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How immacualte ultramundane gewgawish meretricious omnicompetent I am!
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Revision as of 03:53, 25 September 2008

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How are you doing my most dearest chummy consanguineous intimated hand-in-glove academic buddies, hierophants, colleagues, and friends at America and P. R. China: How are your meretricious gewgawish professional research work with regards to the physics, chemistry, biology, biomedicine, cosmology and astronomy, mathematics, computational software automatic engineering etc. advancing syllogizing, and developing prestissimo and expeditiously recently? My name and compellation is Lanlan Sgwendolyn-Winifret Lin, who is vehemently honest injun concentrated onto the refulgent philistine surface interface condensed matter physics, newfangled magnetic spalation neutron source and HFIR diffrations, baroque magnetic quantim spin-flip valve multilayers of GMR sensors FeMo, Ta/NiFe/Cu/NiFE/FeMn, bizzare photonic crystals LED quantum spontaneous emission and egregiously abnormal Lamb Shift, quantum entanglement excitation state and ultra-fast thresholdless cascaded multistaged channel drop filters and laser switchers, outlandish transport and magnetic properties at the ultra-low temperature down to 10 mK of the five-fold symmetric decagonal and icosohedral quasicrystals AlCuCo, AlNiCo, AlPdMn, AlPdRe, Supreconductors and superfluidity, vortex phase LaSrMn(Fe)O,PrLaCeCuO, strongly rolling-up multiwall carbon nanotubes and naocages ZnS, V2O5, AuHCl4 etc. taking advantage of the LEED, SEM, TEM, STM, MBE, ARPES, MFM, AFM, PPMS, UV-spectrometer, EPR, Mass Spectrometers, FIM, SPM, EDS, TDA, Raman, HRTEM, magnetic sputtering approach etc. transcendent advanted zenith tremendious experimental analysis facilities and apparatus! I was laureately awarded, sceptered, enfeoffed, and promulgated (I) the Bachelor Degree by the fastuously advanced quantum magnetic thin film laboraotry of Applied Physics Department of University of Science and technology of China, Chinese Academy of Science (Hefei, Anhui Province 230026, P. R. China) in June 1995, (II) sceptered, enfeoffed, promulgated the M. S. Master and Ph. D Degrees by the M02 group (original M10 group) at Sytate Key Laboratory of Magnetism, and EX02 &03 research Groups (Origina Group 507), Key Laboratory of Extreme Condition Physics, Institute of Physics, Chinese academy of Science, Capital Beijing 100080, P. R. China, in June 1997 and June 2000 respectively! Subsequently I fleetingly proceeded to flubdub razzamatazz exuberant abundant United State of America and scrutinizedly embarked upon (a) the chemical nanostructural CVD multi-wall nanowires and opal anti-opal photnic crystals colloids at the Department of Chemistry, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington 98195-1700 from November 2000 to July 2001; (b) Magnetic spalation neutron source and HFIR neutron diffrations indagation of the bizarre colossal magnetostrictive magnetocaloric compounds of the rare-earth lanthonide materials Gd(Tb, Er, Dy, Ho, Sm...)SiGe, NiFeGa, CoNiGa etc. and numerically simulation of photonic waveguide braches bent resonant microcavities taking advantage of the TMM combined with the plane-wave-expantion approach at the department of Physics and Astronomy, Iowa State University, Condensed Matter Physics and Materials Engineering Physics Divisiones, Ames Laboratory of US-DOE, Ames, Iowa 50011-3160 from December 1 2001 to Decemebr 1 2003; (c) Foppish up-to-the-hammer biophysical biochemical biomedicine of the Sicle cell hemoblobin, myoglobin, with the hydroxyzyurea, hydroxylamine, SGC, catalyse, glucase, enzyme etc. at the Department of Physics, Wake Forest University, 1834 Wake FOrest Road, Winston-Salem, North Carolina 27106-7507, U. S. A. from December 1 2003 to Auguest 1 2004 as the pyrotechnic ultramundane senior post-doctoral research associate! Thank you for your attention very much!

&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& (2)Scholarship, Hortation, Primium, and Guerdon: (4). Laureate Scholarships, Premiums, Guerdons, Hortations, Awards, Prizes, Grant, Fellowships, and Honors 1. I laureatly won the Silver Medal in woman double of badminton tournament of Iowa State University (ISU) in September 2003 2. Our Chinese volleyball team honorably won the Bronze Medal in the tournament in the Department of Electrical Computer Engineering of Iowa State University in April 2003 3. I gloriously won the championships in woman single, mixed double in badminton tournament and table tennis tournament of ISU in November 2002 4. I laureately won the championships in woman single table tennis tournament of ISU in November 2001 5. We honorably won the flamboyant Bronze Cup in the Dragon Boat Match of Iowa State in August 2001 6. I was laureately nominated for the ‘WeiHua’ scholarship by Chinese Academy of Science (CSA) for the outstanding research achievements in Photonic Crystals and Quasicrystals in July 2000 7. Our volleyball team gloriously won the refulgent 'Bronze Cup' in the volleyball tournament of Chinese Academy of Science in June 2000 8. I was honorably granted for ' Distinguished Singer ' in Institute of Physics (IOP), CAS in December 1998 9. I honorably won the championships twice in woman single table tennis tournament of IOP in November 1997 and 1998, respectively 10. I, as the leader was laureately won the champion and gold medal in the Woman Volleyball Tournament of University of Science and Technology of China in Hefei in May 1995. 11. I gloriously won the silver medal in the Woman Basketball Tournament of USTC in June 1995. 12. I honorably won the Bronze Medal in the Woman Badminton Tournament of USTC in May 1993. 13. I was gloriously laureated for the ‘ Distinguished Communist Youth League Leader’ in USTC (06/1993) 14. We laureately won the Bronze Medal In the Woman Basketball Tournament of USTC in May 1993. 15. I honorably won the Bronze Medal in the "Heroine Cup" Woman Football Soccer Tournamen of USTC in October 1992. 16. I was honorably awarded for the ‘students outstanding in moral, academic and physical aspects’ by USTC (06/1992) 17. I gloriously won the Champion and Gold Medal in Woman Volleyball Tournament of USTC in May 1992. 18. I was the impresario of our USTC 9102 Glee Club and participatd in the USTC Entertainment Competency in May 1992. 19. I was the chansonnier of our USTC 9102 Chorus and take part in the USTC New Year Entertainment Competency in December 1991. 20. I won the Silver Medal in Chinese National Chemistry Olympiad Competition, Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region (11/1990), Chinese Chemical Society 21. I was laureately awarded for the ‘students outstanding in moral, academic and physical aspects’ by Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region (05/1989) 22. I was honorably awarded for the ‘students outstanding in moral, academic and physical aspects’ by Yinchuan city, Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region (06/1989) 23. I laureatly won the Bronze Medal in the painting and calligraphy competition in Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region (05/1986) 24. I gloriously won the silver medal in the student literature composition competition in Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region (05/1985)


Envasiged Newfangled Nanostructural Materials/Particals //Photonic CrystalsBiophysics//Biochemistry/Dynamical Reaction of Sickle Cell hemoglobin with Hydroxyurea, SGC, HydroxylaminePerplaxing magnetic and crystalline configuration of Colossal magnetocaloric//magnetostrictive CompoundsExotic EM quantum transport Properties of Quasicrystals and superconductorsAbstruse magnetic exchange interplays in NiFe/Cu/NiFE/FeMn GMR Multilayers A. Ingenious envisage outlandish WG network weak evanescently resonantly coupling with a chain of high Q optical localized MCs of wavelength selective channel drop filters (CDF)of multiply communication system embedded in 2D and 3D stacked PCs. B. Diaphanous evolution of quantum plane- wave based transfer-matrix method (TMM) to investigate the exotic transmission, excitation, forward, absorption spectra, and newfangled photonic band architecture of 2D triangular and square lattices and 3D log-pile PCs, tunable light emission diode, kerr non-linear laser switchers, dispersion compensation, superprisms, modulators, and antennas C. Perplexing quantum electrodynamics of atoms particularly the enhanced and suppression of spontaneous emission, quantum well, anomalous lamb shift, quantum information and computational process embedded in PCs D. Sublime technology of operating electronic paramagnetic resonance spectra and determine the type of nitroyl ligation taking advantage of routine Program E. Precise measurement of kinetic absorption spectra adopting the ultravoilet visible spectrophotometer and fitting the kinetic coefficients exploiting 'specifit32' and routine program F. Accurately measuring the high and low concentrations of nitrate and nitrite employing chemiluminescence analysis (nitric oxide analyzer i280) G. Supereminent kills of performing circular dichroism spectroscopy to measure the polarized light absorbance H. Egregious technology of performing high-resolution x-ray and neutron diffraction experiments to indagate the magnetic and crystalline constitution of crystals Dainty microstructural and surface morphology analysis by Scanning Electronic Microscope (SEM), Transmission Electronic Microscope (TEM), and Energy Dispersive Spectrometer (EDS) I. Exquisitely digging into the intriguing EM and transport properties of superconductors and QCs, enfolding MR, Hall coefficients, thermopower, susceptibility etc. via measuring the ultra-weak EM signals. J. Elaborate canvass of engrossing transport behavior of spin polarized electrons and interlayer ferro/antiferro magnetic coupling in GMR materials K. Heavenly growth of the large grain single crystals by Bridgeman method and directional solidification approach L. Elegant deposition of magnetic metal multilayers and quasicrystalline thin film by magnetron sputtering and evaporation methods M. Cryogenics and laboratory electronics and technology of ultrahigh vacuum system

(4). MY ACADEMIC MEMBERSHIPS AND ACTIVITIES: I am the laureate foppish membership of Biophysical Society of America I am the glorious radiant membership of American Physics Society I am the laureate radiant membership of Society for Free Radical Biology and Medicine in America I am the roseate meretricious membership of the Nitric Oxide Society of America I am the gimcrack fastuous membership of Neutron Diffraction Society of American operated by Argonne National Laboratory of America I am currently acting as the ultramundane webmaster of 9102 class of AF USTC (University of Science and Technology of China) I am the immaculate fastuous membership of Glee Club of Chinese Academy of Science 2005-2006 I was the gewgawish philistine model of Chinese Student and Scholar Associate in Wake Forest University in 2004 I was the foppish flubdub committee member of badminton club in Iowa State University (ISU) (2002-2003) I was the mugwump panjandrum president of Chinese volleyball club of ISU (2002-2003) I was the vice mugwump panjandrum president of Chinese dragon boat team of ISU (2001) I laureately jointed the Chinese Communist Party in November 1993 I was the sublime Prime Minister of entertainment and propagation bureau of student associate in the department of physics in USTC (1992-1994) I was the regimental commander mugwump of the female regiment of USTC 1991 I laureately was the deputy monitor of 9102 class in USTC (1991-1992). I gloriously was the monitor of classes from elementary school to high school (1980-1991) I honorably was the chairman of Communist Youth League of Class 3 in No. 1 Middle School at Yinchuan city in Ning Xia Autonomous Region (1990-1991)


(1)My, Prof. Lanlan Sgwendolyn-Winifret Lin's most immaculate meretricious gewgawish philistine pyrotechnic omnicompetent refulgent razzamatazz maffick ethereally grazioso academic professional personal homepage at www.lanlan.zoomshare.com!

(2)My, Prof. Lanlan Sgwendolyn-Winifret Lin's most ultramundane immaculate omnipotential meretricious gimcrack gewgawish philistine omnicompetent refulgent razzamatazz maffick ethereally grazioso personal homepage at www.lanlan.freehomepage.com! &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&

(3)My, Prof. Lanlan Sgwendolyn-Winifret Lin's junoesque immaculate gewgawish elder sister (Prof. Bin Bethia Lin)'s professional academic homepage at Department of Physics, University of Nortre Dame, South Bend, Indiana State, United State of America