Attack 4: Swords Dance

Weaknesses: 1. Since Joe is slower than most characters, he has a hard time in running races and getting good hits on fast foes. He can also get good damage done to him if he is hit by one of his own attacks. He might also get worn out if his opponent gets many fast hits on Joe while evading all of his attacks. Possibly even using many long distance attacks can wear him out if he's unable to hit you. Just be careful of his good reflexes and teleportation skill.

2. Joe has much power in his attacks, so if they were used against him, damage could be done to Joe.

3. Joe's left eye, and right arm are in reality, bionic parts covered with flesh. Joe's mind is also connected to those parts, so he can be damaged by some magnetic electric attacks, or other attacks that can cause disruption to mechanics.

Personal facts: Friends: Morphed Chaos, Zaikanata, Merku, Darkness, Robert, Quince, Jack, his Wife and son, Koopa, Sonic, Mario(The one that can go SSJ4), and his Pokemon.

Rivals: Morphed Chaos, and Zaikanata, Koopa(In Giga Form), Sonic(In Super Form), Mario(In SSJ4 Form)(These are friendly rivals).

Enemies: Emeros, William Machinica, and any other evil beings he comes accross.

Known relatives: Haruka(Sister), Parents(Dead), Joseph(Very powerful EchidnaFox who was Joe's sensei, and later sacrificed his life force to power up Joe), Mariana(wife), Joey(Son)

Likes/Favorite activities: Fighting, video games, training.

Dislikes/Least favorite activities: Repeating himself, having others have to repeat stuff for him, and doing things fighters are sometimes never seen doing. Dressing formal is also not liked by Joe.

Gourmet of choice: Not much. Mostly snacks, cereal, and waffles.

Beverages of choice: Coca-Cola Zero(No calories or sugar ftw)

Favorite color(s): Brown, Red, black

Personality: He acts somewhat like a tough guy, and can be a little egotistic about his strength, but other times he is a nice guy who wants to help. He is also very serious in tough or dire situations...

Physical Appearance: Fur Color: Brown Fur Color 2: White Skin Color: Light brownish tan(Seen on hands and front of chest) Eye Color: Red Hair/Quill Style: Dreadlocks in a position to resembe spines Nose: black, Semi-long Ears: Fox-like, whiteish gray on inside Tail: Fox-like, brown fur Other bodily features: Muscles, Bionic Arm and Bionic Eye covered in flesh, tufts of white fur on wrists, and upper chest, semi long and tipped up whiskers, more fuzz on bottom of muzzle to resemble a beard somewhat, no fur covering frontal chest muscles.

Attire: Shirt: Black denim jacket, with no shirt Gloves: Black Fingerless gloves(with sweatband like wristcuffs) Pants: Gray pants that can be unzipped at knee area to become shorts. Belt: Black sweatshirt wrapped around waist Shoes: Black Sneakers with Red emerald based design patterns.

Battle Attire: Shirt: Echidnafox Vest(A black trenchcoat style vest with bottom red stripes, and short sleeves tucked in place by jewel shaped metal. His obi and back keep it on him. Also has a cape flowing from behind.) Chestpiece: EchidnaFox Chestpiece(Black with red stripe-like designs, plate armor type)(Joe has not been wearing this piece much lately though) Gloves: EchidnaFox Gauntlets(Black Fingerless gloves, with red and black wrist protectors similar to his ankleguards, plate armor type) Pants: EchidnaFox Leggaurds(Black flameproof pants, with red patterns, plate armor type) Belt: EchidnaFox Obi(A red sashlike belt, with two sleevelike parts hanging down. Similar to Goku's Obi) Boots: EchidnaFox boots(Black with red designs, gray soles, front end tipped upward, and a red sphere at bottom-front sole, with red and black ankleguards, plate armor type)

Items & Weapons: Energy Swords Joe can create from his ki

Vehicles: "Wild Hog" Extreme gear(Basically a Hog-type motorcycle, complete with 3 wheels, and a main seat, but converted to use air as gas, and has hover sensors instead of wheels, like a bike-type Extreme Gear)

Joe Riders Type: Power/Fly Combo

Joe Riders Default stats: Dash: -1 Limit: +0 Power: +1 Cornering: +0

Wild Hog Default Stats: Dash - 4 Limit - 4 Power - 7 Cornering: - 6 Description: A Motorcycle based gear. Only Joe knows how to use it to it's full potential.

Wild Hog Stats with Joe riding: Dash - 3 Limit - 4 Power - 8 Cornering: - 6

Themesong: Disturbed - 10,000 fists in the air

Back Story: When Joe was born, something was unusual about him, and a strong EchidnaFox who lives on the island named Jospeh sensed it immediately. Joseph knew that the child would have incredible power, enough to match his own (Joe even accidentally knocked his father into a wall with a light slap when he was born), and though Joe had care from his parents, Joe mostly stayed with Jospeh to train. He trained with Joseph every day he lived, until Joe reached the age of seven. On that day, while Joe was at a royal party(He was going to be the future king of his race)William Machinica, under the control of a dark being attacked the island Joe lived on. He was in a mech, and shot blasts from outside the royal palace, killing everyone one by one. When shooting blasts into the room Joe was in, Joe tried to defend everyone, but only he survived the attack after evading the blasts. Jospeh sensed the destruction, and had a fierce battle with Will. Joe tried to help, but was knocked out by Joseph so he wouldn't be killed. After a few attacks, Joseph was somehow killed by a powerful attack of Will's. Joe saw this after coming to his senses, and was enraged by the loss of his master, enough so that he activated his super form without the need of any chaos emeralds, and was able to defeat Will easily. As Joe was walking around the island the next day, feeling alone, he met two people he would become good pals with. Robert(A Genius fox), and Quince(A reploid hegehog built by Robert). Joe stayed with his new pals until he saw that Will was back.

He immediately went to where he was attacking, and after stopping Will, he met Adam the hedgehuman, and went on to adventure with him, fighting evil beings, and also meeting his best friends Morphed Chaos, Zaikanata(Known back then as Zon), and Merku. Thus "Team Never Ending" was born. Soon after fighting many evils, Joe mastered powering up to his a form he called "Supreme Form", and when he turned 15, Joe was confronted by Jospeh. Joe was very happy to see Joseph, but was confused as to how he was alive, and Jospeh explained that he faked his death to test him. Jospeh had seen all the good Joe had done, and decided that he no longer needs to be around, as he thought Joe could do much better things in his life than Joseph, so Jospeh fused with him, and thus Joe mastered powering up to his Perfect Supreme Form. Around that time, Adam also disappeared, and was never seen again.

Also around this time, Joe met an EchidnaFox named Mariana, who is one of the 4 survivors of the attack on Joe's island. She revealed herself as the future Princess of their island, and when hearing his name, realized he was the one she was set to be married to. From then on, the two got to know eachother very well, and fell in love, eventually getting married. Since then, Joe layed low, fighting evil every now and then while taking care of his wife, and eventually his own son, Joey, who Joe trained with similarly to how Joseph trained with him. Eventually, when Joe reached the age of 18, Will Machinica, still under the influence of Emeros, came to Joe's home, and attacked his family. He shot a very powerful lazer at Joe's wife, but Joe managed to block it, getting damaged and losing an eye and an arm in the process. Joey saw this, and defeated Will similarly to how Joe had done it 11 years eariler. Joe was taken to Robert's house, and Robert was able to make bionic replacements for Joe's lost parts, which worked successfully. Joe then spent the next 2 years in seclusion, training very hard, and changing his outfit too. He then emerged with almost unparalleled power levels, and then set off to find Team Never-Ending again. He then found them while they were trying to stop an Anti-God known as Judgement. Joe and the rest of team Never-Ending had managed to weaken Judgement, then Morphed Chaos finished him in a 1 on 1 battle. Afterwards, Judgement's remains were absorbed by Emeros. Morphed Chaos selaed the arena blocking everyone except him and Emeros. Morphed Chaos then used his time emerald to seal Emeros in the deepest pits of hell, and peace was restored to the world. But, could the Anti-God find a way to cheat death?

At this point, Team never-Ending's members spilt into two groups. The only other member of Team never ending Joe still adventures with and frequently sees and talks to is Morphed Chaos. The two are also even in training bouts, no matter how much either of them trains.

Joe has also fought a tough battle against Bowser, who was corrupted with the last essence of Emeros. After the battle, a distortion in time and space created a more humanoid, non-evil clone of Bowser in Joe's world, who became friends with Joe. Joe powered up this Bowser(who now calls himself Koopa), and made him mostly fight in his Giga form. Joe also once ended up in an alternate reality version of Sonic's world, where the world was being destroyed, everyone esle being dead, and Sonic about to die. Joe saved this Sonic, and powered him up smilarly to Koopa. Now, this Sonic can fight in his Super Form without Chaos Emeralds or rings, and can keep himself in it for a very long time.

Joe is currently on an Adventure with Morphed Chaos and a few others to stop bits of Emeros' essence, which have escaped from hell, and are corrupting many worlds. His first stop was the Mushroom Kingdom, which is where Joe had his fight with Bowser. Then he stopped at Azeroth, which is where he got his battle armor, and perfected his energy blade skill. After which, he met MC, who had become friends with Link and Midna from Hyrule. The 4 have travelled to many other worlds, including Hyrule(During the events of OOT), Azeroth, Earth (From the DBZ Universe), the internet(From Megaman .exe series), and other places.

Some events of his world travelling include him and MC fighting an army of koopa-troopas, Getting into an arm wrestling match with Midna, doing solo raids in areas of azeroth that many adventurers deemed impossible to do solo, Fighting against Goku himself(DBZ's main character), and tieing with MC in a net-navi battle tournament.

Unknown to most others beside his family, is that Joe has been to the Pokemon Universe before, and has 7 Pokemon there, which he has actually taken with him to his universe, where they are kept in their specially designed pokeballs, and are sometimes known to be released into Joe's training room to help with both theirs, and Joe's training. Joe is also able to use his minor telepathy powers to talk to and understand his pokemon. His first pokemon was a shiny Charmander he found in the wild being abused by other charmanders due to it's wierd color. Joe saw great potential in it, and with Joe's training, it has fully evolved into a male Black Charizard named Charcoal.. His other Pokemon include a Leafeon, a Milotic, a Electivire, a Tyranitar, a Gallade, a Feraligatr, a Lucario, an Alakazam, a Shuckle, and a Ninjask. The Charizard and the latter 5 are on his current main team. In this world, Joe has collected 36 badges from 4 different regions, and has also defeated the elite fours and champions of each of those regions, and always declined being crowned the new champion. When he goes to this world, he currently fights battles in Poketopia's Colosseums.

Also set to happen is a final battle of Joe, Morphed Chaos, Link, and Midna versus Emeros. All 4 heroes will be defeated, and be near death, until Joe suddenly turns perfect supreme form while still being unconscious. Suddeny, his aura starts increasing in power, truns golden, and his tail, dreadlocks, and whiskers grow out, and his pupils/irisies disappear. He had come back full force in his one time only Ultimate Supreme Form. He revives his fallen teammates, and after some talking and fighting, Joe uses his ultimate attack on Emeros, competely wiping him from all existance(Even in the afterlife) in all realities and universes. However, it wiped out all of Joe's remaining energy, killing him. Joe was given a chance to be brought back to life for his grand sacrifice, but he chose to stay dead, as he finds his final purpose in life has been fulfilled. While dead, Joe could be considered similar to dead people seen in DBZ. Al power intact, less energy strain due to having no true body, and even a halo. He occasionally returns to the living plane as a spirit for sparring matches and talking time, and is always in contact with MC, due to his afterlife home being in the Chaos Realm(Which is MC's homerealm as well). If I decide to use this part of the storyline, then it will be the end of Joe's story, similar to how it was for Goku in DBGT.

Yeah, so this is all the info on Joe T.E., my personal character.