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Comparison of programming languages (basic instructions): Difference between revisions

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→‎Integer: In C++, with STL, you can declare an unsigned int as "uint x;"...
Line 215: Line 215:
| C
| C
| rowspan=2|''type'' x[n];
| rowspan=1|''type'' x[n];
| rowspan=2|''type'' x[n1][n2]...;<ref name="cmultidim">Multidimensional arrays in C and similar languages are actually arrays of arrays</ref>
| rowspan=2|''type'' x[n1][n2]...;<ref name="cmultidim">Multidimensional arrays in C and similar languages are actually arrays of arrays</ref>
| C++ (STL)
| C++ (STL)
| rowspan=1| vector<''type''> x(n);
| C#
| C#

Revision as of 13:05, 17 February 2008

Data types

How to declare variable x as the following types:

Signed integer Unsigned integer Long integer
C int x; unsigned int x; long x:
C++ (STL) unsigned int x; //OR

uint x; //requires STL

C# uint x;
Java [1]
Pascal var x: integer; var x: word; var x: longint;
Visual Basic Dim x As Integer [1] Dim x As Long
Visual Basic .NET Dim x As UInteger
Python[2] x = value
JavaScript[2] var x = value; or
var x = new Number (value);
S-Lang[2] x = value;
Single precision Double precision
C float x; double x;
C++ (STL)
Pascal var x: real; var x: extended;
Visual Basic Dim x As Single Dim x As Double
Visual Basic .NET
Python[2] [1] x = value
JavaScript[2] var x = value; or
var x = new Number (value);
S-Lang[2] x = valuef; x = value;
Integer Floating point
C [1] [1]
C++ (STL) complex<int> x; complex<float> x; or
complex<double> x;
C# [1] [1]
Visual Basic [1] [1]
Visual Basic .NET
Python[2] x = re + imj or
x = complex(re, im)
S-Lang[2] [1] x = re + imi; or
x = re + imj;


Text Boolean
Character String
C char x; char x[length]; or
char *x;
bool x;
C++ (STL) string x;
Java String x; boolean x;
Pascal var x: char; var x: string; var x: boolean;
Visual Basic Dim x As Char Dim x As String Dim x As Boolean
Visual Basic .NET
Python[2] x = value x = "string" x = value
JavaScript[2] var x = value var x = "string"; or
var x = new String("value");
var x = value; or
var x = new Boolean (value);
S-Lang[2] x = value; x = "string"; x = value;[3]

Array types

How to declare x as an array whose components do not have any particular defined values:

one-dimensional array multi-dimensional array
C type x[n]; type x[n1][n2]...;[4]
C++ (STL) vector<type> x(n);
C# type[] x = new type[n];[5] type[,,...] x = new type[n1,n2,...];
Java type[][]... x = new type[n1][n2]...;[5][4]
JavaScript var x = new Array (); or
var x = [];
var x = new Array (new Array (), new Array (), ...); or
var x = [[], [], [], ...];
Pascal var x: array[0...n] of type; var x: array[0...n1, 0...n2] of type;
Visual Basic Dim x(n) As type Dim x(n1,n2,...) As type
Visual Basic .NET
Python [1] [1]
S-Lang x = type[n]; x = type[n1,n2,...];
FORTRAN 77 type X(N) type X(N1,N2,...)

Statements in square brackets are optional

Conditional statements

if else if select case
C if (condition) { instructions } [else { instructions }] if (condition) { instructions } else if (condition) { instructions } ... [else { instructions }] switch (variable) { case case1: instructions break; ... [default: instructions;]}[6]
C++ (STL)
Pascal if condition then begin \n instructions \n end [\n else begin \n instructions \n end]; if condition then begin \n instructions \n end \n else if condition then begin \n instructions \n end ... [\n else begin \n instructions \n end]; case variable of \n meaning: instructions; \n ... [else: instructions \n] end;
Visual Basic If condition Then \n instructions \n [Else instructions \n] End If If condition Then \n instructions \n ElseIf condition Then \n instructions \n ... [Else instructions \n] End If Select Case variable \n Case case1 \n instructions \n ... [Case Else \n instructions \n] End Select
Visual Basic .NET
Python if condition : \n \t instructions \n [else: \n \t instructions \n] if condition : \n \t instructions \n elif: \n \t instructions \n ... [else: \n \t instructions \n] [1]
S-Lang if (condition) { instructions } [else { instructions }] if (condition) { instructions } else if (condition) { instructions } ... [else { instructions }] switch (variable) { case case1: instructions } { case case2: instructions } ...
FORTRAN 77 IF (condition) THEN \n instructions \n [ELSE \n instructions \n] ENDIF IF (condition) THEN \n instructions \n ELSEIF (condition) THEN \n instructions \n ... [ELSE \n instructions \n] ENDIF [1]
while do while for i = 1 to N foreach
C while (condition) { instructions } do { instructions } while (condition) for ([type] i = 0; i<N; i++) { instructions } [1]
C++ (STL)
C# foreach (type item in set) { instructions }
Java for (type item : set) { instructions }
JavaScript for (i = 0; i<N; i++) { instructions } for (property in object) { object [property] }
Pascal while condition do begin \n instructions \n end repeat \n instructions \n until condition;[7] for i := 1 [step 1] to N do begin \n instructions \n end;[8]
Visual Basic Do While condition \n instructions \n Loop[9] Do \n instructions \n Loop While condition[9] For i = 1 To N [Step 1] \n instructions \n Next i[8] [1]
Visual Basic .NET For i[ As type] = 1 To N [Step 1] \n instructions \n Next i[8] For Each item As type In set \n instructions \n Next item
Python while condition : \n \t instructions \n [else: \n \t instructions \n] [1] for i in range(0, N): \n \t instructions \n [else: \n \t instructions \n] for item in set: \n \t instructions \n [else: \n \t instructions \n]
S-Lang while (condition) { instructions } [then optional-block] do { instructions } while (condition) [then optional-block] for (i = 0; i<N; i++) { instructions } [then optional-block] foreach item (set) [using (what)] { instructions } [then optional-block]
FORTRAN 77 [1] [1] DO nnnn I = 1,N \n instructions \n nnnn CONTINUE [1]
raise handler
C [1] [1]
C++ (STL) throw exception; try { instructions } catch [(exception)] { instructions } ...
C# try { instructions } catch [(exception)] { instructions } ... [finally { instructions }]
JavaScript try { instructions } catch (exception) { instructions } [finally { instructions }]
Pascal [1] [1]
Visual Basic [1] [1]
Visual Basic .NET Throw exception Try \n instructions \n Catch [exception] [When condition] \n instructions \n ... [Finally \n instructions \n] End Try
Python raise exception try: \n \t instructions \n except[ exception]: \n \t instructions \n ... [else \n \t instructions \n] [finally: \n \t instructions \n]
S-Lang throw exception; try { instructions } catch [exception] ... [finally { instructions }]
FORTRAN 77 [1] [1]

Function declaration

Statements in square brackets are optional

basic value-returning function main function
C void foo([parameters]) { instructions } type foo([parameters]) { instructions } int main([void]) { } or int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { instructions }
C++ (STL)
C# static void Main([string[] args]) { instructions } or static int Main([string[] args]) { instructions }
Java public static void main(String[] args) { instructions } or public static void main(String... args) { instructions }
JavaScript function foo([parameters]) {instructions } [1]
Pascal procedure foo([parameters]) \n begin instructions end; function foo([parameters]):type \n begin instructions end; [1]
Visual Basic Sub Foo([parameters]) \n instructions \n End Sub Function Foo([parameters]) As type \n instructions \n End Function [1]
Visual Basic .NET Sub Main([ByVal CmdArgs() As String]) \n instructions \n End Sub or Function Main([ByVal CmdArgs() As String]) As Integer \n instructions \n End Function
Python def foo([parameters]): \n \t instructions \n def foo([parameters]): \n \t instructions \n return value \n if __name__ == '__main__': \n \t instructions \n
S-Lang define foo ([parameters ; qualifiers]) { instructions } define foo ([parameters ; qualifiers]) { instructions ... return value; } public define slsh_main () { instructions }
FORTRAN 77 SUBROUTINE FOO[(parameters)] \n instructions \n END type FUNCTION FOO[(parameters)] \n instructions \n FOO = value \n END PROGRAM main
string to integer string to long integer string to floating point integer to string floating point to string
C integer = atoi(string); long = atol(string) float = atof(string); sprintf(string, "%i", integer); sprintf(string, "%f", float);
C++ (STL) stringstream(string) >> integer; stringstream(string) >> long; stringstream(string) >> float; stringstream(string) << integer; stringstream(string) << float;
C# integer = int.Parse(string); long = long.Parse(string); float = float.Parse(string); or
double = double.Parse(string);
string = integer.ToString(); string = float.ToString();
Java integer = Integer.parseInt(string); long = Long.parseLong(string); float = Float.parseFloat(string); or
double = Double.parseDouble(string);
string = integer; string = float;
JavaScript integer = parseInt (string); or
integer = new Number (string) or
integer = string*1;
long = new Number (string) or
long = string*1;
float = parseFloat(string); or
float = new Number (string) or
float = string*1;
string = integer.toString (); or
string = new String (integer); or
string = integer+"";
string = float.toString (); or
string = new String (float); or
string = float+"";
Pascal integer := StrToInt(string); float := StrToFloat(string); string := IntToStr(integer); string := FloatToStr(float);
Visual Basic integer = CInt(string) long = CLng(string) float = CSng(string) or
double = CDbl(string)
string = CStr(integer) string = CStr(float)
Visual Basic .NET
Python integer = int(string) float = float(string) string = str(integer) string = str(float)
S-Lang integer = atoi(string); long = atol(string); float = atof(string); string = string(integer); string = string(float);
FORTRAN 77 READ(string,format) integer [1] READ(string,format) float WRITE(string,format) integer WRITE(string,format) float

Standard Input and Standard Output

read from write to
stdin stdout stderr
C scanf( format, &x ); or
fscanf(stdin, format, &x ); [10]
printf( format, x ); or
fprintf(stdout, format, x ); [11]
fprintf(stderr, format, x );[12]
C++ cin >> x; cout << x; cerr << x;
clog << x;
C# x = Console.Read(); or
x = Console.ReadLine();
Console.Write(x); or
Console.Error.Write(x); or
Java x = System.in.read(); System.out.print(x); or
System.out.printf(format, x); or
System.err.print(x); or
System.err.printf(format, x); or
Pascal read(x); or
write(x); or
Visual Basic Input x Print x or
 ? x
Visual Basic .NET x = Console.Read() or
x = Console.ReadLine()
Console.Write(x) or
Console.Error.Write(x) or
Python For numbers: x = input()
For strings: x = raw_input()
print x or
S-Lang fgets (&x, stdin) fputs (x, stdout) fputs (x, stderr)
FORTRAN 77 READ(5,format) variable names WRITE(6,format) expressions [1]
Argument values Argument counts
C argv[n] argc
C# args[n] args.Length
Java args.length
Pascal ParamStr(n) ParamCount
Visual Basic [1] [1]
Visual Basic .NET CmdArgs(n) CmdArgs.Length
Python sys.argv len(sys.argv)
S-Lang __argv __argc
FORTRAN 77 [1] [1]


  1. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac ad ae af ag ah ai aj ak al am an ao This language does not support this feature.
  2. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k This language uses dynamic typing
  3. ^ This language represents boolean true as a non-zero valued integer, and boolean false as an integer whose value is zero.
  4. ^ a b Multidimensional arrays in C and similar languages are actually arrays of arrays
  5. ^ a b The C-like "type x[]" works in Java, however "type[] x" is the preferred form of array declaration.
  6. ^ C#'s switch statement requires the use of goto case n to achieve fall-through
  7. ^ The instrutions are repeated while the condition is false
  8. ^ a b c "Step n" is used to change the loop interval. If "Step" is omitted, then the loop interval is 1.
  9. ^ a b "Until" can be used instead of "While" to make the loop run while the condition is false
  10. ^ gets(x) and fgets( x, length, stdin ) read unformatted text from stdin. Use of gets is not recommended
  11. ^ puts(x) and fputs( x, stdout ) write unformatted text to stdout
  12. ^ fputs( x, stderr ) writes unformatted text to stderr