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[[Image:Egzekucja Polakow przy murze wieziennym Leszno pazdziernik 1939.jpg|thumb|200px|right|[[Germany|Germans]] execute Poles against a prison wall, [[Leszno]], [[Poland]], [[October]] [[1939]].]]

'''Anti-Polonism''' (alternatively spelled '''antipolonism'''; also, '''Polonophobia''') is a term denoting [[hostility]] toward [[Poles]], or more precisely an irrational or malicious hostility toward Poles as a [[nation]] or as a [[culture|cultural]] [[community]]. Anti-Polonism has been prominent in some countries during certain periods in history. It has manifested in individual behaviors as well as in institutionalized prejudice and persecution. It is often associated with a Polish "[[black legend]]" and a belief that almost any evil or folly may be laid at the doorstep of the Poles.
'''Anti-Polonism''' (alternatively spelled '''antipolonism'''; also, '''Polonophobia''') is a translation of the [[Polish language]] word '''''antypolonizm''''', which is an [[anti-semitism|anti-semitic]] term used by Polish [[ethnic nationalism|ethnic nationalist]]s, mostly in the sense of "Jewish anti-Polonism", as a counter-concept to "[[Antisemitism in Poland|Polish anti-Semitism]]". It denotes Polish hostility toward [[Jew]]s.
[[Image:P_Oboz.jpg|thumb|left|180px|German [[concentration camp]] badge, which Polish inmates were required to wear.]]

It should be noted that the term '''anti-Polonism''' has not found wide currency in the [[English language]]. It does not appear in major English-language [[dictionary|dictionaries]], and [[LexisNexis]] shows it to have been used rarely in English-language [[daily|dailies]] or [[magazine]]s within the past 10 years. It has, however, appeared in some scholarly works ([http://www.holocaustforgotten.com/lukas.htm]). To the extent that people believe that Poles, [[Polonia]] and Poland continue to be treated as objects of ridicule, discrimination and exploitation, "anti-Polonism" and the kindred term "Polonophobia" may enter more widespread use.
It should be noted that the term '''anti-Polonism''' has not found wide currency in the [[English language]]. It does not appear in major English-language [[dictionary|dictionaries]], and [[LexisNexis]] shows it to have been used rarely in English-language [[daily|dailies]] or [[magazine]]s within the past 10 years. It has, however, appeared in some scholarly works ([http://www.holocaustforgotten.com/lukas.htm]). To the extent that people believe that Poles, [[Polonia]] and Poland continue to be treated as objects of ridicule, discrimination and exploitation, "anti-Polonism" and the kindred term "Polonophobia" may enter more widespread use.

Hostility toward Poles&mdash;analogously to other [[ethnicity|ethnic]] [[phobia]]s&mdash;has been used as a tool by [[demagogy|demagogue]]s seeking their own personal, or their own ethnic group's, aggrandizement at the expense of a disparaged, demonized or dehumanized people.
[[Image:Przed wyjazdem na roboty przymusowe.jpg|thumb|200px|right|Poles awaiting deportation to slave labor in Germany during [[WW II]].]]
Forms of hostility toward Poles have included:

* [[racism|Racist]] hostility, a variety of [[xenophobia]];
* cultural hostility: a strong prejudice against Poles and Polish-speaking persons;
* organized persecution of Poles as an ethnic or cultural group, often based on a belief that Polish culture or interests are a threat to one's own national aspirations.


=== Organized persecution of ethnic Poles (to [[1918]]) ===
When the [[Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth]] totally lost its independence in [[1795]] and [[partitions of Poland|remained partitioned for 123 years]], ethnic Poles were subjected to [[Germanization]] under [[Prussia]]n and later under [[Germany|German]] rule, and to [[Russification]] in areas annexed by [[Imperial Russia]]. In Russian-occupied areas, many thousands of Poles who advocated Polish independence were [[exile]]d to [[Siberia]].

=== Organized persecution of ethnic Poles ([[1918]]-[[1939]]) ===
[[Image:Egzekucja 15 mieszkancow Kornika 20 10 1939.jpg|thumb|200px|right|German soldiers executing 15 inhabitants of [[Kórnik]], in western Poland, [[October 20]], [[1939]].]]
After Poland regained her independence following the [[First World War]] as the [[Second Republic of Poland]], the question of her borders was not settled. Poles were persecuted in the disputed territories, especially in [[Silesia]], where this led to the [[Silesian Uprisings]]. During the [[Polish-Soviet War]] of 1919-21, many Polish [[prisoner of war|prisoners of war]] were summarily executed by the [[Red Army]].

The aftermath of the [[Polish-Ukrainian War]] (1918-19), the Polish-Soviet War (1919-21) and the [[Treaty of Riga]] (1921), coupled with Soviet [[propaganda]], led to growing tensions between Poles and Ukrainians in eastern Poland.

=== Genocide against Poles ([[1939]]-[[1945]]) ===
[[Image:Wolyn1943.jpg|thumb|left|Four Polish children tied to a tree with [[barbed wire]] at the village of &#321;obozowa ([[Tarnopol]] County), part of large-scale [[massacres of Poles in Volhynia]] (prewar southeastern Poland) by Ukrainians in [[1943]].]]
[[Image:Katyn3.jpg|thumb|right|200px|Mass graves of murdered Polish military officers at [[Katyn Massacre|Katy&#324;]] Wood, near Smolensk in western [[Russia]].]]

Hostility toward Poles reached a particular peak during [[World War II]], when all of Polish society was an object of [[Germany|German]] [[genocide|genocidal]] policies. Poland lost approximately a third of her population. Millions of Poles died in German [[concentration camp]]s such as [[Auschwitz]], where Poles were the second most numerous victims after the [[Jews]].
[[image:nur fur deutsche.jpg|200px|right|thumb|"[[Nur für Deutsche|No Poles allowed]]": sign, in [[German language|German]], outside [Woodrow] Wilson Park, [[Poznan|Pozna&#324;]], [[Poland]], [[1941]].]]

The Soviet occupation of Polish territories during World War II was also extremely brutal. Polish prisoners of war were executed in the infamous [[Katyn Massacre]] and at other sites, and thousands of Polish [[intelligentsia]], including academics and priests, were sent to labor camps ([[GuLag]]s).

With the conclusion of the Second World War, Nazi atrocities perforce ended. Soviet atrocities, however, continued. Soldiers of Poland's [[Home Army]] ([[Armia Krajowa]]) and returned veterans of the Polish Armed Forces that had served with the Western Allies were persecuted, imprisoned and often executed following [[staged trial]]s (as in the case of [[Witold Pilecki]], organizer of Auschwitz resistance).

=== Persistent prejudices against Poles ([[1945]] to present) ===
Poles often cite continued references to World War II-era "Polish death camps" and "Polish concentration camps" as examples of anti-Polonism. (The afore-mentioned camps were [[German concentration camp]]s set up and run by [[Nazi]] [[Germans]], on occupied Polish territory, whose victims included millions of Poles.) They argue that the phrase is intended to place responsibility for these camps on Poles, rather than simply being a neutral description of their location. They also cite other phrases relating to Poland during the time of World War II, such as "Nazi Poland". In addition, they cite persistent German canards, dating back to World War II and meant to illustrate Polish stupidity or incompetence. Such stories include that [[Polish cavalry]] "bravely but futilely" charged German tanks, and that the [[Polish Air Force]] was wiped out on the ground on the opening day of the war. Neither of these tales are true, as discussed at [[Polish_September_Campaign#Myths|Myths of the Polish September Campaign]]. "Milder" forms of hostility toward Poles have included disparaging "Polish jokes".
[[Image:Akcja policyjna przeciw Polakom Krzesiny 23 11 1941.jpg|thumb|left|200px|German police action against Poles in [[Krzesiny]] on [[November 23]], [[1941]].]]

Polish minority rights are increasingly abused in the [[totalitarian]] regime of [[Alexander Lukashenko]] of [[Belarus]], where approximately 0,5 million Poles live. The Belarussian authorities claim that their pro-western Polish neighbours are trying to destabilise the regime, and see the Polish minority as a fifth column. In May and June 2005 they expelled a Polish diplomat, closed a Polish-language newspaper and replaced the democratically elected leadership of a local Polish organisation, the [[Union of Poles in Belarus]] (UPB), with their own nominees. [http://economist.com/displaystory.cfm?story_id=4085710 Source].

==Anti-Polish quotes==
* "''I have issued the command – and I'll have anybody who utters but one word of criticism executed by a firing squad – that our war aim does not consist in reaching certain lines, but in the physical destruction of the enemy. Accordingly, I have placed my [[Totenkopf]] Units in readiness – for the present only in the East – with orders to them to send to death, mercilessly and without compassion, men, women, and children of Polish race and language. Only thus shall we gain the living space ([[Lebensraum]]) which we need. Who, after all, speaks today of the annihilation of the Armenians?''" [[Adolf Hitler]]

* "''All Poles will disappear from the world.... It is essential that the great German people should consider it as its major task to destroy all Poles.''" [[Heinrich Himmler]]

==See also==
[[Image:Wieszanie 3 Polakow Kutno 9 6 1941.jpg|thumb|200px|right|Hanging of 3 Poles by Germans in [[Kutno]] on [[June 9]], [[1941]].]]
* [[Anglophobia]]
* [[Anti-Catholicism]]
* [[Anti-Semitism]]
* [[Anti-Slavism]]
* [[Lebensraum]]
* [[List of Polish Martyrdom sites]]
* [[Massacre of Lwów professors]]
* [[Nur für Deutsche]]
* [[-phobia]]
* [[Racism]]
* [[Western betrayal]]
* [[Xenophobia]]

===Specific articles===
[[Alfons Flisykowski]] • [[Armenian quote]] • [[Außerordentliche Befriedungsaktion]] • [[Auschwitz cross]] • [[Consequences of German Nazism]] • [[Drang nach Osten]] • [[Drzymała car]] • [[General Government]] • [[Generalplan Ost]] • [[German camps in occupied Poland during World War II]] • [[World War II]] • [[Mikhail Katkov]] • [[Katyn Massacre]] • [[Koniuchy Massacre]] • [[Kulturkampf]] • [[Lebensborn]] • [[List of Polish Martyrdom sites]] • [[List of Soviet Union prison sites that detained Poles]] • [[Massacre of Lwów professors]] • [[Massacre of Praga]] • [[Massacres of Poles in Volhynia]] • [[Master race]] • [[Maus (graphic novel)]] • [[Mein Kampf]] • [[Military description of the Warsaw Uprising|Massacre of Wola]] • [[Myths from Polish history]] • [[Nazism]] • [[Nur für Deutsche]] • [[Operation Tannenberg]] • [[Paneriai]] • [[Pawiak]] • [[Piaśnica]] • [[Polish operation of the NKVD]] • [[Racial purity]] • [[Racial segregation]] • [[Salomon Morel]] • [[Settlement Commission]] • [[Sonderaktion Krakau]] • [[The Painted Bird (novel)]] • [[Trial of the Sixteen]] • [[Trojan donkey]] • [[Untermensch]] • [[You forgot Poland]] • [[Łapanka]]

* Lukas, Richard C. and [[Norman Davies]] (foreword) ''Forgotten Holocaust: The Poles Under German Occupation 1939-1944'', (2001, c1996)
* Lukas, Richard C.: ''Forgotten Survivors: Polish Christians Remember The Nazi Occupation''
* Lukas, Richard C.: ''Did the Children Cry: Hitler's War Against Jewish and Polish Children, 1939-1945''
*Mikołaj Teres: ''Ethnic Cleansing of Poles in Volhynia and Eastern Galicia, Alliance of the Polish Eastern Provinces'', Toronto, 1993, ISBN 0969802005.
*Ryszard Torzecki: ''Polacy i Ukraińcy; Sprawa ukraińska w czasie II wojny światowej na terenie II Rzeczypospolitej''; Warsaw, 1993.
*Wiktor Poliszczuk: ''Bitter Truth. Legal and Political Assessment of the OUN and UPA'', Toronto-Warsaw-Kiev, 1995.
*Władysław & Ewa Siemaszko: ''Ludobojstwo na ludności polskiej Wołynia 1939-1945'' (eng: The ''Genocide Carried Out by Ukrainian Nationalists on the Polish Population of the Volhynia'' Region 1939-1945., Warsaw, 2000.
*Filip Ozarowski: ''Wolyn Aflame'', Publishing House WICI, 1977, ISBN 0965548813.
*Tadeusz Piotrowski: ''Genocide and Rescue in Wolyn: Recollections of the Ukrainian Nationalist, Ethnic Cleansing Campaign Against the Poles During World War II'', McFarland & Company, 2000, ISBN 0786407735.
*Tadeusz Piotrowski: ''Vengeance of the Swallows: Memoir of a Polish Family's Ordeal Under Soviet Aggression, Ukrainian Ethnic Cleansing and Nazi Enslavement, and Their Emigration to America'', McFarland & Company, 1995, ISBN 0786400013.
*Dr. Bronislaw Kusnierz: ''Stalin and the Poles'', Hollis & Carter, 1949.

==External links==
*[http://daviscenter.fas.harvard.edu/seminars_conferences/DOLBILOV.pdf The Civic Identity of Russifying Officials in the Empire’s Northwestern Region after 1863]
*[http://www.acls.org/crn/network/ebook_gatagova_paper2.doc The Crystallization of Ethnic Identity in the Process of Mass Ethnophobias in the Russian Empire] DOC format
*[http://topaz.org.uk/published_articles/forgotten_holocaust.htm The Forgotten Holocaust (mass deportations of Poles to the Soviet Union during WWII)] article
*[http://www.AForgottenOdyssey.com A Forgotten Odyssey (mass deportations of Poles to the Soviet Union during WWII)] website
*[http://www.msz.gov.pl/auths/1251/files/raport_dsi.html Incorrect terminology used for naming Germany's Nazis concentration camps - Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs report]
*[http://www.ipn.gov.pl/index_eng.html The Institute of National Remembrance]
*[http://topaz.org.uk/published_articles/linguistic_imprecision.htm Linguistic imprecision? (anti-Polish bias in the English-language media)]
*[http://www.holocaustforgotten.com Non-Jewish Holocaust Victims - the 5 Million Others]
*[http://www.worldjewishcongress.org/nfo/article.cfm?id=3036 World Jewish Congress statement]


Revision as of 17:55, 10 July 2005

Anti-Polonism (alternatively spelled antipolonism; also, Polonophobia) is a translation of the Polish language word antypolonizm, which is an anti-semitic term used by Polish ethnic nationalists, mostly in the sense of "Jewish anti-Polonism", as a counter-concept to "Polish anti-Semitism". It denotes Polish hostility toward Jews.

It should be noted that the term anti-Polonism has not found wide currency in the English language. It does not appear in major English-language dictionaries, and LexisNexis shows it to have been used rarely in English-language dailies or magazines within the past 10 years. It has, however, appeared in some scholarly works ([1]). To the extent that people believe that Poles, Polonia and Poland continue to be treated as objects of ridicule, discrimination and exploitation, "anti-Polonism" and the kindred term "Polonophobia" may enter more widespread use.