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The Internal Macedonian Revolutionary Organization - Macedonian for the Macedonians (VMRO-MNM)!

The Western World propaganda, discriminations, crimes, and violations against MACEDONIA AND THE MACEDONIAN NATION!



Proposed names for FYROM

Since the name "Macedonia" cannot be justified for FYROM, we must see if there are other names that suit that state better. Here are 2 proposed names:

Vardaria The area of FYROM, just as soon the WWI ended was named as Vardaska Banovina which means the Vardar (Axios) river valley. That was the first name that was invented for that specific area as soon as it was liberated from the Othoman occupation. It certainly is most suitable for FYROM, since the term Vardaria fits to all the area of FYROM (while the term "Macedonia" doesn't) and it was invented to identify FYROM (while the name "Macedonia" was invented to identify Greeks).

Centro-Balkanian Republic This is the second most fitting name for FYROM, since it geographically describes FYROM 100%, and as a name there is no "national" character, which means that it can be used to identify the multi-national state of FYROM.

Any other proposed names are welcome. Help those people find a name for them, because it is really embarrassing (and pathetic) for them to steal names that are already in use!

Updated 25 March 1999



Message From:

The Internal Macedonian Revolutionary Organization - Macedonian for the Macedonians (VMRO-MNM)!

Tihs is not a commercial. This is about a nation that has suffered deeply, a nation the world has forgotten about. The Macedoian nation has been robbed of its history, traditions, culture, identity, land and so on. Everything the athenians, the "bulgarians", the serbs and rhe "albanians" are writing is really Macedonian. We Macedonians have suffered enough.We want to show the world our struggle for justice.

The media of the western world has never showed the truth about Macedonia, only "propaganda news". This is the only way for us to make our voices heard and to inform the world.

If you want to know the truth about Macedonia and the Macedonian nation, please visit the web site: www.vmro-mnm.com

Alo "atina", "sofija", "belgrad" i "tirana" ovde MAKEDONIJA! Hallo "athens", "sofija", "belgrad" and "tirana" here is MACEDONIA!






Ljupco Mircevski-Trepet President of the Macedonian Organization VMRO-MNM

Ljupco Mircevski-Trepet Koppargården 11 A 261 43 LANDSKRONA SWEDEN +46 418 10554

Oct 10th 1995

The UNITED NATIONS Secretary General Boutros Boutros-Ghali NEW YORK N.Y., USA

There are 20 countries in the world that are harassing and discriminates the Macedonian people. Now we have had enough!!

The politicians in the rest of the world must stop this harassment and discrimination against our people. The athenians ("greeks") gets help from the 20 countries that are against the Macedonian people. 15 belonging to the European Union, then there is USA, Canada, Australia, Russia and Norway.

The athenians has had help to force themselves to our symbol and now they want to take our Macedonian name.

The 20 countries are encouraging to war in Macedonia and so will it be if the harassment of the Macedonian people continues. But they can not win neither with weapons nor money. They can not decide what another country should be called. The western countries can not decide over the Macedonian people. They can not take our symbol or our name.

The western countries should instead stop the racism and fascism that are spreading more and more in the countries, immigrants are abused, discriminated and killed. Of the 20 countries it is first USA that is trying to destroy Macedonia and the Macedonian people.

Bill Clinton has very friendly connections with Athens. He is playing the lead part in the Macedonian destruction. I think that Bill Clinton should take care of the problems in his own country first and foremost. Millions of people dies in the streets because of starvation. The racism against the original inhabitants, against the black population and against others, "unwanted" are increasing. Take care of these problems first, Bill Clinton, before you meddle in other countries business!!

The "big" countries wants to play masters of the world. They want to decide in other countries and change their identity. Our identity will stay with us as Macedonian people in a Macedonian state, in our hearts.

We can not accept that our king or our name is taken from us. the whole world knows that Filip the second and Aleksandar Makedonski were Macedonians not athenians. The world can not change history. They can not make our kings into athenians.

The historical findings that have been made have all been situated in the historical Macedonia not in Athens. When the grave of Filip the second was discovered in 1977 they found documents written in the Macedonian language not in the athenian language. If Filip the second had been alive he would never accept that the Macedonian symbols would be taken from his country. I do not understand why the athenians are not ashamed when they reject their own kings in advantage of our Macedonians. It was not until three years ago that the athenians put our Macedonian king Aleksandar III Makedonski on their coins. Why then, when they had not cared before?

Is it of fear that we would take back the Aegean part of Macedonia, is it of fear that in that case Athens would be one of the poorest countries in Europe? They can not eat stones and grass in Athens. The athenians does not know anything about Macedonian history. They only know propaganda and they are very good at that

We can not give away our macedonian kings. They are for the Macedonian people our parents and they will always be in our hearts. We are proud of them and will continue to pray for them. The Macedonian symbols will stay in Macedonia. They are Macedonian, Not athenians as everyone knows. We have the right to use our symbols and call ourselves Macedonians.

The Macedonians that live in the Aegean part of Macedonia, the Pirin part of Macedonia and in "Albania" suffers. In the Aegean part of Macedonia everything has been taken from them. Their language is forbidden, they have been forced to change their names. Their Macedonian identity has been stolen from them. In "Albania", where 350 000 Macedonians live they are allowed to speak their language but they have no other rights, nor legal or human. In Macedonia "albanians" have the right to speak their own language and the have more rights than any Macedonian have in Macedonia.

Two weeks ago a Macedonian was imprisoned in Lerim in the Aegean part of Macedonia. His only crime was that he called himself a Macedonian. We want to know how he is doing, imprisoned by the athenians. If he is tortured the athenians will pay for this. We demand that he is released immediately. We also demand that other Macedonians that are imprisoned for the same "crime" are released.

We do not know how many Macedonians that are in prison in the Aegean part of Macedonia and in the Pirin part of Macedonia, but they are many. Hundreds of Macedonians have been captured in the Pirin part of Macedonia, many have just disappeared. The bulgarians are saying that they committed suicide and so on. Do the west think this is right toward the Macedonian people? We do not hear You protest.

I have written earlier about the Macedonian situation to the European Parliament, the UN in Geneva and the European Court. I have sent copies to the television and newspapers. But they are afraid to show it on television. Only two newspapers dared to write about it,two very small articles.

120 000 Aegean Macedonians, living in Macedonia, were allowed to vote in the Macedonian election. Neither were the 1.2 million Macedonians, living abroad, allowed to vote although they had Macedonian citizenship's. But nearly 200 000 "albanians" from Kosovo-Metohija and "Albania" who came to Macedonia between 1992-1994 were allowed to vote, and they had no Macedonian citizenship's. This was no election in the name of democracy, but a falsification.

Because of all this, Kiro Gligorov can not be called President of Macedonia. He has taken the command with help from the European Union. There is a list that name 12 people that are not welcome to Australia and the western Europe by the macedonians that live there. The dictator Kiro Gligorov and his Mafia is on that list.

The dictator Kiro Gligorov and his Mafia has sold our Macedonian flag to the athenians. Now he is going to sell our name. Who knows what will happen after that now when the athenians decides in our country. Perhaps will our language be forbidden. Perhaps we have to change our names into athenian names, just as the athenians forced the Macedonians in the Aegean part of Macedonia. The Macedonian people will never accept the communists and the Mafia selling the Macedonian symbols, the flag, the name, to the fascist Athens. We will show the whole world that we have the right to our Macedonian symbols.

I am asking all Macedonians all over the world, refuse to use the communist passport with communist symbols. Do not visit the communist embassies. At all sport events, gatherings and so on, show them our Macedonian flag and not the communist flag. This way we can protest and show the world that we do not accept what the communists, the Mafia and the athenian fascists are doing to our country.

The Macedonian people does not stand by the dictator Kiro Gligorov as the media claim. In Macedonia the people have hanged the Macedonian flag on every building, on balconies, in gardens, everywhere, to show where they stand. This the media should have recorded and shown to the world.

I am asking all Macedonians that are living abroad to do as their fellow-countrymen have done in Macedonia. Show the whole world that we Macedonians still have our symbols, our flag in our homes. When the communists put their flag on their communist embassies, take them down and burn them. Macedonians in the United States! Do not let them hang the communist flag at the UN building. Gligorov and the Mafia has betrayed their country and people. Macedonians! Do not accept that everything is taken from us, that the Mafia is selling out our country. As long as we stand together, we can make it. The dictator Kiro Gligorov and the Mafia leader Stojan Andov can not arrest millions of Macedonians or kill us all. The dictator Kiro Gligorov and the Mafia leader Stojan Andov have treated the Macedonian people very badly.

They sold the industries, owned by the state, to relatives, friends and themselves. They received money from the state and bought the industries. Many people became unemployed. They who still works at the Mafia industries have not been paid for the last 5-6 months. Instead of their salary, the receive old tins, macaroni, flour and meat.

The dictator Kiro Gligorov and the Mafia leader Stojan Andov have stolen money from hundreds of thousands of Macedonians. Macedonians that have struggled and saved just so they could have something for their old age. The money is now gone. Macedonians, living abroad, have deposit money in Macedonia so that they one day might return, the money is now gone. The total sum that has "disappeared" amounts to several million dollars. The Macedonian people do not need any help from the International Bank to survive. We have agriculture, factories and mines. If it had not been for the communists and the Mafia, who are blackmailing the Macedonian people, we would have had a very good life. The money that Macedonia has borrowed abroad have the dictator Kiro Gligorov and the Mafia leader Stojan Andov put in their own pockets.One day will the money, that Kiro Gligorov and Stojan Andov stole from the Macedonian people, be returned, when they are arrested for torture and murder. The VMRO-DPMNE has proof.

Swedish newspapers and television have talked about the attempt on dictator Kiro Gligorov´s life. The VMRO-DPMNE is accused of the attempt and is called terrorists. Media is saying that the Macedonian police has arrested 6 people from the VMRO-DPMNE. The truth is that around hundred innocent people have been arrested. The whole world is blaming the largest party in Macedonia, the VMRO-DPMNE for the attempt on dictator Kiro Gligorov´s life. VMRO-DPMNE is called nationalistic and terroristic, everything to cover up who is really guilty and to destroy the democratic forces that exists in Macedonia.

Behind the attempt on dictator Kiro Gligorov stands the Mafia leader Stojan Andov. He is the one that decides in the communist Parliament now. He has been Ambassador for former Yugoslavia in the USA. He and his CIA friends is behind the attempt on Gligorov's life. The CIA is specialist, everything perfectly planned at the second. There are no doubts that it is Stojan Andov that would like to kill the dictator Kiro Gligorov. He wants to get rid of an old man and take over the leadership.

I am not afraid to tell the world about this. I want to tell Bill Clinton that I am not afraid of him or his CIA-agents. They have my address, I can even send them a picture of me. I am not afraid to die, I will die as a Macedonian and a descendant to Filip the second. I know what has happened to people in Macedonia that have criticised the dictator Kiro Gligorov and the Mafia leader Stojan Andov. The truth will come out.

The Media writes that Kiro Gligorov is important for the peace. That is all wrong. they write that the macedonian people do not want him to die. That is true, we do not want him to die. He an his Mafia must be court-martial for torture, murder and theft against the Macedonian people.

This that has happened to Kiro Gligorov has strengthen his and Stojan Andov's power abroad. They are blaming the largest party, VMRO-DPMNE with 80% electors in Macedonia and 95 % abroad.

We, the Macedonian people, are proud of our Macedonian leader Ljubco Georgievski. Together we are strong. We will fight, together with him, against communism, the Mafia and the western world that wishes to destroy Macedonia and let Macedonia go under.

The 20 countries must take out all documents from their records concerning the Bucharest conference1913 where Macedonia was divided into three parts, 50% to Athens ("Greece"), 30% to Serbia and 20% to Bulgaria. The USA was of course involved in the deal. There You will find all the evidence.

The Macedonian people are very disappointed at the western world, the USA especially. The USA can not buy our land. We are not going to let american businessmen come to Macedonia and explore the people.

The UN, EU and Bill Clinton must return our symbol. Do not try to change the name of the Macedonian people. You can take back the money you have paid the dictator Kiro Gligorov and the Mafia.

This letter has been written by me for the macedonian people and for our country Macedonia.

Copies are sent to

The Macedonian unions in the whole world The Macedonian Embassy in Stockholm The athenian Embassy in Stockholm The european Parliament The dictator Kiro Gligorov The american Embassy in Stockholm

I am also sending a cassette to You with a debate between the Mafia and honest politicians.

Macedonian patriot

Ljupco Mircevski-Trepet

Ljupco Mircevski-Trepet Koppargården 13 C 261 43 LANDSKRONA SWEDEN

Aug 27th 1997

To the Secretary-General Kofi Annan, The United Nations, New York

Our ancestors, the ancient MACEDONIANS, where the first people on Balkan. They lived peacefully on the Balkan peninsula and cultivated the fertile land.When the Arab tribes, they who in our time are called the athenians, came to southern Europe it was this nation they met, our ancestors, the ancient MACEDONIANS. The athenians have always been a week nation compared to the MACEDONIANS. They have always been subordinated the MACEDONIANS and therefore they have tried to vindicate themselves against the MACEDONIANS under the last century by trying to steal the MACEDONIAN history, culture, sport, science and so on, since they themselves know nothing or can nothing.

The Olympic Games, for example, is not athenian. This have the athenians stolen from the MACEDONIANS. The athenians have not found out anything by themselves. At the Olympic Games Openings should the first country who enters be, MACEDONIA.

Europe do not want to acknowledge MACEDONIA since they were subordinated MACEDONIA for several centuries, under Justinjan and Konstantin, and that is something they rather would like to forget.

In this letter I write mostly about the athenian occupation force and about how they treat the MACEDONIANS in the Aegean part of MACEDONIA. I would like to say to my brothers and sisters in the Pirin part of MACEDONIA and in Mala Prespa: I know that you suffer as much as our brothers and sisters in the Aegean part of MACEDONIA. That I write mostly about the Aegean part of MACEDONIA is because the athenians are trying to steal our history, culture, sport, science, our name, our symbol, the symbol of Kutles, the star with 16 beams, our MACEDONIAN flag and our country. I want to show how we MACEDONIANS are being treated and how the athenians are lying.

The athenians have stolen our symbol, the symbol of Kutles, the star with 16 beams, our MACEDONIAN flag, now they are after our name. We have to be strong and united so that this will not happen. We have to show Athens and rest of the world that we are serious, that we do not tolerate anything more from them. We are not going to let them treat us as if we were second-rated people. We come from an ancient nation with ancient lineage. We should be proud over who we are, descendants of Filip Makedonski the second of MACEDONIA and Aleksandar Makedonski the Great of MACEDONIA. This we may never forget and we shall never let the rest of the world forget it, at least of all the athenians. If we only stand strong and united the truth will eventually come through.They can not hide the truth from the world, we MACEDONIANS will have satisfaction.

The athenians are calling the Aegean part of MACEDONIA theirs, by what right? They have absolutely no roots in the Aegean part of MACEDONIA. They are not MACEDONIANS, they do not speak MACEDONIAN, they do not know anything about the MACEDONIAN culture, they have no connection with Aleksandar Makedonski the Great of MACEDONIA.

Not long ago, the ordinary athenian did not know what MACEDONIA was, now it is athenian! This is laughable and testifies about the athenians feeble intelligence.

The athenian command have tried to conquer the whole Aegean part of MACEDONIA, by torture of the locals, the MACEDONIANS, by throwing out the MACEDONIANS from their own country, by transferring a large number of athenian refugees to the Aegean part of MACEDONIA, by forbidding the MACEDONIAN language and the MACEDONIAN culture. They have stolen the MACEDONIANS country, the athenians took the country by force and treated the MACEDONIANS as animals!!

What has Europe done to help the MACEDONIANS? They have just stood there and watched, they have just kept silent and accepted the athenians cruel treatment of the MACEDONIANS!

Harilaos Trikoupis, athenian Prime Minister 1882-1895, said: When the great war comes, MACEDONIA will become greek or bulgarian, depending on who will win, if the Bulgarians take over, they will make the population into slaves, if we take over, we will make all of them into greeks.

In 1903 MACEDONIA, lead by the VMRO organization, tried to free itself from the ottoman slavery. It failed. In 1912 whole MACEDONIA was occupied. The Aegean part of MACEDONIA came under athenian occupation force. The athenians started ethnic cleansing, MACEDONIANS fled in masses, MACEDONIAN villages were burnt down. At the Bucharest conference in 1913, after the Balkan war between Athens, Serbia and Bulgaria, MACEDONIA was divided between the three occupation countries. Serbia stool the Vardar part of MACEDONIA, Bulgaria the Pirin part of MACEDONIA and the athenians stool the largest part, the Aegean part of MACEDONIA

They stool a country from a nation, they divided, split families.NOBODY absolutely NOBODY asked what the MACEDONIANS wanted!

The athenian state denies that there are MACEDONIANS in the Aegean part of MACEDONIA, a nation with their own language, MACEDONIAN, and with their own culture, MACEDONIAN. The athenian state refuses MACEDONIANS their own identity. This is a violation of INTERNATIONAL HUMAN RIGHTS LAWS!

The athenian state denies that the language that is spoken by the MACEDONIANS in the Aegean part of MACEDONIA exists. They deny that it is the same language as that who is spoken in the republic of MACEDONIA (the Vardar part of MACEDONIA). Not even the language in the republic exists according to the athenians. According to them this is some local linguistic peculiarity that has borrowed words from Bulgaria, Athens, Turkey and so on. The athenians should be ashamed to make such childish statements. The MACEDONIAN language is acknowledged by linguists in the whole world (except, of course, by the occupation countries, Athens and Bulgaria), therefore it is uneducated to make such statements.

The MACEDONIAN children in the Aegean part of MACEDONIA are forbidden to learn the MACEDONIAN language. The MACEDONIANS have no right to teach their children MACEDONIAN, they have no right to start schools, they have no right to teach them anything about the grand MACEDONIAN history, culture and traditions. Children that speaks MACEDONIAN in school can be punished. They can also be reported and the parents will then be called to a questioning.

That Athens is not a democracy, we know. This occupation force is denying the MACEDONIANS their cultural inheritance. They force them to forget their own language and their own customs. What explanation gives the occupation force for their cruel treatment of the MACEDONIAN nation? They say that the MACEDONIAN language do not exist, that the MACEDONIANS do not exist! WHEN GOD GAVE US INTELLIGENCE, HE MUST HAVE SKIPPED THE ATHENIANS.

Here is a text that was written under the Balkan war, when the Aegean part of MACEDONIA was occupied by the athenians.

Georgios I - The King of the greeks

Taking into account the developed need for the urgent and temporary organization of the administration of the territories in Macedonia, occupied by the greek army. At the proposal of the Ministerial Council, we have decided and command the following. The minister of Justice Mr. K. Raktivan, as representative of the greek Government, is instructed to organize the affairs concerning the temporary administration of the occupied territories. The president of the Ministerial Council is to announce and carry out this decree.

Salonika, October 31, 1912.

Georgios Ministerial Council President Elefterios Venizelos Members: L.K. Koromilas K.D. Raktivan Eman Repulis I. D. Cirimokos L. Mihalakopulos H.A. Stratos

According to the athenians today the MACEDONIANS do not exist. The only minority that exists in the country is a muslim minority. The athenian Government acknowledge the Turks only as a religious group, as athenian Muslims, but they are not acknowledged as a turkish minority. Their identity has been taken from them so properly they are not at all acknowledged

It is terrible to know that there are MACEDONIANS in the Aegean part of MACEDONIA that dare not teach their children the MACEDONIAN language by fear of reprisals from the athenian occupation force. This children will grow up without being able to speak their mother tongue, without knowing about their culture. If it continues, soon their will be no MACEDONIANS that can speak their MACEDONIAN language. They will have forgotten their origin and the athenian occupation force will have won the last battle!

Their are neither textbooks in the MACEDONIAN language nor MACEDONIAN teachers. According to the Sevrès treaty that Athens signed in 1920, Athens should give minorities of not athenian origin certain rights. They were obliged to arrange schools for the minorities. A book, ABECEDAR, was also printed in Athens to bring forth the Nations United, as evidence that the athenians were going to fulfil their duties to the MACEDONIAN people. The athenians also explained that THE MACEDONIAN LANGUAGE WAS ACKNOWLEDGED.Of course, the MACEDONIANS never received any books. This was just something the athenians had "showed" the Nations United so that they would not interfere in the athenians treatment of the MACEDONIANS. The MACEDONIANS received nothing. No right to their language, their culture or human rights!


MACEDONIANS have been tortured just because they have spoken. They are pursued by the state and the security police. They are terrorised and tortured. This have made the MACEDONIANS terrified. They do not dare to speak and they do not dare to stand up for their MACEDONIAN identity.

The MACEDONIANS in the Aegean part of MACEDONIA must show some more strength. Do not let the athenian occupation force oppress you. You are actually in your own country, it is they who are the intruders. You should not have to learn a foreign language in your own country.

The MACEDONIANS in the Aegean part of MACEDONIA are discriminated when they seek employment. Although they have the same education as the athenian refugees, perhaps even better, it is the refugees that receive employment, everything to stop the MACEDONIANS. The athenians are spying on the MACEDONIANS. They are registered. Everyone who are calling themselves MACEDONIANS are being discriminated. Education is of no importance, the athenians rather give the work to an uneducated athenian than to an educated MACEDONIAN.

Perhaps that is why Athens looks like it does. The uneducated, the incompetent is in power. They who are faithful to the athenian Government will get the job but they who contradict the state have to go.

The things the athenians are doing to the MACEDONIAN nation are crimes against international human rights laws. To stop this, the whole world should stand together, united, to boycott Athens.

Another evidence on how uncultivated the athenians are is this: According to the athenians, Aleksandar Makedonski the Great of MACEDONIA is mentioned as a "Greek" in the old testament. "Greece" did not exit at that time when Aleksandar Makedonski the Great of MACEDONIA lived!! That name is a new invention from the middle of 1800.

According to the athenian constitution, the press is free, censor-ship and other similar measures are forbidden. Does the free word exist in Athens? NO!!

As I have written before, MACEDONIANS have been put in prison by the athenians just because they have dared to stand up and say what they think. That people call themselves MACEDONIANS is a terrible crime in Athens!! According to the athenians that is the same thing as to spread false propaganda about Athens and that there should exist MACEDONIANS in the Aegean part of MACEDONIA.

The MACEDONIANS in the Aegean part of MACEDONIA, who have criticised the athenian Government and wished for a open dialog with the Republic of MACEDONIA (the Vardar part of MACEDONIA), have been imprisoned.These are people who only want to have peace on Balkan.

The athenian Governments denial that the MACEDONIANS exist is a VIOLATION OF THE INTERNATIONAL HUMAN RIGHTS LAWS!

Here is a short history about what the MACEDONIANS have had to endure since the Balkan war.

Macedonian villages were burnt down by the athenians. MACEDONIANS were defiled. MACEDONIANS were deported. In 1913 MACEDONIA was divided into three parts. Families were scattered. One people, one nation was scattered. By force, with help from Europe. MACEDONIANS were forbidden to attend in international meetings. The occupants and Europe tried to rip apart and crush the oldest nation on Balkan, the MACEDONIANS. Macedonians in the Aegean part of MACEDONIA were forced to move. Athenian refugees stole the MACEDONIANS land. The MACEDONIANS became a minority in their own country. MACEDONIANS were refused civil rights, education, their MACEDONIAN language, their religion and culture by the athenians. After first have acknowledged the MACEDONIANS as MACEDONIANS, that speaks MACEDONIAN, the athenians started to say that the MACEDONIANS did not exist. The athenians destroyed the cyrillic inscriptions on MACEDONIAN churches, graves and icons. They forbid the MACEDONIANS to hold sermons in the MACEDONIAN language. The athenians forced the MACEDONIANS to change their names, their MACEDONIANS names to athenians names. There are people today that have tried to get their old MACEDONIAN names back. The athenians refuses since, as they say, they are foreign names!! The athenians dug up MACEDONIAN graves, removed the bones and burnt them. They erased the cyrillic inscriptions on the graves. MACEDONIANS who demanded national rights were sentenced of High Treason. In 1936, the dictator Metaxa sent innocent MACEDONIANS to internment camps where they were tortured, murdered, slaughtered. MACEDONIANS were terrorized and pursued. The athenians forbid the MACEDONIAN language and tried to destroy the MACEDONIAN identity. MACEDONIANS who spoke MACEDONIAN were imprisoned and tortured. Under the second world war, MACEDONIAN partisans were gathered from whole MACEDONIA to fight against the fascists and the athenians. The MACEDONIANS almost recaptured Solun when Tito forced them to move to Sremski Front to fight the germans. They who refused, and they were many, were immediately executed! That way we lost Solun one more time to the occupants. The athenians continued to terrorize the MACEDONIANS. They continued to change the names of MACEDONIAN places. Under the civil war 1946-1949 civilian MACEDONIANS were put in concentration camps by the athenians. Many were executed since they were considered a threat to the athenian Government. 28 000 children were sent abroad by fear of what the athenians might do. These children have never been allowed to return to the Aegean part of MACEDONIA. Still today they are not even allowed to visit their own country, the Aegean part of MACEDONIA, by the occupants, the athenians!! The MACEDONIANS who had been in the civil war lost their "citizen ship", their land and possessions were confiscated. The same thing was valid for the civilians who happened to be related to someone who had fought. The land was "given" to athenians. If you had been a partisan or not did not matter. Adults as well as children lost their properties. But it is not only then MACEDONIANS lost their "citizen ship". MACEDONIANS who have left the Aegean part of MACEDONIA to work in another country, as people all over the world have done, have lost their "citizen ship" When they have come to visit their families they have not been let in to the country. There is even a law in Athens that approve of this immense crime against the Human Rights. The athenians legalized concentration camps, there were no free speech, people with different opinions were oppressed. Everything according to the athenian law. The athenians continued to confiscate the MACEDONIANS property long after the civil war. MACEDONIANS in many villages were forced to renounce their mother tongue and only speak the language of the occupation force, athenian. When the Military Junta seized power in Athens the insults against the Human Rights increased. How is it today for the MACEDONIANS in the Aegean part of MACEDONIA?

The athenian occupation army tries to erase the MACEDONIAN language and the MACEDONIAN identity. MACEDONIAN priests are threatened by death and their families are harassed. The athenians forces the MACEDONIANS to send their 2-3 year old children to day care were the only language spoken is athenian. The day care is only for MACEDONIAN children. In 1982 all refugees that was of athenian origin could return to Athens although they did not have any athenian citizen ship. In 1985 all who were of athenian origin could get their properties back. Of course, this was not valid the MACEDONIANS. MACEDONIANS who had lived in their own country, in the Aegean part of MACEDONIA, could not return to get their properties back from the athenian occupants. They who said that they were MACEDONIANS, born in the Aegean part of MACEDONIA, or that their parents were born there, were not allowed to return. MACEDONIANS are not even allowed to visit their relatives in the Aegean part of MACEDONIA or attend funerals. They are not being let in by the occupants!! The athenians prevent the MACEDONIANS to return to their country. Of course they are not athenians, they are MACEDONIANS and it is their country. Therefore do they not need athenian passport or that they are athenian citizens or of athenian origin to enter their own country, not on any account. When the Republic of MACEDONIA became independent (the Vardar part of Macedonia) the athenian Government started a gigantic propaganda "machine" against the MACEDONIAN nation. They made the ordinary athenian believe all the lies that the athenian Government filled them with. They made Europe believe their lies. But worse of all, they made highly educated people, historians, writers and journalists, who should know better and know the history, to believe their lies. They persuaded the world not to acknowledge MACEDONIA under its rightful name. The athenians are spreading propaganda, that they have the right to the MACEDONIANS name, to the MACEDONIANS identity and to the MACEDONIANS history and culture. The MACEDONIANS, that they have oppressed, whose language, history, culture and identity they have tried to destroy. The athenians demands that the republic of MACEDONIA shall change its own name. That they shall change their own flag and that the MACEDONIANS in the Vardar part of MACEDONIA (the Republic of MACEDONIA) should not care about their brothers and sisters in the occupied territories, the Pirin part of MACEDONIA, the Aegean part of MACEDONIA and Mala Prespa. The corrupt "Government", the traitors and anti MACEDONIANS in MACEDONIA have already changed the flag. This is a disgrace! Well shall not give in to athenian dictatorship manners and MACEDONIAN Mafia manners. When Australia acknowledged MACEDONIA (unfortunately under the wrong name, so properly it is not an acknowledgement) athenian extremists burnt down two MACEDONIAN churches in Australia. The MACEDONIAN nation (not the Mafia Government ) followed the international sanctions against Serbia and stopped trading with them. Athens closed illegally the "border" between the Vardar part of MACEDONIA and the Aegean part of MACEDONIA so that ordinary MACEDONIANS could not fetch their goods (only the Mafia Government and its followers could) that had arrived in Solun, the real capital of MACEDONIA. Also the could not ship out anything from Solun. But this was still, of course, no problem for the MACEDONIANS, they could have their goods brought in elsewhere. This was something you could expect from the athenians, they who had tortured and murdered MACEDONIANS in the Aegean part of MACEDONIA. Now the MACEDONIAN Mafia Government, who are in collusion with the athenian dictatorship regime, had a legitimate motive to change the MACEDONIAN flag, they blamed the sanctions! To close the "border", as the athenians did, was a crime and the intention was that there were going to be a trial in the European Court. But the MACEDONIAN Mafia Government sold the MACEDONIAN flag, our symbol, cheap to the athenian dictatorship regime. If MACEDONIA stand together and show the world what the athenians are doing, how they forge history and terrorise MACEDONIANS, the world would boycott Athens instead and exclude them from all international organizations. They who live in the Vardar part of MACEDONIA are not allowed, by the athenians, to visit their relatives in the Aegean part of MACEDONIA. On the hand, they who live in the Aegean part of MACEDONIA can visit the Vardar part of MACEDONIA. but to do that you have to be strong to be able to endure the athenian custom officers harassment's. MACEDONIANS have to endure verbal torture, threats against themselves and their close ones. They have been striped naked, out of house and been searched from head to foot. Documents, newspapers and cassettes have been confiscated, notebooks and telephone books have been copied. They who have crossed the "border" have been registered. These names have then been published in athenian nationalistic newspapers. Everything to frighten the MACEDONIANS. People in all countries have human rights. This is not valid the MACEDONIANS in the Aegean part of MACEDONIA, occupied by the athenians. I want to mention some human right laws that the athenians have signed and which they are obliged to follow:

Article 10 of the European convention Everyone has the right to freedom of expression. This right shall include freedom to hold opinions and to receive and impart information and ideas. Without interference by public authority and regardless of frontiers. UN. Universal declaration of human rights, Article 13 Everyone has the right to leave any country, including his own, as well as to return to his own country The 1990 Document of the Copenhagen meeting To belong to a national minority is a matter of a persons individual choice and no disantvantage may arise from the exercise of such choice. Persons belonging to national minorities have the right freely to express, preserve and develop their ethnic, cultural, linguistic or religious identity and to maintain and develop their culture in all its aspects, free of any attempts at assimilation against their will. The Vienna declaration of October 1993 States should create the conditions necessary for persons belonging to national minorities to develop their culture, while preserving their religion, traditions and customs. These persons must be able to use their language both in private and in public and should be able to use it, under certain conditions, in their relations with the public authorities. The United Nations convention on the rights of the child. In those states which ethnic, religious or linguistic minorities or persons of indigenous origin exists, a child belonging to such a minority or who is indigenous shall not be denied the right, in community with other members of his or her group,to enjoy his or her own culture, to profess and practise his or her religion, or to use his or her own language. These are just some of the Human Right Laws that the athenians are obligated to follow. Not one single law do they follow. They completely neglect these laws. They know that they wont be punished even if they break every law in the world.

The MACEDONIAN, Mr Sime Pandovski from Canada has written a book about the MACEDONIAN history. He has found evidence that MACEDONIA has a 7 500 year old history.

In his book, Mr Pandovski writes about the first school that was opened by Aleksandar Makedonski the Great of MACEDONIA. he writes that MACEDONIA is the Church of the World. In MACEDONIA there is no village without a church, no town without several churches. The first Christian church in the world, Sveta Sofija, was built by a MACEDONIAN, Konstantin. it was finished by another MACEDONIAN, Justinjan, born in Skopje. In the USA Mr Pandovski has found writings written in persian. In these writings you can read about Kleopatra, where she tells that she is of MACEDONIAN emperor blood, that she is a MACEDONIAN empress and that she is of the same MACEDONIAN emperor blood as Filip Makedonski the second of MACEDONIA and Aleksandar Makedonski the Great of MACEDONIA. In these writings it is written about when Kleopatra visited Aleksandar Makedonski the Great's funeral place in Aleksandria. There is a big difference in what you find in these writings and the picture the western world has shown people, in films and stories about Kleopatra. But we know Kleopatra was MACEDONIAN.

Mr Pandovski wrote a protest letter to Mr Eglund, Mayor in Toronto Canada, regarding a statue of Aleksandar Makedonski the Great of MACEDONIA that an athenian organization that calls itself Pan Makedoniki had built. The athenians had fasten a plate were it said that Herodot had said that Aleksandar the first was "greek". This was a serious mistake the athenians had made since the statue was of Aleksandar the third also called Aleksandar Makedonski the Great of MACEDONIA. After that Mr Pandovski and the MACEDONIANS had pointed out the error, the athenians removed the old plate and put a new one up that said that herodot had said that Aleksandar the third was "greek". Mr Pandovski and the MACEDONIANS in Toronto told Mr Eglund that Herodot was born in 484 BC and lived to 425 BC. Aleksandar Makedonski the Great of MACEDONIA was born in 356 BC and lived to 323 BC. How could then Herodot say anything about a person that was born 69 years after his death!

I just want to point out to you that reads this letter that "Greece" did not exist in that time. The name "Greece" was invented in the middle of 1800.

Soon the athenians probably will say that the vampires are basking in the sun in the middle of the day in Athens. Because they are like vampires and changes the history by night. They do not know anything about history.

Soon a new book by Mr Pandovski will be published - Kleopatra. I believe that the book will be published both in MACEDONIAN and english so that it can be in libraries over the whole world and all people can read it.

Professor of Philosophy Angelina Markos tells us that the truth about MACEDONIA lies hidden in archives in the Vatikan, Istanbul and Aleksandria.

Professor Markos has found proof about MACEDONIA, its history and the MACEDONIAN people. Proof that involves Herodot, Ksenofon, Aristotel and Platon. She has found their reports and through them found the history of MACEDONIA. To do the MACEDONIAN history, culture and philosophy complete, the Vatikan has to open the archives. The old Romans were the last people who collected material from MACEDONIA and these lies hidden today in the Vatikan. The archives in Selenskata Carigradska Patriatska must also be opened. There lies the most valuable writings about the MACEDONIAN history. The archives in Aleksandria must be opened. Aleksandria was under a long period under MACEDONIAN Dynasty where all the rulers were of MACEDONIAN royal birth from Ptolomej the first to Kleopatra. There you will find evidence about the history of MACEDONIA.

Professor Markos has found proof that philosophy comes from MACEDONIA. That Aristotel and many others were not athenians but MACEDONIANS.

The old athenians had no alphabet but took it from the fenicians. Their theatres and tragic art, even that is not athenian. Their grand theatres where 3 000-8 000 persons could be seated, they could not build themselves. Only a well developed country as MACEDONIA with its emperor dynasty could build these grand "arenas".

From three MACEDONIAN books - MAKEVEJ - we know that MACEDONIA is a biblical land but nowhere is "Greece" mentioned or anything about any "greek philosophers". MACEDONIAN philosophers worked for the MACEDONIAN royal family. They worked in the museum and library of Aleksandar Makedonski the Great of MACEDONIA, in MACEDONIAN towns in MACEDONIA and in the provinces. There were no athenians inside the MACEDONIAN royal family but only MACEDONIANS. Some philosophers did not consider the athenians as humans. The athenians had no culture, no philosophy, nothing. They were like wild animals, the MACEDONIANS built, the athenians stole or destroyed it

We know, without any doubt, that Aristotel was MACEDONIAN. The athenians have tried to convince everybody that Aristotel was athenian, that he was an athenian philosopher and that Platon was his teacher. Some believe these fairy-tales but most people know the truth. After Aristotel's reports and his will, we know that Platon never was his teacher. The philosophy of Aristotel and the philosophy of Platon had no similarities, non what so ever. Aristotel was extremely logical and won over the philosophy of Platon, which he rejected. have Aristotel and Platon ever meet? no, never! Aristotel went around in the world and meet other philosophers. He stayed for 12 years with Aleksandar Makedonski the Great of MACEDONIA to be his and the MACEDONIAN nobility's teacher.

The MACEDONIAN philosophers were threatened by the athenians. Foreign philosophers that came to Athens had to pay a certain sum. They who could not pay were either thrown out by the athenians, threatened by death or punished by death.

Aristotel built a museum. This museum was destroyed by the athenians and the destroyed the faces of the statues.

Treofat took over the school of Aristotel, who had over 2 000 pupils. The work of Aristotel passed on from his pupils to the whole dominion of Aleksandar Makedonski the Great of MACEDONIA. All his pupils gathered in Aleksandria with all material.

There were culture centre for MACEDONIAN teaching and philosophy. Museum filled with MACEDONIAN busts. Later the Romans took these busts and moved them to Rome.

Aristotel was the father of philosophy. He gave philosophy to the whole world. Without Aristotel, Aleksandar Makedonski the Great of MACEDONIA could never have seized power in the whole world. Many kings in MACEDONIAN towns were philosophers. Many philosophers were on diplomatic missions and administered the MACEDONIAN provinces.

Demokrit (460 BC - 357 BC) had in Abdera his own school and his followers. Demokrit went round and meet philosophers that were hunted by the athenians (most philosophers were murdered by the athenians). Demokrit lived for over 100 year. Only he can be considered as an equal with Aristotel, no one else came in their proximity. Perhaps Aristotel also would have lived for 100 years if the athenians had not killed him.

Platon wanted to burn all documents by Demokrit. Together with the athenians he tried to destroy the work of all MACEDONIAN philosophers, their material. But they failed.

Protagora, a great MACEDONIAN philosopher, was murdered in Athens.

The documents by Aristotel and his writing about philosophy in ½ million lines, he gave to the world so they would keep and protect the documents. In his writings you can read about the MACEDONIAN science and philosophy. There you can read about the MACEDONIAN kings and about the MACEDONIAN history.

The athenians stole the philosophy of the MACEDONIANS, the science, mythology, medicine and so on. They stole the MACEDONIANS writers of dramas. They have stolen Aristotel, Demokrit, Hipokrat and Pitagora. Now we also know that Evropid was MACEDONIAN. About Evropid, Aristotel has said, that he was the most tragic poet. Evropid used different names when he wrote so that he would not be murdered by the athenians. The athenians have conquered the MACEDONIAN literature. In Athens there is nothing of athenian origin, at least of all theatres and literature. Evropid, Eksil and Aristofan, MACEDONIANS, foreigners, that worked in Athens, were thrown out by the athenians.

The medicine comes originally from MACEDONIA. Hipokrat (460 BC - 370 BC) is called the father of medicine. the word recipe (re ept) comes from Hipokrat.

The science and medicine were tied together by Hipokrat. The whole world knows about Hipokrat but are silent. The son of Hipokrat, Tesal, was Aleksandar Makedonski the Great's personal Doctor. The athenians tried to make Hipokrat into the father of athenian medicine!! That the root to Europe's science and culture comes from MACEDONIA you know with no doubt, the philosophy of Aristotel, the medicine of Hipokrat and so on.

In Visentia the MACEDONIAN writing was renewed. The MACEDONIAN writing came to Russia where they still today speak ancient MACEDONIAN in church.

The medicine, that first had been written in MACEDONIAN, was not changed into Latin until around 1200, in Spain.

In 168 BC, the Romans defeated the MACEDONIANS and captured 30 of King Persej's nearest men. The Romans stole all the gold and richness from the MACEDONIAN Dynasty. From the MACEDONIAN culture and material richness the Romans built a city that would exist for ever.

The MACEDONIAN history is in Rome, but a great deal is destroyed. They stole the MACEDONIAN science, history, the MACEDONIAN libraries and archives. They took them to Emilio Paul in Rome. After his death it was said that the MACEDONIAN writings had disappeared!

Professor Markos has found a lot of information about MACEDONIA. With this information she will write a book about the true history of MACEDONIA and of Aleksandar Makedonski the Great, who was MACEDONIAN not "Greek". All the enlightened have known about the true history of MACEDONIA for a long time but now there are strong evidence that confirms that.

There are "some" that do not like what Professor Markos writes. "They" mean that it can ruin their "friendship" with the Athenians.

I also would like to mention another thing that Professor Markos has written. It should not be called Hellenism but MACEDONISM!

Mr Vasil Iljov, Dipl. engineer and architect, has found some interesting facts about MACEDONIA and MACEDONIAN history.

There are concrete evidence that Kiril and Metodij, the MACEDONIAN Solun brothers, had knowledge about the ancient MACEDONIAN writing. There are also evidence that the MACEDONIAN writing is from 6-7 000 years BC. On ceramic stamps from 6 000 years BC, the writing is in MACEDONIAN.

When Aleksandar Makedonski the Great of MACEDONIA only was 16 years old, he laid the ground to the town of Aleksandria. Under his lifetime he built 100 towns, 80 of these wore the name, Aleksandria. Aleksandar Makedonski the Great of MACEDONIA built together with MACEDONIAN architects these towns and Aleksandria in today's Egypt. The architecture is MACEDONIAN, not egyptian or athenian.

The sun is the oldest MACEDONIAN symbol on MACEDONIAN territory.

In the village of Ocicani in the mountains of Crna Loma, also called Conceva, the archaeologist Milos Bilbija found old symbols, from 6-7 000 BC, of the sun with 16 beams on ceramic stamps.They also found a text in ancient MACEDONIAN where it said SL S BO SM (SAL SO BOGA SUM).

The Symbol of the Sun with 16 beams, is the symbol of the MACEDONIAN dynasty. You can find this symbol in many countries that ones belonged to Great MACEDONIA

This symbol has been found in today's Syria, Turkey, MACEDONIA and many other places. it has also been found in Kutles and Barbes belonging to the ancient MACEDONIA.

The Symbol of the Sun also exists with eight or twelve beams.

You can find the Symbol of the Sun on ancient MACEDONIAN coins, on fresces in the Aegean part of MACEDONIA and also in Italy, which is not surprising since the Romans took with them all of the MACEDONIANS richness to Rome when MACEDONIA lost the war.

It is absurd of the athenians to say that the Symbol of the Sun is theirs. The whole world knows that MACEDONIA occupied nearly the whole world but nowhere is Athens or "Greece" mentioned. I believe that the western world feel ashamed or does not want to accept the MACEDONIAN history or the truth of MACEDONIA.There is no justice in the world, only dictatorship.

When Filip Makedonski the Second's grave was discovered in Kutles they found among other things a MACEDONIAN military helmet, made of iron. Several helmets of that kind has also been found in the Vardar part of MACEDONIA. Five years ago, Mr Slaten Simovski, archaeologist, found such a helmet in Marvinci in Gevgelija. This helmet has been presented to the public.

Later Mr Slaten Simovski gave this helmet to the "Government" in MACEDONIA. The MACEDONIAN "authorities" sent the helmet to Poland to be restored. It would then be sent back to MACEDONIA and the MACEDONIAN people. The helmet has still not come back!

The helmet that was found in Kutles and the one that was found in Gevgelija are both found on ethnic MACEDONIAN territory. Both the helmets belong to the ancient MACEDONIA.

The athenians tries to claim that the helmet in Kutles is athenian although it is found on MACEDONIAN territory and not athenian. They want to make people believe that the helmet found in Gevgelija is athenian. They continue their propaganda and tries to claim that Aleksandar Makedonski the Great of MACEDONIA was athenian.

For five years Mr Slaten Simovski dug in Marvinci, Gevgelija. They found human bodies, different coins and so on. One of the coins they found shows an unknown animal and have a text in MACEDONIAN that says Oko (eye).

After five years the MACEDONIAN "Government" stopped Mr Slaten Simovski and the others from digging. Strange!!

In the letter I wrote January 27th 1997 and sent to the Secretary- General in the UN, I had received wrong information from MACEDONIA about a politician visiting MACEDONIA. According to the information I had received it should have been a swedish politician visiting MACEDONIA and who spread false propaganda against MACEDONIA. That was not so. After contacts with MACEDONIA I was told that it was Elisabeth Rhen from Finland, who works for human Rights in Geneva. I do not want to waste a lot of time on unitelligent and corrupt politicians bought by the "albanians", who support the "albanians" and help them in a country that is not their own. To say that they have the right to university in "albanian" and to lift their "albanian" flags in MACEDONIA. i just want to say that Elisabeth Rhen should not light fiers in other people's countries or to put gazoline on the fire, there already exits a large criminality among the "albanians" in MACEDONIA. Elisabeth Rhen should better go back to Finland because it will soon be winter and people will starve as they do every winter. if she is so intelligent she should go back to her own country and stop the starvation because in Finland they have to deliver soup and bread in the streets every winter.

The catholic church is saying that it is the church of God and they do not lie or steal. But they do ! They have stolen the entire history of MACEDONIA from the MACEDONIAN archives and hidden in in their own archives in Rome. They have stolen the archives of Aleksandar Makedonski the Great of MACEDONIA. When there is no justice inside the church how can it then exist any justice outside the church? I think it is time that the people open the archives in the Vatikan and Give out the MACEDONIAN documents to the world Media so that they can tell the true MACEDONIAN history. When you read and listen to media you know that there are they who know about the MACEDONIAN history and they who do not know it. They who know are spreading propaganda. they who do not know are spreading even more false propaganda.

There is something I want to ask the politicians in the western world. They who forge identity cards, passports, drivers licence or money, they are punished with a couple of years in prison and perhaps have to pay a fine. These laws exist. This is considered criminal. But for us MACEDONIANS and MACEDONIA the worse crime that exists is to forge history, historical documents and to steal our theatres, poetry, mythology, science and medicine. What is the punishment for those who do this, why are not the athenians and Bulgarians, who steal our history, being punished?

You are not allowed to lie in church, you are not allowed to bear weapons in church but when the traitor and dictator Kiro Gligorov visited a church he was guarded by 5-600 armed agents and polices that stood around him. And he calls himself a democratic politician and he is going to build a democracy when he himself bear weapons in church. That he dare to bear weapon in church is because he rules the church. This proves that MACEDONIA is a dictator ship regime.

The MACEDONIANS opened schools in Athens to teach the athenians. They were like wild beasts, the MACEDONIANS built, the athenians destroyed. The athenians destroyed MACEDONIAN history, they stole the MACEDONIANS ideas and they burnt the documents of medicine by Hipokrat. The only thing the athenians had was their fellow countryman Platon, who was a pedofil.

MACEDONIA is the only nation in the world that is not acknowledged as an independent state under its own name. We are not acknowledged as MACEDONIA but as FYROM. What I know, Slovenia is not called FYROS, Croatia not FYROC neither is Bosnia called FYROM. Shall we accept that we are being treated differently than all the rest? Absolutely not!! The MACEDONIAN people do not accept being acknowledged under a propaganda name or that outside the UN headquarters in New York, a non MACEDONIAN flag (the fan) is hanging.

Despite that we, the MACEDONIAN people have protested and proved that we exist, despite that we have proved that the sun with 16 beams, the symbol of Kutles, is our symbol, the UN and the EU still discriminates the MACEDONIAN nation. This is an insult to the MACEDONIAN nation. There is no justice for the MACEDONIAN nation.

MACEDONIA had for a long time three occupants. Under the Second World War we had also western occupants, Nazi Germany and fascist Italy. They gave the "albanians" permission to do what ever they wanted in western MACEDONIA. The "albanians" tortured, murdered and slaughtered MACEDONIANS. MACEDONIAN children were burnt alive by them. Girls, boys and women were burnt inside their own houses. As "thanks" for what they had done to the MACEDONIAN people the "albanians" were given a part of western MACEDONIA, Mala Prespa.

Under this decade we have obtained new "occupants". The USA has arrived with several hundred soldiers and located their base on one of MACEDONIA'S most fertile area, Krivolak. They have poisoned and destroyed the nature. Many people have been ill because of the Americans weapons that they have been testing there. The other "occupants", the UN and the Northern battalions, are letting the "albanians" do what they want in MACEDONIA. The "albanians" have raped our girls. One hundred "albanians" maltreated five young MACEDONIAN boys to their death. Other boys have been murdered, some have been shot down in the streets. The "Albanians" not only maltreats, rape and murder, they destroy graves and plunder MACEDONIAN churches and take everything that is valuable, for example gold icons. The UN is letting the "albanians" and the Turks lift foreign flags in MACEDONIA. Weapons, several tons of ammunition, hand granates and so on has been brought in from "Albania" Soon they will probably arrive with tanks, cannons and military air crafts!! The UN either shut their eyes to what the "albanians" are doing or they want the "albanians" to be armed. Have the "albanians" perhaps bought them with money or perhaps drugs. Why, the "albanians" are the most criminal nationality in Europe with their trade with drugs and weapons.

I wrote in my last letter that we MACEDONIANS wish that the UN and the soldiers from the USA will leave MACEDONIA immediately. This has not been done. The UN has even prolonged their stay with six months. Therefore I now demand that the UN soldiers and the soldiers from the USA will leave the country immediately! And the whole MACEDONIAN nation thinks the same since they and the MACEDONIAN country have no use for them. We did not let the UN enter the country so that they would let the "albanians" grow and be armed, but because the should guard the border.

Nor do we want the swedish soldiers in MACEDONIA. Sweden is one of the largest weapon exporter in the world. They are selling weapons to people at war! Properly Sweden, as a neutral country, should not interfere with weapons, but there are large profits to be made. With their weapons, Sweden also takes part in the war. With their weapons people are killed, little children are being murdered. People are crippled because of Sweden. If you would check how much weapons Sweden is selling to Athens you would probably get numbers as that 90% of Athens weapon imports comes directly from Sweden!! No wonder that Sweden will keep in with the athenians. It would also be interesting to know how much weapons Sweden is selling to the "albanians". In another way Sweden is also showing what a "democratic" country it is . To these countries, who are at war or they who are in need of humanitarian aid, help is sent. The food that is sent to these countries is such food that has expired and can not be sold in Sweden. It is not only Sweden that does this but most countries that sends humanitarian aid. People who are hungry, who starves, do not look at the date.

I hope this time that the Secretary-General Kofi Annan will answer my letter. Last time I wrote I did not receive a reply.

MACEDONIA is a country without a king, without a president, no Government, no Parliament. We have no directors, no police neither anyaArmy. But MACEDONIA has traitors, spies, anti MACEDONIANS, Mafia, criminals and bandits, who rules the country. They are selling our country, our MACEDONIAN identity and our MACEDONIAN symbols. The leader is the dictator and traitor Kiro Gligorov. After him you have they who sits in the "Government" and "Parliament", the police, army and the directors. All of them are traitors, spies, anti MACEDONIANS, Mafia, criminals and bandits. The people have to work for nothing. They work for free while the directors are getting richer and richer. All they that I have mentioned takes the bread from the mouth of the MACEDONIAN people. They are vampires that sucks the blood of the MACEDONIAN people.

The USA has always been against communism, the whole world knows that. The Americans fought in Vietnam against communism but today they are helping the communists in MACEDONIA. They are best friends! Several times, under three years time there have been a change of "ministers" in MACEDONIA. When the first group of "ministers" have stolen money from the MACEDONIAN people they have been exchanged. These "ministers" have also stolen money and they have in their turn been exchanged. This has been going on for three years.

The traitors have sold western MACEDONIA to the "albanians". They believe, as the "albanians", that western MACEDONIA will belong to "Albania":

The "Minister of Defence" has given order to burn and destroy the MACEDONIAN flag, the sun with sixteen beams, the symbol of Kutles. The "Minister of defence" can forget what he has ordered because this will not happen. In that case the Ministry of Defence will instead be burnt down and destroyed and the "new flag" (the fan), that hangs by the borders and at the Mafia headquarter, the Parliament, will be burnt and destroyed. But never the sun with sixteen beams, the symbol of Kutles, the true MACEDONIAN, historical symbol.

The dictator and traitor Kiro Gligorov has given order to the MACEDONIAN soldiers at the border, not to shoot against the criminal "albanians" and the "albanian" Mafia that enters the country illegal. There is no country in the world that would not have given orders to stop them. The MACEDONIAN border is entirely open to the "albanian" Mafia. Hundreds of "albanians" enters the country every day with their Mafia organizations. Our soldiers are not allowed to shoot against them when they sneaks into the country by night. They are not even allowed to yell halt but must remain quiet. But the "albanian" bandits, the Mafia, shoots against our soldiers and hurt them or kill them. Therefore we patriots have to do something about this, or soon MACEDONIA will not exist, but only a Great "Albanian", which surely will please the athenians.

After the Second World War and up to the death of dictator Tito, the traitor and dictator Kiro Gligorov was Tito's agent. He arrested a very large number of MACEDONIAN men, patriots that wanted a free MACEDONIA. They were put in prison on an island, Goli Otok. On that island many MACEDONIANS were tortured and murdered. They who were responsible for this was Kiro Gligorov, Lazo Kolesevski, Crsta Crvenkovski and others. The dictator Kiro Gligorov has appointed who will be his successor the day he retire. It will be the "Prime Minister" Boro Crvenkovski. Gligorov is training him so he can destroy the country just as Gligorov does.

I ask myself, whose agent the dictator and traitor Kiro Gligorov is today. Is he Belgrade's, Athens', Sofija's or Tirana's agent, or perhaps he is Washington's agent? If it is not one of them it must be all of them.

The dictator and traitor Kiro Gligorov's plan is to divide the Vardar part of MACEDONIA into four parts.

Still we have no back on our passports and the stamps are still yugoslavian.

I and every other MACEDONIAN patriot gives the athenians, who have open stores, restaurants and so on in MACEDONIA, an ultimatum: Close these immediately! We do not want these occupants in our country. If you will not do this, we patriots will personally throw you out. The MACEDONIAN patriots will receive power in MACEDONIA. When this happens, the bandits, the Mafia who I have have mentioned in my letters will be arrested and sent to prison. Then it is up to the MACEDONIAN people to decide, weather they will be sent to life in prison or they will receive death penalty, since it is the people in the country that decides, not the traitor and and traitor Kiro Gligorov. When the MACEDONIAN patriots have taken care of the Mafia we will liberate all MACEDONIAN territory that is occupied. Also the area in Turkey, that was occupied during the Ottoman Empire.

If there is going to be any political solution of the MACEDONIAN question in a peaceful way, the UN and the EU must sit down and discuss the question in a democratic way. Today the MACEDONIAN people feels violated and terrorised and even discriminated. The UN promised that the name FYROM only were a temporary solution. Now it has been several years and this incorrect, false name is still used instead of our real name, MACEDONIA. In spite of all the evidence that has been presented, in spite of the world knowing that we MACEDONIANS are right, we are still treated like this. We can not wait for ever for the decision from the UN or the EU about our own name and about our own symbol. In the future we will not accept any documents from the UN, the EU, the Helsinki committee or any other organization where it is written FYROM. The name FYROM shall immediately be removed and from the UN head quarter the "fan" shall be removed and the right flag the symbol of Kutles, the star with sixteen beams will be hoisted. If there exists any democracy in the world, the UN and the EU would discuss how to solve the question about the occupied territories. The occupied territories must of course be returned to MACEDONIA and the border between Serbia and MACEDONIA must be moved up wards at least 100 km.

I love my country MACEDONIA and my people very much. I would give my life for my country and my people. But I detest the system and the regime that we have today in our country. Traitors, spies and anti MACEDONIANS that wants to sell their country and their identity. Unfortunately I must criticise my own MACEDONIAN people which makes me sad and disappointed. There are groups of traitors, spies and anti MACEDONIANS, they call themselves MACEDONIANS but they do not love their country or their identity. In Belgium, Germany and other countries in Europe, in Australia, Canada and the USA, the MACEDONIANS stand together. As an example I want to mention the MACEDONIANS in Australia who I am very proud of. They are fighting so that MACEDONIA will be an independent country. They are fighting for MACEDONIA to be called by its own historical name MACEDONIA and nothing else. They are fighting for MACEDONIA and the MACEDONIAN people so they shall keep their flag, their symbol

In Australia a MACEDONIAN couple was married. A very big cake was baked, resembling whole geographical MACEDONIA. It was a very beautiful cake. The problem was, who was going to divide the cake, who was going to put a knife in the cake and take a slice. No one wanted and everyone started to cry. They said, we can not divide MACEDONIA, this is MACEDONIA beside us. The cake was never divided.

In for example Belgium and Germany when it is a MACEDONIAN holiday, Christmas day, Easter day, new year, the MACEDONIAN national day, the MACEDONIANS are gathered in their unions. They eat good MACEDONIAN food, they sing MACEDONIAN patriotic songs and dances MACEDONIAN dances. They celebrate until the morning. In many other countries in Europe there live MACEDONIANS that love their country MACEDONIA and their MACEDONIAN identity and they are proud of it.

But I am very disappointed in the MACEDONIANS here in Sweden. There are nearly 14 000 MACEDONIANS living in Sweden. I am counting that of these, perhaps there are 2% that love their country and are proud over their identity. The rest of them are grkomani, srbomani, bugarofili and albanesi.

There are seventeen unions here in Sweden. All of them are using the non MACEDONIAN flag "the fan". Those MACEDONIANS who have hanged "the fan" in these unions and they who accept such a flag are ready to change their identity and to call their own country, Skopje, as the athenians want. I do not understand how they can call themselves MACEDONIANS and that their unions carries the names of heroes from VMRO when they can hang "the fan" beside the photographs of these heroes.

The union Goce Delcev has taken its name after the man that built the VMRO organization 1893. Goce DElcev the Great. This man would never accept such a flag hanging beside his photograph.

Even the two churches here in Sweden, Kiril and Metodij in Gothenburg and Sveti Naum Ohridski in Malmoe have this fan.

Some unions have been forced to accept this non MACEDONIAN "flag" and to pay 600 SEK to the spy, the agent and "ambassador" Tihomir Ilijevski.

It would not surprise me if the MACEDONIANS that live in the world and in MACEDONIAN who uses the non MACEDONIAN flag, "the fan", changes the name and their identity. It is a very small group in the world that uses "the fan" but they can still destroy enough.

In Helsingborg there is a MACEDONIAN union that is called 11 Oktomvri. They are true grkomani and communists. I myself have seen that they still have Tito's photography hanging on the wall. Straight opposite this union is an athenian union that call itself Alexander the Great! if those MACEDONIAN in Helsingborg had been patriots and loved their country and their King Aleksandar Makedonski the Great of MACEDONIA they would have protested against this ghastly venture. They should have protested to the council in Helsingborg or to the swedish Government against the athenians who uses our king's name on their union. This they did not do!

In Helsingborg the MACEDONIAN are visiting the athenian union and the athenians are visiting the MACEDONIAN union!!

In Halmstad there is another union that is called MAKEDONIJA 91. I think this is a big mistake to call themselves this. MACEDONIA is a very old country of ancient lineage and traditions. We are not from 1991!!

I talked with a person in the board regarding that the union in halmstad is not interested in MACEDONIA or the MACEDONIAN people, they are albanesi. I learnt to know from him that this union had invited a muslim group to play now i September. there are extraordinary many good MACEDONIAN singers and dance groups in MACEDONIA who they could invite, but instead the invite a muslim group to play and amuse the MACEDONIANS. This person in the board said that he thought that this group, Feres Mustafo's group, was the best group in whole MACEDONIA!! After that I did not want to talk to him. I only said that if they could invite Feres Mustafo's group they might as well invite the muslim singer, Esmera Jepera Too.

In Gothenburg most MACEDONIANS visits serbian unions, when it is dance and music, instead of going to the MACEDONIAN unions. I have asked the MACEDONIANS in Gothenburg why they do this. They answer that they do not know. I believe that it is because of the poor organization. No MACEDONIAN singers comes to play, no dance groups comes there. But when you visit the serbian unions there are joy and laughter. Serbian singers and groups are invited and there is always song and dance.

I fight hard for my people in MACEDONIA, in the occupied territories and in the rest of the world concerning the MACEDONIAN question.

I sent a letter to the swedish Government about that our MACEDONIAN children did not have MACEDONIAN in school. After my letter the MACEDONIAN language was acknowledged and the MACEDONIAN children can read MACEDONIAN in school. I thank the Government for this but, There must be at least five MACEDONIAN children in the school to receive teaching in MACEDONIAN.

In Sweden there is a union called Makedonski Sojuz vo Svedska ( the Macedonian National Union in Sweden). Some of those who work there are good, intelligent people, but many are communists. They hate their country and their language. They were doubtful to arranging teaching in the MACEDONIAN language for the MACEDONIAN children so that they could learn their mother tongue. From them the Minister of Culture did not receive any letter. When the communists received, by fax, a copy of my letter I had sent to the Government, they immediately produced books from MACEDONIA to the children. This was as late as February 1997

I do not understand why they did not do this work themselves to get the MACEDONIAN language acknowledged or did they have to ask the dictator Kiro Gligorov first.

No one of the former presidents for Sojuz have been interested, and the man who is president now, Kire Klenkovski, would not either been interested if I had not reacted. That it is of no interest to him is mainly because his children can not speak MACEDONIAN.

Here in Sweden, in the town of Malmoe, they have a festival every summer. Many MACEDONIANS live in this town. Last year, in 1996, I went to Malmoe. Here all the nationalities that lives in Sweden are represented. They are standing in their small, nice "shops" where they prepare their national dishes which they then sell. It smells delicious from the different "shops" and it is a great atmosphere.

When I came to Malmoe I looked, of course, after the MACEDONIAN "shop". I longed for good food from the MACEDONIAN cuisine. The MACEDONIAN cuisine who had won many distinguished prices. I looked, but nowhere could I find any MACEDONIAN "shop". On the other hand I found MACEDONIAN food. There were innumerable athenian "shops" with athenian flags flying, where they served food from different countries and had the insolence to call it "Greek" (athenian) dishes.

In the end I found a shed with the non MACEDONIAN flag (the fan) flying. Two young boys stood in the shed and sold cakes, three sorts of cold cakes. I went up to the "MACEDONIAN cuisine". I asked what cuisine they represented. The MACEDONIAN they answered. I asked them who had sent them. The answered, the union KSD MACEDONIJA. I asked the boys if they were not ashamed standing there, representing the MACEDONIAN cuisine in that way when the MACEDONIAN cuisine is so rich that a dead lion would wake up because of the wonderful smell, and here you are, standing with three cold cakes and a non MACEDONIAN flag. I asked them what flag it was. They said it was MACEDONIAN but they did not love this flag. They said: Our flag is the sun with sixteen beams but we must use this because the union has said so.

Their mothers had baked the cakes at home. I do not understand how MACEDONIAN parents and the MACEDONIAN union can put these boys in a shed to sell cold cakes made at home. People do not want to buy such food. They want to have warm and good food made at place. The boys did not sell a single cake.

I was very disappointed in my MACEDONIAN people and had hoped that this would not happen again this year. To stand there, embarrassing the MACEDONIAN people and MACEDONIA when we have such a rich cuisine and such wonderful food. This year I did not go up to the "MACEDONIAN cuisine" but stood watching from a distance. There was nothing on the counter so what they were selling no man could guess. You could not see any grill or the like, no sent came from the "MACEDONIAN cuisine". This is awful, the MACEDONIANS embarrasses its people in front of the whole world.

We have here in Sweden, on Swedish Radio, a MACEDONIAN program, 20 min a week. There is a journalist who calls herself "MACEDONIAN". She is under the dictator and traitor Kiro Gligorov's regime and control and under the swedish radio's control. During the program she talks about the "albanians" and if she talks about MACEDONIA it is only against her own MACEDONIAN people and for the dictatorship regime and the "albanians". She is against her MACEDONIAN people and her country MACEDONIA. This woman's name is Liiljana Ilijevska. This woman is against my protest letters since I protest against the western World and the dictatorship in MACEDONIA and for justice for the MACEDONIANS.

In June, Boris Petrovski and his swedish colleague, Ann-Marie Boström, also from the Swedish Radio, went to Athens.After the information I have received, their tape recorder was confiscated by the athenian police since it was, according to the athenians, a weapon against Athens. I have not heard any more. What I wonder is why, when they came back to Sweden, nothing has been mentioned about this event.Nothing has been said on the TV or the Radio and the newspapers have not written anything. I hope that the MACEDONIAN paper, Makedonski Vesnik, which is printed once a month in Gothenburg, will write about this event.

I think that these 20 min that are transmitted in MACEDONIAN are not worth anything for the MACEDONIAN people. In these 20 min they could tell us a lot about MACEDONIA and not just "babble" all the time about their "president" Kiro Gligorov and the "albanians". It is only a propaganda program. I stopped listen to this program a year ago but if something of value would have been mentioned on the program I would have got to know it. I think that the MACEDONIAN program either should be shut down or that they employ new journalists who really work for their people and their country and not against as certain journalists.

The MACEDONIAN people and the country of MACEDONIA have been violated and suffered because of the false propaganda about MACEDONIA that has been spread by western journalists, media, false writers and false historians. In Sweden, where I live, I have not read or heard anything good about MACEDONIA. Everything that is written are lies and violations against the MACEDONIAN people and the country of MACEDONIA. why are we MACEDONIANS being treated like this? Are all journalists blind or deaf? Do Athens have them in their leash or are they forbidden by their Governments to write the truth? I want that UN, EU, the Helsinki Committee and Amnesty International gather all Human Rights organizations to protest against the false historians and writers that violates and make propaganda against the MACEDONIAN people. That all false history books shall be removed from every library, schools and so on. All these books that have tricked the people in the whole world. That they see to that the archives are opened in the Vatikan, Aleksandria, Istanbul and that also the western archives are opened so that the true history about MACEDONIA can be shown to the world. Or else, when VMRO-MNM will receive power, all journalists, writers and historians who enters MACEDONIA will be imprisoned for life for false propaganda. I hope of course that it never have to go that far but that the western world will correct this terrible crime that has been brought down upon the MACEDONIANS.

If the freedom of Press exist and if there is any democracy in the world, the Media will write the true history about MACEDONIA, the history that some people have tried to hide so that the rest of the world shall not know anything.

Until 1996 the non MACEDONIAN name FYROM was used in the newspapers and TV here in Sweden. After I started to protest about this and told the true history about MACEDONIA, they stopped using the name FYROM and now the use the correct name instead, MACEDONIA. The same thing with Telia and Tele 2 (swedish telephone companies), when I complained the changed the incorrect name FYROM to only MACEDONIA. Sometimes it pays to complain and hold one's own, but we are far from goal.

In May this year I contacted Systembolaget (swedish, public company that sells alcohol) in Stockholm because I was tired with their incorrect name for MACEDONIA in their price list and advertisement. In the price lists it says MACEDONIA (FYROM). I first talked with Göran Winstrand, responsible editor for the price catalogues. We discussed removing FYROM from the catalogues and that it only should say MACEDONIA. He was very positive to my proposal but he said also that he had to follow the demands from the Foreign Office.

When I talked with Peter Hedling at the Foreign Office he told me that they do not decide what name Systembolaget are using in their price lists. It is up to Systembolaget, they decide for themselves. I later received a letter from him where it stood: As a follow up to your question by telephone the other day I wish in this way to confirm that the Foreign Office do not have the competence to decide what name Systembolaget are using in their pamphlets to indicate the country that is elected in United nations as the Former Yugoslavian Republic of MACEDONIA. We can on the other hand of course leave a suggestion if they ask such a question. It is at the same time obvious that the question of the name still have not reached a final solution that is accepted by all involved parts.

After I had talked with Peter Hedling at the Foreign Office I phoned back to Göran Winstrand at the Systembolaget. He said that he had nothing more to do with this but I should contact the Director of Information, Björn Ridberg. This I did.This man was very disagreeable, he said that Sweden was a very good friend with the "greeks" and that Sweden was not going to loose their friendship with them just because of MACEDONIA. He also said: We are not going to change the name but we follow the demands from the Foreign Office.

Allthough I told him that I had talked with the Foreign Office that it was not they who decided but it was up to everyone, he stilll did not want to change the name since they followed the demands from the Foreign Office!! He also said that if thay decided anything, either to remove the name or not, he would contact me. I have still not heard anything.

In the beginning of May i had a phone call from an athenian that spoke swedish. He offered me a large sum of money if I would start to work for the athenians instead of "Skopje". I asked him if he ment MACEDONIA. When he told me that I could have what ere sum I wanted, I told him he had come to the wrong person. I am the biggest patriot for my MACEDONIAN people and my historical country.

There is no person in the world that can buy me. There is no money in the world that I would sell my country and my people. He continued to try to persuade me and said that many "Skopje people" that before had been big patriots now worked for the "greeks" (the athenians) and was paid generously. Then he told me that many business men from MACEDONIA travels to "Greece". I interrupted him, do you mean the Aegean part of MACEDONIA? No, "Greece". The business men buys a lot of wares from the athenian business men. When they come to the "border" between the Aegean part of MACEDONIA and the Vardar part of MACEDONIA (the Republic of MACEDONIA) they show the invoice on how much they have paid. They will then get back 30-50 % of the money. Att! This is not taxes. It must of course be printed Skopje on the wares and not MACEDONIA and if they are being asked they have to answer that the MACEDONIAN flag is not theirs, that MACEDONIA do not exist and has never existed!I told him that Athens must be a very rich country, it must have a lot of money to be able to pay the MACEDONIAN traitors. He answered: Of course, "Greece" is a rich country. We have even paid large sums to Poland, Hungary and Rumania so they will say that in their countries there are no MACEDONIANS but they are "Greeks". I asked him how much money they have paid to these countries. he answered: We have paid 120 million dollar to each Government. I said to him that the athenians tries to win by bribing people and politicians but you do not know anything about the MACEDONIAN history. You forge the history in the night, when we write about the true MACEDONIAN history you copy it and forge it.

When MACEDONIA take back its occupied territory, the Aegean part of MACEDONIA, we will call the people that you call "greeks" in Poland, Hungary and Rumania. Then we will see what country the will come to MACEDONIA or Athens. He said to me that I was an idiot and did not want to be rich quickly. I told him that it was lucky for him that he was not here personally and said this.

After a month I received this letter from the atheians. This letter comes from a union that has the insolence to call itself THE MACEDONIAN UNION ARISTOTELES.

Stockholm, July 10 1997

Dear Ljupco,

I thank you for your parcels. I understand your hesitation about the macedonians origin and belonging and therefore I will try to help you by sending some publications that deals with the culture and civilisation of Macedonia. Finally I hope that an acceptable solution will be found about the name question so that the people in the area will live in peace with each other.

Yours faithfully C Karipidis Chairman

July 29th at 23.20 I was sitting in my living room and watched TV when i suddenly heard the front door open. I went out in the hall and saw a complete stranger standing there. He was about 50 years old. I spoke to him in swedish, asked who he was and what he was doing in a private apartment. He answered me in very bad English with n athenian accent, I did not understand what he said. I asked him in swedish who had sent him. When I went towards him he waved his keys and I could see the key badge where it stood 107. He backed out of the apartment and disappeared. I went up to the window to see where he went. Several minutes passed before he came out from the staircase. he did not proceed to the parking lot but disappeared around the house. when it all happened I was not afraid but afterwards came the reaction. Who was he, who had sent him, would he come back and perhaps have with him more men? I thought, thank Good that the family are on holiday. What would have happened if they had been alone when this man got inside the apartment. They would have been terrified and who knows what this man would have done. I sat up all night in front of the window to see that no one tried to get inside the staircase. This event has made me afraid and my family are scared to death. If the door bell rings I open the door, when the mail comes I pick it up. You can never know who rings on the door or if there is a bomb among the mail. I have reported this to the police. I have sent copies of the report, by fax to the UN in Geneva, the EU parliament, the Helsinki committee in Copenhagen, Amnesty International in Stockholm, Sweden's Foreign Minister and to the Media in Sweden. The Media has not said anything or written anything about this event. If there is any democracy in the western world then this is a very big crime! But if it had been a MACEDONIAN instead who had got inside some athenian's apartment in the middle of the night or in some albanian's it would have been protests and demonstrations in the whole world against the MACEDONIAN people. The swedish propaganda Media would have written and reported for at least one week and they would have made a hen out of a feather, but if something happens to a MACEDONIAN everyone is quiet!

I wish from the UN, the EU, the Helsinki Committee and Amnesty International that they will not sit quiet but demand that the athenian Government and the athenian Embassy in Stockholm will hand over this man or this organization so that they can be judged in a trial. The athenian Government who is behind everything should also be judged. The athenians shall not just be able to phone and bribe people and get inside people's home and scare them.

You could take the silence of the Media as an acceptance of the athenians treatment of the MACEDONIANS but i hope that the Media in the world will report and write about this.

I ask all MACEDONIAN patriots to fight for our country MACEDONIA. That we MACEDONIAN brothers and sisters work together. We can not longer wait for the western world to help us. No my MACEDONIAN brothers and sisters, the western world is not helping us, the UN is not helping us. They destroy our country, they want to divide the Vardar part of MACEDONIA into four parts too and they want to change our identity.

Under the Second World War MACEDONIANS were raped, slaughtered and murdered by the "albanians". People were burnt, alive, inside their houses. The MACEDONIANS were robbed. We see the same picture today. it is happening again. We will not let the "albanians" do this to us here in MACEDONIA.

Also our brothers and sisters in Mala Prespa, occupied by the "albanians", need our help. The 700 000 MACEDONIANS (new information) are harassed by the "albanian" Mafia, bandits and criminals. The "albanians" force their way into their home and steal their last money that they need for food. The MACEDONIANS are threatened by death. Little girls are kidnapped to be sold.

We patriots must help our brothers and sisters in all the occupied territories, Therefore I ask all MACEDONIAN brothers and sisters to help these people that lives under threat, rape, plunder and murder in all historical MACEDONIA, so that they can sleep in peace. Only we patriots can do something about this. We have to get rid of the bandits, the Mafia and the criminals in MACEDONIA. The "albanians" can lift their flags in their own country, not in MACEDONIA. When we patriots will receive power all criminals that smuggles drugs in our country MACEDONIA will be sentenced to death. In this totally corrupt country, corruption will be punished hard. All the money, saved in the bank, that has been stolen from the MACEDONIAN people under the dictator and traitor Kiro Gligorov and his Mafia Governments ruling, will be found.

Kiro Gligorov is saying that the best business man/woman is Sonja Nikolovska, bank Director. The same person that cheated the poor people who had saved a small sum of their money under the pyramid games in Bitola. Now there is no money! But it is first of all the dictator and traitor Kiro Gligorov who has cheated the MACEDONIANS. All the people in Bitola voted for the traitor and dictator Kiro Gligorov but they were taken in.

MACEDONIAN brothers and sisters, you must wake up and see what is happening in our country MACEDONIA. Now it is enough with the dictator and traitor Kiro Gligorov's false politics. He acts that he is a MACEDONIAN patriot. He promise better times for MACEDONIA when it is time for election. As for example the railway that was going to be built to Bulgaria. He promised that after the election they would start building immediately, but that was many elections ago. The railway is still not built. 85 million dollar "disappeared". Now they want to borrow 250 million dollar more to build the railway and some other buildings.

If Kiro Gligorov believes that he will stand as a good person in history he can forget that thought. He and his Mafia organization are traitors, spies, anti MACEDONIANS and murderers to the MACEDONIAN people, to the MACEDONIAN identity, the MACEDONIAN symbol, the sun with sixteen beams, the symbol of kutles and to the country of MACEDONIA.

As President of VMRO-MNM, MAKEDONIJA NA MAKEDONCITE, I request that the EU commission takes its responsibility. The athenians are spreading their propaganda. They are using MACEDONIAN name on their unions and companies, they are using the name of our philosophers (for example Aristotel), our kings and our symbols (for example the sun with sixteen beams, the symbol of Kutles). Most of them are using the name of our King, Aleksandar Makedonski the Great of MACEDONIA. The athenians must be punished, they have to pay for this. They have no right to use MACEDONIAN symbols and MACEDONIAN names. They can use their own athenian names, if they have any.

The party VMRO-MNM and all MACEDONIAN patriots in the world do not accept this propaganda. We will not be silent anymore. If nothing is done we will ourselves take the responsibility!

The first VMRO party was formed in 1893 by Goce Delcev the Great, his spirit is still alive, his patriots will never forget him. His patriots, sons and daughters of Filip Makedonski the Second of MACEDONIA and Aleksandar Makedonski the Great of MACEDONIA, will fight hard to liberate their geographical, historical country, occupied by the athenians - of arab origin, the Bulgarians - gypsies from Asia and the "albanians" - siptari, asiatic from Caucasus.

As I have said before, many VMRO patriots were tortured and murdered by Tito's regime and by MACEDONIAN traitors and spies, anti MACEDONIANS. But they did not succeed in killing them all. Today there are millions of patriots and this time the VMRO patriots will succeed.

We will not make our VMRO heroes disappointed, they who fought against the Turks to liberate their geographic, historical country and their people. I will again mention these heroes:

Goce Delcev the Great Dame Gruev Gjorce Petrov Jane Sandanski Nikola Karev Pitu Guli And many more... We are carrying these heroes with us in our hearts. We will fight for what they died for and for the MACEDONIAN people and the country of MACEDONIA. And we will raise our MACEDONIAN symbol in the air, the sun with sixteen beams, the symbol of Kutles.

If the world will not help us MACEDONIANS, we will help ourselves.

When whole geographic, historical MACEDONIA is liberated we will make the Bulgarians and the athenians slave for as many years that we have been occupied by them, and their slaves. The Turks that are lifting their turkish flags in our country will be sent back to turkey. The "albanians", this infected, dirty, disgusting people will be kicked out of MACEDONIA to the reservation "Albania". A wall, twice as high as the Chines Wall will be built between us and them. We do not want to catch their diseases. Even the experts can not find what kind of disease the "albanians" have in their brain. We will clean out the garbage.

Now MACEDONIA has to be acknowledged under its own name, under its own historical name, MACEDONIA, without any "extra names". Our old MACEDONIAN symbol, the sun with sixteen beams, the symbol of Kutles, that we have had for thousands of years must be acknowledged and the non MACEDONIAN flag, the fan, must be removed. Now the Englishman Cyrus Vance shall judge our right to our own name. I want to say to him, before he judges or rebaptise us, he should open the archives in England and read about the MACEDONIAN history. He must think before he rebaptise a nation. How would he fell if we MACEDONIANS changed the name England to London.

My proposal is that a conference, together with the UN and the EU, will be held in MACEDONIA. There we will discuss the occupied territories. I and surely all MACEDONIANS want that leaders from the whole world will come to MACEDONIA, to discuss the MACEDONIAN history with open doors to the Media, so that people in the whole world can read in the newspapers or see on the TV how the MACEDONIAN nation has suffered. Then these people can form an opinion about the situation of the MACEDONIANS and of the occupants. I think You should accept this proposal.

At this conference the "President" Kiro Gligorov, "the Government" and the "Parliament", the communists and the traitors will not be let in. Here will only good MACEDONIANS, that know the true history, sit.

If You do not accept this proposal there will come a day when You will beg the MACEDONIAN people to sit down at the negotiation table, but then it will be to late.

I did not receive any reply to my last letter to the UN Secretary-General. If there exists any democracy in the world I would have got a reply. Now I await a reply as soon as possible to this letter, that You have accepted my proposal and that the name of our country will be only MACEDONIA and that the flag will be returned.

President of VMRO-MNM

Ljupco Mircevski-Trepet

VMRO-MNM (Macedonia for the Macedonians)!

Ljupco Mircevski-Trepet Koppargården 13 C 261 43 LANDSKRONA SWEDEN

Tel/fax: +46 136 24

November 7, 1997

To the Holiness, the Bishop of Rome, Johannes Paulus II

I am writing to your Holiness concerning Macedonia and the Macedonian people's suffering.

Your Holiness know yourself how many years the Macedonian people have suffered. They have been tortured, murdered, slaughtered. Still today this happens to the Macedonian people. Your Holiness know yourself how many Macedonians there are in the world that have been forced to leave their homes so that they will not be killed. Masses of people have been thrown out of their country.

Your Holiness know that Macedonia was shattered into 3 parts, August 10th 1913. According to the Bucharest treaty the occupied territories shall be returned in 1998, but no one has mentioned this or had a discussion about this.

The Macedonian nation demands that the world accept us as a nationality, a nationality that are several thousand years old. We also demand that the Athenians pay damages for the sufferings they have caused the Macedonian nation and for the destruction of the Macedonian statues and for forging the history.

We ourselves have found many evidence about the Macedonian history and about the Macedonian nation. We have existed in thousands of years, we have our language, our own alphabet and our own symbols, but still the Western World is against us. They support Athens and Bulgaria, although this two countries have no evidence, only false propaganda.

The Vatican has in its archives, documents from the Macedonian Royal Dynasty and from the library of Aleksandar Makedonski the Great. In the Vatican, in Turkey and Egypt the whole history of Macedonia are gathered. There you can also find the Macedonian symbols.

That is why I ask your Holiness to be permitted to visit you as soon as your Holiness have the opportunity, to discuss the important issue concerning the history of Macedonia.

I will also ask the Turkish Government and the Egyptian Government to receive me for a discussion about the history of Macedonia.

In schools all around the world, the children are being taught the false history about Macedonia. One day, as soon as possible, this false history against the Macedonian nation must have an end.

I thank your Holiness for your patience in reading my letter.

I wish your Holiness a long life and above all a good health.

Yours faithfully,

Ljupco Mircevski-Trepet President of VMRO-MNM



From the Vatican, 9 January 1998

Mr Ljupco Mircevski-Trepet Koppargården 13 C S-261 43 Landskrona

Dear Mr Mircevski-Trepet,

His Holiness Pope John Paull II has received your letter and enclosures and has asked me to send you this acknowledgment. He appreciates the concerns which prompted you to write to him.

His Holiness will remember you in his prayers.

Yours sincerely,

Monsignor J.M. Harvey Assessor

VMRO-MNM (Macedonia for the Macedonians)!

Ljupco Mircevski-Trepet Koppargården 13 C 261 43 LANDSKRONA SWEDEN

Tel/fax: +46 418 13624

February 25th 1998

To His Holiness, Pope John Paul II

I am very grateful for the letter I received from Monsignor J.M. Harvey which the Monsignor wrote at Your Holiness request. I am very moved that Your Holiness will remember me in Your prayers. I thank Your Holiness for this honour.

I would like to mention a few things more about the Macedonian Question.

In a near future, if nothing is done about it, Macedonia will totally cease to exist. The Macedonian nation will cease to exist.

The Macedonian traitors, spies, corrupt Macedonians, the Western World's bureaucrats and the UN have taken everything from us and given it to our neighbouring countries, especially Athens. With their enormous western propaganda they have destroyed everything for the Macedonian nation. The Macedonians are the victims of the neighbouring countries and the western bureaucrats plundering.

It is large organized groups that are helping the Athenians and the other neighbouring countries to steal the Macedonian history and our traditions. These groups are the Macedonian traitor organization MPO-SDSM, the politicians in the Western World, writers, historians, archaeologists and the media. They are all terror groups. The rich Western World produces and sells large quantities of weapons. It is they who start the wars in the world together with the above mentioned groups who provokes war.

Everything that has been stolen from the Macedonians must be returned.

We cannot accept that the Athenian flag is hauled at the Olympic Games. The Macedonian flag, the sun with 16 beams, the symbol of Kutles is the flag that should be hauled since the Olympic Games originally is from Macedonia.

I ask Your Holiness, as I did in my previous letter, to receive med. I believe that with my visit we will be able to solve much for the future of Macedonia and for the future of the Balkans.

I will send some more copies of my material about my struggle.

I am going to write a book about my struggle for the Macedonian nation and for Macedonia. The book will be named, Makedonija na Makedoncite - Macedonia for the Macedonians.

I thank Your Holiness for Your patience.

Yours faithfully,

Ljupco Mircevski-Trepet President of VMRO-MNM

Internal Macedonian Revolutionary Organization - Macedonia For The Macedonians (VMRO-MNM)!

February 13, 2001


The Internal Macedonian Revolutionary Organization VMRO-MNM (Macedonia for the Macedonians) is writing in its declaration about the violations and political discrimination of the Macedonian people and the Macedonian country. Concerning the violations and the political discrimination executed by the organization of human rights – the UN. The organization VMRO-MNM has written and protested, and demanded an acknowledgement of Macedonia under its historical name, that the name FYROM and the non-Macedonian flag, the "fan", should be removed. This has not been done and our country is still, incorrectly, named FYROM.

At the Millennium conference, in the beginning of Sept. 2000, the UN wrote the "Millennium" declaration, a declaration of justice, solidarity and the rights of all people in the world. A very important issue they neglected to bring up and to do something Ljupco Mircevski-Trepet about, was the rights of people, living in exile and oppressed by the powers of the Western World and of the occupants. We, the Macedonian people, are still harassed in our own country, by the neighbouring occupants, the Western World and by corrupt Macedonians, anti Macedonians. Many Macedonians and Macedonian Organizations, from the Aegean part of Macedonia, the Pirin part of Macedonia, the Vardar Part of Macedonia and from all over the world, have written and told about Macedonia, about our nationality, culture, history and so on.

At this conference we did not retrieve our true Macedonian name, the name of our ancestors, the name of our country - Macedonia but still the false creation FYROM is used. Nor was our Macedonian flag, the symbol of Kutles returned, but instead the Macedonian people are supposed to be content with this discrimination and violation of our nation and to accept the non-Macedonian flag, the "fan". Our nation is the oldest in the world, still we Macedonians are being violated and offended. This is criminal, undemocratically, political discrimination by the United Nations.

The United Nations is supposed to be the world's greatest organization for Human Rights, not an organization, supporting "Albanian" terrorists and bandits on the Balkans. At the very beginning, when the terror organization, the UCK was formed in Tirana, the UN supported the organization and paid the terror soldiers their wages, equal to what a labourer makes in the Western World. The UN is a murder organization that organizes terror groups all over the world, and not only the UN but also other human rights organizations are devoted to the same actions.

What has been written in the declaration is the same as it was 50 years ago. Nothing has been done for the people living on this planet. People all over the world are suffering, people live in poverty and people are being murdered every other second because of the injustice of organizations that are supposed to help people. The people in power and responsible for this, live their lives in luxury. Children are being used as slave workers by rich bandits.

We, the Macedonian people, do not accept this and the UN do not exist to us since there is corruption, Mafia and bandits inside this organization and the things the UN is doing to Macedonia is criminal. We demand, for the last time, that the name FYROM be removed, together with the "fan", the non-Macedonian flag, that is hanging in New York.

I hope the UN will listen to the Macedonian nation this time.The European Union is also corrupt. This is a Mafia organization, containing bandits and criminals. The Macedonian organization has also written to them about the situation and told them to stop the violations and the political discrimination against the Macedonian people. We demand that the name FYROM be removed and that the true historical name, Macedonia, will be applied. The EU must also stop interfering in the internal affairs of Macedonia. Visa requirement for Macedonians with Macedonian passports. Macedonians with Macedonian citizenship are forced to have visas to the whole Western World and to many Eastern countries.

The Western World speaks about free movement for people, open borders and so on. This is not reality. The Macedonian people are harassed and discriminated politically. For us being able to visit relatives or friends, some Western countries demand both money and uncountable documents.

There are some countries that do not demand any money for the visa but the number of documents one has to produce are innumerable. Besides this, one must also be able to prove that one has a considerable sum of money in ones account.

If perhaps an old Macedonian couple would like to go to France to visit their children it is requested of them, besides the 100 DM mark each of them have to pay for the visas, that they have between 10,000 and 12,000 Francs in their saving accounts if they are to retain a visa. And then they also have to produce a number of papers just so they can visit their children.

Younger Macedonians must also produce a certificate of employment to prove that they are regularly employed in another country and not trying to sneak into France or any other Western Country for that matter!

I would like to ask the French Government about what kind of rules these are and why a person who seek visa must have such large amounts in his/her account. Most people in Macedonia do not have that kind of money in their accounts. Nor have the majority in the Western World such sums.

This way France stops Macedonians from visiting their relatives. Most western countries have similar systems to shut out the people they do not want. This system is undemocratic and dictatorial.

Another issue I want to bring up is about why the Macedonians that live in an EU country must have visa to visit another EU country. If one for example lives in Sweden and wants to go to Germany for perhaps a weekend trip one must have a visa.

I think that the EU countries ought to have the same rules for all the citizens in a country irrespective of their national belongings. If we have a residence permit in a country why do we then have to have a visa? The borders are "open" between the EU countries but not for us, for us they are closed, we are second-rate citizens. But the EU countries are making money on us, this is criminal.

I want to mention a non EU country where no visa is needed if one has a residence permit in a western country. This country is Switzerland. It is to some extent some kind of justice, however, Macedonian citizens living in Macedonia have no right to visit Switzerland without a visa; but it is more justice than what the EU countries are showing us.

The Macedonian Organization VMRO-MNM demand from all Western and East countries that the visa restraint for all Macedonian citizens immediately is removed.

Unfortunately there are other issues, more discriminating than the above mentioned. Macedonians who live in Macedonia and try to obtain permission to enter other countries, experiences great difficulty because of the "Albanians" that the foreign embassies in Macedonia have employed. One man, for example, has tried to obtain a visa to Switzerland, to visit his relatives, for several months. He is regularly employed and has provided all the documents and guaranties needed. These papers have then been sent as a registered letter to the Swiss Embassy in Macedonia but he has not even received an answer. He has visited the Swiss Embassy several times to hand in his application, since papers coming into "Albanian" hands disappear, but he has still not received a reply. The "Albanians" are complaining about violations and that they have no rights when it is the Macedonian people that are without rights. "Albanians" work at the hospitals, the authorities, airports, in large companies - often in top positions etc while the Macedonians experience unemployment. And since Macedonians encounter problems when they seek a visa permit the people you see travelling abroad are mostly "Albanians", who never seem to have any problems with any visa restraints. We know what nation that is oppressed and it is not the "Albanian" but the Macedonian nation. It is not surprising that people in Macedonia are afraid and do not trust the anti-Macedonian authorities.

An Organization

One strange thing is that the EU countries have different regulations different principles. Since they are members of the same union they ought to have one program, one statute, the same law in all EU countries, but this is not the case. In the Former Scandinavian Province of Sweden for example, you have to pay tax on books, which is a very big income source for the state. No other EU country has this rule. I feel that this tax ought to be removed immediately if there are to be the same EU rules.

It is also time to stop the discrimination and harassment against the immigrants in the Western World. An immigrant have no longer any rights. Their children are being persecuted in school. Immigrants are violated and discriminated, at the employment office, the unions, the labour market, the banks. Immigrants can no longer borrow money to start their own business because of their origin.

In Denmark they want to forbid home-language instructions in the schools. Immigrants are being discriminated and violated. As many as 40% of the immigrants want to leave the country too seek a better, more normal life. This concerns not only Denmark but whole of the Western World. In my opinion 95% of the Western World is Racist, Fascist and Nazi. Their politicians write beautiful speeches and talk much but do not fulfil their promises. Secretly and in silence they are doing the opposite. And if an immigrant is to complain he is met with negative answers.

Nato, this nazi fascist and barbaric terror organization has occupied the country of Macedonia since the end of 1998 with its army troops of criminals and drug addicts. We have previously demanded that Nato must leave Macedonia and also pay compensation for everything that has been destroyed by Nato, for example roads, land and nature. For some time the soldiers have provoked and conducted criminal actions in Macedonia. They have armed the balisti, the "Albanians" from Caucasus so they can commence war and build their "Great-Albania". Macedonian soldiers have been kidnapped by the "Albanian" balisti to be used as trade for "Albanian" terrorists and Mafia bandits imprisoned in Macedonia. Numerous of Macedonian soldiers have been murdered by the "Albanian" fascists and Macedonian officers have been exposed to attacks and murdered.

In our country we do not accept drug addicts and alcoholics who takes advantage of our little girls, our little children. The Nazis and Fascists did the same under the Second World War as the Nato soldiers are doing now.

Nato has not come to Macedonia to keep the peace, but, as occupant, to steal the riches of Macedonia. Nato act as archaeologist and with its soldiers digging day and night to find and steal ancient Macedonian artefacts, gold and silver. And when they find the riches of Macedonia they have not time to dig them up but instead they use explosives. Then they arrive to the crime scene with their large machines, camouflaging the place, believing that no one will see them. This exploitation of a country is criminal.

How much the Western World has stolen from Macedonia we do not know yet, but I would guess that the sum exceeds hundreds of thousands billion dollars. The Macedonian people are living in poverty in their own country while the Western Worlds fascists and nazis are exploiting Macedonia. It is like taking the bread out of the child's mouth, Macedonia is a small country compared to "mighty" Europe.

I, as president of the Macedonian Organization VMRO-MNM, am optimistic, than one day you will return everything that you have stolen from us. The organization VMRO-MNM is giving Nato its last ultimatum, to leave Macedonian territory within thirty days.

In my previous letters to the Nato barbarians I wrote about the lethal weapons they have used in Serbia and other parts of the world. These criminal elements have poisoned the entire nature of the Balkans. Also Macedonia was hit under this so called "war" by hundreds of projectiles. Projectiles, that "missed" their aims in Serbia and in the province of Serbia, Kosovo-Metohija, and instead hit Macedonian territory. And Nato aircraft that could not land in the Adriatic Sea with their bombs emptied their deadly cargo over Macedonia. And the tracks were swiftly covered up by the Nato terrorists. The bombs were removed, the ground was covered with soil and grass. No Macedonian police, soldiers or journalists were allowed to pass on to the places of impact. But the poison that was spread in nature could not be covered up.

Eventually it has been revealed in the Media, what we already previously knew about the Western World's interference in other countries and their bombings with toxic material. The war in Iraq and the bomb attacks against Serbia, now finally the world reacts and criticise the Nato barbarians and terrorists, now when several people have died in diseases related to these attacks.

One should not only think about the soldiers. On the Balkans there are over 50 million people. How many of them who have become sick because of these chemical weapons no one knows yet.

The people involved in these bombings must be convicted of war crimes in The Hague:

Bill Clinton (Hitler II) Madeline Albright General Wesley K Clark Richard Holbrooke Tony Blair Robin Cooke Marti Ahtisaari Javier Solana Nato member states' governments The government of Tirana

Gerhard Schröder Joseph Fischer Jacques Chirac Göran Persson Anna Lindh Carl Bildt United Nation Secretary General Koffi Annan The government of "Bulgaria" The anti Macedonian government

The Governments of the Western World. the Western World's authorities help the "Albanian" balists from Caucasus by letting them demonstrate and protest in the west about demands of Human Rights in Macedonia. Rights they already have but the Macedonian people lack.

So the "Albanians" demonstrations and protests are not about obtaining Human Rights but about provoking and frightening the Macedonian Nation. This has been going on for a very long time and the Macedonian people in the Western World feel provoked and threatened.

Several Macedonians have written to the anti-Macedonian Government to acquire an end to this. They have asked the government to urge the governments of the Western World to end and forbid such demonstrations.

But the anti-Macedonian Government is not on the side of the Macedonian people. It is a Mafia organization, consisting of terrorists, bandits, agents and spies. They who sit in the "government" and "parliament and also in political organizations are corrupt and sell themselves for western currency. Of course there are honourable Macedonian politicians but they have no power. They are tortured, imprisoned, murdered or forced to leave their native country.

It is therefore impossible that such a Government would demand that the Western World should stop and forbid these provocations that the "Albanian" balists carry out, organized by the Western World's Mafia organizations.

The groups that demonstrates are terrorists and bandits. Therefore I do not believe that the west will stop such demonstrations.

I, as president of the Organization VMRO-MNM have promised the Macedonian people that I will demand from all countries where there is "Albanian" balists, terrorists and Mafia that they immediately stop these demonstrations.

This declaration will be sent out to all the countries in the world and with this I demand that these provocative demonstrations, carried out by "Albanian" balists, immediately are stopped.

The Human Rights Organizations and Institutes in the world. All those organizations that are called Human Rights Organizations have been created by the Western World, for the criminal bureaucrats and bandits, for the Rich that want more and are never satisfied.

The most dangerous of these are the UN, EU, NATO, Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, Helsinki Committee, UNICEF, USSC and the Red Cross. They are like Mafia Organizations, there to make money and to provoke outside the borders of the Western World. Bandits who sell weapons and create disturbances and war, who murder people.

My demand from these organizations is that they stop their blackmail, threats and murders on people around the world. People, who are truly intelligent, who will do good for the people in the world, whose first and only concern is not about money and who do not want to have anything to do with the corruption of the Western World.

The rich Capitalists of the Western World, with their money, behave as the "leaders" of the world. They believe they can do what they desire, bribe people or pay assassins to harass and terrorize good, honest people, people who want to work as good politicians, as good leaders in their own countries. But they are not given any chance by the bureaucrats and the Rich of the Western World who threaten their families or, eventually, murder them.

The politicians of the Western World criticise other countries outside the borders of the west about there being many corrupt politicians and so on. The truth is, that the corruption in the Western World is a gigantic Industry. The rich west bureaucrats and bandits ought to give the poor people the opportunity to prosper. Instead they take advantage of them, build hazardous fabrics in their countries and use their children as slave workers. These poor families, whose clever and intelligent children could do a lot of good in the world, are denied the right to adequate education.

Little girls and boys are kidnapped and brought to the brothels of the Western World. These little children are abused by paedophiles. Who are they? They are the ones sitting in Brussels, Strasbourg, the EU bureaucrats, the NATO barbarians. It is they who organize such organizations paid by the EU parliament. Stop the kidnappings executed by your Mafia organizations.

Such bandits, who drains the blood out of children, are vampires. Large Western World companies, for example McDonalds and many other companies, ought to be ashamed using little children to make a profit. But they can not be ashamed since they have no feelings, they are murderers, vampires. And regarding the large medical companies. Inferior medicine are sent to poor countries while medicine of good quality are sent to the rich bureaucrats. Poor people can not pay for expensive medicine, only for the cheap, inferior ones, but such medicine is ineffective. This destructive system must change. This is murder!

There are innumerable of funds in the world that are supposed to look to the best for man kind. But the only obligation they seam to have is to make the rich richer so they can continue with their lives in luxury. For example the children's cancer fund and the lung fund receive large contributions from the public but only 2% of it is used to help the sick.

Who is it then, who contributes to these funds? Well, ordinary people, adults but also children who ask their parents for money to certain collections that are being done in the schools. The only thing they are being, is cheated while the rich "democratic" bandits and politicians with their high salaries do not give away a single penny.

Speaking of crime and fraud I want to mention the human rights organization Amnesty International. Last year it came out that their criminal chairman in Stockholm had made a fortune on various funds. This man, Jesus Alcalá, lives in a luxurious house and drives around in a car worth around 100 000 DM. And his son has nothing to complain of.

Such criminal people and "human rights organizations" who are guilty of the death of millions of people, are not to be trusted, they are to be removed. They are not to be respected by the society of the world. This is not what the people should trust and invest in.

The neighbouring occupants of Macedonian territory:

The Athenians – the Asian race that since 1830 is named "Greeks", (under Aleksandar Makedonski the Great’s empire Athens was known as the Asian province) occupying the Aegean part of Macedonia.The former Turkish gypsies that today are known as Bulgarians, occupying the Pirin part of Macedonia.

The balisti, "Albanians" from Caucasus, occupying the Western part of Macedonia, Mala Prespa. The Serbian vrhovisti, occupying a part of Northern Macedonia.

They are given by the Macedonian National organization VMRO-MNM a last chance to return Macedonian occupied territory.

The Vatican, the Egyptian government and Turkey has received demands from the Macedonian organization VMRO-MNM to return everything that once was stolen from the Macedonian people and the country of Macedonia.

The Western World must accept the truth about the Macedonian history and the Macedonian nation. It is time for all museums, galleries, historical institutes’ etc., to return everything that has been stolen from us and to let the truth be revealed. The stolen Macedonian paintings, archaeological findings, statues of great Macedonian men and women, the stolen names of our kings and ancestors, our goods, the Macedonian classical antiquity and the truth about Macedonian literature, history, philosophy, poetry etc. This must be returned to the Macedonian people and the country of Macedonia. What belongs to us must be returned to us, immediately.

The organization VMRO-MNM is again asking the students of the world to stop reading false history, literature and poetry and instead accept the truth. Do not let so called professors, historians, scientists and politicians, writers and journalists plunder the Macedonian people and the country of Macedonia and give it to the Athenians and the Bulgarians.

Message for the Macedonian Nation

I urge all Macedonians, wherever they live in the world, to boycott the trade of goods from Athens (Made in "Greece"), from the Asian Tatari (Made in "Bulgaria"), the Former Yugoslavian Republic of Slovenia (Made in "Slovenia") and the Former Yugoslavian Republic of Croatia (Made in "Croatia").

The boycott against Athens and the Asian Tatari do not need any presentation since their conducts are widely known. But regarding the other two, FYROS and FYROC, these states buys goods from Macedonia, from the Macedonian bandits, the Mafia, and then put their own labels on these goods. This is something we cannot accept, this is criminal!

Neither wine, as Vranac for example (a Macedonian wine that has been produced for thousands of years), nor preserved vegetables, as for example ajvar, pindjur, strong pepper (feferoni), mixed salad, are manufactured in Slovenia but is brought directly from Macedonia. The only thing the Slovenians do is to put their own labels on the cans. The Croats uses the same pranks on for example red paprika from Macedonia.

The Macedonian Nation must also boycott all diplomatic relations with FYROC since their Government co-operates with the Asian tatari's Government in Sofija in order to forge Macedonian history. Both Governments have made a deal about building a big statue in the town of Gjakovo in FYROC, representing two Macedonian patriots who fought for the Macedonian culture, two brothers, Dimitar and Konstantin Miladinovci. The Zagreb and the Sofija Government tries to take this legends from the Macedonian people and turn them into "Bulgarians". This is both humiliating and criminal by these Governments to continue to forge the history of other nationalities. The Macedonian nation do not accept this.

The family of Dimitar and Konstantin Miladinovci have protested and they have tried to stop these Governments attempts. The Macedonian Revolutionary Organization VMRO-MNM support their claims and we demand from the Zagreb Government that they stop meddling in other people's history and that they keep their hands from the Macedonian nation and the Macedonian history. This declaration will be sent to the Zagreb Government and with it the Macedonian organization demand a written answer that the claims from the family of Dimitrija and Konstantin Miladonovci and VMRO-MNM will be accepted.

FYROS and FYROC, who have acknowledged Macedonia under its true, accurate name, still uses the name FYROM in international connections, as for example the Eurovision Song Contest. The Macedonian nation do not concede to this.

Catastrophically events continues in Macedonia. In the western parts of Macedonia the Macedonian children do not longer dare to go to school because of the "Albanian" terrorists. The terror leaders from the Serbian province of Kosovo-Metohija, Arben Dzaferi and Hashim Thaci (Tachi) have organized and armed "Albanian" youths. Many Macedonian children have been severely maltreated. This has made the Macedonian children afraid of going to school in their own country. Other children have been kidnapped and brought out of the country to the brothels of the Western World and to the luxury hotels and clubs of paedophiles. We do not accept these deeds.

And the "Albanian" terrorist leader Arben Dzaferi who is a member in the anti Macedonian Government in Skopje and terrorist leader no 2, Hashim Thaci (Tachi), in the Serbian province of Kosovo-Metohija, have organized a new terror organization together with Nato, in our country Macedonia. On Jan 22, 2000, they performed a terror attack on a police station in the village of Tearce in the Macedonian region of Tetovo. One policeman was murdered and three others were severely injured. We can not accept this. These terrorists, both "Albanians" and Nato must leave our country immediately. The Macedonian people in Macedonia must boycott "Albanian" stores and both adults as children must stop speaking to "Albanians", at work, in the streets, in the schools etc.

A boycott against the country "Albania" where the "Albanian" balists from Caucasus resides is however not necessary since there are no goods "Made in Albania". These unintelligent people have neither industries nor any products. They have terror organizations and Mafia bandits and their trade is in drugs from different countries and Mafia groups and in the Western World's weapons and drugs. They do not know anything else but crime, to murder and rape and provoke war.

An Appeal from the Macedonian Organization VMRO-MNM

The Macedonian Organization VMRO-MNM appeal for help and support, for acknowledgement of our country and for our independence.

We thank the countries that have acknowledged Macedonia under its true, historical name and wait for remaining countries to follow their example as soon as possible.

We ask for support in the struggle against inequitable organizations and institutions for human rights. And by protesting, make these acknowledge Macedonia under its true, historical name and that the name FYROM vanishes for ever.

The Macedonian people are living, in all of the occupied territories, a terrible life in poverty with violations, torture and imprisonment. The Macedonian people have no human rights what so ever. Some months ago VMRO-MNM received a tape from a Macedonian group in Germany. The tape showed people, living in extreme poverty in the Aegean part of Macedonia, occupied by the Athenians.

Old people were interviewed and what they told us on the tape was unforgettable. They appealed to Macedonian patriots to save them from the penury they are living in because of the Athenian fascistic occupants. This tape reveals many villages that have been forgotten by the rest of the world. Water and electricity is missing, the houses are old, worn down and not fit to be inhabited. Nor is 80-90 year old people allowed to speak Macedonian but are forced to learn Athenian. Why these old people are alone in these forgotten villages without any children is because of their children being forced to leave the Aegean part of Macedonia by the Athenian fascists. These old people have never seen their children again and they have never meet their grand children since they are not let in to the Aegean part of Macedonia by the occupants.

Genocide has been performed in the Aegean part of Macedonia by the Athenian occupants. The most known are the one after 1913 and during the Second World War and after. This tape is proof of what the Macedonian people, in the year 2001, are experiencing in their own country. One can wonder how a country, the so called "Greece" can be a member of the EU, a "democratic" organization. The bureaucratic bandits in Brussels, Strasbourg and Luxembourg should be ashamed.

If this tape was to be copied and sent to the press and the media of the world we can guarantee that no one would show it. The Western World would stop it so the truth about the Macedonian people will not come out. But the future will show the truth about the Macedonian nation.

This appeal will be sent by e-mail to all the governments of the world. We ask you to answer as soon as possible, by registered letter, sign by the country's head of State, on the address:

Web Site: www.vmro-mnm.com Contact: macedonia_for_the_macedonians@vmro-mnm.com, info@vmro-mnm.com, trepet@vmro-mnm.com, vmro-mnm@vmro-mnm.com

We thank the countries that have supported us since before and they who in the future will support us.

United Macedonia

United Macedonians

Ljupco Mircevski-Trepet

President of the Macedonian Organization VMRO-MNM

VMRO-MNM (MAKEDONIJA NA MAKEDONCITE) President: Ljupco Mircevski-Trepet Koppargården 13 C 261 43 LANDSKRONA SWEDEN

Tel/fax: +46 418 13624

October 21st, 1998

To the Athenian, Fascist occupation 'government'!

You have received, from your Embassy in Stockholm, copies of my letters that I have written to different authorities and organizations about the violations against and the discrimination of the Macedonian nation and the Macedonian history.

In my letter dated August 10th 1998, I gave the Athenian fascist occupants an ultimatum that by October 1st 1998 to leave occupied Macedonian territory, the Aegean part of Macedonia. 21 days have past but you are still on Macedonian territory. I give you one last chance to immediately leave Macedonian territory, the Aegean part of Macedonia.

The Macedonian hero, Goce Delcev the great (born 1872, murdered 1903) born in Kukus, in the Aegean part of Macedonia, has left behind strong and intelligent patriots. We will take back our Macedonian territory from the Athenian fascists and Solun will get back its title as Macedonian capital.

VMRO-Makedonija na Makedoncite becomes stronger and stronger. We will take back our stolen Macedonian history. And everything in the world, as statues, symbols, archaeological items and so on, which belongs to the Macedonian nation, will be brought back.

The Macedonian nation can no longer cope with these violations and terror. Macedonians are being abused, imprisoned, our rights have been taken from us. For 85 years you have changed everything. You have changed the names of Macedonian towns and areas and the family names of the Macedonians. You have changed our traditions and nationalities.

All Athenians are to leave Macedonian territory, immediately. The houses and land you have stolen from the Macedonians are to be returned to the rightfully owners. You can live and support yourselves in your own country.

The Macedonian nation will never forget or forgive the Athenians for what they have done to the Macedonian nation. They have murdered and slaughtered Macedonians. They have burnt down the houses of the Macedonians. They have tried to exterminate the whole Macedonian nation. This time the West Fascist and Nazi world will not be able to help you.

They are not welcome in our country. We do not want the Western Occupants, the CIA, the UN, and so on in our country. The Macedonian nation can do without the Western World's fascists, Nazis, bureaucrats and fanatics.

Everyone knows that the 'borders' are incorrect. We Macedonians do not accept these false 'borders'.

The VMRO-MNM has decided to take back the occupied territories from you, from the Bulgarian Sevonistic occupants, from Serbian Cetnik occupants and from the 'Albanian' Balistic occupants.

We also demand that you immediately remove our King Aleksandar Makedonski the Great and our symbol, the sun with 16 beams, the symbol of Kutles, from your currency.

All the documents that you have written our signed together with the Macedonian traitor organization MPO-SDSM are not valid to the Macedonian nation or to the party VMRO-MNM. Only documents with VMRO-MNM are valid. Long live the Macedonian nation! Long live the Macedonian country!

Jas sum Makedonec a ne Fyromec! Nie sme Makedonci a ne Fyromci!


Ljupco Mircevski-Trepet

VMRO-MNM (MAKEDONIJA NA MAKEDONCITE) President:Ljupco Mircevski-Trepet Koppargården 13 C 261 43 LANDSKRONA

Tel/fax: +46 418 136 24

October 23d, 1998

To the 'Bulgarian' barbaric fascist and Nazi occupation 'government'!

86 years have past since the 'Bulgarian' Sevonists, in 1912, occupied Macedonian territory, the Pirin part of Macedonia.

August 10th 1913 Macedonia was divided into 3 parts according to the Bucharest treaty, between 'Bulgarian' Sevonists and fascists, Athenian fascists, Serbian communists and Cetniks. The Macedonian nation has never accepted the dividing of the country. According to the same treaty, where West fascists, Nazis and Macedonian traitors participated, the occupied territories was to be returned by August 10th 1998.

On August 10th 1998, the time expired when the occupants were to leave Macedonia in peace. In the letter I sent to the European Parliament, on that day, I and my party VMRO-Makedonija na Makedoncite gave an ultimatum and demand to the occupants to leave Macedonian territory by Oct 1st 1998. 23 days have now past. Still, the occupants have not left Macedonian territory. Still, the 'Bulgarian' Sevonists have not left the Pirin part of Macedonia.

For many years our people have had to suffer violations, discriminations, torture and murder. That or identity, culture and traditions have been taken from us. That our Macedonian history has been stolen from us. Our history has been forged and rewritten to suit the occupants.

We know, as you and the whole world know, that you in the beginning were not Christians. That you are Asiatic gypsies who came as refugees to the Balkans, to Macedonian territory.

The Macedonian nation does not accept being occupied. 3,2 million Macedonians live in the Pirin part of Macedonia and in towns outside, in 'Bulgaria'.

The Western World's fascists, Nazis, bureaucrats and fanatics support and help 'Bulgarian' Sevonists to violate and discriminate the Macedonian nation. 'Bulgarian' Sevonists have imprisoned and tortured many, many Macedonians. Only one single case has been brought up to the European Court in Strasbourg. I am mot going to bring this up right know. These 86 years when 'Bulgarian' Sevonists have slaughtered and murdered Macedonians, thrown out Macedonians and taken over their homes and land, performed ethnical cleansing against the Macedonians. All these things will be brought up when you have left Macedonian territory.

All documents that have been written together with, or signed with the Macedonian traitor party MPO-SDSM are invalid. Only documents with VMRO-Makedonija na Makedoncite are valid.

I am very curious on what you together with VMRO-DPMNE' leader Ljubco Georgievski have discussed and signed. Why, he has many times visit Sofija, but not a single time has he met with any Macedonian.

On May 6-7th 1995 I was at VMRO-DPMNE' Second Congress in Kicevo, Macedonia, as a delegate. VMRO-DPMNE had invited a 'Bulgarian' Sevonist to the congress. And he called us -our valuable brothers. I and most of the people in the hall were shocked. At that time I lost my confidence for the VMRO-DPMNE, when they invited an occupant and fascist, a murderer, to a Macedonian Party Congress. I and my party VMRO-Makedonija na Makedoncite do not trust the VMRO-DPMNE.

I give you a last chance to, immediately leave Macedonian territory, or else it will be war.

Long live the Macedonian nation! Long live the Macedonian country!

Jas sum Makedonec a ne Fyromec! Nie sme Makedonci a ne Fyromci!


Ljupco Mircevski-Trepet

Macedonian Message Board [ isprati odgovor | Macedonian Message Board ]


Letter to the "Albanian", balistic, terroristic, fascist occupation "government" Posted by MACEDONIAN REVOLUTIONARY on 6/8/2003, 3:37 pm

VMRO-MNM (MAKEDONIJA NA MAKEDONCITE) President: Ljupco Mircevski-Trepet Koppargården 13 C 261 43 Landskrona SWEDEN

Tel/Fax: +46 418 13624

October 29th, 1998

To the "Albanian", balistic, terroristic, fascist occupation "government"

I am writing to you concerning the ultimatum and demand that was given to you by VMRO-MAKEDONIJA NA MAKEDONCITE. The ultimatum and demand expired Oct. 1st, 1998.

Now 29 days have past, but "Albanian", balistic, fascistic occupants are still on Macedonian territory. You have no right to any country, no right to any acknowledge. You are newcomers on the Balkan. For about 120 years ago you were brought here from Caucasus by the Turks to work for them as there police dogs. To perform genocide on the Macedonian people. To slaughter and murder Macedonians who were occupied by the Turks. The area that you today call "Albania" is, as the whole world know, really Macedonian territory. Under the Second World War you slaughtered and murdered Macedonians with German Nazis' and Italian Fascists' "kind" permission. As "thanks" for your "loyalty", you were given one more piece of Macedonia, Mala Prespa. At the time when the Turks brought you from Caucasus you were a small group. But since you produces so many children, like rabbits, you have grown incredible fast.

In 1913 you were acknowledged as a new nation and a piece of Macedonia was acknowledged as your new country "Albania" (plus under the Second World War you were "given" Mala Prespa). How is the situation today? You want to steal more, to have an even bigger "Albania". With the help from the Western Fascists, Nazis Bureaucrats and fanatics since you are the most stupid and poor people in the world. All the things "you have" succeeded in doing under these years is with the Western World's help and with the Western World's Fascist and Nazi media. "You have" succeeded in register "political" (terroristic) parties in Macedonia, to sit in the Macedonian parliament, to have ambassadors in foreign countries at Macedonian Embassies, officers within the Macedonian army and police. "You have" also succeeded in having gymnasium and universities in the "Albanian", balistic language.

All this have you succeeded in doing in Macedonia with the help from the Western World's Fascists, Nazis and Macedonian traitors and corrupt Macedonians.

I want to mention some of the traitors who have helped you: Kiro Gligorov, Branko Crvenkovski, Frckovski, Handiski, Kitanovski, Todorova, Klusev, Tupurkovski, Tito Petkovski and so on.

You "Albanian" fascists and Balists complain and protest all the time about you being discriminated in Macedonia although you have received everything, even more than what the Macedonian people receive in their own country. Not in any western country have foreigners these rights that you have in Macedonia. But it is not this you want but you want a Great Albania, this you can only dream about.

In Mala Prespa , occupied by "Albanian" Balists and Fascists lives 650 000 Macedonians. Their rights have been taken from them. They have no rights at all. They have no gymnasium or universities. "Albanian" Balists and Fascists, terrorists with black uniforms steal and plunder Macedonian houses. They threat the parents that they shall kidnap their daughters and sell them. This is the "Albanians" tradition, to kidnap, threaten and plunder. And this, to kidnap, did they once learn from the Turks. The Macedonian nation will never forget or forgive what they have done and this will the "Albanian" Balists have to pay dearly.

The Western World's Fascists, Nazis, the UN troops, American soldiers and CIA agents in Macedonia and Macedonian traitors are guilty to the state Macedonia is in. The Western World organizes terror organizations in Tirana and have armed them. "Albanian" Balists and Fascists arrive with weapons to Macedonia. The UN soldiers shut their eyes and keep quiet. They help the "Albanian" Balists, Fascists and terrorists to enter Macedonian territory with large quantities of weapon. So that you shall be prepared and armed to start war and build your Great Albania. You will not succeed with you plans. The party VMRO-MNM will not let Macedonia be divided and the Macedonian nation shattered again.

In the Serbian province of Kosovo-Metohija you have succeeded so well thanks to large support and help from the Western World. First of all from the Americans, then the Englishmen, Germans, Italians, Frenchmen, Spaniards and so on. Your best friends, the Americans, have given you "Albanians" and terrorists millions of dollars to buy weapons. And you have also received financial support from other western countries.

You have managed well with your friend Richard Holbrooke. When he some months ago met with the UCK he had to take off his shoes and sit down between two armed terrorists. The only fault you did was that you did not put a weapon is his hands too and a black terror uniform or a white cap.

You have, with your propaganda and crying, managed to get the whole world on your side. The greatest help, have you gained through west Fascist media who write and show pictures of you. These pictures are "fixed", they are false. You had never managed this without the Western World's help. It is they who have taught you what you should do.

Concerning the "Albanian", balistic Fascists and Terrorists in Macedonia. Many "Albanian" families have "fled" from Kosovo-Metohija and "Albania" to Macedonia. Many of you have been given Macedonian citizenship's although you have no right to it. Many "Albanians" are staying in Macedonia with false identification papers. The illegal "refugees" have the right to vote in local government elections and in parliament elections. All this have you been given by the traitors, siptaromani Kiro Gligorov, Branko Crvenkovski, Frckovski, Handiski, Kitanovski, Todorova, Klusev, Tupurkovski, Tito Petkovski, Ljubco Georgievski and so on.

Now in Oct/Nov it is parliament election in Macedonia. "Albanians" have the right to vote and your terror organizations, who calls themselves parties, have the right to sit in the parliament.

I congratulate you in having managed with everything you have demanded in Macedonia. You all stick together. If you continue this way you will succeed in building your Great Albania. Also the Macedonian nation are stupid who do not understand what will happen if no one stops you.

You have succeeded in getting the newspapers in Macedonia to write about you and the Macedonian radio to talk about you every day and they show you on TV all day long. You do not need any "Albanian" media in Macedonia when you "own" the Macedonian media. Even Macedonian newspapers in the Western World writes about you, half the newspaper is about you.

It seems like you have the power in Macedonia an not the Macedonian people.

I, as President of VMRO-MNM, will change the system that exists in our country Macedonia. All the journalists that the whole time write and talks about you will loose their rights to work as journalists. We will see to that a democratic and a fair media is formed. Not the corrupt media that we have today.

VMRO-DPMNE and DA co-operates with the "Albanian" Balists and Fascists. VMRO-DPMNE and MPO-SDSM tries to divide Macedonia, one part to the "Albanians" and one to the "Bulgarians". VMRO-DPMNE drags VMRO's name through the mud. The traitor Vasil Tupurkovski have promised the "Albanian" Balists that their gymnasium and universities will be legalized.

The traitor Vasil Tupurkovski can not decide this himself in Macedonia. If he wants to give the "Albanians" universities and gymnasium legally, he have to go to Tirana since it soon will be no "Albanian", balistic Fascist on Macedonian territory.

All "Albanian" Balists will be expelled from Macedonian territory. Other foreigners that live in Macedonia will be expelled if they do not respect Macedonian laws. VMRO-MNM will give the same rights to all people in the country, but not more to foreigners - as they have now - than what Macedonians have.

The "Albanian" Balists and Fascists from Caucasus must respect VMRO-MNM's ultimatum and demand and immediately leave Macedonia and the Macedonian territory, Mala Prespa, and to take their "Albanian" terrorists from Macedonia to Tirana.

If you do not do this, VMRO-MNM will be forced to liberate occupied territories from "Albanian" Balists and Fascists and throw out all "Albanians" from Macedonia. And no "Albanian" Balist and Fascist will stand around saying - as they previously have done - that in the Macedonian parliament we speak "Albanian" and that Macedonia will be bloody. Nor will Rexhepi and Haliti stand around babbling - as they have done lately - that there will be "Albanian" parties and people in the Macedonian parliament. No "Albanian" Mafia or criminal drug dealers will be left on Macedonian territory and bomb attempts will no longer be made in Macedonia by the "Albanian" terrorists.

I will say to you for the last time leave the occupied territory, Mala Prespa All "Albanians" shall leave the Macedonian country or else you will loose whole of "Albania" - as you call it - and you will be expelled to your own native country Albania that lies in Caucasus. Long live the Macedonian nation. Long live the Macedonian country.


President of VMRO-MNM (MAKEDONIJA NA MAKEDONCITE) Ljupco Mircevski-Trepet


Sega ja zaeba... - Struga2003 6/9/2003, 8:52 am Re: Sega ja zaeba... - MACEDONIAN REVOLUTIONARY 6/9/2003, 9:36 am

Sega ja zaeba... Posted by Struga2003 on 6/9/2003, 8:52 am, in reply to "Letter to the "Albanian", balistic, terroristic, fascist occupation "government""

Aman be ja cekav da vidam neso novo ti pustas poraki od 1998. Si zaebal vojvodo i godini i poraki i sve


Re: Sega ja zaeba... - MACEDONIAN REVOLUTIONARY 6/9/2003, 9:36 am

Re: Sega ja zaeba... Posted by MACEDONIAN REVOLUTIONARY on 6/9/2003, 9:36 am, in reply to "Sega ja zaeba..."

Postot so pismoto do albankata balistichka i fashistichka "vlada" ne go ima ostaveno Vojvodata TREPET, nego jas chlenot na VMRO-MNM. Shto sakash da ti se pihuvam neshto novo, koga sve e vo "golma stabilnost i mir vo novo albanskata makedonija", odnosno vo novo golema albanija. "Nema kidnapiranje na makedonski devojchina i ne se silovat i ne se dusmanski pretepuvat", nema napadi na anti makedonskite meshani policajski stanici" od nivnite plateni teroristichki bandi za da gji pushtat nivnite zatvoreni shiptarski teroristi i banditi, "nema maltretiranje na makedonci", "nema etnichko chistenje i genocid nad makeodnskiot narod", "nema teroristichki bombashki atentati vo centarot na novo albanskiot grad kumanovo". I. T. N. Sve e pod "demokratska" kontrola na vashite "partii" i banditski organizacii "sdsm"-shizovrenicharskata, "dpmne"-shizofrenicharska i na vashite pobratimski "partija", odnosno na vashata pobratimska albanskati teroristichki i banditski organizacija "dui, ona i uck". Shiptarskite teroristichki bandi "ne se zakanuvat za letna ofanziva" i da go donshtat makedonskiot narod ili da go soberat vo edna planiska dupka i da zhivi gji zakopat.

Shto da pisuvame za 2003 g. "Koga makedonskiot narod e bogat ima super zhivot, site makeodnci se zaposleni i zimat po 2000-3000 iljadi evra mesechni plati, odat na letni odmori po 5et nedeli vo drugji zemji i zhivee vo mir i stabilnost".

E mozham da kazham deka sekoja mu chas na makedonskiot narod. Makedonskiot narod si ima dvojazichna vlada i parlament, si ima shiptarska plicija i armija, si dobja dvojzichni dokumenti, si go prifatija ramkovniot dogovor, prifatija da im se ponishti istorijata, da im se ponishtat simbolite i dr. E sega ostana da shiptarite i makeodnskite izrodi da im naredat na Makedoncite da site makedonci kje morat da dadat po eden bubreg da im vadime posto im se potrebni i skapoceneti se.....Jas veruvam deka skoro site Makedonci kje gji prifatat naredbite so vadenje na po eden bubreg i toa so golema pochit i respek.

Po negohash morame da se povratime i nanazad so vistinski makedonski patriotski aktivnosti. Se razbira za da si prochitate za vashite katastrofi sho ste gji pravele na makedonskiot narod i shto kje gji pravite i vo idnina.......









MACEDONIAN REVOLUTIONARY macedonian_revolutionary@hotmail.com

--Previous Message--

: Aman be ja cekav da vidam neso novo
ti pustas poraki od 1998. Si zaebal
vojvodo i godini i poraki i sve

Responses: isprati odgovor


VMRO-MNM (MAKEDONIJA NA MAKEDONCITE) President: Ljupco Mircevski-Trepet Koppargården 13 C 261 43 Landskrona SWEDEN

Tel/Fax: +46 418 13624

October 29th, 1998

To the "Albanian", balistic, terroristic, fascist occupation "government"

I am writing to you concerning the ultimatum and demand that was given to you by VMRO-MAKEDONIJA NA MAKEDONCITE. The ultimatum and demand expired Oct. 1st, 1998.

Now 29 days have past, but "Albanian", balistic, fascistic occupants are still on Macedonian territory. You have no right to any country, no right to any acknowledge. You are newcomers on the Balkan. For about 120 years ago you were brought here from Caucasus by the Turks to work for them as there police dogs. To perform genocide on the Macedonian people. To slaughter and murder Macedonians who were occupied by the Turks. The area that you today call "Albania" is, as the whole world know, really Macedonian territory. Under the Second World War you slaughtered and murdered Macedonians with German Nazis' and Italian Fascists' "kind" permission. As "thanks" for your "loyalty", you were given one more piece of Macedonia, Mala Prespa. At the time when the Turks brought you from Caucasus you were a small group. But since you produces so many children, like rabbits, you have grown incredible fast.

In 1913 you were acknowledged as a new nation and a piece of Macedonia was acknowledged as your new country "Albania" (plus under the Second World War you were "given" Mala Prespa). How is the situation today? You want to steal more, to have an even bigger "Albania". With the help from the Western Fascists, Nazis Bureaucrats and fanatics since you are the most stupid and poor people in the world. All the things "you have" succeeded in doing under these years is with the Western World's help and with the Western World's Fascist and Nazi media. "You have" succeeded in register "political" (terroristic) parties in Macedonia, to sit in the Macedonian parliament, to have ambassadors in foreign countries at Macedonian Embassies, officers within the Macedonian army and police. "You have" also succeeded in having gymnasium and universities in the "Albanian", balistic language.

All this have you succeeded in doing in Macedonia with the help from the Western World's Fascists, Nazis and Macedonian traitors and corrupt Macedonians.

I want to mention some of the traitors who have helped you: Kiro Gligorov, Branko Crvenkovski, Frckovski, Handiski, Kitanovski, Todorova, Klusev, Tupurkovski, Tito Petkovski and so on.

You "Albanian" fascists and Balists complain and protest all the time about you being discriminated in Macedonia although you have received everything, even more than what the Macedonian people receive in their own country. Not in any western country have foreigners these rights that you have in Macedonia. But it is not this you want but you want a Great Albania, this you can only dream about.

In Mala Prespa , occupied by "Albanian" Balists and Fascists lives 650 000 Macedonians. Their rights have been taken from them. They have no rights at all. They have no gymnasium or universities. "Albanian" Balists and Fascists, terrorists with black uniforms steal and plunder Macedonian houses. They threat the parents that they shall kidnap their daughters and sell them. This is the "Albanians" tradition, to kidnap, threaten and plunder. And this, to kidnap, did they once learn from the Turks. The Macedonian nation will never forget or forgive what they have done and this will the "Albanian" Balists have to pay dearly.

The Western World's Fascists, Nazis, the UN troops, American soldiers and CIA agents in Macedonia and Macedonian traitors are guilty to the state Macedonia is in. The Western World organizes terror organizations in Tirana and have armed them. "Albanian" Balists and Fascists arrive with weapons to Macedonia. The UN soldiers shut their eyes and keep quiet. They help the "Albanian" Balists, Fascists and terrorists to enter Macedonian territory with large quantities of weapon. So that you shall be prepared and armed to start war and build your Great Albania. You will not succeed with you plans. The party VMRO-MNM will not let Macedonia be divided and the Macedonian nation shattered again.

In the Serbian province of Kosovo-Metohija you have succeeded so well thanks to large support and help from the Western World. First of all from the Americans, then the Englishmen, Germans, Italians, Frenchmen, Spaniards and so on. Your best friends, the Americans, have given you "Albanians" and terrorists millions of dollars to buy weapons. And you have also received financial support from other western countries.

You have managed well with your friend Richard Holbrooke. When he some months ago met with the UCK he had to take off his shoes and sit down between two armed terrorists. The only fault you did was that you did not put a weapon is his hands too and a black terror uniform or a white cap.

You have, with your propaganda and crying, managed to get the whole world on your side. The greatest help, have you gained through west Fascist media who write and show pictures of you. These pictures are "fixed", they are false. You had never managed this without the Western World's help. It is they who have taught you what you should do.

Concerning the "Albanian", balistic Fascists and Terrorists in Macedonia. Many "Albanian" families have "fled" from Kosovo-Metohija and "Albania" to Macedonia. Many of you have been given Macedonian citizenship's although you have no right to it. Many "Albanians" are staying in Macedonia with false identification papers. The illegal "refugees" have the right to vote in local government elections and in parliament elections. All this have you been given by the traitors, siptaromani Kiro Gligorov, Branko Crvenkovski, Frckovski, Handiski, Kitanovski, Todorova, Klusev, Tupurkovski, Tito Petkovski, Ljubco Georgievski and so on.

Now in Oct/Nov it is parliament election in Macedonia. "Albanians" have the right to vote and your terror organizations, who calls themselves parties, have the right to sit in the parliament.

I congratulate you in having managed with everything you have demanded in Macedonia. You all stick together. If you continue this way you will succeed in building your Great Albania. Also the Macedonian nation are stupid who do not understand what will happen if no one stops you.

You have succeeded in getting the newspapers in Macedonia to write about you and the Macedonian radio to talk about you every day and they show you on TV all day long. You do not need any "Albanian" media in Macedonia when you "own" the Macedonian media. Even Macedonian newspapers in the Western World writes about you, half the newspaper is about you.

It seems like you have the power in Macedonia an not the Macedonian people.

I, as President of VMRO-MNM, will change the system that exists in our country Macedonia. All the journalists that the whole time write and talks about you will loose their rights to work as journalists. We will see to that a democratic and a fair media is formed. Not the corrupt media that we have today.

VMRO-DPMNE and DA co-operates with the "Albanian" Balists and Fascists. VMRO-DPMNE and MPO-SDSM tries to divide Macedonia, one part to the "Albanians" and one to the "Bulgarians". VMRO-DPMNE drags VMRO's name through the mud. The traitor Vasil Tupurkovski have promised the "Albanian" Balists that their gymnasium and universities will be legalized.

The traitor Vasil Tupurkovski can not decide this himself in Macedonia. If he wants to give the "Albanians" universities and gymnasium legally, he have to go to Tirana since it soon will be no "Albanian", balistic Fascist on Macedonian territory.

All "Albanian" Balists will be expelled from Macedonian territory. Other foreigners that live in Macedonia will be expelled if they do not respect Macedonian laws. VMRO-MNM will give the same rights to all people in the country, but not more to foreigners - as they have now - than what Macedonians have.

The "Albanian" Balists and Fascists from Caucasus must respect VMRO-MNM's ultimatum and demand and immediately leave Macedonia and the Macedonian territory, Mala Prespa, and to take their "Albanian" terrorists from Macedonia to Tirana.

If you do not do this, VMRO-MNM will be forced to liberate occupied territories from "Albanian" Balists and Fascists and throw out all "Albanians" from Macedonia. And no "Albanian" Balist and Fascist will stand around saying - as they previously have done - that in the Macedonian parliament we speak "Albanian" and that Macedonia will be bloody. Nor will Rexhepi and Haliti stand around babbling - as they have done lately - that there will be "Albanian" parties and people in the Macedonian parliament. No "Albanian" Mafia or criminal drug dealers will be left on Macedonian territory and bomb attempts will no longer be made in Macedonia by the "Albanian" terrorists.

I will say to you for the last time leave the occupied territory, Mala Prespa All "Albanians" shall leave the Macedonian country or else you will loose whole of "Albania" - as you call it - and you will be expelled to your own native country Albania that lies in Caucasus. Long live the Macedonian nation. Long live the Macedonian country.


President of VMRO-MNM (MAKEDONIJA NA MAKEDONCITE) Ljupco Mircevski-Trepet

The Macedonian Revolutionary Organization VMRO-MNM

Web Site: http://www.vmro-mnm.com E-mail: vmro-mnm@vmro-mnm.com, info@vmro-mnm.com, trepet@vmro-mnm.com, macedonia_for_the_macedonians@vmro-mnm.com

May 13, 2001

Is there any "justice"? ...NO! Is there any "democracy"? ...NO! Is there any "solidarity"? ...NO! Is there any "truth"? ...NO!

A "war" has been going on for over 2 months with "Albanian", balistic terrorists and the Western World's terror and barbaric organization NATO. It is called war, by the western media, between the Macedonian Army and Albanian "partisans" and rebels. For the Macedonian organization VMRO-MNM and the Macedonian nation their is no war between the Macedonian Army - or Special Forces as they are also called - and the "Albanian" balistic terrorists. This Army in Macedonia consist of young Macedonian boys, doing their military service. Nor do they fight under the country flag of the Macedonian nation but under a non-Macedonian flag - the Fan. The Macedonian flag is the sun with 16 beams, the symbol of Kutles.

Many of our young boys have been brutally murdered, slaughtered, massacred by cold blooded terrorists. These terrorists are the "Albanian" balists from Caucasus, controlled by the Western World's terror and barbaric organization NATO. The pictures of the young Macedonian boys, brutally massacred, are terrible to watch. They who are responsible are NATO and the "Macedonian" government.

This war in Macedonia is not about "'Albanians" being discriminated and without human rights. That is only lies and propaganda. The war is between Tirana and the anti Macedonian government who has not kept the "promise" they did long time ago about dividing Macedonia between "Great Albania" and "Bulgaria".

Here you can see how the Western World has planned to divide Macedonia. This map from London is new but they try to make us believe their lies about the date of the map. It is now that they are planning to create a "Great Albania".

The media must immediately stop its propaganda. The pictures of the Macedonian boys, brutally massacred, has not been shown on TV or published in the newspapers. But when it concerns the friends of the Western World, the propaganda of the "Albanian" balists, their lies are shown and published. And sentences as "Poor Albanians", "What is happening to the Albanian people", are used, for example, in Western countries as the Former Scandinavian Province of Sweden. The media must also stop its provocations against Macedonia concerning the use of sentences as "Macedonian slaves" or "the Slavic population of Macedonia".

The "Albanian" terrorists want more and more, more land; a "Great Albania" for their rabbit-farming. The Balkans is not enough for them. Give them a helping hand and they will take everything. An excellent idea to stop the war is that the countries in the Western World bring all the "Albanians" - their "partisans as they call them - to them.

This new "coalition" government that the Western World has formed indicates that it is the Western World that decides in Macedonia - who is going to be in the government and in the parliament - but not the Macedonian people. The Western World must gather its terror soldiers, its terror organization and leave Macedonia. Stop organize thousands of "Albanians" on Macedonian territory and giving them food, medicine and military equipment. It is the Western World's specialists, officers that is training them. We say; get out of the country!

The Western World's media must stop "babbling" their lies about the "per cent's" of "Albanians" that are living in western Macedonia. The "Albanians" are a minority in our country. They are also foreigners and immigrants. They should stop talking about that Macedonia must give them rights. They have more rights than the natives.

The Macedonian Organization VMRO-MNM demand that the false name FYROM and the false classification Macedonian slaves will not be mentioned or commented. The only "label" for our nation is Macedonia, the Macedonian nation/people and the Macedonian country. Nor do we wish to see the damned Flag - the Fan - displayed anywhere in the world. Only the sun with 16 beams, the symbol of Kutles is acceptable.

Ljupco Mircevski-Trepet

President of the Macedonian Organization VMRO-MNM

FROM: "Ljupco Mircevski-Trepet" trepet@vmro-mnm.com DATE: Wed, 22 May 2002 04:46:55 +0200 TO: The members of the Eurovision Song Contest-2002 eurovisioon@microlink.ee, eurovision@esc2002.org <eurovision@esc2002.org>, incoming@wris.ee <incoming@wris.ee>, eva.palm@hermann.ee <eva.palm@hermann.ee>, incoming@reisiekspert.ee <incoming@reisiekspert.ee>, incoming@bt.ee <incoming@bt.ee>, Ascaare Travel <helina@ascaare.ee>, Estland-Reisen <eurovision@estland.ee>, mail@esctoday.com <mail@esctoday.com>, sietse@esctoday.com <sietse@esctoday.com>, wouter@esctoday.com <wouter@esctoday.com>, danny@esctoday.com <danny@esctoday.com>, sietse@esctoday.com <sietse@esctoday.com>, "Sietse Bakker - Chief Editor ESCTODAY " <sietse@esctoday.com>, Additional information Charlo Bonnici Head of Maltese Delegation <chairman@maltasong.com> CC: "Ljupco Mircevski-Trepet" trepet@vmro-mnm.com , "vmro" trajce@crystal.com.au , "Slave Saveski" slasa@ituf.liu.se , <slasa@bonetmail.com>, "Kiril Kotevski" <kk@milcom.dk>, "Zan Grozdanovski" <zag@manbw.dk>,"vlatko golavoda" <vlatko_gentlamen@yahoo.com>, "Vlado Kostovski" <zguma@hotmail.com>, "Vladimir Tolevski" <vladimir.tolevski@swipnet.se>, "Robert Petrovski" <vmro@anarki.dk>, "Rade Markoski" <r_markoski@hotmail.com>, "Norveska Daniela" <ddaniela18@hotmail.com>, "Natasha Kuzmanovski" <nallek@ofir.dk>, "Monika Germanija" <moniri60@hotmail.com>, "Monika" <aleksandra@freesurf.ch>, "Maria presilska" <caniget@hotmail.com>, "Makedonski Sojuz" <makedonski.sojuz@telia.com>, "maja gestakovska" <majuska_g@yahoo.com>, "LJ" <jova@fishinternet.com.au>, "Kristina Kuzmanoska" <KristinaK@sol.dk>, "Jule Taleska" <juletaleska@hotmail.com>, "Jordanco Georgievski" <turkac@yahoo.com>, "Gordana Germanija" <mmz00@hotmail.com>, "Geteborg Jasmina" <jasse_85@hotmail.com>, "Diana . . ." <summernight10@hotmail.com>, "D J" <dj123456@hotmail.com>, "Cheri" <satan_cheri@hotmail.com>, "Biljana Melburn" <biljana_hot@hotmail.com>, "Biljana Cajkovska" <bcajkovska@loewener-otc.de>, "Balkangirl 2000" <balkangirl_2000@hotmail.com>, "**Meri** B" <marysk78@yahoo.com>, <webmaster@mymacedonia.net>, <aleksgreat@yahoo.de>, "VMRO-MNM" vmro-mnm@vmro-mnm.com , <velce@RMacedonia.com>, <stanovnik@brezovica.si>, <maktifo@yahoo.com>, <Darko.Angelov@ucu.uu.nl>, <smk@soros.org.mk>, "gigolojoe0" <jpbrenna@insightbb.com>, <thegreekforum@yahoogroups.com>, "Sam Vaknin, Ph.D." <vaknin@link.com.mk>, <palma@unet.com.mk>, "VMRO-MNM" macedonia_for_the_macedonians@vmro-mnm.com , Pantelhs Papadopoulos <pantelhs2002@yahoo.gr>, "Gligor Bozinoski" <gile03@hotmail.com>, "Violeta Velanovska" <acemarko@mail2me.com.au>, "June R Harton" <JUNEHARTON@prodigy.net>, Adrian Goodliffe <agoodliffe@crisisweb.org>, "icgbalkans-news@tmg.co.uk" <icgbalkans-news@tmg.co.uk>, International Crisis Group <agoodliffe@crisisweb.org>, Bilten Administrator <bilten@voanews.com>, Aleksandra abuba@freemail.org.mk, Alex Veljanovski <white-rose@freesurf.ch>, Angelo Vretoski <angelov@foxboro.com.au>, Australian Macedonian Weekly <amw@bluep.com.au>, Biljana Bejkova <bejkova@unet.com.mk>, "boban.velkovski@mail.isis.de" <boban.velkovski@mail.isis.de>, Borjan Jovanovski <borjanj@yahoo.com>, BRIAN WING <stojko@earthlink.net>, Figi <figi@mkinter.net>, German Filkov <gfilkov@hotmail.com>, Gjokica Zafirovski <zafirovski@gjokicaz.fsnet.co.uk>, Gjorgji Kalajdziev <vis@soros.org.mk>, Glamce <glamce@wanadoo.fr>, Goce D <Gocedc@aol.com>, Goce Georgievski <goce@whatmail.com>, Goran Stanoevski <zbor@unet.com.mk>, Gorgi Zaprov <tvintel@hotmail.com>, Grom <rtdgrom@unet.com.mk>, Ilija Vidojevski <vidojevski@home.com>, VMRO-MNM info@vmro-mnm.com , Jasmina Mironski <jmironski@yahoo.com>, "kavalmusic@hotmail.com" <kavalmusic@hotmail.com>, Ljubica Mangovska <teram@soros.org.mk>, "ljupco_mircevski_trepet@hotmail.com" <ljupco_mircevski_trepet@hotmail.com>, Macedonian Patriotic Organization <mtfw@macedonian.org>, "macfm@1earth.net" <macfm@1earth.net>, makfax <makfax@unet.com.mk>, Marija Kisman <doma@unet.com.mk>, Marjan Todorov <ktv@europe.com>, Matses <vmro-mnm@starmail.com>, Metodi Cvetkovski <astrar@osi.net.mk>, MIA <mia@mia.com.mk>, Petre Temelkovski <petretemelko@ozemail.com.au>, Sanja Vasic <vasicsanja@hotmail.com>, Saso Colakovski <scholakovski@hotmail.com>, Sinisa Kurtic <skurtic@voa.gov>, Sinisa STANKOVIC <sinisas@hotmail.com>, Stefan Nechovski <nechov@iinet.net.au>, Susan Paulits <chekmate@bellatlantic.net>, Tomislav Novakovik <orbis@mt.net.mk>, Tose Janev <kiss@mkinter.net>, Ljupco Mircevski-Trepet trepet@vmro-mnm.com , Vasil Kosev <vasil.kosev@sb-mb.si>, Vedran Andonovski <vedranva@voa.gov>, Vele Mitanoski <super@mt.net.mk>, Velika Mangova <velika@freewwweb.com>, Venko Andonovski <vandonovski@flf.ukim.edu.mk>, Zaman <zaman@mol.com.mk>, Zana Bozinovski <bozzinovski@yahoo.com>, Zaneta Skerlev <zaneta.skerlev@bbc.co.uk>, Zaneta Trajkoska <ztrajkoska@hotmail.com>, Zoran Coseski <zcoseski@mft.wa.gov.au>, Zoran Kuka <zkuka@yahoo.com>, Milco Puvtoski <milco@sprint.ca>, Vedran Andonovski <vedranva@voa.gov>, TV Telma <telma1@unet.com.mk>, TV Telma 1 <telma@unet.com.mk>, Dnevnik <urednik@dnevnik.com.mk>, Kapital <kapital@mol.com.mk>, Zoran Nesevski <kvark@unet.com.mk>, dejan <pdejan@unet.com.mk>, atanasov <Atanasov@t-online.de>, povset84 <biserka.povse.tasic@siol.net>, Jovica Todorovski <jtodorovski@webtv.net>, Slave Saveski <slasa@ituf.liu.se>, Vale Dimitrova <dani_swiss@freesurf.ch>, Svetski Makedonski Kongres <smk@soros.org.mk>, Radovan Kolovski <radovan.koloski@chello.no>, Tamara Chausidis <tamaramak@yahoo.com>, savin <savin@mt.net.mk>, Erol Avdovic <Erinter@webtv.net>, Pavle Sazdov <psazdov@sprint.ca>, Pavle Sazdov <MIRCE_S@yahoo.com>, "UAnet@uakron.edu" <UAnet@uakron.edu>, vasko andonovski <dai@mnr.gov.mk>, oviler <oviler@hotmail.com>, Arifi Irfan <denis14_06yahoo.com@voanews.com>, Dragana Dimovska <dyco3@pdq.net>, Jovan Filipov <jovan.filipov@home.se>, asi 2001 <serdar_burc@hotmail.com>, "gagi_photmaýl.com" <gagi_photmaýl.com@voanews.com>, orce dimitrovski <o.dimitrovski@hetnet.nl>, Dragan Manojlovic <midel@mt.net.mk>, "vvip@korab.mpt.com.mk" <vvip@korab.mpt.com.mk>, Albert Suntic <albert@cg.yu>, "richard.howard9@ntlworld.com" <richard.howard9@ntlworld.com>, Aleksandar <lis@unet.com.mk>, Sinisa Kurtic <skurtic@voa.gov>, sinisa <sinisa@websys.com>, Sascha Pichler <spichler@crisisweb.org>, "Ljupco Andreevski" <andreevl@mk.pims.org>, "MIAMAK" <miamak@mia.com.mk>, "nikoj i nisto" <makedonec_mme@alienmail.com>, "David Cramp" <dcramp@mailhost.lhr1.globix.com>, "vic bogos" <bogov@bigpond.com>, VASIL BOGOV <bogov@bigpond.com.au>, Oksana Svetlova <org@intee.rhk.ru>, "Marjan Todorov" <tvktv@hotmail.com>, "Jasmine Pucakoski" <dimjas@iprimus.com.au>, "Giorgi Stojanoski" <vmro_1893@hotmail.com>, "george antiphanis" <antiphanis@hotmail.com>, "Anar Mehdiyev" <E01MEA01@student.ceu.hu>, "vmro" <trajce@crystal.com.au>, "Goran Sugarevski" <sugarevski@bigpond.com>, borce_sugarevski@hotmail.com , "Risto Popovski" <lionmk@hotmail.com>, Makfalanga <makedonskafalanga@makedonskafalanga.cjb.net>; Aleksandar Makedonski <makfalanga@yahoo.com>; Anti makedonsko i mafijashko banditsko sobranie-ventilator <sobranie@sobranie.mk>; Azijatski tatarski agent i shpijun Ljubco Geogriev(ski)- Narkomanot <office@primeminister.gov.mk>; Odbrana-Ventilator <info@morm.gov.mk>; Kultura balistichka-Ventilator <vrteva@lotus.mpt.com.mk>; Obrazovanje i nauka-Ventilator <contact@mofk.gov.mk>; Strani agent i shpijun Kole Chashule-Mongolecot <mailmnr@mnr.gov.mk>; Informacii za unishtuvanje na Makedonstvoto <agency@mpa.org.mk>; Finansii za makedonskite mafijashkite banditi i za teroristite balistichki <finance@finance.gov.mk>; Anti makedonsko mafijashko i banditsko biro za privatizacija <agency@mpa.org.mk>; Anti makedonsko i shpijunsko biro za blagovestie <blagovestie@mt.net.mk>; MIA <mia@mia.com.mk>; Petre Temelkovski <petretemelko@ozemail.com.au>; Sinisa Kurtic <skurtic@voanews.com>, Anti makedonsko sonce <sote@makedonskosonce.com>, Anti makedonsko sonce <urednik@makedonskosonce.com>, Anti makedonsko sonce <mango@makedonskosonce.com> SUBJECT: Letter to the members of the Eurovision Song Contest-2002

From the Macedonian Organization VMRO-MNM (Macedonia for the Macedonians) President Ljupco Mircevski-Trepet

Web site of the VMRO-MNM: http://www.vmro-mnm.com E-mail:VMRO-MNM info@vmro-mnm.com, trepet@vmro-mnm.com, vmro-mnm@vmro-mnm.com

22 May, 2002

To the members of the Eurovision Song Contest-2002

I am writing to you to complain about the violation and discrimination against the Macedonian people. In different 'contests' Macedonia is falsely named FYROM. We, the Macedonian people do not accept this non-Macedonian name. This is a violation against human rights. This is also a violation against a nation and its nationality. Neither the Eurovision Song Contest nor different sport organizations and suchlike should meddle in the violating and discriminating politics of the UN. You are not the one to judge what we are to be called. We have our own name Macedonia and our own people named the Macedonians. The Eurovision Song Contest in Stockholm in the year 2000 was greatly criticised by the Macedonians when 90% of the votes for the Macedonian contribution was not accepted. What was done to solve this terrible crime? Nothing! I myself do not count this as a song contest for the Europeans. This is a criminal contest, performing crimes against the Macedonian people and the Macedonian country. Also, I do not count this as a song contest for the Europeans since, for the last years, the contestants have sung in English. I this not a contest for the European people where the different nations shall be promoted? Or is it a contest that only promote English and not other countries distinctive and interesting features? We, the Macedonian nation, do not accept to see FYROM displayed in the Eurovision Song Contest. Nor do we accept the fan, called the 'Macedonian' flag.

The only flag we accept is the Macedonian flag, the star with 16 beams, the symbol of Kutles. I hope you will honour our rights. For further information see:http://www.vmro-mnm.com/Declaration_of_the_Macedonian_Revolutionary_Organization_VMRO-MNM.htm

http://www.vmro-mnm.com/The_Macedonian_National_Country_Flag.htm Yours faithfully

Ljupco Mircevski-Trepet President of the Macedonian Organization VMRO-MNM

Letter to the Eurovision Song Contest-2002.doc (Binary attachment) Letter to the Eurovision Song Contest-2002.doc (Binary attachment)

FROM: "Edith Kiilmaa" edith.kiilmaa@etv.ee DATE: Wed, 22 May 2002 10:22:47 +0300 TO: "Ljupco Mircevski-Trepet" trepet@vmro-mnm.com SUBJECT: Re: Letter to the members of the Eurovision Song Contest-2002

Dear Mr. Ljupco Mircevski-Trepet,

All material we are using on our ESC 2002 official website was approved by Macedonia´n delegation. I am sorry, that you don´t like Eurovision, but it is a matter of taste.

Best regards, Edith Kiilmaa Web Editor

> >> From the Macedonian Organization VMRO-MNM > (Macedonia for the Macedonians) > President Ljupco Mircevski-Trepet > > Web site of the VMRO-MNM: http://www.vmro-mnm.com > E-mail: VMRO-MNM info@vmro-mnm.com, trepet@vmro-mnm.com, > vmro-mnm@vmro-mnm.com > > 22 May, 2002 > > To the members of the Eurovision Song Contest-2002 > > I am writing to you to complain about the violation and discrimination against the Macedonian people. In different 'contests' Macedonia is falsely named FYROM. We, the Macedonian people do not accept this non-Macedonian name. This is a violation against human rights. This is also a violation against a nation and its nationality. > > Neither the Eurovision Song Contest nor different sport organizations and suchlike should meddle in the violating and discriminating politics of the UN. You are not the one to judge what we are to be called. We have our own name Macedonia and our own people named the Macedonians. > > The Eurovision Song Contest in Stockholm in the year 2000 was greatly criticised by the Macedonians when 90% of the votes for the Macedonian contribution was not accepted. What was done to solve this terrible crime? Nothing! > I myself do not count this as a song contest for the Europeans. This is a criminal contest, performing crimes against the Macedonian people and the Macedonian country. Also, I do not count this as a song contest for the Europeans since, for the last years, the contestants have sung in English. I this not a contest for the European people where the different nations shall be promoted? Or is it a contest that only promote English and not other countries distinctive and interesting features? > > We, the Macedonian nation, do not accept to see FYROM displayed in the Eurovision Song Contest. Nor do we accept the fan, called the 'Macedonian' flag. The only flag we accept is the Macedonian flag, the star with 16 beams, the symbol of Kutles. > > I hope you will honour our rights. > > For further information see: > http://www.vmro-mnm.com/Declaration_of_the_Macedonian_Revolutionary_Organization_VMRO-MNM.htm > > http://www.vmro-mnm.com/The_Macedonian_National_Country_Flag.htm > > Yours faithfully > > Ljupco Mircevski-Trepet > President of the Macedonian Organization VMRO-MNM > > The organizations and media in the world who have received the link to the letter regarding the Eurovision Song Contest

FROM: "Ljupco Mircevski-Trepet" trepet@vmro-mnm.com DATE: Sun, 26 May 2002 18:23:27 +0200 TO: "Makfalanga" makedonskafalanga@makedonskafalanga.cjb.net , "Aleksandar Makedonski" makfalanga@yahoo.com , "Anti makedonsko i mafijashko banditsko sobranie-ventilator" sobranie@sobranie.mk , "Azijatski tatarski agent i shpijun Ljubco Geogriev(ski)- Narkomanot" office@primeminister.gov.mk , "Odbrana-Ventilator" info@morm.gov.mk , "Kultura balistichka-Ventilator" vrteva@lotus.mpt.com.mk , "Obrazovanje i nauka-Ventilator" contact@mofk.gov.mk , "Strani agent i shpijun Kole Chashule-Mongolecot" mailmnr@mnr.gov.mk , "Informacii za unishtuvanje na Makedonstvoto" agency@mpa.org.mk , "Finansii za makedonskite mafijashkite banditi i za teroristite balistichki" finance@finance.gov.mk , "Anti makedonsko mafijashko i banditsko biro za privatizacija" agency@mpa.org.mk , "Anti makedonsko i shpijunsko biro za blagovestie" blagovestie@mt.net.mk , MIA mia@mia.com.mk , Petre Temelkovski petretemelko@ozemail.com.au , Sinisa Kurtic <skurtic@voanews.com>, "boban.velkovski@mail.isis.de" <boban.velkovski@mail.isis.de>, VMRO-MNM info@vmro-mnm.com , G-din. Ljupco Mircevski-Trepet trepet@vmro-mnm.com , VMRO-MNM vmro-mnm@vmro-mnm.com ,"kavalmusic@hotmail.com" <kavalmusic@hotmail.com>, "macfm@1earth.net" <macfm@1earth.net>, Albert Suntic <albert@cg.yu>, Aleksandar <lis@unet.com.mk>, Aleksandra <abuba@freemail.org.mk>, Alex Veljanovski <white-rose@freesurf.ch>,Angelo Vretoski <angelov@foxboro.com.au>, Arifi Irfan <denis14_06yahoo.com@voanews.com>, asi 2001 <serdar_burc@hotmail.com>, atanasov <Atanasov@t-online.de>, Australian Macedonian Weekly <amw@bluep.com.au>, Biljana Bejkova <bejkova@unet.com.mk>, Borjan Jovanovski <borjanj@yahoo.com>, BRIAN WING <stojko@earthlink.net>, dejan <pdejan@unet.com.mk>, Diyana Hrzic <dhrzic@mfgtech.org>, Dnevnik <urednik@dnevnik.com.mk>, Dragan Manojlovic <midel@mt.net.mk>,Dragana Dimovska <dyco3@pdq.net>, Erol Avdovic <Erinter@webtv.net>, Figi <figi@mkinter.net>, <gagi_photmaýl.com <gagi_photmaýl.com@voanews.com>, German Filkov <gfilkov@hotmail.com>, Gjokica Zafirovski <zafirovski@gjokicaz.fsnet.co.uk>, Gjorgji Kalajdziev <vis@soros.org.mk>, Glamce <glamce@wanadoo.fr>, Goce D <Gocedc@aol.com>, Goce Georgievski <goce@whatmail.com>, Goran Stanoevski <zbor@unet.com.mk>, Gorgi Zaprov <tvintel@hotmail.com>, Grom <rtdgrom@unet.com.mk>, Ilija Vidojevski <vidojevski@home.com>, Jasmina Mironski <jmironski@yahoo.com>, Jovan Filipov <jovan.filipov@home.se>, Jovica Todorovski <jtodorovski@webtv.net>, Kapital <kapital@mol.com.mk>, Ljubica Mangovska <teram@soros.org.mk>, Aleksandra <abuba@freemail.org.mk>, Biljana Bejkova <bejkova@unet.com.mk>, Figi <figi@mkinter.net>, German Filkov <gfilkov@hotmail.com>, Gjokica Zafirovski <zafirovski@gjokicaz.fsnet.co.uk>, Glamce <glamce@wanadoo.fr>, Goce D <Gocedc@aol.com>, Goce Georgievski <goce@whatmail.com>, Goran Stanoevski <zbor@unet.com.mk>, Gorgi Zaprov <tvintel@hotmail.com>, Grom <rtdgrom@unet.com.mk>, Jasmina Mironski <jmironski@yahoo.com>, Macedonian Patriotic Organization <mtfw@macedonian. org>, Marjan Todorov <ktv@europe.com>, Metodi Cvetkovski <astrar@osi.net.mk>, Sanja Vasic <vasicsanja@hotmail.com>, Saso Colakovski <scholakovski@hotmail.com>, Sinisa Kurtic <skurtic@VOA.GOV>, Susan Paulits <chekmate@bellatlantic.net>, Tomislav Novakovik <orbis@mt.net.mk>, Vasil Kosev <vasil.kosev@sb-mb.si>, Vedran Andonovski <vedranva@VOA.GOV>, Zaman <zaman@mol.com.mk>, Zana Bozinovski <bozzinovski@yahoo.com>, Zaneta Skerlev <zaneta.skerlev@bbc.co.uk>, Zaneta Trajkoska <ztrajkoska@hotmail.com>, Zoran Coseski <zcoseski@mft.wa.gov.au>, Zoran Kuka <zkuka@yahoo.com>, Stefan Nechovski <nechov@iinet.net.au>, Angelo Vretoski <angelov@foxboro.com.au>, Milco Puvtoski <milco@sprint.ca>, "boban.velkovski@mail.isis.de" <boban.velkovski@mail.isis.de>, "kavalmusic@hotmail.com" <kavalmusic@hotmail.com>, Venko Andonovski <vandonovski@flf.ukim.edu.mk>, Borjan Jovanovski <borjanj@yahoo.com>, Sinisa STANKOVIC <sinisas@hotmail.com>, MIA <mia@mia.com.mk>, TREPET <trepet@vmro-mnm.com>, "info@vmro-mnm.com" <info@vmro-mnm.com>, Vele Mitanoski <super@mt.net.mk>, Ljubica Mangovska <teram@soros.org.mk>, Tose Janev <kiss@mkinter.net>, Gjorgji Kalajdziev <vis@soros.org.mk>, Australian Macedonian Weekly <amw@bluep.com.au>, Alex Veljanovski <white-rose@freesurf.ch>, Velika Mangova <velika@freewwweb.com>, Matses <vmro-mnm@starmail.com>, BRIAN WING <stojko@earthlink.net>, Marija Kisman <doma@unet.com.mk>, Ilija Vidojevski <vidojevski@home.com>, TV Telma <telma1@unet.com.mk>, TV Telma 1 <telma@unet.com.mk>, Dnevnik <urednik@dnevnik.com.mk>, Kapital <kapital@mol.com.mk>, Zoran Nesevski <kvark@unet.com.mk>, dejan <pdejan@unet.com.mk>, atanasov <Atanasov@t-online.de>, povset84 <biserka.povse.tasic@siol.net>, Jovica Todorovski <jtodorovski@webtv.net>, Slave Saveski <slasa@ituf.liu.se>, makfax <makfax@unet.com.mk>, Vale Dimitrova <dani_swiss@freesurf.ch>, Svetski Makedonski Kongres <smk@soros.org.mk>, Radovan Kolovski <radovan.koloski@chello.no>, Tamara Chausidis <tamaramak@yahoo.com>,savin <savin@mt.net.mk>, Erol Avdovic <Erinter@webtv.net>, Pavle Sazdov <psazdov@sprint.ca>, Pavle Sazdov <MIRCE_S@yahoo.com>, sinisa kurtic <sina99@msn.com>, "UAnet@uakron.edu" <UAnet@uakron.edu>, vasko andonovski <dai@mnr.gov.mk>, oviler <oviler@hotmail.com>, Arifi Irfan <denis14_06yahoo.com@voanews.com>, Dragana Dimovska <dyco3@pdq.net>, Jovan Filipov <jovan.filipov@home.se>, <asi 2001 serdar_burc@hotmail.com, <gagi_photmaýl.com <gagi_photmaýl.com@voanews.com>, orce dimitrovski <o.dimitrovski@hetnet.nl>, Dragan Manojlovic <midel@mt.net.mk>, "vvip@korab.mpt.com.mk" <vvip@korab.mpt.com.mk>, Albert Suntic <albert@cg.yu>, "richard.howard9@ntlworld.com" <richard.howard9@ntlworld.com>, Aleksandar <lis@unet.com.mk>, Macedonian Patriotic Organization <mtfw@macedonian.org>, Maja Petrusevska <maja.petrusevska@bbc.co.uk>, makfax <makfax@unet.com.mk>, Marija Kisman <doma@unet.com.mk>, Marjan Todorov <ktv@europe.com>, Matses <vmro-mnm@starmail.com>, Metodi Cvetkovski <astrar@osi.net.mk>, MIA <mia@mia.com.mk>, <webmaster@mia.com.mk>, Milco Puvtoski <milco@sprint.ca>, orce dimitrovski <o.dimitrovski@hetnet.nl>, oviler <oviler@hotmail.com>, Pavle Sazdov <psazdov@sprint.ca>, Pavle Sazdov <MIRCE_S@yahoo.com>, Petre Temelkovski <petretemelko@ozemail.com.au>, povset84 <biserka.povse.tasic@siol.net>, Radovan Kolovski <radovan.koloski@chello.no>, "Richard D. Firestone" <rdfirest@IBB.GOV>, "richard.howard9@ntlworld.com" <richard.howard9@ntlworld.com>, Sanja Vasic <vasicsanja@hotmail.com>, Saso Colakovski <scholakovski@hotmail.com>, savin <savin@mt.net.mk>, Sinisa Kurtic <skurtic@VOA.GOV>, sinisa kurtic <sina99@msn.com>, Sinisa STANKOVIC <sinisas@hotmail.com>, Slave Saveski <slasa@ituf.liu.se>, Stefan Nechovski <nechov@iinet.net.au>, Susan Paulits <chekmate@bellatlantic.net>, Svetski Makedonski Kongres <smk@soros.org.mk>, Tamara Chausidis <tamaramak@yahoo.com>, Todd Mintz <TMintz@srclarke.com>, Tomislav Novakovik <orbis@mt.net.mk>, Tose Janev <kiss@mkinter.net>, TV Telma <telma1@unet.com.mk>, TV Telma 1 <telma@unet.com.mk>, "UAnet@uakron.edu" <UAnet@uakron.edu>, Vale Dimitrova <dani_swiss@freesurf.ch>, Vasil Kosev <vasil.kosev@sb-mb.si>, vasko andonovski <dai@mnr.gov.mk>, Vedran Andonovski <vedranva@VOA.GOV>, Vedran Andonovski <vedranva@VOA.GOV>, Vele Mitanoski <super@mt.net.mk>, Velika Mangova <velika@freewwweb.com>, Venko Andonovski <vandonovski@flf.ukim.edu.mk>, "vvip@korab.mpt.com.mk" <vvip@korab.mpt.com.mk>, Zaman <zaman@mol.com.mk>, Zana Bozinovski <bozzinovski@yahoo.com>, Zaneta Skerlev <zaneta.skerlev@bbc.co.uk>, Zaneta Trajkoska <ztrajkoska@hotmail.com>, Zoran Coseski <zcoseski@mft.wa.gov.au>, Zoran Kuka <zkuka@yahoo.com>, Zoran Nesevski <kvark@unet.com.mk>, "MACEDONLS@HOTMAIL.COM" <MACEDONLS@HOTMAIL.COM>, Aleksandar Makedonski <aleksgreat@yahoo.de>, Velimir Topuzoski <topuzoskivelimir@yahoo.com>, Trajce Trajkovski <komita_pp@hotmail.com>, Trajce Trajkovski <trajce@crystal.com.au>, Sasko Trenevski <wickedmk@yahoo.com>, United Macedonians <info@unitedmacedonians.org>, Vasko Veselinovski <rabotnicki@hotmail.com>, Vinozito <rainbow@florina.org>, VMRO-MRO <vmro-mnm@vmro-mnm.com>, Dragan Zajkovski <dribla@unet.com.mk>, Bosko Petkov <makedon@wanadoo.nl>, Ilija Petkovski <i.petkovski@chello.nl>, Jovan Petkovski <jovan-petkovski@noknok.nl>, Nick Petrov <metal@tig.com.au>, Jovan Poposki <dailtajo@mkinter.net>, Risto Popovski <lionmk@hotmail.com>, Predrag <prema@mol.com.mk>, Zoran Prodanski <prodanski@email.si>, Goran Przevski <prespanec@yahoo.de>, Ranko <Ranko.J@gmx.de>, Valentin Razmovski <razmovskivalentin@yahoo.de>, angelko ristov <ane_tuce@yahoo.com, Zoran Saklev <z.saklev@12move.de>, SMK <smk@soros.org.mk>, Aleksandar Spasevski <bukarski@hotmail.com>, Natalija Spasovska <bonbonamk@yahoo.com>, Tome Stamatov <poptome@hotmail.com>, Blagojce Stojanceski <sbale007@hotmail.com>, Sime Stojanceski <arena@mt.net.mk>, Marjan Stojanoski <maco_pp@yahoo.com>,Ramona Stojanoski <Ramona.Stojanoski@daag.de>, Kosta Stojanovski <k.stojanovski@fh-wolfenbuettel.de>, Saso Tapovski <kempo.alek@wanadoo.nl>, Igor Timcevski <timcevski@yahoo.com>, Toni Tolomanoski <TolomanoskiToni@aol.com>, Macedonian-info <id@macedonia-info.org>, Makedon <makedon61@aol.com>, Makedonec <Makedonec@rmakedonija.com>, Aleksandar Makedonski <makfalanga@yahoo.com>, Oliver Makedonski <batka@gmx.net>, Makedonski Lavovi <maklav@gmx.de>, Makedonsko Nacionalno Dvizenje <maknd2001@yahoo.com>, "Anti Makedonsko Sonce" <urednik@makedonskosonce.com> "anti Makedonsko Sonce" <sote@makedonskosonce.com>, "Anti Makedonsko Sonce" <mango@makedonskosonce.com>, Blagoja Martinovski <ilovemacedonia@yahoo.com>, Blagoja Maslarov <macedoniae@yahoo.com>, Zlatko Milosevski zlatkomi@mt.com.mk, Bobi Mircevski <bobbym@one.net.au>, G-din. Ljupco Mircevski-Trepet trepet@vmro-mnm.com , George Mitris <gmitris@rochester.rr.com>, P Mitsakis <pmitsakis@hotmail.com>, "Leonid Jankov" <leonid_jankov@hotmail.com>, Gile gile03@hotmail.com, MK1903 <mk1903@compuserve.de>, Mukovski <mukovski@aol.com>, My Macedonia <mymacedonia@excite.com>, Obedineta Makedonija <o_makedonija@hotmail.com>, OMO Ilinden Pirin <omo_ilinden_pirin@hotmail.com>, Laze P <lazep@hotmail.com>, Donce Panov <Donce.Panov@WinesofMacedonia.com>, Trajko Papuckoski <tpapucko@indiana.edu>, Metodija Bato Pejoski <bato@unet.com.mk>, Boki Petkov <crnozemski@yahoo.com>, "Vlatko" <vvdmirc@unet.com.mk>, velce krsteski <velce@RMacedonia.com>, Zoran Prodanski <prodanski@email.si>, "Sam Vaknin Ph.D." <palma@unet.com.mk>, "Gregor Karlovsek" <karlo@email.si>, <mail@makedonija.com>, "Ljubco Georgievski-Narkomanot" <vmro_dpmne@vmro-dpmne.org.mk>, "Branko Crvenkovski-Kostaplerot" <contact@sdsm.org.mk>, "Risto Gusterov-Guster" <lpm@mt.net.mk>, "Arben Xhaferi-teroristot i fasistot" <pdsh@yahoo.com>, "Ymer Ymeri-fasistot i teroristot" <ppd@mt.net.mk>, <info@morm.gov.mk>, <mailmnr@mnr.gov.mk>, <sinf@sinf.gov.mk>, <kliment@nubsk.edu.mk>, <makakad@manu.edu.mk>, <zaskopje@skopje.gov.mk>, <newsonline@bbc.co.uk>, <letters@nytimes.com>, <Franck.Chasseriau@afp.com>, <direurafr@afp.com>, <abramowitz@washpost.com>, <ecoffice@ecoffice.org.mk>, "UNDP" <registry.mk@undp.org>, "UNHCR" <MCDSK@UNHCR.CH>, "OHCHR" <ohchrsk@mpt.com.mk>, "UNICEF" <office@unicef.org.mk>, "OSCE" <oscemsk@unet.com.mk>, "ECMM" <ecmm@unet.com.mk>, "Red cross" <ifrcmk@mol.com.mk>, "Comitee of the red cross" <icrc@unet.com.mk>, "WHO" <office@who.org.mk>, <korisnik@strumica.com>, RMacedonia <mac-faq@RMacedonia.org>, Aleksandar Dimitrovski <alek@rea.etf.ukim.edu.mk>, Aleksandar Dimitrovski <aco_snagata@yahoo.com, Aneta Buckovska <anbuc@rea.etf.ukim.edu.mk>, Anton Causevski <caus@rea.etf.ukim.edu.mk>, Aristotel Tentov <toto@rea.etf.ukim.edu.mk>, Arnautovski <vesna@rea.etf.ukim.edu.mk>, Bogatinovski Vitomir <vite@rea.etf.ukim.edu.mk>, Borislav Popovski <boro@rea.etf.ukim.edu.mk>, D. Dragan Andonov <vidx@rea.etf.ukim.edu.mk>, Dejan Djorgjevik <dejan@rea.etf.ukim.edu.mk>, Dragan Mihajlov <dragan@rea.etf.ukim.edu.mk>, Georgi Stojanov <georgiS@rea.etf.ukim.edu.mk>, Goce Arsov <garsov@rea.etf.ukim.edu.mk>, Goran P. Trajkovski <goranpt@rea.etf.ukim.edu.mk>, IEEE Macedonian section <ieee@rea.etf.ukim.edu.mk>, Igor Trajkovski <trajkovs@rea.etf.ukim.edu.mk>, Jani Makraduli <jani@rea.etf.ukim.edu.mk>, Katerina Goseva <kate@rea.etf.ukim.edu.mk>, Kiril Vidimce <vkire@rea.etf.ukim.edu.mk>, Konecni <konecni@rea.etf.ukim.edu.mk>, Leonid Grcev <leonid@rea.etf.ukim.edu.mk>, Ljubomir Josifovski <ljupco@rea.etf.ukim.edu.mk>, Ljupco Karadzinov <karadza@rea.etf.ukim.edu.mk>, Mr. Ljupco Mircevski-Trepet trepet@vmro-mnm.com , Marija Kacarska <marija@rea.etf.ukim.edu.mk>, Marjan Bogatinovski <marjan@rea.etf.ukim.edu.mk>, Marjan Bogatinovski <marjanb@rea.etf.ukim.edu.mk>, Marjan Popov <popov@rea.etf.ukim.edu.mk>, Predrag Janjic <predrag@rea.etf.ukim.edu.mk>, Rubin Talevski <rubint@rea.etf.ukim.edu.mk>, Sasko Stefanovski <sasko@rea.etf.ukim.edu.mk>, Saso Jordanovski <sasoj@rea.etf.ukim.edu.mk>, Saso Stojanovski <sassos@rea.etf.ukim.edu.mk>, Silvana Delceva <silvas@freesurf.ch>, Stevo Bozinovski <bozinovs@rea.etf.ukim.edu.mk>, Suzana Loskovska <suze@rea.etf.ukim.edu.mk>, Toni Stojanovski <tonci@rea.etf.ukim.edu.mk>, Vesna Borozan <vesnab@rea.etf.ukim.edu.mk>, "vmro" <trajce@crystal.com.au>, Vladimir Dimcev <vladim@rea.etf.ukim.edu.mk>, Vlatko Stoilkov <vl100@rea.etf.ukim.edu.mk>, Voislav Jankov <jankov@rea.etf.ukim.edu.mk>, Zlatko Zografski <zograf@rea.etf.ukim.edu.mk>, Zoran Ivanovski <mars@rea.etf.ukim.edu.mk>, Zoran Jermilov <belo@rea.etf.ukim.edu.mk>, "Dr. Vojislav Kostunica" <Vojislav.Kostunica@gov.yu>, "G-din. Ljupco Mircevski-Trepet" <trepet@vmro-mnm.com>, "Milo Djukanovic" <predsjednik@cg.yu>, <asns@asns.org.yu>, <da@da.org.yu>, <demoalte@eunet.yu>, <dcentar@infosky.net>, <dhscentrala@yahoo.com>, <dhss@net.yu>, <smdhss@EUnet.yu>, <mdhss@EUnet.yu, <info@ds.org.yu>, <info@dss.org.yu>, <omladina@ds.org.yu>, <info@dss.org.yu>, <gss@gradjanskisavez.org.yu>, <gss@bitsyu.net>, <infocentar@gradjanskisavez.org.yu>, <jul@jul.org.yu>, <info@koalicijavojvodina.org.yu>, <sumadija@Infosky.net>, <office@lsv.org.yu>, <izv.odbor@novademokratija.org.yu>, <info@nova-srbija.org.yu>, <info@pokret.org.yu>, <rdsv@eunet.yu>, <office@vmsz.org.yu>, <info@socijaldemokratija.org.yu>, <www@sps.org.yu>, <info@sdu.org.yu>, <ssavic@socijaldemokratija.org.yu>, <vuk@spo.org.yu>, <info@spo.org.yu>, <srpskars@eunet.yu>, <sajt@srs.org.yu>, <posta@srs.org.yu>, <seselj@eunet.yu>, <seselj@srs.org.yu>, "Milan Brajovic" <milanb@mn.yu>, "Milan Rocen" <rocen@mn.yu>, "Milo Djukanovic" <predsjednik@cg.yu>, "Miodrag Vukovic" <miskov@mn.yu>, "Vinka Jovovic" <vinkaj@mn.yu>, "Miodrag Latkovic" <miodragl@mn.yu>, <sdp@cg.yu>, <sdp@mn.yu>, <clubsdp@mn.yu>, <poslanici@lscg.crnagora.com>, <web@cg.yu>, <muprs@mup.sr.gov.yu>, <webmaster@.lscg.crnagora.com>, <predsjednik.skupstine@mn.yu>, <sekretar.skupstine@mn.yu>, <potpredsjednik.skupstine@mn.yu>, <beoinfo@eunet.yu>, <agitprop@eunet.yu>, <info@bktv.com>, <media@jat.com>, <info@radiobeograd.co.yu>, <radioyu@bits.net>, <rtcg@cg.yu>,<rtstv@rts.co.yu>, <alimpije@yahoo.com>, <info@studio-b.co.yu>, <yuinfo@novatv.co.yu>, <urd@beta-press.com>, <redakcija@fonet.co.yu>, <mna@cg.yu>, <tanjug@merkur.bits.net>, <blic@www.yu>>, <borba@bitsyu.net>, <dan@cg.yu>, <glas-javnosti@abc.co.yu>, <nsmoszo@eunet.yu>, "VMRO-MNM" <info@vmro-mnm.com>, <pobjeda@cg.yu>, <redakcija@politika.co.yu>, <desk@grmec.co.yu>, <redakcija@novosti.co.yu>, <vijesti@cg.yu>>, <redakcija@blicnews.co.yu>, <duga@infosky.net>, <ekonom@infosky.net>, <ekopol@co.yu>, <ilustrovana@politika.co.yu>, <monitor@cg.yu>, <teleg@eunet.yu>, <redakcija@nin.co.yu>, <reporter@eunet.yu>, <popov01@eunet.yu>, <desk@vreme.com>, <info@yusurvey.co.yu>, <edit@inaffaris.org.yu>, "Neda Stanisavljevic" <neda@predsedniksrj.yu>, <makfalanga@yahoo.com>, "VMRO-MNM" <macedonia_for_the_macedonians@vmro-mnm.com>, <XL_2400@yahoo.com>, <vtomoski@yahoo.com>, <ljupco@hawktech.com>, <darko@osi.net.mk>, <ivo.e.s@mail.com>, <zoran976@hotmail.com>, <Makedonce24@aol.com>, <vlatk0@hotmail.com>, <karapeyovski@ajvar.com>, <vlatkovmk@yahoo.com>, <jankolega@yahoo.com>, <meze_186@hotmail.com>, <srase@yahoo.com>, <access11mk@yahoo.com>, <ilebt1018@aol.com>, <hunt333r@macedonia.eu.org>, <natasa_kiki@yahoo.com>, <zlatkomi@mt.com.mk>, <ristet@hotmail.com>, <sinapsa2@yahoo.com>, <temelkovski@aol.com>, <hmitko@hotmail.com>, <saso9@hotmail.com>, <jimbo_goce@yahoo.com>, <duci83@hotmail.com>, <dimovski@gmx.co.uk>, <anekos@yahoo.com>, <pope@ndc.net.mk>, <kristijankajcevski@msn.com>, <grcevski@yahoo.com>, <jeniboj@freemail.org>, <gaso13@hotmail.com>, <Toni@vmro-mnm.com>, <zoran976@hotmail.com>, <vardarce@yahoo.com>, <btemelkov@hotmail.com>, <djsnoopy@snoopymail.com>, "Macedonian Pride World Wide" <aleksgreat@yahoo.de>, "Risto Popovski" <lionmk@hotmail.com>, "Zozo McZozo" <zozo_forever@yahoo.com>, "Zoran Todorovski" <zokit@esmak.com.mk>, "VMRO-MNM" <vmro-mnm@bredband.net>, "Vladimir Trendafilovski" <vladot@mt.net.mk>,"Trepet" <trepet@vmro-mnm.com>, "VMRO-MNM" <vmro-mnm@vmro-mnm.com>, "Tane Pejoski" <lazep@mail2me.com.au>, <t_petar@hotmail.com>, "Anti makedonsko sonce" <urednik@makedonskosonce.com>, "Sanja" <sanja@mp.com.mk>, "Risto Popovski" <maklav@gmx.de>, <Ranko.J@gmx.de>, "mane" <Novo_Skopje@yahoo.de>, "lolikn" <tofastforme@hotmail.com>, "Leven Gigevski" <mkupm@web.de>, "Kire Ruzinov" <kruzinov@yahoo.com>, <KATANATANTO@aol.com>, "Goran Przevski" <gogomak@netcologne.de>, <Goce.Fidanovski@mannesmann-co.net>, "Goce" <goce26@yahoo.com>, "DRAGI GRUEVSKI" <dgruevski@hotmail.com>, "Borislav Krstovski" <bkrstovski@amdtetovo.com.mk>, "bobi staleski" <psyland@goatrance.com>, "bass inferno" <bassinferno@yahoo.com>, "Aleksandar Koneski" <albatros_a_99@yahoo.com>, "Aleksandar Bukarski" <bukarski@hotmail.com>, "Ace Sterjoski" <acedsimoski@yahoo.com>, <kiretrajkov@yahoo.com>, <spetrovski@peoplepc.com>, <sarafosh@yahoo.com>, <tanika5@hotmail.com>, <risto21@yahoo.com>, <fimaks@mt.net.mk>, <ajko_oh@hotmail.com>, <ivan006@hotmail.com>, <darsov@gmx.co.uk>, <scorpionce@yahoo.com>, <phy_108@yahoo.com>, <meze_186@hotmail.com>, <nixamk@yahoo.com>, <daevski@yahoo.com>, <cedocekic@hotmail.com>, <maksimovski@yahoo.com>, <tanja-and_risto@yahoo.com>, "Gligor Bozinoski" <gile03@hotmail.com>, Sinisa Kurtic <skurtic@voanews.com>, <webmaster@ilinden.de>, <Vet.m.s@vmro-mnm.com>, "Kiril Arsov" <dermacona@telia.com>, Bisera Sindiloska <sbisera@yahoo.com>, "Delceva Silvana" <silvas@freesurf.ch>, Dragi Gjosevski <gjosevskis@hotmail.com>, <anapsharic@yahoo.com>, <tomislav.birko@zg.tel.hr>, <karto61@yahoo.com>, <natali64@yahoo.com>, <dsarovic@hotmail.com>, <vaseatanas@yahoo.com>, Stevo Salev <stevos@sympatico.ca>, Human Rights <mailout@gopetition.com>, United Macedonians Organization of Canada <info@unitedmacedonians.org>, RAINBOW-VINOZHITO IS THE POLITICALPARTY OF THE MACEDONIANS IN ATEN <rainbow@florina.org>, BBC World Service - Macedonian <macedonian.section@bbc.co.uk>, Macedonian Radio From Toronto <hmv@macedonianvideo.com>, Makedon Archives <MAKEDON@LISTSERV.ACSU.BUFFALO.EDU>, Makedon Archives <MAKEDON@listserv.acsu.buffalo.edu>, Makedon Archives <MAKEDON-request@listserv.acsu.buffalo.edu>, Makedon Archives <cit-listserv@buffalo.edu>, Macedonian Human Rights Movement of Canada <mail@mhrmc.ca>, Bill Nicholov <mail@mhrmc.ca>, "info@forum.com.mk" <info@forum.com.mk>, <"marjank@forum.com.mk">, <mail@makedonija.com>, "Kiril Kotevski" <kk@milcom.dk>, "VMRO-MNM" <info@vmro-mnm.com> "Macedonian Revolutionary" <macedonian_revolutionary@hotmail.com>, "Zan Grozdanovski" <zag@manbw.dk>, "vlatko golavoda" <vlatko_gentlamen@yahoo.com>, "Vlado Kostovski" <zguma@hotmail.com>, "Vladimir Tolevski" <vladimir.tolevski@swipnet.se>, "Robert Petrovski" <vmro@anarki.dk>, "Rade Markoski" <r_markoski@hotmail.com>, "Norveska Daniela" <ddaniela18@hotmail.com>, "Natasha Kuzmanovski" <nallek@ofir.dk>, "Monika Germanija" <moniri60@hotmail.com>, "Monika" <aleksandra@freesurf.ch>, "Maria presilska" <caniget@hotmail.com>, "Anti Makedonski Sojuz" <makedonski.sojuz@telia.com>, "maja gestakovska" <majuska_g@yahoo.com>,"LJ" <jova@fishinternet.com.au>, "Kristina Kuzmanoska" <KristinaK@sol.dk>, "Jule Taleska" <juletaleska@hotmail.com>, "Jordanco Georgievski" <turkac@yahoo.com>, "Gordana Germanija" <mmz00@hotmail.com>, "Geteborg Jasmina" <jasse_85@hotmail.com>, "Diana . . ." <summernight10@hotmail.com>, "D J" <dj123456@hotmail.com>, "Cheri" <satan_cheri@hotmail.com>, "Biljana Melburn" <biljana_hot@hotmail.com>, "Biljana Cajkovska" <bcajkovska@loewener-otc.de>, "Balkangirl 2000" <balkangirl_2000@hotmail.com>, "**Meri** B" <marysk78@yahoo.com>, <webmaster@mymacedonia.net>, <aleksgreat@yahoo.de>, <velce@RMacedonia.com>, <stanovnik@brezovica.si>, <maktifo@yahoo.com>, <Darko.Angelov@ucu.uu.nl>, <smk@soros.org.mk> SUBJECT: The Eurovision Song Contest - 2002 in Tallinn Estonia.

Makedonska Revolucionerna Organizacija VMRO-MNM Pretsedatel: Ljupco Mircevski-Trepet

Veb stranica na VMRO-MNM: http://www.vmro-mnm.com Kontakt na E-mail: TREPET trepet@vmro-mnm.com

26 Maj 2002 g.

The Eurovision Song Contest in Tallinn Estonia.

25 May, 2002 (FYR Macedonia-the Fan, 25 Points)!

[to ~ovek da ka`e i kako da reagira, koga samite nie Makedoncite si ja uni{tuvame Makedonskata kultura, tradicija, istorija, naj realno re~eno si go uni{tuvame Makedonskiot identitet.....

Kako sekoja godina i ova godina na Evropskata Evrovizija, Na{ata Makedonska dr`ava se prezentira{e so nadmetnatoto ni prokleto ime "PJRM"- Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM)! I so nadmentatoto ni Anti makedonsko "zname"-Ventilator.

Vele predavstoto od Makedonskite izrodi Makedonski predavni~ki YVEROVI - YVERSKI, si prodol`uvat so nivnoto velepredavstvo i uni{tuvawe na Makedonskata dr`ava i identitetot na verniot, dobriot i ~eniot Makedonski narod.

Li~no mene kako deobar, veren i ~esen Makedonec, so ogromna Qubov kon na{ata mila i sakana tatkovina Makedonija i kon Makedonskiot narod, mnogo mi e te{ko, koga }e se prezentira mojata Majka Makedonija, na svetskite golemi natprevari, kako so pesni taka i sportski itn, so ne makedonsko ime Makedonija, nego pod ime koj {{to ne i pripa|a i so Anti makedonskoto "zname"-Ventilator. Jas krajno sum razo~aren i mnogo sum qut na mojot sopstven Makedonski narod.....Veruvam deka mnogo Makedonci ja delat mojata razo~arnost.

Jas ne ja sledev celata programa, samo ja slu{nav pesnata i |i sledev glasawata od tie zemji koj {to u~estvuvaa na ova Evopska evrovizija. Za da vidam koi zemji }e dadat poeni i kako }e ja izgovarat na{ata Makedonska dr`ava. Jas ne o~ekuvav deka na{ata Makedonska dr`ava }e se prezentira{e so nejzinoto istorisko i ustavno ime Makedonija - Macedonia, isto taka ne o~ekuvav deka Makedonskoto nacionalno i dr`avno zname, [esnaesetzra~noto sonce, simbolot od Makedonskiot Kutle{. Nego se znae{e deka }e bide prokletoto "zname"-Ventilatorot.

Kako se glasa{e, iskreno re~eno i o~igledno 100% be{e so falcifikat. Se znae deka vo ovie dene{ni vremiwa nema po{tenstvo i realnost, nego mito i korupcijata e naj jako lobi. Od edena strana sum gord i vesel, {to Makedonija - Ventilator - FYR Macedonia-the Fan, nema da u~estvuva idnata godina (se razbira vo idnite natprevari. ako op{te Vardarskiot del na Makedonija ostane kako del od istoriskata i |eogravskata Makedonska dr`ava). Naj malku o~ekuvav, deka Makedonskite kristijani Rumuncite, deka }e ni zalepea debel {amar i laden tu{, ja izgovorija izrekata na na{ata Makedonska dr`ava so prokletoto ime Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM)! Znaev deka site dru|i zemji }e go izgovoreva "FYROM". A od strana na rumuncite sum krajno iznenaden i razo~aran. Ne me ~ude{e {to Former Yugoslav Republic of Croatia (FYROC)! Kako i sekoja godina ne vikat so prokletoto ime "FYROM". Gord i vesel sum {to Makedonskite izrodi predavnici yverovi - yverski, dobija 25 poeni i dolu na 19 mesto....Veruvam deka mnogo od Makedonskiot narod nadvor od Vardarskiot del na Makedonija ima pre`aleno eden ERU za da glasa za FYR Macedonia-the Fan. Samo {to tie nivni telefonski glasovi ne se prifatija. Vidovme koj od zemjite na zapadna evropa iznese poeni, samo Malta so 5 poeni i ciganskite finci so 1 poen. Da spomneme kolku Makedonci `iveat vo Germanija, [vajcarija, Austrija, Belgija i.dr. Od tie zemji nema{e poeni. Eve kako od Former Scandinavian Province of Sweden (FSPOS). Vo ova porane{na skandinavsak provincija {vedska `iveat okolu 16 000 iljadi Makedonci, nema{e poeni, dali ovo ne e ~udno, da i toa e o~igledno diskriminatorstvo i kriminalno odnesuvawe od tie zapdni zemji. Vpro~em; Kako {to se izgovara starata izreka Ribata zasmrduva od Glavata.

Edna moja poraka za vo idnina; Ako slu~ajno Vardarskiot del na Makedonija opstane u{te nekoja godina. I Makedonski izrodi predavni~ki yverovi - yverski, se prijavat za u~estvo na Evropskata evrovizija i se prezentira Makedonskata dr`ava so prokletoto ime Former Yugoslav Republic of Croatia (FYROC)! I so prokletoto "zname"-Ventilator. Jas li~no }e |i prezemam akciite i operaciite za da |i ubijam site, od delegacijata i site tie {to }e bidat na mestoto kakde {to }e se odr`i Evrovizijata. Istoto va`i i za tie Makedonski izrodi {to }e go dr`at i poka`at Ventilatorot. Nema da `alam niti za eden Makedonski izrod i predavnik, pa makar da e i moe sopstveno dete i nekoj od moite vnuci od brat ili sestra, pa i od dru|i rodnini.

Imam u{e edena poraka do ~esniot, verniot i realniot Makedonskiot narod; Porakata ja ispra}am do vernite, ~esnite i realnite Makedonci. Bra}a i sestri Makedonki i Makedonci. Ako vo slu~aj odite na sportski tereni-igrali{ta, kade {to igrat i se takmi~at Makedonski sportisti klubovi i reprezentacijiite na razno vrsni sporski natprevari. Potrudite se da {to povi{e od vas go nosat so sebe Makedonskoto dr`avno i nacionalno Zname, [esnaaesetzra~noto sonce od Makedonskiot Kutle{. Ako se zgodi do vas nekoj od Makedonskite izrodi predavni~kite yverovi - yverski so ventilatorot, zemete mu go toj ventilator i zapalete go na lice mesto, a potoa da go grabnete toj yver Makedonski izrod i da go istepate da ostane invalid za vo celiot `ivot, pa makar da ne `alite i da go ubiete, Jas stojam pozadi vas i ja imate vo celosno mojata podr{ka, slpbodno mene neka me sudat za va{ite aktivnosti, za va{ite akcii i operacii, da znaete de sekoj eden ubien i osakaten Makedonski izrod e vo prilog na na{ata mila i sakana tatkovina Makedonija i na site ~esni, verni i realni Makedonci.

So naj iskreni srde~ni Makedonski bratski, komitski i patriotski pozdravi.











Pretsedatel Na Makedonskata Organizacija VMRO-MNM

Ljupco Mircevski-Trepet

From: HALLO ANKARA HERE IS MACEDONIA <hallo_ankara_here_is_macedonia@hotmail.com> Sent: Tuesday, January 20, 2004 1:33 PM To: oguzhan@eurovisionturkey.net CC: info@eurovisionturkey.net, televizyon@trt.net.tr, trthaber@trt.net.tr, radyo@trt.net.tr, tsr@trt.net.tr, yadb@trt.net.tr, market@trt.net.tr, yayynsikayet@trt.net.tr, trtdigital@trt.net.tr, telegun@trt.net.tr, webmaster@trt.net.tr, hallo_ankara_here_is_macedonia@hotmail.com Subject: Re: {Virus?} HALLO ANKARA HERE IS MACEDONIA !!!!!

Attachment: TheInternalMacedonianRevolutionaryOrganization-MacedoniafortheMacedonians(VMRO-MNM).doc (112 KB), TheNationalAnthemofMacedonia.doc (163 KB), PictureofthePresidentMr.LjupcoMircevski-TrepetoftheInternalMacedonianRevolutionaryOrganization-MacedoniafortheMacedonians(VMRO-MNM)!.doc (750 KB)

The Internal Macedonian Revolutionary Organization - Macedonia for the Macedonians (VMRO-MNM) !

The National Anthem of Macedonia.

Picture of the President Mr. Ljupco Mircevski-Trepet of the Internal Macedonian Revolutionary Organization - Macedonia for the Macedonians (VMRO-MNM)!.

From: "Oguzhan OZCAN [EurovisionTurkey.net]" <oguzhan@eurovisionturkey.net> Reply-To: oguzhan@eurovisionturkey.net To: "HALLO ANKARA HERE IS MACEDONIA" <hallo_ankara_here_is_macedonia@hotmail.com> Subject: Re: {Virus?} HALLO ANKARA HERE IS MACEDONIA !!!!! Date: Mon, 19 Jan 2004 03:06:02 +0200 (EET)

Dear Edith Kiilmaa, We are sharing the same feelings with you. As we believe that in our country Macedonia will be powerful as before the era of Iskender. Then MAcedonia will change their name in the languages of other nations. In our country we call Makedonya not FYROM or something else.

We couldnt see the flag on the link which you mentioned.

Sincerely yours,

Oguzhan OZCAN Chief of EurovisionTurkey.net web : www.eurovisionturkey.net icq : 162034893

Ynt: HALLO ANKARA HERE IS MACEDONIA > Warning: This message has had one or more attachments removed > Warning: (Picture of the.doc). > Warning: Please read the "VirusWarning.txt" attachment(s) for more > information. > > FROM: "Ljupco Mircevski-Trepet" trepet@vmro-mnm.com > DATE: Wed, 22 May 2002 04:46:55 +0200 > TO: The members of the Eurovision Song Contest-2002 > eurovisioon@microlink.ee, eurovision@esc2002.org <eurovision@esc2002.org>, > incoming@wris.ee <incoming@wris.ee>, eva.palm@hermann.ee > <eva.palm@hermann.ee>, incoming@reisiekspert.ee > <incoming@reisiekspert.ee>, > incoming@bt.ee <incoming@bt.ee>, Ascaare Travel <helina@ascaare.ee>, > Estland-Reisen <eurovision@estland.ee>, mail@esctoday.com > <mail@esctoday.com>, sietse@esctoday.com <sietse@esctoday.com>, > wouter@esctoday.com <wouter@esctoday.com>, danny@esctoday.com > <danny@esctoday.com>, sietse@esctoday.com <sietse@esctoday.com>, "Sietse > Bakker - Chief Editor ESCTODAY " <sietse@esctoday.com>, Additional > information Charlo Bonnici Head of Maltese Delegation > <chairman@maltasong.com> > CC: "Ljupco Mircevski-Trepet" trepet@vmro-mnm.com , "vmro" > trajce@crystal.com.au , "Slave Saveski" slasa@ituf.liu.se , > <slasa@bonetmail.com>, "Kiril Kotevski" <kk@milcom.dk>, "Zan Grozdanovski" > <zag@manbw.dk>,"vlatko golavoda" <vlatko_gentlamen@yahoo.com>, "Vlado > Kostovski" <zguma@hotmail.com>, "Vladimir Tolevski" > <vladimir.tolevski@swipnet.se>, "Robert Petrovski" <vmro@anarki.dk>, "Rade > Markoski" <r_markoski@hotmail.com>, "Norveska Daniela" > <ddaniela18@hotmail.com>, "Natasha Kuzmanovski" <nallek@ofir.dk>, "Monika > Germanija" <moniri60@hotmail.com>, "Monika" <aleksandra@freesurf.ch>, > "Maria > presilska" <caniget@hotmail.com>, "Makedonski Sojuz" > <makedonski.sojuz@telia.com>, "maja gestakovska" <majuska_g@yahoo.com>, > "LJ" > <jova@fishinternet.com.au>, "Kristina Kuzmanoska" <KristinaK@sol.dk>, > "Jule > Taleska" <juletaleska@hotmail.com>, "Jordanco Georgievski" > <turkac@yahoo.com>, "Gordana Germanija" <mmz00@hotmail.com>, "Geteborg > Jasmina" <jasse_85@hotmail.com>, "Diana . . ." > <summernight10@hotmail.com>, > "D J" <dj123456@hotmail.com>, "Cheri" <satan_cheri@hotmail.com>, "Biljana > Melburn" <biljana_hot@hotmail.com>, "Biljana Cajkovska" > <bcajkovska@loewener-otc.de>, "Balkangirl 2000" > <balkangirl_2000@hotmail.com>, "**Meri** B" <marysk78@yahoo.com>, > <webmaster@mymacedonia.net>, <aleksgreat@yahoo.de>, "VMRO-MNM" > vmro-mnm@vmro-mnm.com , <velce@RMacedonia.com>, <stanovnik@brezovica.si>, > <maktifo@yahoo.com>, <Darko.Angelov@ucu.uu.nl>, <smk@soros.org.mk>, > "gigolojoe0" <jpbrenna@insightbb.com>, <thegreekforum@yahoogroups.com>, > "Sam > Vaknin, Ph.D." <vaknin@link.com.mk>, <palma@unet.com.mk>, "VMRO-MNM" > macedonia_for_the_macedonians@vmro-mnm.com , Pantelhs Papadopoulos > <pantelhs2002@yahoo.gr>, "Gligor Bozinoski" <gile03@hotmail.com>, "Violeta > Velanovska" <acemarko@mail2me.com.au>, "June R Harton" > <JUNEHARTON@prodigy.net>, Adrian Goodliffe <agoodliffe@crisisweb.org>, > "icgbalkans-news@tmg.co.uk" <icgbalkans-news@tmg.co.uk>, International > Crisis Group <agoodliffe@crisisweb.org>, Bilten Administrator > <bilten@voanews.com>, Aleksandra abuba@freemail.org.mk, Alex Veljanovski > <white-rose@freesurf.ch>, Angelo Vretoski <angelov@foxboro.com.au>, > Australian Macedonian Weekly <amw@bluep.com.au>, Biljana Bejkova > <bejkova@unet.com.mk>, "boban.velkovski@mail.isis.de" > <boban.velkovski@mail.isis.de>, Borjan Jovanovski <borjanj@yahoo.com>, > BRIAN > WING <stojko@earthlink.net>, Figi <figi@mkinter.net>, German Filkov > <gfilkov@hotmail.com>, Gjokica Zafirovski > <zafirovski@gjokicaz.fsnet.co.uk>, > Gjorgji Kalajdziev <vis@soros.org.mk>, Glamce <glamce@wanadoo.fr>, Goce D > <Gocedc@aol.com>, Goce Georgievski <goce@whatmail.com>, Goran Stanoevski > <zbor@unet.com.mk>, Gorgi Zaprov <tvintel@hotmail.com>, Grom > <rtdgrom@unet.com.mk>, Ilija Vidojevski <vidojevski@home.com>, VMRO-MNM > info@vmro-mnm.com , Jasmina Mironski <jmironski@yahoo.com>, > "kavalmusic@hotmail.com" <kavalmusic@hotmail.com>, Ljubica Mangovska > <teram@soros.org.mk>, "ljupco_mircevski_trepet@hotmail.com" > <ljupco_mircevski_trepet@hotmail.com>, Macedonian Patriotic Organization > <mtfw@macedonian.org>, "macfm@1earth.net" <macfm@1earth.net>, makfax > <makfax@unet.com.mk>, Marija Kisman <doma@unet.com.mk>, Marjan Todorov > <ktv@europe.com>, Matses <vmro-mnm@starmail.com>, Metodi Cvetkovski > <astrar@osi.net.mk>, MIA <mia@mia.com.mk>, Petre Temelkovski > <petretemelko@ozemail.com.au>, Sanja Vasic <vasicsanja@hotmail.com>, Saso > Colakovski <scholakovski@hotmail.com>, Sinisa Kurtic <skurtic@voa.gov>, > Sinisa STANKOVIC <sinisas@hotmail.com>, Stefan Nechovski > <nechov@iinet.net.au>, Susan Paulits <chekmate@bellatlantic.net>, Tomislav > Novakovik <orbis@mt.net.mk>, Tose Janev <kiss@mkinter.net>, Ljupco > Mircevski-Trepet trepet@vmro-mnm.com , Vasil Kosev <vasil.kosev@sb-mb.si>, > Vedran Andonovski <vedranva@voa.gov>, Vele Mitanoski <super@mt.net.mk>, > Velika Mangova <velika@freewwweb.com>, Venko Andonovski > <vandonovski@flf.ukim.edu.mk>, Zaman <zaman@mol.com.mk>, Zana Bozinovski > <bozzinovski@yahoo.com>, Zaneta Skerlev <zaneta.skerlev@bbc.co.uk>, Zaneta > Trajkoska <ztrajkoska@hotmail.com>, Zoran Coseski > <zcoseski@mft.wa.gov.au>, > Zoran Kuka <zkuka@yahoo.com>, Milco Puvtoski <milco@sprint.ca>, Vedran > Andonovski <vedranva@voa.gov>, TV Telma <telma1@unet.com.mk>, TV Telma 1 > <telma@unet.com.mk>, Dnevnik <urednik@dnevnik.com.mk>, Kapital > <kapital@mol.com.mk>, Zoran Nesevski <kvark@unet.com.mk>, dejan > <pdejan@unet.com.mk>, atanasov <Atanasov@t-online.de>, povset84 > <biserka.povse.tasic@siol.net>, Jovica Todorovski <jtodorovski@webtv.net>, > Slave Saveski <slasa@ituf.liu.se>, Vale Dimitrova > <dani_swiss@freesurf.ch>, > Svetski Makedonski Kongres <smk@soros.org.mk>, Radovan Kolovski > <radovan.koloski@chello.no>, Tamara Chausidis <tamaramak@yahoo.com>, savin > <savin@mt.net.mk>, Erol Avdovic <Erinter@webtv.net>, Pavle Sazdov > <psazdov@sprint.ca>, Pavle Sazdov <MIRCE_S@yahoo.com>, "UAnet@uakron.edu" > <UAnet@uakron.edu>, vasko andonovski <dai@mnr.gov.mk>, oviler > <oviler@hotmail.com>, Arifi Irfan <denis14_06yahoo.com@voanews.com>, > Dragana > Dimovska <dyco3@pdq.net>, Jovan Filipov <jovan.filipov@home.se>, asi 2001 > <serdar_burc@hotmail.com>, "gagi_photmaýl.com" > <gagi_photmaýl.com@voanews.com>, orce dimitrovski > <o.dimitrovski@hetnet.nl>, > Dragan Manojlovic <midel@mt.net.mk>, "vvip@korab.mpt.com.mk" > <vvip@korab.mpt.com.mk>, Albert Suntic <albert@cg.yu>, > "richard.howard9@ntlworld.com" <richard.howard9@ntlworld.com>, Aleksandar > <lis@unet.com.mk>, Sinisa Kurtic <skurtic@voa.gov>, sinisa > <sinisa@websys.com>, Sascha Pichler <spichler@crisisweb.org>, "Ljupco > Andreevski" <andreevl@mk.pims.org>, "MIAMAK" <miamak@mia.com.mk>, "nikoj i > nisto" <makedonec_mme@alienmail.com>, "David Cramp" > <dcramp@mailhost.lhr1.globix.com>, "vic bogos" <bogov@bigpond.com>, VASIL > BOGOV <bogov@bigpond.com.au>, Oksana Svetlova <org@intee.rhk.ru>, "Marjan > Todorov" <tvktv@hotmail.com>, "Jasmine Pucakoski" <dimjas@iprimus.com.au>, > "Giorgi Stojanoski" <vmro_1893@hotmail.com>, "george antiphanis" > <antiphanis@hotmail.com>, "Anar Mehdiyev" <E01MEA01@student.ceu.hu>, > "vmro" > <trajce@crystal.com.au>, "Goran Sugarevski" <sugarevski@bigpond.com>, > borce_sugarevski@hotmail.com , "Risto Popovski" <lionmk@hotmail.com>, > Makfalanga <makedonskafalanga@makedonskafalanga.cjb.net>; Aleksandar > Makedonski <makfalanga@yahoo.com>; Anti makedonsko i mafijashko banditsko > sobranie-ventilator <sobranie@sobranie.mk>; Azijatski tatarski agent i > shpijun Ljubco Geogriev(ski)- Narkomanot <office@primeminister.gov.mk>; > Odbrana-Ventilator <info@morm.gov.mk>; Kultura balistichka-Ventilator > <vrteva@lotus.mpt.com.mk>; Obrazovanje i nauka-Ventilator > <contact@mofk.gov.mk>; Strani agent i shpijun Kole Chashule-Mongolecot > <mailmnr@mnr.gov.mk>; Informacii za unishtuvanje na Makedonstvoto > <agency@mpa.org.mk>; Finansii za makedonskite mafijashkite banditi i za > teroristite balistichki <finance@finance.gov.mk>; Anti makedonsko > mafijashko > i banditsko biro za privatizacija <agency@mpa.org.mk>; Anti makedonsko i > shpijunsko biro za blagovestie <blagovestie@mt.net.mk>; MIA > <mia@mia.com.mk>; Petre Temelkovski <petretemelko@ozemail.com.au>; Sinisa > Kurtic <skurtic@voanews.com>, Anti makedonsko sonce > <sote@makedonskosonce.com>, Anti makedonsko sonce > <urednik@makedonskosonce.com>, Anti makedonsko sonce > <mango@makedonskosonce.com> > SUBJECT: Letter to the members of the Eurovision Song Contest-2002 > >>From the Macedonian Organization VMRO-MNM (Macedonia for the Macedonians) > President Ljupco Mircevski-Trepet > > Web site of the VMRO-MNM: http://www.vmro-mnm.com > E-mail:VMRO-MNM info@vmro-mnm.com, trepet@vmro-mnm.com, > vmro-mnm@vmro-mnm.com > > 22 May, 2002 > > To the members of the Eurovision Song Contest-2002 > > I am writing to you to complain about the violation and discrimination > against the Macedonian people. In different 'contests' Macedonia is > falsely > named FYROM. We, the Macedonian people do not accept this non-Macedonian > name. This is a violation against human rights. This is also a violation > against a nation and its nationality. > Neither the Eurovision Song Contest nor different sport organizations and > suchlike should meddle in the violating and discriminating politics of the > UN. You are not the one to judge what we are to be called. We have our own > name Macedonia and our own people named the Macedonians. > The Eurovision Song Contest in Stockholm in the year 2000 was greatly > criticised by the Macedonians when 90% of the votes for the Macedonian > contribution was not accepted. What was done to solve this terrible crime? > Nothing! > I myself do not count this as a song contest for the Europeans. This is a > criminal contest, performing crimes against the Macedonian people and the > Macedonian country. Also, I do not count this as a song contest for the > Europeans since, for the last years, the contestants have sung in English. > I > this not a contest for the European people where the different nations > shall > be promoted? Or is it a contest that only promote English and not other > countries distinctive and interesting features? > We, the Macedonian nation, do not accept to see FYROM displayed in the > Eurovision Song Contest. Nor do we accept the fan, called the 'Macedonian' > flag. > > The only flag we accept is the Macedonian flag, the star with 16 beams, > the > symbol of Kutles. > I hope you will honour our rights. > For further information > see:http://www.vmro-mnm.com/Declaration_of_the_Macedonian_Revolutionary_Organization_VMRO-MNM.htm > > http://www.vmro-mnm.com/The_Macedonian_National_Country_Flag.htm > Yours faithfully > > > Ljupco Mircevski-Trepet > President of the Macedonian Organization VMRO-MNM > > > Letter to the Eurovision Song Contest-2002.doc (Binary attachment) > Letter to the Eurovision Song Contest-2002.doc (Binary attachment) > > > FROM: "Edith Kiilmaa" edith.kiilmaa@etv.ee > DATE: Wed, 22 May 2002 10:22:47 +0300 > TO: "Ljupco Mircevski-Trepet" trepet@vmro-mnm.com > SUBJECT: Re: Letter to the members of the Eurovision Song Contest-2002 > > Dear Mr. Ljupco Mircevski-Trepet, > > All material we are using on our ESC 2002 official website was approved by > Macedonia´n delegation. > I am sorry, that you don´t like Eurovision, but it is a matter of taste. > > Best regards, > Edith Kiilmaa > Web Editor > >> >>>From the Macedonian Organization VMRO-MNM >>(Macedonia for the Macedonians) >>President Ljupco Mircevski-Trepet >> >>Web site of the VMRO-MNM: http://www.vmro-mnm.com E-mail: VMRO-MNM >>info@vmro-mnm.com, trepet@vmro-mnm.com, >>vmro-mnm@vmro-mnm.com >> >>22 May, 2002 >> >>To the members of the Eurovision Song Contest-2002 >> >>I am writing to you to complain about the violation and discrimination >>against the Macedonian people. In different 'contests' Macedonia is >> falsely >>named FYROM. We, the Macedonian people do not accept this non-Macedonian >>name. This is a violation against human rights. This is also a violation >>against a nation and its nationality. >> >>Neither the Eurovision Song Contest nor different sport organizations and >>suchlike should meddle in the violating and discriminating politics of >> the >>UN. You are not the one to judge what we are to be called. We have our >> own >>name Macedonia and our own people named the Macedonians. >> >>The Eurovision Song Contest in Stockholm in the year 2000 was greatly >>criticised by the Macedonians when 90% of the votes for the Macedonian >>contribution was not accepted. What was done to solve this terrible >> crime? >>Nothing! >>I myself do not count this as a song contest for the Europeans. This is a >>criminal contest, performing crimes against the Macedonian people and the >>Macedonian country. Also, I do not count this as a song contest for the >>Europeans since, for the last years, the contestants have sung in >> English. >>I this not a contest for the European people where the different nations >>shall be promoted? Or is it a contest that only promote English and not >>other countries distinctive and interesting features? >> >>We, the Macedonian nation, do not accept to see FYROM displayed in the >>Eurovision Song Contest. Nor do we accept the fan, called the >> 'Macedonian' >>flag. The only flag we accept is the Macedonian flag, the star with 16 >>beams, the symbol of Kutles. >> >>I hope you will honour our rights. >> >>For further information see: >> > http://www.vmro-mnm.com/Declaration_of_the_Macedonian_Revolutionary_Organization_VMRO-MNM.htm >> >>http://www.vmro-mnm.com/The_Macedonian_National_Country_Flag.htm >> >>Yours faithfully >> >>Ljupco Mircevski-Trepet >>President of the Macedonian Organization VMRO-MNM >> >> > The organizations and media in the world > who have received the link to the letter > regarding the Eurovision Song Contest > > FROM: "Ljupco Mircevski-Trepet" trepet@vmro-mnm.com > DATE: Sun, 26 May 2002 18:23:27 +0200 > TO: "Makfalanga" makedonskafalanga@makedonskafalanga.cjb.net , "Aleksandar > Makedonski" makfalanga@yahoo.com , "Anti makedonsko i mafijashko banditsko > sobranie-ventilator" sobranie@sobranie.mk , "Azijatski tatarski agent i > shpijun Ljubco Geogriev(ski)- Narkomanot" office@primeminister.gov.mk , > "Odbrana-Ventilator" info@morm.gov.mk , "Kultura balistichka-Ventilator" > vrteva@lotus.mpt.com.mk , "Obrazovanje i nauka-Ventilator" > contact@mofk.gov.mk , "Strani agent i shpijun Kole Chashule-Mongolecot" > mailmnr@mnr.gov.mk , "Informacii za unishtuvanje na Makedonstvoto" > agency@mpa.org.mk , "Finansii za makedonskite mafijashkite banditi i za > teroristite balistichki" finance@finance.gov.mk , "Anti makedonsko > mafijashko i banditsko biro za privatizacija" agency@mpa.org.mk , "Anti > makedonsko i shpijunsko biro za blagovestie" blagovestie@mt.net.mk , MIA > mia@mia.com.mk , Petre Temelkovski petretemelko@ozemail.com.au , Sinisa > Kurtic <skurtic@voanews.com>, "boban.velkovski@mail.isis.de" > <boban.velkovski@mail.isis.de>, VMRO-MNM info@vmro-mnm.com , G-din. Ljupco > Mircevski-Trepet trepet@vmro-mnm.com , VMRO-MNM vmro-mnm@vmro-mnm.com > ,"kavalmusic@hotmail.com" <kavalmusic@hotmail.com>, "macfm@1earth.net" > <macfm@1earth.net>, Albert Suntic <albert@cg.yu>, Aleksandar > <lis@unet.com.mk>, Aleksandra <abuba@freemail.org.mk>, Alex Veljanovski > <white-rose@freesurf.ch>,Angelo Vretoski <angelov@foxboro.com.au>, Arifi > Irfan <denis14_06yahoo.com@voanews.com>, asi 2001 > <serdar_burc@hotmail.com>, > atanasov <Atanasov@t-online.de>, Australian Macedonian Weekly > <amw@bluep.com.au>, Biljana Bejkova <bejkova@unet.com.mk>, Borjan > Jovanovski > <borjanj@yahoo.com>, BRIAN WING <stojko@earthlink.net>, dejan > <pdejan@unet.com.mk>, Diyana Hrzic <dhrzic@mfgtech.org>, Dnevnik > <urednik@dnevnik.com.mk>, Dragan Manojlovic <midel@mt.net.mk>,Dragana > Dimovska <dyco3@pdq.net>, Erol Avdovic <Erinter@webtv.net>, Figi > <figi@mkinter.net>, <gagi_photmaýl.com <gagi_photmaýl.com@voanews.com>, > German Filkov <gfilkov@hotmail.com>, Gjokica Zafirovski > <zafirovski@gjokicaz.fsnet.co.uk>, Gjorgji Kalajdziev <vis@soros.org.mk>, > Glamce <glamce@wanadoo.fr>, Goce D <Gocedc@aol.com>, Goce Georgievski > <goce@whatmail.com>, Goran Stanoevski <zbor@unet.com.mk>, Gorgi Zaprov > <tvintel@hotmail.com>, Grom <rtdgrom@unet.com.mk>, Ilija Vidojevski > <vidojevski@home.com>, Jasmina Mironski <jmironski@yahoo.com>, Jovan > Filipov > <jovan.filipov@home.se>, Jovica Todorovski <jtodorovski@webtv.net>, > Kapital > <kapital@mol.com.mk>, Ljubica Mangovska <teram@soros.org.mk>, Aleksandra > <abuba@freemail.org.mk>, Biljana Bejkova <bejkova@unet.com.mk>, Figi > <figi@mkinter.net>, German Filkov <gfilkov@hotmail.com>, Gjokica > Zafirovski > <zafirovski@gjokicaz.fsnet.co.uk>, Glamce <glamce@wanadoo.fr>, Goce D > <Gocedc@aol.com>, Goce Georgievski <goce@whatmail.com>, Goran Stanoevski > <zbor@unet.com.mk>, Gorgi Zaprov <tvintel@hotmail.com>, Grom > <rtdgrom@unet.com.mk>, Jasmina Mironski <jmironski@yahoo.com>, Macedonian > Patriotic Organization <mtfw@macedonian. org>, Marjan Todorov > <ktv@europe.com>, Metodi Cvetkovski <astrar@osi.net.mk>, Sanja Vasic > <vasicsanja@hotmail.com>, Saso Colakovski <scholakovski@hotmail.com>, > Sinisa > Kurtic <skurtic@VOA.GOV>, Susan Paulits <chekmate@bellatlantic.net>, > Tomislav Novakovik <orbis@mt.net.mk>, Vasil Kosev <vasil.kosev@sb-mb.si>, > Vedran Andonovski <vedranva@VOA.GOV>, Zaman <zaman@mol.com.mk>, Zana > Bozinovski <bozzinovski@yahoo.com>, Zaneta Skerlev > <zaneta.skerlev@bbc.co.uk>, Zaneta Trajkoska <ztrajkoska@hotmail.com>, > Zoran > Coseski <zcoseski@mft.wa.gov.au>, Zoran Kuka <zkuka@yahoo.com>, Stefan > Nechovski <nechov@iinet.net.au>, Angelo Vretoski <angelov@foxboro.com.au>, > Milco Puvtoski <milco@sprint.ca>, "boban.velkovski@mail.isis.de" > <boban.velkovski@mail.isis.de>, "kavalmusic@hotmail.com" > <kavalmusic@hotmail.com>, Venko Andonovski <vandonovski@flf.ukim.edu.mk>, > Borjan Jovanovski <borjanj@yahoo.com>, Sinisa STANKOVIC > <sinisas@hotmail.com>, MIA <mia@mia.com.mk>, TREPET <trepet@vmro-mnm.com>, > "info@vmro-mnm.com" <info@vmro-mnm.com>, Vele Mitanoski <super@mt.net.mk>, > Ljubica Mangovska <teram@soros.org.mk>, Tose Janev <kiss@mkinter.net>, > Gjorgji Kalajdziev <vis@soros.org.mk>, Australian Macedonian Weekly > <amw@bluep.com.au>, Alex Veljanovski <white-rose@freesurf.ch>, Velika > Mangova <velika@freewwweb.com>, Matses <vmro-mnm@starmail.com>, BRIAN WING > <stojko@earthlink.net>, Marija Kisman <doma@unet.com.mk>, Ilija Vidojevski > <vidojevski@home.com>, TV Telma <telma1@unet.com.mk>, TV Telma 1 > <telma@unet.com.mk>, Dnevnik <urednik@dnevnik.com.mk>, Kapital > <kapital@mol.com.mk>, Zoran Nesevski <kvark@unet.com.mk>, dejan > <pdejan@unet.com.mk>, atanasov <Atanasov@t-online.de>, povset84 > <biserka.povse.tasic@siol.net>, Jovica Todorovski <jtodorovski@webtv.net>, > Slave Saveski <slasa@ituf.liu.se>, makfax <makfax@unet.com.mk>, Vale > Dimitrova <dani_swiss@freesurf.ch>, Svetski Makedonski Kongres > <smk@soros.org.mk>, Radovan Kolovski <radovan.koloski@chello.no>, Tamara > Chausidis <tamaramak@yahoo.com>,savin <savin@mt.net.mk>, Erol Avdovic > <Erinter@webtv.net>, Pavle Sazdov <psazdov@sprint.ca>, Pavle Sazdov > <MIRCE_S@yahoo.com>, sinisa kurtic <sina99@msn.com>, "UAnet@uakron.edu" > <UAnet@uakron.edu>, vasko andonovski <dai@mnr.gov.mk>, oviler > <oviler@hotmail.com>, Arifi Irfan <denis14_06yahoo.com@voanews.com>, > Dragana > Dimovska <dyco3@pdq.net>, Jovan Filipov <jovan.filipov@home.se>, <asi 2001 > serdar_burc@hotmail.com, <gagi_photmaýl.com > <gagi_photmaýl.com@voanews.com>, > orce dimitrovski <o.dimitrovski@hetnet.nl>, Dragan Manojlovic > <midel@mt.net.mk>, "vvip@korab.mpt.com.mk" <vvip@korab.mpt.com.mk>, Albert > Suntic <albert@cg.yu>, "richard.howard9@ntlworld.com" > <richard.howard9@ntlworld.com>, Aleksandar <lis@unet.com.mk>, Macedonian > Patriotic Organization <mtfw@macedonian.org>, Maja Petrusevska > <maja.petrusevska@bbc.co.uk>, makfax <makfax@unet.com.mk>, Marija Kisman > <doma@unet.com.mk>, Marjan Todorov <ktv@europe.com>, Matses > <vmro-mnm@starmail.com>, Metodi Cvetkovski <astrar@osi.net.mk>, MIA > <mia@mia.com.mk>, <webmaster@mia.com.mk>, Milco Puvtoski > <milco@sprint.ca>, > orce dimitrovski <o.dimitrovski@hetnet.nl>, oviler <oviler@hotmail.com>, > Pavle Sazdov <psazdov@sprint.ca>, Pavle Sazdov <MIRCE_S@yahoo.com>, Petre > Temelkovski <petretemelko@ozemail.com.au>, povset84 > <biserka.povse.tasic@siol.net>, Radovan Kolovski > <radovan.koloski@chello.no>, "Richard D. Firestone" <rdfirest@IBB.GOV>, > "richard.howard9@ntlworld.com" <richard.howard9@ntlworld.com>, Sanja Vasic > <vasicsanja@hotmail.com>, Saso Colakovski <scholakovski@hotmail.com>, > savin > <savin@mt.net.mk>, Sinisa Kurtic <skurtic@VOA.GOV>, sinisa kurtic > <sina99@msn.com>, Sinisa STANKOVIC <sinisas@hotmail.com>, Slave Saveski > <slasa@ituf.liu.se>, Stefan Nechovski <nechov@iinet.net.au>, Susan Paulits > <chekmate@bellatlantic.net>, Svetski Makedonski Kongres > <smk@soros.org.mk>, > Tamara Chausidis <tamaramak@yahoo.com>, Todd Mintz <TMintz@srclarke.com>, > Tomislav Novakovik <orbis@mt.net.mk>, Tose Janev <kiss@mkinter.net>, TV > Telma <telma1@unet.com.mk>, TV Telma 1 <telma@unet.com.mk>, > "UAnet@uakron.edu" <UAnet@uakron.edu>, Vale Dimitrova > <dani_swiss@freesurf.ch>, Vasil Kosev <vasil.kosev@sb-mb.si>, vasko > andonovski <dai@mnr.gov.mk>, Vedran Andonovski <vedranva@VOA.GOV>, Vedran > Andonovski <vedranva@VOA.GOV>, Vele Mitanoski <super@mt.net.mk>, Velika > Mangova <velika@freewwweb.com>, Venko Andonovski > <vandonovski@flf.ukim.edu.mk>, "vvip@korab.mpt.com.mk" > <vvip@korab.mpt.com.mk>, Zaman <zaman@mol.com.mk>, Zana Bozinovski > <bozzinovski@yahoo.com>, Zaneta Skerlev <zaneta.skerlev@bbc.co.uk>, Zaneta > Trajkoska <ztrajkoska@hotmail.com>, Zoran Coseski > <zcoseski@mft.wa.gov.au>, > Zoran Kuka <zkuka@yahoo.com>, Zoran Nesevski <kvark@unet.com.mk>, > "MACEDONLS@HOTMAIL.COM" <MACEDONLS@HOTMAIL.COM>, Aleksandar Makedonski > <aleksgreat@yahoo.de>, Velimir Topuzoski <topuzoskivelimir@yahoo.com>, > Trajce Trajkovski <komita_pp@hotmail.com>, Trajce Trajkovski > <trajce@crystal.com.au>, Sasko Trenevski <wickedmk@yahoo.com>, United > Macedonians <info@unitedmacedonians.org>, Vasko Veselinovski > <rabotnicki@hotmail.com>, Vinozito <rainbow@florina.org>, VMRO-MRO > <vmro-mnm@vmro-mnm.com>, Dragan Zajkovski <dribla@unet.com.mk>, Bosko > Petkov > <makedon@wanadoo.nl>, Ilija Petkovski <i.petkovski@chello.nl>, Jovan > Petkovski <jovan-petkovski@noknok.nl>, Nick Petrov <metal@tig.com.au>, > Jovan > Poposki <dailtajo@mkinter.net>, Risto Popovski <lionmk@hotmail.com>, > Predrag > <prema@mol.com.mk>, Zoran Prodanski <prodanski@email.si>, Goran Przevski > <prespanec@yahoo.de>, Ranko <Ranko.J@gmx.de>, Valentin Razmovski > <razmovskivalentin@yahoo.de>, angelko ristov <ane_tuce@yahoo.com, Zoran > Saklev <z.saklev@12move.de>, SMK <smk@soros.org.mk>, Aleksandar Spasevski > <bukarski@hotmail.com>, Natalija Spasovska <bonbonamk@yahoo.com>, Tome > Stamatov <poptome@hotmail.com>, Blagojce Stojanceski > <sbale007@hotmail.com>, > Sime Stojanceski <arena@mt.net.mk>, Marjan Stojanoski > <maco_pp@yahoo.com>,Ramona Stojanoski <Ramona.Stojanoski@daag.de>, Kosta > Stojanovski <k.stojanovski@fh-wolfenbuettel.de>, Saso Tapovski > <kempo.alek@wanadoo.nl>, Igor Timcevski <timcevski@yahoo.com>, Toni > Tolomanoski <TolomanoskiToni@aol.com>, Macedonian-info > <id@macedonia-info.org>, Makedon <makedon61@aol.com>, Makedonec > <Makedonec@rmakedonija.com>, Aleksandar Makedonski <makfalanga@yahoo.com>, > Oliver Makedonski <batka@gmx.net>, Makedonski Lavovi <maklav@gmx.de>, > Makedonsko Nacionalno Dvizenje <maknd2001@yahoo.com>, "Anti Makedonsko > Sonce" <urednik@makedonskosonce.com> "anti Makedonsko Sonce" > <sote@makedonskosonce.com>, "Anti Makedonsko Sonce" > <mango@makedonskosonce.com>, Blagoja Martinovski > <ilovemacedonia@yahoo.com>, > Blagoja Maslarov <macedoniae@yahoo.com>, Zlatko Milosevski > zlatkomi@mt.com.mk, Bobi Mircevski <bobbym@one.net.au>, G-din. Ljupco > Mircevski-Trepet trepet@vmro-mnm.com , George Mitris > <gmitris@rochester.rr.com>, P Mitsakis <pmitsakis@hotmail.com>, "Leonid > Jankov" <leonid_jankov@hotmail.com>, Gile gile03@hotmail.com, MK1903 > <mk1903@compuserve.de>, Mukovski <mukovski@aol.com>, My Macedonia > <mymacedonia@excite.com>, Obedineta Makedonija <o_makedonija@hotmail.com>, > OMO Ilinden Pirin <omo_ilinden_pirin@hotmail.com>, Laze P > <lazep@hotmail.com>, Donce Panov <Donce.Panov@WinesofMacedonia.com>, > Trajko > Papuckoski <tpapucko@indiana.edu>, Metodija Bato Pejoski > <bato@unet.com.mk>, > Boki Petkov <crnozemski@yahoo.com>, "Vlatko" <vvdmirc@unet.com.mk>, velce > krsteski <velce@RMacedonia.com>, Zoran Prodanski <prodanski@email.si>, > "Sam > Vaknin Ph.D." <palma@unet.com.mk>, "Gregor Karlovsek" <karlo@email.si>, > <mail@makedonija.com>, "Ljubco Georgievski-Narkomanot" > <vmro_dpmne@vmro-dpmne.org.mk>, "Branko Crvenkovski-Kostaplerot" > <contact@sdsm.org.mk>, "Risto Gusterov-Guster" <lpm@mt.net.mk>, "Arben > Xhaferi-teroristot i fasistot" <pdsh@yahoo.com>, "Ymer Ymeri-fasistot i > teroristot" <ppd@mt.net.mk>, <info@morm.gov.mk>, <mailmnr@mnr.gov.mk>, > <sinf@sinf.gov.mk>, <kliment@nubsk.edu.mk>, <makakad@manu.edu.mk>, > <zaskopje@skopje.gov.mk>, <newsonline@bbc.co.uk>, <letters@nytimes.com>, > <Franck.Chasseriau@afp.com>, <direurafr@afp.com>, > <abramowitz@washpost.com>, > <ecoffice@ecoffice.org.mk>, "UNDP" <registry.mk@undp.org>, "UNHCR" > <MCDSK@UNHCR.CH>, "OHCHR" <ohchrsk@mpt.com.mk>, "UNICEF" > <office@unicef.org.mk>, "OSCE" <oscemsk@unet.com.mk>, "ECMM" > <ecmm@unet.com.mk>, "Red cross" <ifrcmk@mol.com.mk>, "Comitee of the red > cross" <icrc@unet.com.mk>, "WHO" <office@who.org.mk>, > <korisnik@strumica.com>, RMacedonia <mac-faq@RMacedonia.org>, Aleksandar > Dimitrovski <alek@rea.etf.ukim.edu.mk>, Aleksandar Dimitrovski > <aco_snagata@yahoo.com, Aneta Buckovska <anbuc@rea.etf.ukim.edu.mk>, Anton > Causevski <caus@rea.etf.ukim.edu.mk>, Aristotel Tentov > <toto@rea.etf.ukim.edu.mk>, Arnautovski <vesna@rea.etf.ukim.edu.mk>, > Bogatinovski Vitomir <vite@rea.etf.ukim.edu.mk>, Borislav Popovski > <boro@rea.etf.ukim.edu.mk>, D. Dragan Andonov <vidx@rea.etf.ukim.edu.mk>, > Dejan Djorgjevik <dejan@rea.etf.ukim.edu.mk>, Dragan Mihajlov > <dragan@rea.etf.ukim.edu.mk>, Georgi Stojanov > <georgiS@rea.etf.ukim.edu.mk>, > Goce Arsov <garsov@rea.etf.ukim.edu.mk>, Goran P. Trajkovski > <goranpt@rea.etf.ukim.edu.mk>, IEEE Macedonian section > <ieee@rea.etf.ukim.edu.mk>, Igor Trajkovski > <trajkovs@rea.etf.ukim.edu.mk>, > Jani Makraduli <jani@rea.etf.ukim.edu.mk>, Katerina Goseva > <kate@rea.etf.ukim.edu.mk>, Kiril Vidimce <vkire@rea.etf.ukim.edu.mk>, > Konecni <konecni@rea.etf.ukim.edu.mk>, Leonid Grcev > <leonid@rea.etf.ukim.edu.mk>, Ljubomir Josifovski > <ljupco@rea.etf.ukim.edu.mk>, Ljupco Karadzinov > <karadza@rea.etf.ukim.edu.mk>, Mr. Ljupco Mircevski-Trepet > trepet@vmro-mnm.com , Marija Kacarska <marija@rea.etf.ukim.edu.mk>, Marjan > Bogatinovski <marjan@rea.etf.ukim.edu.mk>, Marjan Bogatinovski > <marjanb@rea.etf.ukim.edu.mk>, Marjan Popov <popov@rea.etf.ukim.edu.mk>, > Predrag Janjic <predrag@rea.etf.ukim.edu.mk>, Rubin Talevski > <rubint@rea.etf.ukim.edu.mk>, Sasko Stefanovski > <sasko@rea.etf.ukim.edu.mk>, > Saso Jordanovski <sasoj@rea.etf.ukim.edu.mk>, Saso Stojanovski > <sassos@rea.etf.ukim.edu.mk>, Silvana Delceva <silvas@freesurf.ch>, Stevo > Bozinovski <bozinovs@rea.etf.ukim.edu.mk>, Suzana Loskovska > <suze@rea.etf.ukim.edu.mk>, Toni Stojanovski <tonci@rea.etf.ukim.edu.mk>, > Vesna Borozan <vesnab@rea.etf.ukim.edu.mk>, "vmro" > <trajce@crystal.com.au>, > Vladimir Dimcev <vladim@rea.etf.ukim.edu.mk>, Vlatko Stoilkov > <vl100@rea.etf.ukim.edu.mk>, Voislav Jankov <jankov@rea.etf.ukim.edu.mk>, > Zlatko Zografski <zograf@rea.etf.ukim.edu.mk>, Zoran Ivanovski > <mars@rea.etf.ukim.edu.mk>, Zoran Jermilov <belo@rea.etf.ukim.edu.mk>, > "Dr. > Vojislav Kostunica" <Vojislav.Kostunica@gov.yu>, "G-din. Ljupco > Mircevski-Trepet" <trepet@vmro-mnm.com>, "Milo Djukanovic" > <predsjednik@cg.yu>, <asns@asns.org.yu>, <da@da.org.yu>, > <demoalte@eunet.yu>, <dcentar@infosky.net>, <dhscentrala@yahoo.com>, > <dhss@net.yu>, <smdhss@EUnet.yu>, <mdhss@EUnet.yu, <info@ds.org.yu>, > <info@dss.org.yu>, <omladina@ds.org.yu>, <info@dss.org.yu>, > <gss@gradjanskisavez.org.yu>, <gss@bitsyu.net>, > <infocentar@gradjanskisavez.org.yu>, <jul@jul.org.yu>, > <info@koalicijavojvodina.org.yu>, <sumadija@Infosky.net>, > <office@lsv.org.yu>, <izv.odbor@novademokratija.org.yu>, > <info@nova-srbija.org.yu>, <info@pokret.org.yu>, <rdsv@eunet.yu>, > <office@vmsz.org.yu>, <info@socijaldemokratija.org.yu>, <www@sps.org.yu>, > <info@sdu.org.yu>, <ssavic@socijaldemokratija.org.yu>, <vuk@spo.org.yu>, > <info@spo.org.yu>, <srpskars@eunet.yu>, <sajt@srs.org.yu>, > <posta@srs.org.yu>, <seselj@eunet.yu>, <seselj@srs.org.yu>, "Milan > Brajovic" > <milanb@mn.yu>, "Milan Rocen" <rocen@mn.yu>, "Milo Djukanovic" > <predsjednik@cg.yu>, "Miodrag Vukovic" <miskov@mn.yu>, "Vinka Jovovic" > <vinkaj@mn.yu>, "Miodrag Latkovic" <miodragl@mn.yu>, <sdp@cg.yu>, > <sdp@mn.yu>, <clubsdp@mn.yu>, <poslanici@lscg.crnagora.com>, <web@cg.yu>, > <muprs@mup.sr.gov.yu>, <webmaster@.lscg.crnagora.com>, > <predsjednik.skupstine@mn.yu>, <sekretar.skupstine@mn.yu>, > <potpredsjednik.skupstine@mn.yu>, <beoinfo@eunet.yu>, <agitprop@eunet.yu>, > <info@bktv.com>, <media@jat.com>, <info@radiobeograd.co.yu>, > <radioyu@bits.net>, <rtcg@cg.yu>,<rtstv@rts.co.yu>, <alimpije@yahoo.com>, > <info@studio-b.co.yu>, <yuinfo@novatv.co.yu>, <urd@beta-press.com>, > <redakcija@fonet.co.yu>, <mna@cg.yu>, <tanjug@merkur.bits.net>, > <blic@www.yu>>, <borba@bitsyu.net>, <dan@cg.yu>, > <glas-javnosti@abc.co.yu>, > <nsmoszo@eunet.yu>, "VMRO-MNM" <info@vmro-mnm.com>, <pobjeda@cg.yu>, > <redakcija@politika.co.yu>, <desk@grmec.co.yu>, <redakcija@novosti.co.yu>, > <vijesti@cg.yu>>, <redakcija@blicnews.co.yu>, <duga@infosky.net>, > <ekonom@infosky.net>, <ekopol@co.yu>, <ilustrovana@politika.co.yu>, > <monitor@cg.yu>, <teleg@eunet.yu>, <redakcija@nin.co.yu>, > <reporter@eunet.yu>, <popov01@eunet.yu>, <desk@vreme.com>, > <info@yusurvey.co.yu>, <edit@inaffaris.org.yu>, "Neda Stanisavljevic" > <neda@predsedniksrj.yu>, <makfalanga@yahoo.com>, "VMRO-MNM" > <macedonia_for_the_macedonians@vmro-mnm.com>, <XL_2400@yahoo.com>, > <vtomoski@yahoo.com>, <ljupco@hawktech.com>, <darko@osi.net.mk>, > <ivo.e.s@mail.com>, <zoran976@hotmail.com>, <Makedonce24@aol.com>, > <vlatk0@hotmail.com>, <karapeyovski@ajvar.com>, <vlatkovmk@yahoo.com>, > <jankolega@yahoo.com>, <meze_186@hotmail.com>, <srase@yahoo.com>, > <access11mk@yahoo.com>, <ilebt1018@aol.com>, <hunt333r@macedonia.eu.org>, > <natasa_kiki@yahoo.com>, <zlatkomi@mt.com.mk>, <ristet@hotmail.com>, > <sinapsa2@yahoo.com>, <temelkovski@aol.com>, <hmitko@hotmail.com>, > <saso9@hotmail.com>, <jimbo_goce@yahoo.com>, <duci83@hotmail.com>, > <dimovski@gmx.co.uk>, <anekos@yahoo.com>, <pope@ndc.net.mk>, > <kristijankajcevski@msn.com>, <grcevski@yahoo.com>, > <jeniboj@freemail.org>, > <gaso13@hotmail.com>, <Toni@vmro-mnm.com>, <zoran976@hotmail.com>, > <vardarce@yahoo.com>, <btemelkov@hotmail.com>, <djsnoopy@snoopymail.com>, > "Macedonian Pride World Wide" <aleksgreat@yahoo.de>, "Risto Popovski" > <lionmk@hotmail.com>, "Zozo McZozo" <zozo_forever@yahoo.com>, "Zoran > Todorovski" <zokit@esmak.com.mk>, "VMRO-MNM" <vmro-mnm@bredband.net>, > "Vladimir Trendafilovski" <vladot@mt.net.mk>,"Trepet" > <trepet@vmro-mnm.com>, > "VMRO-MNM" <vmro-mnm@vmro-mnm.com>, "Tane Pejoski" <lazep@mail2me.com.au>, > <t_petar@hotmail.com>, "Anti makedonsko sonce" > <urednik@makedonskosonce.com>, "Sanja" <sanja@mp.com.mk>, "Risto Popovski" > <maklav@gmx.de>, <Ranko.J@gmx.de>, "mane" <Novo_Skopje@yahoo.de>, "lolikn" > <tofastforme@hotmail.com>, "Leven Gigevski" <mkupm@web.de>, "Kire Ruzinov" > <kruzinov@yahoo.com>, <KATANATANTO@aol.com>, "Goran Przevski" > <gogomak@netcologne.de>, <Goce.Fidanovski@mannesmann-co.net>, "Goce" > <goce26@yahoo.com>, "DRAGI GRUEVSKI" <dgruevski@hotmail.com>, "Borislav > Krstovski" <bkrstovski@amdtetovo.com.mk>, "bobi staleski" > <psyland@goatrance.com>, "bass inferno" <bassinferno@yahoo.com>, > "Aleksandar > Koneski" <albatros_a_99@yahoo.com>, "Aleksandar Bukarski" > <bukarski@hotmail.com>, "Ace Sterjoski" <acedsimoski@yahoo.com>, > <kiretrajkov@yahoo.com>, <spetrovski@peoplepc.com>, <sarafosh@yahoo.com>, > <tanika5@hotmail.com>, <risto21@yahoo.com>, <fimaks@mt.net.mk>, > <ajko_oh@hotmail.com>, <ivan006@hotmail.com>, <darsov@gmx.co.uk>, > <scorpionce@yahoo.com>, <phy_108@yahoo.com>, <meze_186@hotmail.com>, > <nixamk@yahoo.com>, <daevski@yahoo.com>, <cedocekic@hotmail.com>, > <maksimovski@yahoo.com>, <tanja-and_risto@yahoo.com>, "Gligor Bozinoski" > <gile03@hotmail.com>, Sinisa Kurtic <skurtic@voanews.com>, > <webmaster@ilinden.de>, <Vet.m.s@vmro-mnm.com>, "Kiril Arsov" > <dermacona@telia.com>, Bisera Sindiloska <sbisera@yahoo.com>, "Delceva > Silvana" <silvas@freesurf.ch>, Dragi Gjosevski <gjosevskis@hotmail.com>, > <anapsharic@yahoo.com>, <tomislav.birko@zg.tel.hr>, <karto61@yahoo.com>, > <natali64@yahoo.com>, <dsarovic@hotmail.com>, <vaseatanas@yahoo.com>, > Stevo > Salev <stevos@sympatico.ca>, Human Rights <mailout@gopetition.com>, United > Macedonians Organization of Canada <info@unitedmacedonians.org>, > RAINBOW-VINOZHITO IS THE POLITICALPARTY OF THE MACEDONIANS IN ATEN > <rainbow@florina.org>, BBC World Service - Macedonian > <macedonian.section@bbc.co.uk>, Macedonian Radio From Toronto > <hmv@macedonianvideo.com>, Makedon Archives > <MAKEDON@LISTSERV.ACSU.BUFFALO.EDU>, Makedon Archives > <MAKEDON@listserv.acsu.buffalo.edu>, Makedon Archives > <MAKEDON-request@listserv.acsu.buffalo.edu>, Makedon Archives > <cit-listserv@buffalo.edu>, Macedonian Human Rights Movement of Canada > <mail@mhrmc.ca>, Bill Nicholov <mail@mhrmc.ca>, "info@forum.com.mk" > <info@forum.com.mk>, <"marjank@forum.com.mk">, <mail@makedonija.com>, > "Kiril > Kotevski" <kk@milcom.dk>, "VMRO-MNM" <info@vmro-mnm.com> "Macedonian > Revolutionary" <macedonian_revolutionary@hotmail.com>, "Zan Grozdanovski" > <zag@manbw.dk>, "vlatko golavoda" <vlatko_gentlamen@yahoo.com>, "Vlado > Kostovski" <zguma@hotmail.com>, "Vladimir Tolevski" > <vladimir.tolevski@swipnet.se>, "Robert Petrovski" <vmro@anarki.dk>, "Rade > Markoski" <r_markoski@hotmail.com>, "Norveska Daniela" > <ddaniela18@hotmail.com>, "Natasha Kuzmanovski" <nallek@ofir.dk>, "Monika > Germanija" <moniri60@hotmail.com>, "Monika" <aleksandra@freesurf.ch>, > "Maria > presilska" <caniget@hotmail.com>, "Anti Makedonski Sojuz" > <makedonski.sojuz@telia.com>, "maja gestakovska" > <majuska_g@yahoo.com>,"LJ" > <jova@fishinternet.com.au>, "Kristina Kuzmanoska" <KristinaK@sol.dk>, > "Jule > Taleska" <juletaleska@hotmail.com>, "Jordanco Georgievski" > <turkac@yahoo.com>, "Gordana Germanija" <mmz00@hotmail.com>, "Geteborg > Jasmina" <jasse_85@hotmail.com>, "Diana . . ." > <summernight10@hotmail.com>, > "D J" <dj123456@hotmail.com>, "Cheri" <satan_cheri@hotmail.com>, "Biljana > Melburn" <biljana_hot@hotmail.com>, "Biljana Cajkovska" > <bcajkovska@loewener-otc.de>, "Balkangirl 2000" > <balkangirl_2000@hotmail.com>, "**Meri** B" <marysk78@yahoo.com>, > <webmaster@mymacedonia.net>, <aleksgreat@yahoo.de>, > <velce@RMacedonia.com>, > <stanovnik@brezovica.si>, <maktifo@yahoo.com>, <Darko.Angelov@ucu.uu.nl>, > <smk@soros.org.mk> > SUBJECT: The Eurovision Song Contest - 2002 in Tallinn Estonia. > > Makedonska Revolucionerna Organizacija VMRO-MNM > Pretsedatel: Ljupco Mircevski-Trepet > > Veb stranica na VMRO-MNM: http://www.vmro-mnm.com > Kontakt na E-mail: TREPET trepet@vmro-mnm.com > > 26 Maj 2002 g. > > The Eurovision Song Contest in Tallinn Estonia. > > 25 May, 2002 (FYR Macedonia-the Fan, 25 Points)! > > [to ~ovek da ka`e i kako da reagira, koga samite nie Makedoncite si ja > uni{tuvame Makedonskata kultura, tradicija, istorija, naj realno re~eno si > go uni{tuvame Makedonskiot identitet..... > > Kako sekoja godina i ova godina na Evropskata Evrovizija, Na{ata > Makedonska > dr`ava se prezentira{e so nadmetnatoto ni prokleto ime "PJRM"- Former > Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM)! > I so nadmentatoto ni Anti makedonsko "zname"-Ventilator. > > Vele predavstoto od Makedonskite izrodi Makedonski predavni~ki YVEROVI - > YVERSKI, si prodol`uvat so nivnoto velepredavstvo i uni{tuvawe na > Makedonskata dr`ava i identitetot na verniot, dobriot i ~eniot Makedonski > narod. > > Li~no mene kako deobar, veren i ~esen Makedonec, so ogromna Qubov kon > na{ata > mila i sakana tatkovina Makedonija i kon Makedonskiot narod, mnogo mi e > te{ko, koga }e se prezentira mojata Majka Makedonija, na svetskite golemi > natprevari, kako so pesni taka i sportski itn, so ne makedonsko ime > Makedonija, nego pod ime koj {{to ne i pripa|a i so Anti makedonskoto > "zname"-Ventilator. > Jas krajno sum razo~aren i mnogo sum qut na mojot sopstven Makedonski > narod.....Veruvam deka mnogo Makedonci ja delat mojata razo~arnost. > > Jas ne ja sledev celata programa, samo ja slu{nav pesnata i |i sledev > glasawata od tie zemji koj {to u~estvuvaa na ova Evopska evrovizija. Za da > vidam koi zemji }e dadat poeni i kako }e ja izgovarat na{ata Makedonska > dr`ava. Jas ne o~ekuvav deka na{ata Makedonska dr`ava }e se prezentira{e > so > nejzinoto istorisko i ustavno ime Makedonija - Macedonia, isto taka ne > o~ekuvav deka Makedonskoto nacionalno i dr`avno zname, [esnaesetzra~noto > sonce, simbolot od Makedonskiot Kutle{. Nego se znae{e deka }e bide > prokletoto "zname"-Ventilatorot. > > Kako se glasa{e, iskreno re~eno i o~igledno 100% be{e so falcifikat. Se > znae > deka vo ovie dene{ni vremiwa nema po{tenstvo i realnost, nego mito i > korupcijata e naj jako lobi. Od edena strana sum gord i vesel, {to > Makedonija - Ventilator - FYR Macedonia-the Fan, nema da u~estvuva idnata > godina (se razbira vo idnite natprevari. > ako op{te Vardarskiot del na Makedonija ostane kako del od istoriskata i > |eogravskata Makedonska dr`ava). > Naj malku o~ekuvav, deka Makedonskite kristijani Rumuncite, deka }e ni > zalepea debel {amar i laden tu{, ja izgovorija izrekata na na{ata > Makedonska dr`ava so prokletoto ime Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia > (FYROM)! > Znaev deka site dru|i zemji }e go izgovoreva "FYROM". > A od strana na rumuncite sum krajno iznenaden i razo~aran. Ne me ~ude{e > {to > Former Yugoslav Republic of Croatia (FYROC)! Kako i sekoja godina ne vikat > so prokletoto ime "FYROM". Gord i vesel sum {to Makedonskite izrodi > predavnici yverovi - yverski, dobija 25 poeni i dolu na 19 > mesto....Veruvam > deka mnogo od Makedonskiot narod nadvor od Vardarskiot del na Makedonija > ima > pre`aleno eden ERU za da glasa za FYR Macedonia-the Fan. Samo {to tie > nivni > telefonski glasovi ne se prifatija. Vidovme koj od zemjite na zapadna > evropa > iznese poeni, samo Malta so 5 poeni i ciganskite finci so 1 poen. Da > spomneme kolku Makedonci `iveat vo Germanija, [vajcarija, Austrija, > Belgija > i.dr. Od tie zemji nema{e poeni. Eve kako od Former Scandinavian Province > of > Sweden (FSPOS). Vo ova porane{na skandinavsak provincija {vedska `iveat > okolu 16 000 iljadi Makedonci, nema{e poeni, dali ovo ne e ~udno, da i toa > e > o~igledno diskriminatorstvo i kriminalno odnesuvawe od tie zapdni zemji. > Vpro~em; Kako {to se izgovara starata izreka Ribata zasmrduva od Glavata. > > Edna moja poraka za vo idnina; Ako slu~ajno Vardarskiot del na Makedonija > opstane u{te nekoja godina. I Makedonski izrodi predavni~ki yverovi - > yverski, se prijavat za u~estvo na Evropskata evrovizija i se prezentira > Makedonskata dr`ava so prokletoto ime Former Yugoslav Republic of Croatia > (FYROC)! I so prokletoto "zname"-Ventilator. > Jas li~no }e |i prezemam akciite i operaciite za da |i ubijam site, od > delegacijata i site tie {to }e bidat na mestoto kakde {to }e se odr`i > Evrovizijata. Istoto va`i i za tie Makedonski izrodi {to }e go dr`at i > poka`at Ventilatorot. Nema da `alam niti za eden Makedonski izrod i > predavnik, pa makar da e i moe sopstveno dete i nekoj od moite vnuci od > brat > ili sestra, pa i od dru|i rodnini. > > Imam u{e edena poraka do ~esniot, verniot i realniot Makedonskiot narod; > Porakata ja ispra}am do vernite, ~esnite i realnite Makedonci. Bra}a i > sestri Makedonki i Makedonci. Ako vo slu~aj odite na sportski > tereni-igrali{ta, kade {to igrat i se takmi~at Makedonski sportisti > klubovi > i reprezentacijiite na razno vrsni sporski natprevari. Potrudite se da {to > povi{e od vas go nosat so sebe Makedonskoto dr`avno i nacionalno Zname, > [esnaaesetzra~noto sonce od Makedonskiot Kutle{. Ako se zgodi do vas nekoj > od Makedonskite izrodi predavni~kite yverovi - yverski so ventilatorot, > zemete mu go toj ventilator i zapalete go na lice mesto, a potoa da go > grabnete toj yver Makedonski izrod i da go istepate da ostane invalid za > vo > celiot `ivot, pa makar da ne `alite i da go ubiete, Jas stojam pozadi vas > i > ja imate vo celosno mojata podr{ka, slpbodno mene neka me sudat za va{ite > aktivnosti, za va{ite akcii i operacii, da znaete de sekoj eden ubien i > osakaten Makedonski izrod e vo prilog na na{ata mila i sakana tatkovina > Makedonija i na site ~esni, verni i realni Makedonci. > > So naj iskreni srde~ni Makedonski bratski, komitski i patriotski pozdravi. > > VE^NO DA @IVEE MAKEDONSKATA ZEMJA! > > VE^NO DA @IVEE MAKEDONSKIOT NAROD! > > GOSPOD DA JA BLAGOSLOVI NA[ATA ZEMJA MAKEDONIJA I GOSPOD DA GO BLAGOSLOVI > NA[IOT MAKEDONSKI NAROD! > > SMTR ZA [IPTARISKITE-BALISTI, TERORISTI I FA[ISTI! > > SMRT ZA SITE ZAPADNI OKUPATORSKI ^IZMARI, NACISTI, FA[ISTI, VARVARI, > TERORISTI, BIOKRATI I FANATICI VO NA[ATA MILA I SAKANA TATKOVINA > MAKEDONIJA! > > SMTR ZA IZRODITE MAKEDONSKI PREDAVNI^KI ZVEROVI-ZVERSKI! > > SLOBODA ILI SMRT ZA MAKEDONSKATA DR@AVA I ZA MAKEDONSKIOT NAROD! > > EDEN ZA SITE I SITE ZA EDEN! > > TOA E PORAKATA OD MAKEDONSKIOT KOMITA I PATRIOT TREPET I OD SITE HRABRI > MAKEDONSKI KOMITI, PATRIOTI I BORCI...... > > VE^NO DA @IVEE MAKEDONSKATA REVOLUCIONERNA ORGANIZACIJA VMRO-MNM > (MAKEDONIJA > NA MAKEDONCITE)! > > Pretsedatel Na Makedonskata Organizacija VMRO-MNM > > Ljupco Mircevski-Trepet > > _________________________________________________________________ > Tired of spam? 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From: HALLO ANKARA HERE IS MACEDONIA <hallo_ankara_here_is_macedonia@hotmail.com> Sent: Tuesday, January 20, 2004 1:33 PM To: oguzhan@eurovisionturkey.net CC: info@eurovisionturkey.net, televizyon@trt.net.tr, trthaber@trt.net.tr, radyo@trt.net.tr, tsr@trt.net.tr, yadb@trt.net.tr, market@trt.net.tr, yayynsikayet@trt.net.tr, trtdigital@trt.net.tr, telegun@trt.net.tr, webmaster@trt.net.tr, hallo_ankara_here_is_macedonia@hotmail.com Subject: Re: {Virus?} HALLO ANKARA HERE IS MACEDONIA !!!!!

Attachment: TheInternalMacedonianRevolutionaryOrganization-MacedoniafortheMacedonians(VMRO-MNM).doc (112 KB), TheNationalAnthemofMacedonia.doc (163 KB), PictureofthePresidentMr.LjupcoMircevski-TrepetoftheInternalMacedonianRevolutionaryOrganization-MacedoniafortheMacedonians(VMRO-MNM)!.doc (750 KB)

The Internal Macedonian Revolutionary Organization - Macedonia for the Macedonians (VMRO-MNM) !

The National Anthem of Macedonia.

Picture of the President Mr. Ljupco Mircevski-Trepet of the Internal Macedonian Revolutionary Organization - Macedonia for the Macedonians (VMRO-MNM)!.

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FROM: "Ljupco Mircevski-Trepet" trepet@vmro-mnm.com DATE: Thu, 14 Nov 2002 13:40:32 +0100 TO: "Pavlos Gyparis" pavlosg_louisgroup@hotmail.com CC: "Ljupco Mircevski-Trepet" trepet@vmro-mnm.com SUBJECT: Alo atina ovde e MAKEDONIJA! Hello athens here is MACEDONIA!

The Internal Macedonian Revolutionary Organization - Macedonia for the Macedonians (VMRO-MNM)!

November 14, 2002

To Pavlos Gyparis

I am writing to you regarding your false and provocative mails that you sent to the Macedonian Organization VMRO-MNM on October 4, 2002. Actually, you do not deserve any answer since you are not interested in the truth. The only interest you have in our Macedonian history is for the purpose of falsifying it and make it your own. Thus, everything you have written, as you and the rest of the Athenians already know, is inaccurate.

You have been brainwashed by your criminal politicians and fanatics and the Western World's dictatorship regime.

Since you are of Arabian descendent you are the newcomers on Macedonian territory. However, you have been successful in buying friends in the Western World, such as writers, so called historians and experts, politicians and journalists, for the purpose of stealing our Macedonian history, culture and traditions and falsify them to suit you, the newcomers of Arabian origin. I do understand why you are doing this. Since you are gangsters you do as all criminals do: You do not admit your crime and you continue to claim your innocence.

You Athenians are very lucky having the Western World's "historians", writers, professors, etc, helping you to steal the Macedonian history. Consequently, the children in the world read about "Greek" history, "Greek" culture, "Greek" traditions, "Greek" gods and "Greek" antiquity. The truth is, that there are no "Greek" belongings, all of this belongs to us, the Macedonians. It does not belong to you newcomers.

You Athenians have succeeded pretty well with the Macedonian traitors who you pay to destroy the identity of the Macedonian nation. The Asian Tatars ("Bulgarians"), the Albanians from Caucasus and the Serbs from the Armenian Mountains have also experienced the same success due to corrupt Macedonian traitors.

You mentioned the "presidents" Kiro Gligorov and Boris Trajkovski in your mails.

Boris Trajkovski-Vladika: "The beginnings of the statehood of the Macedonian Slavs go back to the end of the 10th century and beginning of the 11th, with the creation of Samoil's state. After the fall of Samoil's kingdom, during the centuries-long slavery, the wish for a state of its own never extinguished. This is proved by many uprisings against foreign rulers. In the more recent history, during the Ottoman Empire in the Balkans and in Macedonia occurred the most well-known national liberation uprisings, the Karpos uprising in 1689, the Kresna and Razlovci uprisings in 1878". (http://www.president.gov.mk/eng/makedonija.htm)

It comes to no surprise if they have made such statements since they are the greatest traitors. Naturally, they will one day have to pay a high price from their treason.

I am a Macedonian. I am proud of being a Macedonian. I am proud of working for my country Macedonia and my Macedonian people. I am proud of my Macedonian culture, history and traditions. I am proud of our Macedonian kings and heroes who have given their lives for the Macedonian country and the Macedonian people. I am proud of our Macedonian brothers, Kiril and Metodij, who gave us, as you can see on the picture, our Macedonian, not Athenian, alphabet.


I and the Macedonian Organization VMRO-MNM will fight for the liberation of our occupied territories and we will return our stolen history, culture and traditions.

I want to mention an important protocol that I received a couple of days ago regarding a conference that will be held in the occupied Macedonian town Solun on November 15, 2002, with representatives from different organizations and folk groups. In this protocol, the Macedonian nation and the Macedonian language is mentioned. However, such protocols and conferences cannot help the Macedonian people regaining everything that has been stolen and occupied by the newcomers since the only thing they bring up is the language. Thus, the Macedonian Organization VMRO-MNM do not accept such protocols because, to us, it is not enough to only discuss the language since there are many other issues that are more important to discuss, for example, the return of everything that has been stolen from the Macedonian nation, including the occupied territories.

If you Athenians, together with the EU and the UN, believe that you can trick the Macedonian people and the Macedonian Organization VMRO-MNM by only acknowledging the Macedonian language, you are wrong. Furthermore, we know that, even if this discussion is held, the language will still not be acknowledged. It might exist on a piece of paper but not in the real world. This is only an act performed by you fascist Athenians, the EU and the UN.

Alo "atina", "sofija", "belgrad" i "tirana" ovde e MAKEDONIJA!

Hallo "athens", "sofija", "belgrad" and "tirana" here is MACEDONIA!






Ljupco Mircevski-Trepet President of the Macedonian Organization VMRO-MNM



TEL. ++.3850.22570 E-mail: greblul@otenet.gr




On 26 January 2002 a meeting was arranged in Thessaloniki by the European Bureau for Lesser Used Languages for representatives of the linguistic minorities of Greece.

This historic meeting ended with a decision to create the Greek Committee of the European Bureau for Lesser Used Languages, in other words a committee of the Greek Section of the EBLUL.

The membership of the Greek Committee of the EBLUL will be as follows:

Chairman: Athanasios Parisis (Member of the Centre for Macedonian Culture) Deputy Chairman: Sotirios Bletsas (President of the Society for Aroumounic (Vlach) Culture) Secretary: Ibram Onsunoglu (Member of the Turkish Minority Movement for Human and Minority Rights) Member: Petros Kazias (Member of the Centre for Macedonian Culture) Member: Georgios Tsamitros (Member of the Society for Aroumounic (Vlach) Culture) Member: Abdulhalim Dede (Member of the Turkish Minority Movement for Human and Minority Rights)

The objectives of the Greek Committee of the EBLUL are clearly set out in its charter:

1) To preserve and promote the minority languages of Greece, specifically the Aroumounic (Vlach), Macedonian, Pomak and Turkish languages. 2) To seek the introduction of the minority languages into the Greek educational system, in those regions where these languages are spoken. 3) To endeavour to preserve and promote the cultures of the aforesaid minority languages.

The Greek Committee of the European Bureau for Lesser Used Languages, in association with the Brussels Central Bureau, under the aegis and with the funding of the European Union, will endeavour to realise in tangible form its philosophy, namely the need to save and promote a peaceful and multicultural United Europe.

Report on Helsinki Conference Creation of Joint Structures for Historic Linguistic Minorities in the European Union

Naousa 16 October

A delegation from the Greek Committee of the EBLUL, consisting of Messrs. Athanasios Parisis, Committee Chairman, and Sotirios Bletsas, Deputy Chairman, attended the Conference held in Helsinki, Finland, on 11-12 October 2002. The Conference was held to discuss the subject: ‘Creation of joint structures for the historic linguistic minorities in the European Union’.

The Conference was organised by the Swedish Assembly of Finland, the National Finnish Association of Sweden, the EU Mission and the Ministry for Language of the Welsh Assembly.

Our delegation also participated in the work of the EBLUL Conference.

The Conference was addressed by Bojan Brezigar, President of the EBLUL, Paavo Lipponen, Finnish Prime Minister, Martti Ahtisaari, former President of Finland, Viviane Riding, EU Commissioner for Education and Culture, Asrid Thors, Finnish Euro MP, Ulpu Livari, Euro MP, Jean-Luc Dehaene, former Prime Minister of Belgium, and Colin H. Williams, Minister for Wales.

The theme of the Conference was a timely one, and very relevant indeed to the problems we are facing at the present time. It is connected to two key questions: the impending expansion of the European Union, and the control of developments in south-eastern Europe following recent upheavals.

Mr. Martti Ahtisaari, chairing the Conference, spoke among other things of the necessity of ensuring the protection of human rights and diversity in the current member states.

In discussion of the role of the EU in respect of minority languages, it was agreed that efforts must be made to encourage the development of basic standards, in accordance with which the member states will take appropriate measures, on the basis of their own individual cultures.

Given that in several member states of the EU the protection of linguistic rights is problematic, the Union’s role as coordinator in the development of these standards is of great importance.

M. Jean-Luc Dehaene, former Prime Minister of Belgium, stressed that the European Union must play its part when we are discussing the linguistic diversity of a future Europe. He also stressed the need for a strong constitutional basis, which will commit the European Union in its stance on linguistic and cultural difference.

It must be made clear in the future European Constitution that all languages have the same value and the same dignity.

Mrs. Viviane Riding, EU Commissioner for Education and Culture, described current EU plans for future policy on linguistic diversity.

Before the end of the year a consultation document will be published, setting out the future measures on linguistic diversity and the learning of languages in a European perspective.

The result of this process will be an exchange of views and cooperation between the European Parliament and the European Commission on the launching of an action plan.

Mr. Brezigar, President of the EBLUL, stressed the need to define minimum standards for the protection and promotion of regional and minority languages and to include them in future EU legislation.

This will benefit not only the linguistic communities, but the EU itself, allowing it to avoid future tension and possible conflict within the new member states. Mr. Brezigar also referred to the definition of entry criteria, in Copenhagen in 1993, where respect for minorities is a requirement which must be met by the candidate states.

Finally, Mr. Lipponen, Prime Minister of Finland, referred to the state of the linguistic groups in his own country and described the measures being taken to develop linguistic and cultural diversity.

Finland has two national languages recognised by the Constitution, Finnish and Swedish. He reminded his audience that the Swedish linguistic minority constituted only 6% of the population, an indication of the strength and flexibility required. Strength for each person to use his mother tongue; flexibility in the support for this from Finnish-speakers. He also emphasised the demand for the use of Swedish wherever required.

Flexibility is necessary in understanding that the fundamental principle of equality cannot be applied automatically. The Finnish-speakers, who make up 92% of the population, need to be encouraged to learn another language in order to acquire the ability to understand the situation.

The Chairman Thanasis Parisis


Naousa 21 October 2002

The 1st International Conference of the Brussels EBLUL (European Bureau for Lesser Used Languages) will be held in Thessaloniki on Friday 15 November 2002.

The Conference will be attended by representatives from the European Parliament, the Council of Europe, the Brussels EBLUL and various foreign experts in minority language issues.

On the Greek side, delegates to the Conference will include representatives of the linguistic minorities, specifically of the Aroumounic, Macedonian, Turkish and Pomak languages.

Finally, there will be addresses of welcome or brief speeches by representatives of Greek Non-Government Organisations.

Alo Atina ovde e Makedonija. Hello Athens Here is Macedonia..doc (Binary attachment)

FROM: "VMRO-MNM" macedonia_for_the_macedonians@vmro-mnm.com DATE: Thu, 14 Nov 2002 14:58:15 +0100 TO: GREEK COMMITTEE OF THE EUROPEAN BUREAU FOR LESSER USED LANGUAGES greblul@otenet.gr, "Mr. Ljupco Mircevski-Trepet" trepet@vmro-mnm.com, "Pavlos Gyparis" pavlosg_louisgroup@hotmail.com CC: "VMRO-MNM" macedonia_for_the_macedonians@vmro-mnm.com, VMRO-MNM vmro-mnm@vmro-mnm.com, VMRO-MNM info@vmro-mnm.com SUBJECT: Alo atina ovde e MAKEDONIJA! Hello athens here is MACEDONIA!

The Internal Macedonian Revolutionary Organization - Macedonia for the Macedonians (VMRO-MNM) !


Alo Atina ovde e Makedonija. Hello Athens Here is Macedonia..doc (Binary attachment)

E-mails from Athenian Nazis and Fascists to VMRO-MNM and the organization's answer to these provocative mails!

FROM: "vmro-mnm" vmro-mnm@vmro-mnm.com | Save Address DATE: Fri, 4 Oct 2002 16:18:30 +0200 TO: "G-din. Ljupco Mircevski-Trepet" trepet@vmro-mnm.com SUBJECT: Lazhna i provokatorska propaganda od azijatskoto-arabsko karpetinsko pleme koj shto po novo se narekuvat "grci" !

FROM: "Pavlos Gyparis" pavlosg_louisgroup@hotmail.com | Save Address DATE: Fri, 04 Oct 2002 14:05:21 +0300 TO: "VMRO-MNM" info@vmro-mnm.com SUBJECT: The truth about Macedonia...

The truth about Macedonia... ? Simple answers to frequently used Slavic arguments "Greece officially denied the use of the name Macedonia after the Balkan wars." This is a very inaccurate argument. There are several examples of state institutions and private businesses using the name Macedonia which operate in Greece since the early 1900s. These are just a few of them: The "Macedonia" newspaper (1912) The Society for Macedonian Studies (1939) [web site] The museum of ancient Macedonia (1961) [web site] The museum of the Macedonian struggle (1979) [web site] Greece has been actively using the name Macedonia since its liberation from the Ottoman empire. If Greece's official position was to "deny the existence of Macedonia" how would it be possible for hundreds of private companies to be named after Macedonia? "Greece has changed the "Macedonian" names of locations in the Macedonia region." The Greek names are older than the Slavic ones and most of them have their roots in ancient Greece. The Greek names of the towns in Macedonia are also mentioned in the Bible. A characteristic example is Thessaloniki. This city was founded in 315 bc by the Macedonian king Kasssandros and it was named after Alexanders' half sister - Thessaloniki. How could the Greeks change the name from Solun (as the Slavs claim) to Thessaloniki in 1912 if that was the original name? The name Thessaloniki is even mentioned in the bible by St Paul. Why did he address his letters (epistoles) to the people of Thessaloniki and not the to the people of Solun? What about the Greek names of towns inside FYROM used during the Ottoman times? Did Greece change them as well? "Today's 'Greeks' and ancient 'Hellenes have no relation between them." How is it possible for the people who live in the same region, speak the same language and have the same names and culture not to be descendants of the ancient inhabitants of the region? Similarly we could say that today's Egyptians are not descendants of ancient Egyptians and today's Chinese people are not descedants of ancient Chinese. The name 'Greek' is in fact ancient as well as the famous philosopher Aritotelis verifies: "...and she was not there forever, but after the cataclysm of Defkalion, which occurred in the Hellenic area, in fact, in the ancient Hellas, which was around Dodoni, and it changed many times the flow of Acheloos river. In that area live the Selloi and the ones that were once called Graecoi and are now called Hellenes..." [Aristotelis Meteorologika, I, 14] "There is a large Macedonian minority in Greece" There is no "Macedonian minority" in Greece because there is no such nationality. There is a small group of people who speak a Slavic dialect which is in fact different from what is claimed to be the "Macedonian language" These people are not a "Macedonian minority" as they consider themselves Greeks. There is also an even smaller group of Slav propagandists who are trying to create a Macedonian minority in Greece. Anyone who didn't consider him/herself Greek could and should have left Greece during the exchange of populations in 1919. "One million people in Greece consider themselves Macedonians" In the 1996 parliament elections in Greece the political party of the people who claim to be a "Macedonian minority" gained 3.485 votes (official result). In the 2000 parliament elections they didn't take up part at all. Of course there is no doubt of the integrity of the election procedures since Greece is a member of the European Union. If there was such a large number of "Macedonians" in Greece (1/10th) wouldn't be easy for them to stand up against the "Greek occupation"? "Greece acquired illegally Aegean Macedonia in 1913" Greece acquired 51% of Macedonia in 1913 as a result of the treaty of Bucharest. International treaties are not illegal. Furthermore Greece in 1913 was not a powerful country to acquire any land it desired. This land was "given" to Greece because it historically belonged to Greece and its residents were Greek. "What gives Greece the right to name another country? This issue is straightforward, every country has the right to call itself whatever it wishes." This is a misleading statement. The author knows very well why Greece is objecting to the use of the name Macedonia. In fact every country has the right to chose its own name as far as it does not belong to another country's history. The name Macedonia belongs to the Greek history. Greece has the right to protect its history and heritage. "Saints Cyril and Methdje (or Kirl and Metodi) were not Greeks but Macedonians." Saints Cyrilos and Methodios were Greeks born in Thessaloniki and this is well known to all Christians. Pope John Paul the B' in an official apostolic homily to the entire Catholic Church proclaimed that Methodius and Cyril "Greek brethren born in Thessaloniki" are consecrated as "heavenly protectors of Europe". John Paul B' repeated this statement in a speech delivered in the church of Saint Clements, in Rome. You can see the original document here. "Greece stole the Macedonian history" Greece does not 'steal' history. It has its own lengthy and respected history. It is the only thing that Greece has plenty of it. The Greek history and culture is respected by all the countries in the world. People who don't have their own history need to 'steal' someone else's... "Linguistic science has at its disposal a very limited quantity of Macedonian words. A very limited quantity in this case is a quantity indeed, that Greeks cannot ignore." This argument proves the Greek point that the "Macedonian language" was a Greek a dialect. There only exists "a limited quantity of Macedonian words" because the Macedonian dialect had "limited" differences from the Greek language. How could it be possible for a separate "ancient Macedonian language" to disappeared after what Alexander had achieved? "If Philip united and not conquered the Greeks why did Alexander leave 25.000 men of his army in Macedonia when he is about to face the strongest and most numerous army in the world?" No sensible leader would go on a quest taking ALL his army with him and leaving his homeland unprotected! And of course he did not leave 25.000 men in Macedonia because he was afraid of the other Greeks. Macedonia had lots of real enemies at its northern border (Illyrians, Dardanians,Paionians etc). "If Macedonians were Greek then why only 30% of Alexander's army were Greek?" The right question to ask is 'why as many as 30% of Alexander's army were from the rest of Greece?' After all Macedonians and Greeks were supposed to be enemies! The Macedonians 'conquered' the Greeks according to the Slavic version of the Macedonian history. The fact that a very significant part of Alexander's army were non-Macedonian Greeks shows the truth. "Ancient Macedonians did not take part in the Olympic Games" This is another false statement. It can be easily proved that people from Macedonia took part in the Olympic Games. For a list Macedonians who won the Olympic Games the click here. "Ancient Macedonians fought against Greece." This is another misleading statement. It is well known that the ancient Greek states were largely independed of each other and that often led to wars between them. Some well-known examples are the Peolloponisian was between Athens and Sparti, the Athenians quest in the island of Mitilini, the brutal war between Sparti and Thebes and many more. A war between two ancient Greek regions did not mean that one of them was not Greek. "There are no ancient monuments written in the Macedonian language because Greek archaeologists destroy them when they are recovered." Even if we accept that this is true it still doesn't explain why aren't there any monuments in the rest of Macedonia! What about the ancient monuments in FYROM and Bulgaria? What about the ancient monuments on Alexander's route in Asia? Why aren't there any "non Greek Macedonian monuments" ? Oh, I know why! The Greek archaeologists must have destroyed them as well !!! "If in fact, "Macedonia is Greece", how come they feel the need to emphasize, to shout, and to proclaim over and over again? After all, we never hear them proclaiming that 'Thebes is Greece', or 'Sparta is Greece' ". If the Salvs wanted to name heir country "Republic of Thebes" or "Republic of Sparta" who would shout out "Thebes and Sparta are Greek". But they are claiming to be Macedonians so we shout that "MACEDONIA WAS GREEK" "MACEDONIA IS GREEK" "MACEDONIA WILL BE FOREVER GREEK"

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FROM: "Pavlos Gyparis" pavlosg_louisgroup@hotmail.com | Save Address DATE: Fri, 04 Oct 2002 14:11:35 +0300 TO: "VMRO-MNM" info@vmro-mnm.com SUBJECT: Are FYROM's residents Macedonians?

? A quick review of the Fyromian web sites wil prove that they seem to be confused themselves: Some of them believe they are descedants of ancient Macedonians Some of them beleive that they can consider themeselves Macedonians since they live in a part of what used to be ancient Macedonia Some of them believe they are Macedonians but not directly linked to ancient Macedonians Some of them believe they are Macedonians because they are free to call themselves as they like(!!!) The official web site of the president of FYROM states clearly that these people came to Macedonia at the end 10th century: "The beginnings of the statehood of the Macedonian Slaves go back to the end of the 10th century and beginning of the 11t, with the creation of Samoil's state." Link: http://www.president.gov.mk/eng/makedonija.htm

Also the first president of FYROM president Mr. Kiro Gligorov confirmed twice that they are not related to the ancient Macedonians:

"We are Slavs who came to this area in the sixth century ... we are not descendants of the ancient Macedonians." (from the Foreign Information Service Daily Report, Eastern Europe, February 26, 1992, p. 35. )

"We are Macedonians but we are Slav Macedonians. That's who we are! We have no connection to Alexander the Greek and his Macedonia. The ancient Macedonians no longer exist, they had disappeared from history long time ago. Our ancestors came here in the 5th and 6th century (A.D)." (from the Toronto Star newspaper, March 15, 1992)

The following questions are obvious: Why do you call yourselves "Macedonians" and your language "Macedonian"? Why do you use ancient Macedonian symbols if they don't belong to you? The historic truth is that the Slavs descented into the region not before the 6th century long after ancient Macedonia was homogenized with the rest of Greece. They don't have any historical cultural or linguistic ties with ancient Macedonia and they would be realy foolish if they officialy claimed that they did. There is no historic or archaeological evidence connecting them with ancient Macedonia.

In any case occupying 25% of ancient Macedonian land does not give them the right to steal the Macedonian history and culture. The Macedonian civilization was part of the ancient Greek civilization. This is well known and recorded in history books. It is part of Greece's national inheritance and it can not be used by anyone else.

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FROM: "Pavlos Gyparis" pavlosg_louisgroup@hotmail.com | Save Address DATE: Fri, 04 Oct 2002 14:16:56 +0300 TO: "VMRO-MNM" info@vmro-mnm.com SUBJECT: Why FYROM should not be named "Macedonia"

The truth about Macedonia...


FYROM's residents have no historical cultural or linguistic ties with ancient Macedonia.

The heart of ancient Macedonia was not in the teritory which FYROM occupies but in the Greek part of Macedonia were all the major archaeological discoveries took place.

The name "Republic of Macedonia implies a teritorial threat against Greece and other countries and it creates a great risk of renewed ethnic conflict in the Balkans.

The area of FYROM was never called "Macedonia" before the 2nd World War. This name was given to the Southern Yugoslavian providence by General Tito aiming to create conflicts in the region and to obtain Greek and Bulgarian teritories. Before the 2nd World War FYROM was called Vardarska.

FYROM's population is a mixture of many different ethnic groups. Only 60% of them are "Macedonians". There is also a large minority of Albanians (30%) and smaller groups of Serbs Turks, Greeks and others.

Ancient Macedonia and its civilization was part of the ancient Greek civilization.


Some suggestions for FYROM's permanent name: The name this region used since the 2nd world war - Vardarska The ancient name of the region - Paionia A name which describes the country geographicaly - Central Balkan Republic

Related links

Are FYROM's residents Macedonians? http://truth.macedonia.gr/index02.html The vision of "Greater Macedonia" [External link] http://uranus.eng.auth.gr/new/eng/macedonia/kofos/

© Real Macedonia 2001

The truth about Macedonia...

? What do the scholars say? From "A History of Macedonia" by Malcom Errington (Philipps-Universitat in Marburg, Germany) University of California Press, 1993

Page 3 "That the Macedonians and their kings did in fact speak a dialect of Greek and bore Greek names may be regarded nowadays as certain."

Page 4 "Ancient allegations that the Macedonians were non-Greek all had their origin in Athens at the time of the struggle with Philip II."

From "Alexander's empire" by John Pentland Mahaffy (University of Dublin, Ireland) G Putnam's sons, London, 1881

Page 8 "... for with Alexander the stage of Greek influence spread across the world. "

From "The tutorial history of Greece, to 323 B.C. : from the earliest times to the death of Demosthenes" by W. J. Woodhouse (Universiy of Sydney, Australia) University Tutorial Press, 1904, (reprinted 1944)

Page 216 " This was Macedonia in the strict sense, the land where settled immigrands of Greek stock later to be called Macedonians"

From "The Western Experience" by Mortimer Chambers (University of California), Raymond Grew (University of Michigan), David Herlihy (Harvard University), Theodore Rabb (Princeton University) and Isser Woloch (Columbia University) Alfred A. Knopf, New York, 2nd edition , 1997

Page 79 "THE MONARCHS OF MACEDONIA: Macedonia (or Macedon) was an ancient, somewhat backward kingdom in northen Greece. Its emergence as a Hellenic power was due to a resourceful king, Philip II (359-336), whose career has been unjustly overshadowed by the deeds of his son, Alexander the Great".

? What do the ancient historians say? » On the origin on the Macedonians » On the language of the Macedonians » On the religion of the Macedonians » On the culture of the Macedonians » On the geography of Macedonia » What did the Macedonians think of themselves? » What did the rest of the Greeks think? http://truth.macedonia.gr/quotes.html#origin

On the origin of the Macedonians

The Greek origin of the Macedonians is proven by the vast majority of the ancient historians. Diodoros of Sicily talks about the links of Alexander to the Greek mythology (Diodoros, Historical Library 17.1.5):

"On his father's side Alexander was a descendant of Heracles and on his mother's he could claim the blood of the Aeacids, so that from his ancestors on both sides he inherited the physical and moral qualities of greatness." Herodotus confirms that the Macedonians were people of Greek origin (Histories of Herodotus Book 5, paragraph 22.1)

"Now that these descendants of Perdiccas are Greeks, as they themselves say, I myself chance to know and will prove it in the later part of my history.That they are so has been already adjudged by those who manage the Pan-Hellenic contest at Olympia. " And later on (Book 8, paragraph 137.1) he verifies it:

"This Alexander was seventh in descent from Perdiccas, who got for himself the tyranny of Macedonia in the way that I will show. Three brothers of the lineage of Temenus came as banished men from Argos to Illyria, Gauanes and Aeropus and Perdiccas; and from Illyria they crossed over into the highlands of Macedonia till they came to the town Lebaea." Also in the very first book of his "Histories" (paragraph 56.3 ) Herodotus states about the origin of the Greek people:

"For in the days of king Deucalion it inhabited the land of Phthia, then the country called Histiaean, under Ossa and Olympus, in the time of Dorus son of Hellen; driven from this Histiaean country by the Cadmeans, it settled about Pindus in the territory called Macedonian; from there again it migrated to Dryopia, and at last came from Dryopia into the Peloponnese, where it took the name of Dorian." Thoukididis also verifies that the Macedonian kings' origin was from the Greek town of Argos (Book 2, 99.3):

"The country on the sea coast, now called Macedonia, was first acquired by Alexander, the father of Perdiccas, and his ancestors, originally Temenids from Argos." Aristotelis, the teacher of Alexander the Great says about the rivers in Macedonia (Meteorologika, Book I, Par. 13):

"Of the rivers in the Greek world, the Achelous flows from Pindus, the Inachus from the same mountain; the Strymon, the Nestus, and the Hebrus all three from Scombrus; many rivers, too, flow from Rhodope." Finally Isocratis states (To Philip, paragraph 32):

"Argos is the land of your fathers, and is entitled to as much consideration at your hands as are your own ancestors;"

On the language of the Macedonians

The Macedonians spoke the Greek language as the ancient authors verify. The Roman writer Titus Livius says : (from "The Foundation of the City", Paragraph 31)

"The Aitolians, the Akarnanians, the Macedonians, men of the same language, are united or disunited by trivial causes that arise from time to time; with aliens, with barbarians, all Greeks wage and will wage eternal war; for they are enemies by the will of nature, which is eternal, and not from reasons that change from day to day." Didorus of Sicily (17.67.1) says:

"After this Alexander left Dareius's mother, his daughters, and his son in Susa, providing them with persons to teach them the Greek language, and marching on with his army on the fourth day reached the Tigris River. "

On the religion of the Macedonians

The Macedonians had the same religion as the rest of the Greeks, they worshiped the twelve Olympian Gods.

Two quotes from Plutarch's "Alexander"

"Philip, after this vision, sent Chaeron of Megalopolis to consult the oracle of Apollo at Delphi, by which he was commanded to perform sacrifice, and henceforth pay particular honour, above all other gods, to Zeus;"

"He [Alexander he Great] erected altars, also, to the gods, which the kings of the Praesians even in our time do honour to when they pass the river, and offer sacrifice upon them after the Greek manner." Diodoros of Sicily also makes clear that the Macedonnians worshiped the twelve Greek Gods:

Histories, Chapter 16, 95.2

"Along with lavish display of every sort, Philip included in the procession statues of the twelve Gods brought with great artistry and adorned with a dazzling show of wealth to strike awe to the beholder, and along with these was conducted a thirteenth statue, suitable for a god, that of Philip himself, so that the king exhibited himself enthroned among the twelve Gods." Histories, Chapter 16, 91.5-6

"He (King Philip) wanted as many Greeks as possible to take part in the festivities in honour of the gods, and so planned brilliant musical contests and lavish banquets for his friends and guests. Out of all Greece he summoned his personal guest-friends and ordered the members of his court to bring along as many as they could of their acquaintances from abroad."

On the culture of the Macedonians

"Alexandros observed that his soldiers were exhausted with their constant campaigns. ... The hooves of the horses had been worn thin by steady marching. The arms and armour were wearing out, and the Hellenic clothing was quite gone. They had to clothe themselves in materials of the barbarians,..." (Diodoros of Sicily 17.94.1-2)

On the geography of Macedonian

The great philosopher Aristotelis (Aristotle) considers the rivers in Macedonias as "rivers in the Greek world"

"Of the rivers in the Greek world, the Achelous flows from Pindus, the Inachus from the same mountain; the Strymon, the Nestus, and the Hebrus all three from Scombrus; many rivers, too, flow from Rhodope. ..." (Aristotelis, Meteorology, Book 1, Par. 13) and later on he says:

"The deluge in the time of Deucalion, for instance, took place chiefly in the Greek world and in it especially about ancient Hellas, the country about Dodona and the Achelous, a river which has often changed its course. Here the Selli dwelt and those who were formerly called Graeci and now Hellenes..." (Aristotelis, Meteorology, Book 1, Par. 13)

What did the Macedonians think of themselves?

It is very clear from the surviving ancient sources that the Macedonians considered themselves to be Greeks.

In Herodotus (Book 9, paragraph 45.2) Alexander I , king of Macedonia says:

"... I myself am by ancient descent a Greek, and I would not willingly see Hellas change her freedom for slavery ..." Alexander III (the Great) talking to the king of the Persians says: (Arrian, Anabasis of Alexander II,14,4)

"Your ancestors invaded Macedonia and the rest of Greece and did us great harm, though we had done them no prior injury [...] I have been appointed hegemon of the Greeks [...] " Arrian ("Alexander the Great" 1,16,7) describes the following incident: After winning an important battle in Asia ... "He [Alexander the Great] sent to Athens three hundred Persian panoplies to be set up to Athena in the acropolis; he ordered this inscription to be attached: Alexander son of Philip and the Hellenes, except the Lacedaemonians, set up these spoils from the barbarians dwelling in Asia" (Diodoros of Sicily 16.93.1) "Every seat in the theater was taken when Philip appeared wearing a white cloak and by his express orders his bodyguard held away from him and followed only at a distance, since he wanted to show publicly that he was protected by the goodwill of all the Hellenes, and had no need of a guard of spearmen."

And from Flavious Josephus (11.8.5) we have the following incident where Alexander clearly considers himself a Greek:

"And when the book of Daniel was showed to him (Alexander the Great) wherein Daniel declared that one of the Greeks should destroy the empire of the Persians, he supposed that himself was the person intended"

What did the rest of the Greeks think?

The ancient Greek people alwayws considered the Macedonians to be Greek as well. This can be easily proved because the Macedonians were members of all the Greek institutions, such as the Delphic amphictiony:

Pausanias writes in his book "Description of Greece" (10.3.3):

"The Phocians were deprived of their share in the Delphic sanctuary and in the Greek assembly, and their votes were given by the Amphictyons to the Macedonians." and also in his book "Phokis" (8,2 & 4): "They say that these were the tribes collected by Amphiktyon himself in the Hellenic Assembly: [...] the Macedonians joined and the entire Phocian race [...] In my day there were thirty members: six from each of Nikopolis, Macedonia and Thessaly [...] " Aeschines (On the Embassy 2.32) gives evidence of the Macedonian king Amyntas taking part at the congress of the Lacedaemonian allies and the other Greeks:

"For at a congress of the Lacedaemonian allies and the other Greeks, in which Amyntas, the father of Philip, being entitled to a seat, was represented by a delegate whose vote was absolutely under his control, he joined the other Greeks in voting to help Athens to recover possession of Amphipolis. As proof of this I presented from the public records the resolution of the Greek congress and the names of those who voted". Isocratis, one of the most impotant orators of ancient Greece says in his speach "To Philip" addressed to King Philip II of Macedonia (Paragaraph 127):

"Therefore, since the others are so lacking in spirit, I think it is opportune for you to head the war against the King; and, while it is only natural for the other descendants of Heracles, and for men who are under the bonds of their polities and laws, to cleave fondly to that state in which they happen to dwell, it is your privilege, as one who has been blessed with untrammeled freedom, to consider all Greece your fatherland, as did the founder of your race, and to be as ready to brave perils for her sake as for the things about which you are personally most concerned." The Sicilian historian Diodoros says in his history about King Philip of Macedonia (Diodoros, Historical Library 16.95.1-2) "Such was the end of Philip, who had made himself the greatest of the kings in Europe in his time, and because of the extent of his kingdom had made himself a throned companion of the twelve gods. He had ruled twenty-four years. He is known to fame as one who with but the slenderest resources to support his claim to a throne won for himself the greatest empire in the Greek world, while the growth of his position was not due so much to his prowess in arms as to his adroitness and cordiality in diplomacy. Even the Persians considerd Macedonia a part of Greece! The Persian king Mardonius says : (From the Histories of Herodotus Book 7, Paragraph 9.1-2).

"We know the manner of their battle- we know how weak their power is; already have we subdued their children who dwell in our country, the Ionians, Aeolians, and Dorians. I myself have had experience of these men when I marched against them by the orders of thy father; and though I went as far as Macedonia, and came but a little short of reaching Athens itself, yet not a soul ventured to come out against me to battle. [...] Yet the Greeks are accustomed to wage wars, as I learn, and they do it most senselessly in their wrongheadedness and folly [...]. Since they speak the same language, they should end their disputes by means of heralds or messengers, or by any way rather than fighting; if they must make war upon each other, they should each discover where they are in the strongest position and make the attempt there. The Greek custom, then, is not good; and when I marched as far as the land of Macedonia, it had not come into their minds to fight." Mardonius marched against the Greeks and he "went as far as Macedonia, and came but a little short of reaching Athens itself". Obviously he considers Macedonia a part of Greece!

Related links

How the Slavic propaganda exploits the ancient sources to dispute the Greek identity of the ancient Macedonians. http://truth.macedonia.gr/distortion.html What do today's scholars say about the identity of the ancient Macedonians? http://truth.macedonia.gr/scholars.html

[ © Real Macedonia 2001

© Real Macedonia 2001

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FROM: "vmro-mnm" vmro-mnm@vmro-mnm.com | Save Address DATE: Fri, 4 Oct 2002 16:54:43 +0200 TO: "G-din. Ljupco Mircevski-Trepet" trepet@vmro-mnm.com SUBJECT: Prokleti Makedonski izrodi-predavnichki // http://www.president.gov.mk/eng/makedonija.htm



plural elections declaration of sovereignity referendum constitution declaration of international recognition adhesion of the Republic of Macedonia to the UN integration in the European Union Symbols

The Republic of Macedonia was established as an outcome of the century-long struggle of the Macedonian people for national liberation and for a state of its own. The beginnings of the statehood of the Macedonian Slavs go back to the end of the 10th century and beginning of the 11th, with the creation of Samoil's state. After the fall of Samoil's kingdom, during the centuries-long slavery, the wish for a state of its own never extinguished. This is proved by many uprisings against foreign rulers. In the more recent history, during the Ottoman Empire in the Balkans and in Macedonia occurred the most well-known national liberation uprisings, the Karpos uprising in 1689, the Kresna and Razlovci uprisings in 1878. The foundations of the modern Macedonian state were established during the Ilinden uprising in 1903, with the proclamation of the Krusevo Republic (in the town of Krusevo), as the first Republic on the Balkans. Nikola Karev was declared first president of the first Macedonian Republic. Less than a decade after the Ilinden uprising was violently quelled, Macedonian and the Macedonian people undergo some of the most tragic times of their history. After the Balkan wars in 1912 and 1913 Macedonia was divided among the neighboring Balkan countries whereas the Macedonian people are subjected to denationalization, assimilation and genocide. The contemporary Republic of Macedonia is situated on the territory that became part of Serbia after the Balkan wars. (later within Yugoslavia). In the course of the Second World War, in August 2, (on the Ilinden Day) in 1944, the First Session of then Anti Fascist Assembly of the National Liberation (ASNOM) was held in the Monastery of St. Prohor of Pcinja. At this session, the foundations of the modern Republic of Macedonia were established, as a member of the Democratic Yugoslav Federation.

The first Macedonian Constitution adopted on December 31, 1946, declares the People's Republic of Macedonia as a state - a constitutive member of the Yugoslav Federation. In accordance with the Constitution of April 7, 1963, it was named as Socialist Republic of Macedonia and remained such until June 7,1991 when the Assembly passed a constitutional amendment deleting the designation "Socialist" from the state's name, establishing its present name - Republic of Macedonia.


In accordance with the new Law on Elections and the new Law on Political Organization of Citizens, first democratic plural elections were held on November 11, 1990.


In January 25, 1991, the new multi party Assembly adopted the Declaration on Sovereignty of the Republic, which, among other things, defines the Republic of Macedonia as a sovereign state, which decides independently about its future relations with the states of the other peoples of Yugoslavia, in accordance with its own interests,


After the dissolution of the Socialist Federative Republic of Yugoslavia, to which pertained the Republic of Macedonia, the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia proclaims a referendum on which the citizens had to decide for a secession from the Yugoslav federation and for the proclamation of an independent Republic of Macedonia.

At the referendum held on September 8, 1991, more than 90% of the citizens that voted were in favor of a sovereign and independent Republic of Macedonia.

Based upon the results of the referendum, the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia, in September 17, 1991, adopted a Declaration on Independence. The Declaration states that the Republic of Macedonia as a sovereign and independent state will strive for consistent observance of the generally accepted principles of the international relations contained in the Charter and other documents of the United Nations Organization, the CSCE Final Act from Helsinki and the CSCE Paris Charter, and that this will be the basis of its international relations.


In November 17, 1991, the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia adopted and proclaimed the new Constitution of the Republic of Macedonia, which confirmed the state's name, and the Republic of Macedonia was defined as a sovereign, independent, democratic and welfare state. The sovereignty derives from the citizens and belongs to them. The Republic of Macedonia is organized in accordance with the principles of modern democratic and parliamentary states. The Constitution of the Republic of Macedonia follows the principles of a democratic political system and there is a multiparty parliamentary system.


In December 19, 1991, the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia adopted a Declaration on the International Recognition of the Republic of Macedonia as a Sovereign and Independent State.


The Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia in July 29, 1992, passed a decision on the membership of the Republic of Macedonia in the United Nations Organization as a sovereign and independent state. Shortly after that, the President of the Republic of Macedonia submitted a formal application for admission of the Republic of Macedonia as a member of the UN. The Republic of Macedonia was accepted as member of the UN in April 8, 1993. The Republic of Macedonia has accepted the Declaration and other UN documents, the principals of the modern international relations and the existing standards within the international law.


One of the strategic orientations of the Republic of Macedonia as a state and of its citizens is the integration in the family of European nations, where we belong both geographically and from a civilizing point of view. As a result of the democratic processes in the state and of its contribution to the stability and peace in the region, the Republic of Macedonia has done its first step to a full integration in the European Union and in Euro Atlantic structures, by signing the Stabilization and Association Agreement with the EU on April 6, 2001.

Read about Athenian Fascists and terrorists who threatens to kill Mr Ljupco Mircevski-Trepet, the leader of the Macedonian Organization VMRO-MNM (Macedonia for the Macedonians).

FROM: "Ljupco Mircevski-Trepet" trepet@vmro-mnm.com DATE: Thu, 9 Jan 2003 14:53:44 0100 TO: VMRO-MNM vmro-mnm@vmro-mnm.com, VMRO-MNM macedonia_for_the_macedonians@vmro-mnm.com, VMRO-MNM info@vmro-mnm.com, Macedonian Revolutionary macedonian_revolutionary@hotmail.com SUBJECT: Zakani od atinjanski nacisti, fasisti i teroristi!!!!

FROM: "x x" death4you@vip.gr DATE: Thu, 9 Jan 2003 13:12:29 0200 TO: "Ljupco Mircevski-Trepet" trepet@vmro-mnm.com SUBJECT: You gipsy mother-f u c k e r!

I know you, you gipsy mother - fucker! You are nothing than a fucking gipsy! I know where you go, where you eat, where you you shit. I know that fucking gipsies have to die! And you 'll die very soon from a Greek-macedonian hand. Enjoy your last fucking days in the earth!

Alexandros and .. friends . ____________________________________________________

ÁðïêôÞóôå Ýíá áðüññçôï, ÄÙÑÅÁÍ email ìå ðñïóùðéêüôçôá áðï ôçí NET FORCE! http://www.vip.gr http://www.netforce.gr ____________________________________________________

The "Albanians" demand human rights, rights that they already have. What they actually want is weapon and war and build their Great "Albania".

This is some of the e-mails the Organization VMRO-MNM has received from Caucasian Albanians. They are written in English, Serbian and Macedonian.


From: ELVIS NUSHI elvis_nushi@altavista.com To: vmro_mnm@hotmail.com Subject: IS MACEDONIA WHAT YOU SAY IT IS? Dare: 5 Dec 2000 21:30:49 -0800

Dear Macedonian friend,

i am sending u this message because i would like to remind you certain things about Macedonia and Macedonians as well as the rest of the people that you are trying to INSULT in your site. Macedonians are a Slavic people since they speak a Slavic language and have a Slavic heritage. Slavs are the last people to come in the Balkan peninsula -much later than the Indo-European tribes arrived there, referring to the Greeks and Albanians,-the country is officially called Greece and the people Greek not Athens and Athenians -something which is common knowledge-the Slavic alphabet has been adopted by the greek since the greek language was written much earlier than the Slavic -the area that is occupied by the former Yugoslavia first belonged to the Illyrians -ancestors of Albanians- so please watch what you are saying P.S. do some research before you expose something on the World Wide Web.

From: "Studio SKENDERBEU" To: trepet@vmro-mnm.com Subject: SKENDERBEU Date: Fri, 8 Dec 2000 01:27:57 -0500


Why you are sending this e-mail to us??????? We know the TRUTH about Macedonia! Go and talk to someone who doesn't know it!!! After all what does "Macedonia to Macedonians" means?

What about other nations? What about the cities that never belonged and never will belong to Macedonia?

I know the truth hurts but start to think rationally not with emotions. We understand you perfectly but you have to understand us too. That's the only way to "preserve" your Macedonia. Otherwise if "Macedonia to Macedonians" is your slogan believe me you will lose it very soon.

Serbs used to say "Kosovo is Serbia" but it's not anymore.

From: Blend Bardhi bbardhi@yahoo.com To: VMRO-MNM vmro-mnm@bredband.net Sent: Saturday, December 09, 2000 2:04 AM Subject:

what about albanians that live in skopje?skopje,tetova,gostivar,ohrid,struga etc. those are 90%albanian!!!!!!what are you talking about??????

From: "Ferik Ferizaj" feriku2000@hotmail.com To: VMRO-MNM vmro-mnm@vmro-mnm.com Subject: Macedonia is Ours Date: Mon, 19 Feb 2001 00:52:32 -0600

Albanians will take over Macedonia within 10 years(remember this)!!!.And Albanians are not terrorists but you and all Serbians are.The world knows who terrorists are. There is no Macedonian Nation-those who call themselves Macedonian are either Serbian or Bulgarian-everybody knows it. I'm not from Macedonia but I Will fight for our land(Macedonia is our Land) and we will take over Macedonia. In fact Albanian Army in Macedonia is fighting already(as you may well know). So remember Mr.whoever you are Macedonian is Albanian Land.

Write me at feriku2000@hotmail.com

From: "glaus tirana" <glaus_tirana@hotmail.com> To: alb-club@alb-net.com Cc: macedonia_for_the_macedonians@vmro-mnm.com Subject: MACEDONIA FOR THE MACEDONIANS ! Date: Thu, 08 Mar 2001 14:09:30 -0000

The only real Macedonians in Macedonia are Albanians. So called "Macedonians" are slav emigrants. (What isn't that true ?)

So, if somebody says "MACEDONIA FOR THE MACEDONIANS" he has meant "Macedonia for the Albanians", or if somebody says "United Macedonians" he has meant "United Albanians".

If slav emigrants in Macedonia want to be united, their homeland is free, somewhere in steppes of Russia. Go get united over there, you don't need to learn a new language, you still speak a kind of russia language. (Can you deny that too ?)

PS: 1. Please take out the picture of Aleksander the Great from your web-site. ( http://www.vmro-mnm.com ). Don't ignore his portrait with your gypsy Makedonians face(specially with Ljupco Mircevski-Trepet turk prophile photo). As you can see clearly from all the pictures have you post in your website, current Makedonians has nothing to do with real Macedonians (Albanians). 2. Somewhere you say " Our Nation is the woldest nation in the world". Don't talk in the behalf of the Albanians. We know are old we are, and actually is good when you slav emigrants in makedonia are proud with albanians' history, but please, don't steal it, it's not yours, it's ours for sure.

Who lets these people put this kind of information in our lists. Isn't this list suppose to serve for the albanian readers, instead of Macedonian propaganda. I urge the moderators to pay attention to this and all the e-mails of this type. Respectfully Erion

I agree with this. Why is this Macedonian propaganda let on the list? thanks, Mentor

I happened to be the moderator "in duty" at that time and I am the one who let it pass. Give me a good reason why should I have rejected that message? Out of fear that somebody here would be such a beefhead to actually buy that naive, misspelled and moronic propaganda and sympathize or side with the Macedonians? Wouldn't I be insulting your intelligence?

Let's just keep an ear in the streets guys...


P.S. Looking at their website though, it was a blast! The president of VMRO (or whatever that organization is called) is a cuttie! My goodness, that moustache!!! If any of you guys out there can grow a moustache like that, I would suggest that you contact us ASAP so we can discuss about the particulars of the presidential campaign for AlbClub. After all, we desperately need a deserving and "presidential" face to show around the internet, and unfortunately none of us can't even come close to Mr. Ljupco Mircevski-Trepet's sex appeal. Sh*t!!! It is so depressing! Some people just have it all!

From: "Ferik Feriz....." feriku2000@hotmail.com To: VMRO-MNM vmro-mnm@vmro-mnm.com Subject: Re: MACEDONIA FOR THE MACEDONIAN! Date: Wed, 04 Apr 2001 23:35:36 -0500

Your have a terrorist organization.Why are you such a liar. The whole world are wrong , and you are right.Is that right?I don't think so and you know that(whoever you are).Another thing that i want to tell you:There is no Macedonian Nation.Macedonia is an artificial state. Without albanians there would be no Macedonia at all. So be aware of this. Don't push us too hard because we can do other things which you may well know!

OK Get e life for yourself.

From: Endrit Yzeiri endrity@yahoo.com To: vmro-mnm@bredband.net Sent: Sunday, April 08, 2001 10:31 AM Subject: Re: MACEDONIA FOR THE MACEDONIANS!

Hi everyone. My name is Endrit and I live in Albania. I don't know how you got my e-mail address but it's ok. Whoever gave it to you must know that I am always open to debate and your message didn't put any fear in my soul. Actualy it was nice to read the other side of the story (I visited your web site also). I always find this fascinating. YOu probably know that I don't agree with most of the thing you have presented in your e-mail and web site. I think that you guys have to understand that the era of extreme nationalism is over. The world is becoming more and more global now a days. Acusing the US, UN, NATO is stupidity after what they have done for you the last ten years (economicaly and politicaly) Sentences like "I am" or "we are the ones" have to be forgoten by you. Instead try to talk with the albanians and the other nationalities and you'll see that life is much easier. Thank you for your patience ENDRIT (ENI) YZEIRI

From: "nuro ramadani" mailto: spriteneg@hotmail.com To: trepet@vmro-mnm.com Subject: ZDRAVO MAKEDONIJO Date: Sat, 17 Mar 2001 22:16:16 -0000


From: "Shaban Ramadani" ramadani@web.de To: vmro-mnm@vmro-mnm.com Subject: Protest! Date: Wed, 16 May 2001 11:32:39 +0200

Kako sto mi e poznato nikade ne sum pisuval deka sakam informacii od vasata strana ili me interesira vasata organizacija. Ako uste eden E- Mail od vasa strana qe dobien qe bidam prinuden drugi pravni merki protiv vas da zemam Mislam deka ovoj pat na propaganda nema mnogu da vi pomogne da obstoite kako "demokratska" partija vo makedonija!


From: "ibrahim arifi" arifi@oriccom.ca To: vmro-mnm@vmro-mnm.com Subject: Date: Wed, 16 May 2001 13:27:57 -0400


From: Blerim Matoshi blerimatoshi@webtv.net To: vmro-mnm@bredband.net Sent: Wednesday, May 16, 2001 4:36 AM

Mi albanci dobicemo rat.To znate i vi makedonci.pola makedonija jenasa. Samo za 2 meseca imate mnogo mrtvih jel da ha ha ha ha

From: Roaming Panther usher0077@yahoo.com To: VMRO-MNM vmro-mnm@bredband.net Sent: Wednesday, May 16, 2001 9:19 AM Subject: SURE THING, JUST ...

Fuck you, you are dying slow motherfuckers, all u fuckin Macedonians, your fucked up nation is dying whereas, ALBANIANS ! ! ! are prevailing. Our UÇK is fucking you up, as well as it should, We will kill all of you mutherfuckers, the ALBANIANS AND THE UÇK IS ALL ONE, KOSOVA-MACEDONIA-ALBANIA = GREAT ALBANIA

One nation one future, we will shit on your Macedonian blood after we are done with you just like we were done with the serbian skllaves. Many other of your young boys shall be brutally murdered, slaughtered, massacred.


Armend Vërbovci

W. Addr: EU-CFA Sheshi Nëna Terezë, ish Dardania Banka H. Addr: Bregu i diellit Rr.3 Ll.2 Nr.24 Tel: h:038/550-668, w:038/540-564, ext.248

From: Murat Salihu msalihu@triangleev.com To: VMRO-MNM vmro-mnm@bredband.net Sent: Wednesday, May 16, 2001 2:36 PM Subject: you mather fuker you ar your self erorist e nacis

i just want to say to you all it's you who ar nacis and idiots, i know wery wall that situation in Balkans and don't tell me that abanias ar terorist, bat tek your self in ther cloths. If you tell me that, it's you who is sllatring abanies childrens with bombs and graneds from long distaces bicouse you don't have the gac do go ine front, becouse you dont have the bot for for you wimp. and ffuch you you bulgarien nacion becouse you ar not Macedonien, Macedonien nation is long time gone. comme to me and i would show you how needs to be don.

From: Murat Salihu msalihu@triangleev.com To: VMRO-MNM vmro-mnm@bredband.net Sent: Wednesday, May 16, 2001 2:51 PM Subject: ZABORAVIO SAM NESHTE TA TI KASHEM MALI JEBENI BUGARCINE


From: Fatime Kurtisoska kurtisos@student.uni-kassel.de To: VMRO-MNM vmro-mnm@bredband.net Sent: Wednesday, May 16, 2001 3:58 PM Subject:

Bi sakalla neschto da kzhem na vashiot text. Ja sum sama albanka zhiveam veqe 4 godini vo zapad i billa sum vo mnogu drzhavi vo evropa i vo SAD , i nikade ne sum se custvuvalla podobro kako vo makedonija. imate pravo deka zapadot ne koristuva deka allbanija, gercka , bugarija, serbija ili nekoi egoisti nashi mak.ili all. koi se borat samo za moq vo vlladata ja koristaat situazijata. Ali allbancite vo mak. ne se terroristi i se shto i treba na mak. za da ja zapre manipulaziata od drugite e da go obrazuva svojot narod bes razlika koi sto e, site se llugje i imat pravo da da odllucat sami za svojot zhivot , nas ne ni treba vojna tuku doverba i razbiranje i obrazuvanje. falla CIAO KURTISHOKA FATIMA

From: Donika Dabisevci ddonika@hotmail.com To: VMRO-MNM vmro-mnm@bredband.net Sent: Wednesday, May 16, 2001 4:22 PM Subject:

k. FUCKE VMRO Ke vam ebem majkata. E li znajete gde? Sakas li na k....da mi skakash? Golemata Albania e Bulgaria ke bidet, utrom sabajle

From: Jeton Bajrami jeton@swipnet.se To: VMRO-MNM vmro-mnm@bredband.net Sent: Thursday, May 17, 2001 8:07 PM Subject:

Fuck you all aw you mother fackers its you who killd the olld men with his son in Tetovo in front of the world without any kind of hart you blodmaker, you monster peopel from Karpate some vere in Russia who come to learn how the peopel live in the civilization and you never beckame som normal peopel. You have been the Antropoid and still you are Antropoid. I now that is hard for you to live in normal civilization but if you whant to liv in the montains as you did in the Karpate in Russia then Return back in the Karpate please.

From: Arbon Vata arbonv@hotmail.com To: VMRO-MNM vmro-mnm@bredband.net Sent: Thursday, May 17, 2001 8:13 PM Subject:

Macedonia is a region in Greece and so will it be

You well loose the war because we are a stronger nation Albania is Tetovo,Skopje Gostivar,Bitola....

ha ha ha

From: Dritan Egriu dritan@home.se To: VMRO-MNM vmro-mnm@bredband.net Sent: Thursday, May 17, 2001 10:29 PM Subject:

Hey mr president asshole, I don't want any more bullshits from your side. I know that the macedonians are the same shit as the serbs are. So remove me from your list dirtbag! Piss you and all the macedonians!

Viva la revolucion!! Viva NATO!!

From: Mustafë Hysa mhysa@hotmail.com To: VMRO-MNM vmro-mnm@bredband.net Sent: Thursday, May 17, 2001 11:57 PM

Makedonsku mamu vam jebem..... facking propaganda you are going to loose any way.

From: Bekim Pejani mbreti@hotmail.com To: VMRO-MNM vmro-mnm@bredband.net Sent: Friday, May 18, 2001 7:46 AM Subject:


From: Naser Asllani naser.asllani@vimmerby.se To: VMRO-MNM vmro-mnm@bredband.net Sent: Friday, May 18, 2001 9:24 AM Subject:

Lazete sve ubice, sram vas bilo cetnici

From: Fehmi Duraku fedu57@hotmail.com To: VMRO-MNM vmro-mnm@bredband.net Cc: Idriz_Zogaj@yahoo.com Sent: Friday, May 18, 2001 10:29 AM Subject:

Shqipetaret ne Maqedoni nuk luftojne per ndonje "Great Albania"por po luftojne per te drejtat e veta. Maqedonia nuk eshte e maqedonasve por eshte e te gjitheve qe jetojne atje. Kjo leter qe derguar ne e-mail eshte nje propagand qe veshterson me shume zgjidhjen e problemit te shqipetareve ne pergjithesi.


From: Pellumb Ballata pballata@hotmail.com To: VMRO-MNM vmro-mnm@bredband.net Sent: Friday, May 18, 2001 10:55 AM Subject:

It is the same propaganda used by the serbian system that brought to more than 10 years of war and suffering that you are making. You can't call more than one third of the population "minority", and unless you stop thinking that you can solve problems by using force - like serbian system thought - and start democrising Macedonia, you will have real longterm problems like Serbia or Israel, with the small difference that macedonia is a lot smaller and has not the military strength of them! So stop spreading lies and do something about that instead (like amendement of constitution!)!

From: berishaj@t-online.de To: VMRO-MNM vmro-mnm@bredband.net Sent: Friday, May 18, 2001 4:32 PM Subject:

Dear Ljupce,

I am happy to see such Macedonians like you! It was very fun to read your message. This way one can realize that non-slavic Macedonians :) have a great chance to win.

Goooou :)

Antoni Berishaj Stuttgart

From: Kosova`s Ofiice in Skandinavia kic@kosova.pp.se To: VMRO-MNM vmro-mnm@bredband.net Sent: Saturday, May 19, 2001 3:18 PM Subject:

Dear Sirs,

We woud very much appreciate if you could answer to two simple questions: 1. Is there a Macedonian-Bulgarian dictionary? 2. What happens with artificially created things (like your language and your state) in a long term?

From: Sevime G sevime_g@hotmail.com To: vmro-mnm@bredband.net Sent: Saturday, May 19, 2001 11:41 PM Subject: Bullshit!!!!!

What the hell are you talking about???You should go and learn your history better cause you don't know what you are talking about. You know, you are just saying those things to please you're self cause you know it's bullshit.The Albanians don't have any right's but that is going to change and you are just afraid that we will have our rights , that we desorve, and that you can't do anything about it.We kicked the serbs out of Kosova and we will have our rights in Macedonia and you all know that this is not a war for a Great-Albania but a war of rights and you can't fool no one with that bullshit anymore cause now the world has opened their eyes and you are afraid that we are winning.You have had your time no it's our turn.

And do not send me this kind of bullshit anymore.

An albanian girl

From: "Will Trent" eblast@madmail.com Date: 19 May 2001 02:35:56 -0000 To: trepet@vmro-mnm.com Subject: Za trepetce!

Edna prijatelka od Albanija mi isprati email koj bese od tebe so povik za spasuvanje na Makedonija adresirano do svetot...taa pocna da se smee so panicniot ton so koj vie go bevte napisale toa communique ako mozam taka da ja vikam,no posle edno vreme koga prestana da se seguva na smetka na napisot se zaloziv da i objasnam zasto site "Makedonci" se cuvstvuvaat "zagrozeni" a cel svet se smee na niv...kako prvo,faktot deka Makedonija kako teritorija i denesnite "Makedonci" se nesto sosema drugo,i za toa zboruvaat istoriskite fakti koi "Makedoncite" uporno ki negiraat(sto e normalno,zasto sekoj narod saka da se fali so negovite koreni,makar i da ne se negovi)...vprocem Slavjanite dosle vo Balkanot vo 9ti vek a Starite Makedonci vo ova vreme veke ne bile ni zivi...i svetot go znae toa,a bogami toa go dokaza i majka Rusija pred nekolku godini koga objavija deka denesnite "Makedonci' i starite se nesto sosema drugo,i samo podnebjeto vo koe ziveaat gi karakterizira kako Makedonci...pa na kraj Tito bese toj kKako vtoro,Albancite vo Makedonija se eden od autoktonite narodi vo Makedonija,i koga bi se sprovel censusot tie bi ilzlegle mnozistvo,sto i ke se pokaze na slednoto prebrojuvanje na naselenieto koga ke ilzeguvaat na videlina site Bugarski i Srpski "Makedonci" koi ne mozeaa da se zapisuvaat na nivno etnicko poteklo od vladata na Crvenkovski...pa zatoa koga ke zboruvate za Albanci treba da simnete kapa i da ne vikate Gospoda, zasto za vas toa sme mie... I kako treto,na mojata prijatelka od Albanija i pokazav deka toa sto se slucuva deneska vo MAkedonija a sto gi voznemiruva "makedoncite" e faktot sto trebase vojnata sto ONA ja pocna da gi rasoni "makedonskite" romanticari i da gi napravi da gledaat vo vistinata ,a ne vo toa sto tie sakale da veruvaat...prijatele,vistinata e bolna,a uste pojke ako ne e na tvoja strana... Za kraj samo da ti kazam deka napisot stvarno ti bese mnogu mnogu primitiven i nacisticki napisan i se nadevam go dobile site vazni faktori vo svetot kako uste eden primer na "makedonskata' intolerancija sprema drugite... Prijatno P.S. Te pokanuvam ako si stvarno patriot da dojdes u "Makedonija' i da ja "branis' tatkovinata" od nas Albancite...te ocekuvame...

From: Skenderbeu1@aol.com To: vmro-mnm@bredband.net Sent: Monday, May 21, 2001 10:38 PM Subject: RRESPEKTOJENI EDHE TJETRIN QË TË JU RRESPEKTOJ EDHE DIKUSH JUVE

Me qnëse jame shqiptarë dhe nuk di gjuhen e juaj Maqedonisht,por as anglisht ju kisha përgjigjur me pak fjalë. Më vjenë shumë keqë që mendoni se vetëm Maqedonasit ekzistojnë në Maqedoni, ndërsa përtë tjerët as që bëhet fjalë. Shqiptarët eksistojnë edhe më përpara se ju në Ballkan. Maqedonasit janë ata terrorist të cileët terrorin e ushtrojnë me anë të aparatit shteterprë. Bombardojnë fshatrat shqiptare sikur të kishte shtazë të egra në të. Maqedonët do të pendohën një ditë porë do të bëhet vonë. Kurgja nuk ka dallim nga masakrat që bënin serbet në Bosnje dhe në Kosovë,të tillat i bëjnë edhe Maqedonasit në ILIRIDË të Maqedonisë. Pa dhunë ju lutëm! Tolerancë ndërnacionale ju lutëm! Respektone edhe tjetrin nëse dëshironi që të ju rrespektoj edhe dikush. Jemi për një Maqedoni që të jetoni të gjithë së bashku. Shpëtojeni vetëvehten sepse jeni buzë një katastrove or Maqedon. Mos e ngritni mendjën lartë se edhe shqiptarët janë njërzë. Faleminderit për email por herën tjetër nëse keni mundësi të shkruani shqip apo Gjermanisht dhe ti përfshini edhe shqiptarët në këtë faqe të juajen,e kamë fjalën për të mirë e jo për terrorist si që thuani ju sepse fëmijtë,gratë,pleqtë,baballarët e fëmijeve,vëllëzrit baballarve etj nuk janë terrorist dhe unë mendoj që kështu ju vetëm i ngritni hasmëritë edhe më lartë edhe ashtu të ngritura. Me përshëndetje nga një shqiptarë që ju rrespekton,por kërkoj që edhe mua të më rrespektoj dikush.

From: Sevime G sevime_g@hotmail.com To: vmro-mnm@bredband.net Sent: Saturday, May 19, 2001 11:41 PM Subject: Bullshit!!!!!

What the hell are you talking about???You should go and learn your history better cause you don't know what you are talking about. You know, you are just saying those things to please you're self cause you know it's bullshit.The Albanians don't have any right's but that is going to change and you are just afraid that we will have our rights , that we desorve, and that you can't do anything about it.We kicked the serbs out of Kosova and we will have our rights in Macedonia and you all know that this is not a war for a Great-Albania but a war of rights and you can't fool no one with that bullshit anymore cause now the world has opened their eyes and you are afraid that we are winning.You have had your time no it's our turn.

this kind of bullshit anymore.

An albanian girl

From: Valon Halimi valon.halimi@skynet.be To: VMRO-MNM vmro-mnm@bredband.net Sent: Thursday, May 24, 2001 11:42 PM Subject:

MACEDONIA DOES NOT EXIST MY DEAR NEIGHBOURS (I mean it exist but then you have to go to Greece and pretty soon you gone go there I think ha ha ha ) !!!


BUT TRUST ME YOU WILL GET A PIECE OF SHKUPI BUT THAT'S ALL, and if it goes further I do not know if you gone get that even...

LONG LEAVE ALBANIA (Kosova (parts of the so called Macedonia included) LONG LEAVE UçK !!!!


From: Alban Makolli albanmakolli@yahoo.com To: VMRO-MNM vmro-mnm@bredband.net Sent: Friday, May 25, 2001 4:56 PM Subject:

ja sam albanac i ne zanima me politika ali ako vec hocete da razgovaramo o tome onda slusajte veliki aleksandare je bio albanac i makedonia je bila i bice zemlja albanaca ali mi to na hocemo jer smo fini ludi i trazimo samo"makedonac=albanac" inace ja sam student glume i ne volim da pricam politiku ali ako imate nesto umetnosti javite mi se aj sad cao...

From: Merita Hasi merita_4778@yahoo.com To: VMRO-MNM vmro-mnm@bredband.net Sent: Sunday, May 27, 2001 10:54 PM Subject: CHECK THIS OUT:

hej macedonian people don't give me a bullshit because you are the terorist and you killed and masacraded people,and you are a fashist and killer and you are imigrant and foreigner because albanian people lived there before you came from russia,so : SHUT UP AND DON'T SEND AND SHOW PHOTOS OF KILLED SOLDIERS BECAUSE THATS WHAT YOU DID TO ALBANIANS AND DON'T SEND THIS BULLSHIT TO ENYONE ELSE BECAUSE THEY WILL NOT BYE IT .YOU SERBO-MACEDONIAN MOTHERFUCKER!!!!!! YOU ARE A KILLER,AND LIAR!!!!!!

From: Cov Uni ak10@coventry.ac.uk To: VMRO-MNM vmro-mnm@bredband.com Sent: Tuesday, May 29, 2001 7:00 AM Subject:

Heil Greater Albania!

Big words are all nice and good, but while Albanians speak with actions you are still bluring about pulling yourself together. Greater Albania is no longer a concept no longer a dream, Bulgars, but a reality taking shape daily. With the first phase finished on the Greater Albania plan, anexation of the Albanian lands in FYROM is only a matter of time, to complete the second. Over 2,000 youngsters are expecting a call to arms in Tetova alone, branches of NLA are present in all the towns with Albanian population in them. 200 officers of the Albanian army are training NLA members in Kukes air base and in the Black Mountains inside Fyrom.

Members of Blood and Honour Albanian Division are on their side to aid achieve what the 21st Waffen-SS started- The Greater Albania. So Bulgars, pls by all means send chain letters to us we appreciate them, and we promise to use them in emergency situations when our toilet paper runs out.

And hey, If you wanto to do something for your "created out of nothing" country, get off your butt and fight http://www.martin-r.f2s.com/projects/bhalbania.html these people if you got the balls for it.

Heil Blood and Honour Albania! Heil Scanderbeg! Heil ONE and Greater Albania!

From: agron.avdiu@ prishtina.li aavdiu@hotmail.com To: vmro-mnm@bredband.net Sent: Wednesday, May 30, 2001 11:47 PM Subject:

fuck you mother fucker do not send email to me anymore do you understand bastardo mullacuno fauzo injoranti korrnuto ta qift zoti nanen kush je ti more kopil i shkines

From: Imeri Zaim flamuri4@hotmail.com To: vmro-mnm@bredband.net Sent: Wednesday, May 30, 2001 11:46 PM Subject: The Macedonian For The Albanien

Hello (Sorry I do not speak very well about English) Mais it is what your probléme with Albanian people of the Macedonian Commits were able to you said that the Albanian of Macedonia are terrorists? The war what he make do now wants to liberer their territories as Tetova, Skopje,Kumanova these are territories Albanian and are not of territories Macedonian OK. And in more the Albanian have no right-hand side in Macedonia. In continuation if it is necessary that one does really war with you other (Macedonien) one is going to make him but it is necessary that you know that every Albanian all around the world one are going to be bottom and you alle to be very surprised then to visit to you it is who are going to win (You speak FRENCH)

Thank you

From: Desar Sulejmani virdes95@yahoo.com To: VMRO-MNM vmro-mnm@bredband.net Sent: Wednesday, May 30, 2001 11:00 PM Subject:

fuck you and your revolutionary organization VRMO-MNM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

From: Driton Kolgjini driton_k@hotmail.com To: vmro-mnm@bredband.net Sent: Wednesday, May 30, 2001 3:00 PM Subject:


From: Burim Duraku burim77@hotmail.com To: vmro-mnm@bredband.net Sent: Wednesday, May 30, 2001 4:47 PM Subject: odgovor

Takozvani predsenike

Prvo ti moras da ucis tvoju historu. To znaci ti moras znat ko si.Ti i tvoj narod ne smete i ne mozete da govorite na ime makedoskog naoda, zato sto ti i tvoj narod niste makedonci, vi ste neka mesana dubre serbo-ciganobugar.

Neka zivi UCK!!!

From: dionis gashi <dionis55@hotmail.com> To: vmro-mnm@bredband.net Sent: Thursday, May 31, 2001 9:10 PM Subject: there is no Mother Fuck..Macedonia in the world

If something you will do against ALBANIA, you all will sign your deaths. nothing will stop us to create our old land(ALBANIA)

From: Shpend Salihi suhodolli@yahoo.com To: VMRO-MNM vmro-mnm@bredband.net Sent: Thursday, May 31, 2001 12:21 AM Subject:

Zdravo majmune

Mogu ti samo reci da mozes se polako nositi u picku materinu, gde god te nasao, ubicu te. Nemoj ti meni takvu propagandu poslati, ti znas bolje od mene kakvi ste, koja maltretiranja albanci su imali od srba i od vas. Zato ti kazem, jos jednom, nemoj da lazes sam sebe ovom propagandom. Albanci u Makedoniji nista ne zele drugo, osim da budu ravnopravni sa majmunima kao sto si i ti. Ako treba se hvatati za oruzje da bi vi razumeli to, onda to ce i da se desi. Stavite u svoju svinjsku glavu da ne zelimo Veliku Albaniju, to je ideja jedne manjine albanaca. Zelimo ista prava kao vi!!! I nemoj slucajno da jos jednom kazes ta smo manjina u Makedoniji, i sam znas da to nije tacno. Bivsi clan OVK- Oslobodilacka vojska Kosova Burim Idrizi Mitrovica

From: Raif Rexhepi raif.rexhepi@chello.at To: VMRO-MNM vmro-mnm@bredbant.net Sent: Friday, June 01, 2001 4:01 PM Subject:

Jebemti makedonsku milu majku

From: afrim ajdari afrimajdari@hotmail.com To: vmro-mnm@bredband.net Sent: Wednesday, May 30, 2001 11:37 AM Subject:

I think the Greeks will also make you Change your name FYROM Macedonia, just like they enforced the change of your flag. Nothing personal, just facts.....lifes too unpredictable for al this shit...enjoy the air you breath even if it means you have to share.

From: Rashit shabani alfred_1@operamail.com To: vmro-mnm@bredband.net Sent: Wednesday, May 30, 2001 11:03 AM

Nemoj da shaljesh propagande jebemti majku......

From: kosovar kosova kosovari_2000@hotmail.com To: vmro-mnm@bredband.net Sent: Wednesday, May 30, 2001 10:26 AM Subject:

jebemti majku ta ti jebem idi u picku materinu

From: Agron Sapunxhiu agron@home.se To: vmro-mnm@bredband.net Sent: Wednesday, May 30, 2001 9:51 AM Subject:


Is just komunist propagand. The World do se how macedonians police killer albanian children. The macedonian people does not exist. They are bulgarian nationality, and finally self Macedonien is a greece land. NATO is albanians brother and so most to be in the future. If macedonians will to live on peace, they most talk with "albanians rebels". You are on the wrong way(like Milosevic).

Have a nice day!

From: Ahmet Berisha ahmet_berisha@hotmail.com To: vmro-mnm@bredband.net Sent: Wednesday, May 30, 2001 8:52 AM

A zasto pises, i pricas mi pricu, albanci nisu vise vasi robovi, i nikad nece biti, izaberite ili ziveti zajedno ili majka bugarska ce vas prihvatiti velikodusno.

From: albanian boy albanian_19@hotmail.com To: vmro-mnm@bredband.net Sent: Wednesday, May 30, 2001 8:47 AM Subject:

Eu ta qifsha nanen me VMRO e me qka paq. Se terrorista për terrorista jeni vetë që vrisni gra e fëmijë dhe që vrisni kompletë një familje.


From: elmi.o@bluemail.ch To: VMRO-MNM vmro-mnm@bredband.net Cc: elmi.o@bluemail.ch Sent: Tuesday, May 29, 2001 10:17 PM Subject:

Meine Damen und Herren

Ich finde auch das die Albaner Ihre rechte verdienen und man sollte sie auch geben! Ich bin eurer Meinung aber ich weiss um Gotteswillen was Ihr damit gewinnt, wenn ihr euch mit einem Nazi Titel ausgebt. Ich finde dass niemand ein Nazi ist. Mein Moto ist wir sind alle Menschen, und sollen unsere RECHTE geniessen.

Me falënderim!

Ju lutëm mos um dërgoni më letra.

From: Burim Meholli bmeholli@yahoo.com To: VMRO-MNM vmro-mnm@bredband.net Sent: Thursday, May 31, 2001 5:57 AM Subject:


From: Rushit Arifi rushitarifi@swipnet.se To: VMRO-MNM vmro-mnm@bredband.com Sent: Thursday, May 31, 2001 10:45 AM Subject:

dra åt helvete du och dina makedoner!!!!

From: Albert Shehu e6shehu@etek.chalmers.se To: VMRO-MNM vmro-mnm@bredband.net Sent: Thursday, May 31, 2001 12:14 PM Subject:

go and fuck you self your dirty slavish and gipsy race..

From: dionis gashi dionis55@hotmail.com To: vmro-mnm@bredband.net Sent: Thursday, May 31, 2001 9:10 PM Subject: there is no Mother Fuck..Macedonia in the world

If something you will do against ALBANIA, you all will sign your deaths. nothing will stop us to create our old land(ALBANIA)

From: Fatmir Sulo fsulo2000@yahoo.com To: VMRO-MNM vmro-mnm@bredband.net Sent: Friday, June 01, 2001 4:09 AM Subject:

Fuck You all, Instead of bullshitting everybody with your bullshitstory, give freedom to almost half of the population of that fucking stupid country of yours.

Fuck your "revolutionary organization"

From: Pranvera Idoska pranvera78@yahoo.com To: VMRO-MNM vmro-mnm@bredband.net Sent: Friday, June 01, 2001 6:56 AM Subject:

I'm sorry but as I have learned the American history and being born in US as an American, that's is all lies whatever is said in your e-mail. I do know much about Albanians that Albanians are truthful and fair everywhere they are and live. They sure don't have any rights in Macedonia. Please correct yourself and do some research because it seems that you're lost and trying to lie us American fellows. I do have a Macedonian neighbor, Mirjana Kozeski that admits the truth about Albanians not having any rights. Thanks for your time.

Pranvera & Mirjana

From: Hysen Ibrahimi hysenib@yahoo.com To: VMRO-MNM vmro-mnm@bredband.net Sent: Friday, June 01, 2001 2:11 PM Subject: Re: The Macedonian Revolutionary Organization VMRO-MNM (Macedonia For The Macedonians)!

VMRO-MNM <vmro-mnm@bredband.net> wrote: > The Macedonian Revolutionary Organization VMRO-MNM (Macedonia For The Macedonians)!

Web Site: http://www.vmro-mnm.com

May 13, 2001

Is there any "justice"? ...NO! Is there any "democracy"? ...NO! Is there any "solidarity"? ...NO! Is there any "truth"? ...NO!

A "war" has been going on for over 2 months with "Albanian", balistic terrorists and the Western World's terror and barbaric organization NATO. It is called war, by the western media, between the Macedonian Army and Albanian "partisans" and rebels. For the Macedonian organization VMRO-MNM and the Macedonian nation their is no war between the Macedonian Army - or Special Forces as they are also called - and the "Albanian" balistic terrorists. This Army in Macedonia consist of young Macedonian boys, doing their military service. Nor do they fight under the country flag of the Macedonian nation but under a non-Macedonian flag - the Fan. The Macedonian flag is the sun with 16 beams, the symbol of Kutles. Many of our young boys have been brutally murdered, slaughtered, massacred by cold blooded terrorists. These terrorists are the "Albanian" balists from Caucasus, controlled by the Western World's terror and barbaric organization NATO. The pictures of the young Macedonian boys, brutally massacred, are terrible to watch. They who are responsible are NATO and the "Macedonian" government.

This war in Macedonia is not about "'Albanians" being discriminated and without human rights. That is only lies and propaganda. The war is between Tirana and the anti Macedonian government who has not kept the "promise" they did long time ago about dividing Macedonia between "Great Albania" and "Bulgaria".

Here you can see how the Western World has planned to divide Macedonia. This map from London is new but they try to make us believe their lies about the date of the map. It is now that they are planning to create a "Great Albania".

The media must immediately stop its propaganda. The pictures of the Macedonian boys, brutally massacred, has not been shown on TV or published in the newspapers. But when it concerns the friends of the Western World, the propaganda of the "Albanian" balists, their lies are shown and published. And sentences as "Poor Albanians", "What is happening to the Albanian people", are used, for example, in Western countries as the Former Scandinavian Province of Sweden. The media must also stop its provocations against Macedonia concerning the use of sentences as "Macedonian slaves" or "the Slavic population of Macedonia".

The "Albanian" terrorists want more and more, more land; a "Great Albania" for their rabbit-farming. The Balkans is not enough for them. Give them a helping hand and they will take everything. An excellent idea to stop the war is that the countries in the Western World bring all the "Albanians" - their "partisans as they call them - to them.

This new "coalition" government that the Western World has formed indicates that it is the Western World that decides in Macedonia - who is going to be in the government and in the parliament - but not the Macedonian people. The Western World must gather its terror soldiers, its terror organization and leave Macedonia. Stop organize thousands of "Albanians" on Macedonian territory and giving them food, medicine and military equipment. It is the Western World's specialists, officers that is training them. We say; get out of the country!

The Western World's media must stop "babbling" their lies about the "per cent's" of "Albanians" that are living in western Macedonia. The "Albanians" are a minority in our country. They are also foreigners and immigrants. They should stop talking about that Macedonia must give them rights. They have more rights than the natives.

The Macedonian Organization VMRO-MNM demand that the false name FYROM and the false classification Macedonian slaves will not be mentioned or commented. The only "label" for our nation is Macedonia, the Macedonian nation/people and the Macedonian country. Nor do we wish to see the damned Flag - the Fan - displayed anywhere in the world. Only the sun with 16 beams, the symbol of Kutles is acceptable.

Ljupco Mircevski-Trepet

President of the Macedonian Organization VMRO-MNM

"Ethnic Albanian men fleeing the fighting in Macedonia face severe ill-treatment by the police. We have documented serious beatings and torture of ethnic Albanians at the Kumanovo and Skopje police stations in the last week. The victims we interviewed have the bruises and injuries to back up their claims of abuse."

Holly Cartner HRW Executive Director Europe and Central Asia division


Macedonian Police Abuses Documented Ethnic Albanian Men Separated, Tortured at Police Stations (Skopje, Macedonia, May 31, 2001) Macedonian forces are systematically separating out ethnic Albanian males fleeing fierce fighting in northern Macedonia, and severely beating some of the men at police stations, Human Rights Watch said today. In the most severe cases documented by Human Rights Watch, the ill-treatment appears intended to extract confessions or information about the National Liberation Army (NLA) and amounts to torture. The fear of violence at the hands of the Macedonian police is also stopping many ethnic Albanians from fleeing to safety into government-controlled territory.

"Ethnic Albanian men fleeing the fighting in Macedonia face severe ill-treatment by the police," said Holly Cartner, executive director of the Europe and Central Asia division of Human Rights Watch. "We have documented serious beatings and torture of ethnic Albanians at the Kumanovo and Skopje police stations in the last week. The victims we interviewed have the bruises and injuries to back up their claims of abuse."

On May 22, Macedonian forces launched an offensive against ethnic Albanian fighters of the NLA who had seized control of villages located in the vicinity of the northern Macedonian town of Kumanovo. An estimated fifteen thousand civilians remain in the NLA-controlled territory, sparking concerns of significant civilian casualties if the fighting continues. Since the beginning of the renewed offensive, Macedonian forces have separated out men from the civilians fleeing the fighting and have severely beaten some of them.

Human Rights Watch researchers have documented cases of severe beating at the Kumanovo police station, located in the region where the latest fighting is taking place, as well as at the Skopje police station, located in the capital city of Macedonia. Some of the tactics involved hundreds of blows to the soles of the victims' feet-a torture technique known as falanga which causes severe pain and swelling and can lead to kidney failure-as well as extended beatings on the hands, buttocks, arms, and heads of the victims. The men interviewed by Human Rights Watch indicated that they had heard the screams of many other beating victims at the police stations, suggesting that the scope of such abuse may be widespread and condoned at the police stations.

Human Rights Watch said that the ill-treatment violates international human rights law, and in the most severe cases amounts to torture.

Many of the ethnic Albanians are reluctant to talk to international observers because they fear further retaliation from the Macedonian police, and have in some cases been warned by their abusers not to discuss their maltreatment. For this reason, identifying details are withheld from the testimonies summarized below. Some of the men were forced to sign confessions under torture and to implicate others in NLA-related activities. Large numbers of men continue to be separated out from convoys of fleeing civilians and taken to police stations.

On Tuesday, May 29, Human Rights Watch researchers observed a group of approximately thirty-five ethnic Albanian men from the village of Matejce who were separated from their female relatives and taken into the police station at Kumanovo.

"Jevit Hasani," (not his real name), a seventeen-year-old villager from Vaksince, an NLA-controlled village recaptured by government forces over the weekend, was arrested and taken to the Skopje police station after fleeing fighting in the village. He described the treatment he experienced in the police station:

They took us in a corridor. Suddenly I was hit on the head with a wooden stick, and then ten or so people began beating me until I fainted. When I came to, I was in a room. They were swearing, insulting my mother and sister, calling me an NLA fighter, a terrorist nationalist. I was lying on the ground on my side, facing the wall when I woke up, and my shoes were off. They started beating me on the feet and the buttocks. At the beginning they would just beat me. They would count ten hits as one, and went all until fifty or sixty [i.e. five hundred to six hundred hits]. This was before they asked me questions.

[After being questioned and beaten more], they wrote a confession. Then they made me read the confession in front of a camera in another room. I had to confess I was a spy, and they made me read a list of names of people in the NLA which they had prepared, and say that the NLA had refused to let the civilians go out and abused us.

"Jevit Hasani" was released after forty-eight hours in custody. He showed Human Rights Watch researchers the deep bruises and hematoma on his buttocks caused by the severe beatings, and explained he had continued to suffer the after effects of beatings to his private parts. According to "Jevit Hasani" many other people were undergoing beatings while he was being detained at the police station: "I heard other people screaming while I was being interrogated, in other rooms. They were screaming in pain, there were a lot of them." A second witness interviewed by Human Rights Watch offered an essentially similar account of his beating at the Skopje police station, and also had deep bruises and hematoma on his buttocks and swollen hands, but did not want his ordeal publicized out of fear of police retaliation.

"Ymer Aqifi," (not his real name) a fifty-one-year-old father of six from Slupcane, was beaten at the Kumanovo police station on Sunday, May 27. He described the beatings he and eight other men he was detained with sustained:

We were taken into a corridor. Four [police investigators] made me lie down flat on my stomach. They beat me with an iron bar on the wrists, a wooden stick on my head, a [police] baton on my buttocks, and kicked with their feet however much they wanted. They were swearing, insulting my mother and sisters, all kinds of curses. They were asking who is NLA, where the Imam [religious leader] of the village was, where the civilian defenses were, where the headquarters were. But no one wrote down anything, they didn't wait for answers. That lasted for about an hour I lost consciousness. Then they poured water on me. Two policemen came when I regained consciousness and they took me and the others to another corridor. Down there, all night long, there were screaming people beneath us. You could hear how they beat them.

"Ymer Aqifi" showed Human Rights Watch researchers the deep bruises and hematoma on his buttocks, deep bruises on his arms, bruises on his forehead and the sides of his head, and his swollen hands.

Twenty-five-year-old "Adem Yimeri" (not his real name), a farmer from Vaksince, was also beaten at Kumanovo police station. He described the beating to Human Rights Watch:

They took us to offices and there were three [police investigators]. They took me to an office by myself. He said to write down who is in the NLA. They asked me about my relatives in Kosovo. A person entered with a wooden stick covered with tape and he hit me on the back. Then they hit me on the sides of the head [above the hairline] so the bruises wouldn't show. They hit me twice on the hands with the bat. Then they said, "If it doesn't hurt like that, put them on the table and we will make sure you never pick up arifle again." Then they hit me ten more times on the hands.

Then they made me bend over a chair. One of them would hit me in the kidneys, and another hit me on the head. They said they would destroy my kidneys so I could never work again. From 12 to 4p.m., they beat me like that.

"Ethnic Albanian men remaining in the villages under NLA control fear ill-treatment and torture at the hands of Macedonian forces," commented Cartner. "There is little doubt that this fear is one of the reasons why so many ethnic Albanian men are refusing to leave their homes in the conflict zone." Police forces have also abused ethnic Albanian civilians this past week during raids against suspected NLA sympathizers in Tetovo, the scene of earlier fighting between the NLA and government forces. Human Rights Watch researchers documented the cases of ten ethnic Albanian men who were beaten during police raids in the villages of Dzepciste and Poroj on May 25. During the raid on the Dzepciste home of Naser Junizi, a schoolteacher and village leader accused by the Macedonian government of assisting the NLA, police commandos beat Naser Junizi, two of his brothers, his sixty-eight-year-old father, and his eighteen-year-old son. Police also entered the Poroj compound of the Saiti family, kicking and breaking three ribs of thirty-six-year-old Rami Saiti and attacking his seventy-three-year-old father and seventeen-year-old cousin before apparently realizing they had entered the wrong home and rapidly leaving.

Human Rights Watch noted that police abuse of ethnic Albanians, as well as of Macedonian Slavs who run afoul of the police, is endemic in Macedonia, as documented in two earlier Human Rights Watch reports issued in 1996 and 1998. The NLA has claimed that one of the main reasons for its armed rebellion is the failure of the Macedonian government to address police abuse as well as other forms of discrimination against ethnic Albanians.

Although the Macedonian police appear responsible for the majority of beating cases, Macedonian military forces have also been implicated in beatings. Macedonian military troops appear responsible for the beating of a family of seven in the village of Runica, in which many houses were reportedly burned down by Macedonian troops on May 21, 2001. Human Rights Watch called for an immediate end to torture and other ill-treatment at police stations and urged the international community closely to monitor the treatment of ethnic Albanians by the Macedonian forces.

"The international community must do its part to bring an end to police abuse of ethnic Albanians in Macedonia," said Cartner. "International support for the Macedonian government should not mean remaining silent inthe face of such severe ill-treatment."

Jebem vas qetniqku mater

From: Avni Dervishi avni@albanian.zzn.com To: vmro-mnm@bredband.net Sent: Thursday, May 31, 2001 3:11 PM Subject: GO TO HELL !!!!!!

From: Kristo, Daniel Daniel.Kristo@Lku.edu To: VMRO-MNM vmro-mnm@bredband.net Sent: Thursday, May 31, 2001 5:42 AM Subject:

Hi Mr. Angry Man: You wrote as I quote: "The "Albanians" are a minority in our country. They are also foreigners and immigrants. They should stop talking about that Macedonia must give them rights. They have more rights than the natives." - what the heck are you talking about!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Since when did you decide that the "Albanians" are foreigners and immigrants in your country? How old is the "Republic of Macedonia"? Do you remember the separation of greater Albania in 1913??? If not, I recall that during that year, Albania's territory was cut into pieces to satisfy the ballkanic countries, including ex-Yugosllavia (under which you have been not many year ago). The actual country of Albania is surrounded by Albanians in Monte Negro, Kosovo, Macedonia, and Greece.

Let just say that the history of Albania it's an unfortunate history which has been a victim of land-maniacs. I guess time is the only telling factor for all of us. God is watching, too.

Peace, DK

From: irfan islami hajvalia@hotmail.com To: vmro-mnm@bredband.net Sent: Tuesday, June 05, 2001 1:07 PM Subject:

picka vam mater. Viste teroristi, mi znamo to, ali albanci ce da vam jebe makedonsku majku, viste prljava bugarska djubra nista drugo, zivela ILIRIDA nova albanska drzava u united states of Albania, mi ce da budem kao Amerika najvelika evropska sila ali moderna sila cemo biti demokratska sila, ali samo vama prljavi slavci ce da ubijem dokle da budete dobri kao druge nacije. Smrt Makedonija, I bugarcima u Makedoniju posto sada nema makedonci oni su daleko pre ali sada viste samo jebeni bugarski cigani.

From: hasan prishtina <lupusilirikus@yahoo.com> Date: Thu, 7 Jun 2001 13:57:19 -0700 (PDT) Subject: koj sum jas li? To: macedonia_for_the_macedonians@vmro-mnm.com

Epa jas sum nekoj koj mozda premnogu dobro te znae, a mozda i ne te znam nego samo te citam posto si mnogu prost i lesno razbirliv.Se nadevam deka kje imam moznost nekogas da pijam edno kafe so tebe(se razbira ako dotogas ne te skinat tvoite,makedoncite)i da ti kazam pricinite kako izasto ja izgubivte ovaa vojna (koja sigurno kje ja izgubite). Ete dodeka pisuvam ,citam za nekoj pet decinja od bitola koj poginale ,branejki go integritetot na Makedonija (koj nikoj ne go zagrozuva). Dali nekogas razmisluvas za niv,dali nekogas pomisluvas i samiot da se fatis za puska i da pojdes tamu,da gi vodis,a ne samo da gi "palis"i posle "koj gi ebe". Nemoj taka ne cini. Mene covekot koj me povikuval na vojna dosol so mene tamu...me vodel..mi pokazuval....a ne me frlil(rezultatite pokazuvaat) pisi mi!

From: "ISMET MEHMETI" ismetmehmeti@hotmail.com To: macedonia_for_the_macedonians@vmro-mnm.com Cc: <lupusilirikus@yahoo.com> Subject: A koj si ti??? Date: Mon, 4 Jun 2001 18:34:30 +0200

Ne znam sto droga koristis no stvarno u jaki tripovi vleguvas.Si nasol mali decinja i zaveduvas.Taka li e?? Ako si tolku vlijatelen kolku sto se trudis da bides (sepak prasuvam za tebe niz Makedonija i lugjeto ne te poznavaat,Makedoncite),zasto ne gi sprecis tie decinja da ginat za tie tvoi "ideali".Izgleda lesno ti e tebe,si se zasonil nekde vo "beliot svet" i od tamu rsum pravis. No ne zaboravaj,rakata na albancite e tolku dolga sto moze da te stigne kade i da si.Od smrtta se bega od UCK ne (prasaj go licno i Romeo od Kumanovo ako e seuste ziv).Covek se nadevamdeka eden den kje te skinat ovie tvoite koga kje razberat deka si eftin voen profiter.

From: luli l malisharr@yahoo.com To: vmro-mnm@bredband.net Sent: Thursday, June 07, 2001 7:20 PM Subject: ludilo

Iako ne uspeav da go citam do kraj celiot tekst na onoj sto tatko mu go narekol VREKA SO GOMNO, a za mene toj e nesto poveke od toa. No seto toa zvuceshe mnogu prepotentno od edna strana a i bolno od drugata strana da mislis deka ima tolku bolni lugje vo ovaa zemja, a najmnogu me plasi faktot sto brojot na takvi nezdravi Glavi e mnogu pogolem odkolku sto mozeme nie da zamislime. Stvarno zalosno. Eden den ke se zasramat so sebesi i so nekogasnoto detsko, fashisticko, i racisticko odnesuvanje.

30 m Gv, Albanec

From: Melos Fazliu <melosfazliu@hotmail.com> To: vmro-mnm@bredband.net Sent: Monday, June 11, 2001 3:53 PM Subject: u r next.....

From: "mimi nolastname" negotina@negotina.8m.com To: vmro-mnm@bredband.net Sent: Tuesday, June 12, 2001 10:35 PM Subject: Fwd:



      • There is an attachment in this mail. **

From: Rahim Hiseni kosovar_brad@hotmail.com To: vmro-mnm@bredband.net Sent: Wednesday, June 13, 2001 5:17 PM Subject:


From: "Marko Polo" marko_9polo@hotmail.com To: vmro-mnm@bredband.net Sent: Friday, June 15, 2001 4:07 PM Subject: pozdrav

A be pederi Makedonci dali znaete vie deka sekoj sto se bori vo negovo mesto pobeduva pa i mie ke pobedime !!!!!!!


From: "Isa Boletini" isa_boletini@hotmail.com To: vmro-mnm@vmro-mnm.com Subject: eve eden podarok od nas Date: Sat, 14 Jul 2001 19:35:10 -0000

eve eden podarok od nas a ova e samo pocetok gos.pecedatel na kurot. ako ne znaes historia toa e tvoj problem a i ne se cudam zosto i taka ste dosle od Karpati pa planinci ste i ovcari . A za toa koj kako ke pobedi ke ostavime samata majka Historia da pokaze.Tolku a da ne zaboravam patriot da si idi na front ili i taka gakite ti se polni so gomna i se plasis a nie ne nie site sme MUJAHEDINI ova e za nas JIHAD da umres za ALLAH i za svoja zemja e naseto posakuvanje ALLAHU EKBER(God is Great) vie od pocetok imate zagubena vojna

From: "vmro-mnm " vmro-mnm@vmro-mnm.com Date: Tue, 17 Jul 2001 02:03:12 +0200 Reply-To: vmro-mnm@vmro-mnm.com To: "Isa Boletini" isa_boletini@hotmail.com Subject: Re: pokazi go i ova mapa

Nemame dobieno nikakvi karti od vas siptarite i od vasite prijateli amerikanci, pa niti sliki. Atachmen poraki ne otvarame.



Original Message ----------------------------------

From: "Isa Boletini" isa_boletini@hotmail.com Date: Sun, 15 Jul 2001 21:41:11 -0000

Po se izgleda deka navistina ste kukavici i ova rabota za nas deka sme od kavkaz samo zatoa sto najde edna mapa kade sto pisuva Albanian pa i vo amerika ima mesto kade sto se vika Albani TX, ; Albnia ARZ. po se izgleda sprema vasata filozofia i ovie mesta se ili nasi ili i nie poteknuvame od Amerika i sega Gorge W.Bush e albanec(vo Kosovo ima klan stose prezimuva BUSH) pa nie sme naj jaka nacia vo svetot. Sakate fakti eve fakti vo niedna literatura ili izdanie bilo od koja svetska istoria ne se spomenuva Vasite iluzionisticki mapi ili od kade poteknuvate tuku za nas za zal deka ste od KARPATITE pa zatoa prestanete so vasite iluzii deka ste anticki i ne kradete istoria od drugi Drug fakt: na taa mapa imase i mesto sto se vika ILIRICUM a ako ne znaete (sigurno no se plasite) deka nie poteknuvame od niv tie se nasite predci. I zosto ne go pokazafte fotografijata sto via ja prativ ili od sram se plasite od vasite golemi zagubi. Uste ednas vasata vojna e zagubena od pocetok

PS. ova zname mi go ispratija specialnite sili na UCK(tie na foto) CIA za mapata pa imaj hrabrost i pokazi.

FROM: Driterof@aol.com DATE: Sat, 4 Aug 2001 20:11:56 EDT TO: trepet@vmro-mnm.com SUBJECT: sve kaurrsko pleme naj milko so imas da ti ebam kaurri


FROM: "vlldko nikolev" alaska103@hotmail.com DATE: Sat, 4 Aug 2001 20:15:43 -0600 TO: trepet@vmro-mnm.com SUBJECT: UMIRI BHE KAURRSKO PLEME!

FROM: "OEM1" adr@bluewin.ch DATE: Thu, 9 Aug 2001 14:28:18 +0200 TO: trepet@vmro-mnm.com SUBJECT:

Makedonsko Djubre

FROM: "irfan islami" hajvalia@hotmail.com DATE: Fri, 10 Aug 2001 20:47:55 +0400 TO: vmro-mnm@vmro-mnm.com

picka vam mater vama makedonski teroristi we will send you in bullgaria becose you are bullgarians

smrt makedonianski bugarcim

Dali ima nekoj Makedonec koj sto go poznava arnautskiot balisticki jazik. Baram za da se prevedi ova poraka na Makedonski jazik (Pod itno).

Unapred blagodaram za Vasata iskrenost!!!!!!!

Pozdrav od,


www.vmro-mnm.com trepet@vmro-mnm.com

FROM: "albanian boy" albanian_19@hotmail.com DATE: Thu, 23 Aug 2001 11:25:42 0000 TO: vmro-mnm@vmro-mnm.com SUBJECT: From Irfan/Sweden...

Ti sllav.

Ti mundesh me shkru me mijera faqe se shqiptaret jane terrorist, por a ke harruar se ti je ai i cili je sllav, terrorist, shka e gjithqka qe merret me mend.

A ke harru se kurr ma nuk keni me pas kurr forc mbi shqiptaret. A ke harru se edhe nje kohe do te ndahet edhe maqedonia dhe shqiptaret do ta marrin ate pjese qe iu ka takuar prej shekujsh, dhe ate kurr nuk keni per ta marre.

Ka kaluar ajo kohe qe te keni pushtet mbi shqiptaret dhe tani vetem duhet te pajtoheni ne rrethanat e reja qe fatmiresisht do te krijohen ne te mire te shqiptarve...

Pra o i qim nane shkruaj sa te duash se ke shllajfit.

Nje pershendetje per te gjith vllezrit e motrat shqiptare. tung

From: dionis gashi dionis55@hotmail.com To: vmro-mnm@bredband.net Sent: Thursday, September 06, 2001 4:12 PM Subject: there is no Mother Fuck..Macedonia in the world

If something you will do against ALBANIA, you all will sign your deaths. nothing will stop us to create our old land(ALBANIA)

FROM: Alban halili <shiptari195@yahoo.com.au> DATE: Sat, 27 Oct 2001 01:01:46 +1000 (EST) TO: VMRO-MNM info@vmro-mnm.com SUBJECT: Mamu ti cigansku


Macedonia is a heart of Albania!!!!!!!!!and Shkupi will be the Capital of Greater Albania??

We "Kosovar black eagles" r able to take macedonia within 2 hours??????? Kosovar black eagles" A special army unit mainly consisted of kOSOVARS aMERICANS and English paramilitary special troops???

Alla bless U.S.A kosova, England, Germany we gonna kill all uz mother fuckers??????

http://briefcase.yahoo.com.au - Yahoo! Briefcase - Manage your files online.

From: "Ljupco Mircevski-Trepet" ljupco_mircevski_trepet@hotmail.com To: macedonian_revolutionary@hotmail.com CC: ljupco_mircevski_trepet@hotmail.com Subject: Web sajtot na VMRO-MNM e zatvoren citajte ja mojta izjava. Date: Fri, 11 Apr 2003 15:15:52 +0000

Makedonski komito eve ja mojata izjava i sega mozes da ja preprakjas na Makedonski narod i postvi ja vo Makedonskite forumi.

Vnatresna Makedonska Revolucionerna Organizacija - Makedonija Na Makedoncite (VMRO-MNM)! Pretsedatel: Ljupco Mircevski-Trepet

Privremen kontakt na E-mail adresata Ljupco Mircevski-Trepet ljupco_mircevski_trepet@hotmail.com

11 April 2003 g.

Pocituvani braka i sestri Makedonki i Makedonci!

Deneska na den 11 April 2003 g. Na Vnatresna Makedonska Revolucionerna Organizacija - Makedonija Na Makedoncite (VMRO-MNM). Web stranicata www.vmro-mnm.com se zatvori. Povodot i faktot za zatvaranjeto na Web stranicata www.vmro-mnm.com bese sto siptarskite, ekstremisti, nacisti, fasisti, pedofili, psihopati, sizofrenicari, teroristi i mafijaski banditi, aktivno se aktiviraa zaedno so Makeodnskite izrodi, predavnicki zverovi-zverski koj sto zaedno ja imat vlasta sobranieto i site drugi Makedonski institucii i asosijacii. Ke povtoram, povodot i faktot bese za ispratenite E-mail poraki od siptarskite zverski, zlocinski dusmani na Makedonskiot narod, so nivni zakani i provokacii. Nie od Organizacijata VMRO-MNM tie nivni agresorski, provokatorski, zakanuvacki i lazna propaganda E-mail poraki gi objavivme vo naj Makedonskiot nacionalen, komitski i patriotski Web sajt. Poslednite dve nedeli imavme konflikt so gazdite na kompanijata Mette Martinsen mette@isphuset.se i Tom Martinsen tom@isphuset.se, ISPHuset Nordic AB info@isphuset.se Webb: isphuset.se/. Taka da gazdite, odnosno direktorite na kopanijata imale domieno E-mail poraki od siptarskite gadovi so zalbi sto nie sme objavuvale nivni E-mail poraki so nivni iminja i preziminja i sto sme gi narekle siptaraskite gnasotii za vistinski nasisti, fasisti i teroristi (E-MAIL FROM ALBANIAN NAZIS, FASCISTS AND TERRORISTS!). Taka da na direktorite ne im se dopadnalo dek nasite golemi agresori, zlocinci i dusmani sme gi narekle ALBANIAN NAZIS, FASCISTS AND TERRORISTS. Pa neli zapadniot svet e demokratski, solidarni i realni. Sekoj covek ima pravo da si go iskaze svoeto mislenje. Ne samo nie Makedoncite nemame pravo da si go kazeme naseto mislenje. Da si ja kazuvame nasata vistina. Da gi kazime ogromnite zagrozuvanja i stradanja na dobriot, vernio, cesniot, realniot, zagrozeniot, napateniot i porobeniot Makedonski narod.

Pocituvani braka i sestri Makedonki i Makedonci. Jas vo prilog ke vi gi dostavam E-mail porakite od Direktorkata Mette Martinsen na kompanijata i mio odgovori. Analizite na E-mail porakite se napisani na Svedski-FSPOS jazik. Da jas ne vi gi preveduvam analizite na Makedonski jazik, moze nema da mi veruvate, pa zatoa mozete vie samite da se snajdete so preveduvanje na Makedonski jazik. Citajte me posle E-mail porakite:

FROM: "ISPHuset / Mette Martinsen" info@isphuset.se DATE: Fri, 4 Apr 2003 09:56:25 +0200 TO: vmro-mnm@vmro-mnm.com SUBJECT: SV: SV: Hemsidan och mailen igen!

Hej igen Ljupco

Mängden av klagar på din hemdia har ökt här, och styrelsen har beslutat att sidan brytar mot våra almänna vilkor. Du har till på fredag att hitta ett nytt webbhotell - härifrån kommer dina konton att stängas ner på nästa fredag. Vi beklagar, men det är inget annat vi kan göra.

Med vänlig hälsning Mette Martinsen

Mette Martinsen / ISPHuset Nordic AB

Tlf: +46 (0)46 854 29, Fax: +46 (0)46 854 21 Email: mette@isphuset.se Webb: isphuset.se/

Ursprungligt meddelande-----

Från: vmro-mnm [1] Skickat: den 31 mars 2003 21:53 Till: ISPHuset / Mette Martinsen Kopia: Ljupco Mircevski-Trepet Ämne: Re: SV: Hemsidan och mailen igen!

FROM: Alban halili shiptari195@yahoo.com.au DATE: Sat, 27 Oct 2001 01:01:46 +1000 (EST) TO: "VMRO-MNM" info@vmro-mnm.com SUBJECT: Mamu ti cigansku


Macedonia is a heart of Albania!!!!!!!!! and Shkupi will be the Capital of Greater Albania?? We "Kosovar black eagles" r able to take macedonia within 2 hours??????? Kosovar black eagles" A special army unit mainly consisted of kOSOVARS aMERICANS and English paramilitary special troops???

Alla bless U.S.A kosova, England, Germany

we gonna kill all uz mother fuckers??????

briefcase.yahoo.com.au - Yahoo! Briefcase - Manage your files online.

From: "Ferik Ferizaj" feriku2000@hotmail.com To: vmro-mnm@vmro-mnm.com Subject: Macedonia is Ours Date: Mon, 19 Feb 2001 00:52:32 -0600

Albanians will take over Macedonia within 10 years (remember this)!!!. And Albanians are not terrorists but you and all Serbians are. The world knows who terrorists are. There is no Macedonian Nation-those who call themselves Macedonian are either Serbian or Bulgarian-everybody knows it. I'm not from Macedonia but I Will fight for our land (Macedonia is our Land) and we will take over Macedonia. In fact Albanian Army in Macedonia is fighting already (as you may well know). So remember Mr. whoever you are Macedonian is Albanian Land.

Write me at feriku2000@hotmail.com or visit me at ferik.intranet I'll tell you more! FONT&NBSP;&NBSP;SIZE=2



From: Rahim Hiseni kosovar_brad@hotmail.com To: vmro-mnm@bredband.net Sent: Wednesday, June 13, 2001 5:17 PM Subject:


Original Message ----------------------------------

From: "ISPHuset / Mette Martinsen" info@isphuset.se Date: Mon, 31 Mar 2003 12:17:56 +0200

>Hej igen Ljupco > >Jag vet att jag har att göra med en förening och att du är bra att tala för dig, men jag har tyvärr inte tid att kommentera ditt mail ytterligare eller hålla på att mäkla. Jag ser på din hemsida följande rubrik: > >E-MAIL FROM ALBANIAN NAZIS, FASCISTS AND TERRORISTS! > >Vi har faktisk regler om att vi inte accepterar någon form av rasism på våra sidor, och även om det är så att du tycker du bara visar fram vad andra skriver, så får du modifiera det du själv skriver i alla fall. >Personen som har kontaktat mig önskar vara anonym och inte kontakta dig direkt. Vi har som sagt inte tid att hålla på med detta, så du får alltså nu en chans att göra din hemsida så att den kan ligga på vår server och följa våra regler. (Se punkt 11) > >Med vänlig hälsning >Mette Martinsen > > >Mette Martinsen / ISPHuset Nordic AB > > Tlf: +46 (0)46 854 29, Fax: +46 (0)46 854 21 >Email: mette@isphuset.se Webb: isphuset.se/ > > >-----Ursprungligt meddelande----- >Från: vmro-mnm [2] >Skickat: den 28 mars 2003 17:11 >Till: ISPHuset / Mette Martinsen; ljupco@vmro-mnm.com >Kopia: vmro-mnm >Ämne: Re: Hemsidan och mailen igen! > > >Hej Mette! > >Jag har tidigare bett dig att du skall e-maila personen/personerna ifråga och be denne/dem att kontakta mig så att jag kan ta bort dens/deras e-mail adress/er. Detta har inte skett. Jag kan omöjligt veta vilken/vilka denna/dessa personen/personerna är då vi har tusentals e-mails på organisationens hemsida. De flesta av dem är dock stolta över att få vara delaktiga i hemsidan. Däremot kan jag tänka mig att de som har skrivit hotelser och vulgariteter till organisationen inte uppskattar att finnas här. > >Du skriver att det inte är första gången jag är i blåsväder. Då frågar jag vilket blåsväder det skulle vara? Jag har aldrig varit i något blåsväder. Däremot har vissa personer (eller person) kontaktat dig för att denne/de vill att organisationen skall plocka bort dens/deras e-mail adresser. Naturligtvis plockar vi bort e-mail adresserna för de som inte vill stå för sina åsikter. > >Antingen får vi göra så att du ber dem att kontakta organisationen eller så får du själv kopiera deras klagomål och maila oss detta inklusive e-mail adresserna och vilken länk det gäller (detta är ytterst viktigt, annars kan jag omöjligen hitta brevet/breven). Det bästa är dock att du själv skickar oss detta då det inte fungerade förra gången jag sade till. Och jag vill inte hamna i "något blåsväder", som du uttrycker det, för att de inte mailar mig. > >När det gäller e-mails, du har skrivit att "se till att sluta maila fok som inte önskar få dina e-mails", så skickar vi dessa till: folk som har kontaktat organisationen, Politiska forum och gästböcker och politiska, historiska hemsidor på nätet. > >Vad jag vet så är politiska forum till för diskussion. Sålunda så läser jag ett inlägg som någon annan skrivit och sedan svarar på detta. Vad jag förstår med ditt e-mail så är det således så att organisationen inte är "välkommen" hos vissa diskussionsforum. I så fall behöver vi veta vilka de är så att vi inte "stör" dem igen. Jag vill dock säga att har man ett diskussionsforum på nätet så får man också vara beredd på att det blir diskussioner. Annars vad är det för mening med att ha det?

>Organisationen skickar alltså inte till några "vanliga" företag eller "stör" någon som inte är politisk engagerad. > >Om något av detta skulle upprepas, vilket vi inte får hoppas men som en politisk organisation aldrig kan vara säker på, så vill jag att ni kontaktar organisationen och skickar e-mail adresserna direkt, utan kommentarer, så att vi kan plocka bort dem direkt. Detta underlättar både för er och för organisationen och jag slipper sådana här e-mails som jag absolut inte uppskattar. > >M.v.h Ljupco Mircevski-Trepet > > >---------- Original Message ---------------------------------- >From: "ISPHuset / Mette Martinsen" info@isphuset.se >Date: Fri, 28 Mar 2003 14:18:05 +0100 > >>Hej Ljupco >> >>Vi har åter mottagit en anmälan pga din hemsida och dina mailutskick. >>Du lägger ut emails på hemsidan och igen är det personer som inte önskar detta. Du får också se till att sluta maila folk som inte önskar få dina emails. Om inte vi kan få orden på detta har vi inget annat val än att stänga ner din hemsida. Då mycket av texten är på macedonsk (?) kan vi av goda grunnar inte få med oss allt, men detta är inte första gången du är i blåsväder. Kan du inom en vecka dokumetera att du har ändrat på hemsidan, får du ligga kvar, annars får vi stänga ner. >> >>Mvh. Mette Martinsen >>ISPHuset Nordic AB >> >> >

Pocituvani braka i sestri Makedonki i Makedonci! Jas imav sumna deka toa se raboti za ignoriranje na Makeodnskata Organizacija VMRO-MNM (Makedonija Na Makedoncite), od svetskata javnost. Se razbira za da ne se doznava vistinata za Makedonskata drzava i za Makeodnskiot narod. I moejata sumlivost ispadna i vo vistinsko. Pred nekoj den na mojot mobil telefon mi se javi eden GNASEN siptarski-balista i mi rece deka sme prokleti sloveni i deka gi kostalo "albancite" i nivnite slavo Makedonski prijateli od vladata sto morale da platat nekolku miljoni dolari na direktorite od kompanijata Mette Martinsen mette@isphuset.se i Tom Martinsen tom@isphuset.se za da se zatvori Web stranicata na Organizacijata VMRO-MNM.

Pocituvani moi Makedonci. Golemite uspesi i napreduvanja na siptarskite ekstremisti, nacisti, fasisti, teroristi, pedofili, psihopati, sizofrenicari i mafijaski banditi i na Makedonskite izrodi, predavnicki zverovi-zverski. Uspesite i napreduvanjata im uspevat sekoj dnevno zatoa sto nie Makedoncite ne sme obedineti i edinstveni. Nie Makedoncite sme podeleni i se mrazime eden sprema drug, a nasite golemi neprijateli i zlocinski dusmani ni se smeat i si se podigavat so nasata tolerancija kon nasite golemi neprijateli, zverski i zlocinski dusmani i golemi tolerancii kon Makedonskite zlocinski dusmani, izrodi i predavnicki zverovi-zverski. Bogatata siptarska-balisticka mafijaska banda i Makedonskite kapetalisticki izrodi, predavnicki zverovi-zverski se sposobni da platat bilo koj samo da ni naskodi na nas dobrite, vernite, realnite, napatenite, zagrozenite i porobenite Makedonci. A naj golemata aktivnost i borba na gnasnite siptarski-balistii, ekstremisti, nacsiti, fasisti, teroristi, pedofili, psihopati, sizofrenicari i mafijaski banditi i na Makedonskite psihopati, sizofrenicari, pedofili, mafijaski banditi, Makeodnskite izrodi, predavnicki zverovi-zverski im e da ja unistat VNATRESNATA MAKEDONSKA REVOLUCIONERNA ORGANIZACIJA-MAKEDONIJA NA MAKEDONCITE (VMRO-MNM).

Pocituvani dobri, verni, cesni, realni, zagrozeni, napateni i porobeni braka i sestri Makedonki i Makedonci. Apeliram do site vas, da ni pomognete i podrzite so nasata Makedonska nacionalna, komitska i patriotska Organizacija VMRO-MNM i da ni pomognete i podrzite so naj Makeoskata nacionalna, komitska i patriotska Web stranica, za da pronajdeme nekoja sigurna i dobra internet kompanija za da ja otvorime povtorno Web stranicata www.vmro-mnm.com . Dokolku sakata da ni pomognete pisete ni na ovie dve E-mail adresi: Ljupco Mircevski-Trepet ljupco_mircevski_trepet@hotmail.com i Macedonian Revolutionary macedonian_revolutionary@hotmail.com Predhodnite E-mail adresi na Organizacijata VMRO-MNM: VMRO-MNM info@vmro-mnm.com, Ljupco Mircevski-Trepet trepet@vmro-mnm.com, VMRO-MNM vmro-mnm@vmro-mnm.com, VMRO-MNM macedonia_for_the_macedonians@vmro-mnm.com (Tie E-mail adresi ne postojat povise).

Unapred vi se zablagodaruvam za vasata realna sorabotka, pomos i podrska!

So Makedonski bratski, komitski i patriotski pozdravi do site dobri, verni, cesni, realni i gordi brakja i sestri Makedonki i Makedonci, od site nas komitite i patriotite od Organizacijata VMRO-MNM (Makedonija Na Makedoncite).














Pretsedatel Na Makedonskata Organizacija VMRO-MNM Ljupco Mircevski-Trepet

Från: "Ljupco Mircevski-Trepet" <trepet_1@hotmail.com> Till: vmro_mnm_makedonija_na_makedoncite@hotmail.com, macedonia_for_the_macedonians@hotmail.com, vmro_mnm_macedonia_for_the_macedonians@hotmail.com, filip_the_great@hotmail.com, filip_ll_makedonski_the_great_of_macedonian@hotmail.com, aleksandar_makedonski_the_great@hotmail.com, aleksandar_lll_makedonski_the_great_of_macedonian@hotmail.com, aristotle_of_macedonian@hotmail.com, konstantin_the_great@hotmail.com, car_konstantin_the_great@hotmail.com, car_konstantin_the_great_of_macedonia@hotmail.com, justinjan_the_great@hotmail.com, car_justinjan_the_great@hotmail.com, car_justinjan_the_great_of_macedonia@hotmail.com, Car_Samoil_The_Great@hotmail.com, car_samoil_the_great_of_macedonia@hotmail.com, st_kiril_and_metodij_of_macedonia@hotmail.com, st_kliment_ohridski_of_macedonia@hotmail.com, st_naum_ohridski_of_macedonia@hotmail.com, goce_delcev_the_great@hotmail.com, goce_delcev_the_great_of_macedonia@hotmail.com, goce_delcev_vojvoda@hotmail.com, jane_sandanski_vojvoda@hotmail.com Kopia: nikola_karev_vojvoda@hotmail.com, dame_gruev_vojvoda@hotmail.com, gjorce_petrov_vojvoda@hotmail.com, pitu_guli_vojvoda@hotmail.com, metodija_andonov_cento_vojvoda@hotmail.com, ljupco_mircevski_trepet_vojvoda@hotmail.com, trepet_vmro_mnm@hotmail.com, vmro_mnm_trepet@hotmail.com, TREPET_1@hotmail.com, vmro_mnm@hotmail.com, MACEDONIAN_PATRIOT@hotmail.com, MAKEDONSKI_KOMITA@hotmail.com, MAKEDONSKI_PATRIOT@hotmail.com, nie_sme_makedonci_a_ne_fyromci@hotmail.com, iconajdovski@ozemail.com.au, makedonskafalanga@makedonskafalanga.cjb.net, adonski@mt.net.mk, skrbiuteha@mt.net.mk, bogov@bigpond.com, Possibilitarian37@yahoo.com Ämne: E-mail poraka so provokacii i agresii od sasmrdenite i gnasnite siptari... Datum: Wed, 24 Sep 2003 19:42:56 +0000

Från: "Ferik Ferizaj" feriku2000@aol.com Till: "Ljupco Mircevski-Trepet" TREPET_1@hotmail.com Ämne: Macedonia is Ours Datum: Sat, 20 Sep 2003 13:27:58 +0200 (MEST)

Albanians will take over Macedonia within 10 years (remember this)!!!. And Albanians are not terrorists but you and all Serbians are. The world knows who terrorists are. There is no Macedonian Nation-those who call themselves Macedonian are either Serbian or Bulgarian-everybody knows it. I'm not from Macedonia but I Will fight for our

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From: Fxxxxxxx Mxxxxxxx xxxxxxx@corp.globo.com To: "'St. Kliment Ohridski Of Macedonia'" st_kliment_ohridski_of_macedonia@hotmail.com Subject: RES: The Western World propaganda about MACEDONIA AND THE MACEDONIAN NATION! Date: Tue, 23 Sep 2003 17:59:32 -0300

Hello. My name is Fxxxxxxx Mxxxxxxx and I'm a journalist here in Brazil. I write for two websites and a newspaper from Globo Network, the fourth communication company all around the world. I'd like to know something more about Macedonian problems and it would be a very good idea having an interview with mister Ljupco Mircevski-Trepet, President of the Macedonian Organization VMRO-MNM. I hope to hear about you soon.

Thanks for your attention.

Best Regards

Fxxxxxxx Mxxxxxxx Rio de Janeiro - Brazil

Mensagem original-----

De: St. Kliment Ohridski Of Macedonia [3] Enviada em: Tuesday, September 23, 2003 5:45 PM Para: dmarinho@corp.globo.com; dudadiniz@corp.globo.com; Fadua@oglobo.com.br; fromano@corp.globo.com; fmoreira@corp.globo.com; hallack@corp.globo.com; hbadenes@corp.globo.com; jamari@corp.globo.com; jbraga@corp.globo.com; jcastaneda@corp.globo.com; leticia.branco@oglobo.com.br; llichote@oglobo.com.br; lterra@corp.globo.com; lfilipe@oglobo.com.br; msobral@oglobo.com.br; fdelmas@corp.globo.com; phenrique@corp.globo.com; sabrinav@corp.globo.com; ssilveira@corp.globo.com; aline.polycarpo@oglobo.com.br; barbara.veloso@oglobo.com.br; fernanda.pellegrini@infoglobo.com.br; rfagundes@oglobo.com.br; mello@oglobo.com.br; silvio.rocha@oglobo.com.br; dchaves@oglobo.com.br; fleze@oglobo.com.br; feugenio@oglobo.com.br; leoantunes@oglobo.com.br; leod@oglobo.com.br; jan@oglobo.com.br; carlosd@oglobo.com.br; fabioc@oglobo.com.br; fabior@oglobo.com.br; rmello@oglobo.com.br; rbspublicacoes@rbspublicacoes.com.br; discoteca@via-rs.net; comercial.valornews@valor.com.br; redacao@valor.com.br; cartas@valor.com.br Assunto: The Western World propaganda about MACEDONIA AND THE MACEDONIAN NATION!

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Från: "MACEDONIAN PATRIOT" <macedonian_patriot@hotmail.com> Till: trepet_vmro_mnm@hotmail.com, vmro_mnm_trepet@hotmail.com, TREPET_1@hotmail.com, vmro_mnm_makedonija_na_makedoncite@hotmail.com, macedonia_for_the_macedonians@hotmail.com, vmro_mnm_macedonia_for_the_macedonians@hotmail.com, filip_the_great@hotmail.com, filip_ll_makedonski_the_great_of_macedonian@hotmail.com, aleksandar_makedonski_the_great@hotmail.com, aleksandar_lll_makedonski_the_great_of_macedonian@hotmail.com, aristotle_of_macedonian@hotmail.com, konstantin_the_great@hotmail.com, car_konstantin_the_great@hotmail.com, car_konstantin_the_great_of_macedonia@hotmail.com, justinjan_the_great@hotmail.com, car_justinjan_the_great@hotmail.com, car_justinjan_the_great_of_macedonia@hotmail.com, Car_Samoil_The_Great@hotmail.com, car_samoil_the_great_of_macedonia@hotmail.com, st_kiril_and_metodij_of_macedonia@hotmail.com, st_kliment_ohridski_of_macedonia@hotmail.com, st_naum_ohridski_of_macedonia@hotmail.com, goce_delcev_the_great@hotmail.com, goce_delcev_the_great_of_macedonia@hotmail.com Kopia: goce_delcev_vojvoda@hotmail.com, jane_sandanski_vojvoda@hotmail.com, nikola_karev_vojvoda@hotmail.com, dame_gruev_vojvoda@hotmail.com, gjorce_petrov_vojvoda@hotmail.com, pitu_guli_vojvoda@hotmail.com, metodija_andonov_cento_vojvoda@hotmail.com, ljupco_mircevski_trepet_vojvoda@hotmail.com, vmro_mnm@hotmail.com, macedonian_revolutionary@hotmail.com, MACEDONIAN_PATRIOT@hotmail.com, MAKEDONSKI_KOMITA@hotmail.com, MAKEDONSKI_PATRIOT@hotmail.com, nie_sme_makedonci_a_ne_fyromci@hotmail.com Ämne: Re: PRESENT ALBANIANS ARE SO CONFUSED ABOUT THERE IDENTITY. Datum: Mon, 13 Oct 2003 08:01:46 +0000

Från: "Xxxxxxx" <Xxxxxxx@hotmail.com> Till: "MACEDONIAN PATRIOT" <macedonian_patriot@hotmail.com> Ämne: Re: PRESENT ALBANIANS ARE SO CONFUSED ABOUT THERE IDENTITY. Datum: Fri, 10 Oct 2003 18:12:01 -0700

Original Message -----

From: xxxxxx Xxxxxx_xxxxxx@hotmail.com To: "MACEDONIAN PATRIOT" MACEDONIAN_PATRIOT@hotmail..com Sent: Friday, October 10, 2003 8:38 AM Subject: RE: PRESENT ALBANIANS ARE SO CONFUSED ABOUT THERE IDENTITY.


I refer to you Sir, albanians are to different peoples one toski believed to be of macedonian descent other ghegs desendents of mongol turkish from the ottoman times, they came to the balkans 1430's and even at later stages like 1900's they the present albanians are confused people, they dont know about there real history of albania and the miaonian macedonian gorgi krastiot those name changed by ottomans to iskenberg, and to end this shot note i say macedonians will be united again the macedonians tribes as mentioned by homer pionians who todays croatians are the mix of, brygians and even the illyrians had some customs as the macedonians, keltoi or celtic as there known now also had same customs as the macedonians veneti or in homers time the eneti were a macedonian tribe too, there are many macedonian tribes just remember macedonian as mentioned by homer and others borded with macedonians only. May God Bless You and Macedonia yours faithfully makedonian please withhold my email as i dont want greek, albanian propaganda.

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Från: Goran Lindblad <goran.lindblad@riksdagen.se> Skickat: den 22 december 2003 19:54:40 Till: "Pitu Guli-Vojvoda" <pitu_guli_vojvoda@hotmail.com> Ämne: Ang: The Western World propaganda about MACEDONIA AND THE MACEDONIAN NATION!

Do not bother let the Macedonians decide themselves if the want to call the country Macedonia or something else


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From: Immigrant-institutet <migrant@immi.se> Reply-To: <migrant@immi.se> Sent: Monday, March 29, 2004 8:05 PM To: "HALLO STOCKHOLM HERE IS MACEDONIA"<hallo_stockholm_here_is_macedonia@hotmail.com> Subject: Re: HALLO STOCKHOLM HERE IS MACEDONIA......

Hej du som står bakom detta brev.

VI har förstått att du är missnöjd med att namnet Macedonia inte är accepterat.

Vi inom våra organisationer accepterar det till fullo. I vilket fall - vi har fått ditt brev alldeles för många gånger. Var vänlig och inte skicka det igen till någon av adresserna @immi.se.

Vi uppskattar din hjälp.


Miguel Benito

Original Message ----------------------------------

From: "HALLO STOCKHOLM HERE IS MACEDONIA" <hallo_stockholm_here_is_macedonia@hotmail.com> Date: Mon, 29 Mar 2004 16:26:28 +0000

>The Western World propaganda, discriminations, crimes, and violations >against MACEDONIA AND THE MACEDONIAN NATION! > > >http://www.acdi-cida.gc.ca/CIDAWEB/webcountry.nsf/VLUDocEn/FormerYugoslavRepublicofMacedonia-Projects > > >http://www.cc.ece.ntua.gr/~conster/PageData/proposed_names.htm > > >Proposed names for FYROM > > >-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- > > >Since the name "Macedonia" cannot be justified for FYROM, we must see if >there are other names that suit that state better. Here are 2 proposed >names: > >Vardaria >The area of FYROM, just as soon the WWI ended was named as Vardaska Banovina >which means the Vardar (Axios) river valley. That was the first name that >was invented for that specific area as soon as it was liberated from the >Othoman occupation. It certainly is most suitable for FYROM, since the term >Vardaria fits to all the area of FYROM (while the term "Macedonia" doesn't) >and it was invented to identify FYROM (while the name "Macedonia" was >invented to identify Greeks). > >Centro-Balkanian Republic >This is the second most fitting name for FYROM, since it geographically >describes FYROM 100%, and as a name there is no "national" character, which >means that it can be used to identify the multi-national state of FYROM. > >Any other proposed names are welcome. >Help those people find a name for them, because it is really embarrassing >(and pathetic) for them to steal names that are already in use! > > >-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- > >Updated 25 March 1999 > > >READ ABOUT MACEDONIA! > >THE TRUTH ABOUT MACEDONIA AND THE MACEDONIAN NATION! > >Message From: > >The Internal Macedonian Revolutionary Organization - Macedonian for the >Macedonians (VMRO-MNM)! > >Tihs is not a commercial. This is about a nation that has suffered deeply, a >nation the world has forgotten about. >The Macedoian nation has been robbed of its history, traditions, culture, >identity, land and so on. Everything the athenians, the "bulgarians", the >serbs and rhe "albanians" are writing is really Macedonian. We Macedonians >have suffered enough.We want to to show the world our struggle for for >justice. > >The media of the western world has never showed the truth about Macedonia, >only "propaganda news". >This is the only wey for us to make our voices heard and to inform the >world. > >If you want to know the truth about Macedonia and the Macedonian nation, >please visit the web site: www.vmro-mnm.com > >Alo "atina", "sofija", "belgrad" i "tirana" ovde MAKEDONIJA! >Hallo "athens", "sofija", "belgrad" and "tirana" here is MACEDONIA! > >MAKEDONIJA NA MAKEDONCITE! >MACEDONIA FOR THE MACEDONIANS! > >JAS SUM MAKEDONEC A NE FYROMEC! >NIE SME MAKEDONCI A NE FYROMCI! > >VECNO DA ZIVEE MAKEDONSKATA ZEMJA! >VECNO DA ZIVEE MAKEDONSKIOT NAROD! > >LONG LIVE MACEDONIAN! >LONG LIVE THE MACEDONIAN NATION! > >MACEDONIA BELONGS TO THE MACEDONIANS NO ONE ELSE. > > >Ljupco Mircevski-Trepet >President of the Macedonian Organization VMRO-MNM > > >_________________________________________________________________ >STOP MORE SPAM with the new MSN 8 and get 2 months FREE* >http://join.msn.com/?page=features/junkmail > >

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From: Greek Orthodox Patriarchate of Alexandria & All Africa <patriarchate@greekorthodox-alexandria.org> Sent: Tuesday, March 23, 2004 6:36 PM To: "'VMRO-MNM MACEDONIA FOR THE MACEDONIANS'" <vmro_mnm_macedonia_for_the_macedonians@hotmail.com> Subject: RE: The Western World propaganda about MACEDONIA AND THE MACEDONIAN NATION!

Please delete our e-mail from your distribution list we can not receive such huge messages over 1MB!!!!!!

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From: Greek Orthodox Patriarchate of Alexandria and All Africa <patriarchate@greekorthodox-alexandria.org> Sent: Thursday, April 1, 2004 11:39 AM To: "HERE IS MACEDONIAN PATRIOT" <here_is_macedonian_patriot@hotmail.com> Subject: court case

if you continue to e-mail us your junk e-mails I will sue you in the court because you suppose not to send junk e-mail with out our requests. delete immediately our e-mail from your mailing list

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Från: Greek Orthodox Patriarchate of Alexandria and All Africa <patriarchate@greekorthodox-alexandria.org> Skickat: den 5 april 2004 07:06:46 Till: "JAS SUM MAKEDONEC A NE FYROMEC" <nie_sme_makedonci_a_ne_fyromci@hotmail.com> Ämne: GET LOST


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From: Greek Orthodox Patriarchate of Alexandria and All Africa <patriarchate@greekorthodox-alexandria.org> Sent: Tuesday, April 13, 2004 10:56 AM To: "VMRO-MNM MACEDONIA FOR THE MACEDONIANS" <vmro_mnm_macedonia_for_the_macedonians@hotmail.com> Subject: RE: Picture of the President Mr. Ljupco Mircevski-Trepet of the VMRO-MNM!




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Från: Greek Orthodox Patriarchate of Alexandria & All Africa <patriarchate@greekorthodox-alexandria.org> Skickat: den 18 april 2004 20:52:40 Till: "'Macedonian for the Macedonians'" <vmro_mnm@hotmail.com> Ämne: fuck you

Fuck you

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Från: patriarchate@greekorthodox-alexandria.org <patriarchate@greekorthodox-alexandria.org> Svarsadress: patriarchate@greekorthodox-alexandria.org Skickat: den 23 april 2004 10:12:45 Till: Macedonian for the Macedonians <vmro_mnm@hotmail.com> Ämne: most welcome

you are most welcome. if you send again your messages i will take further action delete my e-mail imediately from you list

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From: MacedoniaGreece.Com <info@macedoniagreece.com> Sent: Friday, April 9, 2004 5:09 PM To: HALLO ATHENS HERE IS MACEDONIA <hallo_athens_here_is_macedonia@hotmail.com> Subject: Re: Hello athens HERE IS MAKEDONIA!!!!!

Zdravo dobre utro? Grcki-Makedonski brat? Thank you for visiting the Macedonian web page. Very soon you will be able to read the history of the Makedones and how they fought against the Comitadji VMRO organization which tried to destroy and exterminate the Makedones. There will be photos and documents to prove all that. Osloboduvasheto Za Monastiri, Axrida, Mega Revma, Gevgeli, Philpipoupolis. Pomagajte vo Borbata Za Grcki-Makedonia! Ti si Grcki-Makedonski. I will be visiting my home Monastiri (Bitola) this summer. I hope we can meet. Zhevee Grcki-Makedonia!

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From: <xxxxxxxx@comcast.net> Sent: Monday, April 12, 2004 3:38 PM To: "VMRO-MNM Makedonija Na Makedoncite" <vmro_mnm_makedonija_na_makedoncite@hotmail.com> Subject: Re: The Western World propaganda about MACEDONIA AND THE MACEDONIAN NATION!

Zdravo, Thank you for sending this to me. Here is my comment.

When will people realize that you cannot "claim" a country or it's people? Greece cannot "claim" Macedonia. Bulgaria cannot "claim" the ethnicity of Macedonians. Serbia cannot "claim" the Macedonian church. And Albania cannot "claim" Macedonian land.

If we are so wrong in what we say we are, or what we believe in, then what is it to the other countries? Why should they care about us? Why can they not just leave us be? If they are so sure that we are making a mistake in what we believe, then LET US MAKE THE MISTAKE. If they believe we are making a mistake, then dont they uthink it will eventually (in the end) work itself out on its own? Leave our country be. Leave our people and our tiny nation alone. We are not barbarians. We are civilized, as much as you or your brothers.

We deserve the same respect that we give to you. (This is in no way interpreted to be picking on any other country or anyone else of a different ethnic origin. I love my brothers, sisters, and relatives in Serbia and Greece, and treat them as my own. This is meant to go towards the politics of the Balkans, as corrupt as they are.)

Best regards

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From: MacedoniaGreece.Com <info@macedoniagreece.com> Sent: Saturday, April 17, 2004 4:28 PM To: Aleksandar III Makedonski The Great Of Macedonian <aleksandar_lll_makedonski_the_great_of_macedonian@hotmail.com> Subject: Re: The Western World propaganda about MACEDONIA AND THE MACEDONIAN NATION!

Quoting Aleksandar III Makedonski The Great Of Macedonian <aleksandar_lll_makedonski_the_great_of_macedonian@hotmail.com>:

> The Western World propaganda, discriminations, crimes, and violations > against MACEDONIA AND THE MACEDONIAN NATION! > > http://www.acdi-cida.gc.ca/CIDAWEB/webcountry.nsf/VLUDocEn/FormerYugoslavRepublicofMacedonia-Projects > > > http://www.cc.ece.ntua.gr/~conster/PageData/proposed_names.htm > > > Proposed names for FYROM > >

> > > Since the name "Macedonia" cannot be justified for FYROM, we must see if > there are other names that suit that state better. Here are 2 proposed > names: > > Vardaria > The area of FYROM, just as soon the WWI ended was named as Vardaska Banovina > > which means the Vardar (Axios) river valley. That was the first name that > was invented for that specific area as soon as it was liberated from the > Othoman occupation. It certainly is most suitable for FYROM, since the term > Vardaria fits to all the area of FYROM (while the term "Macedonia" doesn't) > and it was invented to identify FYROM (while the name "Macedonia" was > invented to identify Greeks). > > Centro-Balkanian Republic > This is the second most fitting name for FYROM, since it geographically > describes FYROM 100%, and as a name there is no "national" character, which > means that it can be used to identify the multi-national state of FYROM. > > Any other proposed names are welcome. > Help those people find a name for them, because it is really embarrassing > (and pathetic) for them to steal names that are already in use! > >

> > Updated 25 March 1999 > > > READ ABOUT MACEDONIA! > > THE TRUTH ABOUT MACEDONIA AND THE MACEDONIAN NATION! > > Message From: > > The Internal Macedonian Revolutionary Organization - Macedonian for the > Macedonians (VMRO-MNM)! > > Tihs is not a commercial. This is about a nation that has suffered deeply, a > > nation the world has forgotten about. > The Macedoian nation has been robbed of its history, traditions, culture, > identity, land and so on. Everything the athenians, the "bulgarians", the > serbs and rhe "albanians" are writing is really Macedonian. We Macedonians > have suffered enough.We want to to show the world our struggle for for > justice. > > The media of the western world has never showed the truth about Macedonia, > only "propaganda news". > This is the only wey for us to make our voices heard and to inform the > world. > > If you want to know the truth about Macedonia and the Macedonian nation, > please visit the web site: www.vmro-mnm.com > > Alo "atina", "sofija", "belgrad" i "tirana" ovde MAKEDONIJA! > Hallo "athens", "sofija", "belgrad" and "tirana" here is MACEDONIA! > > MAKEDONIJA NA MAKEDONCITE! > MACEDONIA FOR THE MACEDONIANS! > > JAS SUM MAKEDONEC A NE FYROMEC! > NIE SME MAKEDONCI A NE FYROMCI! > > VECNO DA ZIVEE MAKEDONSKATA ZEMJA! > VECNO DA ZIVEE MAKEDONSKIOT NAROD! > > LONG LIVE MACEDONIAN! > LONG LIVE THE MACEDONIAN NATION! > > MACEDONIA BELONGS TO THE MACEDONIANS NO ONE ELSE. > > > Ljupco Mircevski-Trepet > President of the Macedonian Organization VMRO-MNM > > > | | | | | Inbox > > Get the latest updates from MSN > MSN Förstasidan | Mitt MSN | Hotmail | Sök | Shopping | > Pengar | Chat & Vänner > > _________________________________________________________________ > MSN 8 helps eliminate e-mail viruses. Get 2 months FREE*. > http://join.msn.com/?page=features/virus >

My friend I do not understand what you are trying to say. We Macedonians live very well. We are not being discriminated against. We are proud of our culture, which is Macedonian and Greek at the same time. You want to talk about deportation. Then let me tell you. My great grandfather was with Kapetan Christos Kottas (YOU call him Voivoda Kote). He fought along with Kottas over one hundred years ago. Kottas wanted to liberate Macedonia from Turkey. But VMRO betrayed him and the reason is because he said " We Macedonians are Greek". My relatives some years later were thrown out of their home in Monastiri (bitola) for one reason only, speaking Greek. VMRO was nothing more than a terrorist organization that murdered Macedonians. That is a fact. Take a look in about ten days and you will see when the web site is fully up. And last thing, I want you to take a look at a ancient Macedonian coin from the time of Philipas and Alexandros and then tell me what alphabet is it you see?

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Från: patriarchate@greekorthodox-alexandria.org <patriarchate@greekorthodox-alexandria.org> Svarsadress: patriarchate@greekorthodox-alexandria.org Skickat: den 23 april 2004 10:12:45 Till: Macedonian for the Macedonians <vmro_mnm@hotmail.com> Ämne: most welcome

you are most welcome. if you send again your messages i will take further action delete my e-mail imediately from you list

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From: Greek Orthodox Patriarchate of Alexandria & All Africa <patriarchate@greekorthodox-alexandria.org> Sent: Thursday, May 20, 2004 5:15 PM To: "'HALLO LONDON HERE IS MACEDONIA'" <hallo_london_here_is_macedonia@hotmail.com> Subject: fuck you

Fuck you

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From: Greek Orthodox Patriarchate of Alexandria & All Africa <patriarchate@greekorthodox-alexandria.org> Sent: Sunday, June 6, 2004 6:07 AM To: "'HALLO EU HERE IS MACEDONIA'" <hallo_eu_here_is_macedonia@hotmail.com> Subject: get lost

Get lost with your stupid e-mails and put the picture of your president in your bedroom to look at him all time we do not want to see his face keep it for you continue to send you stupid e-mails and you will see soon

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From: OVDE E MAKEDONSKI PATRIOT <ovde_e_makedonski_patriot@hotmail.com> Sent: Thursday, June 24, 2004 4:46 PM To: trepet_vmro_mnm@hotmail.com, TREPET_1@hotmail.com, vmro_mnm_trepet@hotmail.com, vmro_mnm_makedonija_na_makedoncite@hotmail.com, macedonia_for_the_macedonians@hotmail.com, MAKEDONSKIOT_VOJVODA_TREPET_VELI_JAS_SUM_MAKEDONEC_A_NE_FYROMEC@HOTMAIL.COM, MAKEDONSKIOT_VOJVODA_TREPET_VELI_NIE_SME_MAKEDONCI_A_NE_FYROMCI@HOTMAIL.COM, nie_sme_makedonci_a_ne_fyromci@hotmail.com, MAKEODNSKI_REVOLUCIONER@HOTMAIL.COM, MAKEDONSKI_PATRIOT@hotmail.com, HERE_IS_MACEDONIAN_REVOLUTIONARY@HOTMAIL.COM, filip_ll_makedonski_the_great_of_macedonian@hotmail.com, aleksandar_lll_makedonski_the_great_of_macedonian@hotmail.com, aristotle_of_macedonian@hotmail.com, car_konstantin_the_great_of_macedonia@hotmail.com, car_justinjan_the_great_of_macedonia@hotmail.com, car_samoil_the_great_of_macedonia@hotmail.com, st_kiril_and_metodij_of_macedonia@hotmail.com, st_kliment_ohridski_of_macedonia@hotmail.com, st_naum_ohridski_of_macedonia@hotmail.com, goce_delcev_the_great_of_macedonia@hotmail.com CC: goce_delcev_makedonski_vojvoda@hotmail.com, ljupco_mircevski_trepet_vojvoda@hotmail.com, ljupco_mircevski_trepet_makedonski_vojvoda@hotmail.com, metodija_andonov_cento_makedonski_vojvoda@hotmail.com, jane_sandanski_makedonski_vojvoda@hotmail.com, nikola_karev_makedonski_vojvoda@hotmail.com, dame_gruev_makedonski_vojvoda@hotmail.com, gjorce_petrov_makedonski_vojvoda@hotmail.com, pitu_guli_makedonski_vojvoda@hotmail.com, HALLO_UN_HERE_IS_MACEDONIA@HOTMAIL.COM, HALLO_EU_HERE_IS_MACEDONIA@HOTMAIL.COM, HALLO_EUROPEAN_UNION_HERE_IS_MACEDONIA@HOTMAIL.COM, HALLO_EUROPA_UNION_HERE_IS_MACEDONIA@HOTMAIL.COM, HALLO_BRUSSELS_HERE_IS_MACEDONIA@HOTMAIL.COM, HALLO_ATHENS_SOFIA_BELGRAD_AND_TIRANA_HERE_IS_MACEDONIA@HOTMAIL.COM, ALO_ATINA_SOFIJA_BELGRAD_I_TIRANA_OVDE_E_MAKEDONIJA@HOTMAIL.COM, HALLO_ATHENS_HERE_IS_MACEDONIA@HOTMAIL.COM, HALLO_SOFIJA_HERE_IS_MACEDONIA@HOTMAIL.COM, HALLO_BELGRAD_HERE_IS_MACEDONIA@HOTMAIL.COM, HALLO_TIRANA_HERE_IS_MACEDONIA@HOTMAIL.COM Subject: Brakja komiti i patrioti eve dve Email poraki za VMRO-MNM na angliski jazik.

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From: Dennis Myhand <dmyhand@cox-internet.com> Sent: Friday, June 4, 2004 6:27 PM To: HALLO ATHENS HERE IS MACEDONIA <HALLO_ATHENS_HERE_IS_MACEDONIA@HOTMAIL.COM> Subject: Your posting to our guestbook

What could you possibly hope to achieve by your posting to our church guestbook? All you did was fill all the available space so that other could not let us know of their needs. Was there any reason for a 116 page posting? Do you think there is anyone in Corpus Christi, TX who could change the fate of Macedonia? Please, might I suggest you lobby the Greek nation, or the United Nations? If you wish to contact the Greek Government, the link for the Google website is:


Simply type in Greece in the search box and hit "I'm Feeling Lucky"

Thank you, Vasilios Xerimu

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From: koffee annan <koffeeannan@yahoo.com> Sent: Sunday, June 20, 2004 1:39 PM To: HERE IS MACEDONIAN PATRIOT <here_is_macedonian_patriot@hotmail.com> Subject: Oppression of Macedonian Peoples

Dear Sir:

Your issue has been brought to my attention. Let me assure you that the United Nations is not in the habit of oppressing the peoples of Macedonia. We are liberating them. They are just too fucking stupid to know they are being liberated. Like you. It is plain you are a serious asshole. You have nothing better to do than to send out e-mails to people who do not want them, about a people who haven't gotten a fucking thing right since Alexander the Great. And he wasn't all that good. He just hired a good press secretary. So, fuck off, princess, or I'll send the Muslims back in to rape your ass for another 500 years.

Sincerely, Kofi Annan, U.N. Secretary General

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From: koffee annan <kophieannan@yahoo.com> Sent: Sunday, June 27, 2004 7:09 PM To: "HERE IS MACEDONIAN REVOLUTIONARY" <here_is_macedonian_revolutionary@hotmail.com> Subject: Hello


I am Kofi Annan. It has come to my attention you seem to have some problem with your nation's lot in life. Well, I am sorry to hear this, but tough shit, eh? I mean, who isn't displeased with how things have worked out. It is no reason for you to go off with half a cock. Even those rich bastards in the US are not happy right now, and who the fuck can blame them. If you ain't the President, people are cutting off your head, and if you are they are trying to cut off your balls. So buck up, rather than fuck up, and quit yer bitchin, man. It could be worse. You might be from so poor little shithole like The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia. Those lousy fuckers haven't done anything right since Alexander the Great, and he was really a Greek!. Peace out, dude, Kofi

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From: koffee annan <kophieannan@yahoo.com> Sent: Wednesday, June 30, 2004 4:08 PM To: VMRO-MNM Makedonija Na Makedoncite <vmro_mnm_makedonija_na_makedoncite@hotmail.com> Subject: Re: The Western World propaganda about MACEDONIA AND THE MACEDONIAN NATION!

Yes, yes. I understand all dat mon. But nobody gives a shit about your piss-ass little shithole country. Try complaining to the Serbs or the Albanians. They're close by. They should want to help you. I tell you, we don't give a shit at the UN whether you have a country or not. You ain't got money like the Jews, or oil like de A-Rabs, so...to quote Dick Cheney, Fuck-off. eace out, Kofi

VMRO-MNM Makedonija Na Makedoncite <vmro_mnm_makedonija_na_makedoncite@hotmail.com> wrote:

The Internal Macedonian Revolutionary Organization - Macedonian for the Macedonians (VMRO-MNM)!

The Western World propaganda, discriminations, crimes, and violations against MACEDONIA AND THE MACEDONIAN NATION!



Proposed names for FYROM

Since the name "Macedonia" cannot be justified for FYROM, we must see if there are other names that suit that state better. Here are 2 proposed names:

Vardaria The area of FYROM, just as soon the WWI ended was named as Vardaska Banovina which means the Vardar (Axios) river valley. That was the first name that was invented for that specific area as soon as it was liberated from the Othoman occupation. It certainly is most suitable for FYROM, since the term Vardaria fits to all the area of FYROM (while the term "Macedonia" doesn't) and it was invented to identify FYROM (while the name "Macedonia" was invented to identify Greeks).

Centro-Balkanian Republic This is the second most fitting name for FYROM, since it geographically describes FYROM 100%, and as a name there is no "national" character, which means that it can be used to identify the multi-national state of FYROM.

Any other proposed names are welcome. Help those people find a name for them, because it is really embarrassing (and pathetic) for them to steal names that are already in use!

Updated 25 March 1999



Message From:

The Internal Macedonian Revolutionary Organization - Macedonian for the Macedonians (VMRO-MNM)!

Tihs is not a commercial. This is about a nation that has suffered deeply, a nation the world has forgotten about. The Macedoian nation has been robbed of its history, traditions, culture, identity, land and so on. Everything the athenians, the "bulgarians", the serbs and rhe "albanians" are writing is really Macedonian. We Macedonians have suffered enough.We want to to show the world our struggle for for justice.

The media of the western world has never showed the truth about Macedonia, only "propaganda news". This is the only wey for us to make our voices heard and to inform the world.

If you want to know the truth about Macedonia and the Macedonian nation, please visit the web site: www.vmro-mnm.com

Alo "atina", "sofija", "belgrad" i "tirana" ovde MAKEDONIJA! Hallo "athens", "sofija", "belgrad" and "tirana" here is MACEDONIA!






Ljupco Mircevski-Trepet President of the Macedonian Organization VMRO-MNM

Ljupco Mircevski-Trepet Koppargården 11 A 261 43 LANDSKRONA SWEDEN +46 418 10554

Oct 10th 1995

The UNITED NATIONS Secretary General Boutros Boutros-Ghali NEW YORK N.Y., USA

There are 20 countries in the world that are harassing and discriminates the Macedonian people. Now we have had enough!!

The politicians in the rest of the world must stop this harassment and discrimination against our people. The athenians ("greeks") gets help from the 20 countries that are against the Macedonian people. 15 belonging to the European Union, then there is USA, Canada, Australia, Russia and Norway.

The athenians has had help to force themselves to our symbol and now they want to take our Macedonian name.

The 20 countries are encouraging to war in Macedonia and so will it be if the harassment of the Macedonian people continues. But they can not win neither with weapons nor money. They can not decide what another country should be called. The western countries can not decide over the Macedonian people. They can not take our symbol or our name.

The western countries should instead stop the racism and fascism that are spreading more and more in the countries, immigrants are abused, discriminated and killed. Of the 20 countries it is first USA that is trying to destroy Macedonia and the Macedonian people.

Bill Clinton has very friendly connections with Athens. He is playing the lead part in the Macedonian destruction. I think that Bill Clinton should take care of the problems in his own country first and foremost. Millions of people dies in the streets because of starvation. The racism against the original inhabitants, against the black population and against others, "unwanted" are increasing. Take care of these problems first, Bill Clinton, before you meddle in other countries business!!

The "big" countries wants to play masters of the world. They want to decide in other countries and change their identity. Our identity will stay with us as Macedonian people in a Macedonian state, in our hearts.

We can not accept that our king or our name is taken from us. the whole world knows that Filip the second and Aleksandar Makedonski were Macedonians not athenians. The world can not change history. They can not make our kings into athenians.

The historical findings that have been made have all been situated in the historical Macedonia not in Athens. When the grave of Filip the second was discovered in 1977 they found documents written in the Macedonian language not in the athenian language. If Filip the second had been alive he would never accept that the Macedonian symbols would be taken from his country. I do not understand why the athenians are not ashamed when they reject their own kings in advantage of our Macedonians. It was not until three years ago that the athenians put our Macedonian king Aleksandar III Makedonski on their coins. Why then, when they had not cared before?

Is it of fear that we would take back the Aegean part of Macedonia, is it of fear that in that case Athens would be one of the poorest countries in Europe? They can not eat stones and grass in Athens. The athenians does not know anything about Macedonian history. They only know propaganda and they are very good at that

We can not give away our macedonian kings. They are for the Macedonian people our parents and they will always be in our hearts. We are proud of them and will continue to pray for them. The Macedonian symbols will stay in Macedonia. They are Macedonian, Not athenians as everyone knows. We have the right to use our symbols and call ourselves Macedonians.

The Macedonians that live in the Aegean part of Macedonia, the Pirin part of Macedonia and in "Albania" suffers. In the Aegean part of Macedonia everything has been taken from them. Their language is forbidden, they have been forced to change their names. Their Macedonian identity has been stolen from them. In "Albania", where 350 000 Macedonians live they are allowed to speak their language but they have no other rights, nor legal or human. In Macedonia "albanians" have the right to speak their own language and the have more rights than any Macedonian have in Macedonia.

Two weeks ago a Macedonian was imprisoned in Lerim in the Aegean part of Macedonia. His only crime was that he called himself a Macedonian. We want to know how he is doing, imprisoned by the athenians. If he is tortured the athenians will pay for this. We demand that he is released immediately. We also demand that other Macedonians that are imprisoned for the same "crime" are released.

We do not know how many Macedonians that are in prison in the Aegean part of Macedonia and in the Pirin part of Macedonia, but they are many. Hundreds of Macedonians have been captured in the Pirin part of Macedonia, many have just disappeared. The bulgarians are saying that they committed suicide and so on. Do the west think this is right toward the Macedonian people? We do not hear You protest.

I have written earlier about the Macedonian situation to the European Parliament, the UN in Geneva and the European Court. I have sent copies to the television and newspapers. But they are afraid to show it on television. Only two newspapers dared to write about it,two very small articles.

120 000 Aegean Macedonians, living in Macedonia, were allowed to vote in the Macedonian election. Neither were the 1.2 million Macedonians, living abroad, allowed to vote although they had Macedonian citizenship's. But nearly 200 000 "albanians" from Kosovo-Metohija and "Albania" who came to Macedonia between 1992-1994 were allowed to vote, and they had no Macedonian citizenship's. This was no election in the name of democracy, but a falsification.

Because of all this, Kiro Gligorov can not be called President of Macedonia. He has taken the command with help from the European Union. There is a list that name 12 people that are not welcome to Australia and the western Europe by the macedonians that live there. The dictator Kiro Gligorov and his Mafia is on that list.

The dictator Kiro Gligorov and his Mafia has sold our Macedonian flag to the athenians. Now he is going to sell our name. Who knows what will happen after that now when the athenians decides in our country. Perhaps will our language be forbidden. Perhaps we have to change our names into athenian names, just as the athenians forced the Macedonians in the Aegean part of Macedonia. The Macedonian people will never accept the communists and the Mafia selling the Macedonian symbols, the flag, the name, to the fascist Athens. We will show the whole world that we have the right to our Macedonian symbols.

I am asking all Macedonians all over the world, refuse to use the communist passport with communist symbols. Do not visit the communist embassies. At all sport events, gatherings and so on, show them our Macedonian flag and not the communist flag. This way we can protest and show the world that we do not accept what the communists, the Mafia and the athenian fascists are doing to our country.

The Macedonian people does not stand by the dictator Kiro Gligorov as the media claim. In Macedonia the people have hanged the Macedonian flag on every building, on balconies, in gardens, everywhere, to show where they stand. This the media should have recorded and shown to the world.

I am asking all Macedonians that are living abroad to do as their fellow-countrymen have done in Macedonia. Show the whole world that we Macedonians still have our symbols, our flag in our homes. When the communists put their flag on their communist embassies, take them down and burn them. Macedonians in the United States! Do not let them hang the communist flag at the UN building. Gligorov and the Mafia has betrayed their country and people. Macedonians! Do not accept that everything is taken from us, that the Mafia is selling out our country. As long as we stand together, we can make it. The dictator Kiro Gligorov and the Mafia leader Stojan Andov can not arrest millions of Macedonians or kill us all. The dictator Kiro Gligorov and the Mafia leader Stojan Andov have treated the Macedonian people very badly.

They sold the industries, owned by the state, to relatives, friends and themselves. They received money from the state and bought the industries. Many people became unemployed. They who still works at the Mafia industries have not been paid for the last 5-6 months. Instead of their salary, the receive old tins, macaroni, flour and meat.

The dictator Kiro Gligorov and the Mafia leader Stojan Andov have stolen money from hundreds of thousands of Macedonians. Macedonians that have struggled and saved just so they could have something for their old age. The money is now gone. Macedonians, living abroad, have deposit money in Macedonia so that they one day might return, the money is now gone. The total sum that has "disappeared" amounts to several million dollars. The Macedonian people do not need any help from the International Bank to survive. We have agriculture, factories and mines. If it had not been for the communists and the Mafia, who are blackmailing the Macedonian people, we would have had a very good life. The money that Macedonia has borrowed abroad have the dictator Kiro Gligorov and the Mafia leader Stojan Andov put in their own pockets.One day will the money, that Kiro Gligorov and Stojan Andov stole from the Macedonian people, be returned, when they are arrested for torture and murder. The VMRO-DPMNE has proof.

Swedish newspapers and television have talked about the attempt on dictator Kiro Gligorov´s life. The VMRO-DPMNE is accused of the attempt and is called terrorists. Media is saying that the Macedonian police has arrested 6 people from the VMRO-DPMNE. The truth is that around hundred innocent people have been arrested. The whole world is blaming the largest party in Macedonia, the VMRO-DPMNE for the attempt on dictator Kiro Gligorov´s life. VMRO-DPMNE is called nationalistic and terroristic, everything to cover up who is really guilty and to destroy the democratic forces that exists in Macedonia.

Behind the attempt on dictator Kiro Gligorov stands the Mafia leader Stojan Andov. He is the one that decides in the communist Parliament now. He has been Ambassador for former Yugoslavia in the USA. He and his CIA friends is behind the attempt on Gligorov's life. The CIA is specialist, everything perfectly planned at the second. There are no doubts that it is Stojan Andov that would like to kill the dictator Kiro Gligorov. He wants to get rid of an old man and take over the leadership.

I am not afraid to tell the world about this. I want to tell Bill Clinton that I am not afraid of him or his CIA-agents. They have my address, I can even send them a picture of me. I am not afraid to die, I will die as a Macedonian and a descendant to Filip the second. I know what has happened to people in Macedonia that have criticised the dictator Kiro Gligorov and the Mafia leader Stojan Andov. The truth will come out.

The Media writes that Kiro Gligorov is important for the peace. That is all wrong. they write that the macedonian people do not want him to die. That is true, we do not want him to die. He an his Mafia must be court-martial for torture, murder and theft against the Macedonian people.

This that has happened to Kiro Gligorov has strengthen his and Stojan Andov's power abroad. They are blaming the largest party, VMRO-DPMNE with 80% electors in Macedonia and 95 % abroad.

We, the Macedonian people, are proud of our Macedonian leader Ljubco Georgievski. Together we are strong. We will fight, together with him, against communism, the Mafia and the western world that wishes to destroy Macedonia and let Macedonia go under.

The 20 countries must take out all documents from their records concerning the Bucharest conference1913 where Macedonia was divided into three parts, 50% to Athens ("Greece"), 30% to Serbia and 20% to Bulgaria. The USA was of course involved in the deal. There You will find all the evidence.

The Macedonian people are very disappointed at the western world, the USA especially. The USA can not buy our land. We are not going to let american businessmen come to Macedonia and explore the people.

The UN, EU and Bill Clinton must return our symbol. Do not try to change the name of the Macedonian people. You can take back the money you have paid the dictator Kiro Gligorov and the Mafia.

This letter has been written by me for the macedonian people and for our country Macedonia.

Copies are sent to

The Macedonian unions in the whole world The Macedonian Embassy in Stockholm The athenian Embassy in Stockholm The european Parliament The dictator Kiro Gligorov The american Embassy in Stockholm

I am also sending a cassette to You with a debate between the Mafia and honest politicians.

Macedonian patriot

Ljupco Mircevski-Trepet

Ljupco Mircevski-Trepet Koppargården 13 C 261 43 LANDSKRONA SWEDEN

Aug 27th 1997

To the Secretary-General Kofi Annan, The United Nations, New York

Our ancestors, the ancient MACEDONIANS, where the first people on Balkan. They lived peacefully on the Balkan peninsula and cultivated the fertile land.When the Arab tribes, they who in our time are called the athenians, came to southern Europe it was this nation they met, our ancestors, the ancient MACEDONIANS. The athenians have always been a week nation compared to the MACEDONIANS. They have always been subordinated the MACEDONIANS and therefore they have tried to vindicate themselves against the MACEDONIANS under the last century by trying to steal the MACEDONIAN history, culture, sport, science and so on, since they themselves know nothing or can nothing.

The Olympic Games, for example, is not athenian. This have the athenians stolen from the MACEDONIANS. The athenians have not found out anything by themselves. At the Olympic Games Openings should the first country who enters be, MACEDONIA.

Europe do not want to acknowledge MACEDONIA since they were subordinated MACEDONIA for several centuries, under Justinjan and Konstantin, and that is something they rather would like to forget.

In this letter I write mostly about the athenian occupation force and about how they treat the MACEDONIANS in the Aegean part of MACEDONIA. I would like to say to my brothers and sisters in the Pirin part of MACEDONIA and in Mala Prespa: I know that you suffer as much as our brothers and sisters in the Aegean part of MACEDONIA. That I write mostly about the Aegean part of MACEDONIA is because the athenians are trying to steal our history, culture, sport, science, our name, our symbol, the symbol of Kutles, the star with 16 beams, our MACEDONIAN flag and our country. I want to show how we MACEDONIANS are being treated and how the athenians are lying.

The athenians have stolen our symbol, the symbol of Kutles, the star with 16 beams, our MACEDONIAN flag, now they are after our name. We have to be strong and united so that this will not happen. We have to show Athens and rest of the world that we are serious, that we do not tolerate anything more from them. We are not going to let them treat us as if we were second-rated people. We come from an ancient nation with ancient lineage. We should be proud over who we are, descendants of Filip Makedonski the second of MACEDONIA and Aleksandar Makedonski the Great of MACEDONIA. This we may never forget and we shall never let the rest of the world forget it, at least of all the athenians. If we only stand strong and united the truth will eventually come through.They can not hide the truth from the world, we MACEDONIANS will have satisfaction.

The athenians are calling the Aegean part of MACEDONIA theirs, by what right? They have absolutely no roots in the Aegean part of MACEDONIA. They are not MACEDONIANS, they do not speak MACEDONIAN, they do not know anything about the MACEDONIAN culture, they have no connection with Aleksandar Makedonski the Great of MACEDONIA.

Not long ago, the ordinary athenian did not know what MACEDONIA was, now it is athenian! This is laughable and testifies about the athenians feeble intelligence.

The athenian command have tried to conquer the whole Aegean part of MACEDONIA, by torture of the locals, the MACEDONIANS, by throwing out the MACEDONIANS from their own country, by transferring a large number of athenian refugees to the Aegean part of MACEDONIA, by forbidding the MACEDONIAN language and the MACEDONIAN culture. They have stolen the MACEDONIANS country, the athenians took the country by force and treated the MACEDONIANS as animals!!

What has Europe done to help the MACEDONIANS? They have just stood there and watched, they have just kept silent and accepted the athenians cruel treatment of the MACEDONIANS!

Harilaos Trikoupis, athenian Prime Minister 1882-1895, said: When the great war comes, MACEDONIA will become greek or bulgarian, depending on who will win, if the Bulgarians take over, they will make the

message truncated

> ATTACHMENT part 2 application/msword name=Picture of the President Mr. Ljupco Mircevski-Trepet of the Internal Macedonian Revolutionary Organization - Macedonia for the Macedonians (VMRO-MNM)!.doc

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From: Filip II Makedonski The Great Of Macedonian <filip_ll_makedonski_the_great_of_macedonian@hotmail.com> Sent: Saturday, September 4, 2004 3:46 PM To: TREPET_1@hotmail.com, trepet_vmro_mnm@hotmail.com, MAKEDONSKI_REVOLUCIONER@HOTMAIL.COM, Makedonska_Organizacija_VMRO_MNM@hotmail.com, vmro_mnm_makedonija_na_makedoncite@hotmail.com, The_Macedonian_Organization_VMRO_MNM@hotmail.com, Macedonian_Organization_VMRO_MNM@hotmail.com, macedonia_for_the_macedonians@hotmail.com, vmro_mnm@hotmail.com, HALLO_HERE_IS_VMRO_MNM_MACEDONIA_FOR_THE_MACEDONIANS@HOTMAIL.COM, MAKEDONSKIOT_VOJVODA_TREPET_VELI_JAS_SUM_MAKEDONEC_A_NE_FYROMEC@HOTMAIL.COM, MAKEDONSKIOT_VOJVODA_TREPET_VELI_NIE_SME_MAKEDONCI_A_NE_FYROMCI@HOTMAIL.COM, nie_sme_makedonci_a_ne_fyromci@hotmail.com, filip_ll_makedonski_the_great_of_macedonian@hotmail.com, aleksandar_lll_makedonski_the_great_of_macedonian@hotmail.com, aristotle_of_macedonian@hotmail.com, car_konstantin_the_great_of_macedonia@hotmail.com, car_justinjan_the_great_of_macedonia@hotmail.com, car_samoil_the_great_of_macedonia@hotmail.com CC: st_kiril_and_metodij_of_macedonia@hotmail.com, st_kliment_ohridski_of_macedonia@hotmail.com, st_naum_ohridski_of_macedonia@hotmail.com, goce_delcev_makedonski_vojvoda@hotmail.com, ljupco_mircevski_trepet_makedonski_vojvoda@hotmail.com, metodija_andonov_cento_makedonski_vojvoda@hotmail.com, jane_sandanski_makedonski_vojvoda@hotmail.com, nikola_karev_makedonski_vojvoda@hotmail.com, dame_gruev_makedonski_vojvoda@hotmail.com, gjorce_petrov_makedonski_vojvoda@hotmail.com, pitu_guli_makedonski_vojvoda@hotmail.com, ALO_OVDE_E_MAKEDONSKI_KOMITA@HOTMAIL.COM, OVDE_E_MAKEDONSKI_KOMITA@HOTMAIL.COM, OVDE_E_MAKEDONSKI_KOMITA_1@HOTMAIL.COM, MAKEDONSKI_KOMITA_1@hotmail.com, MAKEDONSKI_PATRIOT@hotmail.com, ALO_OVDE_E_GOLEM_MAKEDONSKI_PATRIOT@HOTMAIL.COM, HALLO_HERE_IS_MACEDONIAN_REVOLUTIONARY@HOTMAIL.COM, HALLO_HERE_IS_GREAT_MACEDONIAN_PATRIOT@HOTMAIL.COM, OVDE_E_MAKEDONSKI_PATRIOT@hotmail.com, toskovmacenia@yahoo.com, kristijanpavlov@yahoo.fr, black_klitos@yahoo.com Subject: Agresivna Email poraka od eden azijatski kiprijanski psihopat i shizofrenichar!

Pochituvan G-din Vojvodo TREPET i pochituvani brakja i sestri makedonci!

Kako shto nie chlenovite na VMRO-MNM del od materialot na G-dinot vojvodata TREPET shto e napishen na agliski jazik i del so materiali na makedonski jazik gji prakjame na stotina iljadi emaili vo celiot svet za afirmacija za vistinata na makedonija i na makedonskiot narod. Kako shto go prakjame matrialot i vo edna grupa od email adresite se pogodi i eden klet i dushman azijatski kiprijan ("mavros klitos") i toj go prochital nashiot material i pred nekoj den na email adrersata na VMRO-MNM ni pristigna edna agresivna, provokatorska i navredliva Email poraka od toj azijatski kiprijanski psihopat i shizofrenichar. Ovie lagji, navredi, provokacii i agrsii ne se podneslivi i nie makedoncite ne smeeme da im kjutime na nashite dusmanski okupatori. Jas ne mozham da go razberam ovaj nash makedonski narod, zoshto spie i zoshto kjuti. Zoshto toj nash makedonski narod ne e obedinet i edinstven kako shto se nashite dushmanski neprijateli i okupatori. Zoshto makedonskiot narod ne se obedini i da se bori za svojata sopstvena tatkovina makedonija i za svojata ukradena bogata istorija. G-dine Vojvodo TREPET neshto ne vo red so nashiot makedonski narod. Dali ne im e dovolno vashata realnost i chesnost dosega shto vie so godini ja troshite vashata energija i golemiot trud shto go troshite i sho ja ukazhuvate vashata realnost i chesnost deka vie ste edinstveniot makedonski vojvoda koj shto realno i vistinski se borite za site nas makedonci i za spas na ova nasha porobena tatkovina makedonija. Jas ne znam shto i kako da im dokazhete na ovaj nash zaspan i kukavichki makeodnski narod deka vie ste edinstven makeodnski golem sin, revolucioner i vojvoda. Vie G-dine vojvodo TREPET ste edinstveniot makedonski revolucioner koj shto se bori so celiot svet za da im dokazhete na tie ant demokratski fatori koj sme nie makedoncite i od kade i do kade e nashata rodna majka i tatkovina makedonija. Jas mislam deka makeodnskiot narod ne go interesira za svojata makedonska zekja i za negovata bogata istorija. Jas mislam deka makeodnskiot narod vo vardarskiot del saka da bide poshiptaren a i del od nego da bidat mongolski tatari ili srpski chetnici.....

So pochit i so Makedonski bratski, komitski i patriotski pozdravi!

















MAKEDONSKI REVOLUCIONER <MAKEDONSKI_REVOLUCIONER@HOTMAIL.COM>, HERE IS MACEDONIAN REVOLUTIONARY <HERE_IS_MACEDONIAN_REVOLUTIONARY@HOTMAIL.COM>, Ljupco Mircevski-Trepet <trepet_vmro_mnm@hotmail.com>, Ljupco Mircevski-Trepet <TREPET_1@hotmail.com>, VMRO-MNM TREPET <vmro_mnm_trepet@hotmail.com> VMRO-MNM Makedonija Na Makedoncite <vmro_mnm_makedonija_na_makedoncite@hotmail.com>, Makedonska Organizacija VMRO-MNM <Makedonska_Organizacija_VMRO_MNM@hotmail.com>

From: MAVROS KLITOS <black_klitos@yahoo.com> Sent: Tuesday, August 31, 2004 3:03 AM To: Filip II Makedonski The Great Of Macedonian <filip_ll_makedonski_the_great_of_macedonian@hotmail.com>, irc@usembassy.mpt.com.mk, webmaster@usembassy.mpt.com.mk, rmacedonia@aol.com, webmaster@polisci.com, data@polisci.com, orders@polisci.com, keynote@polisci.com, CyberMacedonia@bigfoot.com, sophie.l@deux.fr, info@wsntv10076.com, trudi542701@worldnet.att.net, health@mail.cnn.com, yeasuremnjt@worldnet.att.net, msloan@sas.upenn.edu, simo@bitola.com, contact@ldp.org.mk, scamwatcher@consultant.com, jelms@continentalrelay.com, booky234@yahoo.com, look8900@yahoo.com, voicy2003@yahoo.com, michaelcon@iprimus.com, zeme8@cs.com, royg@online.no, i.cuemer@t-online.de, gerelzing@wanadoo.nl, sstrobel@tm.net, editors@newsweek.com, alt_subscriptions@newsweekmag.com, letters@newsweek.com, newsstand@newsweek.com, myturn@newsweek.com, Editors.Editors@Newsweek.com, lazo.spaskovski@spray.se, dianatravolta@everyday.com, radevski1@yahoo.com, Hotbaby4eva569@yahoo.com, elite@ihtius.org, soutonericosn@kai.se.poneson.org CC: goranata@mol.com.mk, info@frimu.nl, black_klitos@yahoo.com, ivona@mail.com.mk, jimborden_2000@yahoo.com, gr@tplus.at, bladasmk@yahoo.com, cleder@hosonic.com.br Subject: The Red Skopjan from Bitola.


There are a group of people masquerading under the alias of "macedonians". They are dangerous and highly emotive and self delusional. All caution is recommended when approaching these people; strait jackets, tubs of yogurt and red peppers should be carried by any persons approaching these dangerous and crazy people at all times. The telltale signs that identfy a Skopyan are that they are short in stature, have a triangular shaped head, jutted jaw, bulbous foehead, shovelled nose, and deep set sunken eyes. They are highly volatile and become aggressive when they hear the words 'Greek' or 'Albanian'. The habitat of this highly unusual creature outside of its native confines of Western Bulgaria (FYROM) is Rockdale, Port Kembla and Toronto. They are a symbiotic creature who preys on the lives of others as does a parasite. ie (An African crow picking ticks off a Buffalos back or a leach sucking the blood from its host) When not crunching peppers or sucking yogurt, the majority of its time is spent blowing the GAIDJA, and living in a magical self contained fantasy land. It sucks the life blood and history of other countries and makes it its own, thus giving its life meaning and definition. After a good feeding, this creature turns a brilliant red and a yellow like star appears on its chest before losing colour and becoming the pathetic, parasitic transparent colour it actually is. Some of the major delusions and fantasies it believes are: 1. THAT BYZANTIUM:- THE 7TH CENTURY BC ATHENIAN COLONY WHICH WAS SUBSEQUENTLY RENAMED CONSTANTINOPLE WAS REALLY A MAGIC PLACE CALLED 'TSARI-GRAD'. 2. THAT THE BYZANTINE EMPIRE WAS REALLY KNOWN AS 'PRAVOSLAVEN'. (note typical multiple personalities often appear in schizophrenics, common to the Skopyan creature) 3. THAT THE GREEK ORTHODOX CHURCH, CONSTANTINOPLE AND BYZANTIUM ARE REALLY 'SLAV MACEDONIAN', THAT WERE HELLENISED BY THE BIG BAD GREEKS - (the predator and enemy of the crazy Skopyan creature) 4. THAT THE CIVILISATION AND GIFTS THAT THE ANCIENT GREEKS GAVE TO THE WORLD ie. MATHEMATICS, BIOLOGY, MEDICINE, LAW, PHYSICS AND PHILOSOPHY ARE NOT GREEK BUT REALLY ARE 'SLAV MACEDONIAN' WHICH WOULD MEAN THAT; i) Pythagoras (Maths) - was Slav Macedonian and not Greek ? ii) Thales & Anaximander (Biology/Science) - were Slav Macedonians and not Greek ? iii) Hippocrates (Medicine) - was slav Macedonian and not Greek ? iv) Solon & Lykurgos (Law) - were Slav Macedonians and not Greek ? v) Plato, Socrates, Aristotle, Diogenes (Philosophy) - were Slav Macedonians and not Greek ? (note the Skopyans' parasitic and delusional nature allows it to absorb and believe that which it steals as its own) 5. THAT ANCIENT MACEDONIA, HER KINGS, NOBILITY AND PEOPLE WERE NOT GREEK BUT SKOPYAN ? (Even though they spoke the same Greek Language, believed in the same Greek Gods, and had the same social, cultural and political institutions. Note Mount Olympus - home of the Greek Gods, is in Ancient Macedonia.)

Note that in the face of overwhelming and unanimous archeological historical and linguistic evidence, this crazy Skopyan creature continues to disbelieve and attaches its leach like mandibles to the body of the Greek soul for its dear life, for once deprived of an identity, it quickly shrivels up and dies. These are some of the delusional fantasies that inhabit the wonderful and the weird world of the Red Skopyan Creature. As stated already, once approached appease the creature with a small tub of yogurt and a basket of red peppers, whilst its sucking its yogurt and crunching its peppers quickly charge and fasten and attach the strait jacket whilst a companion is playing the Gaidjar. (This seems to calm the creature down - originating from the Bitola habitat) Once secured, show the creature the "ANTI DELUSIONAL REALITY BITES" antidote list and read the following:- 1. THAT MACEDONIA WAS, IS AND ALWAYS WILL BE GREEK AND HAS BEEN FOR OVER 4000 YEARS. 2. THAT THERE NEVER HAS BEEN A RACE CALLED MACEDONIANS (widely acknowledged by ethnologists and anthropologists) 3. THAT THE SKOPYANS ARE SLAVS WHO HAVE NO RELATIONSHIP TO THE HISTORICAL GREEK SPEAKING MACEDONIANS OF ANCIENT MACEDONIA. 4. THAT THE STAR OF VERGINA WAS A UNIVERSALLY ACKNOWLEDGED GREEK RELIGIOUS SYMBOL OF THE GREEK SUN GOD HELIOS THAT PRIOR TO ITS DISCOVERY IN 1975 WAS UNKNOWN TO THE SKOPYANS, BUT UNIVERSALLY KNOWN TO THE GREEKS. 5. THAT THE LANGUAGE SPOKEN BY THE SKOPYANS ('SLAV MACEDONIAN') IS A BULGARIAN LANGUAGE WHICH IS INFLUENCED BY SERBO CROAT, UNANIMOUSLY IDENTIFIED AS SUCH BY LINGUISTS. 6. THAT THE LANGUAGE SPOKEN BY THE ANCIENT MACEDONIANS WAS GREEK - AGAIN PROVEN AND SUPPORTED BY ALL ARCHEOLOGISTS AND VERIFIABLE BY CURRENT PRIMARY ARCHOLOGICAL EVIDENCE. (Unadulterated, and NOT open to INTERPRETATION - refer to WEBSITES) 7. THAT THE UNITED NATIONS WILL NOT RECOGNISE THE COUNTRY OF THE SKOPYANS AS ANYTHING BUT FYROM. 8. THAT THE UNITED NATIONS DO NOT ALLOW FYROM TO USE OR APPROPRIATE ANY GREEK CULTURAL SYMBOLS (Macedonia, Alexander the Great, Star of Vergina, etc etc ) 9. THAT THE GOVERNMENT OF FYROM HAS AGREED AND CHANGED ITS FLAG AND STOPPED USING GREEK CULTURAL SYMBOLS 10. THAT THE SKOPYANS ARE SLAVS, AND AS SUCH, SHOULD STOP STEALING GREEK CULTURE; ANCIENT MEDIEVAL, OR MODERN , AND ACCEPT AND BE PROUD THAT THEY ARE SLAVS. 11. THAT IF THEIR PROPAGANDA CONTINUES, THE GREEKS WILL SEND OVER 2 F-17 JET FIGHTERS TO TAKE OUT FYROM (more than enough to do the job) 12. ACCEPT THAT THE ALBANIANS WERE IN FYROM BEFORE THE SLAVS WERE - SLAVS ONLY ARRIVED IN THE 8th CENTURY AD. 13. THAT 90% OF THE FYROM LAND MASS OCCUPIED AN AREA KNOWN IN ANCIENT TIMES AS PAEONIA - BARBARIAN CELT/ILLYRIAN COUNTRY. Once you show this list to the Crazy Red Skopyan creature it will go wild with fury and frenzy. Its fellow Skopyans in Port Kembla, Rockdale and Toronto, will froth and ferment, and struggle even more to hang on to their life of illusion. Remember, that the Skopyan creature, when not feeding and sucking the culture of others, is a clear, transperant, pathetic creature. Just smile, pat its head, and give it some yogurt to suck and red peppers to crunch and it will curl up against a tree glowing bright red, and dreaming away in its fantasy land in Tsari-Grad, in Pravo-Slaven, in a far, far away place........ ............ And Risto the Red Skopyan lived happily ever after.

Signed MAVROS KLITOS, Pyrros Lagos and Dimitrios Gonatas


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From: Filip II Makedonski The Great Of Macedonian <filip_ll_makedonski_the_great_of_macedonian@hotmail.com> Sent: Saturday, September 4, 2004 3:46 PM To: TREPET_1@hotmail.com, trepet_vmro_mnm@hotmail.com, MAKEDONSKI_REVOLUCIONER@HOTMAIL.COM, Makedonska_Organizacija_VMRO_MNM@hotmail.com, vmro_mnm_makedonija_na_makedoncite@hotmail.com, The_Macedonian_Organization_VMRO_MNM@hotmail.com, Macedonian_Organization_VMRO_MNM@hotmail.com, macedonia_for_the_macedonians@hotmail.com, vmro_mnm@hotmail.com, HALLO_HERE_IS_VMRO_MNM_MACEDONIA_FOR_THE_MACEDONIANS@HOTMAIL.COM, MAKEDONSKIOT_VOJVODA_TREPET_VELI_JAS_SUM_MAKEDONEC_A_NE_FYROMEC@HOTMAIL.COM, MAKEDONSKIOT_VOJVODA_TREPET_VELI_NIE_SME_MAKEDONCI_A_NE_FYROMCI@HOTMAIL.COM, nie_sme_makedonci_a_ne_fyromci@hotmail.com, filip_ll_makedonski_the_great_of_macedonian@hotmail.com, aleksandar_lll_makedonski_the_great_of_macedonian@hotmail.com, aristotle_of_macedonian@hotmail.com, car_konstantin_the_great_of_macedonia@hotmail.com, car_justinjan_the_great_of_macedonia@hotmail.com, car_samoil_the_great_of_macedonia@hotmail.com CC: st_kiril_and_metodij_of_macedonia@hotmail.com, st_kliment_ohridski_of_macedonia@hotmail.com, st_naum_ohridski_of_macedonia@hotmail.com, goce_delcev_makedonski_vojvoda@hotmail.com, ljupco_mircevski_trepet_makedonski_vojvoda@hotmail.com, metodija_andonov_cento_makedonski_vojvoda@hotmail.com, jane_sandanski_makedonski_vojvoda@hotmail.com, nikola_karev_makedonski_vojvoda@hotmail.com, dame_gruev_makedonski_vojvoda@hotmail.com, gjorce_petrov_makedonski_vojvoda@hotmail.com, pitu_guli_makedonski_vojvoda@hotmail.com, ALO_OVDE_E_MAKEDONSKI_KOMITA@HOTMAIL.COM, OVDE_E_MAKEDONSKI_KOMITA@HOTMAIL.COM, OVDE_E_MAKEDONSKI_KOMITA_1@HOTMAIL.COM, MAKEDONSKI_KOMITA_1@hotmail.com, MAKEDONSKI_PATRIOT@hotmail.com, ALO_OVDE_E_GOLEM_MAKEDONSKI_PATRIOT@HOTMAIL.COM, HALLO_HERE_IS_MACEDONIAN_REVOLUTIONARY@HOTMAIL.COM, HALLO_HERE_IS_GREAT_MACEDONIAN_PATRIOT@HOTMAIL.COM, OVDE_E_MAKEDONSKI_PATRIOT@hotmail.com, toskovmacenia@yahoo.com, kristijanpavlov@yahoo.fr, black_klitos@yahoo.com Subject: Agresivna Email poraka od eden azijatski kiprijanski psihopat i shizofrenichar!

Pochituvan G-din Vojvodo TREPET i pochituvani brakja i sestri makedonci!

Kako shto nie chlenovite na VMRO-MNM del od materialot na G-dinot vojvodata TREPET shto e napishen na agliski jazik i del so materiali na makedonski jazik gji prakjame na stotina iljadi emaili vo celiot svet za afirmacija za vistinata na makedonija i na makedonskiot narod. Kako shto go prakjame matrialot i vo edna grupa od email adresite se pogodi i eden klet i dushman azijatski kiprijan ("mavros klitos") i toj go prochital nashiot material i pred nekoj den na email adrersata na VMRO-MNM ni pristigna edna agresivna, provokatorska i navredliva Email poraka od toj azijatski kiprijanski psihopat i shizofrenichar. Ovie lagji, navredi, provokacii i agrsii ne se podneslivi i nie makedoncite ne smeeme da im kjutime na nashite dusmanski okupatori. Jas ne mozham da go razberam ovaj nash makedonski narod, zoshto spie i zoshto kjuti. Zoshto toj nash makedonski narod ne e obedinet i edinstven kako shto se nashite dushmanski neprijateli i okupatori. Zoshto makedonskiot narod ne se obedini i da se bori za svojata sopstvena tatkovina makedonija i za svojata ukradena bogata istorija. G-dine Vojvodo TREPET neshto ne vo red so nashiot makedonski narod. Dali ne im e dovolno vashata realnost i chesnost dosega shto vie so godini ja troshite vashata energija i golemiot trud shto go troshite i sho ja ukazhuvate vashata realnost i chesnost deka vie ste edinstveniot makedonski vojvoda koj shto realno i vistinski se borite za site nas makedonci i za spas na ova nasha porobena tatkovina makedonija. Jas ne znam shto i kako da im dokazhete na ovaj nash zaspan i kukavichki makeodnski narod deka vie ste edinstven makeodnski golem sin, revolucioner i vojvoda. Vie G-dine vojvodo TREPET ste edinstveniot makedonski revolucioner koj shto se bori so celiot svet za da im dokazhete na tie ant demokratski fatori koj sme nie makedoncite i od kade i do kade e nashata rodna majka i tatkovina makedonija. Jas mislam deka makeodnskiot narod ne go interesira za svojata makedonska zekja i za negovata bogata istorija. Jas mislam deka makeodnskiot narod vo vardarskiot del saka da bide poshiptaren a i del od nego da bidat mongolski tatari ili srpski chetnici.....

So pochit i so Makedonski bratski, komitski i patriotski pozdravi!

















MAKEDONSKI REVOLUCIONER <MAKEDONSKI_REVOLUCIONER@HOTMAIL.COM>, HERE IS MACEDONIAN REVOLUTIONARY <HERE_IS_MACEDONIAN_REVOLUTIONARY@HOTMAIL.COM>, Ljupco Mircevski-Trepet <trepet_vmro_mnm@hotmail.com>, Ljupco Mircevski-Trepet <TREPET_1@hotmail.com>, VMRO-MNM TREPET <vmro_mnm_trepet@hotmail.com> VMRO-MNM Makedonija Na Makedoncite <vmro_mnm_makedonija_na_makedoncite@hotmail.com>, Makedonska Organizacija VMRO-MNM <Makedonska_Organizacija_VMRO_MNM@hotmail.com>

From: MAVROS KLITOS <black_klitos@yahoo.com> Sent: Tuesday, August 31, 2004 3:03 AM To: Filip II Makedonski The Great Of Macedonian <filip_ll_makedonski_the_great_of_macedonian@hotmail.com>, irc@usembassy.mpt.com.mk, webmaster@usembassy.mpt.com.mk, rmacedonia@aol.com, webmaster@polisci.com, data@polisci.com, orders@polisci.com, keynote@polisci.com, CyberMacedonia@bigfoot.com, sophie.l@deux.fr, info@wsntv10076.com, trudi542701@worldnet.att.net, health@mail.cnn.com, yeasuremnjt@worldnet.att.net, msloan@sas.upenn.edu, simo@bitola.com, contact@ldp.org.mk, scamwatcher@consultant.com, jelms@continentalrelay.com, booky234@yahoo.com, look8900@yahoo.com, voicy2003@yahoo.com, michaelcon@iprimus.com, zeme8@cs.com, royg@online.no, i.cuemer@t-online.de, gerelzing@wanadoo.nl, sstrobel@tm.net, editors@newsweek.com, alt_subscriptions@newsweekmag.com, letters@newsweek.com, newsstand@newsweek.com, myturn@newsweek.com, Editors.Editors@Newsweek.com, lazo.spaskovski@spray.se, dianatravolta@everyday.com, radevski1@yahoo.com, Hotbaby4eva569@yahoo.com, elite@ihtius.org, soutonericosn@kai.se.poneson.org CC: goranata@mol.com.mk, info@frimu.nl, black_klitos@yahoo.com, ivona@mail.com.mk, jimborden_2000@yahoo.com, gr@tplus.at, bladasmk@yahoo.com, cleder@hosonic.com.br Subject: The Red Skopjan from Bitola.


There are a group of people masquerading under the alias of "macedonians". They are dangerous and highly emotive and self delusional. All caution is recommended when approaching these people; strait jackets, tubs of yogurt and red peppers should be carried by any persons approaching these dangerous and crazy people at all times. The telltale signs that identfy a Skopyan are that they are short in stature, have a triangular shaped head, jutted jaw, bulbous foehead, shovelled nose, and deep set sunken eyes. They are highly volatile and become aggressive when they hear the words 'Greek' or 'Albanian'. The habitat of this highly unusual creature outside of its native confines of Western Bulgaria (FYROM) is Rockdale, Port Kembla and Toronto. They are a symbiotic creature who preys on the lives of others as does a parasite. ie (An African crow picking ticks off a Buffalos back or a leach sucking the blood from its host) When not crunching peppers or sucking yogurt, the majority of its time is spent blowing the GAIDJA, and living in a magical self contained fantasy land. It sucks the life blood and history of other countries and makes it its own, thus giving its life meaning and definition. After a good feeding, this creature turns a brilliant red and a yellow like star appears on its chest before losing colour and becoming the pathetic, parasitic transparent colour it actually is. Some of the major delusions and fantasies it believes are: 1. THAT BYZANTIUM:- THE 7TH CENTURY BC ATHENIAN COLONY WHICH WAS SUBSEQUENTLY RENAMED CONSTANTINOPLE WAS REALLY A MAGIC PLACE CALLED 'TSARI-GRAD'. 2. THAT THE BYZANTINE EMPIRE WAS REALLY KNOWN AS 'PRAVOSLAVEN'. (note typical multiple personalities often appear in schizophrenics, common to the Skopyan creature) 3. THAT THE GREEK ORTHODOX CHURCH, CONSTANTINOPLE AND BYZANTIUM ARE REALLY 'SLAV MACEDONIAN', THAT WERE HELLENISED BY THE BIG BAD GREEKS - (the predator and enemy of the crazy Skopyan creature) 4. THAT THE CIVILISATION AND GIFTS THAT THE ANCIENT GREEKS GAVE TO THE WORLD ie. MATHEMATICS, BIOLOGY, MEDICINE, LAW, PHYSICS AND PHILOSOPHY ARE NOT GREEK BUT REALLY ARE 'SLAV MACEDONIAN' WHICH WOULD MEAN THAT; i) Pythagoras (Maths) - was Slav Macedonian and not Greek ? ii) Thales & Anaximander (Biology/Science) - were Slav Macedonians and not Greek ? iii) Hippocrates (Medicine) - was slav Macedonian and not Greek ? iv) Solon & Lykurgos (Law) - were Slav Macedonians and not Greek ? v) Plato, Socrates, Aristotle, Diogenes (Philosophy) - were Slav Macedonians and not Greek ? (note the Skopyans' parasitic and delusional nature allows it to absorb and believe that which it steals as its own) 5. THAT ANCIENT MACEDONIA, HER KINGS, NOBILITY AND PEOPLE WERE NOT GREEK BUT SKOPYAN ? (Even though they spoke the same Greek Language, believed in the same Greek Gods, and had the same social, cultural and political institutions. Note Mount Olympus - home of the Greek Gods, is in Ancient Macedonia.)

Note that in the face of overwhelming and unanimous archeological historical and linguistic evidence, this crazy Skopyan creature continues to disbelieve and attaches its leach like mandibles to the body of the Greek soul for its dear life, for once deprived of an identity, it quickly shrivels up and dies. These are some of the delusional fantasies that inhabit the wonderful and the weird world of the Red Skopyan Creature. As stated already, once approached appease the creature with a small tub of yogurt and a basket of red peppers, whilst its sucking its yogurt and crunching its peppers quickly charge and fasten and attach the strait jacket whilst a companion is playing the Gaidjar. (This seems to calm the creature down - originating from the Bitola habitat) Once secured, show the creature the "ANTI DELUSIONAL REALITY BITES" antidote list and read the following:- 1. THAT MACEDONIA WAS, IS AND ALWAYS WILL BE GREEK AND HAS BEEN FOR OVER 4000 YEARS. 2. THAT THERE NEVER HAS BEEN A RACE CALLED MACEDONIANS (widely acknowledged by ethnologists and anthropologists) 3. THAT THE SKOPYANS ARE SLAVS WHO HAVE NO RELATIONSHIP TO THE HISTORICAL GREEK SPEAKING MACEDONIANS OF ANCIENT MACEDONIA. 4. THAT THE STAR OF VERGINA WAS A UNIVERSALLY ACKNOWLEDGED GREEK RELIGIOUS SYMBOL OF THE GREEK SUN GOD HELIOS THAT PRIOR TO ITS DISCOVERY IN 1975 WAS UNKNOWN TO THE SKOPYANS, BUT UNIVERSALLY KNOWN TO THE GREEKS. 5. THAT THE LANGUAGE SPOKEN BY THE SKOPYANS ('SLAV MACEDONIAN') IS A BULGARIAN LANGUAGE WHICH IS INFLUENCED BY SERBO CROAT, UNANIMOUSLY IDENTIFIED AS SUCH BY LINGUISTS. 6. THAT THE LANGUAGE SPOKEN BY THE ANCIENT MACEDONIANS WAS GREEK - AGAIN PROVEN AND SUPPORTED BY ALL ARCHEOLOGISTS AND VERIFIABLE BY CURRENT PRIMARY ARCHOLOGICAL EVIDENCE. (Unadulterated, and NOT open to INTERPRETATION - refer to WEBSITES) 7. THAT THE UNITED NATIONS WILL NOT RECOGNISE THE COUNTRY OF THE SKOPYANS AS ANYTHING BUT FYROM. 8. THAT THE UNITED NATIONS DO NOT ALLOW FYROM TO USE OR APPROPRIATE ANY GREEK CULTURAL SYMBOLS (Macedonia, Alexander the Great, Star of Vergina, etc etc ) 9. THAT THE GOVERNMENT OF FYROM HAS AGREED AND CHANGED ITS FLAG AND STOPPED USING GREEK CULTURAL SYMBOLS 10. THAT THE SKOPYANS ARE SLAVS, AND AS SUCH, SHOULD STOP STEALING GREEK CULTURE; ANCIENT MEDIEVAL, OR MODERN , AND ACCEPT AND BE PROUD THAT THEY ARE SLAVS. 11. THAT IF THEIR PROPAGANDA CONTINUES, THE GREEKS WILL SEND OVER 2 F-17 JET FIGHTERS TO TAKE OUT FYROM (more than enough to do the job) 12. ACCEPT THAT THE ALBANIANS WERE IN FYROM BEFORE THE SLAVS WERE - SLAVS ONLY ARRIVED IN THE 8th CENTURY AD. 13. THAT 90% OF THE FYROM LAND MASS OCCUPIED AN AREA KNOWN IN ANCIENT TIMES AS PAEONIA - BARBARIAN CELT/ILLYRIAN COUNTRY. Once you show this list to the Crazy Red Skopyan creature it will go wild with fury and frenzy. Its fellow Skopyans in Port Kembla, Rockdale and Toronto, will froth and ferment, and struggle even more to hang on to their life of illusion. Remember, that the Skopyan creature, when not feeding and sucking the culture of others, is a clear, transperant, pathetic creature. Just smile, pat its head, and give it some yogurt to suck and red peppers to crunch and it will curl up against a tree glowing bright red, and dreaming away in its fantasy land in Tsari-Grad, in Pravo-Slaven, in a far, far away place........ ............ And Risto the Red Skopyan lived happily ever after.

Signed MAVROS KLITOS, Pyrros Lagos and Dimitrios Gonatas


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From: MAKEDONSKI REVOLUCIONER <makedonski_revolucioner@hotmail.com> Sent: Friday, November 5, 2004 5:35 PM To: TREPET_1@hotmail.com, vmro_mnm_trepet@hotmail.com, MAKEDONSKI_REVOLUCIONER@HOTMAIL.COM, Makedonska_Organizacija_VMRO_MNM@hotmail.com, vmro_mnm_makedonija_na_makedoncite@hotmail.com, The_Macedonian_Organization_VMRO_MNM@hotmail.com, Macedonian_Organization_VMRO_MNM@hotmail.com, vmro_mnm@hotmail.com, VMRO_MNM_Vnatresna_Makedonska_Revolucionerna_Organizacija@hotmail.com, VMRO_MNM_Internal_Macedonian_Revolutionary_Organization@hotmail.com, HALLO_HERE_IS_VMRO_MNM_MACEDONIA_FOR_THE_MACEDONIANS@HOTMAIL.COM, MAKEDONSKIOT_VOJVODA_TREPET_VELI_JAS_SUM_MAKEDONEC_A_NE_FYROMEC@HOTMAIL.COM, MAKEDONSKIOT_VOJVODA_TREPET_VELI_NIE_SME_MAKEDONCI_A_NE_FYROMCI@HOTMAIL.COM, nie_sme_makedonci_a_ne_fyromci@hotmail.com, filip_ll_makedonski_the_great_of_macedonian@hotmail.com, aleksandar_lll_makedonski_the_great_of_macedonian@hotmail.com, aristotle_of_macedonian@hotmail.com, car_konstantin_the_great_of_macedonia@hotmail.com, car_justinjan_the_great_of_macedonia@hotmail.com CC: car_samoil_the_great_of_macedonia@hotmail.com, st_kiril_and_metodij_of_macedonia@hotmail.com, st_kliment_ohridski_of_macedonia@hotmail.com, st_naum_ohridski_of_macedonia@hotmail.com, goce_delcev_makedonski_vojvoda@hotmail.com, ljupco_mircevski_trepet_makedonski_vojvoda@hotmail.com, metodija_andonov_cento_makedonski_vojvoda@hotmail.com, jane_sandanski_makedonski_vojvoda@hotmail.com, nikola_karev_makedonski_vojvoda@hotmail.com, dame_gruev_makedonski_vojvoda@hotmail.com, gjorce_petrov_makedonski_vojvoda@hotmail.com, pitu_guli_makedonski_vojvoda@hotmail.com, ALO_OVDE_E_MAKEDONSKI_KOMITA@HOTMAIL.COM, OVDE_E_MAKEDONSKI_KOMITA@HOTMAIL.COM, OVDE_E_MAKEDONSKI_KOMITA_1@HOTMAIL.COM, MAKEDONSKI_KOMITA_1@hotmail.com, MAKEDONSKI_PATRIOT@hotmail.com, ALO_OVDE_E_GOLEM_MAKEDONSKI_PATRIOT@HOTMAIL.COM, HALLO_HERE_IS_MACEDONIAN_REVOLUTIONARY@HOTMAIL.COM, HALLO_HERE_IS_GREAT_MACEDONIAN_PATRIOT@HOTMAIL.COM, OVDE_E_MAKEDONSKI_PATRIOT@hotmail.com Subject: Vechno da zhuvee Makedonskiot Vojvoda G-din TREPET i organizacijata VMRO-MNM !

Pocituvan Makedonski Vojvodo G-dine TREPET !

Kako shto site nie makedonci i celiot svet doznavme deka vchera 4 noemvri 2004 g. na taka narechenata amerika "SAD", odnosno administracijata na ponovno izbraniot pretesedatel George W Bush na izborite na 2 noemvri 2004 g. Taka da administracijata na George W Bush na taka narechenata amerika ja priznaa suverenosta na Vardarskiot del na Makedonija pod ustavnoto ime REPUBLIKA MAKEODNIJA. G-dine Vojvodo TREPET, dozvoletemi da vi chestitam za vashata golema borba i aktivnosti shto vie bez odmor se borete so celiot svet za MAKEODNSKATA KAUZA i toa e vash i samo vash uspeh i vasha pobeda, toa bea vashite angazhiranja, vashite golemi trudovi i aktivnosti koj shto so golemo i hrabro makedonsko revolucionerno srce i so vashite napori so golemi i teshki protesti i kritiki kon celiot svet (specialno kon anti demokratskiot zapadniot svet) za vistinata na nashata mila majka makedonija i za nastradaniot makeodnki narod shto vo poveketo zemji na ovaj svet seushte nashata majka makedonija e privremeno priznata so imeto "fyrom". Taka da vashata vistinska i realna i hrabra borba se vroduva so bogat plod i reshi taka narechenata amerika da ja prznae nashata mila majka makedonja pod ustavnoto ime MAKEDONIJA. Kako shto chitame i slushame vo antimakeodnskite mediumi deka so antimakeodnskata predavnickata, razbojnickata i banditskata organizacija "sdsm"-shizofrenicharska "uspeale so prijatelski odnosi so amerika za da ja priznaat makedonija pod ustvnoto ime makedonija". Isto taka gji chitame i slushame golemite falbi na velepredavnikot, mafijashot, razbojnikot i ubiecot taka narechen pretsedatel na republika makedonija Branko Crvenkovski-Koshtapletor. Taka e makeodnskite izrodi i banditi kje se falat i populizirat na vash racun, na vasha borba, na vasha aktivnost, na vashi angazhiranja, na vashi uspesi i na vashi golemi trudovi Makedonski vojvodo G-dune TREPET. Toj kletiot izrod (predavnicki zver) bandit i razbojnik Branko Crvenkovski-Koshtapler i so negovata shpunska garnitura ja unishtuvat makedonskata istroija, tie ne gji interesira shto amerika ja prizna makedonija, naprotiv tie se mnogo razocharani i nezadovolni vo toa priznavanje zatoa shto nashite okupatori imat dadeno teshki miljoni dolari na makedonskiot izrodi za da Vardarskiot del na makeodnija bide podelen i makedonskiot narod, odnosno da makedonskata nacia da mide unistena. Makedonski vojvodo G-dune TREPET celiot makeodnski narod ne e zapoznaen so vasata chesna, reala i gorda aktivnost i borba za makedonskata kauza poshto anti makedonskite mediumi ve imat ignorirano od makedonskata javnost, pa zatoa taka narechenite makedonski politichari (makedonski izrodi), odnosno tie taka narecheni makedonski politichari (makedonski izrodi) se podrzhavat i se populizirat od tie anti makeodnski mediumi i uspeshno ja unishtuvat makedonskata istroija i makedonskata nacija. No sepak Makedonski vojvodo G-dune TREPET vashiot glas se slushat i vashite dolgi pisma se chitat vo celiot svet. Vashite mnogo brojni i dolgi protesni pisma nie realnite, chesnite i gordite chlenovi i sipatizeri na organizacijata VMRO-MNM gji prakjame vashite analizi (pisma) vo celiot svet i jas veruvam deka vashite realni i hrabri aktivnosti i borbi za makedonskata kauza se respektirat vo mnogo zemji. Makedonskiot narod treba da se gordee so vas Makedonski vojvodo G-dune TREPET a ne so velepredavnikot, razbojnikot, banditot Branko Crvenkovski-Koshtaplerot i negovite zagari.

Eve naprimer oavaj napias nadolu, pred nekoj den na google internet pronajdov edna izjava na amerikanska web stranica U.S. Terrorist Exclusion: http://www.tkb.org/Group.jsp?groupID=3636 kaj shto nekoj nas neprijatel ima napishano anti makedonska propaganda i vas G-dnine vojvodo TREPET ve ima napraveno za "lider na teroristichka grupa", a siptarskite teroristichki, razbojnichki, ekstremistichki, nacistichki, fashisticki i mafijashki organizacii gji nema spomnato kako teroristichki i dr. Seushte, odnosno sekoj den vo Vardarskiot del na makedonija se gledat kako naoruzhani shiptarskite teroristichki i razbojnichki grupi so crni teroristichki obleki od nivnata teroristichki organizacia taka narechena "uck" go zastrashuvat makedonskiot narod i mu go zagrozuvat nivniot zhivot vo sopstvenata drzava. (moeto mismo go prodolzhuvam posle provokatorskiot napis).

MIPT Terrorism Knowledge Base


First Attack: May 3, 2001 Strength: Unknown number of members Classification: Nationalist/Separatist, Racist Last Attack: May 3, 2001 Financial Sources: Unknown U.S. Terrorist Exclusion List Designee: No

Designated: No Watched: No

Mircevski-Trepet, Ljupco

Macedonian Revolutionary Organization (VMRO) Mothertongue Name: Vnatresno-Makedonska Revolucionerna Organizacija (VMRO)

Base of Operation: Bulgaria; Greece; Macedonia, The Republic of

Founding Philosophy: The Internal Macedonian Revolutionary Organization-Macedonia for the Macedonians (VMRO-MNM), is a racist/nationalist political party and terrorist group operating in Macedonia. The name Vnatresno-Makedonska Revolucionerna Organizacija (VMRO) was first used in the late 19th century, by Macedonian rebels opposed to Ottoman rule. The group remained active after the First World War, seeking to undo the partition of Macedonia ordered by the Treaty of Versailles. After being successfully suppressed by the USSR during the Cold War, Macedonian nationalism has experienced a resurgence in the years since the Iron Curtain fell, as the Balkans has again become a hotspot of ethnic tension.

In Macedonia today, the VMRO name is attached to many different political parties, including the ruling party, the Democratic Party for Macedonian National Unity (VMRO-DPMNE), and the leading mainstream opposition party, the VMRO-VMRO. However, the name is also used by the extremist VMRO-MNM, which believes that a greater Macedonia should be established, incorporating ethnic Macedonians from Greece, Bulgaria, and elsewhere. In a manifesto written by group leader, Ljupco Mircevski-Trepet, the VMRO-MNM listed a plethora of grievances ranging from US and UN support for the Kosovo Liberation Army (who they consider terrorists) to the difficulties Macedonians have securing visas for travel elsewhere in Europe.

The most troubling tenet of the group's philosophy is its strongly anti-Albanian stance and its support for ethnic cleansing to remove Albanians from the Republic of Macedonia. In May of 2001, the group was implicated in the planning of riots which targeted an Albanian neighborhood in the city of Bitola. The riots were apparently in response to the killing of four Macedonian soldiers by Albanian rebels in an area near Bitola. Windows were broken, businesses destroyed, and many people injured in the violence.

Current Goals: The VMRO-MNM is still active and promotes its anti-Albanian agenda whenever possible. However, the group has seemed reluctant to use violence since the 2001 riots, and no further incidents are expected.

Additional Resources Macedonia for the Macedonians

Related Categories Knowledge Base Directory > Groups > Location > Eastern Europe > Bulgaria Knowledge Base Directory > Groups > Location > Eastern Europe Knowledge Base Directory > Groups > Location > Western Europe > Greece Knowledge Base Directory > Groups Knowledge Base Directory > Groups > Location > Eastern Europe > Macedonia Knowledge Base Directory > Groups > Ideology > Nationalist/Separatist Knowledge Base Directory > Groups > Ideology > Racist Knowledge Base Directory > Groups > Location > Western Europe

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TKB Data Status Incident data: Last updated on Oct. 17, 2004 Indictment data: Last updated on Oct. 14, 2004

Data is subject to revision as events and additional information warrant.

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1968 - Present Incidents Injuries Fatalities 1 0 0 Targets: Private Citizens & Property 100%

Data for 1968-1997 covers only international incidents. Data for 1998-Present covers both domestic and international incidents.

Macedonian Revolutionary Organization (VMRO) attacked Private Citizens & Property target (May 3, 2001, Macedonia, The Republic of)

Key leader profile

Mircevski-Trepet, Ljupco

Aliases: No known aliases

Role: President

Related Categories Knowledge Base Directory > Leaders & Members Knowledge Base Directory > Leaders & Members > By Group > Macedonian Revolutionary Organization (VMRO)

G-dnine vojvodo TREPET jas ovaj provokatorski napis go smatram za agresorski i za anti makedonska propaganda i za anti VMRO-MNM propaganda. Jas mislam deka ovaj provokator treba da se pronajde i da se kazni za negovata lazhna propaganda i provokacija. Kako on mozhe da objavuva deka vie ste lider na teroristichka grupa koga on dobro znae deka vie se borite protiv nashite neprijateli, agresori i okupatopri. Dali ovj klet dushman i neprijatel ne razmisluva deka eden den kje go pronjademe i glavata kje mu ja secheme. Zarem ovaj klet dushman i neprijatel na makeodnskiot narod ne go prochital kako shto treba vashiot materijal shto nie go prakjame i naj verovatno ima dobieno i on na negovata e-mail adresa istiot matyerija i tuka kje prochita koj ste vie i shto ste vie a i koja i shto e makeodnskata organizacija VMRO-MNM. I toa se veli deka nadvoreshnite agenti i shpiuni se jako i mnogo dobro organizirani za da gji otkrivat vashite simpatizeri i chlenovite na organizacijata VMRO-MNM koi i kavi aktivnosti se izvrshuvat i kakvi borbi se vodat protiv makedonskite neprijateli i okupatori.

So pochit i so Makedonski bratski, komitski i patriotski pozdravi!


















MAKEDONSKI REVOLUCIONER <MAKEDONSKI_REVOLUCIONER@HOTMAIL.COM>, HERE IS MACEDONIAN REVOLUTIONARY <HERE_IS_MACEDONIAN_REVOLUTIONARY@HOTMAIL.COM>, Ljupco Mircevski-Trepet <trepet_vmro_mnm@hotmail.com>, Ljupco Mircevski-Trepet <TREPET_1@hotmail.com>, VMRO-MNM TREPET <vmro_mnm_trepet@hotmail.com> VMRO-MNM Makedonija Na Makedoncite <vmro_mnm_makedonija_na_makedoncite@hotmail.com>, Makedonska Organizacija VMRO-MNM <Makedonska_Organizacija_VMRO_MNM@hotmail.com>

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