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Brock: Are we on?
The streets are illuminated by lamp posts, as an SUV soars across the street. The Judge is still behind the wheel, with his passenger right beside him. The two men can be heard laughing, and the car swerves through lanes, the only car on the road

RK: You’re telling me you never thought about it?

Judge: What’s so hard to believe about that?

RK: I’m just saying, if there were no other females left on the planet…

Judge: I would still not get together with Sophie

The camera pans up to show Brock with bandages on his face from another beating at the hands of the Royalty last week.
RK: Come on now

Brock: It has not been a very good past couple of weeks for me. I lose my title, almost die on the operating table, lose another shot at a title, and then get pinned by the Royal fucking Knight of all people. But all that is going to change. And it's going to start this week.
Judge: I don’t see it

You see I know all about the Dream Team. I know all about their past sucess in PCW and the current wave they are riding here in WPW, and they have done it all by proving to everyone that they are funny.
RK: See, now you’re starting to make me feel perverted for thinking it

I mean let's call a spade a spade, they are both pretty decent athletes, hell they wouldn't be former world champions if they weren't. But when you think of the Dream Team, you think of things like Craig Sinders, visits to children's classrooms, nightly coke binges, and Presidential campaigns.
Judge: That doesn’t sound too hard

Basically, they are the class clowns of the wrestling worls and everyone loves them for it.
The Knight slaps at the hands of Judge, who screams out

The camera dips down a bit as Brock slaps the cameraman in the head and lfits the cameras back up to his face.
Judge: Ahhhh!!!!

Brock: And it's true, that not many teams hold victories over the Dream Team. Hell I once heard someone say you could probably count them on both hands and that's it. And over the course of those losses, there has been no one set strategy to upend Dream and Jokester. People have tried to be funnier than them. People have tried to be more violent. People have tried to be more technically sound. And people have tried to ignore their random nonsequitors completely.
The Judge plays like he has been injured, spinning the wheel uncontrollably, weaving the SUV across various lanes. The Knight grasps the handlebars above his seat, still not ready for the reckless driving

Sometimes these techniques work, most often they don't.
RK: You’re gonna get us killed before we make it back home

So now you may be asking yourself, how do you beat the Dream Team? Well you have to have some good teamwork, so if Dan shows up this week that would be nice. You also have to be in peak physical condition, and considering the ass kickings I've been getting weekly from the Royal Suckerpunchers, yeah I guess that's not good. You also have to be able to look past any grudges you may currently have and have your mind focused on the Dream Team and nothing else....I guess I can try that.
Judge: Oh come on, where’s your sense of fun?

You know actually now that I look at it, this is going to be an extremely uphill battle on Turmoil. I can't trust my tag partner any further than I can throw him, the Royalty is seemingly out to end my career because they know the threat I am, and I am hurting as hell coming off some of the top stars in WPW while Dream and Jokester just fought X-Pac and Beno.
RK: You’re right…

Uphill battle indeed.
The Knight takes hold of the wheel, as more childish fighting occurs between the two men of Royalty. Judge finally regains control, letting the car come to rest in the far right lane

But then again, that's why girls don't play the game. Dream, Jokester, your series of easy victories ends here. I am going to come at you with everything I have. No gimmicks, no cute little campaign speeches, no references to any of the Presidential candidates. Just me. Brock Goodman.
Judge: See, this is why I have to be the responsible adult

And I'm going to beat the shit out of both of you and send your record to 2 and 2.
RK: Alright, alright. Hey, give me another one

Okay snapperhead, we're done.
Judge: Ok… Super Sexy Girl or Amanda Rhyme

The camera goes to static immediately.
RK: Dude, that’s not cool

Judge: (laughing) Whatever do you mean?

RK: You know what I mean. Not fair

Judge: (still laughing) Well, can I answer?

RK: You do and I bring back that paintball gun

Judge: Alright, crybaby

RK: That’s Mr. Crybaby to you

The scene opens to an empty WPW arena. The arena appears to be set up for Live on Sunday. We change view as the camera is now focusing soley on the ring. Dan Murph can be seen sitting on the top turnbuckle, but he’s not on Live this week, so not really too sure why Dan is there, maybe he’s been just training.
The two men laugh. The Judge looks at the Knight with one eye

Dan: I think perhaps I began my quest in the wrong direction. What I aimed to do was for the good of this company and all the people employed by it. But the way I tried to execute it was wrong. I thought that by knowing what was right, and attempting to do it that this quest of mine would succeed. But I was wrong. To cut off a problem this big you must go right to the source of why it happened. So that’s what I’m going to do. Now don’t wet your pants Carlos Gonzales, I don’t mean you. And I sure as hell don’t mean anybody in Royalty. This virus known as Royalty is stuck in WPW today because of one man, and one man only. Thus I must start my quest to kill Royalty with one of the greatest tag teams in decades. The Dream Team. A team of two jokers formed back at the start of the PCW days. Two men who went unbeaten for something like a year. As great as these two were as a team, individually they are both former World Champions, and neither should be taken lightly.
Judge: You better watch out, or that nickname’s gonna stick

Dan gets up off the turnbuckle and begins to climb down the ropes. He stands on the ring apron.
RK: You know, it really might as well, it seems to be the only real fit these days

This will be no easy step on the path to ridding WPW of its impurities. But do not worry partner, you can bet all the money in the world I will be there with you this Tuesday night on TNT. I agreed with a lot of what you said in your promo. But there was one thing that I could not agree to at all. Unlike you Brock, I will be bearing a grudge. Not against Royalty, for now. Or even against you after our short little feud just a few months ago. No, this grudge goes back over a year now. The Dream. You’ve just come back here, and I wouldn’t be surprised if you don’t remember me. Seems that a lot of people around here have forgotten the impact I’ve made in the past. But I remember you. I remember you and I teaming together, alongside your partner Jokester and two more men from the now defunct PCW. I remember us fighting together to save PCW from an untimely death. I had just shot up the card. And When Worlds Colide, even though it had been billed to be all about PCW and WPW fighting for their own futures. That match was all about me. I slaughtered everyone on Team WPW. In fact I can honestly say that WPW was as good as dead. Until their team began to gang up on me. After taking something like four finishers in a row, I was left on my back in the centre of the ring. You had a chance to make sure I didn’t get pinned. You were standing right there looking at me being pinned!! And you did absolutely NOTHING to stop it!! Not a damn thing to stop it!!
Judge: Hey now, none of that

Dan once again sits down, this time on the ring apron. The camera comes in close as Dan stares directly into it.
RK: But it’s true. Look at the other names we have in the group. You’ve got king, who’s powerful and brave, a prince, nimble and cunning, and a judge, wise and all-knowing. Then we’ve got the knight, who’s supposed to stand up as the defender. Am I really that guy anymore? Or ever even?

My future in PCW was set to be great. The celebrations, the parades, the parties after destroying WPW. I had pictured them all in my head. They were fantastic. The record books read that The One is the man who killed PCW. I don’t agree with that at all. The Dream is the man who killed PCW. I don’t know why, and honestly after a year of wondering, I don’t care anymore. I’ve been waiting all this time to get my hands on you for this and now it’s my chance. Dream, I’m not going to stand here and insult everything you once stood for, or talk about what you’ve become. I’m not going to threaten breaking your neck or kicking your ass. Everything I will do to you, you will not watch me say on a tape, or read me writing it on a website. You will experience all of it on Tuesday night in the centre of that ring. So welcome back Dream. Welcome to the world ruled by Royalty, with a stroppy bastard owner who hates everyone. Because everything you see around you, is like this because of YOU!
Judge: Look, you’ve had a bad few weeks, but it’s not going to break you

Dan gets down off the ring apron, and begins to walk towards the curtain as the scene slowly begins to fade to black.
RK: It already has

The Judge turns his head away from the road, looking directly into the face of the Knight

Judge: How so?

RK: I mean, I’m a complete mess, I don’t even know where I belong anymore. I’m not the hot young star like 2 is. I’m not the smart and bold experienced one like you are. I’m not the best in the world today like James is. So if I’m not the past, present, or future, where does that leave me, the enforcer? Am I destined for only that level?

The Judge turns back to the road, sitting in silence. The Knight looks at Judge, hoping for an answer, but finding none in his eyes. The Judge opens his mouth, but quickly closes it. The Knight slides back into in seat, letting his own words sink in

Judge: You’re here because I can trust you

The Knight looks up from his seat, noticing that the Judge is looking at him, with only one eye on the road

RK: You trust me?

Judge: Yeah. From the very beginning I’ve trusted you, and knew that you would always have my back if I needed it

RK: No offense, but I find that incredibly hard to believe

Judge: Is that so?

Jokester: What? This studio here? It smells of wee and boiled carrots. Non sequitors? The drummer out of Journey, a small rodent like a gerbil with green eyes and fourteen of your very best boob tubes, madam.
RK: Sorry, but I just don’t see how

Why am I here?
Judge: Alright

(Off camera director) : To cut a promo for the Dream Team v The Goodman/Murph Conglomerate match next Tuesday.
The Judge turns back to the road, while the Knight takes a deep breath. He turns toward the window, seeing a sign stating 100 miles to New York

Jokester: OK. Stream of consciousness type thing? I haven't got a script.
RK: Look, I’m sorry, but…

Director: Would you use one if we gave you it?
The Knight turns to face Judge, who is sitting with his arms crossed, and nothing on the wheel

Jokester: Is Alien v Preditor Requiem gonna win best picture Oscar this year?
RK What are you doing?

Director: OK, just do your thang.
Judge: Proving that I trust you

Jokester: My thang? Hey, I'm being directed by Bootsy Collins. OK, lets start with a few words of thanks to everyone who voted for me in the Michigan primary. That's you, Mrs Betty Alicia Scroggins of 2176 Pontiac Boulevard, Detroit. Your check, as they say, is lost in the post.
The Judge presses down on the accelerator, reaching speeds of 70 miles per hour
Meanwhile, the campaign elsewhere in the US goes really well. A recent Supreme Court decision has allocated every vote for a candidate named John to me which, if my arithmetic is correct, means that I get 30% from Iowa, 29% from New Hampshire, 20% from Michigan and 43% from New Brunswick which gives me a total of 122% of the vote so far. Now, that sounds like a winner to me.

Director:.......um.......isn't New Brunswick in Canada?
RK: Come on, knock it off

Jokester: Yeah, that's what's been so successful about my voter appeal - it crosses boundaries of age, sex, national territory and public decency with ease.
The Judge presses down harder, climbing up to 80. The SUV starts to shake, and sails into the left lanes

Director: What about Clinton?
RK: That’s not funny, grab the wheel

Jokester: John Clinton? Yeah. Got all her votes too.
Judge: Why? I trust you not to get us injured

Director: OK, what about Bill?
RK: Grab the wheel Judge

Jokester: No Bill. The BJ she gave me was free.
The Judge moves his arms to a resting position above his head, as the car starts barreling into the median. At the very last second of impact, the Knight takes the wheel, and maneuvers the car back into safety in the far right lane. The Knight is breathing heavily, while the Judge just smiles

Director: That gag only works in the UK.
Judge: See? All safe

Jokester: Sorta like a region 2 DVD then? Hahahaha. Nah, my jokes are universal.................though I am in negotiations with Disney and other major studios.
RK: That’s not funny

Director: OK, what about your match next Tuesday? Tell us about that.
Judge: I wasn’t making a joke

Jokester: OK. Who've we got? Did I just hear Daniel J Murphy say that he wouldn't be surprised if the Dream didn't remember him? Dan, Dan, Dan. The Dream barely remembers where his penis is, so don't feel privileged if he walks past you in the hallway with a blank look on his face. He probably thinks you're the Popcorn Monkey..........or remembers where he left his penis. It's at Connie's apartment, by the way if you're watching this, tag team bud.
The Judge and Knight catch eyes, as the Judge lets his smirk grow wider. After a semi-stare down, the Knight cracks a little grin
Who's his partner? Mike Adams? El Pollo Negro? Brock Goodman? Oh, I always get them mixed up. Two of them are twisted human beings, punching well above their weight, never got anything interesting to say for themselves, more interested in how the Jets have done this week than in wrestling.....and the other is Brock Goodman.

RK: You’re lucky I suck at chicken
Director: No. El Pollo is the chicken, not Brock Goodman.

Jokester: Ah, that's what they'd like you to think, but after Brock killed my very best friend Bent Windowlicker, he's been the one strutting around in a directionless manner wondering where he left his head.
The two men laugh again, as the Knight looks up at the Judge at the way he has always seen him, a mentor. That moment, however, is stopped by the sounds of a police siren in the back
Brock, it's at Connie's apartment......hopefully not too close to Dream's penis.
Nah, Dream Team versus Goodman and Murph? Only one way that's gonna finish........assuming I can find my partner that is. The NDS haven't got him again, have they? Abducted by aliens? What......again? Did they lose their anal probe or something?

It's at Connie's apartment I would imagine.
Judge: Oh, you gotta be kidding me

Director: OK. I think that's enough.
RK: Where’d he come from? I thought we were the only ones on the road

Jokester: Oh, so soon? Don't go yet. Did you hear the one about the orang-utan, the tub of butter and Al Gore's left kidney? You did? Can you remind me of the punchline. Buggered if I can remember it.
Judge: Damn it, can you smell anything on my breath?

RK: What?

Judge: Ok… I [I]might[/I] have had a little to drink tonight

RK: You son of a bitch, we’re going to jail

Judge: Wait, I’ve got an idea

The SUV flashes its hazards, then comes to a stop in the far right of the road. A quick shuffle can be seen in the darkly lit night, as the officer slowly steps out of his car. He taps on the window, as the driver slowly lowers to come eye to eye with the officer

Officer: Evening folks

The scene opens to Dan Murph sitting down on a seat directly in front of the camera. This isn’t some silly gimmicky promo like his opponents love to do so often. This is serious. This is about the future of this company and all who work for it. So watch and listen carefully. Because this could very well concern you.
The Knight is now in the driver’s seat, and his nerves can be seen from space

Dan: I think I’ve made my feelings on the Dream pretty damn clear in the last few days. Dream, I blame you for everything that’s happened around here. Things could have been easy for all of us man. If you had just done what you were supposed to do. PCW would have survived at When Worlds Colide. Carlos would have been put out of business. JMC would have been in the doghouse with PCW. And Royalty would have never taken over. I think I know why you did it though Dream. It wasn’t because you had a change of heart and decided that WPW was a better place to be. Or because you’re a “bad guy”. It’s because you’re jealous of me. Now, now, I know that sounds a little harsh. But think about it for a minute. Who is the man that set that night a light?? Who is the man who would have been pushed to the heavens in PCW after we defeated WPW and laid it to rest? ME, that’s who. What Dream, couldn’t stand not being the centre of attention for once?? Didn’t like the thought of someone else being in the spotlight?? Well you need to get used to it. Because it doesn’t matter who remembers you for what you’ve done in the past. It doesn’t matter what records you’ve broken or what Championships you’ve held. You won’t be remembered for any of that. You won’t be remembered for killing PCW. Because after I’m done with you on Tuesday night you will be remembered for one thing, and one thing only. Being Dan Murph’s Bitch!
RK: How can I help you?

Dan leans forward slightly. The camera begins to move in slowly as we begin to be able to see deep into Dan’s eyes.
Officer: It’s kinda late out don’t you think?

But as much as I hate to say it. You’re not totally to blame. It’s most definitely your fault that Royalty was ever born. But others since have had chance after chance to stop them. Look at your tag team partner for example. Probably the most loved character in WPW right now. He loves to amuse people, tell his clever little jokes and play tricks on unsuspecting opponents. But what has he done to stop Royalty?? Not a damn thing. That’s what he’s done! This guy who gets the biggest pop every single night, and yet instead of trying to save the company that employs his overrated ass. He goes out there every night for himself, and himself only. He probably couldn’t give two fucks if any of the rest of us had a job after TNT. He’d rather concentrate on his jokes, and his “Election Campaign”. Yeah, I thought that the government in America was a joke enough already, but that just takes the damn cake. Jokester, if you’re not with us, trying to stop Royalty, you’re against us. I don’t care if you’re trying to become president of the United States, or if you’re Jesus Christ himself. You go against me in this battle, you will lose. I promise you that. Jokester, I actually believe that you’re just as bad as Royalty. Sure, you’re not fighting the same cause as them. But I know deep down inside of you, you know what they’re doing is wrong. And you haven’t done anything to try and stop it. I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again. To know what is right, and to not do it is the worst cowardice. Jokester, you’re a coward, plain and simple.
The Knight looks at Judge, who is fast asleep. The Knight mutters something to his passed out teammate, before turning back to the policeman

Dan stands up from his seat. He turns around, picks up the chair and folds it, and then places it against the solid brick wall behind him. Dan half turns back towards the camera.
RK: Oh, my friend and I are just trying to make it into town before morning

My journey towards ridding WPW of Royalty is in its early stages. Sacrifices will be made. And on Tuesday Night Turmoil the first sacrifices will be The Dream Team.
Officer: I see…

Once again Dan turns and walks away. The scene slowly fades out.
RK: Just, you know, hitting the old road

The Knight laughs the uncomfortable laugh

Officer: I saw that you boys we’re kinda weaving through the lanes a little while back, is everything alright?

RK: Oh, yes sir. I lost a bit of the control of the wheel, but everything’s ok now

Officer: You lost control of the wheel, huh?

RK: Yeah, it’s tricky driving at night sometimes

The Knight looks over at Judge, who is still quietly sleeping

The Dream, clearly rattled by accusations of being the ‘comedy commodity’ in WPW, is sat on an exercise bicycle in front of a green screen showing the annual ‘running of the bull’ in Pamplona, juggling coconuts and whistling his own theme tune, rather self-indulgently.
Officer: Can I see your license please?

Yes, it’s all The Dream’s fault. It’s The Dream’s fault your eyes are too far apart and your teeth too close together. It’s The Dream’s fault you can’t go five minutes inside of a wrestling ring without getting a hard-on. It’s The Dream’s fault I can’t even remember who you are, let alone what profession you’re in. Don’t you pass The Dream his towel after each victory?
RK: Of course sir

And so to Royalty - another of The Dream’s wacky British ideas. And that terrible spate of rapes at the New Orleans Arena after I started that huge flood – they’ll never pin that one on me, but you all know the truth don’t you? And now you’re trying to tell me we teamed together in a match, PCW –vs- WPW?! Ha! It’s laughable! It’s like, I dunno, The Monday Night Wars or something… completely ridiculous.
The Knight pulls his wallet out of the dashboard, and hands his license to the officer, who quickly disappears back to his car. The Knight turns back to Judge, muttering

Well, five long minutes listening to your shit has reminded me of one thing – that talking crap and shouting the word ‘bitch’ a lot, is all you got. Well excuse The Dream if it’s my fault you’ll never make it very far in this business with such a piss-poor excuse for a catchphrase. And no decent moves.
RK: You’re such an ass, I can’t believe I’m doing this, we’re going to jail…

As for The Dream being jealous of anybody – I won’t even dignify that pile of steaming horseshit with a response. The Dream is always the centre of attention – if he’s not, it’s because you’re looking in the wrong place.
The Officer returns, shining the flashlight in the eyes of the Knight

The Dream Team is gonna make it 4-0 this Tuesday and in the process, we’re gonna make the two of yous look like the pathetic whinging perennial underachievers you are. Once we’ve hit you with our endless double-team moves and crowd-pleasing finishers, it’ll be back to your former jobs for the both of you - wanking miserably into bins in the warehouse of your local post office, while your manager secretly tapes it all on CCTV so he can show his colleagues what a pair of fucking dirty losers you are.
Officer: Can you step out of the car please?

Whilst soon, The Dream Team will be running the country, no less! So whatever your names are, you can bet your sweet shitting asses that The Dream Team will C U Next Tuesday for a beat down you’ll never forget. And you both better wash your hands before trying to grapple with us too, you dirty little devils.
RK: Of course

The Dream, wearing a huge grin, throws all four coconuts in the air and leans back, opening his mouth into which they all seemingly disappear down – except they cleverly fly past behind his head, landing on the floor behind. Apart for the last one which lands straight in his face with a thud as he slips off the bicycle, ripping down the green screen behind him, revealing a naked Connie & Tina scowling and taking it in turns to smell a shit which they’ve found.
The Knight is getting his nerves back together, stepping out of the car quickly. His hands are in his pockets, which prompts the officer

Officer: Please keep your hands out where I can see them

RK: Sorry

The officer leads the Knight to the front of the car, when he pulls out a pen

Officer: I need you to follow this pen with your eyes without moving your head, do you understand?

RK: No problem

The officer slowly moves the pen back and forth, while shining the light directly in the eyes of the Knight. He follows the pen easily, expecting some sort of trick to be played in a minute. After nearly a minute, the officer hands the license back over to the Knight

Officer: You two be careful, alright

RK: Yes sir

The officer climbs into his car, and drives away. The Knight just stands there, not sure of what to believe. He opens the door to the driver’s seat, only to find the Judge already sitting there, completely upright

Judge: How’s that for proof that I trust you?

Thought I recognised the two women with their cup. Anyway, Dream appears to have metaphorically tagged his partner the Jokester back in so here is his address to the South Carolina Democratic Voter Association and Ferret Fanciers Club (incorporating Modal Aeroplane Enthusiasts of America)
The Knight steps back from the car

Room 327, The HyattScumBall Motel and LapDance Emporium, near Universal Drive, not that near to be honest, Orlando, Fla.
RK: Wait, does that mean…

Jokester then answered questions for the confused voters.
Judge: I’m the one driving, of course I’m not drinking

First question: (From a Senatorial looking woman in a trouser suit and a fake moustache) Can the candidate confirm his involvement with a string of juvenile delinquents involved in alcohol, drugs, sex and illegal gambling?
RK: You son of a bitch

Jokester: Can I confirm it? I can positively celebrate it! The Senator, or whatever Bill calls you in bed these days - I presume Monica is right out - is well aware of my activities on the WPW website where I like to gently introduce my legions of adoring underage female fans to the pleasures of the adult world in a barely legal way.
The Knight hands the keys over, then enters the car from the other side. The two men laugh, with the Knight just shaking his head, as they begin their descent into New York <small>—Preceding [[Wikipedia:Signatures|unsigned]] comment added by [[Special:Contributions/|]] ([[User talk:|talk]]) 23:40, 11 January 2008 (UTC)</small><!-- Template:UnsignedIP --> <!--Autosigned by SineBot-->

Senator: You show them your cock.

Jokester: Yes, El Pollo has been known to post a picture on my web-page, the scamp! And my octopus, King Harold the Third of Norway, has been known to thrill to the stroke of a tiny childlike hand.

Senator: Your octopus is just a euphemism, isn't it?

Jokester: Hahahahahaha (aside: what's a euphemism?) hahahaha. No. My octopus is a cephalopod.
Now, I'm finding senator Clinton's obsession with my sex life a little tedious. What a shame that she had not paid as much attention to her husband's sex life when he was in office.

(High fives Connie at his side) Connie: Ooooh! Feel the burn!

Jokester: Now, if no-one else has any questions?????

Max Stockton: Yes. Jokester, how do you feel about your match this Tuesday against Brock Goodman and Dan Murph?

Jokester: Mitch! Been demoted from Color Commentator to roving reporter? Bad luck. Let me answer your question in the only way I know how.....
'''Brocks rps first!'''

Beep. Beep. Beep.

??: How is he?

The meeting breaks up in disarray and Jokester takes his leave of the throng, making his way down the aisle to his waiting unicycle. It looks as if the woman with the fake moustache attempts to stroke the octopus, but we woudn't want to be sued for libel.........again.
???: We're not sure, he lost a lot of blood.

Beep. Beep. Beep.

??: How's his neck?

???: Seems to be stable. We're more worried about the blood loss and internal bleeding.

Beep. Beep. Beep.

??: Well I'm sorry I can't stay here all night, but please keep me posted if anything changes in his condition.

???: Of course. It's always so good when the employer comes to check on the status of one of his employees.

Beep. Beep. Beep.

”Please be ware, the following message contains a career threatening virus. This virus was designed to attack Royalty, but if you find you have been infected by the virus after watching this promo, don’t bother going to see a doctor, or praying to God because your career maybe already over.”
??: It's more of a legal thing really. He's scheduled to work on Tuesday.

Dan: So all I’ve got is shouting the word “bitch” a lot, huh? No Dream that’s not all I’ve got. I’m not a one trick horse like you. I watched that little promo of yours, and it seems to me that all you can do is make jokes about everything. Is that all you’re good for?? You’re damn right it’s all you’re good for. I know you’re not intimidated by me, why would you be?? You’re The Dream. Everyone’s favourite wrestler. You’re a legend around here. A lot of people probably don’t even know who your opponents are this week, they just see “an appearance by The Dream” and figure its going to be just another win for The Dream Team. And it’s not because you’re a great wrestler or a good athlete. It’s because you’re nothing more than a gimmick. You go around, making your stupid jokes about this or about that. But that’s all you do. People think you’re fun, and they love to come and watch you compete. But you’re not a wrestler, not really. You’re a circus act.
???: Are you serious?

We go from a blank screen to seeing Dan. He’s on a plane, but instead of sitting back relaxing, he looks rather tense. The cameraman seems to be sitting next to him as the camera is fairly close to the side of Dan’s face.
Beep. Beep. Beep.

Maybe this will be just another win for The Dream Team. It seems that everyone is desperate for this one last run of The Dream Team to be as successful as it possibly can be. People sending you good luck wishes for your matches, praying that The Dream Team will go on forever. Well, I’ve had about enough of the “One Last Run” crap. It’s been done before, over and over again. Hogan, Flair, Foley, Undertaker, DX. They’ve all done it, and not one of them has retired yet. I’ll tell you one thing. If you beat Brock and I. It won’t be because you’re better wrestlers. Or because you outsmarted us. It’s because management is in your favour. Or because the referee loves the Dream Team so much that he subconsciously makes a quick three count. But this last run can’t go on forever. I’m not the only one who’s begun to see through you Dream. Because you’re a fraud. You act the hero, but you’re nothing of the sort. Don’t believe that everyone around here will soon through you sooner or later?? I bet Hogan didn’t either. And now look at him. An old, washed up, piece of shit who has to show up every six months to try and ruin a future stars career just so he can be put over again, and shoved down our throats like you’ve been for the past four years, and honest to god I’m sick of it, and I’m sick of you.
??: Well it is the business we're in.

So on Tuesday night. It’s one thing against the other. Good Vs. Evil. Right Vs. Wrong. A man who is loved by everyone in the crowd, and everyone backstage. Against a man who is the complete opposite. The fans hate me, but I couldn’t care less. Backstage, I’ve heard the whispers. Oh he’s unreliable. We can’t push him because he might not show up. Well I’m here. I’m ready for whatever you want to throw at me. And you can keep second guessing me. You can keep pushing me down and stopping me from reaching my full potential. But sooner or later you have to realise that I’m back. And no matter how hard you try and stop me. No matter who you put in front of me. I will prevail. And I will do what I’ve set out to do. That begins with you Dream. I’ve been waiting over a year to get my hands on you. And whether you remember me or not, come Tuesday night you will never forget me again. So fans, boo me if you want. Because I can not help the hearts I will break, and the tears that will be shed because what I will do to The Dream team, I know is right.
???: Does he know this?

Dan sits back and tries to relax as one of the air hostess’ comes over with a trolly over drinks. The scene fades to black.
Beep. Beep. Beep.

??: He will when he wakes up. Thank you for your opinion doctor, but believe me, he will be looking very foward to work.

???: I hope your company has labor laws.

Beep. Beep. Beep.

??: That better not have been a Mexican joke.

???: Good day Mr. Gonzalez.

Beep. Beep. Beep.

Carlos: Good day.

The camera opens up to show WPW Owner Carlos Gonzalez walking into the elevator on the fifth floor of the hospital. The doctor Carlos was just talking to walks into the room where former Florida State Champion Brock Goodman is lying in a hospital bed unconscious.

Beep. Beep. Beep.

Brock Goodman is in his familiar final prematch prep area on a rooftop on a cold winter's night.
Doctor: How is he nurse?

Brock: You know, I hate to say it...but I feel a bit out of place here. I mean my partner has all this history with Dream and Jokester and I....well frankly I don't.
Nurse: Stable, barely. Who was that surly looking gentleman?

In fact not only do I not really have any direct interaction with the Dream Team as a unit, but I benefitted quite handily from Dream turning his back on PCW.
Beep. Beep. Beep.

Now my partner on the other hand, seems to be a raging ball of hate towards you guys. I guess I'll have to go along with it, I mean Jokester did clock me a few good times in that big ladder match.
Doctor: His boss, believe it or not. He expects to be back working by Tuesday night.

Eh, who am I kidding? I am loving Dan's aggression, for this week at least he seems to have grown a sack. Danny boy, rest assured I am going to bring it as hard and as fast as you are. I finally see that fire and intensity in your eyes that has been missing for a long time. Dream, Jokester, I know you morons think you are the hot shit because you went on a tear in PCW by beating up the likes of the Canuxxter's Empire and Beno and his J.O.B. Squad a million times in a row, but face facts. You guys are old news. Dan and I are the future while you guys are focused on making sure you poll each other in the electorate.
Nurse: I don't see how that will happen.

Thje election results are in Ster/Dream '08 and it doesn't look good. It looks like Goodman/Murph is going to overtake you Tuesday night. And you guys can go back back to debating with the Clintons while Dan and I prove that the Dream Team is nothing but a bunch of hasbeens that can crack a good joke every now and then.
Beep. Beep. Beep.

But for now....sleep.
Doctor: Well let's keep him under observation through the night to see how he does....


The doctor and nurse both give each other a quick glance.

Doctor: Go get the E.R. team stat! Go now! This man's life depends on it!


Brock Goodman's eyes flutter open very slowly, his pain appears to be gone. Brock stirs ever so slightly but has trouble opening his eyes, it's really bright out. Brock turns over on his stomach and goes to lift himself up, the ground is really soft. Brock gets up to his knees and looks around. All he can see are clouds and a bright light. As Brock sits up he sees a large golden gate, as Brock looks very confused.

Brock: You've got to be shitting me.

Brock stares at the gate until he feels a presence right behind him.

????: Funny, that's exactly what I just said.

Brock turns around slowly and looks up. Brock's eyes widen and his mouth drops a little bit.

Brock: Ben??

'''next rp'''

Brock is sitting on a cloud-like formation looking up incredulously at what appears to be Ben Whyndam.

Brock: Ben??

Ben just looks down at Brock and gives a disgusted smirk.

Brock: But aren't you...

Ben: Dead? Yeah, Brock I am.

Brock: But does that make me...

Ben: Sure looks like it doesn't it?

Brock: But how?

Ben: How should I know?

Brock: Well your here aren't you?

Ben: And whose fault is that?

Brock goes to open his mouth but shuts it quickly as he looks up at Ben.

Ben: That's what I thought.

Ben turns around and begins to walk away from Brock through the gate. Brock gets up to his feet and walks after Ben.

Brock: Hey Ben...wait.

Ben: What?

Brock: Listen, I don't know what's going on or how I got here....but I just wanted to say....I'm.....I'm.....

Ben: You're pathetic.

Brock: I'm so.........What?

Ben: You heard me.

Brock: I don't understand.

Ben: You will, but first there is one thing I want from you.

Brock: Ummm sure. Anything.

Ben turns back at Brock and smirks a bit and pushes open another set of gates to show a wrestling ring with gold ring posts and ring ropes.

Ben: A rematch.

'''Next Rp'''


Ben Whyndam's fist smashes against the jaw of Brock Goodman. Brock swings back but misses almost as if Brock's fist went right through him. Ben connects with a huge knee right to the gut of Brock. Ben then bounces off the ropes and bulldogs Brock into the mat.

Ben: Come on Brock! Where's the guy that killed me?

Ben pulls Brock's arms upwards behind him and stomps his head into the mat.

Ben: Oh look at the big bad killer now!

Ben grinds his boot into the back of Brock's headas Brock's face smears against the canvas. Ben then performs a double stomp right to the back of Brock Goodman as Brock arches up in pain.

Brock: Fuck!

Ben: Jeez, Brock...watch the language. Look where you are.

Ben hops on the turnbuckle laying down laughing a bit as Brock is slowly getting to his feet. It seems they have drawn a crowd as Eddie Guerrero, Curt Henning, Owen Hart, Chris Benoit, and others are now crowding the ring watching Ben beat the living crap out of his murderer.

Ben: Aw what's the matter Brock? Come on! Get up!

Brock is slowly getting up eyeing the crowd and looks oddly at Benoit.

Ben: Heh, that's almost as much of a shock as you getting up here, Goodman.

As Brock gets up and turns around Ben comes flying off the top rope going for a moonsault but Brock's instincts kick in as he powerslams Ben to the mat. Brock instatnly cowers back as he just realizes what he's done. Ben is lying prone in the ring once more. The wrestlers around the ring simply stare at Brock's reaction. Ben then quickly rolls over to his front and kips up.

Ben: What's wrong Brock? You look like you've seen a ghost.

Brock: Why are you doing this?

Ben: You still haven't figured it out? Brock, I told you I want a rematch, and damn it you are going to give me a rematch.

Brock: Ben I know you want revenge but I am so sorry for what happened. It was a freak accident and I'm even sorry for exploiting it the way I have.

Ben walks right up to Brock and slaps him in the face. Brock's face truns from one of remorse to a slight grimace.

Ben: Aww bet that got under your collar didn't it?

Ben slaps Brock right in the face again as Brock's head snaps right back to look Ben in the eyes.

Ben: Brock I don't want your apologies!

Ben slaps Brock again.

Ben: I don't want your pity!

Ben slaps Brock once more as Brock is really starting to get angry.

Ben: Yeah, that's it Brock! Get angry! Get as mad as you were when we met in the ring! That's the Brock I want to see, not this whiny little chicken shit you've become!

Ben goes to slap Brock one more time but Brock grabs his arm. Brock squeezes Ben's hand as Brock is now visibly very angry. Brock's whole body is shaking with rage. The look on Ben's face goes from a brief smile when Brock blocked him to now one of pure pain. Brock squeezes the wrist harder as Ben drops to a knee.

Ben: That's.....it......Brock.....

Brock pulls Ben up to his feet and hooks his arm over his shoulder. As the wrestlers around the ring gasp, Brock quickly does a backflip and obliterates Ben with the For Now....Sleep. Brock then hooks Ben's leg, as someone slides in to make a count.


Ben: Always knew you had it in you Brock.

Brock looks down at Ben, who has a smile on his face. Brock gets up to his feet as Ben extends a hand. Brock reaches down and helps Ben up to his feet who is a bit groggy but perfectly fine.

Brock: So you don't want revenge on me for killing you?

Ben: Brock, it's not like you set out to kill me. Granted you said you were going to kill me, but we all know you meant it metaphorically.

Brock: But I mean, your family, your friends, your career.....

Ben: All of it hinged on a sport that is dangerous. I knew exactly what I was getting into when I started in this business. My family knew, my friends knew, hell I knew. And you know.

Brock: Well yeah, that's what I kept telling people. I mean, your family, Paul, the rest of the boys....

Ben: It was an accident Brock. I know that. You know that. My family was upset, you probably didn't help matters with that. Paul was upset because he was there for the start of my career. And the boys...well they're assholes who wanted to mess with you.

Brock: Well thanks Ben. That means a lot. But you know what would mean more?

Ben: What?

Brock: Best 3 out of 5?

Brock smirks a little bit as Ben and he ties up as the cameras fade to white.


'''Rps for 2'''

*2 sits crosslegged in the middle of the ring at the gym he usually frequents. His eyes are closed and he seems serene and focused. He is humming sofly.*

2: mmmmmmmm........


*Amanda heads up the steps and gets into the ring. She stops and watches her boyfreind. Her cheeks turn a little rosey as she seems to blush at how calm and soft he looks at the moment.*



*She moves closer to him and kneels down. She gets close to his nose before kissing him soft on the lips. She moves away as 2's eyes slowly open. He smiles at her, she returns the smile.*

Amanda: Its time baby.

*2 nods as she moves to the corner of the ring and sets herself onto the top turnbuckle. 2 unfolds himself but stays seated on the mat.*

Isnt it amazing. The enlightenment that comes with power?

*2 smiles softly.*

The power that is given to you, when you destory a man who thinks he is so much better then you.

A man who lays in a hospital right now. Perhaps he has learned his lesson, he will no longer underestimate me. Perhaps no one will underestimate the king anymore.

*The calm starts to fade from his eyes as he leans forward.*

I am now of royal blood. Not out of want though. No, not out of the want to be, for you are aware I am much of a loner.
But out of need. Everyone saw me get assaulted before the ToC. Everyone assumed I had joined up with them simply because they came along and helped me out.

This turned out to be a mistake for all of you! Carlos sending out goons to attack me and target my title. A fools mistake that only ended up strengthening his enemies and giving me more fire that I used to cripple Brock Goodman.

*2 takes a deep breath.*

Brock Goodman....That joke of a monster. Laid up in the hospital. The murderer, the cold blooded killer, broken and bandaged in a bed. Tube sticking out of his arms. Gauze on his face. MRIs taken to make sure I didnt turn his brain into pudding. How are you feeling killer?

How does it feel to still hold one title. The lowest title.

Former champion.

*Amanda comes back into the shot and hands 2 the hardcore title. He moves it into his left hand. She hands him the florida title. He places the florida title over his shoulder, and then lets the Hardcore title rest on his knees.*

I bet it feels no where near as good as being a double champion!

Of course you probably have no idea your not champion yet. SO I guess you will be pretty angry when you wake up from you nap. And you might even be a little more miffed to find out that for some reason WPW decided to give you another match against me. For next week!

Not only that, but its not even for the title I beat you for! Thats right buddy. You get to hobble your big retarded ass into the ring, and face me for my hardcore title! The title where its totally ok for me to hit you with more heavy painful objects! How fucking awesome is that!

*He rubs his hand across the hardcore title.*

So killer. As you lay there and dream a little dream. I will be waiting for you. Your blood is in the water and I have gone quite rabbid for it. I may seem calm right now, but I am simply holding back the feelings trying to overtake me, so that I can save it for the ring. So I can put you back in that bed for another week.

Wake up little Brock. Put on your pants. Lace up your boots. And come play with me again. I miss you already.....
But make sure the hospital is aware you will be returning to them, so they will keep your bed open. I wouldnt want you to lose your place on a mistake.

*2 pushes himself up to his feet. He lays the Hardcore title over his other shoulder, thus crossing the belts.*

Your in over your head Brock. Your a peasent in the kings court. You didnt want to bow down to me, you didnt want to willingly admit that I was your lord. So I brought you to your knees...Even more then that, I forced you to lay your nose to the floor and show everyone that I am indeed all that I proclaim to be.

King 2 wears his crown around his waist. But King 2 is greater then most kings. I have two crowns. Two crowns declaring how royal I really am.

Your blood is to thin. Your neck is to weak and your chances are far far to slim to ever pry this crown from my hands. You can try though, I dont mind at all. Another chance to show the world how worthless you really are, in a completly different division is definatly something I will enjoy doing.

But for now Brock....Sleep.

Rest up those weak and weary bones. I want you to be as strong as possible, because then I will do it all again! You have been beaten, You have been broken.....and you will relive that nightmare on Tuesday.

*Amanda comes up behind him and starts to rub his shoulders a little near his neck where the titles dont touch.*

Lets go. You need to relax before you face the big bad killer again. He will bow to you my king, your queen so commands it. Its time for dinner.

*She steps next to him and takes his hand, He nods to the camera and they head out of the ring as the camera fades out.*

'''Next RP'''

2: I keep hearing these murmers. These whispers as I work around the crew, as I help them set up, or as I get something to eat backstage. They look at me as if I did something to them. They look at me as if I have horns sticking from the top of my head.

I hear more whispers. I hear that at one point the other night, Brock Goodman flat lined. That for a quick bit he was considered dead.

I find myself figuring that is where the looks come from. As if it happens to be my fault that he was given a match against me a week after I put him in the hospital.
People have started to turn towards Brock now. People have started to love the killer. He took credit for the death of another man, they cheered me, as they knew I was going to hurt him as much as possible. But it seems I went to far in some way, and the easily turned public has suddenly brought that anger down on me.

I hear whispers. I see the people talking and then turn away as I come near.

*The camera fades in and 2 has his head resting on a desk. It seems he has finally made a study in one corner of his living room. He is looking to the side, not making any eye contact with the camera.*

The murderer has been vanquished. The killer is dead. But from the ashes of that has risen a new man. A man of the people, A man who has yet to actually say anything yet the marks of the world now hang in anticipation for whatever he has to say.

The killer has been put down. And a new man has been given his crown of thorns!

2 is now the killer of WPW. King 2 has become a tyrant, The lord of death. Any man who steps into the ring with me from now on will feel the fear they once had when they saw their name next to Brocks.

*2 finaly raises his head. Small wounds dot his forehead.*

I will bear that crown upon my head. I will be the man that all of you can boo, that all of you can scream at.

Hate me peasents! Hate your king, call me a tyrant, cheer for the weak and the poor. Pray for your saviour in Brock Goodman, the man who once held you all in fear.

Pray that he will come along and topple me from my thrown. Pray that a man who has just died and been brought back, who still lays in a hospital bed can somehow...SOMEHOW by the grace of god and all your prayers, remove the crown of thorns from my fair brow!

*2 stands and holds is hands in front of him. his palms facing up.*

I will wear this crown to save you all. I will take your anger and hatred in order to make Brock your hero.

But to do this, your hero must fail.

He will fall again on Tuesday my peasents. And after that he will only gain more praise! He will become a martyr for you all. And I will make sure his fate seals up nicely.
I will gladly nail myself to the cross I am now forced to carry. I will pull the throned crown tight around my head and march on into this battle. I will sneer at my opponent as he gulps air to hold his barely healed body together with sheer willpower.

And then as I drive him into the mat and back into a hospital bed. As I cripple his body with blow after blow. You will all stare slack jawed. Willing him to rise again to his feet to smite down your evil king.

But this will not happen. You will all cheer him as he is carried out of the building, and you will all hiss at me as I hold my crown high into the air. You will all fling your hatred at me, and I will wash away Brocks blood with your anger.....

*2 sneers, he hands drop to the desk and he leans forward into the camera. saliva shooting from his mouth as he forces these words down everyones throats.*

Brock has payed for his sins in your eyes. Brock has atoned and has been forgiven. Now you seek a new person to burn at the stake. And I will willingly put myself in that place. Yet I will not burn! I will not fall under the pressure you place upon me.

I am your king. I am the tyrant that will make you all bow down to him!

*A calm washes over him. His words still seem to carry the same bite, but with less force put behind them.*

Brock. I will not order you put to death, it seems you have already done so. But that punishment is to easy. To much of a cop-out. You will be forever known as the man who failed to stop me twice. Once with the world against you, and once with the world on your side. I will show you that no miracle force can make you a better man then myself.

*his eyes close.*

You have been beaten, you have been broken, and you have been forced to bow before king 2.

But that is nothing like the beaten you have yet to recieve. Nothing close to how badly I will break you this time. And this time everyone will know that you have fallen to me and been forced onto your knees!

You will sleep Brock, just like you make others do. But will you awaken? Will you open your eyes for the people who now call for you? Can you become the hero they want you to be?

You will be facing a different man this week Brock. For this week I am the killer, not you. For this week you are facing king 2, tyrant of a nation. This week you face the anti-christ of wpw! All for a crown of thorns.

Is that something your willing....2......die....4?

*The camera begins to fade out slowly.*

You may wake up Brock, but the nightmare wont end just yet.


'''Next RP'''

2: One more day.

*A line rolls up the black screen. small pulses going along with the audio.*

One more and I prove myself to my peasents. I show that I will not be dethroned so quickly after gaining power.
Your hero will face me, in a match with no laws. A challange your king takes onto his shoulders without care.

I will protect my kingdom, I will guard you all, even though you all wish me harm. I will protect all of you weak people from yourselves. You see, I am the true saviour in this match.

I am the man who has ALREADY saved you all. Yet everyone watches closely as the life line of Brock Goodman slowly beeps away. His life ticks in time, time I have been nice enough to give him. But after tomorrow, Brock Goodman, You will be given time to think of your life, and of your career. You will be given the choice on weather or not you want to continue down this very dangerous path you now walk.

You will be asked if you want to go on. Perhaps be asked if you want a rematch for my new Florida title. I now tell you that this question should be simply answered as this:


*The line starts to fuzz out as an actual image fills the screen. 2 sits in front of a small poor quality camera, probably a webcam connected to his computer.*

It is your fate to be forever known as a former champion. A man who held his title for ONE defense and lost to one of the greatest in WPW history.

How does that make you feel Brock? I would like you to show me how that makes you feel. Show me tomorrow. Let it all out, leave it all out there and see if its enough to stop me. See if you can be the man to finally end what is the most prolific and decorated streak for a hardcore champion. See if you can do the thing that no one, from the bottom of the card to the top of the card could do so far!

See if you can make King 2, bow to your.

*2 adjusts the camera, not that it helps the quality any.*

Your lord invites you to bring everything you have Goodman. Because that is what its going to take to get the title from me. You might even have to accidently kill me.

Yes, thats right Brock. I again attack your "murder". Because I still beleive you want to take credit for it. That you still want people to fear you for it. The only thing they should fear is your clumsy style and your brainless zombie like movement.

People should not fear you for something you could never pull off on purpose. People should not fear a man who has failed over and over again to get ANYWHERE in this company, and it took someone walking away from a title to finally reach high enough to grab ahold of a title. Only to lose it as soon as possible to the very man who nearly won it in the first place....

*2 pulls the web cam even closer to his face.*

You see Brock. What I am trying to tell you is this: People will learn to not fear you. They will finally realise your just a huge failure. the biggest baddest LOSER in WPW today.

And they will learn your not a hero, your not a martyr and your not a threat to the throne.

My crown of thorns is still tight around my head. I still carry the cross down the rocky path towards the ring. The man who will be nailed up for all to see will not be myself. Brock, I am going to nail you up, I am going to put you on the cross and let all of WPW see that your nothing but a thief. I am the savior of the division that was unlucky enough to have you as champion for a short time. While you are mearly the thief who has stolen a mention after my name.

Everyone looks to have you come out on top. They all want you to pull through and finally beat me, to take away the hardcore title I have held for so long. But as soon as you lose, as soon as they see you where no where near good enough to handle the mission. They will turn backs on you again. You will be hated again.

And I will laugh.

When you are forced to bow to me. To see me as your better, as your king. That will be the moment of all moments to date. That will be the reality I have tried to create for so long.
I am royal blood, Brock. You are but a mutt, a basterd pup off the streets having to beg for tv time and title shots.

You will be beaten again. You will be broken again.

And that is something....2.....die....4!

*The screen slowly fades back into the scrolling line.*

I wait for you in my kingdom Brock. The gates are open and the bridge is down. No one will help me Brock. It will be you and me, no holds barred. The entire arena at our hands. Everything we could imagine as tools.

A dream come true.


'''All done!'''

Revision as of 15:06, 22 January 2008

Brock: Are we on?





The camera pans up to show Brock with bandages on his face from another beating at the hands of the Royalty last week.

Brock: It has not been a very good past couple of weeks for me. I lose my title, almost die on the operating table, lose another shot at a title, and then get pinned by the Royal fucking Knight of all people. But all that is going to change. And it's going to start this week.

You see I know all about the Dream Team. I know all about their past sucess in PCW and the current wave they are riding here in WPW, and they have done it all by proving to everyone that they are funny.

I mean let's call a spade a spade, they are both pretty decent athletes, hell they wouldn't be former world champions if they weren't. But when you think of the Dream Team, you think of things like Craig Sinders, visits to children's classrooms, nightly coke binges, and Presidential campaigns.

Basically, they are the class clowns of the wrestling worls and everyone loves them for it.

The camera dips down a bit as Brock slaps the cameraman in the head and lfits the cameras back up to his face.

Brock: And it's true, that not many teams hold victories over the Dream Team. Hell I once heard someone say you could probably count them on both hands and that's it. And over the course of those losses, there has been no one set strategy to upend Dream and Jokester. People have tried to be funnier than them. People have tried to be more violent. People have tried to be more technically sound. And people have tried to ignore their random nonsequitors completely.

Sometimes these techniques work, most often they don't.

So now you may be asking yourself, how do you beat the Dream Team? Well you have to have some good teamwork, so if Dan shows up this week that would be nice. You also have to be in peak physical condition, and considering the ass kickings I've been getting weekly from the Royal Suckerpunchers, yeah I guess that's not good. You also have to be able to look past any grudges you may currently have and have your mind focused on the Dream Team and nothing else....I guess I can try that.

You know actually now that I look at it, this is going to be an extremely uphill battle on Turmoil. I can't trust my tag partner any further than I can throw him, the Royalty is seemingly out to end my career because they know the threat I am, and I am hurting as hell coming off some of the top stars in WPW while Dream and Jokester just fought X-Pac and Beno.

Uphill battle indeed.

But then again, that's why girls don't play the game. Dream, Jokester, your series of easy victories ends here. I am going to come at you with everything I have. No gimmicks, no cute little campaign speeches, no references to any of the Presidential candidates. Just me. Brock Goodman.

And I'm going to beat the shit out of both of you and send your record to 2 and 2.

Okay snapperhead, we're done.

The camera goes to static immediately.

The scene opens to an empty WPW arena. The arena appears to be set up for Live on Sunday. We change view as the camera is now focusing soley on the ring. Dan Murph can be seen sitting on the top turnbuckle, but he’s not on Live this week, so not really too sure why Dan is there, maybe he’s been just training.

Dan: I think perhaps I began my quest in the wrong direction. What I aimed to do was for the good of this company and all the people employed by it. But the way I tried to execute it was wrong. I thought that by knowing what was right, and attempting to do it that this quest of mine would succeed. But I was wrong. To cut off a problem this big you must go right to the source of why it happened. So that’s what I’m going to do. Now don’t wet your pants Carlos Gonzales, I don’t mean you. And I sure as hell don’t mean anybody in Royalty. This virus known as Royalty is stuck in WPW today because of one man, and one man only. Thus I must start my quest to kill Royalty with one of the greatest tag teams in decades. The Dream Team. A team of two jokers formed back at the start of the PCW days. Two men who went unbeaten for something like a year. As great as these two were as a team, individually they are both former World Champions, and neither should be taken lightly.

Dan gets up off the turnbuckle and begins to climb down the ropes. He stands on the ring apron.

This will be no easy step on the path to ridding WPW of its impurities. But do not worry partner, you can bet all the money in the world I will be there with you this Tuesday night on TNT. I agreed with a lot of what you said in your promo. But there was one thing that I could not agree to at all. Unlike you Brock, I will be bearing a grudge. Not against Royalty, for now. Or even against you after our short little feud just a few months ago. No, this grudge goes back over a year now. The Dream. You’ve just come back here, and I wouldn’t be surprised if you don’t remember me. Seems that a lot of people around here have forgotten the impact I’ve made in the past. But I remember you. I remember you and I teaming together, alongside your partner Jokester and two more men from the now defunct PCW. I remember us fighting together to save PCW from an untimely death. I had just shot up the card. And When Worlds Colide, even though it had been billed to be all about PCW and WPW fighting for their own futures. That match was all about me. I slaughtered everyone on Team WPW. In fact I can honestly say that WPW was as good as dead. Until their team began to gang up on me. After taking something like four finishers in a row, I was left on my back in the centre of the ring. You had a chance to make sure I didn’t get pinned. You were standing right there looking at me being pinned!! And you did absolutely NOTHING to stop it!! Not a damn thing to stop it!!

Dan once again sits down, this time on the ring apron. The camera comes in close as Dan stares directly into it.

My future in PCW was set to be great. The celebrations, the parades, the parties after destroying WPW. I had pictured them all in my head. They were fantastic. The record books read that The One is the man who killed PCW. I don’t agree with that at all. The Dream is the man who killed PCW. I don’t know why, and honestly after a year of wondering, I don’t care anymore. I’ve been waiting all this time to get my hands on you for this and now it’s my chance. Dream, I’m not going to stand here and insult everything you once stood for, or talk about what you’ve become. I’m not going to threaten breaking your neck or kicking your ass. Everything I will do to you, you will not watch me say on a tape, or read me writing it on a website. You will experience all of it on Tuesday night in the centre of that ring. So welcome back Dream. Welcome to the world ruled by Royalty, with a stroppy bastard owner who hates everyone. Because everything you see around you, is like this because of YOU!

Dan gets down off the ring apron, and begins to walk towards the curtain as the scene slowly begins to fade to black.

Jokester: What? This studio here? It smells of wee and boiled carrots. Non sequitors? The drummer out of Journey, a small rodent like a gerbil with green eyes and fourteen of your very best boob tubes, madam.

Why am I here?

(Off camera director) : To cut a promo for the Dream Team v The Goodman/Murph Conglomerate match next Tuesday.

Jokester: OK. Stream of consciousness type thing? I haven't got a script.

Director: Would you use one if we gave you it?

Jokester: Is Alien v Preditor Requiem gonna win best picture Oscar this year?

Director: OK, just do your thang.

Jokester: My thang? Hey, I'm being directed by Bootsy Collins. OK, lets start with a few words of thanks to everyone who voted for me in the Michigan primary. That's you, Mrs Betty Alicia Scroggins of 2176 Pontiac Boulevard, Detroit. Your check, as they say, is lost in the post. Meanwhile, the campaign elsewhere in the US goes really well. A recent Supreme Court decision has allocated every vote for a candidate named John to me which, if my arithmetic is correct, means that I get 30% from Iowa, 29% from New Hampshire, 20% from Michigan and 43% from New Brunswick which gives me a total of 122% of the vote so far. Now, that sounds like a winner to me.

Director:.......um.......isn't New Brunswick in Canada?

Jokester: Yeah, that's what's been so successful about my voter appeal - it crosses boundaries of age, sex, national territory and public decency with ease.

Director: What about Clinton?

Jokester: John Clinton? Yeah. Got all her votes too.

Director: OK, what about Bill?

Jokester: No Bill. The BJ she gave me was free.

Director: That gag only works in the UK.

Jokester: Sorta like a region 2 DVD then? Hahahaha. Nah, my jokes are universal.................though I am in negotiations with Disney and other major studios.

Director: OK, what about your match next Tuesday? Tell us about that.

Jokester: OK. Who've we got? Did I just hear Daniel J Murphy say that he wouldn't be surprised if the Dream didn't remember him? Dan, Dan, Dan. The Dream barely remembers where his penis is, so don't feel privileged if he walks past you in the hallway with a blank look on his face. He probably thinks you're the Popcorn Monkey..........or remembers where he left his penis. It's at Connie's apartment, by the way if you're watching this, tag team bud. Who's his partner? Mike Adams? El Pollo Negro? Brock Goodman? Oh, I always get them mixed up. Two of them are twisted human beings, punching well above their weight, never got anything interesting to say for themselves, more interested in how the Jets have done this week than in wrestling.....and the other is Brock Goodman.

Director: No. El Pollo is the chicken, not Brock Goodman.

Jokester: Ah, that's what they'd like you to think, but after Brock killed my very best friend Bent Windowlicker, he's been the one strutting around in a directionless manner wondering where he left his head. Brock, it's at Connie's apartment......hopefully not too close to Dream's penis. Nah, Dream Team versus Goodman and Murph? Only one way that's gonna finish........assuming I can find my partner that is. The NDS haven't got him again, have they? Abducted by aliens? What......again? Did they lose their anal probe or something?

It's at Connie's apartment I would imagine.

Director: OK. I think that's enough.

Jokester: Oh, so soon? Don't go yet. Did you hear the one about the orang-utan, the tub of butter and Al Gore's left kidney? You did? Can you remind me of the punchline. Buggered if I can remember it.


The scene opens to Dan Murph sitting down on a seat directly in front of the camera. This isn’t some silly gimmicky promo like his opponents love to do so often. This is serious. This is about the future of this company and all who work for it. So watch and listen carefully. Because this could very well concern you.

Dan: I think I’ve made my feelings on the Dream pretty damn clear in the last few days. Dream, I blame you for everything that’s happened around here. Things could have been easy for all of us man. If you had just done what you were supposed to do. PCW would have survived at When Worlds Colide. Carlos would have been put out of business. JMC would have been in the doghouse with PCW. And Royalty would have never taken over. I think I know why you did it though Dream. It wasn’t because you had a change of heart and decided that WPW was a better place to be. Or because you’re a “bad guy”. It’s because you’re jealous of me. Now, now, I know that sounds a little harsh. But think about it for a minute. Who is the man that set that night a light?? Who is the man who would have been pushed to the heavens in PCW after we defeated WPW and laid it to rest? ME, that’s who. What Dream, couldn’t stand not being the centre of attention for once?? Didn’t like the thought of someone else being in the spotlight?? Well you need to get used to it. Because it doesn’t matter who remembers you for what you’ve done in the past. It doesn’t matter what records you’ve broken or what Championships you’ve held. You won’t be remembered for any of that. You won’t be remembered for killing PCW. Because after I’m done with you on Tuesday night you will be remembered for one thing, and one thing only. Being Dan Murph’s Bitch!

Dan leans forward slightly. The camera begins to move in slowly as we begin to be able to see deep into Dan’s eyes.

But as much as I hate to say it. You’re not totally to blame. It’s most definitely your fault that Royalty was ever born. But others since have had chance after chance to stop them. Look at your tag team partner for example. Probably the most loved character in WPW right now. He loves to amuse people, tell his clever little jokes and play tricks on unsuspecting opponents. But what has he done to stop Royalty?? Not a damn thing. That’s what he’s done! This guy who gets the biggest pop every single night, and yet instead of trying to save the company that employs his overrated ass. He goes out there every night for himself, and himself only. He probably couldn’t give two fucks if any of the rest of us had a job after TNT. He’d rather concentrate on his jokes, and his “Election Campaign”. Yeah, I thought that the government in America was a joke enough already, but that just takes the damn cake. Jokester, if you’re not with us, trying to stop Royalty, you’re against us. I don’t care if you’re trying to become president of the United States, or if you’re Jesus Christ himself. You go against me in this battle, you will lose. I promise you that. Jokester, I actually believe that you’re just as bad as Royalty. Sure, you’re not fighting the same cause as them. But I know deep down inside of you, you know what they’re doing is wrong. And you haven’t done anything to try and stop it. I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again. To know what is right, and to not do it is the worst cowardice. Jokester, you’re a coward, plain and simple.

Dan stands up from his seat. He turns around, picks up the chair and folds it, and then places it against the solid brick wall behind him. Dan half turns back towards the camera.

My journey towards ridding WPW of Royalty is in its early stages. Sacrifices will be made. And on Tuesday Night Turmoil the first sacrifices will be The Dream Team.

Once again Dan turns and walks away. The scene slowly fades out.

The Dream, clearly rattled by accusations of being the ‘comedy commodity’ in WPW, is sat on an exercise bicycle in front of a green screen showing the annual ‘running of the bull’ in Pamplona, juggling coconuts and whistling his own theme tune, rather self-indulgently.

Yes, it’s all The Dream’s fault. It’s The Dream’s fault your eyes are too far apart and your teeth too close together. It’s The Dream’s fault you can’t go five minutes inside of a wrestling ring without getting a hard-on. It’s The Dream’s fault I can’t even remember who you are, let alone what profession you’re in. Don’t you pass The Dream his towel after each victory?

And so to Royalty - another of The Dream’s wacky British ideas. And that terrible spate of rapes at the New Orleans Arena after I started that huge flood – they’ll never pin that one on me, but you all know the truth don’t you? And now you’re trying to tell me we teamed together in a match, PCW –vs- WPW?! Ha! It’s laughable! It’s like, I dunno, The Monday Night Wars or something… completely ridiculous.

Well, five long minutes listening to your shit has reminded me of one thing – that talking crap and shouting the word ‘bitch’ a lot, is all you got. Well excuse The Dream if it’s my fault you’ll never make it very far in this business with such a piss-poor excuse for a catchphrase. And no decent moves.

As for The Dream being jealous of anybody – I won’t even dignify that pile of steaming horseshit with a response. The Dream is always the centre of attention – if he’s not, it’s because you’re looking in the wrong place.

The Dream Team is gonna make it 4-0 this Tuesday and in the process, we’re gonna make the two of yous look like the pathetic whinging perennial underachievers you are. Once we’ve hit you with our endless double-team moves and crowd-pleasing finishers, it’ll be back to your former jobs for the both of you - wanking miserably into bins in the warehouse of your local post office, while your manager secretly tapes it all on CCTV so he can show his colleagues what a pair of fucking dirty losers you are.

Whilst soon, The Dream Team will be running the country, no less! So whatever your names are, you can bet your sweet shitting asses that The Dream Team will C U Next Tuesday for a beat down you’ll never forget. And you both better wash your hands before trying to grapple with us too, you dirty little devils.

The Dream, wearing a huge grin, throws all four coconuts in the air and leans back, opening his mouth into which they all seemingly disappear down – except they cleverly fly past behind his head, landing on the floor behind. Apart for the last one which lands straight in his face with a thud as he slips off the bicycle, ripping down the green screen behind him, revealing a naked Connie & Tina scowling and taking it in turns to smell a shit which they’ve found.

Thought I recognised the two women with their cup. Anyway, Dream appears to have metaphorically tagged his partner the Jokester back in so here is his address to the South Carolina Democratic Voter Association and Ferret Fanciers Club (incorporating Modal Aeroplane Enthusiasts of America)

Room 327, The HyattScumBall Motel and LapDance Emporium, near Universal Drive, not that near to be honest, Orlando, Fla.

Jokester then answered questions for the confused voters.

First question: (From a Senatorial looking woman in a trouser suit and a fake moustache) Can the candidate confirm his involvement with a string of juvenile delinquents involved in alcohol, drugs, sex and illegal gambling?

Jokester: Can I confirm it? I can positively celebrate it! The Senator, or whatever Bill calls you in bed these days - I presume Monica is right out - is well aware of my activities on the WPW website where I like to gently introduce my legions of adoring underage female fans to the pleasures of the adult world in a barely legal way.

Senator: You show them your cock.

Jokester: Yes, El Pollo has been known to post a picture on my web-page, the scamp! And my octopus, King Harold the Third of Norway, has been known to thrill to the stroke of a tiny childlike hand.

Senator: Your octopus is just a euphemism, isn't it?

Jokester: Hahahahahaha (aside: what's a euphemism?) hahahaha. No. My octopus is a cephalopod. Now, I'm finding senator Clinton's obsession with my sex life a little tedious. What a shame that she had not paid as much attention to her husband's sex life when he was in office.

(High fives Connie at his side) Connie: Ooooh! Feel the burn!

Jokester: Now, if no-one else has any questions?????

Max Stockton: Yes. Jokester, how do you feel about your match this Tuesday against Brock Goodman and Dan Murph?

Jokester: Mitch! Been demoted from Color Commentator to roving reporter? Bad luck. Let me answer your question in the only way I know how.....


The meeting breaks up in disarray and Jokester takes his leave of the throng, making his way down the aisle to his waiting unicycle. It looks as if the woman with the fake moustache attempts to stroke the octopus, but we woudn't want to be sued for libel.........again.

”Please be ware, the following message contains a career threatening virus. This virus was designed to attack Royalty, but if you find you have been infected by the virus after watching this promo, don’t bother going to see a doctor, or praying to God because your career maybe already over.”

Dan: So all I’ve got is shouting the word “bitch” a lot, huh? No Dream that’s not all I’ve got. I’m not a one trick horse like you. I watched that little promo of yours, and it seems to me that all you can do is make jokes about everything. Is that all you’re good for?? You’re damn right it’s all you’re good for. I know you’re not intimidated by me, why would you be?? You’re The Dream. Everyone’s favourite wrestler. You’re a legend around here. A lot of people probably don’t even know who your opponents are this week, they just see “an appearance by The Dream” and figure its going to be just another win for The Dream Team. And it’s not because you’re a great wrestler or a good athlete. It’s because you’re nothing more than a gimmick. You go around, making your stupid jokes about this or about that. But that’s all you do. People think you’re fun, and they love to come and watch you compete. But you’re not a wrestler, not really. You’re a circus act.

We go from a blank screen to seeing Dan. He’s on a plane, but instead of sitting back relaxing, he looks rather tense. The cameraman seems to be sitting next to him as the camera is fairly close to the side of Dan’s face.

Maybe this will be just another win for The Dream Team. It seems that everyone is desperate for this one last run of The Dream Team to be as successful as it possibly can be. People sending you good luck wishes for your matches, praying that The Dream Team will go on forever. Well, I’ve had about enough of the “One Last Run” crap. It’s been done before, over and over again. Hogan, Flair, Foley, Undertaker, DX. They’ve all done it, and not one of them has retired yet. I’ll tell you one thing. If you beat Brock and I. It won’t be because you’re better wrestlers. Or because you outsmarted us. It’s because management is in your favour. Or because the referee loves the Dream Team so much that he subconsciously makes a quick three count. But this last run can’t go on forever. I’m not the only one who’s begun to see through you Dream. Because you’re a fraud. You act the hero, but you’re nothing of the sort. Don’t believe that everyone around here will soon through you sooner or later?? I bet Hogan didn’t either. And now look at him. An old, washed up, piece of shit who has to show up every six months to try and ruin a future stars career just so he can be put over again, and shoved down our throats like you’ve been for the past four years, and honest to god I’m sick of it, and I’m sick of you.

So on Tuesday night. It’s one thing against the other. Good Vs. Evil. Right Vs. Wrong. A man who is loved by everyone in the crowd, and everyone backstage. Against a man who is the complete opposite. The fans hate me, but I couldn’t care less. Backstage, I’ve heard the whispers. Oh he’s unreliable. We can’t push him because he might not show up. Well I’m here. I’m ready for whatever you want to throw at me. And you can keep second guessing me. You can keep pushing me down and stopping me from reaching my full potential. But sooner or later you have to realise that I’m back. And no matter how hard you try and stop me. No matter who you put in front of me. I will prevail. And I will do what I’ve set out to do. That begins with you Dream. I’ve been waiting over a year to get my hands on you. And whether you remember me or not, come Tuesday night you will never forget me again. So fans, boo me if you want. Because I can not help the hearts I will break, and the tears that will be shed because what I will do to The Dream team, I know is right.

Dan sits back and tries to relax as one of the air hostess’ comes over with a trolly over drinks. The scene fades to black.

Brock Goodman is in his familiar final prematch prep area on a rooftop on a cold winter's night.

Brock: You know, I hate to say it...but I feel a bit out of place here. I mean my partner has all this history with Dream and Jokester and I....well frankly I don't.

In fact not only do I not really have any direct interaction with the Dream Team as a unit, but I benefitted quite handily from Dream turning his back on PCW.

Now my partner on the other hand, seems to be a raging ball of hate towards you guys. I guess I'll have to go along with it, I mean Jokester did clock me a few good times in that big ladder match.

Eh, who am I kidding? I am loving Dan's aggression, for this week at least he seems to have grown a sack. Danny boy, rest assured I am going to bring it as hard and as fast as you are. I finally see that fire and intensity in your eyes that has been missing for a long time. Dream, Jokester, I know you morons think you are the hot shit because you went on a tear in PCW by beating up the likes of the Canuxxter's Empire and Beno and his J.O.B. Squad a million times in a row, but face facts. You guys are old news. Dan and I are the future while you guys are focused on making sure you poll each other in the electorate.

Thje election results are in Ster/Dream '08 and it doesn't look good. It looks like Goodman/Murph is going to overtake you Tuesday night. And you guys can go back back to debating with the Clintons while Dan and I prove that the Dream Team is nothing but a bunch of hasbeens that can crack a good joke every now and then.

But for now....sleep.