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{{Infobox Person
| name = Medea Benjamin
| image = Medea Benjamin 1.JPG
| image_size =
| caption =
| birth_name = Susan Benjamin
| birth_date = {{birth date and age|1952|09|10}}
| birth_place = [[Freeport, New York]]
| residence = [[San Francisco, California]]
| nationality = [[United States]]
| education = [[Tufts University]]</br>[[Columbia University]]</br>[[New School for Social Research]]
| occupation = [[activism|Political activist]], [[author]]
| spouse = [[Kevin Danaher (activist)|Kevin Danaher]]
| partner =
| children = 2 daughters
| parents =
| relatives =
| signature =
| website = [http://www.globalexchange.org/getInvolved/speakers/12.html Global Exchange]</br>[http://www.codepinkalert.org/article.php?list=type&type=14 Code Pink]
| footnotes =
'''Medea Benjamin''' (born '''Susan Benjamin''' on [[September 10]], [[1952]]) is an [[United States|American]] political [[activism|activist]].
The ''[[Los Angeles Times]]'' has described her as "one of the high profile leaders of the peace movement," and in 1999, ''[[San Francisco Magazine]]'' included her on their "power list" of the "60 Players Who Rule the [[San Francisco Bay Area|Bay Area]]."

==Early life==
Benjamin grew up in [[Long Island]], a self-described "nice [[Jewish]] girl."<ref>Garofoli, Joe. "S.F. Woman's Relentless March for Peace." ''San Francisco Chronicle.'' October 26, 2002 </ref> During her freshman year at [[Tufts University]], she renamed herself after the [[Greek mythology|Greek mythological]] character [[Medea]]. She received a [[master's degree]] in public health from [[Columbia University]] and a second master's degree in economics from the [[New School for Social Research]].

Benjamin worked for 10 years as an economist and nutritionist in [[Latin America]] and [[Africa]] for the United Nations [[Food and Agriculture Organization]], the [[World Health Organization]], the Swedish International Development Agency, and the [[Institute for Food and Development Policy]]. Benjamin spent four years in [[Cuba]], and has authored three books on the country.

== Organizations ==
With her husband, [[Kevin Danaher (activist)|Kevin Danaher]] and colleague Kirsten Moller, Benjamin co-founded the [[San Francisco]]-based [[Non-governmental organization|NGO]] [[Global Exchange]], which advocates "[[fair trade]]" alternatives to [[corporation|corporate]] [[globalization]]. She is a co-founder of the [[feminism|feminist]] [[anti-war]] group [[Code Pink: Women for Peace]], which advocates an end to the [[Iraq War]], the prevention of future wars, and [[social justice]]. Benjamin has also been involved with the anti-war organization [[United for Peace and Justice]].

In 2000, Benjamin ran for the [[United States Senate]] on the [[United States Green Party|Green Party]] ticket from [[California]], basing her campaign on such issues as a [[living wage]], [[education]], and [[universal healthcare]]; she garnered 326,828 votes for 3 percent of the vote <ref>http://www.sos.ca.gov/elections/sov/2000_general/us_sen.pdf</ref>. Since then she has remained active in the Green Party and has also supported efforts by the [[Progressive Democrats of America]].<ref name="Orgs 1">{{Cite web
|title=An Open Letter to Progressives: Vote Kerry and Cobb
|date=July 23, 2004
|author=Medea Benjamin, Peter Coyote, John Eder, Daniel Ellsberg et al.
<ref name="Orgs 2">{{Cite web
|title=Medea Benjamin to Speak at Summit 2005
|accessmonthday= Sep 1 |accessyear=2006
|publisher=Progressive Democrats of America
}}</ref>. She is a member of the [[Liberty Tree Foundation for the Democratic Revolution|Liberty Tree]] Board of Advisers.

== Protest actions ==
[[Image:Medea Benjamin at 2007 State of the Union protest.jpg|right|thumb|Medea Benjamin speaks at a rally during the [[2007 State of the Union Address]] in [[Washington, D.C.]]]]
* In 2002, Benjamin interrupted the testimony of [[Donald Rumsfeld]] in a Congressional committee room. She and another woman chanted "Inspections, not war" and were removed quickly by security officials. After the incident, Rumsfeld said that [[Iraq]] had expelled the weapons inspectors, and remarked that in [[Saddam Hussein]]'s Iraq there was no free expression.
* On [[August 23]], [[2002]], Benjamin interrupted President [[George W. Bush]]'s speech in [[Stockton, California]] by shouting from the Memorial Civic Auditorium balcony and revealing a white shirt with "No war on Iraq" written in red. Bush paused and the attendees chanted "USA" while she was removed by security.
* At the [[2004 Democratic National Convention]] in [[Boston]], [[Massachusetts]], Benjamin was removed from the convention floor and thrown out of the [[Fleet Center]] by police after unfurling a banner which read "End the Occupation! Bring the Troops Home Now!" She subsequently stood with other activists in the "free speech zone" set up at the [[2004 Democratic National Convention]], dressed as the [[Statue of Liberty]] with duct tape over her mouth to express her disapproval at the suppression of protests at the convention.
*At the [[2004 Republican National Convention]] in [[New York City]], Benjamin was removed from the convention floor and escorted from [[Madison Square Garden]] by police after unfurling a banner which read "Pro-Life: Stop the killing in Iraq" during a speech by [[California]] Governor [[Arnold Schwarzenegger]].
* In 2005, Benjamin and other members of Code Pink managed to obtain VIP access to Bush's second [[inauguration]]. During Bush's speech, they unfurled banners that read "No War" and "Bush Mandate: Bring the Troops Home" before being arrested.
* On [[May 27]], [[2005]], Benjamin and three others interrupted a speech by Secretary of State [[Condoleezza Rice]] at San Francisco's [[Davies Symphony Hall]] that was hosted by the [[Commonwealth Club of California|San Francisco Commonwealth Club]]. The four recreated an image of the [[Abu Ghraib]] prison abuse scandal, in which a hooded prisoner stood with his arms outstretched attached to electric wires. Rice initially continued her speech on American foreign policy under Bush, but paused when the protesters shouted "Stop the [[torture]]. Stop the killing. U.S. out of Iraq," as police led them out of the auditorium.
* On [[July 26]], [[2006]], Benjamin interrupted Iraq's Prime Minister [[Nouri al-Maliki]] during his speech to a joint session of the United States Congress by repeatedly shouting from the balcony "Iraqis want the troops to leave. Bring them home now."<ref>{{Cite web
|title=VIDEO: Maliki Speech Interrupted By War Protester
|publisher=Think Progress Blog
|date=July 26, 2006
* On [[January 29]], [[2007]], Benjamin led a second banner-unfurling protest in the [[Hart Senate Office Building]] in [[Washington DC]]. This was a repetition of an action that took place on [[September 22]], [[2006]]. The Code Pink shoe display was set up in the center of the building's atrium, and Code Pink members ran all around the balconies unfurling banners that protested the war and called for [[Movement to Impeach George W. Bush|impeachment]] of the [[Bush administration]]. Benjamin then led the group in chants of "Stop funding the war" and "Troops out now". No arrests were made. The group peacefully dispersed as police began low-key crowd control procedures in preparation for a mass arrest. Police closed public access to the building down for a short period of time afterward.
*On December 4, 2007 she was arrested by plainclothes officers, detained by the [[Inter-Services Intelligence|ISI]] for eight hours, and deported after protesting the [[house arrest]] of lawyers (including [[Aitzaz Ahsan]]) in [[Lahore]], [[Pakistan]].[http://www.commondreams.org/news2007/1204-08.htm][http://www.khabrein.info/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=9683&Itemid=88]

== Controversy ==
Benjamin has been criticized from both the [[left-wing politics|left]] and the [[right-wing politics|right]].

=== Support for Cuba and Venezuela ===
Benjamin has drawn [[conservatism|conservative]] criticism for her support of [[Hugo Chavez]] and her attacks on the U.S. embargo of [[Fidel Castro]]'s [[Cuba]]. Conservative writer [[David Horowitz (conservative writer)|David Horowitz]]'s [[FrontPageMag]] has attacked her as "a long-time Castro acolyte," and written:
{{cquote|Many of the causes that Ms. Benjamin espouses are [[Communist]] in nature. The Washington "peace" rally at which she spoke last month, for instance, was organized by the [[Workers World Party]], a Communist organization... In years past, she staunchly opposed US military aid to those fighting against Communist forces in [[Central America]]... She favors the creation of a government-sponsored [[universal health care]] system funded by taxpayer dollars. She exhorts the US government to lift its trade embargo against Cuba – a nation she notably lauds as a place where people have managed to "thrive despite the odds" against them.<ref name="Quote 1-1">{{Cite web
|title=America's Fifth Column Goes to Iraq
|author=Ben Johnson
|publisher=FrontPage Magazine
|date=July 28, 2003
}}</ref><ref name="Quote 1-2">{{Cite web
|title=The Anti-American: Medea Benjamin
|author=John Perazzo
|publisher=FrontPage Magazine
|date=November 15, 2002

Benjamin has said that the charge in sections of the U.S. media that Hugo Chavez had cracked down on free speech and civil rights in Venezuela was a "myth."<ref name=Carlson>{{cite web|url=http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/18941438|date=2007-05-30|title='Tucker' for May 29|publisher=[[MSNBC]]|accessdate=2008-01-31}}</ref> In an interview with Tucker Carlson on MSNBC, Benjamin was asked, "Do you want to revise that given the news that Hugo Chavez has closed the last nationally broadcast opposition television station for criticizing him?" Benjamin replied that it was not true and that what happened was that Chavez simply did not renew the license because the station "participated in a coup against a democratically elected government, his [Chavez's] government." Benjamin also said "Peru recently did not renew a license. Uruguay didn‘t renew a license. Why do you hold Venezuela to a different standard?" <ref name=Carlson/>
Carlson responded that a 360 page Venezuelan government published book accused RCTV, the last independent television station closed by Chavez, as showing lack of respect for authorities and institutions. Carlson asked Benjamin, "I would think, as a self described liberal, you would stand up for the right of people to, quote, challenge authorities and institutions. And yet, you are apologizing for the squelching of minority views. Why could that be?" Benjamin replied that, "They [RCTV] falsified information. They got people out on the street. They falsified footage that showed pro Chavez supporters killing people, which did not happen. They refuse to cover any of the pro Chavez demonstrations."<ref name=Carlson/>

=== WTO protest violence ===
Benjamin is unpopular among some in the [[anti-globalization]] movement due to remarks during [[WTO Ministerial Conference of 1999 protest activity|1999's anti-WTO demonstrations]] in Seattle which seemed to suggest that "[[anarchism|anarchists]]" who engaged in property destruction should have been arrested by the police. Benjamin herself says that this is not the correct interpretation:

{{cquote|"There has been some controversy about a quote from me that... implied that I was calling for the arrest of those people who destroyed property in downtown Seattle during the WTO protest. I want to make it clear that the quote was distorted, taken out of context, and not reflective my true feelings. I did not call for the arrest of anyone... Do I approve of the tactics that this particular group of self-described anarchists used in Seattle Nov. 30? Definitely not." <ref name="Quote 2">{{Cite web
|title=Window-Smashing Hurt Our Cause
|author=Medea Benjamin
|accessmonthday=Sept 1 |accessyear=2006

To protest Benjamin's criticism of these tactics at the Seattle demonstrations, as well as other stated allegations, an anarchist member of the Bakers without Borders collective threw a [[pieing|pie]] at her at the 2007 US Social Forum in Atlanta.<ref> IndyBay.Org, [http://www.indybay.org/newsitems/2007/07/01/18432047.php Medea Benjamin Gets Pied at US Social Forum] (July 1, 2007)</ref>

=== Anybody But Bush ===
Benjamin has been criticized by some Greens for her support for "[[Anybody But Bush]]" in 2004. Explaining why she supported this movement, she said in regard to her support for [[Ralph Nader]] in the [[United States presidential election, 2000|2000 presidential election]]:
{{cquote|...maybe it's time for the people who voted for Bush in 2000, the people who didn¹t vote at all in 2000, and yes, people like myself who voted for Ralph Nader in 2000, to admit our mistakes. I'll say mine -- I had no idea that George Bush would be such a disastrous president. Had I known then what I know now, and had I lived in a swing state, I would have voted for [[Al Gore|Gore]] instead of Ralph Nader."<ref name="Quote 3">{{Cite web
|title= Bush Can't Admit Mistakes, But We Can
|author=Medea Benjamin
|date=October 11, 2004

[[Todd Chretien]], a leading member of the [[International Socialist Organization]], wrote, in "A Reply to Norman Soloman and Medea Benjamin" on ''[[Counterpunch]]'':
{{cquote|Medea Benjamin... and many other [[liberal]] and [[progressive]] leaders tell us that a Kerry regime "would be less dangerous" than Bush. This may or may not be true... But, even IF Kerry is "less dangerous," he will be MORE capable of wreaking havoc on Iraq, Palestine, [[Venezuela]], [[abortion]], [[gay rights]], [[civil rights]] and [[labor union|unions]] IF we sacrifice our political movement to getting behind him.... Tragically, rather than building on the great start we made in 2000... many of the very same people who helped that effort are trying to wreck it this time around [by] condoning, if not actually leading, a campaign to vilify [ Ralph Nader and [[Peter Camejo]] ] as "[[United States Republican Party|Republican]] dupes"... any movement that ever aims to win, must learn to stand up for itself precisely when it is darkest.<ref name="Quote 4">{{Cite web
|title=Believing in a Green Resistance: A Reply to Norman Solomon & Medea Benjamin
|author=Todd Chretien
|date=July 26, 2004

=== Marla Ruzicka ===
Benjamin had a falling out with her former close friend, [[San Francisco Bay Area]] activist [[Marla Ruzicka]], later killed in Iraq in a widely-publiced [[suicide bombing]], over Ruzicka's decision to work with the U.S. military to secure compensation for the peoples of Iraq and [[Afghanistan]]. Benjamin has said:
{{cquote|"It was very painful for me because of the way she sort of rejected the things we stood for... I resented the way she worked with the military. Kevin always talks about getting to the root of the problem, and Marla chose to go with the Band-Aid... We never quite reconciled over it." <ref name="Quote 5">{{Cite web
|title=House Divided, House United: Five Bay Area activists talk about kids, work, and the tricky business of parenting while saving the world
|author=Traci Hukill
|publisher=Common Ground
|date=September 2005

==Books by Medea Benjamin==
* ''Benedita Da Silva: An Afro-Brazilian Woman's Story of Politics and Love'' (1997). With Benedita Da Silva and Maisa Mendonca. Institute for Food and Development Policy.
* ''Bridging the Global Gap: A Handbook to Linking Citizens of the First and Third Worlds'' (1989). With Andrea Freedman. Global Exchange Seven Locks Press.
* ''Cuba: Talking About Revolution: Conversations with Juan Antonio Blanco'' (1996). With Juan Antonio Blanco. Inner Ocean Publishing.
* ''Don't Be Afraid, Gringo: A Honduran Woman Speaks From The Heart: The Story of Elvia Alvarado'' (1989). Harper Perennial.
* ''Greening of the Revolution: Cuba's Experiment with Organic Agriculture'' (1995). With Peter Rossett. Ocean Press.
* ''How to Stop the Next War Now: Effective Responses to Violence and Terrorism'' (2005). As editor, with Jodie Evans. Inner Ocean Publishing.
* ''I, senator: How, together, we transformed the state of California and the United States'' (2000). Green Press.
* ''No Free Lunch: Food and Revolution in Cuba Today'' (1989). With Joseph Collins and Michael Scott. Princeton University Press.
* ''The Peace Corps and More: 175 Ways to Work, Study and Travel at Home & Abroad'' (1997). With Miya Rodolfo-Sioson. Global Exchange Seven Locks Press.

==See also==
*[[Global Exchange]]
*[[Code Pink]]
*[[United for Peace and Justice]]
*[[Progressive Democrats of America]]

== References ==

== External links ==
{{Commons|Medea Benjamin}}
* [http://www.globalexchange.org/getInvolved/speakers/12.html Global Exchange biographical page]
* [http://www.codepinkalert.org/article.php?list=type&type=14 Code Pink biographical page]
* [http://commongroundmag.com/2005/cg3209/activeparents3209.html Common Ground profile]
* [http://www.smartvoter.org/2000/11/07/ca/state/vote/benjamin_m/bio.html Bio from 2000 CA Senate campaign]
* [http://web.archive.org/web/20010605094624/www.sfbg.com/election/medea/ I, Senator, book from 2000 CA Senate campaign and Bay Guardian coverage at archive.org]

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[[Category:American anti-war activists]]
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[[Category:Anti-corporate activists]]
[[Category:Anti-globalization activists]]
[[Category:Nonviolence advocates]]
[[Category:Activists from the San Francisco Bay Area]]
[[Category:Jewish American activists]]
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[[Category:Green Party (United States) politicians]]
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Revision as of 21:17, 13 February 2008
